Tuesday August 1977 NEWSROOM 7266537 clacuunou 7266539 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited I6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 EIIO AgOSfInIpublisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 Area fall fairs merit support Critics looking for ways Simcoe County council could cutback on some of its tax spending have mentioned among other things 1977 agricultural grants It is well to recognize that this is one of the more minor budgets calling for total expenditures of $34730 by the countys agricultural department The sum of $13600 of the total budget estimates for the purpose was for weed control certainly worthwhile program Another $700 was estimated as the countys share of the cost for rabies clinic The largest agricultural grant approved by the county councillors amounted to $5000 for the Fede ation of Agriculture Rural members felt this justified because of the extensive efforts of this organization to help promote the farm economy There were some who thought the Farmers Union grant of $2000 should have been increased to at least half the Federation figure in recognition of its continuing bat tle for the same cause Apart from these grants the chief agricultu al assistance was to the countys 11 approved fall fairs in cluding Barries annual exhibition The $700 recommend ed for each fair was considered justified because of the important role of agriculture in the area economy Competitions sponsored by the responsible agriculture societies help to encourage better production on the farms as well as provide wholesome entertainment and educational programs These fairs attract people from miles around and are helpful to the fall tourist trade They have particular appeal to people who have left the farm and want to return to the old area They also at tract city people who rarely see farm and like to bring their children to the showing of horses cattle swine sheep and so forth Most fairs have midways and there is always enter tainment by local talent Not only the rural population but urban people too have definite interest in these fairs which fully merit public support simcoe yesteryear Heres another view of the Grand Trunk Railway station and Kempenfelt Bay lakefront as it appeared in the early part of the century Rowing and paddling were major water sports then with regular competitons held during the summer Sailing was another popular recreation although sailing craft was different as illustrated by boats by the shore at right From the legislature By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Some days the Conservatives must sit in the back rooms and kick them selves that they ever got into the citybuilding business at all North Pickering alone is causing them more problems and money than anyone ever dreamed of when it was announced back in 1912M now ombudsman Arthur Maloncy is hammering them again for their approach to the royal commission set up to investigate the governments land acquisition practices in the area Meanwhile theres not house in sight For those few fortunates who have never heard of North Pickering let me sketch few background details Originally it was conceived as self sufficient community of 200000 people on 25000 acres jUst east of Metro Toronto that would he linked to but separate from the federalgovernment Pickering airport SIIItINKAGE By 1974 the project was reduced in size to 17000 acres and today the planned popu lation is only 75000 Any hope that argenumber of housing units coming on the market simultaneously might drive down house costs can be forgot ten The government is talking in terms of 2000 units year maximum and that Wont affect the market much The airport link is gone at least tem porarily until Ottawa and Queens Park can figure out just what sort of transportation network they want for southern Ontario Durham Region doesnt much care for the proposed city even though it will be within their own boundaries They are rightfully scared that if it is linked to Metro it will Pickering plan costly venture become just another bedroom subllrb The nearest Metro borough Scarborough considers North Pickering to be in direct violation of the governments long term goal of forcing development beyond commuter range of Metro NIH NIZtiAIIVII Provincial level politicians have their own xxIlliarviews The New Democratic Party who normally love land banking and gchrnmcnt housing hale North Pickering The supposed lrtemarkel Tories go on defendingit All of these problems and others like costs of planning and servicing dont match the troubles being caused because of the govern mcnts inept approach to sicuring the land it needed From 1072 to 1074 government agents negotiated for land Ill North Pickering About half was bought before expropriation was up plied to the holdouts in 1074 OMIilISMN landowners who sold during those two years would have because of rising land costs made more money if theyd held out to the end Some claim unfair tactics were used to get them to sell and thats where Maloney originally came into the picture He heard their complaints alld agreed with them The governinth didnt The resulting fight of course escalated to involve Premier Davis and legislative committee in trying to find compromise They lid part of which is the royal com mission Maloney is now attacking What hap pens next is anybodys guess Ironically the festerin sore of land acquisition practices wout never have hap pened if the government hadnt been so inept and expropriated the land in the first place Blulding cities is so lnllch lun BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy Mc Donald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Rolt Kraiker photographer SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyall Johnson Barb Boulton Dana Graham John Zarecky REPORTERS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routlitte CLASSIFIED Lesley Young Freda Shinner Peggy Chapell Thuire memo ind ADVERTISING Len Sevlck manager Ruth Blais supervisor Karen Atkinson busmess Marian Cough accountant lBetty Armor Dorothy Bowland pail Mc Parland Vikki Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager David Jenkins asst manager Stew Royce Judy Hickey Alva LaPlante Elaine Porter Marg Scar ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions WE EKLY by carrier 90cents YEARLY by carrier BY MAIL Barrie $4650 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 mo 640 Calhcart 51 SIMCOE COUNTY Montreal $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability 40 non insertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement MOTOR THROWOFF $39 year $3850 year uhm EACH OF US HAS CROSS TO BEAR Parliament hill By STEWART MaiLICOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service loyalty is one thing but thought things were going bit far when senior public ser vant was quoted as saying the prime minister is never wrong Claude Lemelin the author of that statement is one of prime ministers ad visors on Canadian unity there are quite number of these around Ottawa and he was referring to Trudeaus earlier claim that Quebecs Parti Quebccois government had established 10 to 15 propaganda offices around the province Just to set the record straight it should he noted that the prime minister in making that assertion was dead wrong Sorry about that Mr llemelin There is no doubt that the Parti Quebecois has an inherent interest in preaching the gospel of separatism and there are probably downs of arty offices around the province that woult be delighted to provide informa tion about the glories of an independent The world today By JOIIN IIABBBON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Marshall McLuhan communications guru poet and futurist has coined the expression global villa to mean that the electronic media have rought mankind as one much closer It is not his fault that he was wrong and that separation rather than cohesion of the human species in his various political structures is becoming general We are not global village in the late 1970s The prospect of being so though space satellites scar our outer atmosphere be comes less likely The disturbing and often violent phenomenon of separatism stalks nearly all the industrial and technologicallydeveloped nations in France the Bretons of the seagirl province of Brittany look to past so far back Quebec But the offices Trudeau referred to are not part of that machinery And its rather ironic that the prilnc lninister would be that careless with his facts at tilnc when he is talking about the need to establish new government information agency to give Canadians the true story of federalism IOOItLY RESEAIHIIEI When Tory MP asked the prime minister in the Commons whether such an agency would be established and what has happened to just ify it lrudcau replied In answer to the precise question as to what has happened in the past year there was an election in the province of Quebec of government dedicated to the separation of that province froln the country There have been approximately 10 or 15 offices set up by that government across the province to con vey information favorable to separatism The honorable member should join the in up proving the setting up at the federal govern ment level of an information centre which would counteract that subversive propagair da in the mists of history their own national history is more myth than reality But Bretonesc independence is strong enough force within metropolitan France to disturb the central government in Paris In Spain the spectre of violent separatism already raised its head during the strongly centralist ï¬anco era between 1940 and 1075 in the Basquo provinces of northern Spain BASQUES SE PAR AIISIS The moredemanding Basques were joined by the Cataisns next door in the northeast corner of Spain They too were pllt down by Franco who forbade any use of the Basque and Catalan languages in either public or private uses Western Europes most violent urban guerrilla movement the ETA Basque liberation roup was pledged to separatism It emerge in the Basque provinces during the mid196m Quebec propaganda offices Trudeau statement wrong Considering all the national unity advlsors surrounding the prime minister these lays you would expect his research to be reasonably complete before such statements are made ill Parliament But as it turns out what lrudeau was talking about were 10 Quebec government in formation offices established by the previous provincial Liberal government to dispense administrative information The offices are staffed by Quebec public servants virtually all of them appointed while the Liberals were Ill power who have standing orders not to handle political questions They do roaring business in road maps Since Trudeau lnade his statement repor ters have tried to get political information from tllc Quebec offices he referred to None wasavailable The prime minister is no doubt correct when he talks about the importance of the media bringing all the unbiased facts to Canadians at time of constitutional crisis But surely the credibility of the political leaders is just as important Dream about global village is still few years ahead It was responsible for many highlevel inur dcrs including that of the late Spanish presl dent Admiral Carrcro Blanco He was blown up during 1073 on the way holne froln nlass Ill central Madrid Today the new Spanish democraticallyclccted government pledges autonomy someday soon to both Basques and atalans Belgium is torn asunder domestically by the deep divisions between the Flemish with language akin to Dutch and German and the Frenchspeaking Walloons The reasons are based also on racial dif ferenccs and diversities of economic achievement with the Flemish economically ahead of the hardpressed Walloons Many wonder how long tiny Belgium can hold together as an independent European kingdom given the fact its two founding races have of ten come to blows The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper $4680 Copyright registration number 203815 register bl Queens park Smith good as critic By DON OIIEABN Queen Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The other day noted how the Liberals probably didnt have the smarts when it came to appointing deputy speakerwand that the partys group in the house still needed some maturing nHopefully this didnt leave wrong im prc5sion For while the party caucus still needs ripening even without it it still right now is an impressive force OOL APPROACH This was strikingly illustrated to me when leader Stuart Smith called press conference on the matter of Lummus 70 Hydro and the heavy water plant projects which you will have read about The really striking aspect was the tone of the conference Dr Smith had case and he presented it He presented it factually and without emotion He wasnt through venom or deep sighs con demning anyone His approach was to give the pragmatics of the situation say that here was something which was apparently wrong and that it should be lookid at This was most promising IIIlOlT VENOM For years now more than am going to say at the momentl have been looking for reasonable opposition here In my time we havent had this What have in mind is an opposition that can agree that government can be right in many things it does even though these may be improved or some of them What we have had is oppositions who in their approach have had the tenor that the government is either callous or stupid The consequence has been lots of dog fighting but relatively little progress from the interplay between the parties in our system Yet there should be such progress The system is based ideally on the premise that the government proposes while the op position opposes but opposes not so much for political gain as to get improved legislation policies and administration reasonable opposition can get us close to this ideal And with the present Liberal group there is hope for such reason Cbnadas story Fleming role considerable By BOB BOWMAN Sir Sanford Fleming was responsible for number of notable achievements in Canada including the first postage stamp three penny beaver transcontinental railway sur veys and the invent ion of standard time He was also responsible with DArcy McGee for organizing public relations campaign that paved the way for Con federation Before the Charlottetown Conference Fleming and McGee realized that Canadians were disliked in the Maritimes so they organized tour of about 100 politicians businessmen and journalists and left Mon treal on August 1864 The Charlottetown Conference was due to begin on September The group had to travel by woodburning train to Portland Maine and then board paddlcwheel steamer for an overnight trip to Saint John NB it was rugged travelling without much sleep However the entire tour was great suc cess The Canadians were welcomed by 15000 people at Saint John They were little shocked by the men who wore bowler hats smoked huge cigars even on Sundays and chewed tobacco After touring Saint John and Fredericton the Canadians went to Nova Scolia where they got another warm welcome One of the features was hodgepodge and chowder party at the Royal Halifax Yacht Club They were entertained by kilted pipers and highland dancers The afternoon was so hot that the visitors took of their black broadcloth mats stovepipe flats and played leapfrog on the lawn On the way back to Montreal there was another reception at Saint John during which George Etienne Cartier climbed on table and sang God Save the Queen with tears streaming down his face The tour created an atmosphere of frien dship that helped to make the Charlottetown Conference so successful TIIIIIt AUGUST EVENTS I786 James Strange claimed Vancouver Island for Britain hills Pa icr was made at St Andrews Lower Canal bible thought And the Lord looked upon him and said Go in this thy might and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites have not sent thee Judges man sent from God is the same as God going and there will be victoryEven so send you Make special effort to attend the services in your church and pray for Gods servant The Lord Will honor you for it