39 Celebrating 30 years of independence llllllil Prime Minister Morarji Dcsai reviews an honor guard at historic Red Port this week as India celebrates 30 years of independence AP Photo Ugly sister taking over EDMONTON CP For years light crude oil has been the princess in the energy busi ness Now the ugly sister heavy crude parently is go ingto have her ay Canadian refineries have difficulty using heavy crude be cause it is exceptionally high in sulphur content and largely void of middle distillates an oil company official said Until 1975 the energyin tensive nature of recovery methods virtually ruled out largescale operations because ofcost Corporate calculations showed that the combined bur den of production costs royal ties and other taxation often ex ceeded prevailing wellhead values But as light crude oil supplies dwindle government and com pany officials have turned their attention to the large ac cumulation of heavv oil in the Alberta Saskatchewan border area They say heavy oil mass play major part in helping fill Canadas oilsupply gap in future Twentyone resource com panies including major oil companies and small Alberta oil producers are working on plans for $500$700mi11ion heavy crude oil upgrading plant Governments have shown sufficient interest in the project to warrant engineering studies of cost location environmental impact and the type of up grading process to be used said McIntosh executive vice president of Pacific Petroleums Ltd Pacific Petroleums is heading the consortium of oil companies interested in the project which will be in eastern Alberta The plant will probably be able to proceSS 100000barrelsdaily Imperial Oil Ltd of Toronto is considering heavy oil re finery of its own near Cold Lake and Husky Oil Ltd of Calgary leading heavy oil pro ducer in Western Canada is ex amining the feasibility of 50 OOObarreladay upgrading plant gSIicer Our eg 79 ea Hombur er Press Our Reg ea Plastic Measuring Cups Our Reg 69 set plOSlIC Cups Our Reg set Vegetable Peeler Our Reg 59 ea Knife Shar ener Our Reg ea MOgflellC Bottle Opener Our Reg 59 ea Bottle Stops Our Reg 69 pkg Roll Basket Our Reg 99 ea Plate Holder Our Reg 69 ea Freezer Bags sizes Our Reg 47 pkg Miracle Can Opener Our Reg 69 ea Glad Kitchen Catchers 12s Our Reg 66 pkg Plastic Funnels Out Reg 69 set Buffet Frypan From Procror Silex Coffee Magic Coffee maker wtth bonus 2Slice Toastmaster AUTOmOllC toaster with 3Pc Cast Iron Set Single Fast Cooker 32 oncolz For hamburgers sand Steam Dry Iron Ironing Board Pod From Proctor Footie and Cover Sves chromefrnrsh Hinged rzIb Maxwell House Nonostrcls cooking wrches ors more and Tempo CLUE ac lotion mij mb rro coffee as rface as 9w $06 77 34 Eli 526 96 99 99 Gold Colour Metal Frames Oval at rectangular simulated burlap web Cho mom Aluminum frame at 5n vertical horizontal webs Our Reg $599 Corn Big Value Fabric Metal Waste Baskets Garbage Can Glad Garbo Bogs 5String Vacuum Bags Dutch Cleanser Assorted designs Plastic 13gol Package of 26 Broom OUf Reg $229 Assorted bagstrr most Softener 126gtoz PlVJQt of 73 95 capacrty Vrth Ird 36 bags OutReg Bushel Potting models Our Reg 94 rrrrrqrrr ouraeg 355 mm 186 88 $599 199 Soil of kg 259199 88 aa Ter Face Cloths Assorted Jacquard onon IllOW ases Appliqued and Shower Curtain 70 72 Heavy gauge Jacquard Bath Towels otton attress overs in Styles Cotton Comforter Carton terry Assorted Contour Zapered 7r gm muIttcolow designs Vlï¬yl Assorted colours designs embrOldered aunt s4 99 550mm to 99 vi tJ itUrjrr hr Shower oaks unam Pack of Assorted 1959 go mm ourkeé 55 $999 788 ea 959 pkg Cotton Sheets Tea Towels Stock up now on these 15 26 linenlike towels in mulrrastrtpes on ecru background Cases Assorted patterns and colours Double flat or llilCd Our Reg $399 Cases OUrReg 5199 Double Flat Flannelette Sheets White Window Shade Curtain Material OpenWeave Material 0955 Fobucs polyesm Lining Drapery Fabric 05 Med Conan Ibex Vinyl laminated 36 100 polyester 46 For Curtains Polyester 15 quomy selecnon 45 Wide wmhobo IrrrIuttrg nopzrrrlrir 72100 60 09 70 Out Reg $799 wide Washable Vhrte acrylic 45 Assorted mdudes canons and Asmned coloumprm 0W1 HUIr wrcwm It OutM to awake it 99 as coloured blends me 0U 2123 Reg To 68 668 88 yd 29 s2 99 yd eh Capt Kelly Smoke Detector Photo CIPUII citrrrcrplt new in Bib Apron AVOIlOble rn assorted OlIfOCIIVE patterns or Nylon Yarn Double Itnlttrng ply Machene washable Beam Drary rak Complete With OCCESSOIIQS Lounge Pillow 17 23 Nonollet 96an hp loom trllrng 166 ScanerMats Nylon In assorted colours 18 27 Our Reg $129 Carpet Mats Btoodloom in OSSOIItd SrIOS 27 54 Out 88 90 Reg $799 588 61 $19 Decorate with 54 Cotton Corduroy Cushions 15 square cushions have wool tassles Vision Sun losses Quality Batteries Kodacolor Film Kodak X15 Outfit Photograph Album AM Packet Radio Assorted LP WI 905lt9l0m95 19 Pet Dock Choose from C1 1020 Camera outtrt with Canadian 40 pages plOSlIC case Thumb Includrn Johnny ugh Ortd Chip poly foom filling ln assorted for men and women 259 or C1262O 20 sleeves Assorted colours colours year warranty wheel timing Batteries riOl incl fteddv rrdor Writ Art Garfunlrlry pkg and more lt°rd4 Cassette Tape Carry Case Light Bulbs saewq Fuse Ugh gimme 13436 Socke Se Wood Taller Seat TflPOK 095 15 0C pOCl 40 00 Of 15 20 orSO AMP Solid state Pushon Inch or metric set Dom mOI ll C60 tapesm IOPGS 0L R99 999 100 bulbs 00 Our Reg 44 card 010 pushO 600 drive Out Reg Wm poly bog copocrty Out $1566 Wm 88 388 RegV792 Reg $399 288 968 as 3188 Quaker State 10W30 Motor Oil Multtgtode Helps your car perform in all kinds of weather lell QAqt per customer Assorted Place Mats Theyre plastic coated to make cleanups fast and easy Oval or rectangular shape Assorted Tools Quality Paint from SherwinWilliams Assonment includes Tinting from white to your hairr ll lVl AOO IJt Varsol 12601 Far paint thinning Oil Filters Matoguard Catch Steel Tool Box Enamel finish Nickel Valvoline Oil Helps you or perform Pliers screwdrivers plated hardware better OutRegr 99 dllmfd W090 alfOIIOQ 0U shades Gallons orll etc Our OutReg eg 269 Lrito Allsytlttttu Reg 99 88 ea $799 Out Reg JlUSSOUl qt so no um 55 99 Gal qt II Rl IlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Trust For SelectionVaIue and Satisfaction Barrie Boyttrgld Rd Hwys No 26 God No 27 Towers the exminer Wednesday August 17 1977 19 Dief attends picnic Former Prime Minister John Iiefenbaker attended Progressive Conservative Party pic nic at Pinehurst NS on the weekend Here he is shown with Cathy Quann of Picton NS while looking on are Lloyd rouse Member of Parliament for South Shore left John Buchanan provincial opposition leader and Bruce ochrane Member of the legislature for Lunenburg entrc Photo It features contraceptives Museum with difference TORONTO ICPI Contin uing adverse reaction to the teaching of sex education in Ca nadian schools has kept large pharmaceutical company from promoting visits to its con traceptive museum purported to be the only one in the world Ortho Pharmaceutical lfan ada Ltd has opened its doors to interested teachers and pro fessionals in the medical field but Frank Potter director of public affairs says the cunt pany has not encouraged school visits We are little bit afraid of how parents would react to such suggestion he said iii an interview It is rather sensitive area especially when school boards have turned down our invitations Potter said the company is heartened by the fact that many health professionals stich as teachers and doctors are participating in special courses so that they in turn cart cducalc highschool students Educationists have in be trained in human sexuality themselves before introducing curriculum in the school sys tem he said And from what havc seen of these courses its very positive way They are teaching it as part of health education HASTIIACHINGAIDS Besides the museum Ortho has teaching aids which it brings II from California These aids are widely used by medical schools and in some school systems slirles and models of both female and male organs are distributed The company has no ata Iogue relying on wordof inouth approach among profes sionals in human sexuality Potter said that he hopes catalogue will be available by 197 because the company has been made more aware of late of the need for sex education to be intrrxiucerl iii some systems Things are changing he said llul it needs commu iitty approach Potter said the company has FEED MANAGERS Fenceline of Style also Bunkers Silos Manufactured by Henderson Precast South of Lindsay Call 7053244066 Evenings 3245847 or 3243388 THE Go With these GOING TO BUS TRANSPORTATION $695 BUS TRANSPORATION And Gate Admission BUS TRANSPORTATION Gate Admission8 Grandstand Show $1495 ALL RETURN FARESS DEPARTURES DAILY MONSAT AND LOOK AT THESE EXTRAS Air Conditioned Coach Hostess Service on some depar tures Express service to the CNE No Parking Problems Here or There For Further Information call us TRAVELWAY STOCK BROS BUS LINES LTD PHONE BARRIE 7280700 EX TRAVEL WAYS Canadian National Exhibition Toronto Aug l7Sept Open Sundays Yes We are offering day excursions to the CNE from Barrie with packages $895 no desire to become involved in controversy over the pros and cons of contraceptive teaching but would rather regard it as precentive medicine Recent statistics had shown that the abortion rate was not dropping If it were wed feel we were further ahead be cause obviously preventive measures were being taken MANUFACTURE DEVICES The company manufactures birthcontrol pills intrauterine devices diaphragms condoms and foam besides other sup plies used in gynecology and stetrics The museum which is located at the companys head office in Don Mills suburb of Toronto is small but viewers can see how far contraception has come since 1677 when Dutch microscopist discovered spermatozoa in seminal fluid Examples of various means by which humans have tried to prevent conception or cause abortion are on display and are in tnost cases primitive Particularly interesting are the infrauterine devices which contrary to modern belief that they are new invention date back 3000 years At that time such devices were smooth pebbles placed in the uteri of female camels prior to desert trip to keep them from becoming pregnant en route The condom originally made from animal intestines in 1546 now is manufactured from la tex like