12le 111 in tfli ear1 HIS3 dffl orzsdibnfmm Fl 1o the examiner Friday June 11 1977 40 articles for solo 4o articles for sale FINAL CLEARANCE 5060 SAVINGS LAMPS CHANDELIERS FIXTURES POTTERY GIFTWARE PREMISES MUST BE VACATED BY JUNE 30TH HOUSE OF TOMORROW 68 DUNLOP ST AT MARY BARRIE 2263100 JU15 1617 lOR SALEChesterï¬eld suite lazy boy chair coltee table dresser aquarium pool table snare drum cedar rails Phone 4875030 LOOK AT THIS You can buy this new 20 super Zenith chromacolor portable color television now tor only 54 weekly No money down no payments until August Phone tpciphtdeliver tonight Krazy Kellys TV PROJECTOR giant five loot screen Includes colour TV proieclor and live loot diagonal screen Fully warran ty S795 Private Call 7264758 after EU kvsc COLDSPOT CHEST Freezer 115 cu lt $150 GE electric lawn mower 545 Both in good condition Telephone 424 1321 $6 PER WEEK Buys beautiful 26 RCA color Spanish to the floor console television No money down no payments until August Phone tonightdelivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 USED TV CLEARANCE price on all color BW used TVs while they last Come early for best selection AIR CONDITIONER All sizes up to 10000 BTU now in stock starting with the Super GE 4000 BTU Carry Cool for $14995 Featuring 10 posi tion thermostat and deluxe speed lan Ideal lor bedroom Call 7371182 now for your tree home survey Instant delivery no payments til August Krazy Kelly Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 GARAGE SALE Saturday 31mm am to pm 11 Henry Street Ladies clothing size 1214 babies clothing miscellaneous items GARAGEHSALE Asndale court Household items lirewood June 18th 1977 41 boots motors CANOES We have truckload of dif ferent sizes shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum Barrie TV and Appliances so DunlopSt 7284297 SPECIAL $299 20 color TV with stand one only Barrie TV Budget plan available This one wont last long Visit Barrie TV and Ap pliances 80 Dunlop St Barrie or phone 7284297 PECTAL $449M 26tu11lloor color console with push bul lgn tuning One only Barrie TV budget COnOGS an available Visit Barrie TV and Ap pliances 80 Dunlop St Barrie or SPOFTHTVEN All momma429777 mile East of Some BED CHESTERFIELD dresSePs on Shanty Bay Rd chesterfield chair kitchen chairs step ladder all in good condition Also double bed Telephone 726 2952gtanytime 7261001 Au3 CORD WOODVlor sale lace coEdeelivT ery available Call 7266975 or 7372714 COOLER Display Counter plus large compresser excellent condition ideal tor small grocery or fruit stand $200 726 2951 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor Al condition Asking 52500 Telephone 4354245 alter 430 pm SAILBOAT 16 foot custom designed and built Totally liberglassed over marine plywood sails including new spinnaker AUTOmOTlC and Geona Many extras 35 hp engine traiIer lie31999352 amen1291955 LIQUID 23 10 Grew 245 Custom hardtop 188 by POOLMNDER Mercury inboardoutboard few hours Telephone 7289919 to lormation im rtant in chemically treat your pool for DO less than $60 season 16 32 models to choose from SERVICES 7283646 Liquid chlorine delivered Jy 20 GARAGE SALE Saturday June 18 10 am to pm 104 Springdale Some iur niture household items toys and many useful articles EVENING GARAGE Sale pm to 10 pm Friday and all day Saturday Ches tertield end tables dishes electrical ap pliances clothes toys antique bed and dressers round walnut table 43 Eileen Dr all of Little Ave Barrie MOF FAT FRIDGE and Kenmore stove months old White Must sell Also Blue Ribbon Freezer Call 728 0902 GARAGE SALE household items macramae clothes etc 20 Ashdale Court Friday and Saturday June 17 and 18 728 1599 MOFFAT 30 continuous clean gas stove harvest goldin excellent condi tion S200 Inglis gas dryer in good condi tion 550 Call 7262053 FOR SALE one 16 foot Dumphrey runabout excellent condition with 35 hp Evinrude tanks $1000 lirm Call 487 2310 327TROJAN Cabin Cruiser with pianked hull In mint condition Fully equipped with VHF radio air conditioning depth sounder loud hailer bumpers deck chairs elec tric bilge pump refrigerator sniffer twin interceptor engineer with 550 hours lull convertible camper back Will ac cept car or truck as trade Asking $19900 For appointment telephone Orv Hardy motors 728 4272 HANDYMANS SPECIALPHboat motor and trailer best otter can be seen at 172 Dunlop St alter paim 17 Ft CHRYSLER Fiberglass boat Daycruiser with canopy top 80 HP Chrysler outboard Explorer trailer All in excellent condition Best oller Telephone 726 7836 BOAT AND motor molded mahogany plywood 13 windshield and controls 18 hp Evinrude electric starter 436 3107 evenings COLUMBIA 23 Sailboat 99 electric out board sails cradle well equipped sailed year Owner bought bigger boat Eager to sell Telephone 519538 1194 35 MM KODAK Pony Camera good tor beginner S25 Cady Moped months old in good condition S200 Telephone 726 7089 GARAGE SALE household items baby things buffet aluminum siding 67 Chev sewing machine small re lrigerator vacuum cleaner numerous other items June 17th and 18m St Vin cent St Midhursl 728 9733 BICYCLE FOR Tsale 1307s speed CCM in good condition Telephone 72697992 PRECAST CONCRETE porch and steps square porch risers 44 high call 1975 18 SILVERLINE Bowrider with Gator trailer 165 OMC inboard outboard with power and select trim includes cassette player and speakers CB with aerial PA horn props and travelling tarp and many other teatures like new $8000lirm Call 7370780 alter pm VOLVO IN BOARD outBoard very good condition comes with 20 loot boat ssoo Call 7260546 20 FT INBOARD Chrysler marine runabout Asking $1200 cash or will trade for light pickup truck Can be seen weekends only 55 3lst Street Wasaga 7262234 99890 LEE BOAT TRAILERS for rent Two days JAY from s15 Call Brices Boats no 478 4175 Toronto 1416 3631954 WHOLESALE RETAIL 3A 1976 STARCRAETT libreglass 182 BARRIE ONTARIO cyIInder Volya engine and stern drive power trim ull canvas and completely 135FERNDALE RD Equipped 50 hours running Will sell 5900 or best otter Call Dan Henderson WORMS PAPKAGED 7286065 or 737 1771 25 of 50 AND BULK arï¬cas Call Ken Jay at 7264851 CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items728 8234 44dogs and pets MWF Jy27 INGLIS PORTABLE cycle dryer for sale with stand Excellent condition Asking $165 Telephone 726 7626 50 garden supplies CROWN GARDEN CENTRE Hwy 93 mile north of Hwy 11 7284296 Flower and vegetable box plant special 70 materials and advice for all landscaping and gor dening needs Discuss your green thumb problems with us Ju18 CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent forlawns Evening and Saturday gardens etc delivery Call 7263928 or 7261117 52plants and bulbs 68 personals HOLIDAY IN THE SUN Write Clover Motel Apts 212 108th Av Treasure Island St Petersburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies from May on ward efficiency units from $75 week for people Phone 728 3136 for information WThFAU17 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medlcalIyapproved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 7372671 TROPICAL PLANTS New shipment iust arrived ideal for hanging baskets Brays 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 55construction machinery STEEL FORMS Over 3000 leet of steel forms all accessories included Telephone 4355051 56camping equipment 1973 SUNKAMPER fridge furnace stove chemical toilet fully equipped lots of extras Owner going out of camp igngCall 726014B alter 5pm4 19 FT CITATION travel trailer sleeps tour 11012 volt and propane lighting gas electric Iridgelreezer pc bathroom with lull size shower burner propane stove propane furnace Fully insulated including tloor 16 awning Telephone 7266364 or 7281395 alter CAMPER VAN1972 Ford paradise raised root economical cylinder stan dard sleeps adults children stove fridge heater 47000 miles good condi tion $3500 13266958 NEED camper boat or vacatidh loan See Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Collier 7285191 1971 Hardtop tent trailer Going out of camping $1000 firm burner stove table portable toilet sleeps See anytime at 374 Edgehill Dr I972 VOLKSWAGEN camper excellent condition sleeps Michelin tires radio will certify $2500 or best offer Telephone 4875388 1970 NIMROD hardtop camperAlor salé complete with sink ice box three burner stove sleeps six $750 Call 737 1246 1152 FOOT deluxe truck céï¬iper IJlly equipped In good condition Call 705 4240569 COLEMAN HardtopvCamper new Yorker sleeps plenty oi cupboards sink furnace fridge burner stove awning extras Telephone 7281232 alter DS TENT TRAILER built in cup boards canOpy sleeps Includes Col eman stove heater and lantern 5450 or as trade on small boat and motor 728 9750 HARDTOP TENT Trailer sleeps 4ro people propane stove ice box cup boards AskingS700rTelephone 728 6437 57Iivestock for sale TACK SHOP English equipment Ger man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 728 2431 DOUBLE REGISTERED hall Arab pin to gelding excellent blood lines Very tlashy Good disposition Will make good youth horse Call 7055264310 YEARLING QUARTER horseliiTy dark bay with white star Quiet gentle well mannered healthy andsound 445 2833 EGISTERED iiEII Arabian mare train ed $800 plus year old Iilley part Ara bian S400Cal5199418568 after pm ARABIAN COLT purebred regISIered years old will mature 15 hands beautitul chestnut with blaze and tour white socks showing and breeding potential asking $1000 Telephone 4538510 HORSESHOEING All breeds re sels and trims Reasonable rates Call alter pm 726 3317 59pgultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown e09 Dullets available June 18 Also farm lresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811 60feedseédgrain CUSTOM SWATHING hay and grain Also hay land wanted Call Bruce Gauiey 421 0468 FOR SALE freshly cutrhay good quSli tyr Telephone 726 1120 after pm 50 ACRES ol standing mixed hay Call 456 3691 HAY FIRST cut cén be picked up in field Pleasecall 726 1988 FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 FTF 61pasturetor sale FOR SALE 85 acres 01 the best farmland in lnniSfil $1300 per acre oil Hwy 27 near Hwy 89 Telephone 458 9492 62pasture to rent COOK STOWN AREA30 acres of sum mrer pasture Telephone 458 4510 64farm machinery FORGE HARVESTER for sale also hitch sprayer liquid manure tank 1000 gallon row air planter 400 tons of A1 sileage 322 2351 TWO FURROW Plough in excellent con dition Telephone 726 2888 alter RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor Srena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Reliet now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold tor over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the lob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 7372972 NOTICE Welcome to our New Loco tion 84 Dunlop East near Queens Hotel Bill Fisher Sid Jeflels Thank You ï¬rï¬ ROOFING and odd iobs Free estimates Work guaranteed 4240321 BERTON James Fallows will not be responsible for any debts incurred In my name asol June 13 1977 MONECA psliyiE and card Téadlng counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 7288868 PARENTS WITHOUT Partners holding western dance Saturday June 18 Stroud Community Centre pm $4 per person Everyone welcome For more information 728 3476 70Iost and found LADYS SPRITE 27 Raleigh Bicycle found Contact 7285341 71help wanted AVON suggests SWING INTO SPRING as an AVON REPRESENTATIVE Great time to start earning money in your spare time Sell AVON Jewelry and daily needs as well as our worldfamous line of cosmetics right in your own neighbourhood and Simcoe County lll train you Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont FSTF SALES AND SERVICE CAREER OPPORTUNITY Starting income up to $300 per week plus benefits We pay as you learn No overnight travel required Write brief resume to the Per sonnel Manager Box 1028 Barrie Ontario Ju141618 If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF BEAT THE HEAT WORK EVENINGS Large Canadian corporation requires parttime employees Fulltime positions also available For interview telephone BOB BROWN 7371904 between 100m pm Jul7 EDITOR WANTED For offset weekly Must be experienced in all phases of weekly operation YARD SALE Saturday June 18 30 including trombone bicycles rollaway cOI baseboard heater and miscellaneous items also wanted tires Size G78 14 Phone 7266365 167 Anne St North WOOD LATHE heavy duty hp motor 110 220 with stand chisels and ac cessories Telephone 726 9547 GARAGE SALEJoint ellorl six lamilies Saturday June 18 10 Corner Duckworth and Highview Rd Selection of bicycles appliances turniture toys automobile books draperies GARAGE SALE June 18 and 19th 10 am pm Help us move choose from rockers china cabinets chairs brass bed clocks tables insulators and bat tles and many other items Location In Midhursl across from general store or call 726 4544 ONE FULL matching set mens right hand Wilson Executive golf clubs Bag cart and shoes $200 or best offer Three girls bicycles $10 726 8010 DINING ROOM SUITE piece deilcratt Le Chateau grouping Antique white oak linish With woodsmoke blue trim Two extra table Ieals almost new $1000 value approx $2000 Telephone 726 0629 alter6 STORE FIXTURES shelving display tables cash register cabinets etc Counters and Mannequms Reasonable Telephone 726 5815 Lawn Tractors HP Electric start complete with cutting pan $859 Pratt Motor Supply Co 39 High St 728 5911 open saturdaystil LARGE DRIVEWAY SALE Antiques CB basemobile new single bed electric stove kitchen table and chairs small outboard motor camping equipment guns books numerous household items Saturday June 18 10 216 Anne St oil Essa Rdl GARAGE SALE old doors lumber trim tables television gas heater and miscellaneous items 56 Shanty Bay Road Saturday eighteenth ten GARAGESALE Jone18710 am pm Fishing equipment tools toys bicycles table and chairs and more 22 Jane Cres Allandale Heights 726 7245 TIRES AND RIMS J78 x15 Goodyear glass belted Used s20¢ach One F78 x14 new 820 Two 13 inch rims 1967 Dodge Dart with used snow tires 10 each One 480 400 12 Inch trailer tire with rim bolt new 830 Telephone 7261171 MOVING SALE Cottage type Iurniture lridge stove couches beds dishes etc Friday and Saturday noon till pm 17 Mary St Side door 737 0655 STUFF SALE Boating stult baby stull kitchen stult books hair dryers clothing Slalom ski CCM skates bicy cie 35 mm camerade springs pottery sheepskin rugs and lots more stull 2A Oak St loll Wellington1930 30 June 18 Rain date June 25 CEMENT MIXER complete with motor tow bar and wheels Chain hoist ton Telephone 728 4929 BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing and clipping ol all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles sional clipping and grooming reason able rates Telephone 726 0061 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726 0094 ALL BREED dog training Obedience and guard dog training Telephone 7268617orl416729 2755 WEIMARANER puppies reg sired by Canadas Top Weimaraner at 1976 good family and hunting dog Anna Hessen Erin Ont Telephone 519 833 9816 PUREBRED DOBERMEN pincer pups tails docked shots wormed no papers 575 Telephone 728 0122 belore pm 436 4462 alter 6pm PUREBRED BOXER tor sale years old male excellent with children 350 Telephone 436 3193 LABRADOR Retriever pups yellow in color weeks old CKC registered all shots and tattooed Telephone 726 0597 LABRADOR PU PPIES CKC reQ istered Black and yellow Tattooed needled and wormed Ready to go Me donte Valley Kenncys 835 2913 DOBERMAN year old spayed lemale registered excellent With children Also year old male German short hair Pointer with papers Asking $75 each 737 1909 FREE GERMAN Shepherd puppies six weeks old to good home 458 9236 BORDER COLLIE pups Irom registered lemale make excellent larm dogs or pets Telephone 322 2317 TOY POMERANIAN lemale CKC registered 11 months old adorable pet but must sell 5125 Ready lor breeding apply 98 Essa Rd or call 728 8090 BRITTANY SPANIAL registered Male years old lully trained good hunter pheasants woodcack $150 Telephon9322 2204oller6prn FOR SALE registered male Shellie reasonable with papers Telephone 737 3224 wEIMARANER PuPs registered champion stock intelligent pets tar com panionship and protection $200 Tele phone 519 599 3162 54 service and roglrs WEEDS Lot or field cutting Also Brush Clearing 7264536 Jy9 LAWN CUTTING and trimming East end students willing to cut lawns Reas enable Call David or Doug 728 1546 Call MR CHARLES 4589122 Days 9363119 Evenings CUSTOM MADE Bale Thrower Racks Ju 17 Flat Racks also Wagons LARGE CHARLES BATT CANADIAN 7286560 CORPORATION MWFJu17 has several openings full training provided Interested persons be at 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 14 67 fruits vegetables Strawberries Barrie Ont pick your own at700pmsharp top quality Monday June 20th Ju17 CLASS mechanic required to dealership in Alliston Telephon 435 4371Irom to 530 pm ask to service manager AMBITIOUS PERSONS with co wanted tor part or lull time employmen work 15 hours or more week and ca make $4 to $6 an hour Students we come Barrie or surrounding area Tele phone 416 895 6532 Lots Of parking space miles north of Bradford on Hwy 11 mile west on 13th line 4167752808 Ju 25 SEED POTATOES Ior planting Canada Department of Agriculture certified Cancllla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St Barrie Call72f1 7251 STRAWBERRY season Open Coomhes Gillroad Midhurst 35 cents per quart pick your own in your own containers 728 2111 STRAWBERRIES PICK your own 35 cenls quart Bring own containers hall mile north of Mldhurst 4th Concession ot Vespra 728 8074 to work on night crew lor tour days4 hours per week For lurther intormatio telephone 487 2302 or apply In person Furlas Food Hwy 11 North 67 fruits vegetables PICK YOUR own STRAWBERRIES 32 LB BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS NO CHILDREN IN PATCH GARRETTS BERRY FARM DIRECTIONS Iv milesnorth of Highway on highway 93 430 71 Ilolp wanted 71 Italy wontoll 71 Itolp wanted BOYS AND GIRLS EARN CASH THIS SUMMER WITH PART TIME EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTE No collecting necessary Win bonus prizes Paid weekly by cheque Routes are available in all areas of Barrie and Simcoe County PHONE IN YOUR NAME TODAY TO EARN PART TIME SUMMER CASH 7266539 TF Manageme If you have Grade13or better years finance banking or mort Enthusiasm and drive We offer lndividuaized training Exciting challenging work Excellent salary and benefits For an appointment to discuss largest sales finance organizations at Trainee gage experience careér with one of Canadas Telephone Mr West at 7285903 Trans Canada Credit and Homeplan Realty 32 Dunlop St Barrie Ont Ju 17 18 McDon CONTRO aldS CLERK required Responsible self motivated and honest person Duties include daily inventory payroll records employee files statistical reports training provided Regular pay raises life dental and medical in suronce Please send resume to TEMGO INCO RPORATED 359 BAYFIELD ST SUITE201 BARRIE ONTARIO MWFTF GENER OSlTY IS PART OF OUR POLICY multi million dollar organization has openings Consultants needed for fantastic new programme marketing exclusive iewellery and diamonds of distinction You must have genuine interest Above average remunerations can Permanent and part time positions Hard workers housewives and st are welcome Experience not essential All traini dealing with the public be achieved available udents with desire to get ahead ng is provided For personal interview phone 4359300 or write to SUITE 701 55 QUEEN ST TORONTO Or apply in person No appomtments necessary Positions are available throughout This on equal opportunity company SUMMER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Ontario Ju 16 ZEQDUNLOP APTS QUEENWELLINGTON NORTHOWEN AREA RESPONSIBLE OPLE WANTED to work We can ol ler you steady year round employment There are some parttime iobs also open Please call 7371904 between 10 am and 5pm loving housekeeper permanent basis for 212 days weekly Monday and Friday am to pm and Wednesdays am to 1230 am Duties Include care of children ages 21 and Minimum housework Apply in writing including references to Box 455 The Ex aminer MEDICAL OFFICE requires lull time bookkeeper in July Must be familiar with OHIP and have experience with similar work Apply to PO Box 130 Alliston Ontario PARTTIME help for service station Nllh some mechanical knowledge must be bendable apply 80 Baylield St BABYSITTER mature loving person to are for my children in my home or yours Two chlldren ages and 10 In Oakley Park Area Interested persons call 7289977 alter 530 pm Urgently require mature person to assist in care at elderly invalid lady LiveIn references Call 7265139 for appoint ment LICENSED MECHANIC required im mediately for construction company in Simcoe County Apply Disher Farrand Box 68 Barrie Ont 7260274 LICENSED BODY MAN to do painting and body work To work under good commission Call Beach Motors Way saga Beach 4294550 HRUE6 BARRIE LTD Excellent opportunity tor aggressive commission salesperson to sell steel win dows doors and siding in the Barrie and OriIlia area Must have own car For in terview cai14872202 LOOKING FOR sincere interested in dividuals to work weekends with iuveniles in group home setting Ex perience working with youth delinite asset For interviewcall 7372441 MARKET RESEARCH Interviewer needed lor door to door survey in Simcoe Division Experience preferred call Canadian Opinion Research collect at 4168680135 FULCTIME teller required Experience necessary Apply to Bank of Nova Scotia Georgian Mall EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with good typingbackground Call 7269631 PERSON WITH pickUp truck required lor aluminium siding business Willing to learn trade Travelling involved Call Vic anytime 7371126 EXPERIENCED tractor drlver Apply in person at Lakeview Dairy 185 Dunlop St Barrie SENIOR FAMILY worker required by progressive centre tor clinical practice With emotionally disturbed children and their tamilies as well as training and supervision of stall MSW preterred with several years experience in mari tal lamily group and individual therapy Send resume to PO Box 421 OriIliaOnt $1000 PER MONTH Local Barrie branch ollice has openings tor to ambitious career minded people to do promotional display work Ex perience not necessary Company pro vides training Applicants must be eigh teen years ol age have good character and have own transportation Call Mr Taylor at 7373950 EXPERIENCE Bodkkeepem tionist is required for the law firm Oatley Purser Contact Karen Whit 19 2299 Money and Win Prize CLAPPERTONWELLINGTUN AREA MERHITlGARSON AREA FAIRVIEWSOUTHVIEW AREA SHIRLEYALEDA AREA SHANTY BAYVANCOUVER AREA TORONTOHIGH AREA LISLE MARGARETCURTIS AREA lANGUSl THE EXAMINER or Phone 7286539 Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬eld SL Barrie TF Telephone Age bouillonOn 7lIlolpwontoil 71minute CAREERS SECRETARY Two years experience essential PRODUCTION CONTROL CLERK High School grad with good math PRODUCTION FOREMAN MaleFemale Metal stamping and finishing experience essential INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER TECHNICIAN year diploma required PRODUCTION MANAGER To take charge of plant metal stamping and finishing facility Apply in confidence MARY GARTHSIDE DECOR METAL PRODUCTS 140 Bay St MIDLAND Ont INSIDE SALES An opportunity exists for an energetic self starter to handle our ln side sales responsibilities Duties dre varied and Include all aspects of customer service as well as secretarial duties for the sales department We offer com petitive salary package commensurate with experience and ability if you are interested In this challenging career opportunity please write giving details of experience MR HARDISON Sales Manager MOLDEX LIMITED 316 Bayvlew Dr Barrie Ju161718 Ju151617IO Adult Protective Service Worker Required by Simcoe Support Services to work with mentally retar dedadults in the community Responsibilities Include counselling advocacy liaison and referral to special services Qualifications BA or community college degree preferably In the social services plus two years suitable experience or equivalent education and experience Successful applicant must have proven ability to work independently have own transportation and be willing to work some evening and weekend hours Previous applicants need not apply Position available in Midland Please send resume by June 20th to Mr Seymour Post Office Box 910 Barrie Ontario L4M 4Z2 JUI31517 BARRIE GLASS AND MIRROR requires immediately GLASS FlTTER AND METAL INSTALLER in the Barrie area Full time employment Above average wage Unifdrms supplied Minimum years exporlence Drivers llconse CALL 7269122 AM TO PM TF Parttime Employment 77ingol Radio Shack of Canada is recruiting parttime help to augmentkthefwarre NOTICE To CREDnoks house labor force We are be ing ort mature housewife who is available to AND OTHERS call out light to medium lilting is prerequisite with this type at employ ment Interested persons please apply in person at the Radio Shack personnel of flce Bayview Ave Barrie Monday TuesdayWednesday am to4pm WE NEED student help students are required to work immediately Our com pany can start you parttime and move you to lulltime when the school year ends Please telephone Mr Pollard 7371904 between 10am and 5pm 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET MARY RAYCRAFT of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario housewife who died on or about the 16th day of April 1977 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned executor on or before the 28th day of June 1977 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard onl Career ortunlty Willpay up to 950508 year income to such dams 1° hay start you learning the insurance been received business sound education good rela tionship between empathy and ego drive DATED Barrie his day °f with strong inner attitude required May 1977 Apply to Personnel Manager Box 1028 Barrie Ontario HOGBEN MAYHEW ADD OUR saper product to your line it you are now calling on hospitals building suppliers plumbers trailer recreational or hardware in Ontario Barristers and Solicitors 39 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Above average commission call collect 4M 4T7 599 3566692 Solicitors for the Executor 76employment wanted WILLIAM ERNEST RAYCRAFT RENTON CONSTRUCTION LTD lu2916 general contracting and repairs protes sional decorating and refinishing specialty soon to arrive In Barrie Call collect 14167913334 RELIABLE DAY car available in my home Essa Rd Area large yard to plady WORK FOR YOU re erences supplied it require please telephone 7373675 PHONE 72214 78 tenders 78 tenders VILLAGE OF COLDWATER Tender for the Structural Reinforcing of the Coldwoter Arena Tenders will be received by the undersigned at the Municipal Of fices Coldwoter Ontario until 12 noon local time on 27th June 1977 for the structural reinforcing of the Coldwoter area Contract documents and drawings may obtained from the Village Office Gray Street Coldwoter for nonrefundable fee of twenty five dollars The IoWest or any tender not necessarily accepted Julien Tofts Clerk Treasurer Ju13161820 PFESSIONAL nv JESSlE BHYSON Teacher of Plano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford St VOCAL LESSONS SUSAN FORD RICKETIS ARCT LRCT Registered Music Teacher Preparation for all grades 72847 Royal Conservatory if desired MARJORIE HANES 20 North Park Road Teacher of Piano and Theory Barrie Pupils prepared for 7282181 ANGUS Ross BA Royal Conservatory Examination ALL GRADES ALI AGES Re lstered MuslcT 15 cl °PP°° 72B 853 Instruction in Plano ROY SCHUETT °Y co Also tutoring In French Latin and other Chartered Accountants school wbe 103 Collier St Barrie 91 Phone 7265100 oss St arrle 720 5775 SAMUEL ROSE POWELL JONES co and ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Trustee In Bankruptcy Barrie Ontario 49 Collier St Barrio Telephone 7287461 7284949 7285584 24 Dunlop St East mtg