Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1977, p. 9

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Ana 1w tu 91er The fourth Barrie high school is one of the current projects of the architectural firm Salter and Allison oi Harrie cliitect lylcs Allison left discusses the design with job cap lain Ien iossc The architectural profession has entered rather flat period Ii SIIIYII Il lltilttt Youll find the rocking recliner shown lltlt to irayt top comfort at the lowis possible LHsi ltsas conitottine to per sons whole body as good squareincalistoonemrrrrnny The contour of llll double lounge just fits the contouru ol your body oilsrtttttilll all muscles are supported cacrtl And with the loot elcvnto thcrersnostrainrntlrchcart So you see in addition to Ilt ing most contrtallc its also very litalili pitcc ot llll nrtnrc its made ot playrtooti and fitted with two standard sic furniture pads llltll illt available tron till litil Li ilti says my favorite photo 4L Fouryear old tirant owrin son oi lis ndien owarr RRI lliornton was caught strumming away and singing The pliolo has won Ils oii this weeks lv laiorite Photo contest the winner lrs on an lltIt roll ot Kodacolor film and pi ocesstug troin llic Kanicia Shop Rav field lal Oliartirly winners In the contest will receive gift certilii ate worth 830 front The Kaineia Shop IIIIH to do to win is pick you favorite photo and send it to Sly Favorite Photo The liyarninci lio liirriirg tint Allison with struggling tltaltis rtutl want to use it on our porch or it the patio this summer but when tall comes its our one yru will want to lalw li llltttil Its that cont ltiililrl lIIlltll1i the rocker pictured here with attrcsscs Maria lirrwt anti littlt leck no trick it ill whcn you usi thi litll sic pattcrr ll otl need do trace the pattern parts on ooltl their saw them oiil rnd 7llill put llrtlll together lltr that give it coal ol tMlirl tppl Tlic pads and nottrt read torllrt rnost relax ing pier oi urnuurc ever in tlllfl ndtlrtrpromise lo oirtain the lull lt pattern Hi you Privacy at home in spaceshort world economy and monies not readily available in just about any sector of public building lie sees the profession focuss ing increasingly on the design of private and public housing particularly inultiunit aiid renovation of existing struc tures Examiner Photo ninnlrcr l3l for building the rocking recliner send $2 tadd 33¢ per pattern for airmail delivery by currency cheque or money order to The lixaminer Barrier lattern Department ltiiltt St atherine St Montreal PO lliizthr Sockets warning issued Light bulb socket interiors old over the counter could be lraardons it wrongly combined killt certain liners and outer shells tonsuincr and Tor poratc Allahs anada says lcntling lurtbcr investiga litill consumers are advised not to attenth borne construction of lamp sockets front basic parts This announcement follows at rrnrng issued by the anadian standar ds r$sitlilliOll to its Ad visor toiincil on IIlectrical Saltt lt warns that lttll diltciences all light bulb srulvtl interiors are not lllljllllill with all models of because of otlcr orkrt cornpenents on the tnaikct it lllt interiors are put together ill the wrong Nimblth tron llll insulated liners and hills colored outer shells elccr ll lr lintl or tire may result lanutacttirers of colit poncnts have been requested to ensuri that in terror are sold only to elec trical product manufacturers and that all catalogues and ulctl isrng literature state this restrictionclearly llo it vourselleis should use cornpictc larnplrolders tor mak ing stith itcms as table lamps or for replacement purposes The department reminds con sumers tirat use of uncertificd ciet lrltal products is not only intent rally unsate but may also violati provincial laws The tanatlian Standards snilillltll operates cer tification process for detcrmln ing and certifying conlormity of products and systems to isllllllil standards Sti tun ation Itllllllttl by provin ltitl autlrorii ies tor all electrical products sold anywhere in Iiiihltitl By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter The creation of multi dwelling housing schemes that will afford privacy while mak ing economical use of space is one of the main challenges cur rently facing the architectural profession Thats the opinion of Barrie architect Myles Allison of the firm Salter and Allison In an interview this week Allison said that the price of housing today has made singlc home ownership almost out at the question People are buying unfinished homes on unlandscaped lots just to get roof over their head he noted In his view architects have much to offer in terms of pros gressive housing designs They have not been used as much as they could and perhaps shoulc be in this regard he suggests The real challenge for ar chitects is to get into the hous ing field wherein we can give maximum benefit for the in habitant he says Allison sees the renovation and alteration of existing struc tures as an increasingly impor tant area of architectural ac tivity Canada will realize in this century that it has overbuilt and will recognize the use fulness of revamping recycling and making better use of spaces he says Garden notes Easytogrow peonies joy Ry JEAN CABLE This is peony time in our area and am happy to see more peonies being grown lhcy area large plant so the small lot does not easily ac conrodat them However few clumps can usually be plac ed somewhere it person desires Peorrics are one of the easiest plants to grow and will thrive and bloom for 50 years in one spot if once established in proper conditions Once the bloom is gone the plant makes nice shrublrkc clump all summer and the foliage is great for Winter bouquets it treated with glycerine and water one part glycerinc to two parts water about Sept 15 Immerse the cut stems in the solution and leave until they are cured about three weeks Peonies will not thrive in shade They need deeply dug welldrained and enriched soil when you plant them After that they just need moderate cultivation and weeding Staking helps lot especially in torrential rains The heavy blooms tend to bend the plant to the ground Never plant peonies with the eyes deeper than two inches They wont bloom in shade There are rnzrny varieties to choose from today Some of the single varieties are really beautiful and more useful for modern decorating Also the singles do better in rain SIOImS Squirrels eat the peony buds sometimes Tarnish bugs and rose clialers are also real curse Pick them off if you have not too man plants Sprays seem to me to do very little Sandy soils and places with lot of weeds near by seem to Slllel most from these pests Ants get on the buds to sip the nectar but do little harm To prevent lcat spot which will disfigure the plant spray with apt an or met to control and repeat every it days If the plant is given lots at space and good sanitation prac ticed you wont liker have this problem There are several singles available on the market If you are interested in the best and latest varieties drop line to Royal Botanical Gardens Box 399 Station ll Hamilton tlt SOCIETY NEWS ongratulations to Wyman Jacouesw membership chair man tor the society for ltt77for putting membership over the 2200 mark and not finished yet If everyone contributes something to Horticulture in 1977 Barrie should really be beautiful Spring Show comes up June 23rd at Sunnidale Centre If you only have one exhibitplease bring it We want lots of exhibitors Pauline Cunningham is convener and counting on you Phone 7283717 Delegates of all Ilorticultural Area Societies are off to Windsor to the Ontario Horticultural Association Conven tion lune 15101 in Windsor July Garden Gates will be out in two weeks listing tours for July and Augustsince there is one week you will need to keep your list handy tour to see the 19th Quilt and Rug Fair at Simcoe County Museum is scheduled for Saturday Sept 24 Details from bonkers Public plantings are nearly done by both the parks depart rrrcnt and the Society but OH how we need rain Alerts consumers on conditioners Is your air conditioner safe Are you sure that it is operating according to the manufacturers instructions in safe and economical way Ontario Ilydro is attempting to alert consumers to the fire hazards of air condit ioners Ted Johnston Ontario llydro Georgian Bay Region public relations officer says the star ting load placed on the wiring system when the cooling system kicks in is the big pro blein There are special fuses available which will resist that initial pull and absorb the heavy starting load These are called time delay fuses They take into account the extra current demands for motor starting while still providing protection for the cir cult They can be purchased at most hardware stores or elec trical suppliers he said FIRES RICPORTIII lack Dicker Hydro manager of electrical inspection says that air conditioners should be installed and operated ac cording to instruct ions number of complaints have been received and in past years number ot fires have occurred in various parts of the province The most common cause is using overloaded extension cords and plugging them into unsuitable says receptacles he SEPARATE IIHUII Each air conditioning unit should have separate circuit capable of carrying 15 am peres Extension cord placement is very important also They should be kept from beneath rugs and chesterfields where any flaws can be hidden it is important as well to check the receptacles to ensure that they are appropriate for handling the unit We get calls from people who find fuse has blown they cant find the problem and they call us It is often because the air conditioner is not on separate line of its own and it should be Sometimes just turning one light on along with the air con ditioner is enough to blow the fuse especially if the units cooling system is kicking in at the sametimc the load istoo heavy EFFICIENCY Any air conditioner takes takes energy to run but some take more than others Determine the capacity of the unit needed and then look for the one with the highest effi ciency rating it will do more economical job and save energy as well This is where small firm like ours will be able to exist in the last quarter of the cen turyby specializing We like renovation work Because of the tremendous costs you have to realize that you cant build everything new The alternative to newness will be the innovative and economical transformation of Allison says To ensure that its there in spite of tightening space allocations is one of the architect ongoing concerns Allison foresees gradual decrease in the number ot architectdesigned single homes although riot for primarily economic reasons The social attitude now is that house is not forever he says Many who can afford You cant build everything new existing buildings Allison predicts There are many old houses in downtown Barrie that could be revitalized with some altera tions You can make silk purse out of sows ear if you reallytry Space in Allisons view is becoming luxury ne of the attractions of old houses with their high ceilings and numerous rooms is an abun dance of space which you couldnt recreate economically any more Contemporary homes as rule do not otter that kind at freedom although their restrictions are not necessarin problem People can live in mucl more confined situation if they have the privacy an individual or family has right to large custombuilt home likely can afford to travel as well and in todays world of convenient shuttle reason whats the point when they wont spend much time there Senior citizens arent having individual retirement homes designed as they used to opting instead for the special apart ments and group homes that are springing up in increasing numbers the examiner Friday June 17 1977 and wants of person or fami ly It can incorporate features that make it attractive for resale or be intensely personal SHOPPING GUIDE The architect serves as the clients personal shopping guide outlining the alter natives and properties of various building materials He knows how to provide mare imum space at minimal cost and make best advantage of the natural amenities of the site in terms of drainage privacy and other important considerations An architect gives client possibilities Allison says One of the possibilities that has been catching on of late is the staged house nucleus strticture designed to allow for future growth Most people cant afford to build the whole bundle The staged hoUse represents sound premise for the future Allison suggests It is myth he says that arr chitects cater only to the Maximum space at minimal cost The advantages of an architectdesigned home nonetheless remain con siderable Alliston says The structure will be unique groomed to the individual needs wealthy They simply havent been used to full advantage by the whole of society Its what the profession is all aboutto better the overall scene Were not here just to CMHC inspector watches workman tape drywall joints An architect gives client possibilities design jewels among the chaos but rather to contribute to the uplifting of the whole social scene Architects will for exam ple work in lowcost housing OSTOVERRATEI The cost question has been overrated he says The ar chitect nurtures an idea that is based on the expectations the client has for his house Only after those expectations have been identified can price be affixedtoit If the client finds the price prohibitive he can drop the project when or before the sket ches have been finalized Ar chitects work on either fee or time basis Allison said In his view an architect dcsigned home could prove more economical in the long run than selfbuilt home The person who builds his own lrorric is usually beginner not always realizing what hes getting into Most poeple dont have the timethings get left halfdone When design is struck you can fit the structure to that design But when improvising its very hard to get an economic structure Allison noted Whats in house Plumbing wiring insulation drywall Ry entral Mortgage and Housing orporation third of fourpart series When the house is framed the roof on and the exterior cladding is at least partially completed interior Work is begun Plumbing and electrical installations are then st art ed Plumbing is installed in two stages rough and finished Rough plumbing includes the installation of both hot and cold water pipes drain pipes and connections to municipal serv vices Later to finish the job sinks faucets tubs and so on are installed good plumbing system calls for proper planning from the beginning It should be possible to install it without damaging the structural components Easy access to the various on nectiois is rrnist to facilitate repairs later Rough plumbing is enclosed in the walls ceilings and under the floors of the house If the kitchen and bathroom are in adjoining rooms or are close together the need for extensive pipe lines in the house is eliminated and installation and repairs are much simpler Water pipes should never be installed in outside walls unless they are effectively iri sulated against freezing This can be difficult to do IIIICIRI Al WORK The electrical work is similarly installed in two stages Initially the electrical circuits and so on are enclosed in walls and ceilings Later on the fixtures and receptacle covers are put in place The electrical system should be planned to meet the future load demands of the house Following these rough mechanical stages the provi sion of insulation is the next step in home construction In sulation slows the rate of heat loss from the house helping keep heat ing costs down How well thermal insulation reduces heat loss is called its thermal resistance measured in values The higher the value of the insulation the greater it thermal efficiency Many houses today have in sulation values ranging frorn lo to 14 walls and to to Rio in ceilings depending on the locale of the house The colder the climate the more insulation required Increased insulation would be considered because of changing costs of fuel common insulation material used today is fibreglass installed in batts Unless it has been compressed the thicker the bait the higher the insulating or value Insulation is placed between the vertical studs on outside walls In ceiling it is laid bet ween the joists All outside walls must be insulated APOR BARRIER vapor barrier is put over the insulation to keep damag ing moisture away from both the insulation and the wood frame The barrier itself is usually polyethylene product secured to the studs over the ins Sulation on the warm side of the house It is essential that it is installed properly Once the vapor barrier has been installed the house is ready for the interior wall clad ding Walls are usually covered with product such as gypsum or plasterlward Plaster still used in some homes today is more expensive both in labor costs and materials It takes longer to install since two or three layers are used and dry ing time is required between layers Drywall term used to describe readytoinstall covering enables the builder to proceed quickly Gypsum board is the type of drywall used though hard pressed fibrcboard or particleboard are also used Drywall products are produc ed in large sheets which are trailed or screwed directly to the frame on top of the insula ttion and vapor barrier Gypsum board sheets are but ted side by side and where they meet vorkmen tape the seams and cement the joint If the seams are well nailed taped cemented and sanded they are virtually invisible after pain ting Next iri the series we will discuss final interior finishing

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