Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1977, p. 6

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the examiner Saturday June 18 1977 Photo By SlE ROLTLIFFE Examiner Staff Reporter Mary Calvert went back to school at time when most people her age were beginn ing to slow their pace She went back because she felt she was rneeded There was need for sup ply teachers she says and felt had the qualifications if not the cer tification She built career for herself teaching at St Marys Separate School in Barrie in special education classes that spanned 17 years It was marked Thursday night at retirement Mass and party held for her at St Marys Church The party with thanksgiving Mass gift presentations and buffet came as surpriSe to Calvert thought was coming for staff wmo and cheese party after Mass she said during the retirement party Then when came in they handed me special in vitation to my own retireL ment party she added People at the party numbering 73 included special education teachers she had conferred with parents of past students staff members and separate school board represen tatives Mrs Calvert says educa tion has been an important part of her life She raised eight children who did well in educational fields she says one teaches college in Ottawa another is nurse involved in nuclear medicine and third is school teacher When she returned to school and decided to get her certification at teachers col lege all eight of her children were still in school Two were taking univer7 sity courses three were in high school and the rest were in elementary school she said She chose special educa tion or opportunity classes to work in did it because felt there were need for teachers in that area and wanted to help children who were slow in learning she said My own family was so lucky She began with opportunity classes for students aged seven to years of age and switched to teaching them in hourly sessions once slow learners were integrated with other classes As special education teacher Mrs alvert says she favored class integra tion think it helped because when the children were in special classes there they were looked down upon by others she said Retiring teacher Mary Calvert held some of her presents and looked on Thursday afternoon as Joe Duncan principal of St Marys Separate School spoke of her career Sonic 75 pcoplc came to St Marys Church for the thanksgiving Mass and retirement party Examiner Mary Calvert retires after her second career This together She worked with group of special education teachers once month to improve methods We would discuss our pro blems and would give mutual help to others In her speech to people at the retirement party Mrs Calvert said she would miss being in the teaching field put them all ONE REGRET She had only one regret she said One of the disadvantages of special education is that knew only the children who came through my door she said The others knew only by sight cant help but feel missed lot through ncvcr knowing these other children she said But hopc have helped Mrs alvcrt is planning to travel something she and her husband Charles had hoped to do She put off retiremcnt plans when he died two years ago decided to keep going another year she said She will be in Paris when school at St Marys begins this fall says Mrs Calvert Ill be in Paris thc day school starts shc said sol wont be feeling sorry for myself Nellie Fagents says hi when newcomers arrive There is one new face that greets newcomers to Barie It is lli Neighbours Nellie Pagents Ili Neighbour is totally Canadian organization We have branches all across Canada Mrs Fagents said Hi Neighbour has been in Bar rie for about nine years The idea of the group is what the name iinpliesuwelcoming new neighbors to the communi ty she said Mrs Fagents has been ap pointed managerhostess of the Barrie area She replaces Marion Shivas In one month she makes about 45 calls an indication of how quickly Barric is growing lhcrcs no doubt about it she said All the new subidvi sions are filling up fast New hotnc buyers are always the ones who want to find otit as much about their community as possible thcy expect to be living there for while shc said Newcomers who were mem bers of service clubs want to know how to contact the sonic club in the new city Parents of tcenvage children want to get their children involvcd in city recreation and at the YMCA shc cxplained She also secs quite few retired couples who move to the area What is her function as lIi Neighbour hostess Im often the first new per son some people meet she said Letting them know they are welcome makes them feel more comfortable Mrs Fagents sits and talks with them about what is available for recreation where the library is and the Ylyl YWCAII think its servicc new pocple really appreciate she said Beforc shc lcavcs their homc she leaves with them informa tion and mcrchandisc ccr tificates so thcyll bc cncoiirng ed to shop locally Mrs Iagcnts licrscll has bccn iiivolvcd with clnldrciis tctivitics zit Gooilfcllow School Shc IS illlttlttl liclping rcniciliiil rcadcis and win oftin tilltl Ioi tlic schools outings Slic ilso liclps Willi Sunday school ttllVIllfS and crafts Shc ind lici Inisluind Gcorgc livc Wllll tticii cliildrcii Lydia Slcvc ltiith lcti and Martha it llicil lioinc Ill Alcoiin llciicli Tllt ilmi liivc oiic iliittglilcl litcky tMiu Iuiil Scliiiiiiii cnjoys Nellie Fagents is welcomed sight festyle Ann Landers Lack of visits is their fault Dear Ann Landers have never written to you before but after read the letter signed Lonesome knew my time had cotnc My inlaws are also lonesome or at least thats what they tell everybody We hear from many pcoplc that they complain constantly about how we ignore them and how hurt they are It burns me up Last Sunday my husband and and the kids went to see them and it was thc sonic old story Grandma and Grandpa tiilkcd about nothing but how sick they are and how much they suffer islic with bucknches and he with rheumatism in his lcgsi It is contcst toscc who isin worse shape lhcn thiy tcll us for thc Soth timc about how had their opciitioii Wllt llcis two IIS ago for tumor his five Vtill ago for liciiiiiii llicv arc no itll Itllllttl II is awful Never question about thc lllltlltlt oi ttt hiiubiinds job or my interests All tlny wont to do talk about thcnisclycs and their llll€llfl Also wliciicwi wc go to nci tliciii tlicy gicct us with Vc didnt think you cii oiiiiiir woiidci how many otlici Loninoinc p1rcnts there are iioliiiil If no maybc Iliiic jood Illllll llltll tlilldtttt doo IIl tluiii Illllllltlllt taui nd Illfctt up or Itnic pivot iioiind iiiil liiard from loqr of flitiii Itlii iinliiti finial ippliiptlttlt Wliliicvci you git iii illiil lili Ill viiii dc ciibcil III your ltllll Iliiii flwllil loi uniting he Ami lfol Hi on 114 top to It iciitls hill of Hill It ll iliti making zliniigcir pcitiiiil loi cmiiplt lril It mii It If lmiiglzl his Sillll itiil lllliiig lllll 1icl Illllil lx III poitml Hit lnill lnf its lltllll Wiiiilri fishing mui piodiicid his in trusting At iliuliill IlttJtIISt litlilrli1lii pool lacking in no Illl linuliljt lillil It if WIH 12 LI1 zvt iomc tyoiii 1212ltii1 la ii iiiiijnti ltttJllit 2ll Izpt irzz pu lili lil£tlll lii liml up tiiriap it ti Imi 22 moldt on tiiiiici Iiiiigt and V1 lllt Iiiiis tilv Dr 4I pt iioiic of your imam7 Hit xi ll llll to about illitll ii iiiliit tii Iltl1tllilfltl all iiiicJii lo tllllfli wd lllll Ilic dont know Ipliinii vllllll lit lziiiiziicnii bus rr rt of lic ililtrii llII ncliiiill pinisc You futrill Iiiiiil ilk itMl Willi sonic ioligll Gav in illllNlr tUJ IIJII to Hat to find Nlaylnf ltibc Ac cording to 1H tiit Gallup Iolf Initcd Sttitcs church and zyr Inc fltinllonci wa up In l€t7tl for thc first timc III In Erma Bombeck Mail catalogue great fiction Some of the greatest fiction in the world is being written these days by authors who will probany never be recognized Im speaking of course of the catalogucs that go out each year from nurseries describing their flowers trees and shrubs Our neighbors Babs and Jerry never miss an issuc Last year Jerry could hardly contain himself Look at this he said thrusting the catalogue in our faces This amazing supergrowing species soars itito magnificent tree in just one year Ihats not all It smothers itself in lavish masses of bouqucts and its branches appear to bend from the sheer mass of the wcight of the magnificcnt blossoms It grows more in one month than most other shadc trees grow in year and when muturc will spread to so feet Plant now Step back and watchoutf Price $395 Gee Ierry said my husband that sounds too good to be true You think thats tcrrific listen to this one Imagine thc thrill of picking your own ripe luscious bananas for break fast or snacks for fruit salads pics and cakes All this from the most spectacular tropical plant your ncighbors have ever cnvicd Exciting and educational for the children Babs grabbed the book OIII of his hand Heres what Im going for Winter blooming flowcrs from Holland that bloom all winter Thcsc flowers laugh at winter snow The picturc showed family of three standing at their picturc window looking into rows of pink yellow and bluc flowers nestch above the snow The flowers were laughing And now for the zinger said Jerry This onc is going to not only amaze our friends but rid our home of flying iii sccts Its Venus fly trap that actually cuts mosquitoes and flies When your home is inscct frcc it says you can lccd it hit of raw hamburgcr Ilow about unplanned cltiltlrcn giggled You havent taken any of this seriously have you Youll be sorry when you havc to fight your way into our yard with machete knife We didnt sec llabs and Jerry for scvcrzil months When we did our questions were obvious Ilcy lcr hows the amazing supciugrowing spccics that soars into magnificent trec in just one ycar It spread to so lect all right just like the idvcrtiscincnt said all undcrground and around the scplic tzink Secretaries install new executive lhc Rarric hnptcr of thc National Sccrctzirics ssocnition rcccntly installcd thcir new cxccutivc for Ilic upcoming scason The tirc from lcft to right Iudy yc Itt picsidcnt Iirlcnc Jackson trcasurcr Mary Morris prcsi dcnt Ilclcn Iostct rccording sccrctziry and Li cyicll cqu lcspondcncc sccrclary tllaminci lholol ti Whinton retires after 30 years with General Tire George Whinton recently retired after 30 years with General Tire looks over iltlullllll of flowers with his wife Mary during reception for him Wednesday night at the Barrie Country Club About 45 friends and fellow employees attended the gathering Whinton has been office manager at General IIre for the last to years amt has 00 iii Itairric for the past four years lie was presented with many gifts including min caiiitru plojcctol screen and binoculars Woodburn vicepresident and general iiinnugcr of General Tire made the presentation The Whintons plan to travel Examiner Iliotot Over I50 people attend vy dedication service My RRI BAKER IVY Wcll ovcr I50 guests visitors and mcmbcrs ittendcd thc lunchcon and dcdicntion scrvicc marking the opcning of thc ncw addition to Ivy Ircsbytcriiin hurcli on Sunday afternoon Junc 12th an event termed tlS one of thc highlights in thc long history of the church lhc scrvicc IS thd by tlic ministcr of thc Ivy hurcli Rev Kcnncth Rooney of ookstowii who commcndcd thc congregational mcinbcrs and stcwzirds and elders on their efforts and faith iii thc futurc of the church Gutst spcakcr was Rcv hurlcs uitcr It ItI who is Modcrator of thc Rzirric Ircsbytcry Ilis intcrcsting sch people and places SALE PLANNED Ihc Kiwanis lub of liarric will hold its annual pciniut salc Monday and Iiicsdiiy Itowiitrcc milk cliotoliilc burs and York pciinuts zit til cach and Tip Top Mixcd Nuts at $2 will bc sold by llItlIIItl door to door III the city hairiniin of the salc this ycnr is Norm McKinney Moncy raised will go to com munity projects lcmbcrs will moit Monday night zit 315 at thc East End Plaza on Itlakc Strcct and Iucsdziy night it Rootn so at thc Iloliday Ioii Talk presentation The Barrie Public Library is having presentation by tncinbcrs of the McMichucl Gallery chinbcrg lunc at 7ltt pm III the library iinncx so Mulcastcr St This will bc ii slidetalk presentation on the Group of chcn Tom Thomson and sonic tintch iiit UCW active llclping with lczils on Wliccls blood donor clinics bingo and tca at the lndcpcn dent Order of Mid Icllows wcrc just some of thc activities of thc Burton Avenuc Ilnitcd hurch Women in the past ycar lhcy havc also tukcn part in the World Day of Prayer liricndship Sunday and thc an nttal hiist mas shopping out ing for senior cit icns The incnibers travellcd to Hillcrcst Lodge for Senior Citizens in rillia to put on birthday piiit for to rcsidcnt Mcmbcrs hith planch sccds for the Pumpkin Icn ct Zti inon was appropiintcly titlcd will btiild my church Ihc addition just completed iiicltidcs two storcys 1H fcct widc by so long The lowcr storcy contains smart new kitchcn and kitchcn facilitics Thc upper level contains Sun day school and church cduca tionnl rooms and washrooms The church has 38 member fainilics as wcll as many regulars The Ivy lrcsbyterinn hnrch draws members from thc bordering areas of Thorn ton ookstowir Riirric Angus and Utopia as well as Ivy very encouraging number of childrcn over to nrc mcinbcrs of vcry itctivc Sunday School ERICAI Sl lISS llic cntirc project has been it great success Itllltllktd Ilnrold Gibson chairman of thc building committcc There are so many pcoplc who have helped make the plans ma tcrialic and it is something we can all be proud of What is morc the addition is going to bcncfit thc church for ii long time to come and help it func tion cvcn morc cffcctivcly us church This is day that our church will remember for long time said Mrs Ross Betty Chipchasc president of the Womens Missionary Society IIveryonc sccincd to enjoy themselves Wc were pleased to scc many visitors and guests from other churches as well as old mcmbcrs The effort has been most worthwhilc lhc scrvicc opened with prayer of invocation followed by the hymn The Lord is My Light and saving health Reading werc taken by the Rev Itooncy from Genesis 81522 Ephcisouns 1716 and Matthew Itizliiriltl Narration of the Steps was taken by Harold Gibson and Mrs Ross Chip chase Bclovcd in the Lord we re joice with you that God has put it into your hcarts to build this half to the glory of Ilis Holy Nanic spokc the Rev Chas zirtcr in tlic dcdictition of the hull ic mcct with you to con sccratc and sct it apart for the worship of God according to the ritcs of our hurch We solemn ly dcdicutc this hall to the glory of God thc liuthcr Thcrc tollowcd an anthcmn benediction and other favorite hymns including All things arc Ihinc and Take my life and let it bc consccratcd Lord to Thee The church was established II2 years ago The first services were held in private homes The church was formerly frame structure and just after the turn of the Century it was bricked As Mr Rooney put it Ivy Presbyterian Church is tinc example of continuous dcdicntion And the banana ticcl We didnt get the crop we had hoped for Someonc set cocktail in the pot and it caught cold and dicd As for the Venus fly trap it ate the wintcr blooming llowci bccnusc the laughing got on its nerves Does this mean youre giving up Indeed not said Jerry lcaling through thc catalogue Werc gctting prayer plant It says licrc ll ninncs adults and children and cach lcaf folds out Iikc pair of hands it worship Pollys pointers Stain set in bedspread DEAR POLLY My son got model car glue on his brand new 100 per cent cotton bedspread have tried vinegar lighter fluid and kerosene to rcmovc it and am sure that by now the stain is set have thought about dyeing the spread but am not sure it would work as the stains turned white after the spiead was washcd MARY DEAR MARY presume the spread is some color and dyeing seems to be your only recourse But think you should use color remover on the entire spread before proceeding with the dyeing or you may end up with the spots being lighter Follow the directions on both the color remover and dye as they are given on the boxes POLLY DEAR POLLY want to tell those who do macramc that the wooden spools the thread comes on make pretty beads for hanging planters They can be left as is or be painted or varnished LORRAINE DEAR POLLY This is the season when get the deep freeze cleaned find quick way to defrost it is to fill my long spouted watering can with hot tap water and pour this slowly down the side of the freezer where the ice is accumulated The ice absorbs the water and before long can carefully pry the ice loose with spatula rather than leaving it all to thaw and then have to mop out so much water at one time KATHRYN DEAR POLLY When make up my list before going grocery shopping make it out on one side of piece of paper 0n the other side list the things have at home that should be used as well as the ingredients on hand for things am planning to make This way never get to the store and then wonder if have forgotten to put something on my list and end up buying lot of extras can always turn the list over and check IRENE

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