Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1977, p. 21

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wE property for sale COOKSLANE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED PRESENTS PHASE NOW ON SALE few features include sundeck over garage with direct access from the 2nd floor protected front courtyard for more privacy bedrooms the examiner Saturday June 18 1977 21 we to re 9l property for sale ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need helpP Just look Over the ads below The advertisers IISIed are experts In their field and Will assme you of the finest lob pOSSlble VISIT OUR SALES OFFICE ON SITE AND SEE MODELS DISPLAYED COMMERCIAL ART RimACES ALUMINUM COMMERCIAL ARTIST logo dnign or STONEWORK and fireplace specialty Vlc work layout etc Plan can med Watson farfreeestlmotes7284599 9362631 FIREPLACES Custom built and designed Specializing in natural stone and antique br All Alcan siding Soffit Trough cusroul mm Helftstra737v2r87rlam °°°d PAVING PAVING family room with fireplace family size airy kitchen high basement Awnin DRIVEWAYS 21l9 HANMMAN pxnxmo LOTS Ill SPRING CLEANUP CONCRETE WORK ALclAlflllr Storm windows removed WORK GUARANTEED and cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Authorixed dealer Chain Link Gal 0r Vinyl General lawn care cleam BARR 7370179 BARRIE 7265609 Cfguéallogflpojlgfince up and spring fertilizing 00 of ma Vacy Garages and basements MANIERI PAVING GEORGAN Wrought Iron ll Bunnmc cleaned Drlveways IParklng Lots llllllllllllllll llll llllllllllllll °° DO it yoursef Refuse remwed 3353332335 ALUMINUM Professionally BARRIE neseswms Siding Eovesrough installed Written Guarantee Soffit Windows For Free Esfimme Each Doors on ELF11 macs Painfislg bCurponlr Serving Simcoe County ers wnlngs nera epairs osonry oio oo sma for I7 years PICTURE ERAMING OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sixes Call anytlme 3224176 FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled away Just give us your castoffs Telephone 4875525 or 72634 AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework Peel Fence Systems Inc HOME IMPROVEMENTS For free estimate Cell PNIL SPURLING monamozro 7265907 465 DAVIS DR NEWMARKET lNTERlocR RSMODEgblNSEé thcheénab rec Local Family Business 331 avdiTEble ABBEYWOOD 50 MORE living cea rec fgoam extra CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING Dors roompay room mm ryo icestorage SQ FT UP Evictngzdatroblagg all colou 20 year Collect mf2lasgogaiming wallpapering Murray CHKETCQ mRTHERN ALUMINUM Products Sollit CUSIOM REC ROOMS be ARCHITECTU RALLY DESIGNED CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 2221 disastrous Burre 322 7370832 and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion ioints Work guaran See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fast service Low low price APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales arldfirvice 13 Alliance Blvd 7283392 7264702 ON HWY 27 JUST SOUTH OF HWY 89 IN THE GRACEFUL VILLAGE OF ON LARGE ACRE LOTS COOKSTOWN mm teed4589346 FU CONSTRUCTION HotésieraISIngPIun EsREPQZIanitirsh European and Japanese 36335°323°17TZy9°6 mns on STOREY SOLID BUILDINGS nWesfil mm Derm stairs Evervlhlnwmissing CLOSE TO BOTH TORONTO AND BANDITETEACILITIES Baffle gouurznreea Whom Tablescholrsdlshes 424 6073 CUSTOM BUILDINGE House lifting founda tions and basements additions and renova glasses etc Quality chain link fence We DeliverReserve Now supplies at lower prices FRIENDS CLUB has facilities for banquets weddings private parties Food and banquet BARRIE AND TO ALL SUMMER Gnm M°5h°ll 7253365 tions Fax Contracting 726I7IO Do It yourself or we Install mRTHERN CARPENTRV AND NTER RESORTS BIRD HOUSE For free Mm 55 L7 24s Trttln Sn Barrie PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 97 es ca MMELLIM Melrose Ave Barriear telephone 7285283 GENERAL RbEPAIRSI rpnavlatians carpentry Smu um In BC ICC 9X BTIOTIn OTIOT poinflnpg Refinigshingfurniture7260035 and Roofing Ne Asphpl shingle TTwwv INcoME TAx riéféiilr°ifi39°rm 331127 STEWART DISC JOCKEY BARRIE NE 705 4f 9465 °°° REP 22 Jli3f°°lrf3iél 3333515533423ratification 62 announces The opening of Music 50nd eekefds on la er NEW GRAVEL PIT LNFOME BAX relisrnhs prepared flor small 7h Nc 0R0 Twp siness arm on ame Mltchels Book zter sceve oficusomers Disc Jockey keeping Servtce 7262973 Countr to Disco NDSCAPING Flat r°°flngl Tar 0R0 4875707 dd Dy Gravel In ances an U9 BOTTING PROPERTY edge rices Mon Fii cleanups prunln lawenwlcajtsd New and Repairs 75 3303 l°°rz gsmping dding Eavestroughing es imales LANDéccglNG GSRDENING and tree cut Commercial tin ll t726I634 HUDAC II CARPENTRY EEE dim pflfiuszr ReSIdentlal NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM DDKSLANE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED AND General Contractor Kitchen rec roams renovations additions fireplaces guaranteed 7371507Ai77 CARPENTER Specializing in rec rgms in DRESSMAKING tians f2ugertia St Phone 7266009 DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera LAWN CARE Vic Triemstra 7260427 FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub trimmiing Alsa rough mowing For estimates call 7263492 ll Pl ll $3£38372337629Em °°° DRYWAll MASONRY SEWING MACHINES I2 mort es I2 mort es CABINET MAKER Euro SALES pearl Home ll asidenttal I4 moblle homes trollers 16 apts to rent WMV I7 houses to rent hens mm PM WWW renowfions gnfrcnwasrywlfxthoarirob igror we STAN KNICELY MASON Brick block KANEFF PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and ggfgalions 00mm C°°° 776 Telephone 458423 gage gzrrfmflyafljgfglascaes speclully wEASY co Servicle in fro ssi bedroom townhouses Selective neigh iiL LLL Div AW 90 me as in vslrio horhaoct References 275 Blake For in LICENCED CARPENTERS Custamhomes EAVESTROUGHING SlMcOEMASONRY alterations repairs and gngglfluse machmes Now and sales formation call from 210 pm 726 236l cottages genovaélons repairs Sa2tzf7ac6tlon COIITTOCIngh Dresognadble72r801935 tree 95 Id Evenings 728 9682 guarantee on JEDastrgchon 74 ORAL1AM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves magi unc or e1 gt97 30 fine BEDROOM detached house in Allen CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations troughjrgjniallad Cell723912grA MICROWAVE OVENS SHOWNown Ltd lMPERAL TOWERS dale Heights availab JUY 333 remodeling °N°l°l321°llZifll SUPERIOR EAVEsrROUGHlNG Specialists PAULS SNOWPLowING residential and Inonllyi Uplion DUFCllaSC 959 CONSTRUCTION licenced cur enters Roofing and roaling repairs Free estimates commercial reas bl 726 9532 26 499 Telelmom 7°59 for renovations additions homes coptfages Call Mgrtin verstratenAZAlzso New Lowell mates call Paul 730713061 fiwm NEW BEDROOM 0592 out 592 3LL liCflflCAL Servrces VVRIGHTS SNOWPLowmo Small comm ports and Servce Tl Jamar Ctlmllasl $325 rigornthY Amono Litton Panasonic Clal and restdential Reasonable rates PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Dependable 7267757 lwnh lntemSt Bonus DSChargel Exclusive Dealer for two BEDROOM apartmenl milles in ZgmTwo he go Residential Industrial Installations and set HITCChl TOSthO Sanyo south Barrie or working coup room rame 191264996 Bendlx and Glendale Frldqc and stove Private entrance Large fenced lot Firsl and laSI mOnTh5 STOIIS Trlm sales Amana Sonya Telephone 458 9450 evenings rcnt available July references 100° 55F TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco MOdUlor Homes SUBLET mpg TOWNS bedroom Please call 435 7134 8a r11 toupm Work Guaranteed year warranty ntono loxtulred walls and ceilings Free Northlonders apartment S264morttttlyovcrytl1inoin TALL TREES bedroom detached lndustrtal Commercial on Amana TR Do Rungu Hahn lllilllm Trove Trailers clotted Tennis courts sauna closv to houso fireplace garage $350 monthly wResidemial Forms altIll llllllll OOMMIIMINIS Corsair Glenette shopping Contarls Ilain 728 5688 even inqs 727 1351 lst and last months call l416877 937i aileron 7262828 Lighting design Save up to 75 on Hydro HM days WELL DIGGING BEDROOM apartment availahln 1m NEW YEARS bedroom semi July Electricolconsulting STAR Canel medialnly east end CICDIIOnO 187 2112 lsl possessvon $300 per month 728 l67l 20 Yrs experience Terms Up T015 Years FURNISHED bedroom self ontainerl THRE BEDROOM townhouse START YOUR spring Cleaning odayl Mosers Li apartment anrnqv inrludtd 360 carpeted two blocks to beach near payment Yourcafpes Wm A4 mpg 590m WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who nghwoy ll South monthly Close to downtown suit one school workshop four appliances Wzbéggy llketodanceGood rates72B9545 170 Burton Ave 7289866 lady 77 Ellrlallel 10 DQIPSKUC 96699 $350 monhY gT WW iAi Mi PIANIST AVAILABLE For wgppmcsv REC TF ONE AND Two lmrirudm apartments Ulllles 436 56 STEAM CARPET CLEANING PARRY KIRK TlONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 after M°hd9m downtown Newly rnnovutntl 737 I674 AVAILABLE JULY or August four SPECIAL 62L Horsrlsrclcittagosgorms Industry rir Tmsc actors 30pm bedroom large living room dininu P°lt°l9l WONT 1973 NORTHLANDER OndlIIOII l2 Two BEDROOM pdrymmy sewnd room large family room with fireplace ANY LIVING ROOM lndUSIrlal Comrnerclul Steel relnforcedconcretefile 56 landscaped Friq anrlslove Extras 00 Rpmqemmr and move Ophonal Quality broadloom throughout Single 39 95 oFarm OReSIdentlal GU 8ngthstorgl In park rust outside Barrir Perilct for Cmmmy may Avaflmm mmedimU ar garage quiet re51denlial area Close MIITAIR LESSONS Classical and popular Diamuehmndr rotlple rUlrth or startan off Open for Owe dung Tolpphonc 717 my to school $385 monthly plus utilities WTWDIIVCIOPMH Electrlc Heat POM GUIlOrStudlo7261489 offers 728 77l6 References please Call 728 92 In owC eanlng Dryers Ranges DOUBI WIDE mobile home LARGFTWOWMT adparmtrlmtrml THREE BEDROOM Seml detached WalWOShlns Luz bedrooms lbathsfully broadloumnd filinmq tgrlgitllilfllis Alglr2lllrrrltmqs Elyf5 homo for rent Centrally located SldmgCleuned R00 09 Clng VELLINGA PAINTING and dxomnng hurlt in dishwasher patit carport lucn mommy Ca 717 1618 available now $275 monthly plus heat Gamphh Moimenance QUALITY SINCE 1949 tutor exygrior work guaranteed Esmblish lion Cooksmwn Estates Tclnplmne and utilities Call 728 7773 0130 eors72622257269002 LARGE TWO bf dronm rrtly turnrshed Sonic ltd TTLfi4 AA Gibens Water Im 9270 IRSTREAM ARGO 75 apartment Stove mde parkmq FOuRBEDROOMSIimInlzsbajmoolrgz 728 WAYNE FOLEY Professmnallpalnters Ex oarcr dude $700mommyy avallmflo July ysy rccrta ton room are 68 Phone 7165437 or ramAAE fiirifivii tenor and Interior Free estimates Work onumg linrrar ulrltrl condition Please lolrnhonl SGSSIOTI $325 monthly Call filler EEEEEEEEEEEEE aranteed 7267389 c3 girléflégglgopoon tr 1° 98 CARPET INSTALLATION can assure personal55797 Forms memes our 11 w1 EElrll5 Dan 1976 NORTHLANDER bedrooms 60 privap entrance avmméfi Jul 1977 LARGE TWO bcdroom aparlmemr Close ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage forlor exterior paper hanging custom work mtualorl in park Burton Avenue Cemral Barrie CIOSL tranpormion lo downlown on bus route stove fridge WALL T0 WALL Installation carpet and vinyl septic systems trenching loader work 7E Satisfaction ggaranteed 7266606 COllOges BMW meg 70 elrgTMY Stove relrlqeramr utilities and parking afnd F5 and 9°°°°dr E°°lb€£°°5632 gl°v°43é55813°757 PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced Trlpphnnrl 728 9866 bIIWCTH 30 and Included 60 mommy Aurora last gpnlhs drent No pets Telephone sim°es Jack Richmdson 72620 no 727 3330 after in All day 766 la dl I7568874 IO ears ex erience weekems 31i252°lll$outmaexéirrein WNTERICKS CERAMlcs Floor and wall tiling CONSTRUCTION HlLLSDALE DECORATING Inferlar l6a ts to rent LARGE BRIGHT two edruom apar and repairs7266263 tailor wa paporing custom textured walls ment in quiet central residential area goflnpwnRgafragrgécls ézguiiglde mgr mi Backhoe EXCOV and ceilingsTnlophone7058355387lacal MODERN luxury vnry Iarue lbedroom All utliities including frig and stove S265 ngmm Trenching VIENNA PAINTING and Dacorotingingg In rlprlrlmini lnr lbasr QUICI adult burl monthly Call week day evenings terror and Exteriorwaupapeyandnnelabm ainu No Dots Rrrftrronrcs For inlorrna 436 4736 SMALL three bedroom home located at 72672OO 88 OUNLOP STREET OVER 100 MILLION IN EXISTING MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements any worthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage tron all 728 9682 70 Holqalo Apartment l0 BEDROOM Brlrlm and Anuus also ntwly lerOfttIlPd bachelnrnltts central Barrio alter Telephone 726 62H FURNlSHFD ONE and two bedroom apartments available Ctntrrrl Adults only 7260988wrl0kdr1ys ONE AND TWO Btdrouln apartntlrnl from $160 monthly Control oration First and last rtquirerl Appliances and heat InLlUdfd TPIODYIUnt 7269th after TWO BED SITTING rooms and one bedroom apartments Can bt setn at 48 Codrlnqton1pt Mississauga Court bedroom npls colond appliances drapes supplied next to Stmcoe Plaza 73 litl TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately References No pets $230 monthly plus hydro First and last man ths rent Telephone 728 l03r or 737 NH monthly plus hydro First and last mon APARTMENT IN central Barrio loco lion newly decorated unfurnished Suitable for elderly couple 487 3188 alter 6pm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY land bedroom apartments central location parking heat water stove and trio in cluded from S2l0 monthly Phone 726 7736 LARGE bedroom apartment with broadloom and appliances available all utilities included plus two playgrounds large balcony or yard Telephone 737 2649 BEDROOM Apartment for rent $245 monthly includes all utilities Central Available immediately Close to trans porlation Call 726 7286 TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment central location broadloomed through out No pets Available July Please Call 737 I605 afford 30 TWO BEDROOM apt large living room fridge and stove west end of Barrie BEDROOM upper duplex On two levels downtown area modern colored MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 1260081 158 Sanford 51 $275 monthly plus utilities References CallDave Scanlan 7261427 737 2493 representing OR DAmbromo Realtor BEDROOM semi detached house Rec ronrn w1th fireplace and den or am bedroom Four appliances One and hrtlf baths Garane $350 monthly plus heal Call 487 23 DUPLEX Central location all ap pltaanS and lhree bedroom Available July Phono 726 9697 after 6pm 20 rooms to let IF YOU CAN atlord $25 week you can acquire the best room In town kitchen privileges free parking you must be Telephone 728 8920 wor inq no drinking or drugs steps to WANTED TWO bedroom house or Dunlap central location furnished apartment for married working couple phone 737 3921 with baby and house trained pets Rent range $200 728 0559 after pm or an PENSIONED LADY wrll give free room to other pensioned or elderly lady rn her 19houses wanted to rent RESPONSIBLE YOUNG couple re wires bedroom home to rent will do repairs Must be reasonable references wtekend pm cellonl care of the property reasonable CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom Telephone 726 9395 Horizontal Augering 7289833 FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR chip or peal1 32583 Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to hanging Free estimates Guaranteed work manship 737I9I4 PLUMBING vEEEEEEEEEESE WINDOW CLEANING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart renovations ceramic tile Bilotta menfs Stores Houses Factories Reason 684233 able rates Telephone 72BI9I4 ExaminerWaht Ads DonLOOSL They Paylw 24 space for rent PRIMF lNDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq fl fully sprinklored transport and lighl truck loading docks In It clear portal large expanding industrial mall 726 l30 VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap St West with large fenced in heated immediate occupancy ideal for painting or refinishing business $l50 3g wxcror 30 resorts ORR LAKE trailer sites fully serviced 30 amp seasonal or monthly Extra large sites flush toilets showers playground No charge for winter slor age 322 I632 32 eersforsole i976 TORINO one owner rust proofed PS PB radio rear defrost 24000 miles immaculate must be seen Orr Lake area $2950 Certified Telephone local 835 5559 1977 FORD LTD Landau air sanitation lng power package tape deck cruise ths rent TEICphonr 728 1035 or 737 llll AVallall NW 710 monllY own home in exchange for companion propefly Plum 70 or 3200 EOI SOIO confrol Other extras 460 Lincoln 713 7978 RESPONSIBLE FAMILY want country 635 0617 Construction funds free advnce try us Two BEDROOM amnmen madam 353 999 home rem or bedrooms norm Ship All household prrvrleges Close to 75 70 engine 60000 miles 54900 firm price We have ready cash purchase mortgages immediately Rememes No pm 3210 cm am no mm Wi take ex bus stop References 728 A463 after 30 BUILDING AVAIL 776 39755 l972 CHEV Impala door white vinyl 1970LINCOLN contnn root 350 V8 power steering and brakes 85000 mlles 52000128 7I56 appliances range hood broadloom tor enne an ann lea and monlllly7l6 M74 in good condition Telephone 726 0632 EE EEEEEE EE Eugmglgggh BOCBZErESRp1ZrTS utilities and heat included parking No 20r00m5 I0 changed wrlgkly Cobking fagililres free all 63031 xithWEitecath bill ETSdglll lllftm are ll abstainors Non smoker proforrnd ginzphigiuflzylbggggzlringiqougd 85 pamgvCefllra175weeki 778 747 PR YALE 5A LE 73 POm halcmaFk Excellent shape Call 728 569A lob pm Telephone 728 8067 FURNISHED near factories on bus 26accommodatlons to share Clnae au0mal5 radlox Himmlles or 728 5796 after6pm BEDROOM lower duplexi breaklas mule QUtet atmosphere s27 weekly 23offlceastores for rent Owner 495 Ca Doug Stewart WHYM WO bedroom apts Snulh tnd ol CIIy shed 77813 I973 MONTE Carlo mint condition I29 DUNLOP ST EAST CalfAnyfime 347 BAY STREET closeta bus route andfactories Children T00m cgilored aasfigfils rTiesr°aand Phon30V995 77 9359 Ziebarlod air conditioning radio new TORONTO ONT welcome call John or Harv at no om hemndudw 931mg opmssecuriw FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park YOUNG WORKING girl has large 77 COUGAR aulomaficr Power exhaust system radiats must be BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour tromva t09p 275 Tl inn kitchen privileges lounge linen bedroom aparlrnenllosharewlll1 same 5°9 WW makes Fadals Mk seen car726 5494 726 093 ph 3633421 ONE AND ywo bedroom ammoms 779691355 one supplied weekly laundry facilities MODERN DOWNTOWN outsrdo of Barrie carpeted throughout Wllhwhlte top and Interior Excellent 976CAbLLAC or EEE yl one ervrce available now dowmown are Ca om ever 950W responsible aduns 726 864 with fireplace Isl and last months re ondlllon Call Kenr72781l675 seermg power Brakivzozxgz may ll Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc ween9a andtpm 726 3257 Two WWW aparmens Mabe FURNISHED ROOM irr Allandale at APPOX 3500 51 ll Heated air Wired Telephonemrilfi P° TWO BEDROOM apartment rent is $225 June 30th SIBO monthly One bedroom apt available July 15th $220 Central bus stop Cooking facilities available conditioned Ideal for stores GIRL to share bedroom apt and to I973 MUSTANG sfoCk car tandem windows 24000 miles 1976 Ford F100 trailer and extra parts Set to race at pickup short box mugs and tires rust Gentlemen refercd Telo none 728 A268 share expenscs St Vincent Grove St Barrie 500 TCIEDhOOE HUMSVille roofed ta deck wer st AAH My 77 HVVTTW VT Sgllrllgetztfgr 3355 Jalrlldy palrlkmlllClstrdo aSgenglEoégggfi Nun days or 7285810 evenings and Olfces C0 owneVT area available July Isl Telephone 705 789 7393 1975f Emerghaml IS extra No pets Lake view adiacenl to se comaned spa FURNISHED pooms downtown 726098 weekdays 737 36 BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Sleerlnvr Dower brakes alrconditionlng 14 mobile homes trailers I4 mobile homes troilers park 726 $063 menl heat and hydro close to Base Borden $185 monthly Available July lean bright modern central kitchen 2ZmCOIIDQES To rent Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Cal vlnyl f00fr AMFM power door locks tier St7 8519i ower trunk release rear defroster TRAVELMATE 75 Mom home 59995 27 TANDEM CIaIlun Bendix deluxe 0NE BEDROOM apartment clean list Telephone 4241911 algglnéggqE Parkmg Apply 363 342 anyllme VOUEKEFPING COTTAGES Lake 97 MugTANG 32300 miles l976 Torino Squire station renlelor salefully equipped Reserve mlleri lUXJY lUrnlshanS klng 95 970 an emal rent Jyl2 onver 83 Zmoor lwegon auto power sfeeran Power ow Barrie yen and Awning 34 bed sacrrftcoat57ooo firm cst39500 References required Avallablv 1m ONE BEDROOM mime 39 LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS Full kll LV Cecem ours Ho Barre elelrta pow 5eerlngt power brikcsv brakes rear denyer heavy my 93 held 51 726 4433 new used only six lament 70 us 14110 mediatoly SIBo monthly Fhone 737 1790 for rent lridqe stove hydroml hea cm mommy rec mom Available lakefront camping Slgllls hoals Call autumallc620007mrlles 43a URI cluded Sutlahll for single person MODERN OFFICE space for lease Murray Vallquetlr726 051 suspensm med 300 DODGE TIAGo motorhome like new TANDEM Cllatlon Bendix dnluxe 0035 Telephono mi 1039 meac WOW WW Cemal small or large suites immediate 0c 19 GRANDE3IU5 MUCWY 00 975 Mercury Marquis power steering 5125oo sleeps sportyraven Manna trailer luxury furnishings krnq size TWO BEDROOM apartment in Stroutl 776 6397 cupancy short or long form 726 3400 LARGE PRVATE Lake 5909 esl Condlllonrgi CUlse Fonlloh power brakes 62000 miles Call Dave or nbaoor bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 heat parking ICI yard $185 monthly ONE BEDROOM 605mm BRIGHT vgpymrge newly decorated Angelou Harm 7000 899 Wl door 73 Psi PW AMFM mum397700 Marlene between9and 72664 newusedonly Slximes 7054451430 Nopets Telephonel 116 am 5377 and Slow andlldkllqflmeknggmé rooms to rent in downtown location plgce all convcmolmes 519 weekly 487V26l00r0 M6 mogémdgsaéREUaalv Hoe Doe Estates I974 SUNSET 19 travel traitor full SELF CONTAINED small one bedroom fixing ofifpjgols DC Taurus Real Esta 737 3000 245pace for rent 73 M23 LVCITIIIKIE on W74 LAND ROVER excellent condition or ady 109° yowork Excellent candy NewJ Bedroom homesover 950 sq We bathroom and kitchen tandem axle apartment trig stove heat supplierl CLEAN BRIGHT quit room or rent Bt THElgllasnn and berlrnrlln rotd must sell $3800 Telephone 726 4374 °n 22000195 Climayeconroued 1mm family room $1000 Down move in Clea 339 CFpw Um Jun 73 VMen 5m mom WANT ADS UM supplied KllCltenfactllties Elder FOR LEASE induslrral spam and Orlllznlfrlcfiprxva sand anYm conditioning Brown with buckskin vinyl We mum mow Com dtsplay at Bank of Montreal Durkwrrth Available Auuust Isl RrtvrvntrE Call Iy people wolcomu Close to downtown wfllchouse Telephone no 3400 0qu 1974 CAMAROE cyl PS PB asking root Telephone rho7756963 after try my Barrie area 728 6875 728 97l4 Street 726 07l3 PHONE 72824I4 and bus route Please telephone 737 3675 ATKIOIOII trailer lots 4H l8 lr All 7477 smoo private 729 I576 92

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