Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1977, p. 15

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01 property tor san property for sac the home folk ho cat about people 47 COLLIER sr CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 M1 112 COLLINGWOOD ST Truly an outstanding home and garden area Immaculate main floor family room with angelstone fireplace sliding glass doors and patio Beautifully landscaped and treed Lot size 82 166 Asking $85900 Please call Corby Adams for inspection MINESING $29900 Starter home on acre private treed lot Financing available Call Corby Adams 138 PUGET ST MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY Brick bungalow 1300 sq ft bedrooms on main floor large kit chen new broadloom and drapes stay Rec room finished Lot 300 ft deep To view call Corby Adams BAYSHORE ESTATES 277 PINE DR $52900 level side split down Try on offer Call Corby STARTERS have homes listed in Barrie under $30000 Call Corby for details and inspection NEW LISTING SPRING ST INNISFIL $49900 bedroom raised bungalow large kitchen I2 car garage Im mawlate throughout Call Corby Adams STOP HERE MUST SELL $48900 bedroom brick bungalow attached garage Lshoped livingdining room large eatin kitchen baths plus finished rec room Call Jim Quinlan 7260873 Jy8 REDUCED TO $43500 Three bedroom older home in Allandale Heights Very private backyard broadloom throughout Two baths Call Jim Quinlan 7260873 JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS Three bedroom split level home Family room Located south of Barrie on Garson Street Quiet sub division Low down payment Call Helen Hopkins 7281662 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Corby Adams manager 7286829 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Ross Leeder 7269245 FRSE GEORGE WORRALL EALTY LTD BARRIE IIO DUNLOP ST 7373200 MWFTF 7372101 Agent tor Pineview Estates of Midhurst JOHN COLE 7283017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 AL CALHOUN no toll 8352742 BERNIE BLUM 4872299 Art Maw 7281346 REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Photo Multiple Listing Service 7263111 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Vicki Kent 4872501 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstone 7263043 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Wanted TO Purchase Small or medium sized company with good 01 property tar san PRIVATE OFFER in Barrie spotless bedroom with many extras year old raised bungalow inquire 726 4064 LETITIA STREET three bedroom bungalow living room dining room kit hen tour piece bath Mature treed lot 55 132 Priced In low 40s Phone 728 0813 LAKEVIEW CONDOMINIUM apart ment bedrooms baths broadloom throughout upgraded stove and lridge indoor parking $43500 with cash to mortgage Telephone 726 9404 prin growth pOTenTIOI Would cipals only PRIVATE At the Narrows Orillia consder malorny Wiiitcrized cottage bedrooms livmg room With Irreplace kitchen bath large teres storey boaltiouso with modern guest quarters above 66 01 nice sand beach Simcoe year round good road nice district Ownir moving must sell Just reduced COUFHy $2000 Price $47000 Telephone 325 3083 PRIVATE SALE bedroom brick bungalow Compact and cozy Close to wrne Box U74 The downtown and hospital Ideal starter home or tor retirement Principalsonly Exomlner Borne on Telephone 726 9547 yori° REDUCED Jy16 $5000 TODAY 09 commercial sale or rent 80 trrst to see this bedroom two storey home trreplace baths double garage and barn on near acre Asking $60000 Call Rick Harker Representing Qurnn Real Estate 7371414726 4940 PRIVATE SALE Best buy in River wood Farms compare 110 Oren Blvd at $47500 Detached bedroom split entry double car garage rec room tamin siz PRIME Allandale Location in Busy Plaza ed kitchen opens to cedar deck sqft broadloom throughovi can arrange For Demils ca tinancinii Tolephonc 7281538 tor ap pointment 7286165 or 7265407 CEDAR GROVE Park Wasaqa Beach Au4 very clean comtortable mobile home completely turnished on large site well 2000 SQ FT tor rent in small landscaped asking $11500 Call Rudi Smit Real Estate Limited 429 2211 04lots tor sale automotive plaza Suutable tor any type business Only tell Phone 726 0786 GARAGE Bay 27 30 tool doors washroom Available July Dunlap BUILDING LOT 66 198 in New West Telephone 726545 days Lowell septic approval and buildiin 77305479V00i095 permit available Price $10000 Tele SUITABLE Fol law om Three phone 737 0753 LARGE LOTS tor sale Reasonable Good location in arowrna communin near Barrie Builders terms Building permits available 726 3677 ostarms tor sale FIFTY ACRE turmiwithAa small com pletely renovated house Convenient to Airport Road and ski areas Princrpals only Eveningsr7261584 99 ACRES ON Horseshoe Valley Road overlooking Bass Lake Eight room house barn set up tor dairy $129000 325 ONE bedroom house tor rent blocks trom Court House One year lease roqurred Telephone 726 0241 or 726 8420 Prime Location Downtown 1700 sq tool at tloor space as well as 1700 sq it in basement Suitable tor ottice or storage $375 monthly Call Mike Lysabild representing Emory Miller Ltd 726 1881 or 726 6054 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 I4 mobile homes trailers mortgages Elie unic 9Offers ii linen Isl and 2nd MortgagesiwsMomees SQ Monthly payments to suit your budget Prime Rates 48 hour Commitments commercial Residential or Vacation Properties munICIpal loan corporation 88 DUNLO a1 12 mortgages it ST EAST BARRIE PIIIINI Ille IIIJTIIIN llNl 726721111 OVER 100 MILLION IN EXISTING MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Open Mortgage Loans Immediate Ist and 2nd Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties TO consolidate debts low monthly payments We have ready I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 12 mortgages Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc Home improvements anyworthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us cash to purchase mortgages 347 BAY STREET TOiONTO ONT 3633421 TF 14 mobile homes trailers CONVENTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGES 106 N0 salary qualifications We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual at tention to all mortgage inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential commercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages tor cash Call Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr for valuable advice BUS 7371881 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD st 7267130 Otfice Hours9 am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action contidential DaVid Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 3362 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burto Ave 7289866 TF TRAVELMATE 25 Motor homo sleeps rental or sale tully equped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 31 Baytiild St 726 6438 TWO BEDROOM mobile home Willi Irreplace tridae and stove shag run and extras Set up ideal tor couple starting out or retiring Call 737 2583 or 7211 9866 10 34 HOUSE TRAILER lully equip ped torce air turnace trig propane range piece bath $4500 or best otter Phone 372 1518 1960 GMC camper tully equipped sleeps best otter as is or $3000 certitied Telephone 726 6948 alter Hoe Doe Estates living Barrie area 728 6875 728 9734 new used only six times 705 4451480 16 opts to rent nTT KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults 1F THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MWFTF apartment FURNISHED bachelor available mid July Wall to wall carpeting heat hydro parking $160 monthly Call 7284967 atteré pm FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 O988weekdays ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments trom $160 monthly Central location First and last required Appliances and heat included Telephone 726 9418 alter Mississauga Court bedroom apts colored appliances drapes supplied next to Simcoe Plaza 737 1877 ONE AND two bedroom apartments available new downtown area Call bet ween am and pm 726 3257 TWO BEDROOM apartment on second tloor Relrrgerator and stove optional Centrally located Available immediate IyQuietadults Telephone 737 2617 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY and bedroom apartments central location parking heat water stove and trio in cluded lrom $210 monthly Phone 726 7736 TWO BEDROOM apartments adjacent to park overlooking Kempentelt Bay $235 monthly includes refrigerator stove heatand parking Hydro extra No pets Cali 7265063 AVAILABLE JULY small two bedroom apartment $205 monthly plus hydro First and last months rent Cen trally located 726 3912 BEDROOM Apartment newly decorated available immediately bedroom available July 1501 and August Isl $230 monthly plus hydro Reterences No pets Parking laundry tacilities7281035 ONE BEDROOM apartment close to shopping and transportation available immediately tridge stove heat and parking Included $195 monthly Adults only Telephone 726 9200 TWO BEDROOM apartment available September ist bachelor apartment available now rent includes all utilities plus cable and parking close to Baylielcl Mall Telephone 726 6046 BEDROOM Apartment No children no pets Fridge Stave 74 Shirley St $255 plus hydro Telephone 716 3817 or 726 8733 ROOM Apartment tor rent decorated ground tloor pakring 15 minutes trom Barrie on main road Available July 15 Telephone 3221145 TWO BEDROOM semi turnished apart ment on bus route centrally located available immediately Telephone 726 2551 AVAILABLE One and two bedroom apartments $211 $232 monthly In cludes trig stove heat and parking Bus stop location No pets Call 728 5816 TWO BEDROOM apartment $200 mon thly plus hydro Retrigorator stove and parking prOVIded Apply 11 Victoria Street Apt noon until no pets please LARGE COMPLETELY turnished apartment Newly decorated suit adult couple No pets Available immediaton Telephone 728 0755 ONE BEDROOM apartment centrally located triage stove all utilities includ ed $165 monthly available July 15 Reterences Call 7211 0674 between 30 30pm BEDROOM APARTMENT available August tst Dunlap and Maple $195 monthly plus utilities Call 726 3442 BEDROOM APARTMENT heat and hydro available immediately tor more intormalion Ca11436 4419 ONE AND two bedroom apartment with tridgii and stove and parking included in rent at $185 and S225 East and location No pets Adults Phone 726 7685 or 7260875 ONE BEDROOM apartment close to downtown tridge and stove S180 month Iy Available immediately Call 487 2412 Newly New Bedroom homes over 950 sq Ieet with tamiiy room $1000 Down move In otter limited 15 yr mortgage Country TELopts to rent ONE BEDROOM basement apartment private entrance Close to downtown Heat and hydro included Suitable tor couple Call 7267919 eAscMméNT turnished private entrance Close to bus route One bedroom Call 7265987 BROAD LOOMED bedroom apartment in adult building coppertone tridge and stove Available July 31 year lease re quired Call 7289398 LARGE BEDSITTING room and ki Chen Close to downtown and hospital Completely lurnished including dishes stereo balcony and parking Suitable tor singlegirl4873819 MODERN TWO bedroom apartment retrigerator and stove parking includ ed Private entrance 3250 monthly First erenciersLCall 728 8474 ONE BEDROOM furnished apEFIMEnT East one year monthly Telerphone726024I or 7268420 person only non smoker no pets no parking All inclusive $150 monthly THEFT 7791361 LEE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY One bedroom withtridge and stove heat and hydro North Street $160 monthly Call Rick Harker representing Quinn REBI Estate 737 1414 7264940 17houses to rent NEW TWO bedroom home in Barrie never betore lived in appliances available if needed $300 monthly Telephone 1325 4218 BEDROOM Home available im mediately Blake Street $290 monthly plus heat and hydro Reterences re quired 487 2412 BEDROOM downtown Barrie No children no pets Call alter 700 pm 7267676 THREE OOM Condomi 63 Ferris Lane Unit K8 appliances garage Close to school and shopping $275 monthly plus utilities First and last months rent required Available July 1903117269316 BEDROOM House tor rent $265 monthly Large lot Call alter pm 416 7295 BEDROOM house available im mediately Close to downtown Call am Fem7263257 THREE BEDROOM house Overlooking the lake Central One year lease re quired Suitable tor adults $350 monthly Tel9han 7740241 01726 8420 NEW bedroom bungalow with base merit Available August Ist Innistil Beach area References required Call newer 1416 898256 BEDROOM house double garage Cen tral $350 monthly View Sunday only to pm Call 726 4544 7283122 or Toronto 8812515 THREE BEDROOM bungalow tor rent in Barrie Recreation room Available August Rent $300 monthly No pets For intormation call 424 0548 Two BEDROOM home Sunnidale Road area Barrie Large treed lot tireplace available August 728 7093 THREE BEDROOM townhouse Fer ris lane sublet backs onto park pay own utilities and gas tirst and last months $290 Available July 30m telephone 737 2113 days or 726 9598 even inqs TWO BEDROOM house tor rent central Iy located Air conditioned heat hydro and maior appliances supplied $325 monthly Telephone 726 9450 BEDROOM HOUSE tor rent $225 monthly Between Barrie and Angus No pets 424 0279 ONE BEDROOM bungalow recently built miles south of Highway 26 west at Minesinq $230 monthly Also bedroom tarm house redecorated 16 miles north and west 01 Barrie $350 monthly Available immediately Call 424 6258 ONE BEDROOM house close to bus stop $160 per month plus heat and hydro Reterences Call 728 4463 alter in Friday all day Saturday BEDROOM detached home with garage in Allandale area $320 monthly Available immediately For further in tormation call 416 626 2858 TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe TOWNHOUSE FOR rent $272 per trailer luxury turnishings king 5110111011171 bedrooms baths ap hen sacritico at $7000 lirm cost $9500 plianres Available August tst Call 7281767 FOR RENT or rent to purchase Clean bedroom home with tinished rec room baths retrigerator stove drapes in clude Convenient location No pets $360 monthly 726 49511 20rooms to let FURNISHED near tactories on bus route quiet atmosphere S22 weekly Phone evenings 726 9859 BRIGHT VERY large newly decorated rooms to rent in downtown location Taurus Real Estate Ltd 737 3000 LARGE turnished rooms Full kitchen lacilities rec room Available now Working people Central 7266392 FURNISHED ROOMS Clean modern central location parking available im mediately phone Hamilton Real Estate 737 1000 IDEAL ACCOMMODATION tor the business person 390 20 to 30 Large modern furnished home Central air Ali conveniences Baylield and Cundles Call 726 S303 CLEAN QUIET room Toronto St park inq $70 monthly Telephone 726 3733 CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom tor gentleman linen supplied and changed weekly cooking tacilities tree parking central S25 weekly Telephone 728 247i FURNISHED BEDROOM kitchen ta Cililies S25 weekly Telephone 728 8820 CLEAN FURNISHED room tree park ing central area please no drugs drinks or pets Telephone 737 3923 21room and boa rd COMFORTABLE ROOM with hoard available Call726 9094 23offices stores for rent PRIME LOCATION MODERN DOWNTOWN Approx 8500 sq ft Heated air conditioned Ideal for stores and offices Call owner 7260981 weekdays 4163633421 anytime Jy12 MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelott 24space tor rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq lt tully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part at large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial warehouse Telephone Angclotl VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large tonced in property Phone 778 7044 or 416 635 0637 27cottages to rent THREE BEDROOM collane tor rent all conveniences at Baltn Beach Please telephone 726 2688 28cottages for sale ALCONA BEACH Three bedroom cottage showar and sep tic Large treed lot lawn tront and back Asking $31900 Private salr Complete with turniture Interested parties call 436 489 29cottages wanted BASS LAK Cottaue wanted lake lron taqe year round access Evenings 445 6723 giltresorts ORR LAK Trailer Sites tully serviced 30 amp Seasonal still available Extra large sites tlush toilets showers playground no charge tar winter stor age Telephone 322 1632 22 ACRE LOT Blue Mountain area Overlooks Georgian Bay 737 1107 alter space and 776 3400 32 cars for sale PRIVATE SALE 1973 Pinto hatchback cylinder automatic radio 32000 miles owner $1395 Call Doug Stewart 7211 1112 1971 COUGAR XR7 automatic power steering power brakes radials black with white top and Interior Excellent condition $1500 Call Ken 7281675 BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barric Community Credit Union 18 Cal ller $1728 5191 1970 LINCOLN Continental 85000 miles $2000 728 7156 1975 TORONADO air conditioning AM FM radio cruise control Michelins power seats showroom condition $4995 Call 705 325 2407 and last months rent required Ret overlooking the lake 194 Dunlop ghee lease required 5190 FURNISHED BACHELOR type apart merit like new lovely area business fin ALUMINUM PAINSWICK ALUMINUM OWNER OPERATED PROTECT and BEAUTIFY your home with REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Siding SotfitFascia Eavestrough seamless FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7269769 GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcan siding Soflit Trough Doors Windows Awnings es 101 possible CUSTOM FENCING TIFFIN FENCE CO 60 Bradford Street Barrie Quality chain link fence supplies at lower prices DO it yourself or we install For free estimates call 7264131 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenigfl Phone DRYWALL BILOTTA DRVWALL and tapin residential and commercial no iab too ig or small Telephone 4584233 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Coll PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors siding SOIIII Fascia and trough all colours 20 year guarantee 4246073 NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Sottit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar anteed 7262609 7269002 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service IBAIIiance 813d 72811392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary 51 7265441 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses tar sale Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone 7285283 CARPENTRY AND General ContFactor Kitchen rec tireplaces rooms renovations additions guaranteed7371507 AV CARPENTER Specializing in rec rooms in terior remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884 after pmgt CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine lurniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 WA LICENCEDTCARPENTERS cusion homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed and Construction 1267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc Noiob to small 726I271 Authorized dealer BEGIN infiebéfifliflfl SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Rooting and roofing repairs Free estimates Call Martin Vfrsjralen 42319576LVNavaowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jerk Bales Free estimal7 Burton Ave Al 7268657 ft °° JTELTLTEETRIETF PRODUCTS PETER GAMBLE Electric CommerCIal Residential Industrial Installations and set vice 7264996 EOVOSTIOUQ 77777777i7fi Soffit Windows Facia Doors lndustrial Commercial Shuners Awnings Residential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 PARRY ELECTRICAL lndustrial Farm Commercial Residential Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 EXCAVATINO ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work Eve goo 4361257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic Watson torfree estimates 7281599 FIREPLACESV Custom built and designed Specializing in natural stone and antique brick All workmanship guaranteed Peter Henstra 71372871 FLOOR REFINISHIHG CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 4354995 START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam cleaning 726632I SPECIAL OFF LIMITED OFFER Braadloom rug cleaning steam or shampoo Budget Household Services 7371119 CARPET INSTALLATION fully guaranteed reasonable rate 4584432 CFRAMICS and repairs 7266263 COMMERCIAL ART work layout etc Plese cal mow CONCRETE Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 CRESTS ERNIES CRESTS Custom Screen Process Crests 1507 IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY CHAIN LINK FENCING Galvanized and Vinyl Installed FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7287829 CARPET CLEANING WALL TO WALL installation carpet and vinyl WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art collect 416 MANIERI PAVING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood tences Improve your property 737 HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and retii old and new guaranteed not to chip or peel 4258341 Installers All floor wall mosaic tiles and vinyl asbestos Work guaranteed year Precision Tile Company 7292197 IiANDtMAN GENERAL MAINTENANCE Windows cleaned General lawn care cleanup and fertilizing Garages and basements cleaned Refuse removed Trees and hedges trimmed and cut BARRIE 4362387 FREE Garages citriaiierd trash hauled away Just give us your castoffs Telephone or 7263441 IIOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363661 alter 630 pm Reterences available FEED MORE living space rec roam extra bedroom play room laundry atfice storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS camera Tbbsement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number tor all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dew and expansion ioints Work guaran teed4589346 CONSTRUCTION iioiise raisingf 761 datians renovations additions Phone Cresting On Garments 562955 or 4364717377099 Chenille Crests RENOVXTIONS BASEMENTS dug block and Club Jackets brick laying fireplacesd painting interior exterior Guarantee workmanship ERNIE ROSE 7286338 4359973 MWFJy13 CUSTOM BUILDING House lilting founda LL on and basements additions and renew CUSTOM FENCING IILIgffffféEILljQS 7364710 NORTHERN CARPENTRV Decks recTOOms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed work 7262609 or 7269002 gt GENERAL REPAIRS renovations ctrSmitty small plumbing electrical exteriorinterior PointingRflolihhgtwin1e7760038 Well Do It Right Our Prices Wont Bite CONSTRUCTION UNLIMITED Well Hang Door Or Well Build House For Free Estimates JULIAN SONS 7371743 MWFJy27 32 cars tOr sale 1959 BUICK Elecha In excfiieni condi tion Can be seen at 38 Feritdnle Drive Barrie Serious enquiries only please BAR GAIN 1976 Grand Prix Low mileage excellent cond power brakes steering windows air cond mag wheels Asking only $51000 Call Rob 726 7294 alter six 32 cars for sale 1975 PLYAOUTH custom 318 V8 34000 miles tour now radial tires two new snow tires Asking $3200 Call 737 1286 I970 MALIBU rebuilt motor 327 header air shocks new brakes new tires certitied 12000 miles excellent condition $1700 Call Randy 726 3555 atlerb 30pm ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look Over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their held and Will assure you of the the examiner Friday July 1977 15 NOMEIMPROyEMENTs CHAIN LINK FENCING per toot installed Price shown is for 48 high vinyl covered mesh211 go 00 with galvanized posts top rail and fittings 48 High Mesh 27 per ft 11Gauge Green vinyl 309 per ft End Corner Posts and Gate extra 7264702 am 8981361 Call Collect 60 High 1z mesh 11 gauge Green Vinyl Limited Time Only 75 minimum at these rates Peel Fence Systems Inc 465 Davis Dr Newmarket Ont ly6811131518 HOME Importers WW9 WE DO IT MANIERI PAVING Poinfin Driveways Parking Lots Tennis Courts Home Repmrs Concrete Work ROOIIOQ FREE ESTIMATES Tree Cutting You Name It 7284812011365519 INCOME TAX Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Sinicoe County for 17 years Bur INCOME TAX returns prepared AngUv rie area 55 up Dobsnn 4745910 allm mwus Warmc Sandweekends OATES d2 Duiilnp St East Custom INCOME TAX mums prepared IO mm training OI ull iypm We sirirk many sizes biness lorm and home Mitchells Book PI10017133770 keeping Service726 29737 ARTIIRAM Cristier pillllll twining Wide sotoctiws Fmt or low rce iiisglgirionmw PLUMBING NEW WORK and lEpUts drcilii and sewer cleaning complete kitilwii and bathroom renovationi 011171111 110 BilIHO 4584233 RIDING INSTRUCTIONS Blown cellulose Fbre HORSEBACK RIDING and hiJrsainansliip lessons English or Western Call 010 487 3363 MWFS7 ROOFING AW and limiting New Asplirilt shingles cleanups prunin lawn and garden maintenance landscaping sudding Free WAND ROOFING Old R0179 Firm estimates 3271897 alter pm Help Help Survive Free Enterprise Call for Roolitig Installed Eavestroughing Installed Chimney Rebiiilrlinq Repairs Call any dciy from 1111 pm Graham Rooting estimates 726 4536 REICHEN LANDSCAPING 219 KENNEDY AVE PAINSWICK ONT Sodding lawn and garden maintenance ROtO tilling Evergreens Cedar Hedges Fertilizing Ond Patio Repair FREE ESTIMATES 1286628 R001INCAETthgm Flo Oslorials Wolk guaranteed 474 0311 LANDSCAPINGgardenin and tree culling Good rates Give us col at 726 1634 bot gegrlpgn and 5pm SALES SERVICE SEW EASY c0 simm rolls Iron 55 FERTILIZING55051ng WWhedge Sillélifill T3l5mfrill Lilllduinie aid shrub trimmiiiig Also rouqti mowing 73 162 Triemstra 7260427 SNOWPLOWING MASONRY PAUL SNOWPLOWING coiniiieicial reasonable motes cnllloul 72173064 WRIGHIS SNOWPLOWIIIG FOSITTGIIFIIJI 111d STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brirk block rates Iron osti aid stone work Fireplaces specialty Fraeestimate 705 4245158 Small rriiiimet fiCORATIVE MASONRY Fireplaces land not and losicleilliul Renscnoliln rates scape enhancements Unistone Free as Dependable 726 77577 tiLTiates Geollrey Sanguitis 7261665 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior toxined walls and ceilings Frnii estiiiioIis 111 Russell Midliuist telephonn WARREN BROWN DJ Music let people who liketodance Good rates 728 9545 4392 PIANISI AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS chcr TiONs DINNER PARTIES Call 726 5213 alter TWOWAT RADIO TIw 77 ii IVT LB LUMMEHCIAL PAINTING way radio VELLINGA PAINTING and decorolillg iii sales and Service teriar exterior Work guaranteed Establish £32291313993517769097 SHOP ON PREMISES WAYNE FOLEY Protessional pointers Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work 8119193 176738 DON SIESLING Protessionol painting ink terior exterior paper hanging custom war Liqflgaipqguwn9ng 6808 13 Owen Worsley PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced 7311 lree estimates Jock Richardson 7262012 75°38 WATER HAULAGE HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior at terior wallpapering custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 835 5387 local VIENNA PAINTING and Decorating Rog In lerioi and Exterior Wallpaper and line tabIII hanging Free estimates Guaranteed work manship 737 I914 MORRIS GILBERT Mobile wusli trucks Lind construction equipment wator haulage 1500 grillon tniik Angus 705 4245657 WELL DRILIER EXTERIOR 77 INTERIOR Pointing Free Gilberts Water gtairgalss Also cutting trees Phone PAVING Forms Homes Cottages FREE ESTIMATES 10 years experience ANGUS 4245657 PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED WINDOW CLEANING FREE ESTIMATES 22551 587iifi°t€lz° 331 73741179 able rates Telephone 7281914 32 cars for sale cars for sale 1971 METEOR statinnwnqnn $800 It ltl AUSTIN MIIII exciIlitlt cnilrlitiolt best otter Good mun mi Cannon Htrtdtl Ansa exhaust TiFCSFL1dD Cirtitiid three months two Mulwlm radials mono plus 100 iriaiis Call42I5570a110i 51101 rn Clgllt Ivar tunlpiootinu Best otter 1973 LTD 3i1 automatic ps pl extra Hmle wheels hitch heavy duty adiustalilu lti IMPALA door Vii powoi sloorirlu shocks rear llCIFlc unir tor traitor artcltirikisAM FM railiuair condition brakes $2100 126 1136 Inn and or litiml 421 1176

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