Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1977, p. 14

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12 Estellaon Household Realty SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses No brokerage fees No finders fees FAST SERVICE Come on in or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Ser vices 25 Dunlop Street East BARRIE 7266534 TThSN26 First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 72671 30 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps 6rentalor salelutly equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Baylield St 726 6438 TANDEM Citation Bendix trailer luxury turnIshings bed sacrilice at $7000 lirm cost 59500 new used only six times 705 445 148i AMBASSADOR MOBILE HOME 12 in small park Telephone 726 546 16 opts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Berries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults deluxe TF MODERN luxury very large and bedroom apartment tor lease Quie adult building No pets References Far inlormation 728 9682 90 Holgate Apart ment 102 kIng size Gentlemen 17 Iausos to rent TOWNHOUSE On Eastvtew bus route two bedrooms immaculate con dition full basement oil heat $205 plus all and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm TF NEW SINGLE HOMES for rent and bedrooms double garages Fireplaces Call anytime 7264544 or Toronto 881 2515 Au15 0R0 FOUR BEDROOM Iivlno room diningroom kitchen rec room carpeting throughout view 01 the lake 34 acre lot $325 monthly plus utilities reterences required Telephone 728 2794 EXECUTIVE LAKEFRONT home in Barrie Landscaped grounds maintain ed Four bedrooms two bathrooms completely equipped Iurnlshed Fireplace dishwasher freezer washer dryer Available September thru June $425 monthly Relerences 7286753 THREE BEDROOM two storey house near Wellington Plaza on nice lot with garden $300 monthly includes heat cable stove and fridge optional Hydro shared Last months deposit Owner lives in back apartment Phone 726 8727 FOUR BEDROOM semi storey baths two years old immaculate Available immediately 5330 Telephone 485 3319 or 463 0669 STAYNER Two bedroom house $195 monthly Available immediately Phone Robertson Angus 424 0306 FREE RENT at two bedroom house in exchange tor small repairs Located in Angus Must have some knowledge 01 renovation Phone 424 1593 or apply at 46 King Street basement apartment THREE BEDROOM older home lreshly decorated throughout block from schools and GE $235 monthly month hold back Telephone 726 6671 lgapts wanted trovrient MATURE BUSINESS WOMAN non smoker requires sell contained un turnished apartment or duplex with stove fridge and parking where pets are welcome On or before August 29 Reply to Box U95 The Examiner SEPTEMBER Ist one two bedroom apartment or house pretorably Barrie Approximater $140 $160 Married Cou ple WIIIL Reddy 67A Metcalle Cres cent Branltord 519 759 5023 20foomstolet IDEAL ACCOMMODATION for the busmess person age 20 to 30 Large modern turnished home central air All conveniences Baytield and Cunoles Call 726 5303 LARGE CLEAN bright quot room kit Chen prIVIlegis linen supplied Please telephone 737 3675 FURNISHED ROOM In Allandole at bus stop cooking lacilities available prelerred Telephone 728 4268 days or 728 0810 evenings FURNISHED BEDROOM use of kit Chen Centrally located 530 weekly Telephone 737 3106 NEWLY DECORATED turnlshed rooms downtown location Reasonable rates rCaIl Mr Marshall 728 3865 TWO ROOMS central location available immediately kitchen lacil incsparking Telephone 728 I290 EXTRA LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS show kitchen For Singles or young couples Linen supplled Downtown area 726 639 ROOM FOR RENT retrigerator and stove Privatae entrance laundry la cilities Close to downtown Telephone 728 2385 atter2p llroom and board ROOM AND BOARD tor young gentlemen lunches packed light washing done central localon parking FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom TeIephonensvsaa apartments available Central only 726 09887weekda ys ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments from $160 monthly Central location First and last required Appliances and heat included Telephone 726 9418 alter 6pm TWO BEDROOM apartment available September Isl bachelor apartment available now rent includes all utilities plus cable and parking close Ba yfield Mall Telephone 726 6046 TWO BEDROOM apartment 5200 men thly plus hydro Refrigerator stove and parking provided Apply 11 Victoria Street Apt noon untl no pets please AVAILABLE AUGUST Two bedroom apartment $232 monthly includes fridge stove heat and park ng Bus scp location No pets Call 726 5747 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments avetable Central Adults only 726 09887weekdays LARGE CLEAN two bedroom turntsh ed apartment Carpeted newly decorated Parking and laundry Suit adults Telephone 722 0755 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT tor superintendent of eleven suite building Middle aged couple preferred Phone 7265063 BEDROOM apartment Available August 1st Large balcony or yard Playground area all utlites included Close to transportation and shopping Please telephone 737 2649 FURNISHED APARTMENTS and rooms tOr rent centraly located Call Mr Marshall 728 3865 ONE BEDROOM apartment available immediately tridge soye parking $170 monthly Telephone 726 2910 TWO LARGE TWO BEDROOM apart ments available Aug Isl ard Septemoer lst close to downtown on bus route fridge sIOye laundry tacuitlcs parking First and last months rent No Pets Telephone 726 6725 alter rri BACHELOR one bedroom and tm bedroorri apartments tor rerit Utilities refrigerator and stove supplied Call 737 1674 between SMALL ONE bedroom DBSNTIETII apart merit arailaple immediater Stove triage and hydro included Close downtoer $175 rricntrily 776 73I6 ONE BEDROOM apartment close to downtown triage stove heat water and parking supplied $175 monthly Telephone 737 3l06 COZY APARTMENT tor rent can be one or two bedroom Five minutes lrom downtown NO pets or children Cut 726 6351 do ys or 726 375 alter pm TWO BEDROOM semi turnished apart ment on bus route immediater avail able parking facilities Call 726 2551 from lOamtO9 30p THREE BEDROOM Apartment with refrigerator and stove Large living room with tireplace Ideal tor three to share Immediate occupancy Sorry no pets or children One vehicle only $275 monthly For appointment to view9 to 6pm call 7285792 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT second ttoor Fridge stove heat water sup plied Central location 86 monthly Available August Relerences Apply to Box U96 Barrie Examiner TWO BEDROOM unlurnished apart ment avallable now suitable tor work Ina couple close to factories and downtown no pets please Telephone 7286520 TWO BEDROOM apartments available Immediately and two bedroom available September 1st $230 monthly plus hydro Relerences no pets Parking laundry tacilities 7281035 ONE BEDROOM apartment with trig and stove Eest end location $185 mon thly Adults only Phone 7260875 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment on main floor at house on Eccles st Avallable August Ist $250 monthly plus utilities Adults onlyno dogsreterences please Telephone Judy Pennett rep LePaqe Ont Ltd 737D110r 7371264 ONE BEDROOM apartment available Immediately centrally located lridge and stove ell utilities included S165 mon thty Reterences call 728 0674 between 83oamand4z30pm Adults tfhouses to rent PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective nelgh borhood Relorences 275 Blake For in lormetlon cell Irom to pm 726 236i Evenlngs 7289682 STROUD bedroom llreplece tully broadloomed on quiet road near lake Mature couple with reterences no pets $275 monthly 4363022 Tfiiee BEDROOM detached house with garage in Allandole Heights Aatleble September Optlon to pur chase It required $325 monthly Call 726 23Offices stores tor rent MODERN OFFICE space tor lease Small or large SUltes INTT1QUIBT9 0c cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll OFFICE SPACE available Irom I25 to 1200 square leet Rental rate $4 50 per so It Call Bill Sakaris National Trust Company 728 9201 1200 so tt nl ottIce space tOr rent DowntOWn area 54 Maple Ave Ample parking Available starting September Isl Call PetEr at 728 1743 brlore 7p or 728 6899after 7p GROUND FLOOR downtown location olt street parking avallable immediate ly $100 monthly Call 728 6292 2415 pace tor rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 63000 so it Iully sprinklcred transport and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part at large expanding industrial malt726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Teechonc 726 3400 Angelctl VERY NICE Industr at IUllllg on Dunlap St West with large tcnred in property Phone 722 714t or 416 635 0537 BARPIE CENTRAL 12 sq ft for commercial IndIJSTlrll use Corripress ed nea and hydro rUppImd 776 8736 25garages FOR RENT Lame commercial closed garage and plenty ol parking Snare Arm Srce souh yatlablc August Isl TelectimcNB 4779 270113985 10 rent HO4TH July August aya liable gang Dracr ivsdr conveneices boat slips Ins5 487 WWW 487 3877 28cottaqes tor sale LI IE COJCHICHING Ii miIrs north ol Oriil Incriled nurnrnvr home mflrwma ynq room rtlrtinqrrtlim kit chith bathroom drilled well lull boar rrIIrit and lireplrirr Telephone 577 LIV ZIMCOE tittyigiz 7tt Concession Ull1i If1rtT salr Call 416 583 but Wf l2 Ip rri and after rrl 32 cars for sale 1969 PLYMOUTH Road Runner 383 matcr cplell transmission air litter shocks wide It con dition 0000 or Ifl otter Telephoni 456 7144 195 COUGAR XRI 400 V8 automatir power steering prtWrr brakes stereo six speakers air condironing Low mileage Immaculate condition Asking $4700 Will certify I28 889 1971 PONTIAC VENTURA six cylinder automatic snow tires radio engine has 30000 miles new brakes new multler system needs minor bodywork 389 firm 737 3170 1971 BUICK LESABRE custom tour door hardtop power eqmppell air condition ing $1395 or best offer Phone 436 3720 MUSTANG FASTBACK 1971 Keystone mags renegade F60s road hugger 650s automatic radio 302 cubic inch Centari paint Call 726 6673 or 726 6066 1973 MERCURY WAGON new radiats amlrri radio track carpeted roof rack no rust 51000 miles Certitied $2475 or bestoller Telephone 424 9356 1975 FORD CUSTOM 500 excellent con ditinn low mileage $3200 Telephone 726 3473 1972 AMC AMBASSADOR SST automatic power steering power brakes It cylinder excellent condition Has been well cared tor Asking $1200 Telephone 424 5206 1970 DATSUN good condition oncor titled Best otter over $200 Call 726 7280 1973 DATSUN 2402 Low mileage under coated no rust Excellent condition New radiats new shocks new exhaust Sell or trade lor van or four wheel drive 726 5486 1972 FORD 500 Galaxie two door hard top vinyl top radio power brakes and steering Excellent condition me ctianically needs some body work around rear tenders only Not been driven since last December Must sell Asking $675 as is Call 726 0443 1973 PONTIACFautOmatlc power steér my power brakes one owner tour door $15w or best alter Telephone 726 6044 PRIVATE SALE 1974 Lincoln lour door town car with all options Complete Iy certllied This car must be seen and driven to be appreciated Bestolter Call tor appointment alter pm 726 0876 1975 AUDI 100 LS good condition under coaled certified $5500 or best otter Telephone 424 5449 T32oars for sale 1976 CHEVY MONZA Coupe speed AM radio tape deck mag wheels powe steering rustprooted DESI otter Telephone 7370586 alter prn 7263321 days ask for Enzo MAZDA ROTARY RX2 automatic bought new Mey1974 blue with while In terior Excellent condition economical cerLSI500certltlea 4875202 1972 PLYMOUTH SCAMP Cylinder power steering radial tires AI condi tion One owner lady $1350 Tele one 7265511 or 7265047 alter 1967 MUSTANGCONVE 289 automatic As Is 5400 Tele hone 7288352 1976 HON DACIVTCTBGF 53913747 FhiTeS per gallon radio radials undercoaled certltied 7262297 1975 LINC NTINENTAL door town coupe luxurious and well gqmpped Telephone 7286525 alter 1977 CHRYSLER Newport very low mileage immaculate condition luxury car titted with every conceivable extra airconditioning cruise control radio with track stereo tape all power 89200 new sacritice $6999 Call 7262638 anytime ONE OWNER 1973 Chrysler Town and Country nine passenger station wagon Iully equiped loaded Tap condition Asking $3500 firm Certified Phone A1 at 4245411 or 4240630 1976 MONTE CARLO low mileage V8 air power steering and brakes Tele phone 458 9758 evenings 1973 PLYMOUTH Cricket in good condi tion Rustprooted bucket seats rear window detogger Telephone 728 7345 alter pm 1969 OLDSMOBILE DELTA tour door ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcan siding Soffit Trough Doors Windows Awnings hardtop DOElief steering and brakes in Am°m°d dul good cond tion 72000 miles $600 askphone 424 0383 after pm ask tor ug mewnh 1972 VALIANT Slant six automatic racltio power stegring radial tires 52000 mi es In goo condition Certilied Phone 487 3131 1967 DODGE POLARA door 318 automatic power steering Dower brakes clean newly painted with new air shocks battery starter and brakes As is $600 Call alter prn 726 9796 OSiding Eavestrough 1969 FORD FALCON $250 as is Also 1967 Rambler 5350 can be certified 5°11 Wmdows Telephone 728 2186 FOCIO Doors ailcars wantedto buy Shullers Awnings AdditionsRoofing PorCh EnclosuresStonework TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradlord St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto ForfreeeSIlmcle Wreckers 726 8711 PM spummc TRACY WANTS cars and trucks lnr wrecking and parts top prices paid 1207 Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted tor wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 After pm 424 5949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales Bestprices paid 436 3677 34trucks and trailers 4x4 1973 LANDROVER 22000 original Local Family Business NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Fascia Siding Trough All colors onteed 7767609 7269007 FRALICK ALUMINUM OSiding Soffit OFascia Shutters OWindows ODoors Eavestrough Solflt Gum miles CB radio must sell best rel sonable otter Telephone 723 2410 ooioh ca odoy 30pm 1973VENTURA CHEVY VAN Certified $1850 Radio good tires new point at Telephone 458 4431 1976 DODGE VAN V8 automatic power steering power brakes heavy duty ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd outhmimd sale Suspension custom Interior stereo and service 18 Alliance Blvd 728 3392 9100 miles 54500 Telephone 716 6759 TO REPAIRS 1974 JEEP J10 360 motor new tires ox cellfnl COITUIIIOII certtied $3500 WE REPAIR Britsh European and Japanese Telephone 728 1736 1975 GMCJ ton pICk up SILrra Classic cars Coronation Auto Sorv 17 Mary St 7765441 camper specnal numerous options $4600 Phone 726 357 BIRD HOEE I972 CHEV ton pick up V8 150 punplf MANN Home to qu Apply oi92 engine power brakes automatic radio heavy duty suspension white spoke mags All terrain tires Very good concli tion $2495 or best otter Phone 436 3770 1967 FORD TON PICK UP 352 automatic Homemade wooden camper top 5300 or best otter Must sell Telephone 728 065 I969 FARGO ton pickup V8 automatic power steering power brakes Telephone 726 667Itor 776 6066 37motorcycles 1973 HONDA 750 Borrani rims Dunstall exhaust clean and well maintained ask inc $1500 Telephone 728 7410 beturr 30 pm YOU CAN OWN a1976 Suzuki 750for less than you think Excellent condition Must sell No reasonable otter rotused Call 728 2496daysor 726 6618evenings 1974 GT 250 SUZUKI excellent condi tion new chain and sprockets luggage carrier Telephone 728 1223 anytime 1975 SOLEX MOPED low mileage Ask CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen ml rooms renovations additions fllltplULtti Melrose Ave Barrie orno 778 5753 guaranteed 7371507 CARPENTER Specializing in rec rooms in tenor remodelling trim etc Please call 728 8884 after CABINET MAKER European limited Kit hens vanities Pine furnenuvotiuns alterations Domestic Commelual 776 2948 lICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovolom repairs Sallstartioii guaranteed and JCotstructlriI 776 7461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms ioiiovoio remodelling etc No Oh to slrtull 776 1271 CONSTRUCTION licenced Otputtlor for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 435 4995 GENERAL CARPENTRY work Additions garage rec rooms built in closet drywall texture spraying etc Free estimates Phone CERAMICS VVINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling 99511999 7796793 DRESSMAIIIN DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and photo lions 4A2 Eugenia Phoner7766000 DRYWALL DILOTTA DRYWALL and taping residential and commercial no job too lg or small Telephoner4584733 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughlnginslolled 01117786678 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Spectulisls Rooling and roofing repairs Flea ostlrilotus Coll Martin Verstralon 424 1956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGNING contractor and rnpulrs Jack Bates Free estimates 117 Burton Avu Allandole 726 8657 after pin ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric CIIHIIIUTKIOI Residential Industrial Installations and set vice 7764996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial Residential Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 Commercial Forms 7288234 PARRY ELECTRICAL Industrial Comnlerciol Form Residentiol Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 FESFVATIIG ROBERT BOYCHOIF Eulvotinq lioulogu septic syslattls tiltiltiinq gumI 436 1558 436 I757 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augeritlg 7289833 rillrrucrs SIOHEWOPK trill Ilflillll spii Iulty Wolsult for litII 11IlrtI 718 IJIl rlltcPLAcrs Co lioili iig Specializing 11 liqml mum liriik All WQIIIHVIHIJIII wiit Prl Hellslru 737 7871 MFLOOR REFINISNING HARDWOOD XML iIii refinishing old owl litw qntiiliitiiit Ttlt 17 Input 129 8341 HANOYMAN GENERAL MAINTENANCE Windows cleaned Generol lawn care Iriule Wink lllllllII 509 550 Telephone 474 0383 alter 776 3853 °° CARPET CLEANING 1974 YAMAHA 80 Endurn 4000 LL miles 9000 condition ASklmI 300 START YOUR spring cleaning today Telephone 737 3456 1973 250 MOTO CROSS new piston 30 over extra frame and tires $400 or trade tor snowmobile of same value Cali alter4 30436161 1972 HONDA 500 mOIOrCycIe excellem condition new tires saddll bags hel met rain Suits many extras Reason able otter 4241200 ext 2501 or after 424 0477 38snowmobiles 1973 MOTOR SKI good condition beat otter Telephone 726 743 after 40articles tor sale SWIMMING POOL rSacrillce Leading Canadian manutacturer and distributor has aluminum pools lelt over from 1976 season pricc Guaranteedinstallation and terms Call collect days or evenings 416 721 4840 SWIMMING POOLS to rcnt will lease and install for homeowners lamin suc aluminurn swimming pool WITII patio Choice of styles macting all lenclnu regulations on one two or three year rental hams With Option to own Try belore you buy Call collect anytime 416 663 9508 ED BROA NT WITHOUT THE working man neither we nor the country can survive thats why we are selling brand new pc living room suites including Chester field high back Chair and ot toman Free delivery only $299 EZ credit UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St just west of the Barrie Arena Call collect 7262900 AuBH cleaning 7266371 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST work layout etc 9362er Logo desrgn or Plans call rollmt 4I6 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 CONCRETE PATIOS sloowaltirfiiopi curbs Estimates 4455941 or 4783706 cueglum RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 Tlrrltl FENCE co 160 Bradford Street Barrie Quality chain link fence supplies at lower prices Do it yourself or we install For free estimates call 7265131 Revitalize your carpets with carpet sleuth driveways and floors Reasonable rates Free cleanup and fertilizing Garages and basements cleaned Refuse removed Trees and hedges trimmed and cut BARRIE 4362387 FRET Golliglu ileumvi liulslI away Just givtr us YIIUI iils hilt 487 557Jui 77614 lirluluil Iitiiliii limplolo Itlnmafirms etll1xlil olilllllllilliv ollltlsnllly lliilliIit Bf HUMl IS 322lfll2 TTItSAu9 you mrtovsmm INTERIOR REMODLLLING xiiiliiiiis iiii rooms Call Russ 436 36511 ultin 510 in References availabil NEED MORE living i10l IUI irmtit rtxttu bedroom pluy loom luuiiiliy ulfti tr llrruqrr IPOLD AlsripuIlItiilg wullprninrlitg Muiru Ball 773 8906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS mtlplttlt liusltititlit planning and illlliluting pilvtliy stretitic and patios lultlltIutrt door The llulllhm fill all your needs Wit 51906 SPECIALIZING lN luiii piiiiitiiir iliiiiiiioys waterproofing IlrIi 1i rlitil stilliii iilulkiiiq win lows and tnpumtmi iolills teed 458 9346 CONSTRUCTION Hriusu lulsmq IUUII duliuns rollrivullolls mfrlttiiins Pltrttlu 436 755 or 436 4175 0qu1 CUSTOM BUILDING lfousu lillltiq loundtt lions and basemutlls additions unit rmtiivu lions Fox Contracting 7261710 Wiilk quclliiit articles for sale HW wwwwfifiw SWIMMING POOLS I977modelsstigtit Iy scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor unicoifiLLdS litter lencinu walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295 Availablc at me season special 01612138 Call now tor early installation Call collect anytime 416 663 9508 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplilier approx months old Both in rilcroltll REBUILT ENGINES OMast popular models In stock 012000 mile warranty cars condition Asking $550 10 We also have facilities to engine Terms can be arranged WE ARE TRYING 0150 In subacttoquollflcatlons our small way to beat in Pratt Motor Supply tlation brand new pc Co Ltd kitchen suites only $69 39Ittgll5t72s59tt No money down Ez NortopenSaturlloystiiH cred MSAu79 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT $6 pE WEE 202 DunIop St iust west of the Barrie Arena Buys beautllul 26 RCA color Spanish down no payments until September Phone tonight delivery tonight Kraly co ec726 2900 kettysTVBarriePIaza737I1182 AUB EMERGENCY SALE overloads our werehouso 23 1977 all elumlnum 16 24 swimming pools Must USED FURNITURE Alrcondltloners be sold Immediately includes sundeck small fridges tor otlice or cottage solves lreezers odd chairs chestertield price $1250 Installation and terms ar sets lawn turniture and bedroom suites ranged Call Terry collect days or even Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse ings1 416 481 8802 free deliver 728 2843 SWIMMING POOLCHEMICALSIAiéli ban Kaypool etc Robinson Hardware 3tDunIOp StEaVst728 2431 Bought LOOK AT THIS You can buy this new 20 super zenith Pine Rlv°r Anlques chromecolor portaible gator 19195100 76 King St Angus now tor only $4 wee money own no payments until September Phone 4245473 lTThS tonIght deliver tonight Krazy Kellys open Dally A023 TV 737 118 tencing liar and solely stairs Sale LUNESOME URGE SAYS WATCH the Fonz with me on this giant 20 Panasonic color television or rent to own at $350 per week or $359 No money down Zcredit UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St iust west of the Barrie Arena Call collect 7262900 AUBH RAILWAY TIES tor sale regular rin Telephone Sun Valley Restaurant 737 0086 to the lloor console television No money JOE RKE WE ARE also in opposition to high prices thats why we are selling brand new components at $89 EZ credit UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St just west of the Barrie Arena Call collect 7262900 late summer ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads beIOW The advertisers listed are experts In their field and wtll asswe you of the finest lob possible HOME IMPROVEMENTS NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar eelesdvltek 1793999 7769003 GENERAL REPAIRS renovations carpentry small plumbing electrical exteriorInterior painting Refinishing furniture 7260038 WEDOIT Painting Home Repairs Rooling Tree Cutting You Name It 7284812 or 4365549 EXPERIENCED CARPENTERH Renovations jacking masonry and chimneys roofing Estimates cull 7769135 INCOME Tex INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area 35 up Dnbson 4245910 alter and weekends LANDSCAPING BOTTING PROPERTY Services Spring clotmups prunln lawn and garden maintenance Ian scoping abddirlg Free estimates 776 45116 LANDSCAPING gurdenin and tree cutling Guild rates Give us colat7761634ba1 weetl1pm and 5p uth can FERTILIZIHG WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub lrllnlniing Also rough mowing Vic Tristrlstla 776 0427 MAINTFNAMFSQNSMT POWLR CLEANING Lots lawns drives at Big budding management sevios 73 3556 STAN KNICIIY MASONRY Brick block and storm wrlrk Fireplaces specially Florinstunqu 705474 5158 DLCOIIATIVT MASONRY Fireplaces land scape tnhonutriouts Utiislone Free es ttrnutcu Geoffrey Snrtguins 726 1665 HALIBURTON FLAGSTONE Wide assortment of colours Wiarton Flagstone 8y Speuol Order MEL ORSER RR1MIDHURST 7370652 7267769 TThS MFFOMYE9VF5 DELL MICROWAVE Services Amono Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sanyo Sales Amano Sanyo 100 year warranty on Amona Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 days MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Musc for people who like to lunch Girid rules 778 9545 PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECLP IIONi DItINfR PARTIES all 776 5713 after It PAINTING YILIINGA PAINTING and dtflotating In toiiiii irtrlilir Work gualullteed Establish rxl 30 yours 776 7225 776 WAYNL TOLEY Pttilussmltal painters Qflljl onil lntmtm Free estimates giihioiiiiia no 7389 DH SIISLING Prolonsmnul pnltttlng in mm Illlllflf paper hanging custom work 501150IIDIIQUOIUIIIQIHI 776 6308 PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced from stimulus lock Rir hurdson 776 7017 751 987 HILLSDALT DICORATING Interior ex teiirii wollpopming custom textured walls litirlcmlinqu TRlCpTlUT10705 835 5387 local Ex Work EXIIRIOR INTERIOR Painting Flee hutininlus Also ulllllg trees Phone 1703863 MBTROOFING CONTRACTORS AIRLESS SPRAY PAINTING We Point Factories Any Size Bothing Interior Exterior Also underground parking areas and small commercial buildings All WORK GUARANTEED PAUL FORBES 7370818 Au31 Metro Pavement Markings Parking Lot Painting Call collect 4162172 or 4162706829 PICTURE FRAMING ARTITRAM Custom picture framing Wide solmtions Inst sorvue Low low price 778 86511 evenings articles for sale Automatic LIQUID CHLORINATORS by POOLMINDER Shocks the pool each night Leaves no chlorine residue Increases filter and pump life SC SERVICES 7283646 Liquid chlorine delivered gt7 Au22 PRINTING EQUIPMENT mulll 1850 rafntlrl arc lamp plate maker paper cutter TLlll11lIl 728 1632 PICTURE ERAMIN OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sixes Phone 7263770 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages PAVINGw VT MANIERI PAVING Driveways Parking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for 17 years PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARBIE 7370179 PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Bilotta €59175 CELL RIDING INSTRUCTIONS HORSEBACK RIDING and horsemanship lessons English or Western Coll Oro 4873363 ROOFING and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 14168957533 coflect AND ROOFING New arid old Repairs Free estimates 3271897 after LAURIER SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar Gravel New and Re airs Eavestroug ing Commercial Residential For estimates call 7263492 ROOFING AND Odd Jobs Free ostimoto Work guaranteed 4740371 SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE SEWEASY CO Servuce calls flom $5 Scenalius repairs all makes industrial and house machines New used solos 737 621 suowrglowmo PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable GIGS call Paul 737 3064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Sm commer rastdenticl and rates free ash rial and leSIdentiaI Reoscmabld rates Dependable 726 7757 STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dole Russell Midhulst telephone 728 4397 WELL DRILLING Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms homes collages Free estimate 10 years experience Angus 4745657 WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug wells Homes Cottages Farms Industry Specializing in Concrete Tile Steel reinforced concrete tile Blongthslor sale Diameter 71 gt4 43643589 MAllA WELL DIGGING RR No Barrie Home Farm Cottage Concrete wall tiles Pump installations For Free Estimate CALL 7284634 anytime WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart merits Stores Houses Factories Reason oble rates Telephone 7281914 40 articles for sale 1970 CUSCHMAN GOLF CART horsepowvr electric start Good condi tiort S450 Telephone 487 5030 FOR SALE 60 year old bedroom suite Includes bed new mattress and box spr ing vanity and dresser Walnut tinlsh $950 cash Telephone 726 6102 HEAVY DUTY cutting torches com plate with gauges and 50 loot hose Pric ed to sell Call A1 at 424 5411 or 424 0630 MR FREEZE Machine top condition plus syrups and tlavors priced to sell Mollat electric grill 220 volt Three plate collee maker Sllex complete National cash register like new with tax totals Assorted milkshake syrups sundae top pings chocolate and butterscotch cone dip 50 per cent at wholesale One double cone dip machine Coll A1 424 5411 or 424 0630 the examiner Available Daily at These Simcoe County Merchants In Barrie All Mikes Milk Locations All Beckers Locations Midway Variety Brad ford St Allandole Drugs Essa Rd Addies Essa Rd Marks Milk Essa Rd Enterprise Variety Little Ave Holiday Inn Smoke Shop Continental Inn Myi all 40 artloles for sale I47 home improvements the examine Tugaay Auguet2 1e ALUMINUM MAYBE NEVER BEFORE MAYBE NEVER AGAIN For limited time only siding supplied in stalled at $129 per sq it Featuring Hunter Douglas Climatic siding We also sell Soflit Tessie eavestrougtts doors windows awnings and raging All work guaranttlfll 71154502355 lilll IAVIS EVEN WITH the hlgh energy cost we say to our out of town customers If we fail to make deal well pay their gas home Brand new double size box spring and mattresses only $99 pair No money down EZ credit Au22 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 DUNLOP ST Iust west of the Barrie Arena 5°me Call collect 7262900 SOD FOR SALE large or smell quen AUBIH tItIes Delivered to lob or home Call 4241307 LOCAL SWIMMING POOL dealer has limited number at steel Inground pools SHADE TREES New me me at greatly reduced prlces 16 it 32 ft inground $3883 Installed Other sized lggliggugnflidggffixozfi afilhofid comparativer priced Call Polynesian Pools tall tree laooulom and ask tor grmafécgfifygggsfo6 ceme operat 603 AGS STEREO component With track turn table AMFM radio in good condition $250 Telephone 7286852 56cam ping equipment IROQUOIS CAMPER with addavroom $450 sleeps tlve good condition Telephone 4364267 57 ivestock for sale TACK SHOP English equlpment Ger man saddles end bridles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 7282431 PUREBRED ARABS three year old Double rattles Stallion broke two year old Bask Geldlng excellent show pro spects Must sell moving to Alberta Any reasonable otter accepted Queensvllle 4164733332 FOUR YEAR OLD APPALOOSA and 22 month old Buckskin saddles and bridles complete Telephone 4246655 STUART SMITH WE ARE neither doctor nor politician but we know our price is right on these brand new piece bedroom suites with bookcase headboard at only $299 No money down EZ credit APP GELDING live ears Old ulet UNCLAMED FREIGHT good for children broyke to rid and 202 DUNLOP ST drive Quarter horse mare good can tirmatlon and disposition seven years 1051 W95 01 BOTFIOAFBHOI old well trained Telephone 4563977 Call collect 7262900 9V9nin95 Aug GIETS for sale purebred York or crossbred home tested Napri Farms Ltd RR No Thornton 7054589729 APPALOOSA GELDING years old needs experienced ownertrainer ex cellent condition Telephone 4245899 evenings $9poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown egg pullets available Also larm tresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811 60teedseedg rain FOR SALE FEED BARLEY and WHEAT to be taken Irom the combine as no storage capacity Straw also available 6th Concession ot Vespra Telephone 7284369 FOR SALE One pair ot L90 tires on chrome 15 reverse rims Asking 380 Telephone 4240383 alter pm Ask for Doug ALMOST NEW household turniture tor sale Living room dining room suites two double beds and single bed two dressers and color TV Telephone 737 1866 22 CU BIGFOOT Deluxe woodslree last lreeze brand new $369 Telephone 726 4704 STEPHEN LEWIS FOR THE WORKING MAN we say stitch in time on denim or silk will make sewing easy on the Singer Automatic zigsag sewing machine at only $64 Automatic button holes sews on buttons etc Preowned No money down EZ credit 64ta rm machinery TWO WHEEL extra heavy duty trailer 750 x16tiresGood condition Best otter Call A1 at 4245411 or 4240630 67truitsvegeta bles RASPBERRIES PICK your OWN $100 per quart Telephone 7262951 lrorn amt08pm RAsPBERRIEspick your own60cents pound bring own containers Gar retts Berry Farm 14 miles north at 11 on 93 726 5957 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 DUNLOP ST iust west of the Barrie Arena Call collect 7262900 AuBH GREEN STRING BEANS pick your own 20 cents pound bring your own comtainers Garretts Berry Farm miles north at 11 on 93 7265957 ZIEGLER SPACE HEATER brown SWEETEaigjgrgml Cited fresh enamel with tank 5150 Quebec WOOd when you phone 85 cents adozen mile stove S75 Homcllte 500 power saw 18 inch blade $95 or best otter All in ex ccllent condition 728 8365 ATTENTION speakers modern cabnet on wheel S70 RCA 21 TV black and white $30 lcondlticm 1DunlopEastApt TODDLE RS CLOTHES ladies dresses sIze 14 crib and sheets barbecue stereo bar fireplace Reasonably priced Tele phone 776 3782 FIVE PIECE DINETTE SET Telephone 436 4484 Hand Tools Many var cities in stock at competitive prices Hing tlll4 Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 718 5911 RCA Sterero AM FM round table like new 3125 Also day couch 325 Now open Saturdays ngrthof Edgar 7268339 BEANS green and yellow Pick your own and save Holloway Lane off St Vince WWII M939 68personals TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let triend help Call Telecare 72677922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 it you drink thats your business It you want to tthatsours Call anytime UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrblogist 737 267l RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes windy Haugh Farm 7260192 39 15 FOOT GREAVETTE LAPSTREAK WHY SUVFFER 99°7700 CW ideal IOr tamily Condition S450 776 6794 35 JohnSOn hp and trailer electric start and controls All top Callouses Relief now is yours Irom England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold tor over century with ettec live results medicated pad that really does the top Corn Caps or Callous Caps PW now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists 41boats and motors INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 737 2972 MONECA psnyic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 7280868 YOUR TOMORROW today Taror cards and tea cup reading For appomtment call 728 0°02 BARRIE MOTOR HOME Rentals 23 Idas to responsible persons over 25 AppIy Box U85 The Examiner Lerlostnand tound BUDGIE FOUND on Collier Street Owner may claim lorrcost at ed 726 025 26 Goliath 318 Chrysler Inboard includes all ac cessories boat slip excellent condition Asking $8000 Call RICK HARKER 7264940 7371414 Jy30Au23 71 help wanted CANOES We have truckload of dif ferent sizes shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum canoes SPORTNAVEN MARINE mile East of Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd 7761001 WHERE YOU CAN BE YOURSELF Au3 22 FT SHE PHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 alter 30 BOAT 1974 Winner Flybridge sedan completely loaded sleeps tour 523000 new Offered lor only $15000 Slipped in Lelroy Harbour lully paid tor until March 1978 Call 737 1000 17 FOOT SILVERLINE Deep hull in where success in selling comes naturally No special selling personality required iust be yourself These two words can lead to immaculate condition 115 hp Johnson motor includes trailer auto tilt control rewardmg Avon career convertible top ski bar many extras Telephone 728 3865 an area near you 77 FT CHRIS CRAFT Constellation Call cabin cruiser 1956 Sleeps Twin engines camper back lots of extras $10900 Telephone 728 8234 26 FOOT CABIN CRUISER head sink sleeps tour 100 hp Mercury outboard Includes slip at Barrie Marina $2000 Telephone 728 9833 AUZH 42articles wanted CASH FOR old turniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 195071tems no 8234 42 BOOK NO Rachel The Possessed In Kathryn Kimbroughs series Saga ol the Phenwick Women paperback Call you way work 98 an mpm approximately hrs daily COINS WANTED 5daysaweek Paying top prices lor silver gold coins no Saturday or Houdays collectlons Cell 7370557 belore pm dd Ii in from Monday to Wednesday ya vers cence 44dogs and pets Y° °9 passemedlcol BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoolng grid clipping 601 all breeds Sophia Then we won treetEas 41 POODLE TRIMMING protesslonal Mrs roomlggéi eggs bgefgs dolck up and de Stock Brothers ivery guwo MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles 5Ch°°l BUS 95 Ional clipping and grooming reason bte rates Telephone 726 006177 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sites at unbeatable TF Randy 436 4517evenlngs 77 IX PART SAMOYED pups tor sale hree males three lemltlesk SorlrLe The Barrie area No black some white Slx wee Reesonabteprlce4246tm sellingCall BORDER COLLIES mlnieture In slxe glack and tell no eech No Itileperr arents are srm dogsCollenyt met Leemm INSULATION PONY mIId mannered excellent riding Iamlly pet Owners must be as mum sured Snowball going to good home 13413 Bridle and saddle available Cell 5630 Au28 7285941 we IiiiiiiufriSTiiiiféfotifiiifiliii 53 TELEPHONE 510 iERZIéisgifméiii P7735333 73 pittin SOLICITORS Ziiifmiioii 21033 $23411 815721 Punflute fullTim Required Immediater in gaxc

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