By STEVE CASEY opley News Service and Sody Clampett visited Rome recently they strolled hand in hand down the boulevards singing walking my baby back Rome and toss ing lyrics about getting spaghetti all over my vest It was the kind of merrily homespun mirth bordering on pure cornponc that has marked Clampetts career as an animator and creator of childrens shows which have by now become television classics There is thin line between corn and gentle comic genius and Clampett has crossed that line often enough to rank as perhaps the finest cartoon character creator of his genera tion whaving given birth to such wonderfully named im aginative characters as Thunderbolt the Wonder Jolt Tweety Capt Huffenpuff Dishonest John Bean Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent and of course my own personal favorite Teralong the Dotted Lion Tearalong the Dotted Lion Zounds Jut the name is gig glc As superbly condtioned athlete can perform incredible feats and make them look sim ple true comic genius cai create characters and situa tions that look so obvious you think couida done that You couldnt have of course and thats what separates the master from the pupil Clampett now 64 has been tak ing his life story on the road to pupils in so universities year and finds he reported in an in terview that most were wean ed on his Time for Beany television show which Won among other honors three Em my awards To the delight of kids of all ages Time For Beany will make reappearance within the next year Clampett hang regained the rights to the pro gram Then in another year or two he will offer new version LASIED DEFADII In February 1949 the Time For Bcany puppet show went on television It lasted decade and in late 1959 Clampett began work on car toon version for theatrical release Then ABC and toy company stepped in and bought the show for television It ran in cartoon form for about seven years had licensed the rights out to the ABC network Clampett said Fortunately the con tract came to an end and we now have the rights to the films merchandising every thing Time For Beany is now be ing sold throughout South America he said where it is called Benito Cecilia And his lwoety character 77 patterned he said after nude baby pictures of himself rrhas been renamed liti and is now and No film star in France Heres singer with compassion Clampett recently was given life membership in the French HOLLYWOOD VA When Bob film society and his work is be ing put of permanent display in the societys museum One area in which lampett was an innovator was in his realization that cartoons could be more than mindless entcr tainment for children really wrote for an adult audience knowing that kids are smarter than you think and wll Bagbirtd Matt 7269944 CINEMA JAEitEiEii uicuotsou DAY 130 on by 335 Evening Hun ll DOUBLE FEATUR CAMERON MITCHELL zesSB Vans nousens In innaw Du IDDUCEDAlDIRECIIDhlAITIII coulonouasunucrmon niiuu kinpity by Air rumume lui Iur Can MATINEES EVERY Chris De Burgh has feeling for love Old cartoons in comeback says creator Bob Clampett come along With it he said If kids didnt understand all the adult humor they were still captivated by the twists of plot and the enchant ing characters Their parents meanwhilc muld cliortle over such risky bits of political satire as Burpo the Headline llunting Head hunter McDarthycsquc Character which brought ricr vous studio execut ivcs no end of jitters GRAND THEFT AUTO IO PM REBEL ROUSERS 830 ONLY mun AS mt EITEIIMII Mina BRUCE DfRN DIANI LADD IASIIAI COL UR WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS TECHNICOLOR 61° Mauve BUINA VISIA flftmtlll mi cum um usui WOUUUKM WALT insmnrnummm Tale ofltvo critters By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter The word love has been kicked around like no other in contemparary music to the point of being cheapencd and vulgarized in many cases Almost every singer dishes it out with varying degrees of conviction but few among them have any kind of signifi cant romatic vision Irish com poser Chris De Burgh is one of the except ions This slight unpretentious singerguitarist has turned out one of the most singularly ap pealing albums of the year in At The End Of Perfect Day and SI4647t his third release Dc Burgh is romantic pure and simple He is able to convey more sincerity and emotion in one sentence than most performers managc to project on an entire album Too many singers try to get to the point immediately and not many are taking lot of trouble with words he is quoted as saying in recent in terv iew lie for one takes the trouble and thc results on this album are to breezy evocative stories of love Musically De Burgh is something of cross between folk smger Tat Stevens and French vocalist iharlts A2 riavour lIe combines lowkcy ministrcl style with an clo quent sensitive delivery further bonus is the in timacy that he and producer Iaul SamwellSmith have managed to instill in this recor ding Somehow De Burgh seems more present more real than most voices filtering through stereo spcakers Brazil In ountry hurch yard will and If You Really Love Her Let for Go are four of the prominent titles on this uri failineg classy collcct ion At thc End if Icrfcct Itay is gently sensitive album At time when loud and gim iiiicky cqmpmcni appears to be the rage it reaffirms the undy ing effutivcncss of talented Singer opens CNE pavilion IILNltt Ii One of the featured attractions at this ycars Canadian National PA hibitioii iII pavilion Itvoted to thc record industry was dcclared officially opcii Iucsday by folksiiigcr Gordon Lightfoot Ihe ccrcinouy came during preview rcccption for thc ncws media and record industry pcr soniicl Ihc pavilion opcncd to thc public Wednesday thc first day ofthctNll Ihc gigantic cxhibit is pro jcct of thc taiiadiaii ltwordmg Industry Association Itliu singer along with an acoustic guitar VEHICLE It hasnt exactly been vintage year for musical pro duct from Canadian artists and theres little evidence that the tide is turning Given that dilemma the rapid rise up the charts of rather flimsy tune called Mr Love isnt exactly surprising There are anadian content rules to conform to in times of poverty as well as bounty The band responsible for Mr Love is sixman outfit from Hamilton called Vehicle Its debut album Skyline 10163 is an amateurish mediocre ef fort veritable festival of clichcs Vchicle doesnt sing very well play very well or write very well The band seems to be striving for hard rock sound but the result is definitely feath erweighi Vehicle makes Wenz day sound raunchy and that takes some doing According to the promotion material Vehicle won Yamaha Canadas battle of the bands in 1974 One competitor is reported to have said they simply blcw us off the stage cant imagine this tiny cloiitlcss muddled sound blow ing even folk singer off stage There is even song on the album called kid you not topus inspired by thc midway ride of the same name This dubious specimen begins WlLIl ircus is comin Im heading for the fair oo octopus and actually manages to go downhill from there EILAICMIC Illttifi BAND At first listen the latest offer ing from the lracmc Edge Band sounds ikc rather substantial Work It doesnt take long however for the gloss to Vicar off Iaradisc Ballroom London IStititn Edge and company have tried to pcrpctratc clcvcr deception fitting their our distinguished superficial rock into musical moulds pioneered by more significant bands Paradise Ballroom is an album that tries and fails to sound important As such it seems an accurate inflection of its principals Drummer ftldgc clauns to havc broadened Iil basc since lcav mg the Moody Blues but thcrcs nothing particularly mtcworthy about his work on this record Nor arc thc gUItar stylings of Adrian iiirvit tfllllltflSllIdlt VIIIII his billing on the album IIit iracnic Ildgc Band licaturing Adi tan illtylfI What this band badly iittI in addition to talented lcad siiigci little Illllllilli lm poriancc dilcgatid from without not itliiii Hollywood hotline Riher wont live his stardom By NANCY ANDERSON Copley New Service NASHVILLE Tenn Stan ding in the Nashville airport telling his fiancee Nancy Morgan Goodbye John Bit ter solemnly said The thing with you and me is the reality The rest is game Well play the game so long as it doesnt interfere with whats important But our friends and our families and our love have to come first And so long as John and Nan cy keep that in mind theyll escape the pitfalls Hollywood sets for young people with bright promise whose careers are on the ascendancy John son of Tex Bitter is star of ABCIV Threes Com pany which was scheduled last spring as stopgap measure but zoomed to such prominence in the ratings that Beautiful tag for Lynda Lynda Carter who stars in the title role iii The New Advenr tures of Wonder Woman highlighted this season on the Ielcwsion Network is recognized as one of the most bcautiful women In thc world That conclusion was reached by varied group of judges who named this Phoenix Arizona lass to succession of beauty titles culminating with hcr may jttr titlc as Miss World ZS for 1973 After touring for thru years as ocalist Lynda paused between engagements in her home town of Phoenix and Just to pass the time she entered licr first beauty competition in lhoenixs participation If the international Miss World con test In one short inonthshe won the city pageant thc subscr quciit Miss Arizona contest and finally the Miss World Shc was then sent to London where she placed in the finals and was justifiably dubbcd one oi the most beautiful girls in thc uviltl Switch back this fall Swrtch returns this fall for its third season on the Iclcvi sion Network with Itobcrt Wagricr and Eddic Albcri as Ictc ltyan and Frank Mac Bride an cx con with smooth sophisticated way in scam Itll he has gone straight and retired cop who jtllfl torccs WlIIl Ityaii as piivatc Iitcctivcs out conning thc best of the criminal iiiinds lri tlic history of crane thc toiifidcncc gaiiic stands out as the standard of excellence by which tlic underworld mca sures succcss toii incii abhor iolcncc and rcvcrc Itlllll Sfmï¬ï¬wvm CANADAS LARGEST AND BESTKNOWN RECORD STORE STEVE MILLER Fly Lille An Eagle 12 CSN lust Song Before 00 Dori Star IO more AT SAMS CROSBY STILLS NASH FLEETWOOD MAC Rumours Dreami more AT SAMS NLY Go Your Own Way INVEST NOW DIAMOND NEEDLES SATURDAY AUG 20 AM ONLY STEVE MILLER lly Like An OQIrH And Ron and It more Quorumo hmrrod EAGLES HairI ilifornin foit Lune turr Iife In The New End In IUWI AT SAMS ONLY DAYTIME FRIENDS Sweet Muw Mon Drapev 0dr more KENNY ROGERS Ltll iIIe Mother twintr MU more ligt ii ivw Ho BARRY MANILOW Live Iwc Re ords Mandy Write The Songs lb mou DI v0 Kmi 4in var Umonditoonafly guar anteed for on your AI SAMS ONLY IO DUNLOP ST BARRIE STORE HOURS MONTMURS SAT AM 530 HR AM PM EVEN THE BUS STOPS AT SAMS DOOR Take Ihc Money One for Adult IACIORY SEALED LONG MY STEREO RECORD 3032011 rumnwimmumw WMMUAMI BOSTON long Tim MOre Thou Feel Peme Of Mind more int AT SAMS ONLY MI ma that re Hunk sw m5 RECORD SET EMERSON LAKE PALMER fanfare for The Common Mon st lo Vic I4 more AT SAMS 399 Ar sharp on tho point on Samr hood ti network has picked it up for Nancy who is Ron Howards leading lady in his new movie Grand Theft Auto has just been awarded regular role in the ABCTV series San Pedro Bums So the two will have every op portunity to go Holl wood As matter of act when Ryan ONeal was working with John in Nickelodeon Ryan urged him Live your star dom But young Bitter who grew up in stars household is resisting the temptation cant get over having my own television series he marvels Why television is something WATCH John already has his own gmupies but even they dont make him arrogant Sure lots of times my ego gets stroked Im sure therell be days when Ill feel so impor tant Ill think Im Bob Denver inGilliganslsland But thats the stuff Ive got to come to grips with Ive got to remember that its OK for somebody to say Im not perfect have to be able to laugh at myself remember my dad as very humble guy Nancy as downtoearth as John got favorable attention as soon as they were introduced by replying to his question Are you an actress with Im not really Imjust trying loved that he says almost lyrically They met at the opening of play in Les Angeles two years ago at time when neither wanted to fall in love but they did And now they are planning to marry in November With John says think both of us know that it would be fine if we didnt get married but it would be wonderful if we did So we are going with the wonderful instead of the finc Bo Svenson With Walking Tall the Final Chapter behind him Bo Svenson is writing scripts lles sold one an inter national adventure drama to producer Bud Colc who is cur rently in Europe scouting loca tions The story is about human rights in Russia Bo says and goes on to major inter national confrontation wont act in the picture the exaniner Thursday August 18 1977 11 but Ill direct it not because think Im such wonderful director but because have feelingfor the subject Bo turned to scri twriting because he says read so many bad ones Svenson says he thinks hes done his last picture about big guy with big stick la Buford Passer because its in my in terest to get into different type of picture But Im not sorry made the Walking Tall pictures en joyed making them and am glad had the chance to play Pusser Millions of people found in him hero they needed ADMITS IT Churck Barris the man whos not on responsible for The Gong ow but admits it says for each show he tries to book two good acts out of total of five lf eveythings outrageous he says you have nothing to compare to The worst acts are the ones with no form or meaning One man stood up and broke eggs on his head That was his act Shroud htemining MiniRocky with Punch its own Toronto Sui Starts TOMORROW ON The story of winner LWIT Wm DIM Humanism AHHETTEUW LLBSPRAIIJH humanismnmm Muirm KRISTEN humanism mama FOX PAIlYIIiLIAHStuV urnSEALS MunQ ROXY CBDUNLOP ST VII4631 flmmmmIMUW IlkwIIMrUIrh DIIy II 700 End Tariï¬t The Song Ruins the IRLI 3h BtlflfiS If iItilLIilU NULL HM WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES Each week the word Winterio appears in several of the advertisements on this feoiuw Read the ads carefully clip the advertisements in which Winturio appears and forward your entry to The Winturio Editiir The Examiner Each week draws will be made and winners notified Were Not Magicians But if we dont have it well try get it Troceys Auto Wreckers 7268487 Qs Highlly 90 between ï¬ve lame and Angus WEST END Auroï¬aonv Why 15 Nmmm COMPLETE BODY REPAIRS 7265068 gigririin St CHAMPION moron HOMES TRAVEL TRAILERS USED CARS TRUCKS BYRONGRAHAM MOTORS LTD I20 BRADFORD ST 728 061 nun SALES SERVICE PARTS 45$ CULLINGFORD MOTORS 94A TIEEIN 7373440 Fm Wiritur Iu SEAFOODS I96 BLAKE 7269371 HOT LOBSTER DINNER $650 VESPRA VALLEY Drwn lintr Heating Sheet Metal Dominion LIGHTNING ROD agent WinkIi 7280733 Take Out Delivery Oriental Gifts 7281823 GREFIL GBRICK EASY TO USE MADE WITH THE DOlTYOURSELFER IN MIND MASONRY SUPPLIES LTD It Looks Real Because It Is Real 7262321 in Hwy 2627 North in Midhurst Wintoriu SJ Colier IIIERLE IlORlTlHIl TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Our beauty advisor will be there to assist you in shade selection teach you the latest makeup techniques or design complexion care program iust for you We look forward to seeing you soon BAYEIELD MALL BE WINNER PLAY WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES WITH THE EXAMINER IE INSPKTION HUGHES BATTERY SERVICE Wiiitoiio BATTERIES mom rum GUARANTEED ll mm 7231321 CARRUTHERS RENTALL LIMITED Construction Industry Households Vleuno ASK US ABOUT IT GREEN MACHINE Lawn and Gordon Trivium INDUSTRIAL and HOME CARPETING REMNANTS ofoflsirts 12 up to ITIIS JUn BLAKI SIM0f PLAIL 17 not all and ask about our LEN NOX Energy Saving HEAT PUMPS GLENBRAE ltd mun Conditionhg I33 Grove 728d9228 wmono ï¬ne furniture GIumnre Clocks and Horride Ugiy mingx 4362013 Hwy II at Stroud iii Batham STEAK HOUSE DWI OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL KEMPENFELT BAY IN OUR LICENSED DINING LOUNGE for information md munitions 1285198 MINE Porto and Mn no