the examiner Saturday July 23 1977 11 ataglanoe Fueraising efforts by the Barrie and District Luited Appeal will have more appeal than chr thanks to the musical talettlsof two local girls Mary lean Crawford with guitar and Patti Schram who are gaining considerable local recognition for tlteir music have recorded new theme song Its You and Its Me to be uSed when the appeal Iiegiiis itss new season in October Songwriter llorian lavlik studios Examiner Photo lr listens in on recording session held at the Kllli The doctor says Peripheral neuropathy By LC THOSTESON Ml Dear Dr Thosteson We would like your thoughts on what our physician has diag nosed as peripheral neuropathy in my husband We wonder in How the disease is contracted What the treatment is and What the future is with it He has had it for six months and so far has no relief His hands and feet are affected MrsJF Neuropathy newROPP athy is condition involving nerves that lie outside peripheral to the brain and spinal cord You can see from this description it is pretty general term Damage to the nervous system has many causes and specific one is always difficult to pinpoint In about half of the patients with this good explanation is never found Metabolic disorders such as diabetes and thyroid problems head the list of causes in adults In others deficiency of one of the vitamins may be in volved Also many heavy met als arsenic lead mercury copper and bismuth can cause such nerve damage Add to this list certain drugs an example being Isoniazid used in tu berculosis therapy Neuropathy may be associated with certain infectionsrvdiphtheria Boecks sarcoid or infectious mononu cleosis for examples Chronic alcoholism is common cause From this you can un derstand why its difficult to find definite cause Treatment other than treat ing the specific cause is with vitamin supplements The fu ture in given case depends on finding and treating the basic cause In such cases prognosis is excellent for recovery You need some detective work neurologist might help Dear Dr Thosteson Will you discuss the advantages of distilled waterlIt Check out suit NORTH A75 VKQ643 0964 KJ7 WEST EAST Advantages for what Im told one should use it for car batteries Most of the impu rities in regular water are val uable minerals know of no specific advantages of distilled water for ordinary health pur poses much less for diseases such as arthritis cataracts etc for which claims are made by some There can be ex ceptions For example if water is high in one of the minerals such as calcium one might have to use calciumfree wa ter to avoid stone formation Ordinarily the body can handle the minute amounts of minerals in most water Dear Dr Thosteson Ijust learned that the cancer drug Laetrile is made from apricot kernels Some people know are eating apricot kernels to cure their arthritis Can you give me your opinion about thisMrs lW Goodness sakes Theres enough controversy about the effectiveness of this substance with regard to cancer Lets not confuse things further by as cribing arthritis cure powers to it know of no medically sub stantiated cure for either can cer or arthritis with Laetrile It is the widest kind of irrespons ibility to suggest that single substance is cure for two such different diseases Dear Dr Thosteson Is coated tongue significant have heard it is and that it iSiitilrs It is not necessarily signifi cant When doctor uses depressor to investigate he is more concerned with the throat and tonsils Grandma used to say stick out your tongue and proceed with her dagnosis The condition of the tongue itself may reflect such factors as anemia vitamin deficiency how recently one has eaten what one has eaten and the kind of tongue surface person has but usually little else control king opposite partner who is taking you to game You dont have enough to want to go past game but you sure want to find way to tell your partner about slam interest South can take the ace of AstroG raph Bernice Bede Osol July 24 1977 This ciming year youre likely to find you sell involved with new group sorially You will establish friendships With several very in fluential people LEO July 23Aug22 With friends you are hail fellow well met today but certain fami Iy members may not see you in the same light Be as nifty in home as outside VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Con ditions are far more favorable for you today than you choose to believe Your critical faculties tend to accentuate negatives LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 In social Situations today keep everything on purely fun baSIS Its not good day to talk deals with persons you hobnob With SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 There is possibility that today you may try to take sole credit for something you only had small hand in Give praise where its due SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Do nothing today thats opposed to your better iudgment even if y0u think you can out away with STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $1 00 Free estimates Callus now at Whitfield Winthrop OlW7DyNEAUcYM Reg US Pll 0ft OFFICE OUTFITTERS 737020l SAY YER IMPROVIN it More than likely you wont CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Placmg your hopes in others to day could lead to disappoint merit They wont perform up to your standards AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Ambitious protects launched With individuals less serious than yourself have small chance of succeeding today Select team mates Wisely PISCES Feb 20March 20 You handle yourself extremely well today when not confromed by Challenge If the 90mg gets tough youre apt to let down ARIES March 21April 19 One who treats you generoust today BARRIE PLAZA MV NEIGHEOR MR VENTRICLE HOW may have ulterior motives Be wary of accepting gifts that have strings attached TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 Be equally as willing to share today as you are to take Hard feelings Will result if others think youre concerned only with yourself GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Your disposition is likely to be cheery today as long as no one infringes upon your independence If they do smiles become shadows CANCER June 21July 20 Youre reasonably lucky today in matters that could lead to per sonal acqmsvtion Speculate beyond your limits and your bubble Will burst NOW KNOW HOW THE BOY AT THE DltltE FELT or COURSE THATS ONLV Mv OPlNlON Cr Nilmwanevtilns int ¢J984 VB OKJ832 41063 9J109752 OAQlO clubs out of his hand and still have proper onespade So when North 77r HOW BOUT These girls were members of the Essa Township Day Camp which as helil lark tittiictllrii Ime ltawn explains to the group how to make maganie pictures and glue From left Margare and Judy iiraham tlaminer lhoto at the Angus heads using strips of tMcCIoutl iiidy Slockum Marie lloimcy 1982 SOUTH 10 NorthSouth vulnerable West North East South 14 25 54 Pass Pass 34 Pass Pass Pass Pass Opeï¬ng lead 39 Pass 1v By Oswald James dacoby One of the most important parts of slam bidding is the slam invitation If you can in vite slam without going past game and then stop at game you are far better off than the man who gets into the twilight zone between game and slam and then winds up down one at fiveheart or fivespade con tract The aceking rule comes in mighty handy here You find yourself with an extra ace or response jumps to three spades South shows his slam interest by bidding four clubs With no slam interest he would just bid four spades North likes his hand and proceeds to show his like for it by his fourdiamond call Again with no slam interest he would simply go to four spades New South looks at his three little hearts and decides that he has gone far enough He does bid four spades The bad trump break makes five spades an impossible con tract In fact South must play very carefully to make four Ashtihem Several readers have asked us what we think of the Gerber fourclub convention We use it as an adjunct to Blackwood but know that it is inferior when used as your only ace asking bid daily crossword Release in Papers of Saturday July 23 Do You WT MUCH FAthl THE THEORV THAT PAUNCHY exponewer ours WITH GLASSES TURN cure CHICK5 on Frank and Ernest lVE HEARD THKTBANT6RED AROUND 8ft ï¬wEETTE TQADNG ME TH BALL F02 You ACROSS 37 Put in Answer to Previous Puzzle ME servnude wMfa CORJURCIIOD 39 Docks pl 40 Foxy Cigarette end 41 Domestic ME Energy animal 12 To be Fr Greek deity i3 Sicrlian 42 Swine I5 WHEN volcano Vegetable 14 Eisenhowers EleClrCalY nickname Chafged Dan 15 Strike Transportation Secretary repeatedw 50 Spy employed Brock Adams says auto 15 Food by police makers must imprm 17 Church bench 52 Smart gasoline efficiency in their 18 Extrasensory 53 68 ene cars mil am percepnon 54 ngnsylvania Ears of fringe 32 Covey each ear through the mid abbf 55 met 35 Nonsense am 10 Squeezed out Illtllls ongrcss has man Speed 56 swm almah 36 Small amount hutch seats llatcd gas consumption mggswe abbr 19 Mlgm 38 Landing boat standard by llxi of 275 miles 20 Saowg 57 SW99 Graduate of 39 Wooden nail per gallon tlams says the 22 Vegmabes potatoes Annapohs 41 Peak slallllaldh Wild When imagination wings it the result can be unexpected 24 Enclosure 58 Fewer abbr 99me chicvable llll presently such as the works of sculptor Tum mm display 25 Roman DOWN 73 Compass FVE Orange kmm lllllllltlfll Enter ville all llllCilS of World War aircraft mounted SChOIa 90 on posts iii San Fracisco Ba feature legs as landing gear 27 Temperatue NIXON Dal 24 Keysone 43 Demmem lloare designs restaurants as well as these unique pun In scale Rebozo all tabbfl 44 One part machine sculptures 31 one 69 Amerlcan 25 Hawaan 45 Stuffv 32 Hot dog lndmns goddess 46 Whlmper how Paraphernalia 26 K9 beaSIS 47 33 Compass Put 27 Heat 99 9° paint Toots 28 Small island 48 A3 de Tittlbe Beehive State 29 Addict Ameman 35 Swiss capital Exploswe 30 Makes mountain 36 Sounded horn abbr garments 52 Barrel abbr ME GIRLFRIEND SEEMS RATHER DISTANT THESE DAYS ANDY AVE FEELIN THAT QHE MIGHT BE TWOTlMlN ME LOOK CHALKE YOUR BEST FRIEND Ya COULD SHOWA BITOFINTEREST IN ME TROUBLE5 so omv ILL sroP saw 52 Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service ID NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Rafts of Rafts assemble on Georgias liattahoixliee River for what was lllllld as lllt Souths largest party the Ninth Annual Rambling Raft Itace An estimated Jtltltlllll rafters particpated in or viewed the event on Slitmile stretch of the river near tlaiita