12mortgages 1s epts wanted to rent 32 32 the examiner Wednesday July 13 1077 21 07 business opportunitie Wï¬ Wanted To Purchase Small or medium sized company with good growth potential Would consider maiority in terest LOCATION Simcoe County Write Box U74 The Examiner Barrie On tario Jy16 McommerciaIindustrial PRIME Allandole Location in Busy Plaza 050 sq ft For Details Call 7286165 or 7265407 Au4 GARAGE Bay 27 30 12 foot doors Dunlop days or washroom Available July West Telephone 7265452 7280547 evenings OFFICE car my garage IdealAfor small businessman Approximately 900 square feet Hwy 11 North Call Rick Harker 72171414 or 7264940 12 mortgages CONVENTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGES 106 No salary qualifications We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and Individual at tention to all mortgage Inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential recreational commercial and properties We also purchase existing mar tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr far valuable advice BUS RES TOLL FREE KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 72671 30 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF MORTGAGES bought and sold Imme David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 diate action confidential evenings 7371881 4875385 COMPARErour rates First secde MlSSlssaUgé COUKT third mortgages appraisals GerrY bedroom apts colored appliances vaokas 4873362 P81 QUINN Ld drapes supplied next to Simcoe Plaza 72171414 7371077 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY end momy bedroom apartments central location parking heat water stove and frlg in cluded from $210 monthly Phone 7267736 TWO BEDROOM apartments adiacent to park overlooking Kempenfelt Bay $235 momhly includes refrigerator stove heat and parking Hydro extra No pets Call 7265063 LOANS FOR LIVING MONEY TO TIDE YOU OVER BEDROOM Apartment newly decorated available immediately or bedroom available July 15th and August MONEYFORBGPLANS lst $230 monthly plus hydro References No pets Parking laundry facilities 7281035 ONE BEDROOM apartment close to shopping and transportation available immediately fridge stove heat and parking included $195 monthly Adults only Telephone 7269200 TWO BEDROOM apartment availaElE September 1st bachelor apartment available now rent includes all utilities plus cable and parking close to Bayfield Mall Telephone 7266046 BEDROOM Apertmeht No children no pets Fridge stove 74 Shirley St $255 plus hydro Telephone 7263817 or 7268733 TWO BEDROOM apartment $200 mon thly plus hydro Refrigerator stove and parking provided Apply 11 Victoria Street Apt noon until pm no pets please ONE BEDROOM apartment centrally located fridge stove all utilities Includ ed $165 monthly available July 15 References Call 7280674 between 830 am430pm Friendly fast sympathetic Call James Stubbs 7263426 Monday to Friday to pm Helping with money Jy 13 15 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette ONE AND two bedroom apartment with fridge and stove and parking included in rent at $185 and $225 East end location No pets Adults Phone 7267685 or 7260875 MODERN Two bedroom apartment refrigerator and stove parking includ ed Private entrance $250 monthly First and last months rent required Ref erences Call 7288474 ONE BEDROOM apartmentclose to Cygnet downtown fridge and stove $180 month 5y lyLAvaflableimmediatwCall48724l2 erms Up 01 90 FURNISHED bachelor apartmenT Highwaynsouth available midJuly Walltowall carpeting heat hydro parking $160 170 Burton Ave 7289866 monthly Call 7284967 alter pm TF ONE BEDROOM apartment close to downtown $170 monthly Fridge stove utilities and parking included Available immediately Telephone 7262910 TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfield $1726 6438 TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings kingsize bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost 59500 new used only six times 705445 1480 I975 19 Sunset EomadoTetiatler kit chen toilet and shower like new Best offer Weekdays 726 0692 ONE OR TWO bedroom apartment cen tral location heat utilities parking stove included $189 monthly Available end August or sooner 7283965 SUBLET2 bedroom apartment adult building Available August Allandale area close to bus Telephone 7265850 afterspm BE DROOM furnished apartment fridge stove all utilities paid $195 mon thly Telephone 7263761after pm ONE 1974 CANADIAN made mobile home situated in park in Angus 60 12 ex cellent condition Colored appliances Broadloom New porch Steel storage shed Furnished or unfurnished Call4241157 1975 PROWLER Trailer deluxe 357 246 sleeps piece bath furnace many extras Telephone 726 8860 after pm 16 opts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults BE DROOM apartment with fireplace separate entrance no pets near hospital $180 month plus hydro Telephone 7262622 alter pm LARGE ONE bedroom upstair apart ment available now Close to downtown Stove refrigerator heat and hot water en 7287618 BEDROOM Apartment available immediately $200 monthly includes heat and appliances Allandale area close to bus Telephone 7282574 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment in plex heating included laundry facilities Telephone 7372258 after pm UNFURNISHED ONE bedroom apart ment Available July 15th No children no pets Couple preferred Apply Arm strong Hardware or phone 7282441 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment available August near downtown Stove fridge heat water parking in cluded Pay own hydro $215 monthly first and last months rent no pets Telephone 7286980 LARGE BEDSITTING room and kit chen Close to downtown and hospital Completely furnished including dishes stereo balcony and parking Suitable for single girl Available July 15 4873819 TWO BEDROOM apartment on Peel ST Fridge stove parking $200 monthly Available Julylsï¬thzTelephone 7262910 THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MWFTF UNFURNISHED bedroom self contained apartment close to factories private entrance Stove fridge heat hydro water included Couples only preferred Abstainers no children no pets Available July 15 Telephone 728 7956 THREE ROOM apartment for rent new Iy decorated ground floor parking Fif teen minutes from Barrie on main road Available July 15 Telephone 3221145 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only726 0988weekdays ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments from $160 monthly Central location First and last required Appliances and heat included Telephone 7269418 after 6pm LARGE ONE bedroom basement apart ment Stove and fridge hydro and heat Included Telephone436 4153 TWO BEDROOM apartment on second floor Refrigerator and stove optional Centrally located Available immediate Iy Quiet adults Telephone 737 2617 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment overlooking the lake 194 Dunlap St year lease required $190 monthly Telephone 7268420 or 7260241 UPPER DUPLEX two bedroom apart ment fridge stove private entrance parking share fenced backyard Pay hydro $215 monthly Available August 19 Alfred Street 7286700 ONE BEDROOM apartment Stove fridge heat and hydro included Central location Available July 16th Call 728 0140 anytime AVAILABLE AUGUST Two bedroom apartment $232 monthly Includes fridge stove heat and parking Bus stop location No pets Call 7285816 AVAILABLE Immediately Bachelor apartment Fridge stove private en trance utilities included $160 monthly Call Rick Harker 71171414 or 7264940 BACHELOR Apartment three piece bath and kitchen private entrance on outskirts of Barrie $165 monthly in cludes heat and hydro Suitable for single person Telephone 7266100 12 morngges BEDROOM Basement ApartmEnT fridge stove carpet and utilities includ 12 mortgages Anywhere on all To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements any worthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages Mom 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 916B Open lst and 2nd MortgageswmwomBowmom Monthly payments to suit your budget Prime ltates 48 hour Commitments Commercial Residential or Vacation Properties the municipal IVll II iL If II 111111 1111an so DUNLOP ST EAST BARBIE PHllNl lllIl lllillllll lllll 7267200 OVER 100 MILLION IN EXISTING MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans homes vacation and commercial properties Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc ed Adults only $195 monthly first and last months Available July 15 Tele phone 7372125 after pm gt LARGE2 BeclrOomTApartment availablE August lst Centrally located Call 7265465 77 17houses to rent On Eastview bus route two bedrooms immaculate con dition full basement oil heat $205 plus all and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm TF NEW Two bedroom home in Barrie never before lived in appliances available if needed $300 monthly Telephone 325 4218 AND bedroom houses available im mediately Close to downtown Call am 90171 726 3257 THREE BEDROOM townhouse Fer ris lane sublet backs on to park pay own utilities and gas first and last months 5290 Available July 30th telephone 737 2113 days or 726 9598 even ings BEDROOM HOUSE for rent $225 monthly Between Barrie and Angus No pets 4210279 ANGUS TWO bedroom home built in appliances carpeted large treed lot $250 monthly References needed Available August lst Telephone 4241179 BRICK HOUSE in good condition large could be made into apartment $350 monthly bedroom apartment $150 monthly Telephone 728 7044 ONE BEDROOM winterized cottage close to hospital $180 month Telephone 726 2622 after pm BEDROOM chalet house good yard workshop furnished or unfurnished in Lelrny Telephone 456 2191 NEWLY RENOVATED house available September lst only miles from Angus Lanl troerl lot bedrooms llfliilFthlnS school bus stops nearby ap pltnnces may be arranged Good 70707071193 required $385 monthly plus utilities Telephone 424 0796 after ANGUS TWO bedroom duplex own yard available August lst $190 mon thly heat Included Reference please If Interested please call 424 1179 SPLIT ENTRY Bungalow in Allandale bedrooms newty decorated immediate possessmn $250 monthly References please Call 728 4268 or 728 0810 BEDROOM with finished rec room in semi detached with carport fenced en Closed rear yard $270 month plus utilities Available September lst 1977 Cundles area References reqmred Phone 726 9088 BEDROOM house overlooking the lake suntable for adults $300 monthly year lease required Telephone 726 8470 or 726 024l ANGUS Two bedroom bungalow with garage $200 monthly Available August Telephone 424 6053 CLEAN bedroom townhouse North Street Fridge stove garage $300 mon thly Pay own utilities Available August lst Telephone Sue Dronnan rep Emorv Miller Real Estate 726 1881 or 737 0437 BEDROOM House close to Bell Telephone Heat hydro cable supplied References $350 monthly Telephone 7281722 18apts wanted to rent cottages farms AGE Fu DING 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 363342l OR BEDROOM winterized house apartment cottage Borden Barrie area otember 31 December 1977 Write Lt Smith 138 Viewmount Drive Ottawa Ontarlo K26 387 ALLANDALE AREA Widow desires one bedroom apartment Must have fridge and stove Reasonable Call 7280954 20rooms let BRIGHT VERY large newly decorated rooms to rent in downtown location Taurus Real Estate Ltd 7373000 LARGE furnished rooms Full kitchen facilities rec room Available now working people Central 7266392 IDEAL ACCOMMODATION for the business person age 20 to 30 Large modern furnished home central air All conveniences Bayfield and Cundles Call 7265303 CLEAN BRIGHT furnlshed bedroom for gentleman linen supplied and changed weekly cooking facilities free parking central $25 weekly Telephone 282471 FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenings 7269859 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location parking available Im ggdlagzly phone Hamilton Real Estate 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angelolf 24space for rent DOWNTOWN HEATED STORAGE Up to 3000 sq ft High ceilings easy loading facilities Reasonable rates 7260981 WEEKDAYS PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft clear part of large expanding industrial mall 7267111 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap St West with large fenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 6350637 27cottages to rent THREE BEDROOM cottage for rent all conveniences at Balm Beach Please telephone 7262688 MONTHS July August available sand beach inside conveniences boat slips trailer sites 4872427 or 4873827 32 cars for sale 32eersferseie SEVER MAPLE AMUSALES 24Hour Towing Mechanical Repairs Auto Body JULY SPECIAL Complete point only $165 Highway 27 North 3221654 MWFAuIO KELLYS KAR KLEAN 204 Shanty Bay Rd Barrie Phone 7264140 Complete Klean Up Motor Shampoo Interior Shampoo Trunk Shampoo Exterior Wash and Wax Fast Courteous Service at Reasonable Prices entrance off Colborne St MWF 25 1972 VOLKESWAGEN Supper BeatlF 11000 miles on new 1600 cc engine Cer tified $81 Call 4562824 1967 PONTIAC convertible needs repairs $150 or best offer Telephone 7262968 1974 TOYOTA 1600 Deluxe speed radio $17500certified Call 7372852 after pm XR7 COUGAR 1972 deluxe Interior tall bucket seats P8 P5 gold vinyl roof clean sharp car Snow tires extra rim 7260350 or 7260793 1970 DART SWINGER 3407peed 60171 32 cars fer sale BUYING CAR Why not get loan Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Cal tler St 7205191 1970 LINCOLN Continental 851110 miles $2130 7287156 1971 VOLKESWAGEN stationwagon ex cellent condition radial ply tires Michelin snows mounted on rims radio gas heater etc Telephone 7262234 after pm 1976 AUSTIN Mint excellent condition Cannon Headers Ansa exhaust Michelin radials mono plus 100 mags eight track rustproofing Best offer 7283183 after MUST SELL 1973 Oldsmobile Deni4 door low mileage $2200 or best offer Telephone 7284659 1968 PONTIAC FIREBIRD $1200 or best after 1969 Buick La Sabre best of fer 1970 Cuda $1200 or best after 1967 Ford van needs work best offer 57 Maplehurst Cres 1973 OLDS Toronado good condition 83000 miles emerald green with white vinyl roof and interior Fully equipped including air cruise control and night light $2000 Call 7269814or 72173382 1977 MUSTANG ll Beautiful car Im maculate condition 000 miles Power steering and brakes Automatic Plus many extreas Asking $4300 Call 7264543 Ask for Pat or Randy 1973 PONTIAC Venture custom in showroom condition Rustproofed Michelin tires 46500 miles Asking $2050 Certified 7283293 ask for John Crawford 1976 HONDA VlClC good condition 25000 miles 42 miles per gallon radio radial tires undercoated Certified $2500 Call 7262297 1974 VEGA GT air conditioning ex cellent condition loaded Must sell Cer tified Must be seen to be appreciated Call 7267663 after pm 1970 FORD FAIRLANE 500 six cylinder good running order $675 certified 7264577 after pm COLLECTORS ITEM 1959 meteor stationwagon 56000 miles in good running order Must be seen to be appreciated Call and make an offer 4362899 CONVERTIBLE 1969 Pontiac plus power steering power brakes power top new brakes new tires Excellent condition com pletely certified $1250 Call after pm 7281059 1971 VEGA Hatchback customized with 283 automatic V8 In very good condi $1300 or best offer Phone 7269979 after tion wtll pass inspection Telephon 466239 32 ears for sale ORV HADY Takes The Risk Out Of Buying Used Car If after visiting our used car supermart you feel you did not receive the courtesy and service our customers deserve or that our product has been in any way misrepresented you will always find me available for your consultation OPEN LETTER TO USED CAR BUYERS FROM ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford St Phone 7284272 Wednesday July 13 Dear Used Car Buyers We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel it is unwise to pay too much But it is worse to pay too little When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because the car you bought was incapable of doing the iob it was supposed to do The common law of business balance prohibits paying little and getting lot it cant be done If y0u deal with the lowest bidder it is well to hold something for the risk you take And if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better Do yourself favor befOre you buy any car Come in and iust look at our mer chandise Putting you behind the wheel of the best used car your budget can of ford is our business YR MAKE MODEL 76 Cadillac Sedan deVilIe Chev Monte Carlo Olds Toronado Valiant Scamp Pontiac slw 75 74 Chev Biscayne Buick Century Maverick dr 73 Valiant Scamp Chev Biscayne Sedan Oatsun Sport Cpe Pontiac Laurentian Chev Impala Pontiac Firebird dr HT Chevelle Malibu dr Buick LeSabre Comet dr Pinto dr Ford Pinto slw dr 72 Ford slw Pontiac dr cpe Montego slw 71 Pontiac Laurentian Maverick Sedan Chevelle Coupe Olds Cutlass 70 Pontiac Sedan 69 Chrysler Volkswagen Ford slw LTD Buick Wildcat Chev dr HT Volks Station Wagon Yours truly ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED EQUIPMENT PS PB TapeAir 8APSPBR 8A PS PB airloaded JFCQOO 8A PS PB Fl 8A PS PB Radio BAPSPBB 8APSPBFI BAR 8APS PBR 8APSPBFI 44sde 8APS PBR 8APS PBB 8APS PBR 8APSPBR 8APS PBBAir BAH 44sde 44sde 8APSPBR 8APSPBH LIC coma PRICE KJH 579 Burg $9895 KZA438 Burg $4295 Brown $5995 JHE884 Blue $3398 JYJ352 Beige $3495 HZO572 Gold $2995 JZA437 Brown $3395 HUDO4I Green $2495 HET866 Red $2595 FEE980 Blue $2795 KZA760 Orange $2295 FCU413 Gold $2795 ALA963 Green $2995 CHHBIB Maroon $3195 FLO354 Maroon $3195 ATDOSO Gold $2995 HDLZOO Bronze $1995 FLXBOO Fled 695 FEJOBO Yellow $1895 FMTOZO Grey $1295 AMU494 Blue $1195 OTY299 $1795 FKSOIB Brown $1095 8APSPBR BAPSPBH 8APSPBH 8APSPBR BAPSPBH 8APS PBB 44spdR 8APS PBB 8APS PBPWFIAir 8APSPB auto radio AFB935 White OMS744 Gold FISH981 Green FLU795 Blue AZXOQQ Turq Dim350 Black DTVOSZ Blue FEL273 Blue FIX533 Blue FEJ57ll Red $1795 $1795 $2195 $1295 $995 as Is 495 as Is 85 as is $1295 certified 295 as ll 495 as Is 32 ft Troian plunked cabin cruiser in mint condition Many extras air VFH depth sounder camper back loud holler chairs bumpers etc Seen by ap pointment only $19900 Car or truck on trade Jy13 ORV HARDY MOTORS LTD 176 BRADFORD ST BARBIE Ihe home of driving mans car 818 thinking mans price 1975 DODGE Charger SE air condition ed 95 Rb cruise control radials 39000 miles certified power steerings brakes and windows $3900 for quick sale See car at Ross Rolls Shell Station or telephone 7283876 evenings 197292 MGB Convertible new rebuilt engine clutch Michelin tires plus snow radials Ask for Rick 3259527 Orlllia 10 am ta9 pm i968 VAl IANT six cylinder automatic four door in excellent condition Cer tified Asking $575 Telephone 7286134 1975 DART Custom dr fully equipped like new Asking $3395 Call 7286815 after pm 1976 TRANS AM excellent conde sublease 23 months $199 per month Telephone 7288889 1973 JAGUAR type 12 cylinder needs work best offer Telephone 7288889 1966 PONTIAC LaurentIFn vs doe very good condition owner low mileage aslsCa117264143 PRIVATE 1967 Chev window van uncertlfied $450 Please call 7371783 SCARCE 1967 Dodge Charger V8 automatic rebuilt drive train power steering and brakes AMFM track stereoradio Best offer 7262545 after pm 1973 GRAND Torino Certified Many ex tras including air conditioning Low mileage Call 4363541 1970 MALIBU rebuilt motor 327 header air shocks new brakes new tires certified 12000 miles excellent condition $1500 Call Randy 7263555 after630pm 1965 PONTIAC Custom convertible power steering power brakes good top runs well Needs body work $250 as Is 705 4357147 1974 AUDI 100 LS Sedan door silver auto 115 Pb AMFM low mileage superb conditlon private Orlllia Telephone 3252347 days or 3252116 evenings 1970 TOYOTA Corona MK II 1900 cc dr automatic radio $850 or best offer 40 articles for sale 40erticles for sale THEIEXAMINEB Available Daily at These Simcoe County Merchants HILLTOP SUNOCO HWY 27 THORNTON GENERAL STORE LUIS COOKSTOWN BOBS MILK COOKSTOWN WRAYS DRUGS ALLISTON ALLISTON SMOKE SHOP TALL TREES CAMPGROUND HWY 27 LORIES SNACK BAR HWY 27 ROBBINS EVERETT STEPHENS GLENCAIRN A27H 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale JAY BROS Automatic WHOLESALE RETAIL BAIT LIQUID CHLORINATORS BARRIE ONTARIO by POOLMINDER 135 FERNDALE RD chemically treat your pool for WORMS PACKAGED IN 128 less than $60 season 16 32l 25s or 50s AND BULK models to choose from Call Ken Jay at 7264851 SERVICES MWF Jy27 SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading Liquid chlorine denvered Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season V2 price Guaranteed installation and terms Call collect days or evenings 14162214840 Jy 20 DOG HOUSE for sale large size $5 For further Information telephone 7284743 Phone 7281594 after pm MUST aELLï¬ 1972 Pontiac Station Wagon low mileage excellent body and engine Just the car for that summer trip with the family Telephone 7263271 1973 CHRYSLER and Ford Dextra trac tor Both in good condition Phone even Ings 4363897 1968 PONTIAC gmonditiOm uncer tified automatic $395 Telephone 7285120 1969 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass convertible power top window steering and brakes In good condition Asking $1000 Tele phone 7260406 1973 PLYMOUTH Fury III 360 power steering power brakes door Asking $1800 Phone 7286732 1949 FORD good mechanical condition after 630pm REFRIGERATOR Frigidaire medium size $40 also Duo Therm space heater $40 Telephone 4363730 OCCASIONAL Chair and Studio Couch good for rec room Asking $25 each Telephone7264777 GARAGE SALE to be held Saturday Ju ly 16 at the heme of Sweezie at Anten Mills Time 100 pm 500 pm Items for sale include dishes pine cheSt of drawers pine drop leaf table kitchen suite community plate silverware and much more NEWFOUNDLAND Products Salt Cod Caplin Cod Tongues Seal Salt Beef Salt Ribs Hard Bread Sweet Bread Purity Products Goulds Groceteria 9th Line and 25th Side Road Stroud INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come In today or call 7264606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymarl Plaza SWIMMING POOLS to rent will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pool with patio Choice of styles meeting all fencing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call collect anytime 141666219508 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slight Iy Scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295 Available at preseason special of $1288 Call now V8 flathead uncertified Telephone for early Installation Call collect 61041 92960 PY1€liéï¬Ã©ii° CL CL wiï¬géfgagie 155 i533 55d ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar an Eeictric welding extension cable 346 T977 Amplifier approx months old Both In copper 150 like new common phone Ew excellent condition Asking $550 7269oaa 7263435 Aw iv Flre mist silver styled like New Yorker red cloth and vinyl interior electric rear defrost tinted glass air conditioned electronic clock cruise con trol power windows trunk radio stereo tape tlIt steering silver canopy with opera windows styled spoke wheels still under warranty $7200 lirm Telephone 7262638 after pm 1959 CHEV CAPRICE door hardtop auto power steering and brakes needs body work $150 uncertified Telephone 7268544 PRIVATE SALE 1973 Pinto hatchback 4cylinder automatic radio 32000 miles owner $1395 Call Doug Stewart 7281312 1974 CRYSLER Newport VTSi conditioned power steering and brakes excellent condition $2600 or best offer 7284634 333 rs wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS T76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF TOP PRICE for top cars Take Motors Ltd 119 Bradford 51 Barrie 7230111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 4356322 After pm 4245949 WANTED Clean used cars BarTTe HOn da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 7266488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars DOUth over SCBIBS Best prices paid 43636777 34trucks and trailePsW 75 lII Lang WB 76 Scout wheel drive 72 Long WB 72 Cab overtake 28 body 71 Tandem dump 70 Ford 14 van body 69 diesel tandem dump 71 cab over chaise 72 pickup HYHOE backhoe truck mounted $9200 Five bedroom bunk trailer self contained Hart Motors Ltd Motor Trucks on 400 Barrie 4x4 1973 LANDROVER 22000 original miles CB radio must sell best rea sonable offer Telephone 7282410 before 430pm 1974 DODGE 100 V2 ton automatic transmission V8 Power brakes radio track step up bumper with trailer hitch and cap Excellent condition Telephone 4589571 1969 FARGO three quarter ton pickup V8 automatic power steering power brakes 62000 miles Very reliable runs good 7280755 1970 GMC Suburban van with wheel drive $1500 or best Offer Telephone 4562330 1974 SUPER VAN excellent condition good gas mileage custom Interior radial tires slotted chrome rims Cer tified For more information phone 7289716 after 1969 JEEP J3000 37 ton 8000 to winch power angling plow new brakes alter nator rad etc Telephone 4241948 TRADE 1970 Pontiac station wagon Parlsienne one owner excellent condi tion for GMC pickup six cylinder Must be excellent Call 7282863 LIKE NEW 1975 Ford Explorer pickup exceptional ly clean 23000 miles Michelin radial tires power steering brakes radlo chrome step bumper 7295693 or 4872142 1967 DODGE VAN cooler stove sihTC water pump tank shag rug panelled $60000 Call 4362971 1975 GMC halfton Sierra Classic ps pb tilt wheel sliding rear window tinted glass rear step bumper New GM Cur tiss cap excellent condition Serious in quirles only Call 43 6893 1976 JEEP J20 tru with plow 380 V8 PS PB radio 12000 miles all the ex tras Must sacrifice at $5700 Phone 7266178 or see at 205 Dunlap St business hours 37motorcycles 1973 HONDA 750 Borrani rims Dunstall exhaust clean and well maintained ask lng $1500 Telephone 7282410 before 430 pm YAMAHA 30$ completely overhauled mechanically certified $350 firm Phone 7372367 19747 CAN AM 250 TNT 3000 miles knobbles and other extras $1100 Call 717356 anytime 100 cc YAMAHA 1976 certified and licenced A1 condition hardly used Ask lng $450 Telephone 8352843 after pm 1952 HARLEY DAVIDSON chopped Needs work Asking $2000 or best offer Call Paul at 7282619 after pm 1975 HONDA 750 Supir Sport 1070110 miles new paint like new $1600 1975 Honda CB 360T new in 76 900 miles back rest carrier $1000 Must sell Both for $2500 73771962 iLsnomebileS 1973 MOTOR SKI good condition best offer Telephone 4363252 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 HANG GLIDER tow kite 18 wing 16 keel stainless steel control bar years old good condition all accessories for towing and hang gliding $650 Must sell 4245802 or 75172356 USED FURNITURE Airconditioners small fridges for office or cottage solves freezers odd chairs Chesterfield sets lawn furniture and bedroom suites Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse free dellver 7282843 SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS Algi ban Kaypool etc Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St East 7282431 GARAGE AND lawn sale 12 Meadowland Ave Allandale Heights open from 10 am to 10 pm daily 15 ft aluminium trailer with propane sleeps piano 7263396 CEDAR POSTS all sizes line posts an chors and braces Also poles and chi and ducks 7201637 EME ENCY SALE late summer overloads our warehouse 231977 all aluminum 16 24 swimming pools Must be sold immediately includes sundeck fencing filter and safety stairs Sale price $1250 installation and terms ar ranged CaII Terry collect days or even ings 141641318802 CHROME Kitchen Table with chairs Red recliner chair good condition Tele phone 4365063 RAILWAY TIES for sale regular size Telephone Sun Valley Restaurant 7370086 GARAGE SALE July 13th to 17th pm to 10 pm Kitchen set lazyboy chair gold rocker matching curtain and bedspread etc 80 Daphne Cres PHILIPS MODEL 351 busirteséaccoun ting machine Excellent condition Call 7282460 FOR SALE Two Electrohome 8000 BTU horizontal air conditioners Good condition $150 each Apply Norman Shoes 7283881 STOVE fridges air luggage kitchen set automatic washer miscellaneous Telephone 7373485 MATCHING 24 Admiral stove and 28 Admiral refrigerator Almost new Harvest gold Estate sale 5500 Kitchen table and chrome swivel chairs $100 Walnut buffet and hutch $200 Phone 3222408 after pm FARM FRESH sides of beef govern ment inspected 200225 pounds average 76 cents per pound plus processing Telephone 4246053 AIR CONDITIONER Electrohome 6000 BTU Brand new 4562610 BICYCLE CARRIER tar car or trailer used twice $14 cash GE floor polisher used very little $10 728 059 AQUARIUM for sale 50 US gallons complete with all accessories Excellent condition Asking $150 Telephone 8352843 after pm KITCHEN SET Complete with chairs with leaf excellent condition $100 or best offer Telephone 7283041 PORTABLE DRYER apartment size and Guitar Both in very good condition Call 3222701 after pm 41boats and mators BOAT SALE 14 33 hp motor wtrailer $1195 ONE PAIR 67814 summer tires com plete with rims like new Originally on Chev Malibu $45 Electrohome air condi tioner 6000 BTU Used one season $140 73733733 14Cutter 55 hp $1495 BEAT THIS 15Silverline50hp $2695 Upholstery material 99 per 85 MOFCUIY WiOP $2395 yard 15 Fibreglass 55 hp $1595 Drapery materialWPeryord I7Silverllne165hplO $4500 Handbags Ladies $283 15 Catamaran Sailboat $1595 th $688 12 Petrel Sailboat $695 3131753 $73755 SPORTIIAVEN MARINE Jackets Lee $1295 Mile East of Barrie Fun fur $550 per yard on Sham Bay Rd 10000 other bargains 726 00 ADAIR VOLUME SALES 29 Discount Warehouse 21 Mary Street BARRIE Ontario CANOES Jy 13 We have truckload of dif ferent sizes shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum ICOOOOS HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT piano In good condition must be seen to be ap preciated 7287025 Iï¬ 1716136070 sTJITeTTcFaTrE TaEIEEIE SWITIMVEN MARINE hutch Hand m$de solid bi7rc7h151 mie East of Barrie glgï¬condttlon ep one 728 er on shomy Bay Rd BASEMENTTEATRAEE SrtTtTEri EaTe 7261001 219 Pine Dr Painswlck Monday thru Sunday this week baby crib stroller walker and other household items over 2000 pieces of good used articles of clothing Proceeds for charity COLDSPOT Air Conditioner 10000 BTU three speed tan air exhaust con trol temperature setting New $425 Ask Ing $275 Call 7267685 Au3 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor At condition Asking $2500 Telephone 4354245 after 430 pm BOAT TRAILERs for rent Two days from $15 Call Brices Boats 416 4734175 TorontoL14133631954 MOTOR 75 horse power new Forwird and reverse controls Remote tank Telephone 7269544 or 728 1971 26 F1 Goliath 318 hp Chrysler fully equlpped sleeps head excellent condition Asking $8000 Call Rick 7264940 or 7371414 16 FIBERGLAS GREW 100 hp Mer cury electric start built in 15 gallon gas tank equipped for skiing $3200 or best offer Also boat lift $400 Telephone 728 4287 16 FOOT Crestliner Fibreglass boat 1974 70 horsepower Evinroude motor Tllt trailer Skis and equipment Call 7265136 18V STARCRAFT Daycruiser outboard 100 hp Mercury heavy duty trailer slip at City Marina for season $3200 firm Telephone 7261616 CEDAR STRIP 16 with 55 no Chrysler MOTRRTS PIANO very 531 corialiléni also brown and orange floral piece chesterfield Telephone 7287454 after pm PATIO TILES 24 30 $200 each Chair Simmons make rust velveteen like new $75 Call 4363564 INGLlS PORTABLE dishwasher teak table and chairs All in good condition Telephone 7263067 after pm GOCART 10 HP motorcycle engine disc brakes Troque converter Telephone 7288151 60 KART hp Briggs and station ex cellent running order Also wish to trade 1970 Pontiac Parisienne station wagon excellent condition for GMC pickup 7282863 WASHER AND DRYER for sale white 11 years old Also 17 cubic foot refrigerator Moffat years old Reasonably priced Telephone 7288494 ANTIQUES WICKER chair and side table lounge and matching chair corner electric start tilt lock trailer llfe china cabinet all In excellent condition preservers gas tanks extras 5700 7263146 Phone 7289960 20 VOLUME GENERAL reference Research Encyclopedias 12 volume Childrens Library volume Science Library also asserted books Asking $37500 Call 7373083 12 FOOT FTBREGLASS caFleTnTmTE sale In good condition Telephone 7263067 after pm 1973 CUTTER runabout Mercury 85 HP EZ Loader trailer AI condition AMFM radio $2400 or best offer Telephone 726 1871 days or 4873608 even tngs 24 GOLIATH Cruiser cyl Inboard mahogany plywood fridge stove reduc ed for quick sale WIII accept best offer Telephone 726 9290 $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS sAILBOAT 11 Surillower 5250 Ex cellent condition Call 7262477 35 HP EVINRUDE outboard motor with electric start and gas tank In good con coy dltion Best offer Steering wheel and Yuur spool assembly Shift and throttle con trol box $25 for both Phone 7269N8 14 FT SANGSTERCRAFT Simcoe Mark One fibreglass boat 35 horsepower motor battery gas tank trailer $850 OWIde selection of discount fabrics ec winch Toofl bclm almanur For further information call 7283897 pro on ona artlcles Needles threads twines amed CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 195011ems 7288234 Wiï¬mtqht Piano ma conditionTelephone 7372163 TV ANTENNA TOWER needed used Call between 11 am pm7261870 OButtons made to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet 44dogs and pets BAR POODLE SalonShampooing and clipping of all breeds hi StreetEast7264l4l sop poems 7727071711 $71761 grooming all breeds lcku and de n22uzf llvery1268798Pet$tudflg TROPICAL FISH Best selection In 7371510 town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable Th IF prices Evenings and weekends Edge hlII Aquarla 143 Ardagh Road 7260094