01 propertyfor sale Real Estate LEPAGE lllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ONTARIO LTD dug Professions Sine 913 ANTEN MILLS Must be sold four bedroom cedar and brick sidesplit situated on 100 190 freed lot exclusive custom home area Call Jim Cancilla 7371597 ORO VICTORIAN Solid brick completely restored four bedrooms magnificent fireplace four piece baths 2850 square feet on 134 acres of prime farm land fronting on two roads asking price $1790 Call Peter Bracelente 7263916 Home or 7370011 Office was 136 RIVERFRONT OXBOW PARK WASAGA $49900 About acre nicely treed in good area bedrooms Fireplace in dining family room Exterior ready to finish as you desire Phone Bev Neill 7370011 i173 SOLID WITH LOTS OF ROOM s45ooo 01650sq ft upstairs apartment 01200 sq ft upstairs apartment Full block basement Large commercial lot Interested Phone Bev Neill 7370011 AuI2 $34900 SOUTH OF TOWN 0011 WATERFRONT ORR LAKE $225X for this small country retreat north of Barrie 55 ft on water plus boathouse marine railroad Wayne Pennett 7370011 JANE CRESC INGROUND POOL $585 for this lovely splitentry home Features bdrms on main floor large 4th down wolkouts fornin room fireplace garage paved drive Judy Pen nett 7370011 WATERFRONT IN ORO $65000 Lot 60 214 with cozy two bdrm cottage featuring fireplace in 23 ft living room double garage with sleeping cabin dock Entoy Your weekends at your very own waterfront retreat Wayne Pennett 737 WIT RM ZONING DOWNTOWN Solid twostorey complete with fireplace in downstairs apartment ftg on streets garage If interested in income property call Wayne Pennett 7370011 EUROPEAN STYLING $87500 View of both city and country from this unique chalet style bdrm home located at westerly city limits high on hill Cathedral ceiling walnut kitchen cupboards walkouts from living and dining rooms walkout basement Call Wayne Pennett 737001 TWO ACRES SOUTH OF BARRIE Five bedroom executive home looking out over rolling countryside features fireplace in main floor fam rm formal dining walkout from kitchen to small courtyard oak staircase floors plus 3car garage $95000 Judy Pennett 7370011 COUNTRY HOME ON TWO ACRES $103000 for this spotless four bdrm home both ensuite master fireplace in fam rm off kitchen quality broadloom dble garage Judy Pennett 7370011 25 ACRES ESSA TOWNSHIP Architecturally designed 1900 sq ft concrete home featuring fireplace in master bdrm twoway fireplace between kitchen living room cathedral ceilings walkout to patio $110000 Wayne Pennett 7370011 HIDDEN AMIDST THE PINES mature trees Oversile dblo garage plus steel hobby born as well Interior rooms are all spacious including fam room off kltdten with stone fireplace separate dining baths billiard room down stairs $112500 Judy Pennett 7370011 TWO ACRES NORTH OF TOWN fireplaces baths walkout ta courtyard dble garage $142500 Must be seen Judy Pennett 7370011 FIELDSTONE HOME ON 39 ACRES $160000 Situated south of town this completely refurbished two storey cen trehall plan ls complete with pine flooring combination klt chenfamily room formal dining two fireplaces new plumbing wiring basement etc in past ten years Wayne Pennett 737 AE LePAGE ONIAKIO LTD 355 Bayfield St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 01 Egperty for sale 917 property for sale Cory country home with full basement bdrms eatin kitchen elec fireplace in living room on 100 150 lot Judy Pennett 737 Custom designed bdrm 2storey completely surrounded by Wooded setting enhances this beautiful French Provincial home with 2650 sq ft of elegant living on one floor bdrms 001 Au12 13 Peter Bracalante 7263916 Bill McCreary 7281865 Jim Cancilla 7371597 Verna Mullin 7282875 Enld Day 7266904 Judy Pennett 7371264 Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Wayne Pennett 7371264 JockSlessar 7266280 130V Neill 7260205 M1S REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELO ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Willow Landing MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon till dusk $23000 Two bedroom bungalow 200 feet deep lot new garage ideal starter NORTH ST only $38900 lovely bedroom townhouse end unit real nice location 125 ACRES with No 11 Hwy frontage at 6th of Ora plenty of trees this acreage has commercial comer $149000 TALL TREES $49900 on quiet culdesac bedroom bungalow with good quality broadloom fireplace on lower level NEW HOME 9th of Innisfll 1200 square feet gloomy hardwood floors large bedrooms double garage very quiet area $55900 $750 RODNEY STREET Large bedroom bungalow In desirable area many extras fireplace two car garage paved drive you must see this one NEW LISTING ON ROSE ST Immaculate bedroom backsplit with 4th bedroom family room and 2nd bath on lower level Large double garage and above ground pool Call to see this one before Its gonel ONLY $27500 For this bedroom aluminum bungalow in Angus The vendor will hold the lst mortgage 14 ACRES To build on in Midhurst with Willow Creek 67 ON THE WATER ON BIG BAY POINT Beautiful large furnished cottage plus twa double cabins 275 foot deep lot backs onto golf course Cement breakwater protects your property asking only 5799 FAMILY ROOM AND FIREPLACE bedrooms double garage This backsplit home in north end is in top shape $51500 INCOME PROPERTY plex $48900 apartments in fine condition One needs some finishing Present income on apartments is $560 per month $26500 FULL PRICE Or you can purchase for $23500 and finish the siding yourself Four bedrooms new bath and we arrange the financing This wont last long see it today $335 MODERN BEDROOM With finished rec room 94 °o mor tgage carries for $235 including taxes Very nicely decorated $395 JUST LOOK AT THE EXTRAS R32 insulation extra storms on second storey upgraded broadloom rec room material included entrance from back of lotto street Carries for $278 monthly $50900 INCLUDES THE STONE FIREPLACE And bar Also included garage good location 94 mortgage carries for $295 including taxes BEDROOM SEMI East and very large eatin kitchen single door to rear fenced yard private asking $46500 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL Very clean it has family room with rear door and pc rec room with bar above ground pool single garage paved drive cement patio asking $58900 16 STOREY bedrooms bathrooms large kitchen full basement detached garage Napier St Asking $44900 HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HILLSDALE storey building with good showroom and storage asking $44900 PRICE REDUCED TO $37900 bedroom bungalow stone fireplace dishwasher broadloom double garage All this on nicely freed 110x 203 lot HOLLY quality built new bungalow bedrooms broadloom family room with fireplace large lot backing onto proposed park land $49900 CLEAN AND EXCEPTIONALLY WELL DECORATED Begin to describe this bedroom bungalow in Tall Trees family room is Tudor style with antique brick fireplace extra piece washroom broadloom dishwasher upgraded light and plumbing fixtures rear deck treed private rear yard and excellent landscaping Asking $51900 TWO BEDROOM YEAR ROUND HOME Electric heat 59 by 200 Ian dscaped lot vendor will hold the first mortgage with low down payment Asking $29900 $36900 FOR 23 TREED HIGH ACRES Ora Township on the 5th Line 10 down and vendor will hold the first mortgage hydro and year round road 5469 EAST END bedroom brick bungalow attached garage broadloom fenced lat owner has bought Try $2500 down $51900 bedroom home in the north end washrooms garage rec room fireplace must be sold fast possession $27900 SOUTH OF TOWN room bungalow garage LUXURY HOME ON I4 ACRES Near Midhurst all rooms are over sited features island style kitchen with builtins sunken living room with fireplace dining room guest cabin Priced at $84900 Anxious for offer MIDHURST 16 storey bedroom home with double garage lot size Is 100 by 165 and welltread Good value at $45900 LOOK Just reduced to $36000 and terrific value Twa bedroorr detached bungalow with full basement paved drive garage anc modern kitchen Shopping and all services are close by Terms can easily be arranged TWO INCOME PROPERTIES ON ONE LOT In Painswick both rented and offer good potential Prlced to sell at $53500 with easy finan cing to qualified purchasers $149900 Custom built 4000 sq ft bungalow with unequalled view of the bay and city Large living room separate dining room with balcony master bedroom with piece ensuite walk through closet and sewing room family room with fireplace and bar games room sauna and double garage are lust some of the features NORTH END THREE BEDROOM Main floor family room with fireplace and walkout to yard Must be seen Asking $59700 SPRINGDALE AVE Two storey four bedroom home IV baths double gaaga roughed In fireplace $51 900 GARRETT CRES Luxurious bedroom backsplit master bedroom with place ansuita and walkin closet family room with fireplace and walkouts extra large kitchen main level laundry room upgraded broadloom and light fixtures double garage Asking $1175 Norman McMillan 7268957 Chuck Lambert 72830 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cuff 7284067 Harry Maglll 7263864 John Calwall 7267726 Simon Beekhuixen 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 Larry DeWiIde 7283253 Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hooey 7280676 Harold Davis 7287543 Paul Dumoulin FRI CRA Fred Reynolds 7285333 SRA 72170731 Paul Arbour 7263897 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 3293 EAST 28 REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN fohn Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 David Shelswell 4872389 Jim Crass 7262159 Sheila Simpson 7262263 JackMcEvoy 7260793 Steven vie 4873369 TKIPLEX close to schools and downtown Ideal investment property live In one and rent two Need only low down payment Private Sale asking 53000 7311mm 49640 $45900 New slngla family homes under con struction well located In the Georgian College area variety of Interior color schemes are available Quality built by riflgnttomas Telephone 7101259 or PRIVATE Must be sold three bedroom side split In preferred area Very clean home with excellent financing Unusually low down payment for the right buyer Days 7269941 Evanlnas726l964 STROUD bedroom large lot fireplace garden pool garage Must be seen Telephone 436 2762 01 property for sale property for sale $347600 t7sibrey three large 737 11707 evenings Dream Come True OWNING YOUR OWN HOME VILLAGE OSREEN Ill tavner With only $30000 down you too can move into one of these beautiful new homes If you earn $840000 or more you qualify under the AHOP Home Plan COME IN AND SEE US FIRST OR PHONESITE 4283401 OF FICE 4240122 OR HOME 445 6470 7261676 HURRY ONLY Includes DIRECTIONS Take Highway 26 to Stayner Turn right at stop lights go two blocks North and turn left to Village Green SALES OFFICE OPEN Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to pm And there are sales people on the site to help you for sale bedroom home tor as little You can own single 20 Principal ALSO SOME HOMES FOR RENT S250 PLUS UTILITIES WESTWOOD REALTY LIMITED REALTOR PRIVATE SALE $67500 Three bedroom back split large inground heated pool with huge patios with builtin gas barbecue and lights Beautifully broadloomed Hanover kitchen with built in dishwasher Family room double garage and paved drive Close to all schools and within walking distance of maior shopping centres TELEPHONE 7265528 Aulll2 PRIVATE MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Five bedroom tluffle in Bayshore Estates Innisfil Township Broodlootn all through garage finished basement family room fireplace Lot site 75 350 ASKING $51900 TELEPHONE 7281632 Au13 LTD RFJAITOR 40 Maple Ave Agent for Pinavlow Estates of Midhurst JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 AL CALHOUN no 1011 8352742 BERNIE BLUM 4872299 ART MAW 7281346 PRIVATE SALE WYEVALE Reduced $1000 or more for quick sale $28900 No real estate fees Cash to one mor tgage $15200 at 10t°o $14622 per month principal and interest Please call 3222134 AUII1213 PRIVATE BEDROOM Sluf spin on large freed lot 70 40 heated pool sun deck fireplace near Catholic Protestant schools and churches East end Asking $61000 Telephone 726 0980 No Agents Level SideSplit Ideal location Eastview area Clean and modern Extra large kitchen At tractvely finished family room on main floor with custom fireplace and altar hid V2 bath Four large bedrooms Attached garage Paved driveway Landscaped and completely fenced lot 10 per cent mortgage Asking 361500 Tele phone 726 9867 PROPERTIES to be sold for tax ar rears Official Ontario 11515 Dep EX 1K DUNLOP ST 7269933 VMW7gtFTF lNESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MWFTF DONALD IS MILLER MLS REALTOR 4364507 TThSJ2l LIJI bungalow broadloom throughout stov and fridge full foot basement large lo 99 165 located in town of Giltord ius 10 minutes north of Bradford Askln $45900 Telephone 456 7761 VINE CRESCENT available to showing at anytime This is three Iwr fireplace LETITIA STREET three bedroom bungalow living room diningroom kit chcn four piece bath Mature trced lot 55 132 Priced in low 40s TOICDIIOHI 728 0833 COLLIER STREET Immaculate two bedroom bungalow tastefully decor ated broadloom fireplace bar outside barbecue garage Excellent starter or retirement home on large tread lot Call family room large Leda Box 5380 Station Ottawa Ont KTC ONE YEAR OLD LARGE five room bedroom executive home with deck view of bay walkouts Owner will take back lst mortgage Immediate sale required Eric Dcwsnap Realtor ï¬xtttmmmmm 11111111mmcmg an REALTY WORLD ï¬Young Biggin Iiiiiï¬iï¬iiiï¬iiiiï¬f miiiiiii iii iiiiiï¬iiiiitiiï¬ ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬iiimi1113iiiiiiifliiiiiiï¬iiiiiiiiiii B9 Collier st Barrio Ontario BIG BAY PT Interest Tue 14 the examiner Barrie line 7264491 Toronto lino 8630398 Bldg lot 75 150 Area of good homes steps to Lake Simcoe Asking $13 507 Eldrod Clarke 7264491 EXCELLENT STARTER bedrrn colorlok bungalow FITOpICCP 11 living rm lo cedar deck Immaculate Len Bailey 7264491 HOME FOR RENT 2bedrms large oat tnkitthol nn flr laundry living rm with sap diumg rm bar 801le 7264491 COMMUIER HOBBY FARM Close to shopping Lea Just all Highway 400 south of 801110 miles acres brick faint home In good Iapmr barn and out bUflClIITQS Reduced Mary Leo Lonmm Superior decor Sun Middle superior SUPERIOR EXECUTIVE 0100 private SUPOI ILT freed lot $779X Mary Lee Latnnor Lovely tleed setting bedrnt homo RETIRE NEAR THE WATER oust uction Excellent and value IntnctCnlate Kit chen has to codm deck living rm wlth FF sep dining rm Lea Bailey 726 4491 $42 900 WAT ERFRONT Wasaga Beach Quiet dGSIIOblO area bolt cottage op plioncesl Landscaped lot Garden shod $30 000 downI Terms Eldred Clarke 726 4491 Immaculate level hdrl Family rm 38 CYNTHIA CRT BARRIE FP wo Ian dscapod fenced lot Garage To view Eldrod Clai k0 726 4491 MEDONTE TWP 11 acres bdr modernized home Lge barn garage implement bldgs trout streams Recreational area Details Eldred Clarke 7264491 272 ACRES $105000 bedrm fireplaces wash ms double garage full basement central air cond natural pine mahogany trim ceilings birch cupboards in kitchen Includes oven stove top dishwasher This storey brick home is located 15 min from Barrie To view call Darcy Warner 7264491 Today 2800 sq ft DR to deck with view of Barrie ALLANDALE $107000 bedrm 14 pc 12 pc bath wo from LR finished lam rm with fireplace bar wo to 18 36ft pool solar heated Double size lot hot cold shower off pool workshop separate laundry rm Loads of extras Call Darcy Warner 7264491 9TH ORO $57000 bedrm acre lot double garage 24 pc baths close to the lake full basement Include fridge stove dish washer all yr old Owner transferred anxious to sell Call Darcy Warner 7264491 for further information BIG BAY PT $43900 Large 1m 200 ft lot bedrm combination LR DR with ER wo to cedar dock Modern kitchen enclosed front porch TV towar rotor colour head Private quiet area Priced to sell Call Darcy Warner 7264491 RESTAURANT BUSINESS Located in very busy area Snack bar cafeteria licen sed dining rm good gross buyers only Profit loss avail tels $50000 down Owner wi the balance Call Darcy Warner 7264491 itiiiï¬iiiiï¬ii itittiitlttttt Asking $175000 Serious able complete lIst of chat ll take back mortgage for Au12 Itililiilitiiiiï¬mï¬ PRIVAYTST EXECTIVE THREE Friday August 12 1977 01 property for 16 RGE tiiRrEEéEDRoo lBtuTFv townhouse finished basement 33000 down carries light rent Phone 7371526 BEDROOM home family room fire place garage Tall Trees residential area $51000 firm Telephone 7373700 days TWO BEDROOM antenna cottaoé Lake Simcoe at Uptergrove Well freed lot deeded aCCess facing lake Sandy beach private sale $24000 Must sell 79726 Allandale Heights Private Immaculate centre hall plan three bedroom back split piece bath ensuite Tudor styled rec room an tiqued fireplace wet bar Double paved drive landscaped cedar rail fence private patio $56900 Call after pm 737 1048 17 FOR LEASE 1000+ square feet store front heavy pedestrian and vehicular ï¬liï¬ï¬iï¬iiiï¬liiiiiiï¬iiiï¬iiiiiiï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬iï¬iï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ 111111 traffic ideal for offices Call Nor rena re Royal Oak Realty Ltd7371223 or 737 2929eveningfls 7v PRIVATE SALE adult development 40 years and up double wide mobile home two bedrooms stove fridge shears and drapes broadloom $25000 Telephone 436 5989 CONDOMINUM APARTMENT bed room l2 baths broadloomed through out appliances indoor parking View of lake $43500 negotiable Private sale 726 9404 PRIVATE SALE ANGUS Aluminum sirll siding bungalow Newly decorated bedrooms large kitchen garage garden largo fenced corner lot two separate entrances mile from base Priced to sell Owner transferred For information or viewing call 474 0406 CYNTHIA COURT $51900 Custom built two bedroom bungalow attached garage main floor family room with fireplace wo to patio full basement immaculate 728 3842 02property wanted LOT WAN TED Greater Barrie area V2 to acre some trees easy road access Building permit preferred Telephone 7769185 04lotstor sale BUILDING LOT 66 193 in New Lowell septic approval and building permit available Price $10000 Tele phone 737 0753 TWO ACRE Building Lot fully tiééc in prestlgr SUIJdtlSIOn 10 miles north at SBarrie Otters Telephone 728 6143 after NEAR SWIMMING and fishing Just off Duckworth St 80 200 treed lots Only $1500d0wn Fullprire$16500 Call Leon Garrtck Real Estate Ltd at76 3827 EAST END BARRIE HILLTOP LOTS FULLY SERVICED NB 75 1140 LOT 1401138 FANTASTIC VIEW BUY NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE HOME PHONE 7284590 07 business opportunities IMPORT AND MINI CAR ENTHUSIASTS One of Canadas largest warehouse distributors of small car HiPerformance accessories requires parttime local distribulor If you are an import enthusiast and would like to operate your own porttime business selling our exclusive lines please call or write CANADIAN AUTOSPORT 387 Barton St Stoney Creek Ontario L8E 2L2 4165600237 Au15 DISTRIBUTORS NEEDEDIN THE BOOMIHO AUTO PARTS BUSINESS JV pienous experte Dede1 ustwdmg poduc the recog zeal lmde mu blliul dolla vtusry ham unheard of low prize pvesets encepoval appowniv Let us Sitvs yoc how you can earn up Va 3250 Weekly Par Tuna and $750 or more Full TJrt wm rlttpuy established accounts 53 500 Myestuer vequred tuily secued by 9U10II9V9Ty Phore COLLEC It micrmcro 516 643 5295 9c 6p Easom Two wt trtrlcaehorne phone WAYCC INTERNATIONAL LTD lMaaS Babylon 13704 AuIII WATERFRONT PROPERTY Private sar 0R x21 tot Beam doct and xivC otbn Pavrr Sound area TecpnttrtVTHOG MOBILE WASH TRUCK carries 600 oamu LD 1500 pounds Ra gas engine Truck 1973 Fargo 12 ft box Lmnls tn Barrie $7 000 Easement new Cal 416 pm 04164659786612pm FOUR CAR BODY SHOP or mechanical lava qarngV Also smtablo for sheet metal storage at Good locatton Im mod ft Daswssmn Call Mr Realty Inc REJ Lsnv Broker 737 1010 days or call Dunno nunvpnnas o9commerciaIindustrial LEAKAGE Bay 3017footdoors mushymm Avatlttbic July Dunlap Ars Telephone 716 545 days or 25 LHmonngs THREE BERCZV STILOI formerly the All ind Craft Gallery 15 for rent This charm spacious old budding would be mm as owner residence or profes SIOMII offum The burldmg is close to mtwitttwt and has ample parking tollphom Mr Purser or Mt Oatloy 736 9031 or address inquiries to Borczy LITtfl llrrrly Street Darrin wx SQUARE EET sunablv for store unratto warehouse 20 Maple Avr riuss from bus terminal Apply at Valliv or and Truck Rentals 16 Maple Ave TfleIIIi1f74h 6666 FOR RENT STAYNER Central Com mutual SDJLE suntablo 101 offices or status 416 618 £1975 BARRIF CENTRAL 500 square foot hi or any uarnuo Otttprisstd air heat llyrll uppliid 726 87216 12 mortgages CONVENTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGES 106 No salary qualifications We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual at tention to all mortgage inquiries ensuring maxlmum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential commercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mar tgagea for cash Call Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr for valuable advice BUS 7371881 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF