wiuumltwomqrmm 19 gm the examiner Friday July 15 1977 extra Hydro surplus may cut in half new rate increase TORONTO CPI forecast of excess revenue for On tario Hydro this year may mean consumers will pay half of the rate increase proposed by Hydro for 1978 the Ontario Energy Board was told Thursday Iierre lenest llydros lawyer said at hearing of the board that new forecasts indicate Ilydros revenues for 1977 will be $109 million more than allowed under the provinces ant iintlat ion policy The forecasts are incomplete Ilydro originally proposed rate increase of 113 per cent for power delivered to municipal utilities The proposal is being reviewed at the boards hearing which began Thur sday Under the original proposal the average household without electric heat ing might expect monthly increase of $230 in 1978 The onsumers Association of Canada wants the forecasted surplus of $109 million used to reduce 1978 rates but Ilydro disagrees ONSIDERS REBATE Hydro wants to wait until the end of this year when the exact revenue surplus is known then rebate the excess revenue through credits on monthly bills in 1978 Andrew Kerekes lawyer for the association said such proposal by Hydro is an unnecessary delay that does not conform with the spirit of the antiinflation gurdellnes To ban imports with Mirex TORONTO CPI Romeo LeBlanc federal fisheries and environment minister said Thursday the federal govemment will ban imports containing Mirex toxic in secticide and fire retardant which has been found in Lake Ontario fish lieBIanc said in an inter view his ministry is working with Health and Welfare Canada to determine guide lines for banning imports of toxic substances lie was responding to suggestion by Alan Roy director of environment studies for the National In dian Brotherhood who told an International Joint Com mission meeting that Crown corporation should be established to dispose of ICBs ROMEO lclllN Judges constantly wonder NIHNtTON NB CPI Judges are constantly asking themselves was right says Chief Judge AR Phin of Main toba county courts The question bothers judges all the time and thats why we have appeal courts he said at news conference here Ihursday lie was one of several judges among 36 from eight provin ces who attended weeklong closed talks here and made themselves available to reporters later to discuss the meeting Iudgc Itogcrs Kcrans associate chief judge of the district court of Alberta said the law is so complicated today it is difficult for any onejudge to keep abreast of it Family physicians unhappy KINGSION tPt Family doctors in southeastem tario say they are tired of being treated as secondltclass citizens by their own associates and warn they may with draw frotn the Ontario Medical Association OMAI and form their own group General practitioners from Napanee to Brockville met lucsday and agreed to send the message to the next meeting of the executive of the general practitioners section of the NA Dr Paul OConnor Brockville family doctor said in an interview Wednesday Ilie family physician has always been at the bottom of the pecking order and it would seem that this gap is widening instead of narrowing Ringo the horse takes chomp at cowboy Joe Alexande leg during the bareback bronc event Thursday at trli Hunghorse Calgary Stampede Alexander of Marysville alf was not injured CP Photo Will not abandon inflation battle to concentrate on jobless rate PM OTTAWA CP The gov ernment does not intend to abandon the fight against in flation to concentrate on cur rent high jobless rates Prime Minister Trudeau said Thurs day Acknowledging the serious ness of recently published sta tistics that Show 814000 fana dians jobless Prime Minister Trudeau said at his weekly press conference that the gov ernment has already com mitted large amounts to job creation We must fight on two fronts at once with great intensity he said Besides the statistics showing eight per cent of the work force unemployed in June Statistics Will not reconsider US troop withdrawal WASHINGTONUIAP President Carter has no plans to reevaluate the planned withdrawal of United States troops from South Korea despite the downing of US Army helicopter by North Koreans in the first potential military crisis of his ad ministration The North Koreans have been relatively restrained in their references to the incident mood which has not escaped the White House Carters press secretary Jody Powell noted Thursday evening that both they and we have remained reasonably calm in our statements com pared with past situations The North Koreans rejecting request from the United Na tions Command to meet for discussion of the incident Thursday or early today said they will attend session at 11 am Saturday 10 pm EDT todayi The USled UN Command announced in Seoul it is accept ing the offer and asked the Communists to return the sur viving crew and the three bod ies at that time There was no indication whether the request will be met IGNOREIWARNINGS The North Koreans said today the helicopter crew ignored repeated warnings before the craft was brought down broadcast of the official North Korean Central news agency monitored in Tokyo said antiaircraft gunners firing warning shots forced the helicopter to land in field Canada said this week that the inflation rate last month rose to 78 per cent the highest in year When the budget was brought down March 31 the govern ment added $100 tnillion to its spending for job creation bringing to $458 million the amount to be spent through the anada Works and Young Canada Works programs Trudeau said that Manpower Minister Bud Cullen will soon reveal how funds for the second stage of these programs which starts in October will be allo cated SOME ClNILSION There has been some con fusion about possible new fed eral job programs since letter to Manitoba Premier Ed Schre yer from Trudeau was made public by Ed Broadbent New Democratic Party leader It relt terred to new job creation program that was close to completion However Robert Kaplan parliamentary secretary to Fi nance Minister Donald Macdo nald has since said that those are only contingency plans the government does not want to implement Asked about his reaction to the publishing of his letter to Schreyer Trudeau said he was surprised that Broadbent had Can We Do Business Together This very unique businessbopportunity has all the features the written exchange But he added dont stay mad for long Trudeau said he has been known to accept people into his cabinet even though he had been angry with them pre viously After sluggish I977 strong growth in 78 OTTAWA tCPi The Con ference Board in Canada predicted Thursday that the national economy will show strOng growth of about 54 per cent in 1978 after sluggish1977 in which the gross national product tGNP is forecast to expand by three per cent The privately financed eco nomic research groups forecast contrasted with an earlier report it released Thur sday stating consumers are pessimistic about the economic outlook and planned to restrain their spending at least for the next six months Taking longer view the board says the next 18 months look good for the national econ omy The boards optimism stems partly from continuing eco nomic recovery in the United EtatesCanadas biggest mar ketand the expected end of some business uncertainty as the government nears final decision about ending wage and price controls While forecasting an eco nomic pickup the board ex pects unemployment to remain high The jobless rate will stay near its June level of eight per cent for the rest of this year and decline only to about 77 per cent in 1978 But consumer prices should stop rising so quickly The con sumer price index the most widely used inflation measure will rise at an average rate of about 52 per cent in 1978 after increasing 71 per cent this year the board forecasts In its report on consumer buying intentions the board found average householders worried that inflation would worsen and that job opportun ities would be scarce Accord ingly they were reluctant to spend for the next six months BASED ON SLRVEY The consumer buying in tentions review is based on Weve Moved Corlos Fruit Stand NOW AT Wordens Finn Station Boyfield Street Open Thurs Fri Sat om to pm Formerly of Cundles and Boyfield survey across the country while its forecasts about the na tional economy are prepared by its staff of economists Rene de Cotret president of the Ottawabased board said the only qualifier added to his generally optimistic forecast is that the length and strength of recovery is heavily depend ent upon policy decisions still to be announced and upon con tinued favorable economic en vironment among our major trading partners Some of the boards forecasts for key economic indicators in 1978 Ilousing starts will rise by per cent to 255000 unï¬s from 235000 in 1977 35° SEPTOSOLVE SEPTICTAN ACTIVATO Jki $3500 Thats the minimum cost at havmg your septic tank pumped when trouble comes as it even tually does it the correct main tenance is not carried out weekly treatment of SEPTO SOLVE SEL TIC TANK ACTIVATOR works to maintain tank action open lines and tight odours Its your strongest protection Look for the box with the blue surf and pine trees SEPTOSOLVE SEPTIC TANK ACT IVATOR CASH LDIUWS ZENIS IGA MD CITY NIIACLE MART DOIIIDOI HARDWARE Bustness investment in plant and equipment will rise by four per cent next year Productivity or output per worker will gain markedly by about 22 per cent in 1978 after rising only 16 per cent this year and labor costs as percentage of production costs will con tinue moderating ANNOUNCEMENT the munlclpal Extivtt ll It ll It ruttt Il James Burke The appointment of Mr James Burke to the pos ition of Senior Mortgage Manager is announced by Mr Douglas Cherry Senior ViceAPresident and General Manager Mr Burkes background includes several years of Mortgage experience with major financial institutions before joining Municipal in 1975 as Mortgage Repre sentative storey home with bdrms full bsmt car garage SWAP level bedrms full baths with car garage Negotiate any cash difference Private Box U72 The Examiner of an outstanding investment No competition Low capital investment High net yield Low labor content It can be operated on regional basis as either an owner monager or strictly as an investment If you feel that you have really heard and seen it all before then you should contact us for something that is truly unique Small business gets some help WINNIIEG tCl The fed eral and Manitoba govern ment have agreed to $260000 program to help smalland me diumsized businesses in the province improve product re search and design The arrangement was an nounced Thursday at joint news conference by Len March and federal minister of state for small businesses BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC COLELLA DT Complete Denture Service ATTENTION All CD BUFFS 726472 149A Dunlop St Member Dentuvist Society of Ontario Reply to Box U78 The Examiner Barrie At the end of July The Examiner will publish special CB directory devoted to bringing CB bulls together Imagine complete section of CB handle listings including call letters channel and City plus news and advertising of interest to CBers Double Attraction W8 WWW Will1min Studio and LIGHTING 131 UNLIMITED Deadline for coupon July 21 I917 SEND IN YOUR HANDLE OR OSL CARD IF YOU WANT TO BE INCLUDED 133815 AUVW 13381 073M V9 Together at Dunlap and Maple in Downtown Barrie MAIL T335593 To NFORMATON FOR MY STNG TheExominer Handle 333i Eï¬lle Featuring an attractive chance of the finest in lighting Name C$fl and distinctively different gift items ActressIZIIZZIIII pleasing selection at pleasant prices Ph°° So Come on Good Buddy Give Us Your Handle and Then Stood Dy Until We Noor From You Noras Our 73s and 88s IREOPENING FRIDAY JULY 15 AT 40 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Beside the Roxy