Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1977, p. 4

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VvJ theoeXaminer serving barrie and simcoe county NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy Mc Donald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Roll Kraiker photographer ADVERTISING Len Sevlck manager SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyall Johnson BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowtand Gall Mc Parland Vikki Grant Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions WE EKLY by carrier Barb Boutton 90cents 05 Graham YEARLY by carrier John Zarecky $4680 cunCULAnon BY Mafiagare National advertising ottices 65 Queen St Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart st Jon Butler manager Montreal TY David Jenkinsasst manager SIMCOE COUN $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out J38 Ziggy MOTOR THROWOFF of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied Laplame $398 Year by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error Em For ELSEWHERE CANAD is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor Mam scam 53350 Year noninsertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Thursday July 21 1977 Copyright registration number 2038B register at Published by CdnadianNewspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 POR TE RS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routtitte CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supervisor Lesley Young Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson PGQOY Chapetl Elia Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 ClASSIEIEDS 72824 BUSINESS 7266537 cuicuutioii 7266539 Democracy needs press liberty in this changing era when there is so much discussion about protecting freedom and individual rights it is only to bc cxpccted the question of democratic responsibility should frequently come up It was back in the 18th century when Edmund Burke said during one of his many stirring speeches in the British House The price of liberty is eternal vigilance Perhaps attention also should be drawn to another of this notcd Parliamentarians famous quotes In this Parliament there are three estates the Lords spiritual the Lords tcmperal and the Commons but in the rcportcrs gallery yondcr there is Fourt Estate morc important by far then all For those who believe that the principles of freedom should bc constantly reaffirmed modern Tanadian statcsman before he entered politics once wrote Democracy is superior to other political systems becausc it Solicits thc cxpiess agreement of the people and thus avoids the ncccssity of violent change In his book Approachcs to Politics Pierre Elliott Trudeau also wrotc it is intoleratc that one man should claim to know better than the majority what social and political order is good for thcm if it is to establish an order which citizens will agrce to support the state must go further than mcrcly investigating their needs it must chouragc them to demand what thcy consider just in this way democracy becomes system in which all citizens participatc in government Another quotation from thc book says Democracy is thc only form ofgovernmcnt that fully respects the digni ty of man becuusc it alonc is based on tho belicf that all men can bc madc fit to participate dircctly or indirectly in thc guidance of the society of which they are mcmbeis Other quotations include The people are frec and can be ruled only so far as they agrec to obey Thc true statesman is not one who givcs orders to his fellow citizcns so much as hc is one who devotcs himsclf to their service And thc Ontario chartcr of principlcs citcd by Premier Davis before the last provincial election said Real frcedom can be achicved and maintained only when government is prcpared to limit its own growth power and costs It should bc constantly remembered that an important part of that freedom is the peoples right to know which makes libcrfy of thc mcdia chential This libcrfy was not won in Canada any morc than in Britain without scvere struggles and pcrsonal suffering as every history student knows down memory lane Ill YEARS AGO IN BARRIE From the Examiner July 21 1967 tandidatc for leadership of thc fcdcral lrogrcssivc Conscrvative Iurty George Hess visited Barrie where he was grectcd by party sup porters ln calling for action to most Canadas cxport tradc hc prcdicted drop in sales orders and hiin unemployment if this is ncglectcd Construction of power projects across Ontario will resumc as quick ly us possiblc statcd George athcrcolc Hydro chairman following the signing of an agrce ment with thc Allied ConstrUction ouncil Hydros $5tltlftlllfltltt Con struction plans for thc provinCc had been held up by an ilwcek strike Rccvc Louis Monkman of Cookstown announccd thc village tax rate was kept to the previous ycars lcycl by his council Wardcn of Simcoc County icorgc MacKay of Oro township prcsided at mecting at which pro posed cxtcnsion of terms from one to two years for thc municipal coun cil was discussed lIxccssvii rain had seriously affectcd crops in Sim coc tounty areas Thornton arch tarmcr said hc couldnt recall whcn there had botn so much rain in Juni and early July Devilopmcnt of beach artas lit lzirric was ad lly VINCENT lItiAN Itusiiicss ind onsiinicr IIilllS Analyst llioinson Niws Scry ici Rcmcmbcr whin succcss in thc tttltl tisiin businch dcpcndid upon crciitiVit Ill Iti alioniiiiiigination Today youd hith to add inothir qualification cxpcrt isc in thc law Thc growth of consumerism tllltl thi current growth of antibusincss inilitancy hivc pcrsuadcd govcrnmcnis to pilc rcgulation upon rcgulatioii in tlic advcrtising iiiiii lorc than too statutes apply to advcrtisiiig in Canada says If Turner lr picsiifcni of MacLaren Advcrtising Ltd nnadas largest iigcncy Advcrtisers and thcir iginciis arc cs pectcd to do busmcss on daily basis fully aware of the nuances of all thcsi slitltitcs lurner points out Maclmren recently mudc public ltVICVt of federal and provincial stiiiutis and regulations that affect advertising which it had commissioned Rate Eagle loronio vocated by Ald Fer Smith of Bar ric city council and othcrs re quest was made by Sunnidalc c0un cil to the Ontario department of highways to make sideroad and to known as thc Klondike lark road into dcvelopment road nativc of the Vascy area of Simcoe ounty Keith Waplcs was Canadas loading sulky race drivcr with ncar iy 200 wins So far during the 1967 season Plans for reconstruc tion project on Bradford street in Barrie were delayed until after the summer tourist trade season It was cstimatcd the project would cost 3309937 with 75 per cent to be paid by the Ontario department of highways an Essa township building permit was issued to cover Construction of building in the con tral shopping plaza to house govcrnmcnt liquor store and brcwcrs rctail outlct vote was held two ycars previously approv ing thcsc projccts ADVERllSlCMENTS The Roxy Theatre prcscntcd Doris Day and Richard Harris in film entitl cd apricc At thc lluronia Drive lii thcatrc the main feature was called Riot on Sunsct Strip while thc lmpcrial prcsented Shirlcy MaiLainc and lctcr Scllcrs in To Sir With Lovc Advertising legal iungle lil tl illtlllllj nitdin and coinmu fill iitioiis law to compiic for thctigcncy In his rcport iiit itIid lhc Itcgulufion of Ad vcrtising iiid Maikifiiig Ill aiisida thc on till iiotis good tltitl of ovciiapping in lcgislntioii iiid pimisioii foi scvircpciiiiltics whcn idwrti IIIL rcpi cscntat ions arc ilccmcd tobcfnlsciiiidniisicziding iivcn thc compctitchIiiss of todays markct systciii tliltI thc pciicliziiit of burcaiicrats to wulif poutr its to bc cx pcctcd that moii laws rathcr than fcwci wdl bi ipplicil to achrtisiiig ilh lllllt gtKsliy lhc iidvcrtising of alcoholic bcvcragcs is closcly rcgultitcd and trcqucntly citcd by critics who ttlllililillll that idvcrtiscrs in taking full advantugc of whatcvcr lccway is pcrmittcd to thcm Ili lllt rcgulaiions lilCll the spirit of thosc rcgnlatioiis At the rcccnt mutual contcrchc in Win nipcg of thc aniidian Foundation on Alcohol and Drug llcpcndcnctcs oiic spciikcr lllltlS De Foc of Scientific Analysis orp of San Fruiimsco coiniiiIntcd on study had lllildt of liquor adVirtiscincnts in pcriod iciiis Parliament hill Ii STE lll ItllEI Ottawa lturcau Thomson iws Servici From timc to time this space is offered to politicians oi all partics who might want to irx thtir hand ill writing llSliLllCl columns on any siibicct of thcir thiiltC foiiscrxzitch Lcadcr loc larl uscd to writc sports column in his llifll high River Alta and now not uniiatiiraliy he turns his hand to politii Likc lriiiii Minister rudcnu ho was thc last politii lilll to fill this spacc liirl conCcntriites on national unil itlin foi lhoiiison News Sclwicc By IOII LIK The parliamcntary iibate on national unity sliowcd Vcry clcarly thc vastly ditfcrcnt up proachcs to taiiadiiin unity takc by thc government party and by my party ir Trudcaii belicvcs that bilingualism and language policy irc thc basis of Canadian The world today By JOHN HARRRON Forcign Affairs Analyst Thomson iws Scivici Rhodesia goes to the polls on thc last day of August or rathcr its white citizens do since most of her blacks who makc tip most of hcr population do not havc thc votc Rhodcsian Prime Minister fan Smith has dissolvcd the Rhodesian ptllllilltttlil to gct strong mandate for what hc calls an iiitcriial solution to maturity rulc in that brcakaway nation This incans that Smith has rcicctcd all thc rcccnt AnglirAmcrican efforts at solution to llll lulllll UI lIlUlILgtliI illllll Ill gIICITIIIa war Thc Rhodesian prime minister claims thcy arc unacceptable because they would placc not only present RnoaiiSian gucrriiia icaiicrs in mixed cabinet of whitcs and blocks but in such kcy ministries as dclencc and just icc Tins means the libcration and gucrriilii movcnicnts would join the mainly whitc IAN SMITH problems COMPANY LTD How much unity sec anadian unity in widcr con tcxt Languagc diffcrcnces by definition tend to dividc not unitc That is rcality thc prime ministcr and his supporters do not like to hear about But if isa rcality wc must all facc We scc the evianCc of that reality all around us lc sec it in low morale in thc fcdcral public scrvicc where the insensitive and hurried implcnicntation of bilingualism has becn Costly catastrophe SEE RICSENTMIINI Vc sec it too in thc disillusionment and rcscntment of lInglishspcaking parents who know their children go through thc school system without acquiring even working knowlcdgc let alone flucncy in Canadas second olfiCial language They realize that without Frcnch their children will have iiinitcd opportunities for carvers in the public seiVicc of Canada and in much of anadiiin busincss Rhodesian vote no solution Rhiichian security forccs which arc along with the army the backbone of white resist ancc to the black liberation movements But Ian Smith laced split within the ranks if his own Nationalist party when 12 exfrcmc rightwingcrs brokc away to form the Action lovcmeiit separatc party which will up posc him in the forthcoming elections nc imagines that an Smith is rightwing cnough without any room being left idcologi rally for anyone of even more extreme views But the extrcmists exist in Rhodesia as they have existed in other emerging nations faccd with the inevitability of history ltemcmbcr the hardlino colons of Algeria Thcy were Frcnchspeaking and Africanborn white Algerians who were as African as the indigcnous peoples and therefore dctcrmincd to stay and fight Like the whitc Rhodesians they had built up estates and comfortable lives for their families had used thc Algcrians as scrvants field workcrs and lcsser breeds to do all the menial tasks in Algcria the colons wcrc powcrful enough almost overturn the Fourth French chub lic in 1958 until General dc iaullecamcon the scene ostensibly as their saviour but actually to bring an end to French colonial rule in Algeria we want your opinion Something on your mind Send us letter to the editor Please make it an original copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters although pen name will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we wont print your address should you prefer Weve found that short letters are the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays Send yours to Letters to the editor The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont 14M 4T6 Approaches vastly different on how to achieve unity Bilingualism and languagc policy will not by themsclvcs unitc anada support the idea that lirenchspcaking anadiuns and lInglishspcaking anadiuns should be ablc to dcal with fcdcrul in stitutions in their own language Progressch tonservativc govcrnmcnt would keep the Official Languages Act in place biit we would improvc the way it works We would divcrt morc spcnding towards helping provinccs tcach scCond languagcs in schOols Wc must build anadian unity not so much on tho basis of bilingualism and languagc dif ferences biit in spite of bilingualism and languagc dilfcrcncCs We must look beyond the diflcrcnccs of languagc and culture for the valucs and goals that will draw us togetherastaiiadians That requires it new cmphasis on solving the other real problems that divide Canadians Thc economic gap betwccn regions likc Atlantic aiiada and thc rest of the country has increuscd in recent ycars as measured by caincd incomes or by rates of unem ploymcnf That is sourcc of disunity OTHER REASON Western Canada continues to fuel that national policy rcstricfs cstcrn potential for growth lliatis sotircc of disunity Rccord unemployment is source of disunity We now have more pcoplc out of work than at any other timc in our history This is typo of uncmploymcnt that hitshardest at the young who cant got first job and who arc growing disillusioned with thc system That is sour cc of discontent and futurc peril We know for cxamplc that the young and thc unem ploycd votcd litavin for thc larti Qucbccois last fall Thcsc arc all rcal causes of disunin that must bc solved Thcy are not solvcd by lan guagc policy or any other single policy We must creatc in anada gcncral scnsc of building thc country togcthcr That is why wc Progressivc onscrvutivcs cmphasizc posi tive policics of cconomic growth What is at stake is not just thc future of onc province but the conccpt of our whole large country We are all bctter off as citizcns of large land with an unparalleled potential to grow We must buildon that opportunity That will happen only if wc turn as much attention in thc decade ahcad to economic and regional growth as wc have givcn to language in thc past decade JOE CLARK Stay together From the legislature Rates Lewis best orator By DEREK NELSON Quecns Park Bureau Thomson New Scrvicc TORONTO Long ago in my grade school years my teachers and my books brain washed mc with an impression of parliament lvc never been ablc to shake long held one imagc in particular in volving frockcoated men with muttonchop whiskers ponfiiicating with ringing words of wisdom about the great issues of the day The reality of the Ontario legislature makes hain of those youthful visions Out of 123 mcmbcrs thcrc are perhaps dozcn good speakers men with varying dcgrecs of forccfuliiCss and eloquence in their speech But thcrc isonly onc orator BEST MAN Stephen Lcwis isnt just the retiring leader of the New lcmocratic Party in many ways hes the retiring lcadcr of the legislature He gives it class and tone during debate that no one clsc in the house can match Evcn whcn hcs being outrageously socialist hcs impossible not to admire Lewis is an expcrt in the art and an art it ismoi stringing words together in uncom monly skillful ways Hes not tubvthumping political speaker the kind who uscs volumc hatchetlike to hack at his opponents Rather hes the intellectual cutting neatly but dceply with verbal rapier During much of thc Scssion thats just on dcd Lewis was on holidays and his presence was sorely missed No onc on the NDP ben chcs comes anywhere nca his talents LRR IONGLE His wit alonc cndears him to journalists The NDP bus that carried Lewis and the press during thc last election campaign was rather accurately labclled Stephen Lewis and Friends Who elsc but Lewis whcn askcd about the qualifications for thc next NDP leader would answer by mOcking his own hawklike fcatures Thc qualifications are to be rounded and chcrubic of visage so that the cartoonists will have terrible time hc said The response was pcrfect humorous con taining touch of truth and perfect deflec tion of tough question he didnt want to an swcr Lewis likes to caution people that his resignation as leadcr is just that not an obituary Canadas story Head cut off for treason BOB BOWMAN Until recently there was common ex pression Hanging is too good for some people Those lawmakers who agreed added an ad ditional punishmenti being drawn and quar tcrcd it didnt make any difference to the victims biit it must have satisfied thesadists The last time anyone was drawn and quar tered in anada was on July 21 1797 when David McLanc was hanged at Quebec He had been guilty of cooperating with agents from France who were trying to persuade Canadians and Americans to join the war against Britain The incident was reporth in the Quebec Gazette published on July 27 1797 copy of which is in the National Archives The prin ting is iii old English in which the letter looks likc but here is the report in modern printing On Friday fast at 10 oclock David McLanc who was convicted of High Treason and received scntencc of death on the 7th in stant was taken from the common Gaol and placed upon hurdle which moved in slow march towards the place of execution at tended by the Sheriff and Peace Officers of the District military guard of 50 men and great multitudc of spectators About quar fer after to thc hurdle drew up close of the Gallows erected upon the Glacis without the Garrison wall As soon as it stopped McLane went up drbsscd in white lincn Grave Cloaths and wore white cap on his head The Rcvcrcnd Mr Mountain and the Reverend Mr Spark attended him and With them he continued in fervent prayer for some minutes He then informed the executioner thathe was ready and was by him directed to ascend the ladder which he immediately did But the executioner observing that he was too high he descended step or two and then addressed the spectators McLanes speech is too long to quote here but when he finished hc draw the cap over his face and droppcd handkerchief as signal to the executioner who instantly turned him off The body was cut down after minutes and placed on platform whcrc as the report continued The hcad was cut off and the executioner holding it up to public View proclaiming it the Head of Traitor An in cision was madc below the breast and part of the bowels taken out and burnt The four quarters were marked with knife and were not divided from the bible thought Our help is in the name of the Lord who madc heaven and earth Psalms 1248 Dont you think thats good enough and that He is big enough to answer any problem or handle any hurt that you have or ever will have God lovesdyou Jesus died for you Lift up your head an praise Him

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