10 the examingr LVodnuday July 1977 And away he goes Hanging on to his pole stuck in mud in the Humber River laul lalage begins to part company with his raft and co worker Ray Iougli Tuesday The two men employees of Torontos parks and recreation department were clearing debris from the river ttl Photo New consumer bill slated for this tall HlTAWA li onsumer Affairs linister Tony Abbott said Tuesday he will bring in new consumer credit bill this fall to replace battered bor rowers and depositors protec tion bill now languishing in oiniiionscommittee The bill which would have provided new rights for cori sumers in dealings with lending and depositrtaking companies as well giving police tough new mechanisms to control loan sharks will die natural death when the oiiiiiions adjouriis tor the summer likely next week The bill was first promised by lrime linister Trudeau during the tttTl election campaign and was introduced by Abbott last lovember It ran into stiff opposition from banks finance and mort gage companies and other credit granters as being too cumbersome and too drastic in its influence on rout me business practices Mortgage lenders for ex ample said provisions that would limit the penalty for early repayment of mortgage to three months interest would force lenders into other in vestments such as bonds This would reduce the supply of money and drive up its cost Consumer and labor groups objected to the removal of iii terest ceilings under the exist ing Small Loans Act and the re placement of the ceilings with procedure for civil redress that would allow borrower to force lender to prove in court that the interest rate charged was justified lllllCOMPLAINTS Finally several provinces said many provisions of the bill were unconstitutional because they overlapped areas of pro vincial jurisdiction Abbott and his officials in troduced 75 amendments to meet much of the criticism and proposed that major port ions of the bill would not be proclaimed in provinces where similar legislation existed But the efforts failed to sal vagethebill lhey jast tried to do too much in the one bill said Her ward Grafftey the Progressive Conservative consumer critic from the Quebec riding of BronteMissisquoi The bill covers range of areas in the consumer credit field including disclosure of credit costs definitions of what constitutes credit charge regulations covering credit adr vertising the standardization of methods of calculation of in terest the establishment of rate of 43 per cent annual in tercst above which it would be illegal to lend money and ex tensive requirements for the keeping of records by lenders It would also require banks and other deposit takers to cal culate interest on the average daily rather than minimum monthly balance Memo RCMP reply tabled ll itl liorincr lttMl commissioner llig gitt was asked tict 1072 whether two day old letter al leging Rtkll involvement in break in lontreal should he replied to The request was made by ameron an aide to Jean Pierre ioyer then solicitor general in memo iiitirked urgent Attached to the memo was an titt ti letter from Agence dc lresse Libre du Quebec le louvement txnn la Defence des lrisoniers lolitiques and la ooperative des denienagements de ler Mai The three leftrwing groups shared offices that had been broken into few days earlier They said in the letter that po lice were resposible only Not victims of discrimination MttNlRllAl itli The 13 members of the Native ouncil ol aiiada taken off an ir an ada flight June from Intawa to Winnipeg were not Ittittts of racial discrimination lieirc leaiiniot lt aiiadas eastern region vice pitsideiit said Tuesday An internal investigation showed the incident resulted from procedural error made by an Air aiiadn reseruitions employee in Montreal and had nothing to do with the race ot the council iiicnibers leanniot said He denith the airline dchbcr ater ovcrhookul the flight Native council president Harry Daniel said last week the organiation was planning to Stlt the airline for damages and possible breech of human rights The group hail been at tending the councils annual as scniblymttttawa An Ottawa travel agent had made booking for two sepa rate groups through ir tanada for flight to Vinniiwg lean mot said in prepared state iiiciit One group the one forced to leave the aircraft as to tlf on to Whitehorse Yukon ttotii Winnipeg ia lrniisaii Another group was to travel on to Yellowknife from innipeg also till it lltlltsilll flight Both groiips reservations with Iransaii and Air taiiada were entered into the rown carriers computer and the em ployee erred in reading the in ternal reservation codes mist takenly assuming there was duplicate reservation and can ceiling one of them he said When the group headed for Whitehorse arrived at Ottawa airport with tickets marked confirmed by the travel agent the Air anada checkin counter personnel boarded them leanniot said it was oiin when the second group and four other passen gers checked in and the aircraft was full that search of the confirmed passenger list failed to show the initial group The group was given ltllttitls for half their tare free ground transporation lodging and meals while waiting to be put aboard the next available flight documents had betti taken and asked for reply from ioyer by Oct 12 fhe aiiieron memo was ti tied Theft of Documents ztwi St llubcrt Montreal and said This letter has not been ac kllttltlltl llease £tii1 whether acknowlidgeincnt or other reply should bc tirade and it so please prepare ip propriate letter it is noted that reply has been requested by It on Friday tit October W72 llillil llIMtl Goyer tabled the tameron memo and the ltll reply in theommonsliicsday lhe lttMl reply to taini ron came from Assistant oiziinis sioner it larent their deputy director general of the scciirit service ltated ct Bti it said This is further to your meni orandiiin of October ltifl We recommend that no ac knowledgeincnt of the AHA il llt letter be made oyer has said he asked llig gut and tormer security Iltl director loliii Starnes why they recommended against reply He says they told him lontrcal police were investigating LASTW SENS CutOut letters oGruphics Illuminated Signs Artwork Posters Billboards Printing Gold leaf etc etc Sheets OUTDOOR ADVERTISING 15 3H Tiffin St Barrie 7289711 karate chop cident wound Mental tests for suspect NEW YORK AP Robinson 26 black Panamanian who had lived in the US as resident alien for years appeared in court Tues day charged with murder kidnapping and possession of 45calibre gun and fourinch knife The bus with 25 passengers aboard was going from New York to Vermont As it travelled through the Bronx the hijacker bolted from his seat fired bullet through one mans neck to intimidate the others and ordered the driver to go to Kennedy Airport DEMANDED RANSOM There the bus smashed through wire fence aitd roared onto the busy runways interrupting Independence Day holiday air traffic Robinson then demanded Strtnillion ran som and plane to fly him to tuba District Attorney John Santucci said grand jury also would be asked to indict Robinson in the attempted murder of two bus passengers wounded during the ninehour iii John McGavern 50 of Hart ford Conn was in fair coiidr tion in hospital with bullet wound in the neck liinmy Lo 36 of Hong Kong was in critical condition with chest Defence lawyer David Addison told the court Robinson had no previous criminal record lie said the man had sought psychiatric counselling in 1973 McGavem told reporters He was racially upset very upset about the racial situation in the United States He talked about how badly he had been treated in the United States and wanted to leave ATTACKS lllJ ACK ER Witnesses said the deaths occurred when passneger Susan Bruso 22 of Florence Mass member of the armed tor ces tried to land karate chop on the hijacker Moments earlier Mrs Blassberg tit had been directed to stand on the bottom step of the bus exit in the confusion that 78 Navy seaman was held without bail Tuesday for 30 days of mental tests after the slaying of two hostages aboard hijacked bus at Kennedy Airport on Monday Police said passenger Nettie ltlassberg and bus driver Norman Bozick were fatally shot as the hijacker reacted to another woman passengers attempt to subdue him with followed Miss Brusos attack the police account said Mrs Blassberg was shot and fatallv wounded Color Your World tarol lerkeiis of Jamaica left and Jenny Craig of ire beauty queens pose on fence in Ottawa Both are now livin tlttawa tl Photo ExMiss Worlds live in Ottawa DAYS LEFT SALE ENDS JULY exterior LATEX STAIN 6713 SHIBUI Color Your World Exterior Glass House Paint GAL REG 69 White Oiin Black Topper Driveway Resurfacer Gallon container Color Your World SuperVinyl Pure vinyl wallcoverings prepasted stain resistant scrubbable NOW COMPLETELY DRY STRIPPABLE inch Compare up to 199 NO ONLY 308 BAYFIELD ST FROM 89 3th ill littlt gEA TO Color Your World Latex 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