Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1977, p. 4

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NEWSROOM ADVERTmiuc ausmsss Published daitycxcept The Examiner 15amemberolYneCanadianPreuCP GMAW aunauoicgrcula Dave Hecsnaw managing editor Len Sevick manager Marian Cough accountant Sunday and trons ABC Only the Canadian Press may re mbtish news stories in this newspaw Sean Finlay city editor SALESMEN Betty Armer statutory holidays credited to CP The Assocalert Press Reuters or Agence France Press and local gt Randy McDonald sports editor Dan Gaynor Dorothy Bowiand Subscriptions news stories published in The Examiner Bin Currancounty editor Ly Johnson Gail McFarland WE EKLV by carrier The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material II rl wr MC need or reateubvitsemployeesandpublisheoinlhsnewspaper Roll raiker photographe Vikki Grant 90cents EARLY by carrier Barb Boulton serving barrio and slrncoe county Dana Graham Tuesday July 23 1917 John Zarecky M6 80 COOVHDM registration number 20315 register at RTE RS Publishea oy Canadian Newspapers Company Limited foingm EIRgUIfATION M1 80 National adverbsno ottices as Queen St Toronto sumo uo Cathcart st on er manager Montreal 16 Ba it tr Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Paul Deiean CLASSIFIED SIMCOE coumv 99 Rimard Dunstan Rum Blais supervisc azudRierlzms asst manager 336 so the save tisei agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out Pat Guergis Lesley Young Jud Hick MOTOR THROW OFF of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied EIO AQOSilfi Puthher P335205 Freda Shinner Lapiarm LSEWREDEYIEANADA by that portion ot the advertisement in which the error occurred whether wen error at overn Karen Atkinson Eane pone is due to the negligence of its servants or otherWise and there shall be no liability tor on flcuuflou ADVEHISG fins Bus R°e PKWY Cmp Mara Scartt 38 50 Veer 00 Sertlon at any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement 7266537 1266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 Upkeep of roads credit to county An important phase of Simcoe County council ad ministration is its roads department which is responsible for upkeep of over 350 miles of betterclass secondary highways The committee headed by Reeve Ken Knox of Elmvale is currently in the midst of particularly busy year with considerably new construction and resurfacing as well as maintenance Some of the construction includes work on County Road 29 from highway 92 south for nearly four miles Road 13 from Lisle south on Road and also the Grey County boundary road In addition there is new pavement and resurfacing on County Road 10 north and south of Tottenham resurfac ing on Road 42 from Stayner south and also on Roads 45 and 21 Estimated cost of construction projects including ur ban rebates has been placed at $1375000 which is con siderable part of the overall years budget of $2863000 Many tourists travel these roads during the summer while county residents use these routes the year round The good winter service is snow removal has been fre quently commended It is steady task which often presents problems during winter snow storms but the staff has been able meet the challenges for which it deserves due credit Reeve Know and members of his committee have made necessary inspection trips to keep up with the pro gress of the work in support of the county engineer Leighton Clarke Warden Allan Glassford who is reeve of Tecumseth and former warden Lloyd Pridham head of Sunnidale township council are members of the roads committee along with Reeve Johnn Fennell of West Gwillimbury Reeve Peter Keams of Adjala and Reeve Arthur Stewart of Penetanguishene Next to provincial highways these county roads follow key routes which play an important role in the develop ment of the area The provincial government through its ministry of tranSportation and communications shares in the budget costs with the county This means tht approximately half the upkeep of these roads is paid from property taxation with the remainder coming from provincial revenues such as the gasoline tax from motorists Fashions of more than 60 years ago arc shown in this photograph of young minstrcl group rcaily to prcscnt varicty show at Barrie Opcra House in 1910 Braided hair button shoes and ribbons in bows were then popular for girls The boys in white with colorcd ties wore hard collars By VINCENT EGAN Busincss and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Scrviic Midsummer may not seem the tnost ob vious tithe for taxplanning chore that many of us bcgin to think about Doc 30 The 1977 incometax rctum lhitl you will fill out next spring howcvcr will contain some significant changes affecting personal in vestment arising out of thc March 31 federal budget Advance planning can yield sonic wor thwhile tax benefits latcr Here are some kcy points cited by Geoffrey Coilcy an tawa partner in the chartcrcd acaiuniancy firm of Touchc Ross and Co writing in CA Magazine The rules relating to Registered Home Wnership Savings Plans iRllOSl are bcing tightened to eliminate their misuse as tax shelter by people who arent saving to buy home Until now you could put taxfrce savings in to your RIIOSP and withdraw thc moncy later without attracting any tax to spcnd it on home furnishings ifumiiurc floor coverings draperies maybc cvcn piano Furnishings wont be eligiblc for the tax exemption after Dec 31 1977 Other changes effective March 31 1977 have further reduced the RHOSI lax advan tage But Colley points out that an cxisting RHOSP remains good tax shelter iif you dont need the money Interest continues to New tax rules alter strategy accumulate taxfree and at worst the funds will only become taxablc upon withdrawal sometime in the fut urc EXEMPT INCOME Thc scope of the exemption of up to$1000 of invest ment income has been considerably broadened Now it includcs taxable gains realized on Canadian securities an overdue change since the government decided in 1971 to define capital gains as income It would be useful therefore to calculate your an ticipated 1977 investment income and ascer tain whctcr any capital gains will be needed to fill out the $1000 and take full advantage of this years cxcmption Remember that any unused part of the exemption cannot be carried over to later date nor are you permitted to use it up by an ticipating incomesuch as next years in terest on Canada Savings Bonds And dont forget that married taxpayers can claim $1000 each Starting in 1977 investment income qualifying for this exemption may no longer be reduced by any related interest expense Lets say that you borrow $10000 on your life insurance policy at six per cent interest $600 year to invest in 10 per cent Guarantecd Investment Certificatc Previously you would have had to use up only $400 of the in vestmentincome exemption $1000 interest received on the GIC less $600 interest paid out to the insurance mmpany but in future there will be no offsctting dcduction on such loans But ALL my clients are English Parliament hill By STEWART MacIEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson Niws ScrviCc Perhaps Quebec Premier ltcnc chcsquc is right There is form of summer madness in the air The premier of course applies it to his critics But if you look in other parts of the world there are signs of the same symptoms Perhaps the recent heat wavc is partially responsible In diagnosing the problem chcsquc referred to his Liberal opposition critics who were suffering from the illness because they were deliberately trying to embarrass ihc government They were he said throwing out banana peels in hopes that the govern ment would slip Great Heavens how indclicatc of thcm Then after his government pulled off one of the greatest procedural bungling jobs in his tory the premier lct fly at the press for paying too much attcntion 10 the comedy of controversy surrounding thosc two langungc bills The press may bc to blame for many of our illsw the Canadian lutdioflclcvision ommis sion even suggests wc arc subvcrsives but the temperature must have bcen prctty hot before Levesque would suggcst the mcdia fhe world today By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Scrvicc Titty El Salvador tucked bclwccn lion duras and Guatemala in Central America is the exact microcosm of all thc problcms economic political and social which bcsci Latin America today vcrpopulzition grcat disparity of wcallh tough urban gucrrilla movcmcnt rcliuncc on staplc crop and oncc conscrvnlivc church in opposition with tho status quo urc all found in this tiny country What has kept it in the ncws this spring and we want your opinion Something on your mind Send us letter to the editor Please make it an original copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters although pen name will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we wont print your address should you prefer Weve found that short letters arc the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays Send yours 10 Letters to the editor The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont 14M 4T6 contributed to his governments legislative bungling But thcsc arc only minor cxamplcs of what happcns when politicians insist on Working in to thc dogdays of summer In Inshington whcrc it has bccn cvcn hotlcr than in Ottawa was rcading about some Senator praising this marvellous niw ncutron bomb which can kill cvcryonc wit hout damaging buildings Thats what call 21 real breakthrough Evcn though the bomb causes slow lingcring dcaths its nice to know that it wont dzimugc the air condit ioncrs But closcr to homc there was this litllc strike at an Ottawa postal tcrminzil which in tcrfcrrcd with my flow of information today had bccn cxpiecting plain brown cnvclopc containing the massive burcaucratic proccdurcs that must bc followed in naming fcdcrni buildings Appzirintly its rather amusing and wzts looking forward lit reading the manual But mcmbcrs of the Canadian Union of Postal Workcrs wzilkcd off the job boforc thc cnvolopc arrived And press relciSc said thc action was taken in rcsponsc tothc in creasing hcalth hazard prcscntcd by the ill lcnSc boat in which thty were expected to perform their duiics and becausc thc post offico was hiring casual labor summcr arc kidnappings of loading busincss men and thc foreign minister and thc threat by rightwing tcrrorisl group to kill workcr pricsts Thc llliilll terrorism and the changing at titudc of the church rclutc ditcctly to thc chungclcss social patterns of El Salvador in which loss than 10 per cent of thc population itllllillitlt its rich coffcc busincss and 1ch in luxury lltlllltS in Sun Salvador thc capital city Urban tcrroristn has bccn so bad in this small republic that thc annual mccting of tlic InterAmerican Bank last May 31 was moved to luatcmalu becausc ot fcars sonic of tlic lending Lot in Amcricans in attcndancc would facc dcath or kidnapping throats ncw terrorist outfit calling llsclf llic Wllitc Warriors Union has given it workcr priests many Amcricun its wcll as Stil Vitditltittl only days to ceasc lhcir work among the urban and country poor or fucc execution KILLER ilttllil Whitc Warriors by lhc Wily is not racial connotation but political one Whitc refers to the purity it totally misplaced of those who are antiRcd and of course Red to unyonc trying to change the old Syst cm itlld that includes worker priest 0VIpulillln of 42 tnillion pcoplc in this Country of no morc than 8200 square miles is the worst in Latin America Thats 500 jam mcd into every squurc mile in the smallest country on the mainland of the Western Hemisphere At no same time El Salvador is one of thc LAW AA Rene sees summer madness affecting Liberal critics the air Conditioning it seems has been virtually disfunctional And so far as the casual labor is conccrncd the prcss releasc noted that the post officc did not call regular cmployecs in for overtime although the mail was piling up ldont want to bc picky here but ifthc heat is so intolerable dont see why anyone would want to work ovcrt itnc HEAT ILOCKING Oh yes just noticed this frontpage headline in Montreal newspaper English Qucbcccrs flocking to French courses About it month ago noticed another headline in Montreal newspaper English Qucbcckcrs flocking to Ontario Pcrhups its just the heat that makes us flack lot And in the midst of all the heat Treasury Board has produced new list of meal allow anccs for Canadian officials travelling abroad Thc list covers only major cities of the world usually the capitalsbut this time the Frcnch towns of BeaumontHamel and Vimy arc includcd Also the Holy Sec has separate listing from Rome And if you are visiting the Holy See your daily meal allowance is 11800 liras whilc visitors to Rome are allowed 20000 lira Tiny El Salvador reflects problems of Latin America worlds largest coffce producers at one time the third largest and now the third largest in Lat in America aftcr Brazil and Colombia offec priccs are high these days Yet the benefits from them do not filter down from the big plantation owners and government of ficiuls to coffee pickers and indentured farm laborcrs This is the samc old problem of Latin Amcricn acccnt uated here in microcosm and bccnusc hit 10 is being done to change it ltcccnt chanch in the presidency have in cluded thc same brass ring passed around he twccn clccted civilian and military leaders also common in thc rest of Latin America And yet El Salvador is not plagued with the scvcrc racial strains also prevalent through out thc Amcricas It has largely Spanish population madc up of wealthy and poor Spanish immigrants who flocked to what is lovely land with moderate temperature for cntrul Amcrica to find new careers Thc phcnomenon most obvious here as in lthe rest of Latin America is the changing role of the Roman Catholic Church from one of historic support for the status quo to up position to it The trend has grown since 1969 when Colombian pricst Fathcr Jose Camila Torres martyr of thc guerrilla movement which he joined and where he was killed rat hcr than by his church This May El Salvadors scvcn Catholic bishops issued joint statement strongly criticizing their countrys govcmment for op pressing its people and doing little about social excesses Leadership in limelight By DON IIEARN Queens Park Bunan Thomson News Scrt lcc lOltthltt Leadership should be much on our minds for the next while First of all of coursc bccziusc the Nlll is heading into its convention this wintcr lhcn bccausc of the results of thc election lhcn will be some qucsliun of how long lrcmicr Davis will hang around as head of the Pts lhcy arc leadership lays Which seems like good time to take bit of look at leadership what it involves and what some of the consequences are For example there is common belief that leadership is principally popularity contest And some of those talking about running for the NDP honor obviously believe this is so misguided belief that they are popular is the only apparent reason they could think of getting in Popularity obviously has somr bearinga man couldnt win convention if he were de tested But there are other much more important factors The first of these would be can man win with the public hat most delegates at convention are first lOoking for is winner Then does man have respect Particularly docs he impress with his thinking Does he have stature BIG PRICE One thing you can ask yourself is why would anyone want the job First of all it is essentially lonely job Through necessity the number of close friends leader can have is very limited He has to be pretty much of loner remember Mackenzie King Physically and mentally it is very exhausting life And boringunless you happen to be one who favors the rubber chicken circuit And it can be relatively unrewarding while subject to criticism for practically everything one does Of course at the end there can be footnote in history But It can be big price for few words in the history books Canada story Shipping aid to railway By BOB BOWMAN One of the smartest moves ever made by the CPR was to add shipping services to their railway There was severe depression in North America in the 18905 and many United railways went bankrupt but the CPR did well thanks to the business supplied by its Atlantic and Pacific shipping Regular railway service between Montreal and Port Moody BC began in 1886 and that same year the CPR ordered seven sailing ships for transPacific trade The first to arrive at Port Moody was the 800ton barque Flint on July as 1886 only three weeks after transcontinental railway service began The Flint unloaded more than one million pounds of tea which was consigned to cities in Canada the US and Europe The Pacific shipping service led to the railway being extended from Port Moody to Vancouver and the development of what is now Canadas fourth largest city and world famous seaport Silk from the Orient also provided valuable freight Many readers will remember the CPR silk trains that raced across the con tinent They were given priority over passenger trains CPR Atlantic service began in 1903 when the company bought the Canadian interests of the Elder Dempster line The first ships were the Lake Champlain Lake Erie and Lake Manitoba which began operating in 1904 It became possible to transport mail from Britain to Hong Kong in 29 ays The CPR also advertised tours around the world in 80 days for $600 OTHER JULY 26 EVENTS lostIroquois attacked Jeanne Mance hospital at Montreal ismPrices of commodities were can trolled HSTMontcalm defeated British at Lake George USSBritish force captured Louisbourg Cape Breton Acadians were expelled from Prince Edward Island 1921US President Harding visited Van couver the first president to visit Canada during his term of office IsisJewish Infantry Company was for med in Montreal for overseas service mittsLate Duke of Windsor unveiled Vimy Memorial to Canadians RisaKorean War ended bible thought even am he that blotteth out thy tram ggresslons for mine own sake andwlll not remember thy sins Isaiah 6125 Why do we insist on remem what God has forgotten If you have asked to forgive you in Jesus name He has

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