Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1977, p. 1

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Hubert Humphrey 66 has inoperable tumor MINNEAPOLIS AP Hubert Hum phrey litical battler for 30 years is facmg the iggest battle of his lifeterminal cancer Humphrey has an inoperable tumor in the peIVis doctors said Thursday after the Min nesota Democrat underwent surgery to relieve blocked large intestine Dr John Najarian chief of surgery at University of Minnesota Hospitals said Hum phrey would 66 be up and walking today and might be out of the hospital in week and back in the Senate by early September barrin complications He eclined to speculate on Humphreys life expectancy saying It could be months it could be years Predictions are im possible Dr Najarian said the tumor is definitely malignant and cannot be removed because of its location The tumor in the lvis is right on the bone and it is part an parcel of the pelvis he said It is physically impossible for it to be removed surgically Dr Najarian said the cancer can be called terminalcertain to cause deathin the sen se that it cannot be removed He said the can cer may be held in check but not cured by chemical treatment Humphrey had cancerous bladder removed last October at New Yorks Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research Dr Najarian said the tumor was almost certainly leftover from that malignancy but said it might havebeen even worse if Hum hrey had not undergone chemotherapy perio ically for the last 10 months Humphrey was reelected to the Senate last November for fifth term last November three days afte his release from the hospital He had served as vicepresident in the ad ministration of Lyndon Johnson and was presidential candidate against Richard Nixon in 1968 The Senate created special position for himdeputy president pro tempore with pay raise and chauffeured lim ousineiwhich will also go to future presiden ts and vicepresidents elected to the Senate HURERT HUMPHREY battling terminal cancer Humphrey entered the hospital Tuesday because of bowel obstruction fourman surgical team headed by Dr Najarian per formed colostomy cutting an opening in the abdomen for the large intestine In colostomy rubber or plastic con tainer is affixed to the body to hold fecal mat ter Humphrey also must wear container for urine since his cancerous bladder was removed last October Dr Najarian said the colostomy will be permanent Other than the pelvic tumor Humphrey is in excellent health and was described by Dr Najarian as in superb physical condition The surgeon said that there is no evidence that cancer cells have migrated to other parts of Humphreys body Only four of 16 schools in north to play football KIRKLAND LAKE nt CP An ofA ficial says combination of high travel costs declining student interest strong hockey sup port poor weather and small enrolmen tsnot concern about injuriesvhas caused half the high schools in northeastern Ontario to drop football during the last three years Tom Sinclair secretarytreasurer of the In terScholastic Association Gold Belt the group which coordinates all interscholastic sports in northeastern Ontario high schools said in telephone interview Thursday that suites 1th Dont go on strike yet Im expecting on important letter inside local lifestyle Entertainment homes sports 10 comics classified 121 Home saves energy Some Stayner residents wonder about Denis Mildons unusual house but Mildon himself is convinced the building is good idea The home is designed to be maximum energy efficient Mildon says and he ex pects at least 20 per cent of the homes heat to be supplied by builtin passive energy system The house will have quadrupleglazed windows most of them facing south Styrofoained basement walls glass col umn for collecting heat and other heat savingfeaturcs Examiner reporter Paul Delean discuss ed the home and the tho lit and work behind it with Mildon For ull report see todays Homes Page Maples ailing About 60 of Barrics maple trees are seriously ill says Examiner garden colum nist Jean Gable and cataplas arent doing too well either Mrs Gable calls for action to save the maples and also to find tree which stands up better under local conditions Mrs Gables column on todays Ex aminer Homes Page also contains discus sion of the merits of fall planting prac tice often overlooked by gardeners Rooming house planned Developer Ed Jennings hopes to turn duplex on Ross Street at Mary into an 18 unit rooming house but there have been rumblings of opposit ion to the proposal Jennings needs number of variances from zoning standards to proceed with the project His application goes before the Committee of Adjustment next week For more details see todays Homes Page only four of the 16 schools in the region will play football this year Three schools in limmins and one in New Liskeard decided to drop interscholastic teams this year he said adding that one Tim mins school still wants to field team but has no opponents close enough to make playing games feasible Still playing football are two schools in Kapuskasing one in ochraue and one in Iroquois Falls Kirkland Lake dropped its team two years ago because of dispute between teachers and the school board Sinclair said TRlEl EXPERIMENT Three schools in Cobalt Hailcybury and Engleharf with enrolments of only 230 to 1100 students tried eightman squads instead of the usual 12man teams for couple of years but gave up three years ago he said adding that they have extensive volleyball programs New Liskeard also took part in the experiment dont like the implication that theres something wrong with football Sinclair said Coffee house on Mulcaster nondenomiiiational hristiztn youth group will hold the first of two coffee houses tonight at the farmers market building on Mulcaster Street below Tity Hall The events will go from 730 to midnight tonight and next Friday and will feature local musical talent coffee tea and home baking Admission is 311 cents Bob Wismcr ministerial candidate work ing this summer at olliir Strecf lnitcd Church says thc event is aimed at the 14to22 set though all ages are welcome The group intends to try to get the kids to question their own life views and discuss value and meaning in life he says Stayners Denis Mildon works on installa tion of glass column outside his new house The column intended to capture the suns rays for heating purposes is part of maximum energy efficient design characterizing the entire house For more on the project 800 todays Homes Page 11am yourNo 192 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Frlday August 19 1977 16° Per Copy Carrier Home Dellvery 90 Weekly axwfifln Page Biron launches attack on P0 language bill Archery is one of those sports where you have to pull few strings to get where you want to go Its not always an easy task as the pained expression of Wayne Roberts 12 clearly demonstrates The Tell me when to let go CUPW PO no sign of action Both sides in dispute want talks OTTAWA CPi Both sides in the com plicated dispute between the post office and the anadian Union of Postal Workers Major tremor rocks Perth PERTH Reutcri Hundreds of office workers were evacuated from swaying buildings here today during major earth tremor that shook this Australian city but caused little damage and no casualties police reported The tremor struck in midafternoon and was felt along the coast of western Australia from Port iledland in the north to Albany in the south Workers streamed from buildings in cen tral Perth some led by disaster wardens who went into action as the shocks continued for about five minutes Many Workers said they felt seasick as their boildings swayed David llarrold clerk at the Bank of Ruth Wales Building said filing cabinets and other objects collided wasnt staying in the building because could look over the road and see another building swaying the other way Harrold said Gets his leg back GRAVENHURST Ont cm An new artificial leg belonging to man who lost it while riding his motorcycle on Wednesday has been found by provincial police Rraccbridge OPP said Thursday they found the leg worth alxmt $800 beside Highway 11 just south of here Gerard Deschamps 21 of Thorne nt was wearing the old leg he has had for about three years and carrying the newlymade leg in knapsack police spokesman said it was bit scraped but otherwise in good condition Deschamps was travelling between Barrie and Gravenhurst about 20 miles norlt thofOriIlia Product boycott begins MONTREAL IP The Confederation of National Trade Unions CNTU began national boycott of Robin Hood products Thursday The boycott supported by the 22million member Canadian Labor Congress ILC and the Quebec Teachers Federation followed the breakdown of talks between Robin Hood Multifoods Ltd and its 115 Mon treal flour workers on strike since Febru ary Eight strikers were wounded last month during shooting incident outside the com panys flour mill Three private security guards hired by the company face criminal charges Thursday CNIU president Norbert Rodrigue said the boycott may spread beyond Canada since he has discussed it with the International Federation of Labor Robin Hood is subsidiary of International Multifoods Ltd of Minneapolis Minn Cant make university TORONTO CP Higher university tuition and shortage of summer jobs have left many Grade 13 graduates without the money to go to university this fall says York Universitys director of admissions About 1810 graduates have accepted of fers from York University for the fall about 100 fewer than at the same time last year Sandy McNeil said in an interview Wed nesday CUPW say they want to return to the bargaining table but there has been no movement in negotiations since May 111 We all want to get back to the bargaining table to negotiate but it has to be more than just meeting CUPW president Jean Claude Parrot said in an interview Thursday It is question of good faith He was interviewed after tWo days of hearings by the Public Service Staff Relations Board into post office complaint that the union is guilty of bad faith bargaining The 220erember union representing mail sorters and postal clerks has slamd counterAcomplaint that the post office is in terfering with internal union affairs by prohibiting distribution of union literature to CUPW members The hearing into that com plaint resumes Sept DElIlNG NEXT MOVE Meantime the new national executive board of the militant postal union is wrapping up meetings to decide CUPWs next move in its rocky relationship with the government Negotiations broke off just one hour after they started The union said it called off talks because the post office was interfering with internal union affairs At last months national policy convention in Halifax the postal workers dug in for long tough battle with the government by giving CUPW leaders authority to call coun Margaret Trudeau smiles Michel whos almost two frowns and fiveyearold Justin isnt quite sure what to do as the Trudeau trio parades for photographers outside the home of Margarets parents Mr and Mrs James Sinclair in West Van couver BC Thursday CP Photo Trudeau reconciliation WEST VANCOUVER BC CP Margaret Trudeau said Thursday that she is optimistic about complete recon clliation with her husband Its what weve always wanted the dead Lookstown youngster was one of about 50 enjoying activities at Thursday night campout on the ookstown fairgrounds The outing was organized by the ookstown day camp Examiner Photo trywide strike it union demands are not met key demand is that the government with draw all disciplinary action taken against CUPW members for unionrelates activity The union said it will not sign new tontract unless the government signs memorandtnn of agreement removing sanctions imposed against liW members since the 197 con tract dispute When the union returns to the bargaining table it will seek the right to veto all technological changes it feels would affect UPW members adversely The union says it is not opposed to technological changes that will improve post office efficiency but it says members must share the benefits WANTCOPIElf BREAKS lllW has not specified llS wagc demands but it has renewed request for liohour work week with to hours pay Another demand contained in the opening bargaining list is for 1Hninutc coffee breaks every hour Postmasterieneral JeanJacques Hlais said Thursday the government has made repeated attempts to get liW back to the bargaining table In statement issued from his Ontario riding of Nipissing Blais denied published reports that the cabinet plans to establish threemembcr royal commission into labor relations in the post office ne prime ministers estranged wife said in an interview at her parents home Weve been working in this direction and am praying it will now work out again am very happy but lm not setting any timelimit Mrs Trudeau is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs James Sinclair and looking after two of her three sons fivcvyearold Justin and Michel who is almost two while the prime minister vacations in Kluanc Na tional Park in the Yukon with fhreeycar old Sacha The prime minister has custody of the children under terms of the couples separation agreement She said she will meet her husband when he arrives in Vancouver on Sunday and will fly with him and the children to Ottawa We will be staying together in Ottawa for while as father and mother not husband and wife at the moment she said We are family Mrs Trudeau said she wants to continue her photographic career and hopes to get contract with North American television station But Im not prepared to talk about it now it might jeopardize the deal she said The lrudeaus married six years ago legally separated May 27 Price of beef POPLAR HILL Ont lgt Reef prices probably will not rise before next spring or summer the merelarymanager of the tario Cattlemens Association said lhur sday Graeme Hedlcy of Toronto said in an in terview at an association meeting recent forecast by the federal department of agriculture that prices would increase shar ply the end of the year was based on out datc information He said it became apparent in the last month that surplus of grain has developed in North America resulting in low feed grain prices and an increased cattle population Wholesale price for cattle now is $45 hundrtxlweight QUEBEC CP The Parti Quebecois government bit off more than it could chew and showed dismal lack of planning in the handling of its proposed language legislation Union Nationale leader Rodrigue Biron said Thursday He was one of several speakers opposing motion by government House Leader Robert Burns to suspend normal rules of procedure in the national assembly to guarantee adop tion of Bill 101 before the start of the school year Debate is expected to last until early next week on the motion which will restrict debating time and enable the assembly to sit around the clock if necessary Opposition spokesmen denounced the motion as abusive arbitrary and an attempt to gag criticism As ammunition they quoted past speeches by Burns and his Parti Quebecois colleagues who when in opposi tion bitterly denounced similar motions by the previous government Fully aware that the opening of the school year was fast approaching the government waited until July 12 to table its language bill Biron said Second readingagreement in principleiand the start of clausebyclause study in committee came Aug The govemment acted too late to expect bill of such importance to be given the scru tiny it deserves and still be adopted by the end of this month he said LAST RESORT Burns insisted that his motion came as last resort after two attempts to negotiate deal with opposition leaders to assure passage of the bill in time failed responsible government cannot close its eyes to the fact that in couple of weeks schools will open and they must en within certain precise legislative limits said We wouldnt want to find ourselves in situation where some school boards are oper ating under Bill 22 existing language legislation while others are operating under yettobeadopted Bill 101 Both contain different provisions con cerning access to Englishlanguage schools JeanNoel Lavoie Liberal House leader said there would be no rush to get the language bill through if the government had earlier accepted an opposition suggestion to make separate bill for education provisions Those provisions have already been adop ted by legislature committee after second reading and the opposition would have been prepared to consider them for third and final reading immediately be said in committee debate on Bill 101 continued at plodding pace Thursday it focused mainly on vain opposition attem ts to amend the bill to provide more leaway or the use of English and other languages than French in the public administration Soviet vessel reaches Pole MOSCOW Pi The Soviet nuclear powered icebreaker Arktika left the North Pole Thursday on the return leg of its historic voyage the first surface vessel ever to reach the top of the world Tass reported The Soviet news agency said the crew had hoisted the Soviet flag on the icefield at the North Pole and attached capsule to the staff containing copy of the proposed new Soviet constitution and list of the names of the crew members and accompanying scientists Lets go Norm Firefighter Norm llesSeldahl begins the weary job of rolling up piles of flrehoses atop hews Ridge after the nearly 174000 acre Marble oiie fire left the hill virtual ly barren The ridge was considered the last major battleground for firefighters to stop the fire from spreading Into populated areas of Carmel Valley km talnment of Californias largest blaze wii expected Thursday AP Photo Winning Wintario numbers Page weather In the Barrie area it will be sunny with cloudy intervals Saturday Continuing cool ifw overnight to 12 High Saturday 20 to

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