mmWW7 12 trhereixqminer Tugsdgy August 1977 ataglanoe iii5 Jeanne Martin left shopper took part in downtown lianies loonlight Madness Friday night as did Ross Stephens merchant and owner of Stephens Store for Men at to Ultllltlp St The clock on the wall says 1035 and that isnt the usual arm for store Iioiirs Friday night the downtown stores remained open until 12 midnight in what has since been termed The best thing thats happened to dOWIllU Barrie in few years lllxillllllltl Photo Number one top 18 ad iiiiiiistratiu figure in name recognition among the public is Secreatar of State yius Vance scoring Til per cent in recent national poll lie is also in the running as most travelled cabinet member Recently in lieneva for arms talks and Paris to head the 28 delegation in economic discussions among iii New look is household help this sixfoot twoinch BTTrlmllllti robot can walk the dog vacuum the rug talk and shake hands onstructed by Ben Slora of Palos Ilills III of aluminum 15 small motors two car batteries and pleiit of wire it operates by remote control diistrialized and developing nations he visited the arib bean area in ltiiie and will visit liiiia this week Bending over backward to please the photographer is this seal in Ilermanii Park Zoo iii llouston Texas Actually the seal is relaxing in the position seals favor when the nap US good neighbor policy in Guatemala where Rosemary Zink left Project HOPEs Public Health Nurse Educator from Erie Pit and her Guatemalan counterpart lin irainajo teach maternalchild health care to nursing students at San Juan de liios Hospital The yearlong training project will provide the community with 50 rural and auxiliary nurses The doctor says Cough mixture would help By THOSTESON Ml Dear Dr Thosteson What is the best way if any to bring up phlegm from the lungs when one has cold Is there vapor one can inhale HCW Bringing up phlegm is usually automatic The irritated bronchial tubes of the lung secrete mucus which sets off the cough relex that expels it Its best to allow the process to take care of itself where pos sible If help is needed plain steam inhalator is not only soothing but tends to liquefy the mucus If this doesnt help cough mixtures containing iod ides ammonium chloride or guaiacol will thin the phlegm These meausres along with postural drainage in really dif ficult situations usually pro duce results Postural drainage involves lying chest across the edge of the bed with the head lower than the rest of the body If none of the above measures is effective its time to see the doctor to investigate the possi bility of there being lung com plications other than from cold Dear Dr Thostesoii What do you have against jogging notice that whenever you men tion jogging it is in negative way Ive done it for years and am healthier than most men my age So whats your hangiip Get with it Jogging is fun and healthfulLAT Ive nothing against jogging certainly nothing that might be classified as hangiip have said that some BRIDGEm Oswald and Jim Jécï¬oby No bid brings on set NORTH 54 it cl WEST EAST 9743 AAQIIHIZ VQJIIIHII VKTB Q8 JAJIUB SlTII ti Eaeresi vulnerable West North East South 20 2A Pass 44 Pass Pass 50 Dbl Pass Pass Pass Ipening lead By Oswald Jamesdacobyi One of the worst bids in bridge is what we call the Ostrich bid Traditionally the ostrich feels that if he sticks his head in the sand no one can see him and nothing bad can happen to him Norths pass to Wests two spades is an example of this type bid at its worst As be ex plained after his opponents had chalked up 300 points by setting the fivediamond con tract two tricks he had hoped that by passing he would not down folks just should not jog Others should jog only moderately Others can to their hearts con tent find that many tend to overdo what might be good thing and end up aggavating heart conditionwr their feet prefer short jogging ses sions The beginning jogger should do so in brief spurts fol lowed by walking By devel oping this easy and systematic method the jogging exercise can be good one There can be benefits if the result is moderate and extended raising of the level of heart and blood vessel activity But sudden bur sts of frenzied jogging can be counterproductive hope this does not sound too negative to you To me it is common sense Dear Dr lIiosteson Ive heard you can tell if you have arthritis if the pain is in both sides of the body like both lots or arms etc Is this true Mts RJI Depends on which type of ar thritis you are referring to Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects joints throughout the body This it would likely al fect both side of the body at the same time Osteoarthritis joint degenerationi affects weight bearing joints It can occtir in single arm if person has used that arm throughout lifetime in some special kind of work Bilateral ltwosidedi symp toms may be part of either kind of arthritis but most often of the rheumatoid variety encourage East and West to bid game That reasoning is fallacioiis at best It Fast and West have game they are looking it their own cards know thcv have it and WIII bid it It blast and West dont have enough to bid beyond two spades they WIII stop there and make part score while more enterprising North would either have pushed them too high or watched his partner make part score of his own This time it North had bid three diamonds ILast would still have bid four spades and South might well have doubl ed titherwise he would pass and set them one trick tin doiibled provided North did not go berserk and bid five bid diamonds alter havmg three diamonds earlier Pennsylvania reader wants to know if we would double an adverse onespade bid for takeout With xvx KQIltxxxAxxx The answer is decided No We would simply over eall With two diamonds You should be very careful about doubling one major siiit when you cant stand the other one daily crossword ACROSS 44 Egyptian deity 46 Scale note IndoneSIan is 48 Cowboys land nickname Golf gadget 51 Tax agency Foot part abbr 12 Source of 52 Shaded Fr metals 56 Haphazardly 13 Doctrine wds adherent 59 Angleworm suffix 60 Semitic deity 14 Scottish 61 Pique hillSide 62 Inner pref 15 Greek letter 63 Eye infection 16 Increase 64 Ands Fr 18 hit one 65 Nothing Fr 20 Triumphant exclamation DOWN 21 The Fr 22 Cobalt symbol Wobbles 23 Slangy ViCinity affirmative Latwan 25 Oolong Jacobs father 28 lmpudence Railroad 30 Balls sleeper 34 Looked after vies 36 Expose Engraves 37 Words of on Barrel aber derstanding Ru55ian lake wds 10 Tardy 38 Large speaker 11 Resudue 40 Coastal 17 Auto club projection 19 Face part 41 lnlets 24 Burn 43 Check 25 Twofold Answer to Previous Puzzle 26 Altewate 27 Heras son 29 Classrfied 48 Appendages item 49 State Fr 31 Large quantity 50 Medical 47 Reddish yellow 32 La tar picture comp pllS wd 33 Slav 53 Romanian 35 Bandleader currency Arnaz 54 Religious 38 Equality state servrce abbr 55 English prep 39 City in school Norway 57 Fermented 41 Golf score drink 42 Arrange 58 Intermediate 45 Err prefix Wootr Eltlrmliitfloly August 1977 Arrangements that you make with others could be fortunate for you this coming year Its possible you wont fully exploit your position and thus lose what might be great advantage VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Should you regard yourself as less than an equal today youll be at great disadvantage Evaluate yourself realistically LIBFIA Sept 23Oct 23 Unfor tunately this is one of those days AstroG when you take your duties too lightly Ultimately this will catch up with you SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 The it come may well be the never come for you today Dont bet on anything unless y0ii have all the facts and the odds are in your favor SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 TIIIS is not the day to rely on others to cover for you If its im portant you better be there to make certain its taken care of CAPRICORN Doc 22Jun 19 Today youll find it extremely dil STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $1 00 Free estimates Call us now of Whitfield Winthrop THAT CANT Bugs Bunny CAN HEAK WHAT THEYRE SAYING 9s WUVF Rm rt Wizard of lg HOW DO YOLJ LIKE My DOCTORS ARE CONFERRING IN THE HALL SEE IF you WAKE UP You LOUT OFFICE OUTFITIERS 7370201 tlcult to fess up to your short cominqs Youre apt to spend more time rationalizing your errors than correctan them AQUARIUS Jon 20Fob 19 Extravagance and careleSSness are your major enemies today You could go into the hole by overspending or be busted by overlooking details PISCES Fob 20March 20 Youre good opener today but poor closer You are reticent to take your rightful share of the proceeds ARIES March 21Aprll 10 While your intentions are noble BARRIE PLAZA BECALieE THE we MiaHr DEém niE OZONE LAYER THAT ENatzccas THE EARTH 097Dill Int TM HCQUL at 11 Frank and Ernest minu airu mum ha ha 7373860 flZï¬RYES NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 71 THEY AGREED THAT VEK ODEKATION IS HEALIN OKAY 6H IL THE WAR AND WATCH BABBLle WOOK RUM IHHDUbH THE icrrmuu Now THEYRE TKVIN TI FIGURE WAV INFLATION DOESNT BOTHER ME IHE THINGS CANT AFFORD NOW ARE mi 5AME THINGS COULDNT AFFORD Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters raph Bernice Bedo Osol today your followthrough ls aw tul Dont build someones hopes up then carelessly dash them TAURUS April 20May 20 If friend is in jam today aid him in any way you can but dont take on his obligatlons They may be larger than you think GEMINI May 21Juno 20 You tend to take things for granted today Thls could be big mls take Something you think ls snap could be snare CANCER Juno 21July 22 Its great to be optimistic but Its more important to be reallstlc to day Dont don the rosecolored glasses HAxVE FOWBEFLIL LOBBY IN WA6H INSTION iMpKove YER no in an Monti TH AVE is MISSUSAND rs GIRL FRIEND THEY AVENYGOT CLUE is PIGEONS ARE NUMBER ONE We provide loauout serviée