the examiner Friday June 17 1977 to Woolondflox lion 1rleo is lion liamlcrafted Iiy Elizabeth liuzak of Lind say right combining macranic and weaving techniques on scottish wool and flax Roth Elizabeth and Kenny an of Hollywood Hotline annington left will exhibit their work in the 10th Toronto Outdoor it EVlllhitititl in Nathan Phillips Square on June 17 IX and lit tl Iliotoi Brolin prefers wide screen By NANCY ANDERSON opley News Service HOLLYWOOD 77 Jim Brolin late of Marcus Welby MD is one of the few actors to have made it successfully from television series to steady work in feature films Steve McQueen did it Jim Garner did it and very few have reverst the process But generally speaking movie star remains movie star and television series star remains television series star However Jim seen right now in lniversals The Car claims he isnt surprised that he slid so readily from Welby mto widescreen work Because he says was planting the seeds for this from the beginning had the attitude that was railroaded into this job tTV series work and they were holding me at bay Brolin says he doesnt like to speak unkindly of the Welby Show and certainly not of series star Robert Young But toward the end many times they were writing the script in two days Ved get scripts and script changes so late theyd say Learn your lines while youre changing your pants We dont care about performances We can fix that later Im not an actor just for money because could proA bably be wealtheir in some other business construction for instance tThats Brolins fathers line of work The most important thing about working is to be able to come home at night and feel proud of what youve done that day Jim his wife Jane and their two sons Josh and Jess live on 23tiacre ranch near Paso Robles where the Brolins raise Thoroughbred horses But not necessarily for pro fit Jim points out Horses have gotten so expensive Sure the ranch is long way from Los Angeles be con cedes but see about as much of my family as might if we were living in Los Angelies because so many movies are made on distant locations that an actor cant stay home much while hes working no matter where he lives In The ar Jim plays hero confronted by an automobile with mind and personality of its own ltut the pictures nothing like llerbie he assures Id JAMES BROLIN success story Dating Game cbapcrone for more than two years has writ ten book Three on Date based on her experiences as such which is being converted into pilot for ABC television If dont play myself in the pilot Buffington says adding that she doesnt think she will hope somebody like Sally Field will play the part Stephanie has had some ac ting experiencc gained in television commerctals and in CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $800 in Barrie 10 Discount on PickUp Orders over 5800 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE say its more like las WRITES BOOK Stephanie Buffington NA SATURDAY rune 18 tiff III IMHICADI WWIIF lll unu unpro SMOKEY TttE WRESTLING VI nun WILDMAN mm mv nonlinou WOLIMAN is ImIOIJO LOVEl rm Mu the soap opera Never Too Young Shes also run an espresso cafe in the red light district of Amsterdam been quarantined for cholera in Amsterdam traveled with Gypsies through India and learned tightrope walking the moment shs writing noch of which she says Id like to see it made into movie next year BIG MONEY Stuntman Dar Robinson is reported to have received 310500 for one foursecond stunt in the movie Stunts iiIAI four seconds 10foot grain He spent the jumping off elevator LOSE BABY Sympathy to the Kris Kristof tcrsons who lost their expected baby NOT SAME In Rabbit Test Roddy McDowall plays grandmother and gynecologist and theyre not the same person Yuk DAYS OF THE CONDOR AT PM ONLY MARATHON MAN AT PM ONLY I411 Paramount Pittwn ms ROBERT EVANSSIDNEY BECKERMAN production JOHN SCHLESINCER trim DUSTIN HOFFMAN LAURENCE OLIVIER ROY SCHEIDER WILLIAM DEVANE MARTHE KELLER 5MARATHON MAN screenplay by WILLIAM COLDMAN 672 111 produced by ROBERT EVANS and SIDNEY BECKERMAN directed by JOHN SCHLESINGER mun scored by MKHAELSMALL senices by ONMVCNT PRODUCTIONS in olor aparamount picture DINO DE LAURENTIIS PRESENTS ROBERT REDFORD FAYE DUNAWAY CLIFF ROBERTSON MAX VON SYDOW IN STANLEY SCHNEIDER PRODUCTION SYDNEY POLLACK FILM DAYS OF THE coupon ANDJO Musit DAVID GRUSIN HAS non mr town so tinvs or TttF comma or JAMES GRADY SLRFFNPLAY av LORENZO SEMPLE JR ANI DAVID RAYFIEL caoooct om STANLEY SCHNEIDER tth SYDNEY POLLACK PANAVISIONO TECHNICOLORo PARAMOUNT RELEASE HELD OVER 3RD WEEK 7158 915 PM Shame on you Geraldine Page and Sandy Dennis and your NASTY HABITS Thee outrageous comedy Tillilltlb AS um Ittllltlltttt Edmonton Opera Association $1 budget milestone seen for group EDMONTON tCl llie Edmonton pera Association Completing another season of moneymaking activity rare achievement in the arts is looking ahead scant three sea sons to its first $1 million budget The milestone is forecast for the 197900 season which will probably be expanded to totir nights for each of fotir operas with fifth production also pos sible There would be two mati nee performances featuring all anadian casts in place of the international stars now brought in for main evening shows The additional performances are necessary because the asso ciation for the first time reached 100perccnt at tendancc figures in its just ended season Plans call lor one additional performance in the 197875 season for each of two productions while two others will retain the present three night format HAS Slll BASIC With solid base from its be ginnings in 10m Edmonton has been the key member and head office ol tipera West an associ ation organized to share casts sets and expertise in the pro duction of major opera The other members are Winnipeg Vancouver and Calgary Portr land tire and Seattle Wash arc associate members With only 47 per cent of the associations income coming front ticket sales the storing and renting of sets is an impor tant part of the business of staying afloat financially Lorin Moore Edmonton ad ministrative director For example the set for Nor ma built by the association in 1HEDEEP0PENS BARRIE TWIN DRIVEIN SCREEN 4i 4y it Pt skill4 ssrrrsssr rsa¥w4 SECOND mount AT BARRIE DRIVEIN onu Vancouver at cost of $28000 now being rented otit Moore said net manufacturing and storage facilities which could be shared Willi theatre and ballet groups are urgently needed in lltltlltiltltitt Another example of coopct ation Vital to keep costs down is co operative effort by four opera companies to build the complex sxt needed for Verdis Attila The opera was first seen In North America at the Ken nedy Tentre in Washington and the anadian pre more will be in Edmonton Illt final production of the next sea son which st arts Sept SETS SllAItlll The $30000 cost of the set was shared equally by the Kennedy cntre and by the opera associ ations of Edmonton lliila delpliia and incmnafr Try Our Famous MIBAMAII ADVENTURE Variety of Chinese Feed 7250101 Banguet Faculities MIIIAMAII GARDENS Licenced Tavern at Dunlop St Bowie 14 AM im mum cmmu 650 905 Pctei Yates film ROBERT SHAW JACQUELINE BISSET NICK NOETE THE DEEP LOUIS GOSSETI and ELI WALLACH Based on the novel by Peter Bcnchley Sciec iiilziy by Pctei Benchley and Tracy Keenan Wnn Produced by Palm Cuber Die cted Peter Yates DRIVEIN Adult Entertainment ReVenues from all sources ticket sales government gran ts and corporate and in dividual donations must be in creased to meet the higher budgets of the future Moore said in an interview The Edmonton assoriation received its first grant from the anada ouncil in 1960 and one from the Alberta government the follow mg year It now relies heavily on these two sources for funds Gross income from ticket sales reached record $335Xi0 during the last season and the rest of the income was from the three levels of government and fundraising activities in cluding an extremely active opera guild Production ex penses were estimated at $611000 but were kept under $600000 by sharp pencil work in the administrative oft ice An indication of rising cxr penses in next seasons budget of 3730000 with 8892000 in 1072 79 while 197900 is expected to be over million IN IIIG LlCAGlES Now definitely in the big leagues of opera Edmonton is THE STONEMANS Stars of The Grand Ole Opry Hie finest in County Wasten Musr MYERS BROTHERS cumin COLLINGWOOD DRIVEIN THE MOTION PICTURE EVENT OF THE SUMMER BASED ON THE NO BEST SELLER BY THE AUTHOR OF JAWS hauly Punin by 030 DISTRICT LIGIS 41M Sljtit Wit HAIHUTH Hit ltll Iii DAN 00 huntlip Arein Sgwtay Jim 1576 19 Also Two allier Name Band Dim IflHJ PM Damn 57 PM M1 Illl ll PM Mmng ru cupe liarJ Yaltphonr or for ltdMr wk Sale 7370116 fMle leaf Ilar 7113191 Ullirltl TporI MalIt 5741 any member 00 pillml mu no one ot tour tiiiadian members with ancouwr Toronto and Ottawa of Opera America whose members must have pro duced at least three operas year for the previougt three years It was from its associ ation with this organization that the city was able to obtain its sets for its most recent production Ioni7e tis Daughter of the ltegimcnt which starred Beverly Sills For 107778 the Edmonton as sociation will make use of set from Dallas for iilbert and Sui livans llie Mikado HIE JUBMRES SUPER ENTERTAIN BARRIE TWIN GUTHRIE DRIVEIN GLORIOUS Puontc scum MARTY FELDMAN RAQ WELCH ADULT NHIIAINNENI ColumbiaLMI Presentation the Casablanca filmWorks Production nlumhh EII acme my no3 itinerant COItYIEDY IN 50 EARS DOM vi Ru 5CD TY UEL DetUISE HARVEY KEITEL tt TWIN THEATRE CALl 7283440 ANYTIME CINEMA SHOWTIME 700 900 If only they knewshe had the power iPAUL MONASH no iBRlAN DePAtMI CARRIE slatnnnSlSSY SPACEK 3333 it