g7arï¬a411343Mï¬‚ï¬ the examiner Friday June 11 1977 ii IIVII fuyquqvv ultpfrt q9ygwre1vn1 pl engagemerï¬s Mr and Mrs Blais of 79 College Cres announce the engagement of their daughter Marianne to Gary Lyte son of Mr and Mrs Robert Ler of Mac Tier The marriage will take place July it at 530 pni at Collier Street United Church Mr and Mrs Lee White of st Gunn St Barrie announce the engagement of their daughter Katherine Anne to Kenneth Zeihr son of Mr and Mrs Iired Zcihr of RR Barrie The wedding will take place Jiin 23 at pm at St Marys Roman Catholic Church Iavero Photm Mr and Mrs Mervyn Pattenden of 50 Rose St llarrie an nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Barbara to Pat McGill son of Mr and Mrs William Mctiill Phelpston The marriage will take place Aug ti at piii at St Patricks hurch llielpston Steingaril Photo Mr and Mrs Keith Lees of ltltl Shanty ltay announce the engagement of their daughter Faye to lark Sheardown son of Mr and Mrs John Shearilown of ltlt Thornton The wedding will take place July 30 at pm at Guthrie Presbyterian Church Les owpei lhotoi Now this is the way to hold meeting First swim in the pool then glass of punch followed by delicious lunch and an hour or two of sunbathing all stip plied by gracious hostess But dont let this fool you These women are all hardworking members of the Georgian Theatre Guild who got together Wednesday to plan their summers activities These are centered around the Griffon Theatre oinpany who will be presenting five plays at Georgian Col lege About to members were present Shown having tea are left Ann Reed Susan Elms hostess Andrea Cohen Peg Harris and Peggy Sarjeant Pool party kicks off session of Georgian Foundation Guild splash party to kick off the summer season of the Georgian Foundation Guild was held at the home of Andrea Cohen 10 Parker Ct Wednesday Plans for the gala opening of the Gryphon Summer Theatre season were outlined and members were told that tickets are selling well pretheatre supper buffet will be catered by Paul Corson in the Georgian College dining room Cocktail hour will be held from 530 to 630 pm with sup per following Barb Miles convcner for the opening said the evening was planned to create an at mosphere of fellowship and give patrons the opportunity to meet and chat with the cast of the seasons first performance Come and raise curtain on The Four Poster Bed is the theme of the gala opening which also includes cocktails and food after the play The menu for the supper in cludes Alaska King Crab salad assorted iced relish trays She works while hubby keeps house OTTAWA tCPt After 31 years as housewife Shirley Henderson now is working and her husband Ray is keeping house lrs Henderson had several reasons for changing the tradi tional roles but the main one was boredom thought it was important for me to go out into the world again she said wanted to see what society was all about was comfort able at home but was bored Mrs Henderson studied typ ing and shorthand at Algonquin ollege and now is clerkrtyp ist at the department of ex ternal affairs She did not have career before marriage Henderson former RCAF wing conniiandcr turned com puter salesman suffered heart attack last fall His docr tor recommended he take up something less strenuous Ilc has since found that being househusband and caring for five people has its own pres sures and his impressions about housewives and their friistrar tions have changed find having to get every thing In and make sure theres always enough food to prepare good meal and keeping up with the vacuuming dusting and laundry have given me different outlook entirely on womens work Dealing with household li nances was another eyeropener had no idea how expensive food is until started doing this Now know what all those budgets over the years were all about Three of their five children are still at home and Margaret 18 Jack 20 and Ann 14 do their share of housework MIS Henderson seems to have settled into her new ca recr and said she feels what she gained was worth what she gave up even though she has left behind some of her friends dont have time any more to be active in the womens auxiliary at the church or cur ling and other sports used to doduringtheday and two hot dishes Chilled wine is also available Tickets for the supper are $750 per person and may be ob tained by calling Mary Howden at 7285785 Miles said that if tickets for other performances have already been purchased and the owner wishes to change them for Monday nights opening they may do so FIRST PERFORMANCE The Fourposter will be the first play in series of five pro jecting the tips and downs of love life and marriage Written by Jan de Hartog the Fourpostcr will star Dawn Grecnhalgh and Ted Follows It is the story of married couple and the fourposter bed they oc cupy for 33 years Tickets for this first per formance of the season may be purchased at the box office at Georgian College The office downtown is no longer open Theatre goers may purchase tickets singly for $5 $4 or $250 people and places Speech on roses Vespra township horti cultural society will hold its regular meeting Monday at the reforestry hall in Midhurst the corner of Highway 26 and the sixth concession at pm Reta Caldwell regional director of the Canadian Rose Society will speak on roses The public is invited Strawberry festival The Borden Squarctimers will hold its annual strawberry festival with Al Calhoun call ing June 25 at 830 pm at or on subscription basis of five plays for $20 saving of S5 or one play free ANTIQLIC SHOW SALE Members who attended the splash party were given run down on the preparations being undertaken for the fifth annual antique show and sale to be held Thursday Sept 22 at the Barrie Armoury The opening night preview will take place Thursday from to 10 pm Admission is $3 The show is open Friday from 11 am to 10 pm and Saturday from it am to ti pm Admis sion on each of these two days is $150 Refreshments will be available and door prize will be drawn Coins stamps antique guns early anadiana and Victorian furniture copperware glass and china are just of few of the types of items which will be included in the sale 26 dealers will be pill ticipatiiig in the show Joseph Kaeble Public School at Canadian Forces Base Borden Tickets cost $450 couple Closing dinner Xi Beta Ii chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority held its clos ing dinner at the Village Inn lhornton meeting was held after dinner Donna Skacr was hostess and Paula Strasser was to hostess family breakfast was held Sunday at Siinnidale Park farewell coffee party was held for Judy Rumble and Joanne Show at Mary Lou Palmers Wednesday Jane the first entry in the Dominion lin llahy Photo on test sponsored by the Barrie laycettes From today until Peggy Sarjeant publicity chairman reported that posters and post cards have already been distributed and that more are still available to members who may be travell ing out of the area The antique show and sale is the biggest fundraising event of the year for the Guild CONTEST Nancy Arnoldi in charge of group sales proposed that sum of money which was left from trips taken by the groups last year be used to sponsor contest for all elementary school children Why would like to go to the opera was suggested as possible title for an essay The first second and third place winners would receive two tickets with which they could take their mothers along on ballet with the Georgian illlltl members REPORTS 5050 draw being sponsored by the Guild at $1 per ticket Mrs Dunlop About 300 people met in Byng School auditorium Stayner May 28 to honor Mary Dunlop district deputy grand matron of district Order of the Eastern Star She was piped in by the lldficltl Boys from Dundalk Mrs Elsie Brownridge in troduccd Mrs Dunlop as being active and credited her for her involvement with the ES and also in the community church and as school teacher at Byng School George Charlton mayor of Stayner and former principal of Byng School said Mrs First entry for contest Pam Lee shows off her three month old daughter Alana has netted $800 so far and members were urged to take tickets home to sell during the summer months The draw will be made in September The Guild had display in the Barrie Malls and 30 new subscribers purchased tickets asaresult Dora Sutherland reported that subscribers to the theatre seasons plays now number 1609 Brochures have been made up in the form of placemat and 20000 have been sold to area businesses Membership lists will be put on computer tapes with the assistance of Eastview C01 legiate in order to ensure an up todate mailing list HOSTESS THANKEI Hostess Andrea Cohen was given round of applause for the luncheon which consisted of various salads devilled eggs sliced vegetables and rolls delicious rumflavoured pie followed the luncheon served with coffee and tea Dunlop was dedicated teacher program of music and skits followed the welcome in troductions and tributes The Centennial Voices under the direction of Mrs Dorothy Wettlaufcr with Cathy Dunlop at the piano presented the opening number Bayview chapter of Barrie presented skit Alliston Crecmore and New market chapters all presented skits Mrs Wettlaufer and her Centennial Voices sang songs from the Sound of Music at June 30 the pllblic is invited to vote in the contest for one cent ote at the Hayfield Mall Entry forms are available at lamiilyii Drug Mart in the Hayfield Mall and at the bomber of Commerce Examiner Photo Ann Landers Sexist games are changing Dear Ann Landers am employed by small contractor In all my years of working have never run across such rude ignorant and downright nasty menour customers Im not into Womens Lib but believe me can understand why some women are received call today from customer male who when answered the phone said Let me talk to man Im the only person in this office The men who work here are laborers in the plant asked the gentleman what he wanted to know and said politely Perhaps can help you He replied doubt very much if dumb broad could an swer my questions kept my cool and replied Well sir this dumb broad would like to try answered all his questions and he was apologetic when the conversation ended At least 20 times day man will call and say Let me talk to someone who knows something They just dont believe woman can have any brains in this business WhyBurned Up Dear Because they are ignorant and un sophisticated conditioned by years of sexist nonsense But cheer up lovey the game is changing Dear Ann Landers am writing for my mother When visited her last week she showed me newspaper clipping my father had pasted on piece of paper and left out for her to see It said wives of government pensioners who killed their husbands couldnt collect any benefits Mom then told me that Father has been accusing her of trying to poison him for the last 30 years Whenever he gets fever blister or stomach ache hes sure plot is at work My father is in debt up to his neck He doesnt have savings account so there is no possibility of an inheritance In spite of his peculiarities Mom would be lost without him Except for this quirk hes very sweet man What can be done about this AnnTheir Daughter Dear Daugher Your fathers quirk is classic symp tom of mental illness If you could persuade that sweet man to get some counselling it might help If he refuses to go your mother should gowfor HER sake She needs some understanding of his illness in order to deal with it realistically Dear Ann What is wrong with grown woman who uses offensive languageI mean the dirtiest fourletter wor ds you can think of in the presence of her refined cultivated mother Ihis woman brings up subjects that pertain to sex in manner more befitting stag party than tea in her mothers gracious home find it astonishing that this foulmouthed daughter con tinues to embarrass everyone within earshot Stranger still her mother never bats an eye Its as if she doesnt hear thing Can you explain itMy Lobes Are Burning Dear Lobes The daughter is letting the world know in an immature and disgusting manner that she is not under her mothers thumb People who use fourletter words in the presence of those who find such language offensive are trying to prove something Mother probably plays deal because she doesnt want confrontationpr shes already had one and lost Roseanne Mcggbg Father is worry wart Fathers say the darndest things Your mother phoned you Thursday night my father says puffing on his pipe He was reading the Irish Echo But you werent home was probably working said Dont you leave word with anyone when you go out Be gentle said to myself This is the man who forgets am 25 This is the man who when first came to Barrie cau tioned me to watch the cars Hes very philisophical man policeman by profession He believes there are two things in life worth having dogs and onions Dogs will never betray you he says And onions are the cureall for every body ailment Hes also convinced onions are the true test of friendship Your enemies will stay away and your true friends wont dislike you just because of your breath Most fathers have pet names for their daughters such as sweetheart darling and princess My father calls me The Press All birthday cards come in the form of press releases every word of advice is off the record His fatherly advice has no warning It may come at anytime remember one incident at the Canadian National Exhibi tion some years ago boyfriend and decided wed take ride on the ferris wheel We were standing in line to get tickets when my father casually whispered in my ear Remember your upbringing What Youll be alone upthere he said looking me in the eye Its ferris wheel dont worry He leaned closer He had just eaten hamburger with onions Listen my girl know the world Ive heard many girl say she didnt know how it happened On ferris wheel known human nature like the back of my hand he said Up we went And every time we went around we showed hands to assure him all was well That relaxed him But my father became an old man that day The ferris wheel got stock for 10 minutes with us at the top What can you do with worry wart father recent visit home walked into the house and saw tears in my fathers eyes And Im not sure if he was crying or if it had something to do with the onions he was peeling Pollys Eointers Vinegar rids ta salt stain DEAR POLLY There is ring of salt on the carpet in my car that goes around the brake and gas pedals have tried to remove this with soap and water and up holstery cleaner but to no avail Can you suggest something do not want the salt to eat through the carpet SUE DEAR SUE suggest that you try strong solution of white vinegar and water This is most satisfactory for removing salt rings from boots POLLY DEAR POLLY find that washing walls is much easier when done with sponge mop This saves climbing on chairs and ladders and the job is done much quicker without lot of scrubbing CAROL DEAR READERS Do remember to start at the bottom rather than the top just as when washing with sponge or cloth POLLY DEAR POLLY am answering MD When made long distance move and my furniture was to be stored for three months the mover told me to put charcoal pieces such as you use in an outdoor grill in both my refrigerator and freezer so they would stay smelling sweet did this and there was no odor Now keep one or two such pieces in them all the time think they work better than soda EH DEAR POLLY want to tell Mary Jo that one way use plastic bread bags is to hold popcorn to take to the drivein movies They are also good for holding leftover popcorn NORMA DEAR POLLY Mary Jo could use her plastic bread wrappeis to hold sandwiches made for lunch and that are first wrapped in plastic wrap They can be frozen and there is no more morning sandwich making One can tell at glance which ones are wanted They are fresh as justmade After wrapping meat that is to go in the freezer in foil or plastic wrap put the packages in empty bread wrappers and you can see what the meat is Put one or two such wrappers in the childrens tote he to hold shoes or sneakers when they are wearing boots to so coll BARB