Burton Avenue United Church Points to ponder Tenderness forgotten but worth remembering By DOROTHY KILBLRN ller name was harity and made her acquaintance when she was hopsitalized for long period According to the testimony of her widowed neighbour she lived up to her name One day the widow was coming to see how the work was progressing on the house which she had bought As she walks ed down the street heavy downfall of rain caught her without her umbrella lady who walking her way gracious ly held her umbrella over her As they talked they discovered that they were going to be neighbours The widow relating the incident to me smiled at the remembrance and said wistlully Charity has been holding an umbrella over me ever since When Charity was in the hospital her husband came to see her twice day The days passed into weeks and the weeks into months and still he came faithfully Tenderly he lifted the weight of the blankets from her swollen feet ever alert to do anything he could to relieve her suffering Their marital ship had been sailing for long time they had weathered many storm together and now each toss of the shop was cushioned by the tendersness of their love for each other Tenderness forgotten word in the vocabulary of many in this get grab and grumble age in which we live In Hawaii there is lovely ivory flower which is popular at weddings It is the pikake or Hawaiian jasmine This flower often appears in leis and opens with the warmth of being worn Love is like that It opens into beautiful blooms of tenderness when worn above the heart Tenderness is the courtesy of love Love can be performed as duty but what difference it makes when we garnish love with tenderness When the men came to take the prophet Jeremiah out of the miry dungeon they let down some soft rags so that he could place them under his armpits to prevent the rope cut ting into his flesh They thought about him with tenderness Let us seek to follow the words in the Bible about tenderness And be ye kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another as God for hrists sake has forgiven youEph 43 Canadian takes over Salvation Army We are not just frothy faith LONDON IAII Seeking Heaven on earth but aware the goal will remain dream for ever the new gencral of the Salvation Army will be 111 stalled in his command Tuesday From his office at Black friars overlooking the Thames River Canadian Arnold Brown takes over leadership of 23000 fulltime officers in 82 countries from Antigua to Zambia It would be great day it we could abolish the army for then we would know all the ills of humanity had gone and heaven had come upon earth he said Knowing the nature of man it will never happcnl say that with regret The army founded by Wil liam Booth as the hristian Re vival Association in the slums of Londons east end in 1803 still pursues the mixture of st reetcorner Christian evange lism and social welfare that has given it the popular image of good people doing good But when you ask what kind of good the maninthestreet usually isnt too sure Brown said in an interview The ar mys desire to meet the needs of humanity has taken it to so many diverse fields HAS GENILS The blackuniformed red St Georges Anglican Church tabbed Salvationists are com monly thought of as providers of soup for the hungry and bed and prayer for the homeless In fact Brown said we might be said to have genius for discovering human need the blind in the West Indies le pers in India and children in Haiti for whom our new school at Fond des Negros is their only hope of an education Brown 623 has been music director fundraiser and public relations specialists for the ar my When he was 10 he emi grated from London to Canada with his Salvationist parents He was territorial commander for Canada and Bermuda when the armys high council elected him its 115th general last May succeeding the first Canadian to hold the post Clarence Wise man Brown said the amiy is grow ing fastest in Third World coun tries where its uniforms sing ing drums and its platform for the individual to say his piece still have great appeal But people join us because the army serves as well as warships our hospitals dispensaries and schools show we are not just frothy faith Brown said the Salvation Ar my is the fastest growing de nomination in the United States and that financially it is one of the wealthiest movements in the worldsin liabilities We have 20000 buildings among them the largest hospitals in some Cities There is no profitability in these buildingsw they all are likely to be deficit operations Witnesses discuss transfusions LONDON Ont CPI Jeho vahs Witnesses heard religious and medical arguments against blood transfusions Thursday during the sects southwestern Ontario convention But the 7000 Witnesses at the symposium were told to empha sis their religious beliefs rather than medical objections to fight misunderstandings Arnold MacNamara of the Witnesses Toronto headquar ters said that refusing blood transfusions is neither suicidal or martyrlike and that the in dividual should be the ultimate custodian of his own body The Bible forbids the eating of blood of man or animal he said and added there is little difference between eating blood and having it injected CUHDlE HEIGHTS cnuacu At Cundlos Heights Public School SALVATION ARMY 60 Collier St CROSS RD CHRISTIAN CENTRE 7233794 7261595 50Zrsaziul om Corps Officers Lt Mrs Soniscal July 18 23 Vtiogshig Servife Jewellery °Y SC °° 945 Christian Education Hour 1100 Family Worship 700 Worship Service Kempenfelt Park Church 220 Steel Street Barrie Worship Service 00 om Sunday School REV JOHN KLEIN Pastor 25 Off Rov Jack Ritsema Tel 7205869 Barrie United Pentecostal Church Timothy Christian School 49 Ferris Lane Everyone Welcome ruu SUMMER Ir Sunday School 1000 om MINISTRY li Morning Worship 100 om To 89 IJIf EVERYONE WELCOME FAITH sï¬gvciurrahiiclitisi lt zit For further information 7282353 PASTOR MARTIN MISSIONARY FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Boyfield St at Dalton St 7267821 229 Crawford Street Barrie 7373062 Minister Rev Wayne Domm 7268750 Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie Church Service Sunday School 11 om TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm Thurs 730 930 pm Tel 7261602 945 om Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship 730 pm Evening Service Bus Ministry ph 7372686 Christian Day Care ph 7281642 Rev Carl Bull Pastor Rov Earl Grigg Director of Christian Ed 945 om family Sunday School 00 om Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Worship Wednesday 800 pm Bible Study Prayer Friendly Welcome Awaits You um oNENuNoitio runs OFVWITNESS 1977 SUMMER UNION WORSHIP Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avenue ALLANDALE COLLIER II2Coier 5t Near City Hall GRACE Grove Si East at Cook St Minister REV ARTHUR STOREY 10 om Rev Paul Morrow Mlnlsier Message Mr Doug Gmmwoy apperton 8n Worsley Dmedor MM 1000 om MINISTER REV rm mmocx When LPVe MORNING worsmr momng worsmp Wu Fails 100 am spun ST Child care provided Gus Pancho Io Thurs July pm Mr roam WISEMER gum AM an Mrs Jo ce Noble RevoBfré¢lrrI15clzard Va333311 Symbols Of Our Faith All WELCOME EVERYONE WELCOME TheFrendweubwmn The Open Book Soloist Jane Black Wednesday pm Faith Fellowship Hour HIWAY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH nne Street at 400 Hwy Barrie At the Heart of Barrie With Barrie at Heart SPECIAL MEETINGS with Harold chl White of REVIVAL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES to be hold at EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent St Friday July 15th FRANK GRIFFIN Electrician 111 730 pm Get Acquainted Family Fellowship Saturday July 16th at 900 om Mens Fellowship 100 pm Ladies Meeting 700 pm Adult Fellowship Sunday July 17th at 935 om Sunday School 1100 om Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Service Monday July 18th at 930 om Ladies Meeting think HiWay Church is the best church In Barrie Thats the reason go to it ap preciate the friendliness and sincere concern of the pastors for the people Presbyterian Churches 1minster Mens Meeting st drews Presbnericn Church Phone the Church Office for complete details Presbyterian Church res ermn 59 is Rd 7233017 Owen and Worslcy Sts Church at Burton Ave 170 Steel St near Puget Miniser MNmh Rev Gerard ayiurd MW SOUL WINNING cnuncu 10000m ORGANIST SUMMER UNION MORNING WORSHIP MRS VERA DIAMOND We have churchwide visitation and soul winning WORSHIP Inelieve groups Iadies soul winning and teenage soul at winning At Heritage we believe that Christians FIRST BAPTIST in the ought to yvinnthe lost to Christ He that winneth Clappengn womey Everhfling om souls is WIse Pro 1130 MORNING WORSHIP Something for Nothing Nursery Provided Wednesday 730 pm 10 om SERVICES Ray mum Church School for 1000 om Sunda School Thom Bible Study and Prayer Children up to Mornin Seryvice smoois or our unit years of age Won Nursery 700 pm Evening Service Topic Homosexuality itaeritage mantis Church 323 Little Ave Everyone Welcome to ChristCentred Ministry THE OPEN BOOK IV All Welcome Barries Most Exciting Church LoRoy Ponnell Pastor 7281497 7265896 St Giles Church 95 Cook St Barrie Lp Trinity Church lav John Spoon Rector Canon Nainby Assistant TRINITY VI 800 om Holy Communion St Georges Burton and Granville SERVICES INNISWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH 030 om Summer Sorvicos Hw11ustS th To 900 1030 om Mo nm Po °f Ave 01 Jomgrrlyflf sittmlntrstlxgn RSV Lockhart Jenny Services Phone 7280719 Nursery Care and Junie Church Sunday 1030 om Morning Worship Wednesday pm Family Night Bible Study and Prayer Bible Teaching Believing Church There Is Difference All Welcome St Thomas Shanty Bay SERVICES 1010 om Morning Prayer Sunday School Nursery Tues 730pm Radar Th 1030 Rev Kayo BA All WELCOME MIdwooIi Eucharist