DAVE HENSIIAW t0 Kelomra Elio Agostini publisher and general manager The Examiner announces that Dave chshaw Examiner managing editor for the past four years has been named editor of the Kelowna BCt Courier Sean Finlay city editor of The Examiner since October 1975 has been named manag ingeditor Finlays appointent is ef fective Aug 22 Finlay has been news editor of The Northern Daily News Kirkland Lake editor of The Arnprior Chronicle sports writer finance writer rewrites man and filing editor with The Canadian Press and self SEAN FINLAY managing editor employed as public rela tions consultant He attended Brock Univer sity St Catharines In 1976 he won Western Ontario Newspaper Associa tion award for editorial writing member of the Barrie Optimist Club Finlay and his wife Janice and daughter Seana Siobhan live in Barrie Henshaw joined The Ex aminer 11 years ago as reporter He has been wire editor sports editor and city editor of The Examiner The Examiner has mad great strides under th editorial leadership of Dave said Agostini He will be missed at The Examiner Danson reviews cadets BASE BORDEN Federal defence minister Barney Dan son will review the troops Fri day night at the Cadet Summer Training School CSTS graduation exercises The ceremony includes demonstrations and displays reflecting the training con ducted at CSTS during the last six weeks About 500 army navy and air force cadets from across Canada have been at the base since July 11 taking leadership courses in marksmanship and riflery electronics vehicle maintenance photogrphay music radio communications scuba diving aeroengine and airframe maintenance driving and athletic leadership reception for the cadets guests and CSTS staff will be held following the graduation ceremony Board meeting Next regular meeting of the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board is Wednesday at pm in the Education Centre on Ferris Lane Items on the agenda include fuel oil tenders capital forecast and progress report capital projects may be saving by getting new tenders City council appears to have saved bundle by retendcring proposed improvements to the citys sewage treatment plant but new tenders opened Mon day are still about $100000 over original estimates Varamae Construction of loronto which submitted the lowest acceptable tender last month knocked Swamp off its bid this time around and came in with low bid of 3785000 for the work Part of the drop is ac counted for by the citys remmal of one contract item worth an estimated $37000 Original estimate on the pro ject was $68840 Lowest tender the first time was $857tit2 by PLS Construc tion but the PLS tender was to remain valid for only 30 days instead of 90 as specified in the original tender documents The period was reduced by the city to 30 days for all bidders this time and only three of the original six bidders rctendered PLS came in with the same figure as before while Preston Construc tion of oncord tnt tendered at $845613 drop of $79610 from thefirmsfirst bid Tenders were referred to city engineer Ray Allen and cori sulting engineers Gore and Storrie for report to city coun cils committee which will con sider the tenders Sept The improvements new secondstage digester and ex pansion of the plants main air supply system are needed to bring the plant up to its theoretical sixmilliorrgallons aday capacity which has been reduced by the effects of phosphorus removal measures Fireball will succeed former mayor maintains Dont hold your breath waiting to see the old Collier Street fireball torn down says former mayor Dorian Parker Mrs Parker longtime sup porter of the restoration of the disused building as an arts cenr tre told The Examiner Monday she is convinced the project will succeed despite recent setbacks at city council still dont think it will be demolished she said think theyve spent too much in pro yincial and federal grants to let that happen About Slooooo in federal Lecal Initiatives Program grants and provincial expert ditures on architectural and engineering work has already gone into the restoration pro ject Last week council voted down proposed firstphase restorar THE Go With these OING T0 tion contract which would have put about third of the building into use this year The firehalls board of management had plan ned to renovate about two thirds of the building but tenders came in over available funds The board had expected $150000 contract on its first phase proposeal but tenders for the whole job came in at more than $180000 llSAElllï¬l Ive seeen lots of contracts accepted when theyve been much more over the estimates than that Mrs Parker said Monday She said she does not believe the tender would have been turned down if Aid lanicr Lak ing councils leading fireball supporter had been present Ald Laking is out of the country on holiday EX TRA VEL WA YS Cmodiun National Exhibition Toronto Aug l7Sept Open Sundays Yes We are offering day excursions to the CNE from Barrie with packages $895 it DORIAN PARKER spent too much like BUS TRANSPORTATION $695 BUS TRANSPORATION And Gate Admission BUS TRANSPORTATION Gate Admission Grandstand Show $l495 ALL RETURN FARESS DEPARTURES DAILY MON$AT More funds for Rescue Squad The Simcoe Rescue Squads fundraising campaign took another leap forward Monday night when the squad receiv ed cheque for $2911 from the espra Township Firefighters John ollins and Ted hapman left of the Vespra firefighters presented the cheque to lary loice county coordinator of the re scue squad The firefighters raised the money by holding an auction June Half of the money went to the anadian Muscular Dystrophy Asso ciation and the remainder was split between the rescue squad and the Vespra lwircfigliters burnt out family fund Examiner Photo Georgian registration Wednesday Students planning to attend Georgian College for the 197778 academic term can avoid long lineups in September by registering early The Registrars Office at the Main ampus on Duckworth lbe lirstitn tioiral lll sloop set is made to exacting King Koil specifica tions to meet the do dormitories nursing striped ovor mands ofhotols motels homoswhorovor sleeping comfort and proper support are required Mattresses feature 13 gauge tempered steel oil con struction probuilt borders cortex insulation famous Kelson flexolot construction and heavy woven cotton Street Barrie is open for pre registration every working lay from 830 am to 430 pm and every Tuesday and Wednesday evening to it pm today Wednesday Aug 23 24 30 and ill Special savings continue Shep at Bad Boy now and save on these supwer bedding The Barrie office processes registrations for all students entering postsecondary pro grams at the Barrie Campus and all students entering Health Sciences programs at all campuses Barrie Orillia 39 Our Reg price $499 Sale price Fantastic savings from Bad Boy high back colonial sofabed by Sklar This sofabod includes covered deck arm caps trim welt and deluxe Marshall mattress Material is 100 nylon Village maple finish An attractive Owen Sound and Pene tanguishcne Formal registration will be held at the llarrie ampus on Sept and Prices effective until August 22 TWIN Sale price $99 $129 $169 the examiner Tuesday August 16 1977 DeveIOpers plan goes before OMB ro osal by developer Jack Stollar to build 159 single and semidetached homes between Woman robbed Barrie woman was robbed of small amount of cash Mon day by robber armed with knife as she walked along Bayfield Street near Ross Street City police said this morning the woman whom they declin ed to identify was robbed at about 1015 pm She was not harmed RUG Jock Duffy 54 DOUBLE Our Reg price $149 Sale price 39 Colonial Bed Ensemble Priced low to save you money Ionics complete with mattress foundation headboard and footlioard Acorn maple finish Features tempered steel construction felt insu Everyday Specials 10 off all remnant Industrial Home Carpeting 7372860 305 BLAKE ST SIMCOE PLAZA Briar Road and the Canadian National Railway tracks in Ward goes before the Ontario Municipal Board next week The proposal approved by cr ty council last year has drawn objections from five area residents who object to possrble increased traffice on Green field Avenue which would be extended east to join an inter nal subdivision road The objectors also cite possi ble loss of area property values due to inclusion of semi detached units in the subdivi sron The hearing will take place Wednesday at 1030 am in the council chamber at City Hall RIOT Joe Horra Institutional sleep set by King Kai sensational sleep bargain Choose the size you need 60 QUEEN ur Reg price $199 Sale price Sale price $129 $399 addition for yourhome Limited Quantity Bad AND LOOK AT THESE EXTRAS Air Conditioned Coach Hostess Service on some depar tures Express service to the CNE No Parking Problems Here or There For Further Information call us TRAVELWAY STOCK BROS BUS LINES no PHONE BARRIE 7280700 CHARGE lll master charge HARGEX BodBoyI handy lovolvlng Charge Plan make your chopping quick and convenient Visit our Inrpot Department Al Mon Fri 9am 9pm Sat 9am 6pm for total satisfaction Two Fantastic Contests Five Merchandise Prizes Every Week Nothing to Buy Hill be slow ll iilgc olor mild Ilnl luv for people ll wui lne Illlltlldlltllu every week till September inf Nothing to but rust tome Ill and unlcr your nann l2 lr netLs drum iloscs on the Saturday So tonn in again and llllil oui name RS uwk Win Your lation and cotton ticking AAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO Barrie FPurtkzlriase FREE Highway 26 27 sllml your nametl ontmd