Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1977, p. 6

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fIIIll rudlll ll AIvIIJJJJJAIIIP 13 rflvfilltllfll 11 tho examiner Tuesday July 20 1917 Ilb =III Ruth Hawkins looks over her souvenirs lifestyl Penny relaxes in When Penny Lane arrived in Barrie last January one of the first things she had to learn was how to walk on snow The 17 yearold is Rotary exchange student from Tasmania Australia and is spending the year in Barrie was bit dubious about the snow before came says Penny and it took me long time just to learn to walk on it did go ice skating last winter and learned how to cross eount ry ski Penny is spending her sum mer teaching swimming at the YMYWCA in the mornings and just relaxing Shell be atten ding Barrie Central Collegiate in the fall for Grade 13 Our education system is dif ferent in Australia says Penny We have matriculation col lege where you go after your four years of high school and before university You take on ly four courses for the year and you concentrate on one area Mine was science SEASONS DIFFERENT The seasons are different in Australia too In the winter it rains all the time the spring the rain slows down bit the Latest in Paris showings are summers are very hot and in the fall few of the leaves fall wanted to go where there was snow To Penny Canada is all she expected it to be love it says Pemiy Its such beautiful country and there is so much to see Shes been to Toronto few times Stratford and Niagara Falls Seeing Niagara Falls was really exciting had seen many pictures of it but seeing the real thing is quite dif ferent SPORTS Penny attended her first baseball game recently when she went to see Blue Jays game in Toronto In Australia in the summer cricket is the big sport In the winter its Australian Rules Football The game is just as rough as football but the ball is kicked instead of passed by the players and they use ball similar to ruggcr ball dont enjoy spectator sports prefer to play Penny Comes from city call ed Hobart which is the capital of Tasmania and has popula tion of 160000 Tasmania is an island southeast of Australia She lives about seven miles from the beach There arent very many lakes around Hoabart so my first time up on water skis was here The lakes around here are so beautiful really enjoyed waterskiing FIRST TRII This is Pennys first trip out side of Australia and she has learned lot iii the time shes been here Ive learned lot about peo ple and how to be more tolerant says Penny Ive teamed lot would never learn in school People are peo ple and youve go to team to ac cept them Ive also teamed lot about myself Now that Pennys taken the first step in travelling shed see more of the world Id like to go to China find it fascinating country from what Ive studied in scliOol Ive read so much about it Id like to see it for myself Pemiy has found few little differences in the culture here MORE JEANS Girls wear jeans more here Fashioned in Paris FROM LEFT evening gown in black shantuiig and bite Alpaca by Dniiiil chrct pur CHARLOTTETOWN CP What happens to le whose marriages dont en happily ever after Do the singles kick up their heels in their newfound free dom move in with new mate run home to mother And what happens to those with children In Prince Edward stand they can be helped by groups such as the One Parent Family Association the Protestant and Catholic Family Services Bu reau and numerous public or private clubs But some fail to take advan tage of the opportunities Part of the problem is the smallness of PEl said Jor dan Hill social services coun sellor People may not want other people to hear about their personal life They may be afraid confidences will turn in togossip Hill said in recent interview Rotay exchange student Ruth returns from Brazil By HOPE DEMPSE Examiner Staff Reporter For 18yearold Ruth Hawkins the past year was year shell never forget Ruth just returned from year as Rotary exchange stu dentin Bello Horizonte Brazil It was one of the most im portant times in my life and cant thank Rotary enough says Ruth But Ruthwasnt prepared for the culture shock she faced once down there Its completely different culture no way like ours You dont really realize youre going through culture shock at the time You just have to learn to accept things the way they arc ne of the things Ruth found difficult to understand was the attitude Brazilian girls have towards Women in soeiety We are much more advanc ed iii our thinking as to what we want ottt of life than they are lheir dream is to marry single girl dOWn there lives with her parents until she gets mar ried They were horrified when told them about friend of mine who had an apartment of her own They just dont understand our desire for in dependence BOYS DIFFERENT The boys on the other hand than at home and the music here is little different Disco music is becoming popular now in Australia wheras its been here for awhile The Beatles are very popular there and so are the Beach Boys Penny is living with Mr and Mrs Ken Bytes Rotarian family with three children She enjoys living with different families It good experience to see how different families live We have the occasional fight since theyve become like my own family its only natural but enjoy being part of family Penny enjoys participating in all kinds of sports She likes to read knit and occasionally sit down to the piano She used to play years ago and tries to remember her old songs every once in awhile think Ill pursue the sciences next year when return to Hobart says Penny Perhaps Ill Consider physiotherapy or even den tistry Theres great need for dentists in Australia And Ive even given some thought while in Canada about being jour nalist ple grecn and blue cashmere daytiinc otitfit Mila Sclioeii rcd silk suit and shawl by Pierre Cardin lclircts bodice and ti oustr ensemble with lcathcr hat llioto Life for single parent is difficult in PEl some people in times of crisis do not want to burden others or they may feel they wont be understood This is further complicated by friends and relatives FEELTIIREATIINED Friends may see the individ uals of the former partnership as threat to their own rela tionship Lawrence Scyner director of the Protestant Family Services Bureau said wellmeaning relatives can also do more harm than good They may press the couple to get back together Or they may take sides and place blame newly single person can be left with nowhere to turn Both men said single parents in crisis situation share be lief that their experience was unique This attitude heightens feelings of dcspondency and alienation anada are great fun to be with got along better with the boys there than the girls The girls have one thing on their minds and that is marriage wheras the boys make great friends did however make lot of friends down there Bello Horizonte is city in the middle of the state of Minas Gerais tthe state is north west of the state of Rio de Janero There are only two seasons there the wet winter and the dry summer read lot about Brazil before went says Ruth and knew it would get cold But didnt take any heavy sweaters with me and froze It does get very hot there being 20 degrees South of the equator but its dry heat and it didnt bother me as much as really hot days here do The city of Belle Horimnte has tvvo and half million peo ple Ruth says the average in come is about $100 month but the cost ofliving is high MUCH POVERTY There are few very wealthy people there more middle class but most of the people are considered poor and very poor Poverty and il literacy are the biggest pro blems their government faces There arent many govern ment subsidized schools therefore the people have to pay and tuition is very high We in Canada dont know the meaning of poverty savs Ruth Poverty there is not having anywhere to go no house clothes or food Poverty is begging in the streets There are always people sleeping in parks and on the steps of chur ches We in Canada are very lucky The city is also very dirty Ruth explained Throwing gar bage out the window is ex pected Ruth attended school while in Brazil for four months She studied the regular subjects down there and there was special class for the Rotary students to learn Portuguese There were 30 exchange students Ruth being the only Canadian The others were from the USA few from Anstrialia and one from South Africa ENJOYED MUSIC Ruth enjoyed lot of the Brazilian customs during her year away love Brazilian music Its much richer than Canadian music perhaps because the people down there are so ex pressive One thing loved was how open everyone down there is with their feelings Theyre not afraid to show they care for so meonc Girls walk around holding hands and when you come into room and greet peo ple you kiss them once on each cheek Its great One of the things Ruth lcarn ed while living in Brazil was to appreciate what free society we have in Canada Everything there is cen sored says Ruth They have military government and there are police everywhere The police play large part in the everyday life there Also songs that are written are censored and at 18 boys have to serve in the army for year just realized tiow IUcky am to have my freedom One day Ruth would like to go back to Brazil for visit dont know when Ill go back but it will be Someday But couldnt live there there are no opportunities for women Ruths family recently mov ed from Barrie to Ottawa so shell be returning to trade 13 there in the fall But as she goes back she takcs lot of fond memories of people and places Would like to bc diplomat with external affairs in the future think this experience as Canadian ambassador in foreign country was great ex perience Im hoping to go on government exchange program to Scandinavia next summer Penny Lane getting to know us Students should consider being summer volunteers Students still unemployed or with only parttime jobs this summer might do themselves favor by getting involved in volunt ecr work Thats the opinion of Nancy Draper director of the Canada Manpower entre for Student Mrs Draper said this week that feedback from older students has confirmed the value in experience of volunteer work It sure helps kids whove never been in the labor market before to get their foot in the d0or as well as helping them lot lot of kids who havent got jobs yet or have lot of tion can give an hour week and get some valuable experience Its important that these kids get some background in other areas so that when they graduate in todays eom petitive labor market they have something to fall back on Kids should start thinking about their futures bit Now is the time to try thcsv things out to see it theyre suited to various types of Work she said There are about 20 voluntccr groups and organizations on hc Male superiority belief makes control difficult MEXICO CITY Router In Mexico there is popular saying that women like rifles should always be kept loaded and in corner This sexist statement charac terizes the Mexican version of machismommale superiority in everything especially sexual mattersand underlines the difficulty of trying to control the count rys burgeoning popu lation Concerted government ef forts to curb population growth began in 1974 with the passage of law instituting family plan ning programs year later Congress passed con stitutional amendment declar ing the equality of men and women before the law Demographers say some progress has already been made in the govemments cam paign to cut population growth They estimate that in 1976 about 200000 live births were avoided thus lowering the birth rate to 405 from 45 per thou sand and the population growth rate to 32 from 35 per cent per annum However some social welfare agencies predict that Mexicos population will still rise to about 135 milli0n by the year 2000 from the present million This high population growth will have severe repercussions on Mexicos social and eco nomic development Investment must increase by 14 per cent annually and at least half million new jobs must be created each year it current living standards are to be maintained The pressure exerted by pop ulat ion growth can already be observed in education health housing and employment Re cent statistics show that about 40 per cent of all Mexicans are undernourished and less than half the adult males in towns have fulltimej0bs The government is even con sidering liberalizing its tough laws on abortion despite stiff opposition from religious groups Most politicians wary of the power of the Roman Catholic Church argue that the mere re duction of the countrys birth rate cannot be accepted as substitute for economic development entre For Students list But many more around town also require Volunteers The number of programs available is overwhelming The number of volunteers is disap pointing says Mrs Draper WIDIC RANth The range in volunteer work is considerable The Red Tross for example will need recep tionist during the middle weeks of August to replace person going on holidays The United Appeal is seeking two people to phone Barrie employers and compile list of businesses and the number of people hey employ Volunteers are being sought to assist at daycamp for adult mentally retarded Aug 8to 19 And the hopsit at can always use extra help Theres no money involved but the key is experience Were trying to stress ex perience lot of jobs re iiirc experience and the stu cnts have to get it somewhere says counsellor Laurie Rot inaii the contact person bet ween the students and the volunt ecr groups if an employer sees volunteer work on an applica tion he can recognize certain amount of dedicaton and in terest in the applicant since he or she did the job without get ting paid lhat experience may be the catalyst to getting good job next year Laurie notes that volunteer work is rarely demanding in terms of time You work it in to your schedule its teaming experience for the students who are put ting something iiito the com inunity as well adds Mrs Draper Those int crested in becoming involved in some of the many volunteer programs around the city are invited to visit them at the anada Manpower Centre for Students on Dunl op Street nn Lenders Bashful kidney causes problem Dear Aim Landers My problem is probably the dumbest one you have ever heard of but dont know who else to ask for help know should go to doctor and have physical but just cant The last time went the nurse asked me for urine specimen and was so nervous couldnt produce it She laughed at me and said it was the most ridiculous thing she ever heard of was embarrassed left the office an never went back That was few years ago Am the only person in the world with this crazy hangup Please Ann help me Also From Iowa Dear Iowa No your problem is called bashful kidney The solution is simple Go for your checkup and ask for ecimen bottle You can comply with the nurses request in the privacy of your home and bring it to the doctors office the next day Dear Ann Landers Just figure of speechyou are NOT dear to me As second wife am plenty burned up over your advice to the bride who didnt know what to do about her fathers number two mate You said If your stepmother is as terrific as you say she will have the grace and common sense to stay away from your prenuptial din ner and the wedding knowing how your mother would feel about her presence My husbands first wife is tricky number She would still like to have him back although she doesnt have the chance of snowball in hell Wherever my husband goes goand that includes the weddings of his children If am not wel come he ought to stay away too wife should come first in her husbands life and this means ahead of everybodyand everything hope you have come to your senses or sobered up after that rotten answer will look for retraction Becn Through Enough Dear Enough Dont stand on one foot waiting for retraction MEANT what Isaid If you are so insecure that you cant let your husband at tend his daughters wedding without you for fear his ex might get him back your marriage is in pretty sad shape Moreover father who would refuse to attend his daughters wedding because his second wife isnt welcome is pretty poor excuse for man Dear Ann Landers Recently you ran letter in your column signed Very Lonely It was written by an unhappy dad His 20yearold daughter was unfriendlyhardly ever spoke to him He was expressing his mrrow Your reply didnt help much You told him it was too bad he didnt give her feeling of closeness when she was younger that the time to build relationships with children is when they are young Dont you realize the father was asking what he should do NOW He cant turn the clock back and undo his mistakes Why didnt you offer some suggestions on how he might im prove the situation Maybe if he told his daughter how he feelsor even showed her that column it might help some You flubbed the dub on that one Also Very Lonely But Trying Dear Also You are right Your advice is better than mine hope that father sees it1hanks tor hauling me up short because had it coming Erma Bombegk How to travel with children Every year there is childless writer who will set down suggestions on how to travel with children and have won derful time They paint picture of serenity the childrens little noses pressed to the windows waving to cows Mother point ing out national monuments and Daddy leading the entire group in moving rendition of Youll Never Walk Alone The latest article to come across my desk is one of the best yet Put pillows snacks change of clothes and some of the childrens favorite toys inside the car where they can be easily reached Plan for rest stops about every two hours and if possible take brief walk on these stops Once back on the road talk about what they saw and did during each stop Use your imagination for other kinds of entertainment Play guessing games and sing songs Doesnt that make you want to go right out and buy child for your next trip Well friends youre not talking to an amateur today have travelled with children for the last 20 years been in three rest homes five encounter groups written 15 letters to Date Evans asking for spiritual guidance and was in pnalysis two years after once admitted to abandoning 10 yearold in roadSide gift shop have few suggestions of my own The pillow is great idea The first one who whines Make him stop looking at me gets it right over the face As for commercial games and toys forget em Children usually like to make up their own Theres Name That Thud With her head turned toward the nodraft Mom has to guess what is making Robbie cry out in pain Theres Window Roulette where all the bodies in the back seat are airborne trying to get seat by the two windows Other cars will often slow down to watch this one personally like Statue takeoff on the old summer game where Mom reaches over the back seat gives each thump and no matter what position they land in they must remain that way for the next 200 miles If you encourage child to share with you his observations of the last pit stop be prepared to hear language from restroom wall that will make your radiator boil over Throughout the years have discovered there is only one way to thoroughly enjoy your travels with children When youre overkidsed travel under sedation Pollys pointers Try hair spray on pen stains DEAR POLLY How can remove blue pen mark froman ivory washable wool sweater Will washing remove this mark that is on the front and very noticeable MRS BF DEAR MRS EF If the stain is from ballpoint pen you might spray with hair spray let it dry and then launder Some permanent Inks cannot be removed Run cold water through the stain until no more color runs out and then rub in lemon juice and detergent leave for few minutes and then launder If none of these work spread pasrc of baking soda and peroxide on it and hold over steaming tea kettle Wool can also be sponged with mixture of one part rubbing alcohol and two parts water always wash wool sweaters with that detergent made for washing wool in cold water POLLY DEAR POLLY My favorite moneysaving Pointer is to save the water lett after boiling potatoes to cleaning the coppei bottoms of my pans Dip the bottom in the water rinse and Wipe dry Do this often and you Will not have to scrub them AREGINA DEAR POLLY The grocery store where shop has special parking places for handicapped people and when see an ablebodied person park in one of these spaces it drives me up the wall The people who do this are not very considerate so heres hoping that this w1lt reach even few of those guilty of this and they will stop it Thank you for letting me sound off with my Pet leeve VIAC DEAR POLLY My Pointer is for those who wear glasses and prescription sun glasses Recently misplaced my regular glass case and was in hurry to keep an appointment so used one of my fluffy little nylon footlets The elastic top kept my glasses better in my purse than my regular case The footlet is also good for wiping smudges from ones glasses and while one is in the wash the other one can be used MRS DEAR POLLY When using liquid stain removers used to end up putting more on than was needed do put some stain remover in clean empty old rollon deodorant bottle When we need to use some we just roll little on the stain and it works great CP ii

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