Have to destroy sheep PADGRAVE Ont CP One of Canadas largest and best known flocks of purebred dreep is bei destroyed be cause four ofspring of the flock sold to another farm have the rare fatal dsease known as scrapie federal agri culture officials say Many of the 8003th at Ce dar Main Farms in northeast Sees US at war inside two years CHATTANOOGA Tenn AP Doc Anderson the psychic who says he redic ted the end of the Secon World War says the United States will It at war again within 18 mon Mainland China will try to take over Formosa says An derson Russia wants us for an ally and China wants us for an ally but all hell will break loose first Well be at war within 18 months he says This war Im talking about will be of diort duration against China Anderson is former circus strongman bullfighter and bo xer who says he was born with caul over his head an ancient symbol of seer Now in his 705 he makes his predictions from white frame office at the foot of Lookout Mountain in Tennessee The psychics main claim to fame lies in an affidavit signed by the late Hall editor of the Walker County Ga Mes senger in July 1956 Portable pensions urged CAMBRIDGE Ont CP Bert Munro owner of an em ployment agency that special izes in finding jobs for elderly workers says nsions should be made portab Experienced topdrawer people are findin it extremely tough to land jo because of lack of portable pension schemes he said in an inter view youngster Who wants savings his or her own proï¬t public ness of managing Mail to NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Who gets fun out of making And likes to meet and serve the And is ready to take on the busi PREDICIED WARS END Doe Anderson pre dicted that the war with Ger many would oome to an end on the 6th or 7th of May 1945 and this was published in my news paper said the affidavit It also says he predicted President Franklin Roose velts death to the day In May 1945 Doc Anderson redicted that something would ppen about Aug 1945 that would change the course of the war the affidavit says The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima Aug At the same time he pre dicted that the war with Japan would come to an end on or about Aug 18 1945 Japan sur rendered Aug 14 Joe Hall son of the late Hall and current editor of the newspaper says he can ï¬nd no mention of the predictions in back issues of the newspaper but he says the affidavit is au lhentic At the same time Anderson made some errors PREDICTIONS WRONG predict that by 1968 inter planetary travel will become an accomplished fact that we will have manned station on the moon and that we will have accomplished space travel to Mars and Vents with the resul tant communications between the peoples of this Earth and those planets he said in signed statement notarized Dec 25 1944 predict that cure for can cer will be found by 1960 and that thelife span of man will be increased to OVer 100 he said in the same statement And last year he said Ala bama Gov George Wallace would be president Youngsters who get ahead manage our newspaper routes Is your daughter or son goahead Get in touch with our circulation account all New research shows what we have always known girls who do have routes are step ahead of others both in school and on the playground and in pre paring themselves for life ahead and the business world newspaper route You will be surprised how well he or she will do SUMMER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Send in your application The Examiner 16 Bayfield St Barrie would like to talk with you about managing newspaper route PHONE Or you may phone 7266539 once given responsibility department today Check with us today Caledon have already been slaughtered The government has agreed to pay the market value of the animals estimated at several hundred thousand dollars Until the last few years vet erinarians had considered scrapie to be exclusively an he reditary disease in sheep and goats but now it has been con firmed that it is caused by virus Dr 0W Kelton Ontario region veterinary supervisor said Thursday Scrapie originated in Britain and its first known outbreak in Canada was about 30 years ago It was discovered in 1916 that scrapie was virus infection of the brain Dr Kelton said Scrapie is reportable dis ease under the Animal Disease and Protection Act which is en forced by the health of animals branch of the federal depart ment of agriculture HAD CHOICE Methods of eradicating the disease are bein studied by the department Cedar Mains was given choice of having its prize flock destroyed or quar antined for four years to see if the disease recurred Previously only the diseased animal its brothers and sisters and two generations of of fspring were destroyed But now that government veterihariars are certain it is spread by contact they recom mend that flocks be destroyed the answer to your decorating Cedar Mains ruled out the possibility of quarantining the animals for four or five years because of the cost The flock would grow to almost 20000 by that time Its taken 30 years to build this flock Cedar Mains owner Sidney Blair said Thursday in an interview Our object was to have the finest breeding flock in Canada and we have achieved that Blair hasnt yet accepted the opinion of federal officials that scrapie is transmitted by con tact He compares it to cancer It the policy of sla htering whole flocks is like illing off all the members of one family beause one has cancer Palgrave is 20 miles north west of Toronto boys and MONCTON NB OF Losing weight is not that dif ficult but maintaining the weight loss is trickyespecially for food aholics Sister Aurea Cormier an as sociate professor at University of Moncton who has been re searching obesity sincc 1971 says maintaining weight loss is the real challenge Maintenance of diet re mains one of the unsolved problems of obesity she said in an interview Studies conducted on the campus have shown as many as 58 per cent of successful dieters gain some or all their weight back within two years Obesity is very complex problem because there are many causes for it she said Some people overeat because they are under stress Other causes can be difficult marital situations and genetic problems or body chemistry That is why two people may eat precisely the same food but one might be fat and the other as thin as toothpick Research conducted at the university shows that some as pects of eating behavior are singular for obese persons WATCH THE BLOCK For example the clock rather than hunger pangs acts as cue to eat for obese people Easy access and palatability of food account for the large amount consumed and over weight people take more large bites and spend less time chew ing than normal weight people To successfully lose weight and keep it off You have to condition your environment in such way that it is conducive to healthy eating habits Sister Cormicr said If you dont the temptations Mitchell Haldeman to prison John Mitchell left is escorted froth the US District Building by US Marshall Monday in Washington II Haldcman talks to ncwsmcn outside court The two had just appeared before Federal Judge John Sirica who ordered Weight tricky for foodaholics become insurmountable That includes leaving candy and other problem foods out of the house or in hardtoreach places setting meal time and set eating pattern Sister Cormicrs studies show that people who maintain their weight always have more con sistent eating pattern and obese people tend to skip breakfast Shc recommends dieters being active in groups or with friend The success story in the Mon cton area shows that motiva tion isthebigthing Businessman Stephen Bar dsby lost 174 pounds in one year dropping to 164 from 338 pounds JOlNlCI REDUCING CLLB He joined weightrcduclion club in April 1976 and his ini tial incentive were his class mates64 womcn didnt want to draw any more attention to myself than had to he said For the first six months he lost five pounds week After reducing 100 pounds he visited his doctor who discovered he had developed gout in one zinklc The gout was caused by chemical changes in his body and the doctor advised him to continue dieting to cure the dis ease Sister Iormicr says attempts have been made to improve the success of weight reduction programs by including an educational aspect and creating the supportive at mosphere of group university study of 42 sub jects bctwccn the ages of 20 and 50 was conducted to compare the results of groupversusindi vidual dietary instruction in the treatment of obesity SWIM YOU own POOL FOR $4995°° No hidden charges All shapes and sizes at factory prices EXAMPLE 15 30 Oval Inground Pool complete with walk in stairs 30 concrete deck filter and vacuum kit manufactured in Barrie and installed by trained mechanics ALL YOU SUPPLY lS WATER Bank Financing Available Crown Pools Installing Pools for IS years 274 Boyview Dr Unit 7372722 7370791 after hours PUBLIC NOTICE TAX ASSISTANCE TO ELDERLY HOMEOWNERS City Council have passed Bylaw Number 7763 which provides for tax assistance credit of up to $100 against real property taxes for certain elderly homeowners To be eligible the owner must occupy the prg party as their personal residence be at least 65 years of ago before the first of July in the year in which the applicatiop is made must be resident of the City of Barrie for period of not less than five years immediately preceding the 30th day of June in which the application is made and must be in receipt of the monthly guaranteed income supplement un der Part of the Old Age Security Act Canada Further information and application forms may be obtained from the City Clerks Office The deadline for receiving applications for each year is June 30 Straughon AMCT CMC City Clerk 84 Collier Street PO Box 400 Barrie Ontario LAM 4T5 them to begin serving sentences no later than noon June 22 Sirica had sentenced Mitchell and llaldenian on February 21 1975 for their roles in the Watergate coverup AP Photo JACJIW$ASEH1 the examiner Wednesday June 36 Sand dune on the move CAIRO AP Millions of sand dunes are moving across Egypts western desert and will cover more than 280 miles of fertile Nile Valley farmland in 20 years unless something is done to stop them says Farouk el Baz an Egyptianborn Amer ican geologist He said he noted the shifting dunes in onthespot studies earlier this month He also compared the topography shown in aerial photographs of the region taken in 1952 and that shown in pictures taken two years ago by the joint United StatesSoviet space mission The dunes often 20 to 30 feet high are closing in on Nile Val ley between Cairo and Assiul said el Baz research director of the Smithsonian Institutions National Air and Space Mu seum in Washington The dunes are moving at an average of 100 feet year over the major part of the western desert he said One has smothered whole village in the Kharga Oasis there Another is smack in the middle of road built in 1963 leading to an adjacent oasis Egypt now experiencing serious population explosion has only 65 square feet of farm land per person It now is confronted by an ag ricultural crisis because water logging has ruined 20 per cent of the arable land and an addi tional 30000 to 40000 acres is lost annually to urban sprawl Egyptian and American agron omists say Although the movement of the desert sands is well known to nomadic Bedouin tribesmen its threat to Egypts farmland has been almost unnoticed by the authorities It is motion you observe you live there said el Baz who crisscrossed the desert from the Mediterranean coast to thc Dakhla Oasis about 300 miles inland When mediumsized sand grain is blown by strong wind it falls back to earth like bomb sending thousands of other particles in the winds di rection Each falls back repeat ing the motion Over days and months you almost come to be lieve the dunes are living things marching along and reproduc ing as they go Striped and priced the way he likes it crisp bright If he likes it where the action is this group plays it for all its worth Cool sportloving Canadian Made rugby and polo tops worn in or out with slacks jeans and shorts In 100 combed cotton and polyester and cotton theyre in pro selection of wide narrow and varied striped looks coloured both conservatively and extravagantly for both field and grandstand play Sized SMLXL Very inexpensive at and very inexpensi polyester in plain muted heather tones of blue tan green salmon and sized Theillustrated slacks arealsorspecially priced is easyncare texturized 3910 42 7263521 PECIAE Dont mISS the 2nd group of texturized dress slacks on sale Regular $2795 Special at 1988 JACK FRASER Bayfieltl Moll Barrie