Interviewers and the stars Nothing is sacred in Age of Condor By DON FREEMAN Copley News Service HOLLYWOOD If the Age of Candor didnt begin with Morley Safers undeniably per sonal inquiry of Betty Ford year or two ago then it was cer tainly given good shove in that direction If your daughter came to voice of innocence and said she was having an affair what would you do remember watching that in terview on 60 Minutes and wondering first whin was the usually ingratiating Mr Safer instead of the tarttongued Mike Wallace who was asking such blunt tretidyukicky you one day Safer asked in television guide question And second why Bet TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 2471122News SwMovie The Bird men 5v24 Hours 9Delinition 19Polka Dot Door 257Nouvetles 79CtTY Show News 30 22Gong Show 477 9rNews SIn Touch ttParty Game l9Making Things Work 25Propos Et Con tidences 645 l9Tennis The Nasty Way 700 22HBeverly Hillbillies rWorld of Survival dairConcentratlon 77 To Tell The Truth 9VStars On Ice 11 Audubon Wildlife Theatre l9Law and McRuer 257 Monde merveilleux de Disney 797 Get Smart 730 224 Love Lucy 2Wild Kingdom 3Reach For The Top Strikes Spares and Misses SAiWoltman Jack 7hPrice Is Right 9756 Million Man llCountry Way 19 Paul Et virclinie 79 Tattletales 800 Baa Baa Black Sheep Barney Miller CBS News Special Mr Rooney Goes To Work rHappy Days 11 Grizzly Adams Movie Topper pt 227 CPO Sharkey 79 Mowe The Fallen Sparrow 830 22 Laverne and Shirley Julie 1977 Education of Mike McManus 25 Pulsion 900 Police Woman Celebrity Concerts John Miles and Lin 17th da Lewis Movve Fantasy Island One Day At Time 11 Riih Man Poor Man 19 Ontario Scene 22 Cauoht In The Act 25 Rue Des Pigiions 930 One Day At Time Baseball 77 David Steinberu 2S Consommateurs AvertiS 1000 Police Story 35 Final Solution Koiak Kotak l9 Explorations In Shakespeare 22 News 25 Science Realite 79 FBI 1030 25 Nouvelles 1100 22 Mary Hartman 23457911 News 25 AlnSl La Vie 79 CITY Lights 1110 19 Olympic Profile 1120 3579 News 1130 22 Opposite Sexes Johnny Carson Movie More Than Miracle Mary Hartman 11 Larry Solway 79 Money Game 1140 Maverick 1200 Movie The Servant Barrtta Ironside 11 Merv Griffin 22 Movie Women 23 Cinema 79 FIL Club 100 Tomorrow Mowe Wild River PTL Club 225 Movie Man Trap WEDNESDAY MORNING VIEWING 555 Focus 600 University of the Air 117 Camera On Canada 615 Farm Report 625 Ar News 77 Window on the World 630 Not For Women Only Summer Semester Cartoon Playhouse Enioy Being Beautiful 655 277Mission Employment Employment File 700 Today CBS News Canada AM rGooo Morning America It Paul Bernard Psychiatrist 797 Sounds of the East 730 117 Ontario Schools 797 Portugal Today 745 19 Communique 800 Ed Allcn Time Captain Kanoarou Mon Ami Rocketsliip 19 Polka Dot Door 79 Greek Horizons ongt ucnw 815 Friendly Giant 830 Daybeat Time For You 19 Tell Me Story 79 Italianissnnn 845 19 European Collection At The National Gallery 855 News 900 Dinah Howdy Doody In Touch Dialinu For Doilars Toronto Today 15 St Liiwrinrn 20 19 Readnliinu 930 Emmy 80 Beautiful Iatliilnlcs Pumper Fennni World Of Piglet Brutum 79 Cinelottii 1000 Friendly Giant Hiiri Lur What OH Forth Fliii Domilitii Art ClKllillJ Dayborit 14 leltilU mo Hiiiiiii 2mm Minute Moumnute 79 II Canzonierc 1015 Mon Ann 25 Tribulle 10 20 t9 Landmarks 1030 Hollywood Squares 75 Mr Dressup tr Price Is Rioht First Impressmns Media And Methods Of The Artist 25 Conseil Express 79 German Show 1100 Wheel Ot Fortune Double Exposure SSll10 Street Happy Day Kiirtlil Your II It Firiurcs Suc Becker In Tritium llc Dc iCtililf 7y CI TY Show 1130 Ed Alinn timw It Anybody Gums Party Crime Youni ian tt Pristlcss Fiirriiliy Feud Pitts and Pal II NHldyl Nlwltt iniiii 25 1am WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 22 News Shoot For The Stars 37 Leave It To Biiavcr News Crown Court Uncle Bobby Show 19 Mr Rogers 25 Le Monde En Liner te 79 Gene Taylor Bazaar 1230 Maoazine News Farm Markets Search For Tomoi row 57 Ryans Hopi Flintstones 11 All My Children 19 Communique 25 Les Faucheurs Margueritcs 1245 Mowe Lady For Night 19 Making Thinils Wm 100 22 Canadian Cavalt tIll Cent Show at All That Glittwrn Bob McLean All My Childrin Trouble WtIIl Ti It Now That Thr 8th lalos Gone 25 Sur Des Roulettm 130 22 For The Monty 211 Days Of Our Live As The World turns Joy Davidson Nouvntlis CITY Liutiti 135 Pellets DUn Pays 150 19 RIvTUillflttq 155 NMAK 200 32 Oppositc Some All ll The Farme $70 000 Pyramid Alan Hamel Shea inu Ot Book 79 Dtiitiirs Dimiy 225 News 230 27 ittirtii Lizln Dot tor 15 Edd 0t tl ui Ill 0t1vilLlyt 19 Ste Milne Amonu Tilr Hurtin Ln lilnlt iv vivrc 79 Mailintriii iiiiri 300 Biiriiiiii prbtlflPl 19 Artiittic wr in Take it All It Tli fï¬lltlly 19 World Rciiitiiins 7v iiiipli in Cont ii 15 Criiiiinamlci 17 II yllllrill thisuial 30 lItrnytim It Tlllil ti tlillr ty ikikv 5200 Match Garni l9 Edutntiiin of Mike Nb Marius 400 Litrli Rascas WIVic Fivri Million Years To Earth Moira Hunt MITV Gr in tts Your Chriire Star Triik Young and Th Restless lr Oum Iv Dauphin Alltttrlutflt Liivc firmr ii fin sly 415 not illl DU AAWWI ll Li iiiiti 130 ki Zoom Captain Ni trio Miki Dounlic ll Diiiati Iv flintrii Citttltilily Lil mix 500 Dtlllyl2il LlL Slim Yittty tttYUllli I9 iisnciii Stiri Jayid Ciitipvrlii In 530 Adam NIV 18 Itll ll Hiil flit wf WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWIN 600 47 ll 22 News Movw Tlic Fcnirnist And The Fuzz 24 Hours Deliiiitir 19 Polka Dot Door 25 Nouvotle 79 CITY Show News 630 22 Gone Show News In Touch 11 Party Game 19 Readaliinu 25 Propos Con tirtcnrcs 645 19 Tennis The Nasty Way 700 22 Beverly Hillbillies Wild Wild World Of Animals Comentmtion To Tell The Truth Good Times Jonathan Winters Law and McRuer 25 Tile Semaine 79 Get Smart 30 22 Love Lucy $100000 Name That Tune Baseball Strikcs Spares Misses Gong Show Fish ll Fare The MUSK l9 rPile Et Face 25 Baseball 79 Tattletales 22 Movie iStm ivic iii ti Father 1mm mi Damn ilwl Mil MtvciBriily ll Hiiwil vi ty Ntuyii TitlJlflI II Ni in Supr Drmi ii 830 Momyiivitii tin Billy Tiiy 71 IV Littii iii it Mini Mr iylvlltlt 900 May ii 11h Li ri iIllliI Vtttiiiin ll Bdriltl Iv riidlii Eiillaiid 930 22 Monty ihiii Iy mu CiLUi 19 For Tltt Rllilfl 1000 Kinustriii Cinliitiin tial 11 Charlie I1Qtly cheiiy 14 Animal is In Shakespiac Niw 15 WSIIVIII lullrun ttriimltiJa11 Mnnlriux 74 Bl 1030 15 World litiltlltll 27 Niiuvellns 1040 19 Ontario Sr in 1100 22 Mary Hartman II Oritniiiiiicni tttl NIT1V111 tIY ill 1115 Nina 1120 1130 it gt lli Ath lltl tui 2in ii 1140 lvylll1ltt 1145 vii 1200 Minn 1h iiziiifili Willi villiis t2 ii kiti Iy iiiiisitti Il Mcr Guttiii iVlinI Ill110 Itiuci My 1s Cinema IL lut 1240 Crown Court 100 Iiiintiiriiw MIVil l1llCieri ls vltlntr IV I1I lUti 110 My ir it tltv yyrlk Tllf tiriiwrsuiiat iii Miltlt Casii 210 Me ii iwiirnan Qt Iii rr ty Ford didnt say in response to Safer Its none of your damned business friend And close the door when you leave The Age of Condor probably reached its full flower or am being optimisticiwhen Barlt bara Walters asked Iimmy Carter thcn the President elect and Rosalynn Carter about their sleeping arrangements in the White House Separate bedrooms she asked Absolutely not was the answer And Jimmy Carter smiled but there was no humor in his eyes And the other night on the ABC special Barbara Walters Conductcd interviews in their respective homes with Bob Ilopc Bing Crosby and Redd Foxx And with Bing looking well but still recuperating from that terrible spill he took last March the questions gnawed Close to the bone FIRST MARRIAGE After discussion of Bings first marriage and how his first four sons were reared must have left something undone Barbara said Youve got young family teenagers Theres lot of difference in the morals today Ilow do you feel about young people living together Without bcing married Bingsaid Yes thing its wrong Wcll Barbara said supv pose one of your sons came home and said Iad Ive got this girl Wcvc been staying together or living together Would you mind if we shared room in the house Bing was incredulous In OUR house he said Then he emitted wry chucklc No chancc But she persisted it hap pens in other families Well it wouldnt happen in my family Bing said mean if one of them did that wouldnt speak to them ever again Now it was Barbara Walters turn to bc incredulous Ever again she repeated Then she rephrased her original question possibly to give Crosby on reflection another way to go But Bings reaction to that hypothetical situation remained unaltered and he summcd up what it would be It phrase Aloha steel guitar Latcr hc was subject to what connoisseurs call the Safer Ford ploy to wit What would you do if your daughter Mary Frances now 17 came to you at or and said 1ad Im hav ing an affair Somebody care about ililTlei Rtllfill ling shook his hcad The game was getting rough Id havc to say Take your things to where youre having your afr fair And you wouldnt talk to hcr or scc hcr N0 said iing thc cycs now as third as stccl This daughtcr whom you adorc Barbara said thcw Well that thc way was raised ling said dont know any ithcr llll Ill coir duct or morals lhcn Bing rcpliid to Waltcrs iucslinn about marr juana cxprcssing lhc bclicf that thc stuff bc legalizid If this might slrtkc sonic as perhaps contradictory in view of his nthcr moral considcrfr lions thc inlcrvicw did otfcr rcvcaling glimpsc tll characlcr from man givcn as rulc to flip undcrxtatcmcnt Iliigctbcr fascinating scs still said Bing on the blue Jozz men revisit past at Newport NEW YORK iAIi Iic jun mcii rcvisilcil lhcir past Sunday night Ill an cxciting vcry special 0nc timc twrformancc for the Ncwport larr Icst Hill in cw York lianisl Icrbic Hancock ZIT brought liigclhcr trumpctcr lrcddic llublinrd Sift suxophon ist iync Sliiirtcr li bassist Il0n urlcr II and drummcr Tony Williams 111 ll cxccpt llubbiird playcd in Milcs Iluvtss Quinch in the curly lttills Hancock Hubbard and lnrlcr lltll with Eric litilphji Ill llltlllll i0s Thc livc pluycis all have glini Il ixpcrimcntiug Icading lhcir 0th groups becoming wcllknown to the public for jaIrock 111 must tIlStS But on Sunday night they playcdjusl tilTl It wasthcfrcc form litl lhcy pluycd lll lhc 00s loud and cxciling Then it might hnvc soundcil palnlully avant gardc On Sunday night it was wclciimc sound to jazz hcnt cars lately hcarnig too much Ilttkrlnlllllllttd fusion music Thi iiuintct started right in with liminulc storm of sound lilycol thc Ilurricunc In which Hubbard scatfcrcd in cntivc hrigtl notes in the up pcr rcnchcs Sliiirtcrs sax spit notcs is lirin as bullcls and llanciick wcnl frcnctic lhcy also showcd quictct side will arlcr taking thoughtful siilii and tlill hlcniling into glilfcring but llllllttl sound livcr Reed and Karen Black star in modern Gothicstyle tale that involves mystcrious mansion the big screen By ERIC lIAlAllliRI Burnt Offerings is chilling comtemrmrary Gothic film which stars Karen Black livcr Recd Burgess Mcrcdity and the great Bette Davis Im afraid though that the cast is the major attraction in this film The story here is more thinking persons chiller than frightnight horror story Horror is implied and rarely shown in lengthy trillcr rcvolving around an old house that casts spell over its summcr inhabitants The film is disp pointment after reading Robcrt Marascos best seller Im also afraid its one of those films where youve had to have read the book for the film lacks lot of the books vital in formation that kceps you clued in as thc story progresses But nevertheless the film docs have few good moments While found it hard to accept livcr Reed and Karen Black as typical American married couple did find the bizarre situations they cncountcrcd totally engrossing ex cept in few scenes whcrc the boom microphone is plainly visible Beltc Davis makcs welcome return 10 thc screcn in toolimited part the tittyearrold veteran protrays woman of 74 who ages quite rapidly throughout the film Of course nothing need to said about Bctte Davis position as First Lady of the screen and in Burnt tfcrinus she adds still another line characterization to brilliant carver All in all Burnt Offerings is film you should cnjoy But dont forget to bring along lhc book entertainment RALPH BAKSHI FILM Ballet set to tackle its toughest audience TORONTO Cli The Na tional Ballet of Canada isaboul to tackle New York audicnces at the Metropolitan Opera Housc acknowledged as the toughest and most influcntial dance ccntrc without Rudolph Nueyev In fact fhcrc arc no major stars with the National this year As rcsult thc advance box office for its July 12 lo rcturn to thc Mct is low and icrry Iildrcd lhc companys general managcr says hc is concerned If busincss is rcally bad it will alfcct the image of thc company and that may havc spinolf at homc IIldrcd said in ricinl inlcrvicw lcrc pciccivcd as an Inltl national ciitnpany and revicws and the box otftcc in New York are ITItllllttl Thats whats Ice cciving about international suc cess You gct tlic rcvicws and you look and sec only 300 pmplc in tho audicncc Youve got to have lhc bodics in thosc seats With Nurcycv the National Ballet always did lvllllfS lS Promotion for thc Natiiinals cngagcincnt has includcd flying prima ballerinas ancssa Ilar wood and Ixnrcn Rain 10 Ncw York for around of press intcr views Thc Mct fighting hard lt £lll major loss in its first sellllitianced summer dance season is spending large amounts on tclcvision in an at lcmpl to lure in dance fans and tourists tut Anthony Bliss the Mels cxccutive dircctor said he is not upsct or worried about the season didnt really expect ma jor advance hc said And be sidcs thc Stuttgart Ballet which is here now had really low advnncc hit because of the reviews it did If pcr cent the first week ovcr 00 per cent the second ich and this will will be even higher would like the Na tional Ballets advance to be higher naturally but he really wont know how things are go ing until the middle of its first wcck NIIXIII PROGRAM At the Met the National will be pcrlorming Swan Lakc Gi scllc Ila Iillc Mal Gardce 1111tl program of Ann Ditch burns Mad Shadows with mu sic by Qucbccs Andre iagnon fhrcc short pieces by Dutch chorciigraphcrs and Kcttant nanx llcspilc the possibility of low box olficc rclurns in New York lildrcd said its too latc to back out contracts are signed and all systems irc go WWI IIIIlfoIs cmm ONE SHOW Your Life Charlie Ni wonKioIIflh MIN Vinson1 nomadum rIbi HIM Mrihtifi inr Unrtnd rum immu rm All mom lunwd lh cum Paramount him 7269944 ONE SHOW PM ONLY In the buff no less Critic MONTREAL CP Theatre critic Julia Maskoulis may end up performing above and bc yond her regular duties for The Gazette It all began when Ms Mas Jeanettes fan club restricted HOLLYWOOD Calif Reu ter When singer Jeanette MacDonald died of protracch heart ailment in 1965 she lcft behind faltering but loyal fan club of I00 supporters The Jeanette MacDonald Fan Iub now has 600 members And the only reason it is not bigger is that its organizers have had to put limit on its size When the club holds its an nual convention in Hollywood to visit places connected with Miss MacDonald and view her old films 200 persons turn up from as far away as Australia Poland Ircland and Swib zcrland lara Rhoades the president 45yearold schnoltcachcr from Topeka Kan says Wc could have lot more members but we like to keep it very personal club We finally had to close thc membership and just allow someone to join when somconc else cithcr dropped out 11 died Miss Rhoadcs says lhc clul is 10 years old but the annual gatherings began in I001 when Miss MacDonald agrccd to host gathering of her loyal fans in Ilollywoixl Susan Wright 21 0f Gall int member of the club says caught couple ol Iatc shows and the more watchcd thc morc interested became and that just ch to thc Ian club clubs noaoai 49DUNLOP 31 II DUNLOP IMPERIAL TWIN THEATRE JACQUELINE BISSET as NICK lion LOUIS GOSSETT IWV 11 NORTH AT GUTHRIE CREEN the examiner Tuesday July 1977 Julia Moskoulis an invitation Academy seeks funds lRNI The Royal anadian Academy is irganixing fundraising cam paign for lhc first time in the art societys t7ycar history acadcmy prcsidcnt John Iarkin says Iarkin said thc campaign has goal of $73000 and that the moncy will give the academy Icgrcc of independence from gnvcrnincnt support The academy has asked its 123 members to cont ributc to tal of $730 anadian corpo rations $300000 and anadian loundations 3173000 um ENTERTIMIEIT SHOWN DAILY AT 7008 900 error of BARRIE TIN DRIVEIN NOW PLATINu TII THURS JULY ADULT mununi ALSO STARRING Itll SHIRT ay appear in reyue koulis 27 panned Calcut ta revue featuring nude sccncs which recently opened to sellout crowds at Centaur Iheatrc She wrote she was con vinccd that if took my clothes off Id be more fun than 0h Calcutta The shows executive pro ducer Dyke Spear of Broadway Productions seized upon the offer In response to such positive thinking Spear wrote in an open letter to Ms Maskouris the Oh Calcutta cast and managcmcnt have waived all auditions and enthusiastically invitc you to cameo perform ancc in the nude finale at pctlolmallcc convcnient to you She was offered talent fee of $100 to be donated to charity of hcr choicc Ms Maskoulis replied in her llu1111 Saturday she was up piiscd to appearing in such badlywrittcn piece of junk without any value not even as entertainment Nevertheless she had decided she would appear With nothing but lip gloss and black feathcr boa in the finale number of alcuttal but only undcr certain conditions Ihesc included that half the shows profit from the Montreal run he donated to childrens hospital and that her name and picture not be used for public ity Also ticket prices should not be raised for the perform ance she would appear in Thursday Florida Mobile Home Seminar Whats it like to live in Florida in an adult mobile home community Learn about renting vs buying your own lot What are the costs CALL MISS EDITH PAGE NORMAN HOLME REAL ESTATE LTD 97 MISSISSAUGA 51 ORILLIA out 705 3259555 416 6258133 Refreshments and Colour Film Adults only INFORMATIVE SEMINAR SHOWING Thursday July 1977 730 PM Holiday Inn ORILLIA WARNING STARTS TOMORROW Ashomoraï¬oat ttieyiemckingtheboatl non iii Slllltl CALL 7283440 ANYTIME CINEMA MIRIAM if McCALLUM In LALL 481221 ANYTIME SCREE Nll MORSE POWERS SILVERS TECHNICULOII 35 WALT DIS 9133 10M Mirritrw KAREN En LOWELL GARBER 001RICEmWYNN LAST TIME PINK PANTHER STRIKES AGAIN TONIGHT FROM NOON TIL THREE ADULT