IIIproportyforsalo iv 01 property for sale 01 property for sale MIDHURST remarkable subdivision developed to offer you blend of elegance and serenity For your viewing pleasure wed like to present Midhurst Estates Custom homes on forested acre lots Come to Midhurst Estates and see if youd like to live on Park Lane OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY and SUNDAY pm until dusk MONDAY thru FRIDAY pm until dusk Presented through Goutts Co Real Estate On site 7370210 Main Office 7282485 79 BAYFIELDST BARRIE PHONE 7261405 LIMITED This is buying weather Mortgage money is abundant and the in terest rates are low Dont miss the boot Call us now on any of the listings below TIRED OF BEING CROWDED OUT BY NEIGHBORS Well this is for you Over acre lot on the edge of town with large garden and spacious bedroom brick bungalow with full basement and carport Watch the kids walk to school or the bus stops at the front door on freshly paved road Easy access to Barrie and No 400 Highway Convenience plus country living Asking only $47900 Call now and try your offer 104 NEW LISTING East End bedroom brick bungalow now available Features full finished rec room large corner lot and mature trees Were sure youll love this one Seeing is believing Call now for an appointment Asking only $47000 139 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY High and Bradford Streets Barber shop with apartment Asking $45000 Terms Call Russ Carson THIS HOUSE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Only asking $39900 for this cozy bedroom brick bungalow in Barries East End Ideal starter home or super home for retired couple Lot 57 100 full basement and paved drive Only $2000 dawn for qualified purchaser Call now for showing We have the keys 134 Jy8 APPRAISING MORTGAGES CONSULTING DOUGLAS REAL ESTATE LTD 15 Collier Street 726177l REDUCED TO $41500 rooms split level home 330 132 lot Try your offer Ready for immediate occupancy Doug Viau 7261771 or 7261603 ASKING $33900 on Letitia Street bedroom 12 storey home on 61 205 lot August Ist 1977 possession good investment for the first time buyer Doug Viau 7261771 or 7261603 HILLTOP ESTATE LOT on paved road in Innisfil Township 109 acres partially freed Asking $53900 Call Mike Krueger 7261771 INCOME PROPERTY near downtown Barrie Roaming house with ex cellent income For further details call Mike Krueger 7261771 LOOKING FOR starter or retirement home Check out these two 438500 bedrooms full basement Vendor anxious $39900 bedrooms dining room rec room Call Bob Urry 7261771 or 7285811 Jy8 Ii REALTOR Royal Trust ti tA if lioyal Test 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7288800 TOR LINE 881 4174 BARRIE WEST END $6000 down bedroom bungalow roughedin fireplace newly decorated garage close to schools and shopping Immediate possession Harry Samson 7288800 87290M BEDROOM TWOSTOREY $39500 well decorated home Many shrubs and trees private patio Recreation room for kids Good schools and shopping close by Joyce Samson 7269412 87324 MULMUR HILLS 100 Acres high and scenic country retreat 10 min to ski hills Ralph Williams 7288800 Res 4283432 N7168M SUPER EXECUTIVE STAYNER 2680 Ft Rambling Rancher on large treed lot Exclusive area Many specially designed comfort features Vendor will mortgage Bill More 7288800 S7146M ALLANDALE HEIGHTS Executive bdrm well insulated home Double garage Value packed comfortable home Large mtge Mike Sarenchuk 7288800 B7244M MIDHURST SUPERBUY $48900 Almost new bdrm bungalow on large treed lot Finished family rm on lower floor Walkout to cedar deck Immaculate Urgent Bill More 7288800 V7338M Jy8 THE ROYAL TRUST CO ONTARIO REALTOR Horse Ranch Indoor Arena Located on Highway 12 forty miles north of Whitby on 87 acres featuring an almost new ten room three baths fully broodloomed home with fireplace swim ming pool etc and second home with eight rooms sundeck plus huge Lshaped barn with water and hydro stalls for thirty horses two smaller barns large driveshed 65 175 floodlit indoor arena Owner has bought elsewhere and will accept $75000 down Open all weekend for inspection Call Harry Dykeman 14267351 Eric Whomsley Real Estate Ltd Broker HOE DOE ESTATES New bedroom homes over 950 sq feet with family room $1 000 down move in offer limited 15 year mortgage Country living Barrie Area 7286875 7289734 WThFTF 01 property for sole National Trust REALTOR COLDWATER 8353238 WATERFRONT COTTAGES in Waubaushene area on Georgian Bay bdrm fur nished drive to safe sandy beach Asking $25000 MACLEAN LAKE Jerri Bay 100 197 lot bdrms comes furnished Asking $24500 Call Willard Marshall 7056863389 or 8353238 Toll free ELEGANT BRICK HOME in Coldwoter with extra lot located on river bank on quiet street Asking $38000 Coll Willard Marshall 7056863389 or 8353238 Toll free Jy8 Second Mortgages LOAN HLY AMOUNT PAYMENT 5000 5336 510000 $10671 $15000 $16006 $20000 $2134 Bases on12z 74 per year 25 year amortization Compare what you are paying now for car loan personal loan and credit cards with what you could be paying All you save is interest Call anytime Tony Pomeroy 7269262 or 726 6964 First mortgages from We buy and sell existing mor tgages MWFTF guessing $44900 NEW HOMES Under Construction Georgian College area Quality Built by PRATT HOMES phone 7281259 or 7267972 TF LIST BUY on SELL WITH LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD BARRIE 7265827 MWFTF INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 728 4294 TF MIDHURST LARGE Unlililhd brick nous $19000 Alan lots S5000 iarh 16 74 100111IVIEITInQi RETIREMle HOME Well butt liunzialnw With car aaraqn and paved 1rVlllilr11 Siparatt tin rm 0m fortabit irv rm eat II km twn finished tam room Aimkl rm nr dIn lm Inaruiatt twine Wllli ndlm river hdwrt Luv landscaped lot Clo0 to tm stop 511900 Larry Thompson rrn Taurus Real E1€11ILll 3000 PRIVATE SALE 313500 ttlrnr bedroom Iownhnuse in small divrlnpmcnl well rternratrri baths cedar dork rom airtntv broadlnnrriori Prinupal only Call 178 8941 altrv 10 Private Sale Four DIdrmtm ftleTI housr on 160 118 In Maturn tintS baths Villaqr at Mumgrim Rog317001 Arrange th Iman mu ivlrptimit IN 9161 PRI JAIE SALT IdlItnrialo $19500 vm attractive bedroom air trHilllIIlHld cedar panahmti Cattwdral wlmq Ulillfy room oriar tot ks lame ntzimqt nthd IJtrIUIIflIIlY trend lut dtorl it or II fillllfi Call Bartamro at ii 091 PIJIVA SAL 348500 bedroom hat ksulrt itlarlrttl daraut VOLTLEIIIDIT mom bathrooms Curidli arta Tole plrorit 778 1999 GRILLIA AREA Rtlirtmflnl homes in tiw Hour of Varation Land $1600d0wn and 111 mar toade at 10 our com for tho lrlilllt Full prllt $11500 Marshall Ryuard Lniiqtinid Rial Estate 31 Peter 31 705 1754148 BARRIE BARGAIN Setturning worstas Exnluswo area Lar in our yiar old bedroom semi tul ty armInd baymum walkout op Dllrint am many nxtras Asking $46501 lllfiillllnt fi 117 211 SUNNYBRAI AVENUE two bedroom h0ult anti household tiinrts 101 frontage appmxmmtuly 117 deep Call 416 114 Restaurant and Gas Bar This busy lunhway I0 1110 only 26 ITIIIE Wist ut Harrie fully tiurptl restaurant plus twdruom apartment pawa lot IIIQII mildnaue owner anxrnu to rntirt Don Hutr nunsnn 166 1120 or 466 7740 Hutrtimson Real Estate 01 property for sale EDEM REAL ESTATE LTD 01 property for solo MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 9a BAYFIELD 51 BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 4168899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR TVrIIon Landing MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon til dusk gt 318 COLLEGE CRES Spotless bedroom back split hardwood floors new cushion floor in kitchen and both large rear yard well cared for Price $40900 284 INNISFIL STREET Brick duplex bedroom apartment with walkout from kitchen large bedroom apartment downstairs spacious rear yard and garage $45000 11 PARKWAY PLACE level side split with finished basement new broadloom and all drapes included fenced rear yard family room with fireplace Asking $56500 CLOSE TO SHOPPING PLAZA very clean storey condominum bedroom patio doors from dining room 1a baths garage Large 10 first mortgage Asking $56900 $26900 STARTER HOME on 60 by 200 ft lot just outside the city limits forced air oil heat full basement SPOTLESS TWO BEDROOM HOME broadloom throughout laundry room large living and dining area tool shed and 120 by 150 ft lot Asking $38500 NEW COUNTRY HOME in the Holly area choice of paint and broadloom and all drapes included fenced rear yard family room constructed 72 by 208 ft lot Asking $49900 NEED SPACE AND PRIVACY Hobby farm on acres bedroom home baths walkout to deck rec room bank barn and workshop Asking $64900 49 ACRES WITH BARN price slashed for quick sale Vendor will hold first mortgage at 10 with reasonable down payment LOOK room immaculate home finished rec roam heated sunroom intercom tool sheds workshop greenhouse garage on 14 acre treed lot in Vespra $69900 YOUR DOWN PAYMENT CONSIDERED Large storey home in Painswick attached garage sunporch huge lot $45900 SUNNIDALE ROAD beautiful split level home full finished rec room washrooms finished rec room garage must be sold TRY $3000 DOWN Large bedroom home family room fireplace washrooms finished fec room garage must be sold BEDROOM 1z STOREY HOME with full basement garage large lot in Guthrie asking $29900 LEVEL SIDESPLIT HOME in immaculate condition on Anne St North Family room with beautiful fireplace den fenced yard at tached garage $59900 Move in and start living LOVELY BEDROOM WILDWOOD BACKSPLIT with family room and floor to ceiling fireplace Oak parquet and broodloomed floors nicely landscaped with double attached garage $51500 COTTAGE IN ORO close to park bedrooms stone fireplace garage fully furnished $20000 with only $3000 dawn and owner holds mortgage BUILDING LOT with log cabin overlooking lake 166 feet fran tage Private road beach rights $29900 14 GLENECHO new listing Georgian College area Extremely well kept storey home with bedrooms baths broadloom throughout finished rec room and attached garage Asking only $49900 WE HAVE 14V ACRES for sale at Midhurst with the Willow Creek running through the east baundry This would make an excellent building site or recreational area with great possibilities for future development Reduced to $87000 with good terms BEDROOM SEMI DETACHED BUNGALOW with finished rec room and attached carport Located in North end of the city Asking $41900 Try 10 down NEW LISTING bedroom alum bungalow in Angus with new sep tic tile bed new bathroom and nice sized lot and asking $27500 and the owners will hold lst mtge for approx $21000 TODAYS BEST BUY Look at the features 122 125 ft lot finished rec room as well as finished games room broadlaom garage and patio 1025 sq ft home for only $42900 12 PLUS NET RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT plex includes stoves fridges and good tenants Asking $48900 Try your down payment LOOKING FOR FIREPLACE with home also matching stone bar with maple counter We have it in $50900 bedroom home with garage the basement has great possibilities $38500 Vendors have purchased another property and offer this lovely modern bedroom detached home close to downtown Garage and large lot make this dandy starter or retirement op portunity 124 MARSHALL ST bedrooms baths garage and family room are some of the features of this two storey home in preferred area Asking $52900 DUCKWORTH ST George Davies bedroom side split 12 baths family room and fourth level rec room The lot is beautifully londscpaed Good value at $52900 JOHNSON ST Brick bedroom bungalow broodloomed at tached garage this house is spotless and very economical to main tain Close to schools and shopping Good value at $49900 LIKE NEW storey bedroom finished room in basement family room with fireplace and walkout to large patio single garage paved drive and fenced yard Asking $55500 HILLSDALE bedroom split entry all brick bungalow fireplace and walkout rec room appliances included in $43900 price NEW 960 SQ FT Bungalow main floor Utility room your choice of colors treed lat Big Bay Point area asking $38900 INNISFIL bedroom bungalow paved drive immediate possession Asking $36250 Jy Paul Arbour 7263897 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Norman McMillan 7268957 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cuff 7284067 Harry Magill 7263864 John Calwell 7267726 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 Frank Hooey 7280676 Jim Harris 7267173 Paul Dumoulin FRI CRA Harold Davis 7287543 SRA 7370731 Fred Peynolds 7285333 Unusual Opportunity To own new home on Lake Simcoe Builders direct sale of new bungalows on well treed lots with 58 of Lake Frontage These homes are conveniently located midway between Barrie and Orillia and include such extras as vinvl patio doors upper to cedar deck lower level walkout broadloom throughout and roughed in fireplace Prices range from $84500 to $89500 with occupancy available about mid August Please enquire anytime Bisant Homes Ltd 7057267191 ExaminerWant Ads Dont Cost They Pay 01 property for solo EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP SEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 36479411 WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT torodo fR rwulli OPEN HOUSE 167 SHANTY BAY ROAD Ron Thorne will be your host on Saturday and Sunday July 9th and 10th from 100 to 400 pm Come and view this charming Cape Cod style cut fieldstone family home One of Barries nicer homes in beautiful setting overlooking Kempenfelt Bay NELSON STREET Nice brick and frame storey house situated on 50 150 ft lot Two car garage breezeway and In good con dition Owner leaving province Call Ron Thorne 7288714 BUNGALOW Concession 14 Innisfil Asking $37900 for this year old aluminum siding bungalow on cement slab Nice large lot on Henry Street Call Ron Thorne 7288714 for complete details INCOME PROPERTY Five two bedroom apartments in this relatively new building Excellent rate of return on these units which are fully occupied at all times Call Ron Theme for complete details 7288714 WATERFRONT CON ORO Very nice lot with 102 feet of frontage by 600 feet deep Nicely treed with summer cottage guest cottage and boat house Call Ron Thorne 7288714 EXCELLENT STARTER $29000 for this cozy bedroom brick bungalow modern decor throughout large lot 70 230 Call Sue Drennan 7370437 TRY YOUR OFFER Spacious bedroom split level home baths dining room and large kitchen lot 123 125 close to Barrie Call Sue Drennan 7370437 TIRED OF RENTING Buy now when the interest rates are low older storey brick home bedrooms baths separate dining room newly decorated Call Sue Drennan 7370437 IST HOME BUYERS Priced to sell in the $30000s Is this older home in the east end of Barrie bedrooms large kitchen basement and good sized yard Call Sue Drennan 7370437 ACRES PLUS Beautiful bedroom split level home attached double garage extra large family room with fireplace baths nicely landscaped fully fenced lot with trout stream One of kind Hannah Pentland 7288028 ROOMING HOUSE Located in downtown area never vacant in come over $9000 yearly before expenses Hannah Pentland 728 N28 SERVICED BUILDING LOT Located Queen Street in Elmvale Asking $12000 Hannah Pentland 7288028 VACANT LAND 10 acre treed lot at Hillsdale Vendor will hold mortgage Hannah Pentland 7288028 10 ACRES PLUS bedroom storey home finished basement $58000 Hannah Pentland 7288028 YOUR OWN FISHING HOLE In Coldwater River lovely acres high and dry Reduced to $12900 Call Mike Lysabild 7266054 for details REDUCED TO $49900 bedroom back solit with separate dining room and finished family room Close to schools For details call Mike Lysabild 7266054 ACRE TREED LOT Near Severn River with bedroom home fireplace family room and garage located at Washago Priced at $49700 Call Ken Miller at 4873365 ANTEN MILLS Beautiful bedroom family home an extra large lot This home is spotless and has fireplaces oversized car garage and separate workshop Asking only $74000 Call Ken Miller 4873365 PRIME NO 11 HWY COMMERCIAL LOCATION 365 frontage acre lot park like setting stately storey century farmhouse complete with storey coach house over 4000 sq ft of useable space Features large entrance foyer formal dining room study large living room country sized kitchen massive bedrooms full useable attic Best of all this location will be accessible from both sides of Hwy when dividing barrier is completed Asking $130000 Call Jerry McNabb 7262386 OLDER BEDROOM HOME South of Barrie pc both large lot close to GO train large dining area new septic system For gracious living try this one Call Gerald ONeill 7267733 179 ACRES In Flos Township with creeks 90 workable bedroom home modern conveniences has double garage Barn set up for beef close to Hwy 27 North Vendor take back mortgage at 10V Call Gerald ONeill 7267733 IN VERY CENTRAL AREA bedroom all brick semi with walkout from rec room 20 11 pc bath exceptionally clean house Vendor take back with $6000 down Pleasure to show Call Gerald ONeill 7267733 HURRY This one wont last long bedroom brick single car garage Asking $39500 You can have immediate possession lll arrange financing Call Ross Miller 7261881 FAMILY ROOM On main floor with corner brick fireplace single car garage lot 75 200 must to see Full price $54500 Call Ross Miller 7261881 $42000 Is all for 1050 square foot bungalow near GO Train and the lake bedrooms parkland at rear of 75 200 lot To view call Ross Miller 7261881 1200 SQUARE FOOT SEMI Close to downtown single car garage easy terms Asking $39500 Call Ross Miller 7261881 Jy8 Ross Miller 7260563 Mlke LYPPPlld 7266054 Rose 7288116 Cec Cook 7293036 Harvey Weber 4363815 Ron Thorne 7288714 Percy Ford 7287930 Les Lavegrove 4241289 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Ross Burvvell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386f Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry Mchbb 7262386 Ken Miller 4873365 Sue Drennan 7370437 Hannah Pentland 7288023 Bill Purvls 7260452 Ron Sproule 4873715 87 Bayfield St BARRIE 7372300 COUNTRY LIVING IN TOWN Just reduced bdrm bungalow In Sunnidale Park area Huge landscaped lot mature trees Com pletely redecorated fireplace dishwasher $54800 Call Andy Melnyk anytime COLLEGE CRESCENT level sidespllt spacious family home with much to offer bdrms large entrance hall main floor family room with walkout kitchen has patio doors to large deck washrooms recreation room study double garage pool sized lot Asking $59800 Call Mary Foster EXECUTIVE CUSTOM HOME rooms bdrms every room 18 large bathrooms Beautlfully rugged and decorated Early possession can be arranged Lovely grounds on Shorevtew Drive $112000 Inspect with Ls Wainwright SOUTH OF BARRIE immaculate bedroom year old bungalow Lshaped living dining room att garage beautifully tread lot close to Lake Asking $42900 Call Maw Foster IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Marion Crosc bdrm bungalow Family size rec room fully finished Move right In owner has bought Priced realistically at $47200 Mortgaglng available at todays rates See today with Les Wainwright Jy Martin Altseimer 7281762 Wayne Dobson 3222838 Mary Foster no toll 3221118 Allan Thompson 7281024 Andy Melnyk 7267369 Marilyn Mason 72642895 Anne Spencer 4589211 Billie Stephens 4562917 Dorothy Fitzsimmlns 4562620 La Wainwright 4362396 Philip Peacock 7281136 Toronto Diret Line 3620332 broadloom throughout creek flowing through property Asking 01 proporty for attainmentimminentmmntrim Ill lino 7264491 Toronto lino 8630398 11 mm for solo TALL TREES $52900 Large bedrm finished homo oatin kitdining rm baths family rm with brick fireplace wired for stereo and extras Good value Lea Bailey 7264491 No 1014 10 ACRES FLOS $19500 Vendor has septic approval renewed till78 200 on coun ty rd 22 Try on offer Loo Bailey 7264491 No 919 COUNTRY STORE Busy highway location excellent farm and tourist trade home attached Philip Bishop WATER FRONT Gracious large home an immaculate grounds exclusive area Lake Simcoe $175000 Philip Bishop WOODCREST DR Lovely br home large family room with fp $64000 Philip Bishop manna HOUSE WITH TLC Could be duplexed Lg lot with future potential Vendor will hold Ist mart TENDER LOVING CARE has been given to this home Ask for Betty CUTE COZY ACRES Close to Barrie View of city skyline beautiful lot to build or expand on WONT LAST $25500 Call Betty NIAGARA FALLS TRADE Beautiful comfortable home to exchange for your Barrie home Why dont you call me for details Betty BARRIE EAST END year old beauty In nice res area Extras are bathroom ensulte tam room on main floor Dbl paved drive garage Please call Edith Binnendyk 7263679 or 7264491 ALLANDALE $118000 Beautiful bedrm 2800 sq ft Double Size Lat 18 36 pool View of the bay Finished fam rm with fp Bath Loads of extras Call Darcy Warner for appointment to view 7264491 HORSE FARM $72500 Just reduced 32 acres Indoor riding arena 128 50 Steel born 30 40 brick storey home needs work 10 box stellsFJust 10 min from Barrie Call Darcy Warner 7264491 MARSHALL ST $53400 Brick alum raised bungalow large entrance foyer shaped Ir dr bed rm full basement partitioned for 4th bed rm rec rm finished office Call Darcy Warner 726 4491 today VACANT Va ACRE LOTS 10 Lots to choose from close to skiing golf tennis Asking $15900 ea Call Darcy Warner 7264491 CON 13 INNISFIL $43900 Large 100 200 ft lot bed rm modern kitchen fp wo to cedar deck 200 amp service TV tower rotor Color head Quiet area steps to lake Call Darcy Warner 7264491 DESIREABLE AREA level bdr eatin kitchen family rm fireplace wo to patio lge rec rm baths immaculate Details Eldred Clarke 7264491 No 1054 REDUCED Bungalow bdr living rm fireplace lge garage lot near lake Details Eldred Clarke 7264491 No 1010 HOW ABOUT TOWNHOUSE bdrs broodloomed immaculate Immediate possession Priced to sell No 1076 Eldred Clarke 7264491 MIDHURST Lovely bdr brick featuring lge family rm fireplaces lge lot lge lot at 10 To view Eldred Clarke 7264491 marttHemmernEmmetsometimermamaneemmmmemmnmmn mam WASAGA BEACH Waterfront Beautiful bdr cottage fireplace ap pliances garden shed landscaped lot breakwall steps to beach quiet area Only $30000 down Terms Eldred Clarke 7264491 LOTS Big Bay Pt Wooded near lake Medonte Twp scenic 200 x300 new drilled well Coldwater serviced paved rd Medonte Hills treed 10 black basement 900 sq septic Horseshoe Valley Treedl 75 frontage Details Eldred Clarke 7264491 RIGHT IN STROUD Reduced from $45900 to $39900 Completely moder nized room brick wood siding storey carport full basement full bathrooms Immediate possession Call 7264491 Fantastic buy Vacant JUST LISTED $42900 Conc Ora bedrm calorlok bungalow immaculate excellent starter or retirement deeded beach rights Price Incl stove fridge Phil Bishop 7264491 FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Immaculate bdrm home In Sunnidale area with fam rm rec rm larger well groomed troed lot $79900 No 1073 Mary Lee Latimer BUSINESS $35000 good way to earn extra Income or work as team Business has good gross 1000 sq ft selling 81000 sq ft storage Excellent location For further Info coll Darcy Warner 7264491 Jy8 it 311111111151immHï¬iiflï¬ï¬iï¬iiiiï¬ ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬tï¬ï¬ï¬mmï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬i$1111121511fliï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬mfl WILLSOII REAL ESTATE LIMITED HIGHWAY 93 NORTH Brick bungalow with attached garage Living room dining room bedrooms end pc bath Full basement with finished rec room and extra bedroom On ac well treed with small barn Fully fenced asking $45000 Call 7261938 No 1264 ALL BRICK BUNGALOW with attached garage This bungalow has bedrooms large living room and dining room combo full basement Also has hardwood floors Neat as pin Priced to sell $48900 Call Lee Benhem 7261938 or 4245003 MLSI373 PRICE REDUCED TO QMIncludes Inground pool all equip ment and deck level sldesplit in excellent condition bedrooms baths fireplace and garage Vendor anxious Call Elaine Jackson 7261938 or 7263780 NO FUSS LEAVE THE FINANCING TO US Dramatic entry stairs lead up to main living level Wall to wall broadloom gives the rooms luxurious start About 1200 sq ft of living area on one level plus finished rec room with fireplace 2nd washroom and 4th bedroom Call7261938 MLS No 1598 OWNER TRANSFERRED Must leave beautiful bedroom bungalow with large family room and fireplace Asking only $48000 Call Pete Switzer 7261938 or 7286435 ML51601 JUST LISTED Sunset Cros Stroud nice brick and aluminum bedroombungalow Finished rec room Nicely landscaped and freshly painted outside 867 mortgage Asking $47000 Call Jone Young 7261938 or 7284717 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL PM Jy8 hForBest Results Examiner Want Ads 111135 2111111111511HitIt12111111fliiifliï¬ï¬mfliflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Tiï¬ï¬iiiiï¬iiï¬ï¬iiiiiii1111111ï¬iï¬iï¬iiiI$11111iiT11111111111111111Ill1111it1131iiiiIiiiiï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬1111111112ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ rL