Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1977, p. 24

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20 the examiner Wodnoogow AllPde $5000 to salaries TORONTO tCP Members of the Ontario legislature were unanimous Tuesday in reeing to increase their an llfiaI wageandbenefits package to about $20000 by Oc tober The legislation passed shor tl before the house rose for the summer recess raises MPis salaries from the $1500 level in effect since 1973 The increase comes in two stages The first $2200 in wages and $200 in benefits is effective Sept 15 be introduced when the legisla ture reconvenes The amount of the second in crease was not announced but it is expected to be about the same as the first boost and will be tied to guidelines of the fed eral antiinflat ion board Members of the legislature will continue to receive $7500 in taxfree expense allowances DECREEI FREEZE It is the first raise in four vears for the MPIs In 1975 Premier William Davrs decreed twoyear freeze on cabinet ministers The premier in addition to his pay and allowances as an MBP receives $25000 in salary and $4500 more in allowances Cabinet ministers with por tfolios get an additional $18000 and those without portfolio get $7500 The leader of the Opposition receives an additional $18000 The latest increases followed study by consulting firm and select committee of the legislature Despite the unanimous ap proval several MPPs voiced dissatisfaction at the govern ments handling of the matter Michael Cassidy NDPOt tawa Centre said it was wrong for Premier Davis to put the MPPs under the crushing im position of the antiinflation board RECEIVE LESS He said that despite the in crease MPPs still will receivo less than most of the male civil servants aged between 35 and 55 Cassidy said the NDP wants mechanism for regular an nual review of MPPs salaries to be included in the second pay bill in the fall The MPPs also approved leg islation that will upgrade pen sion benefits The measure is retroactive to 1973 and includes former MPPs said government House Leader Robert Welch posses without amendments TORONTO CP bill offi cially setting up Ontarios new northern affairs ministry was given final approval in the leg islature Tuesday following un successful NDP attempts to broaden the ministrys author ity The ministry announced last year has been operating under the authority of an orderin council Elie Martel tNDPSudbury East proposed series of amendments that would have allowed the ministry to estab lish community councils and administer local services in unorganized communities Liberal Hughe Edighoffer deputy speaker presiding over meeting of committee of the whole house ruled Martels amendments out of order be cause any motion that directs the spending of public funds must be proposed by minister and authorized by the lieuten antgovernor DEFEAT AMENDMENT Liberals and Pro ressive Conservatives voted wn an NDP amendment that would have included in the bill an outline of govemment aims for the north The second increase is effec tive Oct and Second bill covering that raise will have to salaries which expires Sept 15 The increases affect all mem bers including the premier and VVhothoppened at the session lOItONTO Pi The first session of the lilst Ontario legislature adjourned Tuesday at 942 pm EDT following housekeeping sitting of less than three weeks that dealt mainly with bills introduced before the June Selection Legislation to force construction of Frenchlanguage high school in Essex County establishment of northern all fairs ministry and increases in the tax on cigarettes cigars and cut tobacco were among items passed by the 25 mem bers Standing at adjournment Progressive Conservative 38 Liberal NDPIlil The session began June 27 with Toronto NDI member not ably absent because he was in jail Ed Zicmba member tor the Toronto riding oi lligh Park Swansea was jatItd for refusing to tell provicial court judge the source of information that led to fraud charges against Toronto medical laboratory Ziemba returned to the house June 30 alter six days in tail and was spared further court appearances when the Attorney General Roy MeMurtry decided to bvpass the preliminary hearing mm the fraud charges ASKED lOR RlIJNG The incident prompted hitMurtry to ask the Ontario Ap peal ourt whether information given to an MPI by con st itucnt was considered privileged subject to certain cl0se liinitson legal scrutiny The house dealt with number of bills at the top of the mi nority governments agenda including enabling legislation for financial measures out lined in the April It budget Ireasurer llarcy McKeough was iorced to hold the meas ures in abcyancr when the house was dissolved April 29 tor the elect ion McKeough has said the twomonth delay in implementing the budget will cause $25million loss in revenue Also introduced but withdrawn alter opposition members ohtected was fivecent environmental tax on canned soft drinks The tax to have taken eftect Aug will remain on the or der paper for discussion in the fall Environment Minister leorgc Kerr said Tuesday APPROVE OI RAISE But there was tavorable response to salary package that increase MPis wages and benetits to 520000 trom 313000 by October The last increase was in 1973 Approved in prinCIple was bill allowing singletrade provincewide bargaining in some sectors of the con st ruct ion industry bill to convert highway signs to metric units and mcas tires to protect farmers trom financial loss when buyer goes bankrupt were passed The Robarts commission findings recommending major changes in the structure oi Metropolitan Toronto and the longawaited report ot royal commission on violence in the communications industry also were handed down ltidy LaMarsh former lederal secretaron state and her communications commissioners said alter twoyear study that Canadas television networks should be replaced by an umbrella organization called lclcvision anada An inquiry by an Ontario Supreme ouit judge absolved the provincial cabinet of any impropriety in approving land speculation tax exemption for Ronto Development Co SET lP COMMISSION gln one of the liiial moves of the session the government said it would set tip royal commission under thc lnblic inquiries ct rat her than allow opposition MIIs to amend bill that was to have established an inquiry into Northern Ontario development The legislation authorizing the inquiry by Mr Justice Iatrick Ilartt of the Ontario Supreme ourt was introduced before the election The Liberals had plilptiStd an amendment that would have forced the province to close the incicurvpolluted EirglishWabigoon ltiver system as condition of the in qu1ry The NDI had said they would support the Liberal move and propose their own subamendment torcing closure of the system livAug ii ll July LIIi Io lfilli While Qiiiiiililici ml We II the right In Iimil Mauritian Lodies Assorted SHORTS Plain and checks Sizes IOI8 300 Lodies Speed ELAN BICYCLE 500 Misses PRINTED SHIRTS Long Sleeves 200 Lodies SUN TOPS Several styles to choose from 300 Lodies SUN DRESSES Assorted Styles Sizes 7i6 000 Mens KNIT SHIRTS l00°o polyester Sizes SML 300 Thermos Brand COOLER Approx 3i and 25 qt capacity 200 Lodion ASSORTED SANDALS 400 on r1 Gnu Sun41m AMI Your Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Muney Cheortuity Rotundod not just slogan BUTA WAY OF LIFE Childrens SHORT SETS 100 nylon Sizes 26X Lodies SlEEPWEAR Cotton and Nylon SML 400 Mens Speed ELAN BICYCLE 500 Mens Fancy DRESS PANTS 100 Polyester Sizes 2844 Lodies SHORTS Assorted colors and sizes Misses PULLON PANTS Polyester Sizes 1018 W$C TANK TOPS PolyesterCotton Sizes SML th Mens and Boys WALKING Mens Ploin DRESS PANTS Sizes 2840 lilllii PRBWASHEB scnuaeies denim deans roar were Values never looked so good Popular prewashed Scrubbleo styled from rug ged Denim with front book pockoto light Imperfections should not lm olr wear Blue Good variety of Mens zoo available Childrens GOB HATS One size fits all Junior Misses DENIM SHORTS Sizes 713 SWIM WEAR Assorted sizes and styles mart Prlco Lodies PANT SUITS Assorted styles Sizes l018 Mens KNIT SHIRTS Assorted styles Sizes SML 400 Assorted FISHING RODS WALKING SHORTS PolyesterCotton Sizes 3238 600 Assorted REDWOOD FURNITURE zitif0 loym and Gordon WHEEL BARROWS Approx to cu ft capacity 600 BEACH BAGS Various Styles REDWOOD PICNIC TABLES 000 White or Green PICKET FENCING Approx 10ft x18 00 Assorted DRAPES Various patterns colors and sizes to 00 8I we WELCOME NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE FOR APPROVAL OF BYLAW IMPOSING SEVI ER RATE OR WATER WORKS RATE TAKE NOTICE THAT Tho Council of tho Corporation of tho City of Barrie intends to apply to tho Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the con struction of now socondory dlgostor tunnel for sludge transfer oqulpmont bridgo for manway and pipe conveyor refur bishing two dlgoxtorl and tho roplocomont of gas piping at tho Wotor Pollution Control Plant at on ostimotod cost of $87790000 and intonds to chorgo tho wholo of the cost of the work as sowor roto for porlod of twonty yoors upon lands that will or may dorlvo bonolit thorolrom It to proposod to roiso the whole of the annual payments by wrchorgo of i007 on the bimonthly water bill This is the oomo roto as to now boing Iovlod for previous renovations to tho sowogo plant and trunk lowers but will now be continued to bo Iovlod until 1998 Tho oroo upon which such sowor rate is to be levied is all the lands lying and boing within tho City of Barrio Tho sowor rate shall bo computod by roto on tho Ionds previously designated which oro connoctod to tho xowogo works based on the water roto or chargos chorgod or chorgooblo in rospoct of such land Tho basic oholl ho Ior lands whose owners or occupants pur chooo wator from tho Public Utilities Commission of the City of Borrlo l00 surcharge oi tho bimonthly blll tor water used payoblo with tho bimonthly water bill every two months on amount shall bo chorgod to the owners 0r occupants of land who do not purchase wator from the Public Utilities Commission of tho City of Barrio but who uso municipol sowors for carrying away sowogo from tho lond oquol to i007 of tho amount which would hovo boon chorgod had the water boon purchased from tho Public Utilttlos Commission of the City of Bairio the roles lmpoood by this bylaw may bo subloct to ponolty for loto poymont upon tho oomo torms as tho ponolty charged by tho Public Utilitlo Commission of tho City ol Barrio on wotor oc counts Any rotopoyor may within twontyono days after tho first publication of thin notlco Iond by propold post to tho Clork of tho City of Barrio at tho oddroos glvon bolow notico in writing noting his obloction to such approval or to tho imposition oi tho upocloi roto Tho Ontorlo Municlpol Board may opprovo tho sold spociol roto pursuant to tho ototuto and may approve at tho sold works but botoro doing so it may appoint limo and plot IOT INbut hoorlng whon any obioctlons will bo considorod but notice of web hooran will bo glvon only to those porsons who have given notico of obloctlon as providod for obovo DATED AT THE CITY OF BARRIE this 69h day of July W77 STRAUGHAN AMCT CMC City Clork Box 400 Barrio Ontario Hooded BARBQ With Spit 000 Grow Green GRASS SEED Lb Bag CRIMPKNIT FABRIC Fully washable 60 wide Mens DRESS PANTS Plain and Prints Sizes 3040 900 Sphagnum PEAT MOSS 2Cu Ft 2300 Assorted BEACH TOWELS itiiiAiir PLAZA HIGHWAY 21 tourism Stu CREW ti BARRIE oesn MON TO FRI to mgr CARDS to to PM SATURDAYS AMT to

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