Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1977, p. 15

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in help wanted 11 help wanted FAMILY TRUST MORTGAGE REPRESENTATIVE IF THE FIELD OF REAL ESTATE AND FINANCE INTERESTS YOU AND YOU ENJOY WORKING WITH PEOPLE WE HAVE CHALLENGING AND REWARDING POSITION AVAILABLE You will be asked to introduce highly flexible total mortgage program designed to meet the needs of your market area This position will suit the applicant who is selfmotivated in dividual desiring the opportunity to develop an income flow through commission and bonus program geared to personal production FOILACONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW CALL NIGEL DUNN 726261 llttlTmst TRUST CORPORATION Au6 ee Royal Insurance and Canada HAVE YOU CONSIDERED US Our company is currently looking for individuals to join our training programs which lead to either management technical or marketing fields We need people with inquisitive minds high achievement needs and the ability to progress into more complex areas as their careers advance We are seeking candidates with post secondary education can didates who are prepared to relocate if required following the Initial training program Give us call and we will arrange mutually convenient interview time to discuss both our needs We offer an excellent range of benefits and our salaries are com petitive with the current iob market PLEASE CALL ELKINS TELEPHONE 7286151 AuS WEEKEND PHOTOGRAPHER Think youve got what it takes to be news photographer We dont think you do Think youre good enough to meet deadlines We dont think you are Think you can run darkroom to newspaper standards We dont think you can Think you can photograph anything We dont think you can anytime under any conditions Prove us wrong We need parttime photographer who can do all these things and more Write Weekend Photographer The Examiner PO Box 370 BARRIE Ont and prove us wrong BOYS AND GIRLS EARN CASII AND PRIZES THIS SUMMER WITH PARTTIME EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTE Routes are available in all areas of Simcoe County Phone in your name today 7266539 TF CLASS mechanic required tor dealership in Alliston Telephone 4354371lrom am to 530 pm ask tor service manager DICTA TYPIST minimum two years ex perience hell days possiny lull days in ma Small congenial ottice Call Flem ing and Associates 7283309 anytime SUMMER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE PERSON TO learn optical trade Apply 28 Morrow Road MANAGER tor ladies wear store in Bar rie Sales ability necessary should be able to take charge at stall and sales Apply by phone to Mr Robert 705 7286066 Earn 71 help wanted Let AVON help make your summer vacation dreams come true Your GETAWAY FUND as an AVON representative Youll never know how easy it Is to earn extra cash the AVON way until you try For per sonal interview without obligation call 7289652 or write AVON Box 485 BARRIE Ont TF ARTIST required FULLTIME EMPLOYMENT Experience in darkroom procedures film cutting creative drying knowledge of screen printing process Wages based on experience Phone for interview 7370400 ask for ADAMS Au3 SCREEN PRINTER required FULLsTIME EMPLOYMENT Experience preferred in gar ment printing but not necessary Phone for interview 7370400 ask for ADAMS Au3 FASHION TWO TWENTY Must be pleasant and mature Full train contact Stokes 325 3220 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WAIT ERSreauired lorlirst class licenced din ing room Must be attractive and well groomed Location Innistil Township For appointment call 436 3541 Highway 11 North Wraps Novelties etc Over 450 items in cluding exciting new Crownware King St Hamilton Ont LBM IG tor Ladies wear store lull time Mamselle Ladies Wear Baytield Mall 729 woo ETABYSITTER WANTED for 20 month old baby In hospital area Daily Call 7288418 72sgles helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonts Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont LbT 2J6 76employment wanted JOHN om anwm 10mm V4 YARD BUCKET Will level and backfill load manure clear land REASONABLE 4362309 TThSAu13 EXPERIENCED DAYCARE Full time References Toddlers tolive yrars Con slant supervision in lenced yard Children to play with Allandale area Phone 718 7086 REGISTERED NURSE Wlll provide day care in own home Allandale Heiohls from September Telephone 717 3910 BOOKKEEPER 20 retail Accounts recoivable payable payroll trial balancecashcontroletc 705 361 158 WELDER FITTER over 30 years ex perience in structural and mechanical equipment layout titling assembling etc stick tig and mtg welding Well familiar wrth lathe and mill work Apply Box U97 The Examiner OFFICE MANAGER bookkeeper full set of books to trial balance and payroll Apply to Box U99 The Examiner LET SERVICE GUIDE WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as can as possible we accept no ipbility in respect of loss orl damage alledgod to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise Extra Money Prize Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16Baytield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 TF Telephone Age fést GROCERY CLERKS needed Require experienced applicants only Must apply in person to Fudas Fruit Company Ltd EARN EXTRA MONEY by showing Canadas finest line at Christmas cards For tree cataloque and prompt service Jeandran Greeting Card Co Ltd 1253 SALES HELP with experience wanted BEAUTY CONSULTANTS required full or partitime for an expanding company ing provided For appointment please ANNOUNCEMENTS SECI Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words S550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch III births Mondays Child is fair ol lace Tuesdays Childistulloi grace Wednesdays Childislullol woe Thursdays Child hastar logo Fridays Childisloving and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Istair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important Information for your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day ol the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 maximum 40 words Addi tional words 10 cents per word PHONE 728 24 HORNE Robert Joseph As the result of an accrdent on Saturday July 30th 1977 Robert Horne in his 19th year Beloved son at Robert and Doris Home of RR Angus Dear brother at Joanne Deborha David Michael Christopher Stephen Peter Donald John and Thomas Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Service in the chapel on Tuesday August 2nd at pm Interment Angus Union Cemetery BOSHIER Edgar Roland Al Stroud Ontario on July 30th 1977 Edgar Roland Boshier husband of Verna Francis Dear lather ot Gayle McIntosh and Wayne Loving grandialher ol Heather Scott Kevin and Cameron Mr Boshier is resting at the Scarborough Chapel at McDougaII and Brown Ltd 7900 Kingston Rd near St Clair Ave East alter pm Monday Service in the chapel Wednesday at 30 Inter ment Pine Hill Cemetery Flowers gratefully declined Donations to the charity at your choice would be ap preciated JEBB Thomas Wilson At Sunnyhrook Hospital Toronto on Saturday July 10 1977 Thomas Wilson Jebb beloved hus band of Florence McIntosh Dear lather of Thomas at Orillia Grandlather ol Tanya Lee and brother ol Willa Jebb ot Barrie Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsely Street Barrio Ser vice in the chapel on Tuesday August at 330 pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery WALKIN SHAW Pearl At Oddlellows Home Barrie on Saturday July 30 1977 Pearl Walkinshaw in her 90th year daughter at the late William and Eleanor Walkinshaw of Angus Sister ot the late Eldon Frank Leslie and Harold Walkin shaw and Mildred McAteer Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie Service in the chaptl on Tuesday August at Interment Angus UITIOTI Cemetery LEIGH Blake Warren Suddenly at the Solilivrs Memorial Hospital Orillui on Monday August Ist 197 Blake Leigh beloved husband of Roberta Cup page ot Hawkestone in his 76m year Loving father at Christina Ruth at home Beloved son at Ruth and Earl Leigh oi Hawkeslone and brother at Doug 0t Guthrie Resting at the Mundell Funeral Home 79 West St North Orillia SerViu in the chapel on Thursday August 4th at Interment West Oro Cemitrr Oro Township WALFOLE Winnilrvd At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday August 197 winnitred Potts beloved wile til the late Thomas Ronald Walpole in her 74th year Dear sister ul James Potts in Calilornia and Nanry Mrs Charles Chantlerl ol Anuus Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home to Worsley Sl Barrie Wednesday altir noon and evening Private lunirnl ser Vice on Thursday August lullowert by cremation EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824l4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7289414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication With the exception of Elusstliad Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $5 50 Additional words 10 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $550 Addi tional words IOcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verso per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 9tc per word insertion Three consecutive insertions cents per word in sartion total $648 Slx consecutive insers lions 8zr per word per insertion total 31224 Multiple insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial jabbreviatton set of numbers etc count at separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the inisprint Er rats which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for corruc lions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reject any want ads All phone insertion orders are accepted as PHONE 7282414 88 coming events ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot $300 must go every week Admission $1 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TTF eminer patterns WrapTie Delight Printed Pattern 446 Uncomplicate your life and get right down to busrness with this wraptie delight Stitch it up in morning few pattern parts Easy Sew Printed Pattern 4847 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 takes 58 yards 45inch fabric $125 for each pattern cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for Inst class mail and handling Ont residents add 9t sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Examiner 60 Progress cash Avenue Scarborough tario MII4I7 ANSWiR to InllitIIOII sew and save dramatic dollars Send for NFWSPRINGSUMMERPAIIERN CATALOG Clip coupon for tree pallern Separates iumpsurts day evening dresses Send 75¢ Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Booii $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 Box REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to lorward replies to box numbers to the advertiser Ol soon as possible we accept no llability in respect of loss or gamage alledged to arise Lthrough either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however otherwise Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday Child car seat tails US tests OTTAWA CPI The Con sumers Association of Canada CAC says one of the most popular and widely available child car seats in Canada has failed crash lists carried out in the United States The seat is the Dorel Travi Guard Model 085 one of six child car seats approved for sale in Canada after meeting federal government safety regulations The CAC said in release that the Dore seal frame col lapsed dummy in the seal slid down under the harness lap bell the seal bottom fractured extensively and boil in the frame separated in the tests carried out by the 3As Amer ican counterpart Consumers Union Joy Moon chairman of the CAC Childrens Automobile Safety Research Committee estimates that about 150000 of the cur Seats have been sold in Canada She said it national survey shows the seal is mo of the most popular because of its relatively low price It sold in the $2it$4ll range or about $10 below other models TEST IN AlfllSl An official in the product safety brunch if the Ilpittl ment of consumer and cor pnrule affairs said tests on the Dore sent us well its on the five other seals sold in anarlzi have been set for milllupus at thi same Buffalo NY laboratory where the unsumvrs Union tests were lone Souls sold in Canada routinely ltISII each yea Since 1972 all cut Slitls sold or imported into zinztilzt must meet standards luiil down utr I1 regulations ol the mar litus IIOlllllIS The stun lords were IlVISNI in IIITAI An ulfictztl Sillll the our soul must uin be three basic II terizt It must ristriiin 1110 child there must be no break age of the soul on collision that ITIIgIIIllljllltlllll11l1llitlIIIll sent must not ilelnttn rill as to truplliiibilrl Il1f1 other souls IHIII able in imilllit four were 1051th by lnnsumets hunt and all passed The others illt Antirun Sufi1y IIijuipmiints Swynen matte tlti iitltlzll Motors Itilil Soul Ilti Knutwil luti Soul MinkI 11113 and tho llltl mnSnfilySliiiIil Mrs Mnnn sziiil llll sixth Mill sold in tutmlii IS IIII litttiI ur Soul MothI fifth llw considers ll ilfltlllilllll though doesnt pvvv 11 top mt inu she san US jobless rate less WASIIINGIHN an llnimpliiymint 41an inllnlinn will lotreuse Ill Ibi Iniliil Status iiixi your illliiiuuli prims still might rim is IIIIIIII as it per llIl imiurissinnzil bttiIgil ixpirls Sillll tnilny The Congressional Ituiluel til IISJIIII11lIIlIgtlil nnuriss writing it federal budget lnr lIll 1978 fiscal your must conclude that the l£tllll out Iiink is for no more than slow unwinding fllK current izileol inllnltnn In testimony pHpitltlI for thi Sonati builgvl tllllllllllt budget nfliii litiitnt ll Itivlin said inflation might held In Illll1 45 and it 001 cent if IIIIIIiISUS in food plllls do not exam if per tIIl The governments tnnnt rtxonl figures show an annual inflation Iilll nl 72 pir Illl Inr this your Mrs ltivlin ililplilllfl In mitt Illtllt IIII1III of reducing III flatlnn by cutting fiiIitul spending spending pnliiy light enough In llI Ibo IIIflilllltll ruli one pl11lilil mint would throw onv million IRS ililvns out of work and rtiisv the IIlIlIII ploymenl rule currently 71 pll cent of III lllbnt force by 11 percentage jxiiuls SIIl sitiil As Ibi lllllllll ltl begun work on writing it budget tor the months Ixigiiminu let Mrs Itivlin presented Iltesv ll1 casts Gmwlli in the Il1llII IS measured by the gross national product an IIIlIOiISI of live In six per cent from the lust qum ter of 1976 through the last quarter ithtm and it rise of 36 to 51 per cent in 1978 Unemployment iii In 72 per cent by the fourth quarter If 1977mm 5910 tillpoiivnl by the end of 1978 Infztlinn its IIItIISIlIltI by the consumer price index up six to seven per cent in 1977 and 45 II 65 per cent by 10 IIlI of 1978 All human life valuable ORILLIA Ont CPI While about 20 retarded persons play outside at the Huronia Regional Centre sevenyearold girl sits strapped in wheelchair Mary spent Thursday as she spends most days oblivious to what goes on She is blind and deaf unable to feed herself bathe walk or control her bowels She is one of many in the acute and chronic sections of this centre It is children like this which discussion paper by an Anglican Church of Canada study group focuses on It suggests consideration should be given to killing severely defective newborn babies Don Cornish director of the Huronia centre said he ap proaches the issue on the prem ise that all human life is valu able Who is it among us who can decide when there is not some thing to be developed he asked IIIIMETO 1300 The $2lrmillionayear cen tre collection of red brick buildings on more than 600 acres overlooking Lake Simcoe is home to about 1300 retarded rsons in Ontario me have ived there 50 years or more There are about 60 residents in the acute care section where Mary lives and another 120 In chronic care In the acute sec tion the patients are under con slant medical cure The IIIKIIIII of chronic patients is monitored closely Cornish would not allow for the examiner Tuesda WW August 1977 15 Iiin Ilrult shows but the bark of his Dunlup Sllltl East store looks like now but it wont sliix ilini hm much longer Pratt and three neighbors plan In gel the store back painted to riniinimn pinsure from the It of drivers on lllt new Lukesltori Drive extension behind lllt llllsilllssls llixittnintr Iltutni Lakeshore Drive extension leads to back door cleanup llllt rlnwn ll IIII bixls section of ilnwnlnwn Ilzitiii wont have In ztwiiil tlllIIDIIIlllII of Iht ci tys lITt urea IIIIII7IIIIIII study IIIitli gelling spruch up llwtilts of it SIICICII of busuwssvs on the south side of luttlnp Street East in the block inst ol Mimniiiil Square have llltl to In paint job on the backs of llltll buildings where they luiri Kimpenfell Buy lteusnh the roar walls wlmh 111l lllelfI out only on wnlvr and the occasional passenger truth will soon b0 clearly visible to drivers 0nth new Luktsbnre IIrivv extension which will pass them on its way tn the tool of Milliaster Street And tlllllllill boy will also face the Citys proposed Lakeshnre Park between the road and the buy Weve thought about it for years says Iim Iratl owner of Gurnels ilnbbtus And now that the roads pomp through adds Inhn Stevenson 0f StevensonMcluskey In surunco Stevenson is busy getting prices for painting the four buildings involved Costs are to be divided on footage basis and Stevenson says the group hopes to have the work done by the end of August The group also plans to pave ll1 teur lunewzty clean up debris and cut weeds Pratt says The paving is intended to reduce the number of cars which get stuck in the snow and ice in ruts behind the stores The area has long been the subject of comment whenever downtown rejuvenation has been discussed This is the ugliestlooking thing you ever saw from the water says Pratt member of the Downtown Improvement Board Were just going to dress it up little possibilit for the future is installation rear entrances to take advantage of traffic on the bay side Pratt says he will pro bany put an entrance in even tually though Stevenson says he sees no advantage in such an entrance for his own business in view of the lack of parking planned for the Lakeshore ex tension Editor works from kitchen to produce this magazine MINIlIN Nit ll When 17 Mttlonvs kiils sue the typewriter nn lbe kitchen table they know Mom is at work on the IllXI issue of Commerce MomInn Ihe tnuunziixi is llIt voice of the Mnnitnn liuxnber of Com merie and Mrs Millimi is its editor While she admits work ing at home has its problems its an opportunity she just wont pass up ommitie MUIKIOII is the only business magazine of its type in Now Brunswick proj ect Mrs blilllllll first worked on in 1975 when it itts pamphlet IHSlllll by tltocbztmlxr under its manager lloburl Malone her husband In Iiebtunry 10711 the pain phlil iliirl and the climnber asked llll It ptiiiluve Its news 111 magazine form At first wasnt Sllltl1l was going with the ittziuiizini or what wanted to do she said It was learning through trial and error Hum this Iiemulous start has evolved monthly edition of IllWS about chamber IC livilies and profiles of local IIIISIIICSS The magazine also finds its way In other chambers of commerce across the coun ilry and into the offices of Mztnlimu Mls and New Brun swick MLAs Aside front its work value the mother of Iwo boys Sean and Todd it believes the job has helped her grow Weve been married 16 years and right from the begin Optimism byword on this project WINDSOR nl lfl Iimism is the byword at Maple Leaf Monarch 10 which is building $40 million vegetable oil mill and military here Mzipli uf Monarch owned ixjuully by Maple Leaf Mills Ltd and Lever Brothers Itl is mal interviews with stuff in the llllltllllkilli the project on 40 acute care sect ion but some of the staff did say they support the conviction that all life is valuable When one of these kids has it medical problem we fight like hell to keep him alive said one nurse You dont evcntlhink of let ting Ihem die IIicyri human beings Of course they should live Patients are six to 76 years of age iICIl site on 10 Detroil Iiivvt Tomplul inn is scheduled for the full of 111711 Officials said the plant should supply more than 117 per cent of the Eastern Canadian vegetable oil and meal produc lion lbis addition to mmdas 111 ricullure and food industries will provide it major market for soybean growers of south western Ontario and stimulate overTill Ontario soybean pro duct ion they said The plant will process soft seeds such as flax rapeseed and sunflower While the prin cipal somcis of supply for soft seeds will be in Westem Can ado central Ontario farmers are also expected to provide in creasing quantities of flax and possibly some ISCI Depending on market prices and demand total value of the plants annual production is ex pected to be about $150 million at iniliitl apztiity officials said CREATE JOBS And they said the nixrations will create more than 100 per mztnent jobs The oilseed facility contains two major operations seed crushing and oil piyxtessiug hing we decided would quit work when the children came along But later like many women found had become all wrapped up in my children and dropped out of activities LUST PLACE There was 1055 of place in the social order of things So many times Ive seen couples who continue to grow together but when the wife stops working the husband gets ahead and it can cause hard ships Writing and doing interviews has restored her place in the world she says feel can talk with any body on nearly any subject The London Ont native be gan her working career as continuity writer for home own radio station and later took it mle as public relations officer Later there as stint as buyer for furnace and water heater enterprise and several years of schoolteaching She keeps up with changing leaching techniques by working in Sunday school classes and KilSIOIlillIy gives courses in effective speaking to local womens service club enjoy being on my own Ive never really been joiner of things But she enjoys family life as well In our spare time we do famin things togethertake walks and go camping This winter we hope to take up cross coiuttry skiing together Mrs Malone says she feels in dependent even though she works at home Its my way of contributing to the family Weve been able to buy few luxuries like the camper trailer Its something we win all enjoy

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