the examiner Friday July 29 1977 Lining up at the Chamber of Commerce barbecue Mike Williams chef at Wednesdays Chamber of Commerce fifth annual barbecue held at Molsons Park Barrie slices off piece of beef hip for those waiting in line Left Vera McKenzie Ralph Lougheed Marie Archer and Ross Archer Our reg price 5419 Sale price $397 CHARGE in Moflats 132 cu ft FrostFree refrigerator freezer Never needs defrosting Also features big 108 1b ca city freezer section separate controls for freezer an re frigerator easyclean orcelain interior and fullwidth adjustable shelves ite Color $10 extra Hurry while supply 185m Mon Fri 9am 9pm Sat 9am 6pm watch as the chef carves their portion Rayner McCullough background centre and Jerry McComb director of the chamber assisted with the serving About mo people attend ed the barbecue Examiner Photo ur reg price $699 Sale price 3w ur Reg $489 Sale price American cow doctor speaks about nutrition By HOPE DEMPSEY Examiner Staff Reporter Nutrition the way to prevent disease was the to ic of public meeting Tue ay night at Barrie Central Collegiate Dr Lyle Baker of California reputable nutri tion advocate and veterinarian was the guest speaker Dr Baker who began his work as veterinarian by prac tising on cattle has brought many of his findings on cattle diseases and their cause to humans and their illnesses We are all built on the same plain animals and people said Dr Baker came here tonight to stimulate some thought Dr Baker began his speech with information on his deal ings with cattle their diseases causes and how through proper diets these diseases were cured When he first began as veterinarian Dr Baker worked on animals treating them in crisis conditions After both his mother and father were cured of arthritis as result of proper nutrients in the diet and his father cured of bladder cancer Dr Baker began his research and work on disease prevention through nutrition on peo le The old saying use to be said Dr Baker if your doctor cant help you go see the cow doctor LNORTHODOX Dr Baker said his method is not the orthodox way of practic ing medicine feel every town should have this type of practice If the pubic wants it they should have it Dr Baker went on to explain several human incidents where patients were poorly diagnosed or had not been given the pro per treatment He explained in these cases when the disease was linked to nutrition cause and was treated by proper diet the disease in most cases was cured There are nine professional organizations in the US that are actively learning all they can about preventative medicine Im working with these peo ple Im not doing it all myself No doctor has ever cured disease with drug says Dr Baker The body has to cure the disease the drug helps or temporarily alliviates the pain US UNHEAITHY Dr Baker said the US is one of the most unhealthy countries in the world He quoted statistics like every tenth person in the US is arthritic over million heart attacks year with half of them fatal cancer is increas ing at epidemic rates and every eighth person has some sort of mental disease Also there are million diabetics 20 million hypoglycemic people and 600000 multiple sclerosis vic tims We have to get away from ompare our Prices Compare our Savings Sensational value on Admirals big 18 cuft capacity 3door sidebyside refrigerator freezer Features separate 55 cu ft freezer section for total satisfaction 2door sidebyside convenience frigid meat keeper juice can dispenser on freezer door steel rod cantilever shelves cold can carousel butter conditioner vegetable crisper shelf meat basket in freezer and easyr01 wheels White only While quantities last Admiral Deluxe 142 cu ft FrostFree refrigerator freezer Now all the convenience fea tures youll ever want to find easy glideout shelves fulllength teak rained han dles butter con itioner and eas roll wheels All smartly styed in white only Hurry in now Bad Boys handy IA 15 Involvingkcbnrgo It PI our ft1 gigginrqbick 27 convenient Visit our Carpet kiwiintent the idea that all useful therapy has to be run through rubber hose We have to get doctors to talk about nutrition and the public to be aware of it Dr Baker went on to discuss the hair test method used by doctors to calculate the ratio of minerals in the body Through this test minerals that are miss ing or are abundant in the body can be detected the hair test is not diagnosis or cure its diagnostic tool explained Dr Baker CHANGES Dr Baker recommended lifestyle changes that will make for better health He stressed exercise use of vitamin no refined products only natural foods in the diet high fibre foods raw fruits and vegetables no soft water and no smoking Its our typical modern diet that is doing us in Youll not only live longer but youll enjoy the years more said Baker Dr Baker went on to discuss the importance of vitamin Vitamin is the most im portant vitamin can tell you about have taken 10 grams per day and havent had cold in the last six years Quota Club members visit camp Four members and guest of the Quota Club of Barrie visited the Ontario Camp for the Deaf luly The camp is located off Highway 69 12 miles south of Parry Sound Attending were Mrs Margaret Duncare Miss Ann Henderson Mrs Agnes Mills Mrs Betty Speare and guest Mrs Beatrice Tideman The Quota Club of Barrie is having bake sale at Zellers Ltd Dunlop St on Friday at 7pm Mrs Dorothy Gardner governor of district 18 Canada Mrs Margaret Duncan and Miss Ann Henderson presiv dent and first vicepresident of the Quota Ilub of Barrie returned to Barrie July 12 after attending the International Convention at the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs West Virginia that went from luly to 10 The Barrie club through Quota International Inc con tinues to support CARE which is currently supplying material for much needed wells in Kenya where the water situation is critical It was learned at the conven tion that five districts in Kenya had been provided with wells through Quota assistance and the program will continue for another year at least The Barrie Club also supports Quota International Fellowship Fund enabling at the moment five students to further their education at Gauludet College Washington in their pur suit to teach the hard of hear ing Locally the Barrie Club con tinues to provide TTY couplers to those in the Simcoe County needing this equipment through the Canadian Hearing Society TTY machine and coupler has recently been installed in the office of Telecare Barrie for emergency calls The local Club also par ticipates in helping senior citizens and other local ser vices Cookstown couple honored surprise party was held at Cookstown Presbyerian Church July 13th when the congregations of Ivy Cookstown and Baxter honored their minister Rev Kenneth Rooney and his wife Har riette on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary The couple were presented with flowers an orchid cor sage for Mrs Rooney and boutonniere for Mr Rooney and were piped into the church by Reain About 200guests attended Bruce Edgar was master of ceremonies for the evening and variety program featuring solos group musical selections skits and readings was presented by members of the three congregations Following the program Charles Marshall called Mr and Mrs Rooney for ward After congratulatory remarks Eddie Hattle Laurie Braden Darrell Gauley and Sandra Cochrane presented engraved silver tea tray and silver candelabra Mr and Mrs Rooney thanked all The assembley was then piped to the decorated church school room where lunch was served The table was decorat ed with white and silver candles in silver candelabra and centred by an arrangement of pink carnations and decorated cake inscribed with the Shepherds Psalm Attending from out of town were Mrs Rooneys mother and sister Mrs Wilton and Miss Anne Wilton of Owen Sound long time friend of Mr Rooney Mr Hammett of Sarnia and the couples two sons Robert of Guelph and Richard of Toronto Their daughter Lois resides with them in Cookstown Ann Landers broken tv ends addiction Dear Ann Mrs USA who described television as an ad diction asked for solution found mine 1100 was using TV as an esoapefmm 700 pm to 200 am It was semisnOoze from the time got home from demanding job until rolled into bed One night the TV broke At first was furious but some thing kept me from repairing it Soon found was reading morc and eating less No TV snacks when dont watch TV had lot more energy and began to focus on solutions to problems that had always Seemed too overwhelming to face lV had provided me with an excuse not to deal with them and simply ambled along from day to day My suggestion to Mrs USA is this Throw reek through the Screen or push the damned thing down man of stairs Sure youll miss it for couple of days but it will be the first step toward living in the real world again No Name lease Have To Live In This Town Dear Name If it worked for you fine but lam not about to suggest that anyone throw rock througi his TV screen or push it down the stairs Making the set inoperable may have been the answer for you but removing few tubes would have worked just as well Then when something you really wanted to watch was scheduled you could put the tubes back in and enjoy your self There are some programs worth seeing Dear Ann Landers We were talking at our bridge club the other evening about ifts from our married children remarked that the best gi could possibly receive would be for my sonts to spend One day year with me love my daughtersinlaw but in the eight to 10 years my two sons have been married have never been alone with ei ther of them for more than few minutes 11 any of you daughtersinlaw in Ann Landcrs reading au licnce are looking for the perfect gift for your husbands motheran it her birthday Christmas or Mothers Dayl suggest this one It would the most meaningful thing you could give her Widow Who Knows PS have spent many afternoons and evenings alone with my daughtersin law but never with my sons gt Dear Mother think your suggestion is niftyand it doesnt cost dime Let hope your lctt er starts trend Dear Aim Your answer to the fellow who knew lot of straight students on campus who were trying bisexuality for kicks was right on target Id like to thank you and add amen Sister One night got bombed on beer and stoned on pot and went the other way with two other straights who were also bom bed and stoned We wanted to see what it was like When we SOllCICfl up several hours later we were all sick to our stomachs and couldnt look at each other It never would have happened had we been in our right minds We all agreed it was stupid nutty and something well be ashamed of for long time Thank you for having the courage to deal with problems of this kind Your advice is right on and you are performing moclrncexled scrvicc Shalom Fom olorudo llear Shalomlhanks for your kind words received precious few plaudits in response to that letter Most people who wrote misunderstotxl my answer Completely They acv cuscd me of being condemnalory vicious and mean to all homosexuals imaï¬gmheck Wine experts intimidating new class has been added to this country right up there with the polo players yacht owners spa seekers jet setters and women who can wear Diane Von Furstenberg wrap around without pin in the cleavage They are called wine experts and they intimidate everyone Ever since my husband read book on wines he has treated me like Eliza Doolittle with her hand caught in the gravy wish you wouldnt order wine at dinner anymore he said irritably until you have some command of the vocabulary dont know what you are talking about said What vocabulary got to do with drinking wine Everything he said You do not sit there with the whole table awaiting your assessment of the wine belt it down in one gulp pound the table and say Wowl Thisll put hair on your chest What would you have said would have said it was robust extremely complex but never pretentious Same thing It is not the same thing he said evenly Frankly think you could take lesson from Ethel and Eric Birdbeak Did you see the way Eric took the wine glass the other ni ht held it precisely 1112 inches from his nose swirled the ass ever so gently sniffed its aroma for exactly three seconds then touched his tongue to it and said It has heavy body good nose and lingering aftertaste Are you sure he was talking about the wine He just de scribed Ethel Then when Ethel lifted her glass she closed her eyes and like prayer coming from her lips she chanted Its an aromatic bouquet so young and quite fruity And she just described Eric All am saying is he said if you dont understand the terminology then dont order the wine suspect good wines are wasted on you anyway He shouldnt have challenged me like that At dinner last night served the wine from basket and was proper in pouring half finger into his wine glass for his discriminating taste waited He touched his tongue to it then proclaimed to the guests find this reminiscent of old Spanish ambience its so titillating to the senses What clarity and aroma What it he asked It was Kool Aid 1W7 PoIIys pointers Use old furs to line coats DEAR POLLY What can do with my old Persian lamb coat other than lining cloth coat or making coverlet do not want to kee it in cold storage any longer and would be lnterestedp in hearing what other readers may have done with old fur coats MRS OWH DEAR MRS OWH You seem to have two good Ideas of your own once had wool cape lined with the fur from coat and loved it Such coat would make one or two of those big floor pillows that are being used to doy am sure we will be hearing from others who have put such coats to good use POLLY DEAR POLLY Those Tshirts with rubber backed pic tures in front are hard to keep looking nice sol started soaking them in mild detergent and then hung them up to dry Keep ing them out of the washer and dryer certainly keeps the pic tures clear longer JOANN DEAR READERS Do be sure your pictures are color fast and will take to soaking am sure Joann just forgot to say that she rinsed them before hanging up POLLY DEAR POLLY To take care of all my embroidery floss put each color in an empty plastic pill container The little tab that tells the color number and brand is ut inside so it can be read without nlng the container All ese little bottles are ke in smal basket store my crochet hooks put small bit of cotton in the bottom of an old plastic toothbrush holder and then put the hooks inside The lid snaps on the top and they are in safe keeping NMB DEAR POLLY if wipe my grater with vegetable on before rating cheese the shreds do not stick so badly and it is so muc easier to clean Those mothers who use bar of soap near babys bedside for sin nin pins should keep the soap in the wrapper so it catc es al those annoying soap crumbs FLORENCE