14 the examiner Monday June 20 1977 12 Inortgages altPilllff llllllS the municipal SEJVlFlgS lDElfl CDPDDTaiIDfI Pfllllll lllll lllil llll lllll 7207200 88 DUNLOP STREET oven 100 MILLIIIII Ill EXISTING MORTGAGES IF YOU NEEDMONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vocation and commercial To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements anyworthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING illIlPlll ISL till 2811 Ifllllllillils IWith Month Interest Bonus to Discharge altIll Illlllll IIIIMMIIMIIITS altlilllllfllllillll lllSIlIllIlIlll Ill llllillllllll Illllllllllfs titMlllllllll PllllfllllSlll suilllllll lllllllill 34 trucks and trailers 1974 FORD F100 Ranger XLT pickup p5 pb tinted windows radio step bumper new paint good condition Best offer telephone 8355791 or call Neil 7266411 36auto accessories STEEL SPOKE wheels with or without tires fits Ford pick up or van In 23 office stores for rent PRIMELOCATION MODERNDOWNTOWN Approx 8500 sq ft Heated oir conditioned Ideal for stores and offices Coil owner 51 boats motors CANOES We have truckload of dif ferent sizes shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum canoes 12 mortgages 726098 weekdays good condition 7280139 after 6pm smnuvm mum 37motorc cl 41636343421 anytime mile East of BaRrgle 1973 HONDA 750 Borrani rims Dunstall on ShanlY B0V JY exhaust clean and well maintained ask 7261001 lng $1500 Telephone 7282410 before 430 24space for rent Au3 1973 HONDA 350 cc electric start 2800 miles certified Like new $795 Call 4363153 1974 HONDA MT 250 certified many exv tras Good condition 5600 or best offer Call 7265533 anytime PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 It Clear part of large expanding industrial mall 7267130 FOR SALE one 16V foot Dumphre runabout excellent condition with hp Evinrude tanks $1000 firm Cal 4872310 FOR LEASE industrial space and 1974 HONDA 125 Elsinore extra parts 32 TROJAN warehouse Telephone 7263400 low riding time 3500 Telephone 72593 Cabin Cruiser with planked hull In min APSFBELW Mg after6pm condition Fully equipped with VH VERY NICE Industrial building on 1975 KAWASAKI 175 Enduro excellent mm °°° dam Una loud hailer bumpers deck Chairs elec trlc bilge pump refrigerator sniffer twin interceptor engineer with 550 hours full convertible camper back Will ac cept car or truck as trade Askin $19900 For appointment telephone Or Hardy motors 7284272 HAN DYMANS SPECIAL boat moto and trailer best offer can be seen at 17 Dunlop St after pm 17 Ft CHRYSLER Fiberglass boa Daycruiser with canopy top 80 Chrysler outboard Explorer trailer Al in excellent condition Best offer Telephone 7267836 BOAT AND motor molded mahogan plywood 13 windshield and controls hp Evinrude electric starter 436310 evenings BOAT TRAILERS for rent Two day from $15 Call Brices Boats 416 4784175 Toronto 14163631954 1976 STARCRAFT fibreglass 18l2 cylinder Volvo engine and stern drive power trim full canvas and completel equipped 50 hours running Will sell $5900 or best offer Call Dan Henderso 7286065 or 7371771 1976 16 FOOT Peterborough boat full equipped 70 horsepower Evinrud motor and trailer Marina slip paid f0 1977 season $5700 7261133 after 63 pm 42artiCles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pr 1950 items 7288234 44dogs and pets BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooin and clipping of all breeds Sophi Street East 7264141 POODLE TRlMMlNG professiona grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Pirofes sional clipping and grooming reason able rates Telephone 7260061 TROPICAL FISH Best selection town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatabl prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143Ardagh Road 7260094 ALL BREED dogAtraining Obedience and guard dog training Telephone 7268617 or 416 7292755 OBEDIENCE TRAINING t6 dob Summer classes starting June 28 For in formation call Mrs Walters 4589361 weekends or evenings Dunlop St West with large fenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 6350637 condition lady driven 4000 street miles $750 Must be seen Call 4363237 anytime 40 articles for sole USED TV CLEARANCE price on all color BW used TVs while they lost Come early for best selection BUILDING AVAILABLE 75 20 heated immediate occupancy ideal for painting or refinishing business $150 monthly 7266474 26accomntedationsto share YOUNG WORKING girl has large bedroom apartment to share with same outside of Barrie carpeted throughout with fireplace Isl and last months re quined Telephone 7262518 GIRL to share bedroom apt and to share expenses St Vincent Grove St area available July Ist Telephone 737 3688 2LCottages to rent HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Lake Cecebe hours irom Barrie electrical lakefront camping sights boats Call Murray Valiquette 7260617 BY THE season and bedroom cot tages inside convenience private sand beach also available boat storage and trailer lots 487 3827 or 487 2427 32cars for sale Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop St 7284297 SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season price Guaranteed installation and terms Call collect days or evenings 14162214840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in stock Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools include filter walkaround deck fence and warranty size 15 27 ft $1355 cash or terms Call Perc collect days or evenings 1416 4818802 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in today or call 7264606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza lSWIMMlNG POOLS to rent will lease Iand install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pool with patio lChoice of styles meeting all fencing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buyl Call collect anytime 14166639508 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slight ly scratched In transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295 Available at oreseason special of $1288 Call not for early installation Call collect anytime 14166639508 ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 7263435 USED FURNITURE Airconditioners small fridges for office or cottage solves freezers odd chairs Chesterfield sets lawn furniture and bedroom suites 1972 CHEV Impala door white vinyl roof 350 V8 power steering and brakes in good condition Telephone 7260632 after630 pm PRIVATE SALE 1973 Pinto hatchback cylinder automatic radio 32000 miles owner $1495 Call Doug Stewart 7281312 1973 MUSTANG stock car tandem trailer and extra parts Set to race at Barrie $1500 Telephone Huntsville 705789 7393 BUAYING CARTIthynot get Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Col Iier St 191 1977 GRANDE miles air conditioning cruise control door PB PS PW AMFM radio $8200 4872610 Oro Open Mortgage Loans 1974 LAN DROVER excellent condition must sell $3800 Telephone 7264374 anytime properties 1970 LINCOLN Continental 85000 miles 52000 7287156 1973 MONTE Carlo fully loaded light blue with white top dark blue interior Excellent shape Call 728 5694 too pm or 728 5796 after pm 1973 MONTE Carlo mint condition Ziebarted air conditioning radio new exhaust system radials must be seen car 7265494 1976 CADILLAC Power seats power steering power brakes AMFM power windows 24000 miles 1976 Ford F100 pickup short box mags and tires rust PURE BRED DOBERMEN pincer pups tails docked shots wormed no papers $75 Telephone 7280122 before pm 4364462 after6 pm LABRADOR Retriever pups yellow in color weeks old CKC registered all ShotsandtattooedTele hone 7260597 129 DUNLOP ST EAST CallAnytIme 347 BAY STREET mï¬gfsridfggaspfdgcg povyer steeglng 4200 03 Home Furnishing Warehouse 608EiMKN2VeBIdPngï¬aflame roug am au power BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT steering power brakes air condmonmg free deWECLZZB 7343 reglstered excellent With chlldren Alsc 3633421 vinyi r00 AMFM power door locks SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS Algl year old male German short haIr 7260981 Phone Servrce ban Kaypool etc Robinson Hardware Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc Pointer with papers Asking $75 each 7371909 power trunk release rear defroster 42300 miles 1976 Torino Squire station wagon auto power steering power brakes rear defroster heavy duty 31 DunloprSt East 7232431 Firewood Buy now at last yearprices Hardwood $25 per face cord Free de FOR SALE registered maleShellie reasonable with papers Telephone TF MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings COMPARE our rates First secon third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 3362 Pat QUInn Ltd TWO 7371414 16 opts to rent THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MWFTF KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 Weekdays ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments from $160 monthly Central location First and last required Appliances and heat included Telephone 7269418 after 6pm TWO BED SITTING rooms and one bedroom apartments Can be seen at 48 Codrington Apt Mississauga Court bedroom apts colored appliances drapes supplied next to Simcoe Plaza monthly plus hydro First and last man ths rent Telephone 728 1035 or 737 I771 TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately References No pets $230 monthly plus hydro First and last man lhs rent Telephone 728 1015 or 737 I771 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment 12 miles north of Barrie paved roads abstainers Non smoker preferred Telephone 728 8067 TWO bedroom apts south end of city close to bus route and factories Children welcome call John or Harv at 726 028 from9am to9pm ONE AND two bedroom apartment available now downtown area Call bet ween9am and9p 726 3257 ONE BEDROOM apartment clean building neat grounds and central References required Available Im mediafely $180 monthly Phone 737 178 after5pmweokdaysonly TWO BEDROOM apartment mile south of Barrie for working couple Fridge and stove Private entrance Telephone 458 9450 evenings BEDROOM awrtment available Int mediately east end Telephone 487 2412 BEDROOM upper duplex on two levels downtown area modern colored appliances range hood brondloom utilities and heat Included parking No pets Security deposit requned S285 Telephone 726 1685 evenings only BEDROOM lower duplex breakfast nook finished basement room broad loom colored appliances utilities and heat included parking no pets securIly deposit required 5275 Tolephont 726 1685evenlngs only TWO bedroom apartments Ivallable June 30th $180 monthly One bedroom apt available July 15m 5220 Central east end of Barrie 487 2412 TWO BEDROOM self contained apart merit heal and hydro close to Bosc Borden $185 monthly Available July Ist Telephone 424 1971 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment close to downtown on bus route stove fridge parking laundry facilities first and last months rent no pets Telephone 776 6725 after4 pm ONE BEDROOM basement apartment for rent fridge Stove hydro and heal In cluded Suitable for single person Telephone 728 1039 ONE BEDROOM apartment WIth trig and stove and parkIng Included in rent at 3185 East end location No pets Adults Phone 726 5282 or 726 0875 UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom apart ment second floor fridge and stove Pay own hydro First and last rent required Call 728 5135 FIVE ROOM apartment $220 monthly Hydro not included No pets or chIldron Ten minutes from downtown Available now Call 726 3759 alter 6p UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS land bedroom Available July Isl and 15th No children no pets Couple preferred Apply Armstrong Hardware 728 2441 SUBLET ONE bedroom apartment Im perial Towers Five months left on lease $261 monthly everything included Telephone 728 5896 NEWLv DECORATED bachelorette Central 7266271 Furnished In Barrie Call monthly Call 737 1638 SINGLE BEDROOM apartment private entrance available July 1977 Central Barrie CIOSC to transportation Stove refrigerator utilities and parking 6pm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY and bedroom apartments control location parking heat water stove and frio In cludecl 726 7736 BEDROOM Apartment for renl $245 monthly includes all utilities Central Available immediately Close to trans portation Call 726 7286 TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment Central location brondloomcd through out call737 1605 aftor4 30 fridge and stove west end of Barrio suspension tinted glass 36800 miles 1975 Mercury Marquis power steering power brakes 62000 miles Call Dave or illery in Barrie area 7263649 JAY BROS 73773224 WWW WEIMARANER PUPS registered 16 opts to rent champion stock intelligent pets for com MEEIELE befweEnva 126261111 panionship and protection S200 Tele ONE AND Two bedmom apanmem PRIdVATE SAIL 9k oyyette power WHOLESALESI RETAIL BAIT Egnentsgyï¬gflA WV downtown Newly renovated 737 1674 WI 0W5 all Id 95 Sewing SAMOYED purebred ies to after 530 pm bulgla 35 AMFM rad 00 BARRE ONTARIO sale not ready for homes unï¬ljï¬ly 10th BEDROOM anarmem on second TTTIIESZPhOne 7262884 after pm 135 FERNDALE RD yeiephone 7267855 floor Refrigerator and stove optional I976 PLYMOUTH Gran Fury door ps WORMS PACKAGED 12s PEDIGRTEECRABBITS for sale Califor Centrally located Available immediate Dbl 107000 mllesl $3900 TeePhone 25s or 50s AND BULK nians Black Rex Red Satin Breedinc Iy Quiet adults Telephone 7372617 4565671 stock pets meat Telephone 726 5306 LARGE Two begoom aparmem em 1976 DATSUN 710 7000 miles $3600 or C0 Ken Jay at 7264851 Juy Includes mde and Stove best offer Excellent condition All ex MWFJy27 sogarden supplies washing facilities Ample parking $240 65 C3 42 176601Iel613vm I97IACADIAN Cyl automatic aSking CHOICE TOPSOIL EXCElenl l0 lawns CEDAR PosTs any sizes poles gardens etc Evening and Saturday LARGE TWO bedroom partly furnished $800 uncertified telephone 458 4520 apartment Stove fridge parking in attempmweekdavs giï¬Ã©ezgéJizog delnvgyCallggpaornsIm cluded $200 monthly available July 1st 1963 DODGE MONACO 313 V8 aWn sa 12 Call 726 2910 amomaï¬g in running order For pans Meadowland Ave Allandale Heights 54serVIce and repolrs open from 10 am to 10 pm daily 15 ft aluminium trailer with propane sleeps piano 7263396 or as Is Cali evenings 726 0583 1970 MUSTANG 351 Cleveland barrel automatic Power steering power brakes Best offer Telephone 322 2656 WEEDS Lot or field cutting SPECIAL $299 included $160 monthly Aurora altersp 20colorT thtn £3311232 day 1973 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 radlals TV Budgef guns vgilggï¬fnï¬hiasaggg AlSO BFUSh Clearing radio private must sell good condition wont 35 Ion APARTMENT IN central Barrio loca 5900 Telephone 728 4974evenings pliantes 80 girrnggaaflaAgr of new demaed QUmsmd I966 FORD Custom sns As is Call phone7284 SUItable for elderly couple 487 3188 after 7262782 anytime 1975 DODGE Royal Monaco 26000 miles power steering and brakes air conditioning snows and rims In ex cellent condition Call 737 2416 I932 PLYMOUTH Coupe needs work Call Bob 726 2119 1976 NOVA Concord Nlime green metallic half white vinyl roof white in terior $4300 Telephone 466 2540 MGB 1970converhble as I5 new motor brakes clutch 10000 mlles ago Some rust Best offer Phone after 737 3049 1974 TR6 39000 miles AM radID sets Michelin radials owner summer driven Certified Good buy at $3900 Telephone 728 0103 i967 CHEV BISCAYNE 250 automatic mechanically sound needs some body work 5200 firm Telephone 726 6895 EC IA $449 26 full floor color console with push but ton tuning One only Barrie TV Budget plan available Visit Barrie TV and Ap pliances 80 Dunlop St Barrie or phone7 297 COOLE Display Counter plus large compresser excellent condition Ideal for small grocery or fruit stand $200 7262951 52plants and bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS New shipmen iust arrived ideal for hanging baskets Bray536 Ferndale Dr 72672951 from $210 monthly Phone 55construction machinery STEEL FORMS Over 3000 feet of steel forms all accessories included Toenails1355051 56 camping equipment NEED camper boat or vacation loan See Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Collier 728 5191 Ill FOOT deluxe tFuck campePffully equipped In good condition Call 705 4240569 MDFFAT FRIDGE and Kenmore stove months old White Must sell Also Blue Ribbon Freezer Call 7280902 No pets Available July Please MOFFAT 30 continuous clean gas stove harvest gold in excellent condi tion S200 Inglis gas dryer In good condi tion 550 Call 726 2053 TWO BEDROOM apt large livmq room Available July Utilities included days 17houses to rent lst $210 monthly Telephone 728 7978 WOODS TENT TRAILER bUilt In Cup 1973 AUSTIN MARINA four door radial AUlomahc boards canopy sleeps Includes Col BEDROOM detached house In Allan tires four speed transmission radlo eman stove heater and lantern $450 or dale Heights available July 1st 5325 Phone 72670725 after 5pm LIQUID as trade on small boat and motor mentlv option to ourcnnSi If deslrvd 1968 METEOR automatic power steor by POOLMINDER 7239750 Teliplmne716 7959 ing In good condition Certified $500 HARDTOP TENT Trailer sleeps4 to people propane stove ice box cup boards Asking 5700 Telephone 728 64377 57Iivestock for sale chemically treat your pool for less than $60 season 16 32 models to choose from SERVICES NEW BEDROOM house double garage Central $325 monthly View Sun day only to pm Call Tor 8812515 nfter7p TALL TREES house fireplace garage $350 monthly Telephone 728 6775 1967 CHEV $100 or WIII sell in parts Call 728 0776 1973 FORD CORTINA standard 3550 as IS can be cerlified Good condition bedroom dtiailwfl TACK SHOP English equipment Ger engine Reason lor selling Call 728 76 man saddles and bridles Robinson 130an Inasl months call 14l6 8779371 ex Brian anerw 728 3646 Hardware pvnop East 728 33carswamedm buy Liquid Chlorine dellvered YEARLING QUARTER horsennvldark NEW YEARS bedroom semi July th tr anti II 15 possession S300por month 728 1671 bay WI th esa QUIe we manneredrhealthy and soundr445 2833 Jy 20 URGENTLY REQUIRED THREE BEDROOM townhouse carpeted two blocks to beach near 35 MM KODAK Pony Camera 900d for School workshop four annlinniest For Borne News car Dec beginner s25 Cady Moped months All breeds re sels and trims Reasonable barberuo garage $350 manlle PlS rates Call after6pm7263317 old in good condition $200 Telephone utlllllts Call 436 5624 7267089 TOP CASH PALAMINO FILLYA years old Broken 3353EI€ELEI£ 31 Gooaï¬ï¬gggï¬gom LOOK AT TH IS 32355 sfmï¬ï¬mbï¬$w5f$ao gait bedroom Four appliancos One and you can buy this new 20 super Zenith desjosan al11cal587519° 5310 nmhY PU ORV HARDY MOTORS chromacolor portable color television ea DUPLEX Conlral location all rip 76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 HOW boilyommeym WSRHIY 1332ey plianics and three bedroom Available MIWFTF tonight deliver tonight KralY KEHYS DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown July Phone 776 9697 Illor6 ArAH TV 737 1182 egg pullets available June 18 Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Farms Stroud 436 1811 61pasture for sale FOR SALE 85 acres of the best farmland in Innisfil $1300 per acre off Hwy 27 near Hwy 89 Telephone 458 9492 THREE BEDROOM house centrally located In Barric Avnilablt August 1977 $375 month Call Toronto 929 098 anytime Poultry $6 Buys beautiful 26 RCA color Spanish to the floor console television No money down no payments until August Phone tonightdelivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 AIRCONDITIONERSO All sizes up to 10000 BTU now in stock starting with the Super GE 4000 BTU Carry Cool for $14995 Featuring 10 posi tion thermostat and deluxe speed fan Ideal for bedroom Call 7371182 now for your free home survey Instant delivery no payments til August Krazy Kelly Barrie Shopping Plaza 737 1182 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid frco immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 After 6p 424 5949 WANTED Clean used Cars Barrie Hon do Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 I9houses wanted to rent RESPONSIBLE YOUNG couplo re quires bedroom home to rent Will do repairs Must be reasonable refirLnr 0s Telephone 728 8920 WANTED TWO bldroom houst Or apartment for married working couple With baby and house trained pets Ront range 5200 728 0559 after pm or all weekend WORKING COUPLE rquIro or bedroom house for September Isl wIll 64farm machinery ing to do out of town Rent around $250 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing ONE FULL matching set rmens right CUSTOM MADE Phoni76 7146 all 30 scrap mew cars bought over scales hand Wilson Executive golf Clubs Bag Th er Racks 20r00m5 to et 895 993 Rad 36 3677 Cart and shoes $200 or best offer Three row 34rucks and Myers gIrIs bicycles $10 726 soloer Flat Rocks FURNISHED near factories on bus DINING ROOM SUITE9piece deilcraft asowagon5 route quirl atmosphere in weekly 4x4 1973 LANDROVER 22000 original Le Chateau grouping Antique white oak Phone evenings 726 9859 miles CB radio must sell best rea finish with woodsmoke blue trim Two BATT FURNISHED ROOMS central par sonablo offer Telephone 728 2410 before extra table leafs almost new $1000 ing kitchen privileges lounge ling 30f value approx $2000 Telephone 7260629 supplied weekly laundry IaiiIIIIcS 1974 ton Chrv va automatic Power 9976 MWFJui7 responSIble adults 726 7186 FURNISHED ROOM In Allandale at bus Stop Cooklng faCIlItIes available Gentlemen prIfirod Telephone 778 4268 days or 728 08l0cvenlnqs FURNISHED ROOMS downtown ILIn bright modern central kitchen bath livIng room Parking Apply Hamilton 737 1000 LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS Full kIl Chen fariliticS rer room Available 1m Cerllfiert STORE FixTUREsfshelvingfdisplay tables cash register cabinets etc Counters and Mannequins Reasonable Telephone 7267 5815 IEE NMORE Wrinoer washer Al carpi tion still has year warranty 3100 Phone 728 1306 after pm NEARLYNEW one HP arioasana Straton horizontal shaft 65 One HP Briggs and Straton vertical shaft 575 or best offer Telephone 7285709 steering brakes 424 6463 1974 FORD model 250 460 engine power stecrlng power brakes air Condition gas tanks 10 ply tires 23000 miles XLT camper speCIal will finance to reliable people Call Joe Dyson Cholkan 728 4401 1974 DODGE 100 2ton automatic lransmissmn V8 PB radio track step up bumper with trailer hItch and Telephone BROWN AND BELL Form Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete LIne of 00in Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 mediately Working peoplr Conn cab excellent condltlon Telephone 7260338 7256766 6397 4589571 RIDING MOWERS MWFIr BRIGHT VERY large nrwlv decorated 1975 GMC wheel drive automatic SHF Available from stock at $39800 Pratt Motor Supply Co 39 High St 7285911 open Saturdays in power steering power brakes barrel gauge package radio wood box low mileage with Myers plowing equip menl 56100 456 3840 evenings 1976 FORD ton ps Sliding back window tonnau cover $4000 Telephone 456 2907 I974 RANGER XLT 302 automatic radio 40000 miles In good condition Telephone 723 8149 after pm 1969 CHEVROLET 12 ton pickup good condition $550 Telephone 458 9573 1968 International Tandem Dump I971 Transtar Tandem Tractor diesal 1972 White Freighlliner Tandem Tractor diesel 1969 Fored Diesal air lift tractor Telephone 726 3781 rooms to rent in downtown location Taurus Real Estatcwld 737 3000 CLEAN BRIGHT qumt room for rent Linen supplied Kitchen faculties Elder Iy people welcome Close to downtown and bus route Please telephone 737 3675 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate 0c cupancy short or long form 726 3400 Angeloff 1800 SQ FT STORE office plus extra large garage bays downtown Barrie In cludes lots of parking $425 monthly less monthly parking incomet Call collect 416 632 2452 evenings FORGE HARVESTER for sale hitch sprayer liquid manure tank 100 gallon row air planter 400 tons of A1 sileage 322 2351 Two FU RROW PloUgn in exCéllént Con dition Telephone 7262888Aafter pm MASSEY Ferguson 165 with industrial loader Simms cab only 1800 hours ex cellent condition $5500 or best offer Call 4584797 after 4pm EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 CE DAR POSTS all sizes lineposts an chors and braces Also poles and chickens and ducks 7281637 41Lboats nd motors 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double null cylinder Chrysler inboard motor AI condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 after 30 pm SAI LBOAT 16 foot custom designed and built Totally fiberglassed over marine plywood sails including new spinnaker and Geona Many extras 35 hp engine trailer Real bargain at $1200 7267955 QRPENTER Special terior remodelling trim etc Please call flne GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcan siding Soffit Trough Doors Windows Awnings Authorized dealer BARRIE 7265609 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Soffit Eavestrough Windows Focio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors siding Soffit Fascia and trough all colours 20 year guarantee 4246073 NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Soffit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar anteed 7262609 7269002 PAINSWICK ALUMINUM OWNER OPERATED PROTECT and BEAUTIFY your home with REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Siding SoffitFoscio Eovestrough seamless FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7269769 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized soles andiervicf 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Jopones cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary 51 my BANOUET FACILITIES FRIENDS CLUB has facilities for banquets weddings private parties Food and banquet licence Mr MdLsholl 7283865 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone 7285283 CONSTRUCTION STEWART CONSTRUCTION LTD announces the opening of NEW GRAVEL PIT on the 7th CONC OF ORO TWP to better serve our Customers ORO 4875707 ORILLIA 3264711 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces wororlleed 737ISO in rec rooms in 7288884 after pm CABINET MAKER EuTopeon trained Kit chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes Need help WALL TO WALL installation carpet and vinyl fully guaranteed reasonable rate 45874432 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory st job pOSSIble CARPET INSTALLATION CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall filing and repairs 7266263 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST LOPO design art work layout etc Plese col 9362681 collect 416 ERNIES CRESTS Custom Screen Process Crests Cresting On Garments Chenille Crests Club Jackets ERNIE ROSE 7286338 Maw102 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 0Chain Link Gal or Vinyl OHegulation Pool Fence Wood or Metal Privacy Wrought Iron Do it yourself or Professionally installed For Free Estimate coll Peel Fence ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work QEYBI 3991538 f335 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching noon FINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR refinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip or peel 3258341 Storm windows removed General lawn care clean Garages and basements Refuse removed HALFTON TRUCK General Repairs Masonry ND iob too small Call anylime 3221176 FREE Garages chbned trash hauled Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts In their field and Will assure you of the EXCAVATING Horizontal Augering 7289833 Installation and Installers AIl floor wall mosaic tiles and vinyl asbestos Work guaranteed year Precision Tile Company 7292197 HANDYMAN SPRING CLEANUP and cleaned up and spring fertilizing cleaned BARRIE 432322 Painting Carpentry away Just give us your costoffs Telephone Systems Inc 465 DAVIS DR NEWMARKET 8981361 Collect Barrie Boll 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS NEED MORE living spDCe rec room extra bedroom play room laundry office storage space Also pointing wollpapering Murray WkA 45842 Complete basement iii 4875525 or 7260441 HOME IMPROVEMENTS NTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Coll Russ 4363681 after 630 pm References available planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 7264702 IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pomting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion ioinls Work guaran CHAIN LINK teed 4589346 CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dotions renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 4364175 after RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dTig block and FENC NG brick laying fireplaces painting inferior xterior Guaranteed workmanship 246073 Galvanized and Vinyl Installed CUSTOM BUILDINGm House lifting founda tions and basements additions and renova ons Fox Contracting 726I710 FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7287829 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations GENERAL REPAIRS renovations carpentry small plumbing electrical exteriorinterior extensions etc etc Guar nteed work 7262609 or 72679002 pointing Refinishing furniliine 7260088 TIFFIN FENCE CO 160 Bradford Street Barrie Quality chain link fence supplies at lower prices Do it yourself or we install For free estimates call 7264131 WE DO IT Painting Home Repairs Roofing °Tree Cutting You name it 7284812 or 4365549 INCOME TAX NCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar DRESSMI lNG DRESSES FIT if made by JOSlE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia St Phone7266000 DRYWALL INSULATION INNISFIL INSULATION VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced free estimates Jack HILLSDALE DECORATING terior wollpopering custom textured walls and ceilingELTelephone 705 0355387 local ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Biloftq RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL 248 Tiffin St Barrie and Roofing New Asphalt shingles AND ROOFING New and old Repairs PAINTING torior exterior Work guaranteed Establish ad 30 years 7262225 72690m WAYNE FOLEY Professional pointers Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Worki guaranteed 7267389 DON SIESLING PIoIsssIonal painting in terior exterior paper hanging custom work ZLSatisloclion guaranteed 7266808 VIENNA PAINTING and Decorating Reg In tenor and Exterior Wallpaper and line fobric hanging Free estimates Guaranteed workv monship 737I9 Richardson 7262012 11568874 Interior ex PAVING PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARRIE 7370179 MANlERl PAVING Drivewoys Parking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for I7 years PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 selections Fast service Low low price 72886339venings PLUMBING Everything For Entertaining Tables Chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliveruReserve Now 7371388 ROOFING Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 14168957533 collect Free litirnafes 3221897 after pm Help Help Survive Free Enterprise Call for Roofing Installed Eavestroughing Installed Chimney Rebuilding Repairs Call any day from am pm Graham Roofing 7286628 rie area $5 up Dobson 4245910 after 50 mm SEWING MACHINES INCOME TAX returns prepared for small business farm and home Mitchells Book keeplng Sawicgjgbqqyl SEWEASY CO SerVIce calls from S5 Specialists repairs all makes industrial and house machines 7371621 New used sales SNoWrLéoITINE PAULS SNOWPLOWING BILOTTA DRYWALL and TOSldentol and $23553°°3gnlg5232 and common 38911 32 RENOVATIONS ammo mm Telephone 4534233 mates Call Paul 71173064 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovatlorls 77 remodelling elcNojob tosma7261271 EAVESIROUGHING 75 SNQWPLPWNG 5° ¢°° LL EWEei 00 and resldenllal Reasonable rains CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters Blown Cellulose Flbre Dependableanysy for renovations additions homes cottages GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves Free estimatesW 4324995 lroughing installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Roofing and roofing repairs Free 5370Nse MIWJ S7 53235 IEXEURdE SPLYIV FdElallm Slug Ior ex ure wa on iin C0 METLYEBLEIEEEJPPEEEYLCEEEE ANDSCAPING estimates Dale Russell Midhurst feglzphozz Stairs Trim ELECTRlCAL EL 7791332 BOTTING PROPERTY Services Sprin Work Guaranteed PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial cleanups prUnin lawn and garden Residential Industrial Installations and 597 maintenance Ian scoping sodding Free viie129EWALLEE Win WEE CW TWOWAY RADIO Mï¬mvflvm REICHEN CARPET CLEANING SIMCOE ELECTRIC ANDSCAPING 33 El CUMMEHPAL START YOUR spring cleaning today Indusrial C°mmerCi° way radlo Revitalize your Carpets with AI carpet steam Residential Forms KENNEDY AVEi PANSWICK ONT Sales and SerVIce °°25L73L9377 ewr Lighting design Sodding lawn and garden SHOP 0N PREMlses STEAM CARPET CLEANlNG Electrical consulting maintenance SPECIAL 20 yrs experience Roto tilling Evergreens oc ANT liVIliG ROOM City Masters Lic 118 Cedar Hedges Fertilizing and EIOCTFOHICS $1995 7238234 Polio Repair 53 Owen St at Worsley Wm 07 in WFW mm FREE ESTIMATES Wlndow Cleaning 77 W°W°9 ARRY ELECTRICAL PHONE 655 Siding Cleaned Champlain Maintenance Olndustrial 0Commerciol LAWN CARE SOWECO Itd OFarm °Resldelntiol FERTILIZING puff spraying mowing hadg Water 23137263531C Wit 99 QLEQS822 ng well Drilling CONCRETE rvers 995 rms onomes Roof Deicing MASONRY FE Conoges QUALITY SINCE 1949 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick bloc and stone work Fireplaces specially Patios sidewalks WW 705113294EEEEW ste curbs TEEST Tv SIMCOE MASONRY alterations mpg 10 years experience contracting resounobla rates free as and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7250031 Buy The Examiner To Read STONEWORK and fireplaces specially Vic Watson for free estimates 7281599 FIREPLACES Custom built and designed Specializing in natural stone and antique brick All workmanship guaranteed Peter WARREN BROWN DJ Mustc for people who like to dance Good rates 7289545 timolas call Dunc Borden 7285397 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Henslra 7372871 68 personals 68 personals INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION TELECARE WW Your pmbem Services Civil criminal divorce alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime also ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 if ou drink thats your business If you itthatsourslcrallanytime removed safely lly approved Ly Electrologist want toqu gt ONWANTED HAIR permanently medica dla Hrenchuk Certified 7372671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 WHY SUFFER agony with Cams and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the lob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and alldruggists surveillance Discreet and confidential 737 2972 NOTICE Welcometo our New Loca tion 84 Dunlop East near Queens Hotel Bill Fisher Sid Jeffels Thank You ROOFING and odd lobs Free estimates Work guaranteed 4240321 M7ONECA pshyic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 7288868 DARLING OUR aflair ls overiauiro like to talk to you Call MondayFriday 4913997 70lost and found MALE SIAMESE Cat Sealpoint year old in Georgian College east end area Small childrens pet $25 reward 728am PIANIST AVAILABLE roe WEDDINGS NECEPI TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 after 6pm GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular ErcflPotvin Gulfqr Studio $1189 MUSICINSTIIuCTIONs ANGUS 4245657 WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart ments Stores Houses Factories Reason 67 fruits vegetables 61 fruits vegetables STRAWBERRIES PICK your own 35 cents quart Bring own containers half mile north of Midhurst 4th Concession of Vespra 728 8074 STRAWBERRIES pick your own Two miles south of Highway 89 beside Hwy 400 on Concession 13 West Gwilllmbury Phone John Carlin 458 4797 after pm NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday Strawberries pick your own top quality Lots of parking space mil Inorth of Bradford on Hwy ll mile west on 13th line 4167752808 Ju 25 SEED POTATOES for planting Canada Department of Agriculture certified Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St llBarrie Call 7282253 STRAWBERRY season open Coombes Glllroad Mldhurst 35 cents per quart pick your own In your own containers 7282111