DEADLINES WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am accommodations to share 26 births cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 houses to rent 17 lost found 7o opportunityfar men womon74 adoptions 82 boots motors 4i cottages for sale 28 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 lots for sale 04 pasture for sale 6T opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 cottages wanted 29 feed seed grain 60 in memoriams 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 09s Wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 deaths 85 financial ii instructions 69 marriages 84 pasture wanted 63 articles for sale 40 card of thanks 86 dogs pets 44 mists 39 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers l4 personals 68 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 employment wanted 76 fruits and vegetables 67 landscaping 53 money to loan l3 photography 49 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 engagements 83 garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 auction sales 79 coming events 38 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent 09 forms for rent 06 help wanted 7i livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 auto service and repairs 35 constructidn machinery 55 forms for sale 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 office stores for rent 23 property for sale OI the examlner Friday June 1977 15 72824 property for sale or rent 03 snowmobiles 38 property management 08 space for rent 24 property wartted 02 stamps and coins 45 public notices 80 summer properties for sale 31 resorts 30 swaps 46 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 rooms is 20 tenders 78 rooms wanted trade schools 75 sales help agents 72 trees and shrubs service and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 property for solo property for sole property for sole property for solo 01 Propgrty fOr sole property for solo 0l property for sole irnignec basement with or Joedrooms walkout washrooms Planned recreation iaCiIitieso Garage Large tamily room Broadloom through0ut Large liitchen Large masm bedroom Main floor laundry room Wallioul t0 patio Shopping schools trans Beautifully landscaped portation including G0 bus Pared drives bedrooms den To Qualified Purchasersl lERlflflfl Mal Rate ltd Realtor The New Home People TM 8810637 6333340 Georgina Gardens AHOP MORTGAGING GEORGE WORRALL REALTY no 110 DUNLOP St BARRiE 73743200 it GEORGINA GARDENS H000 400 HWY NN ardcn QHomc Aurora Garden Homes has shattered the price barrier Where else can you buy home oi comparable Size and features in the loronto region for undo $50 0007 Only in Aurora 0n Yonge Street It the opportunity v0uve been waiting for Come See And convinceyoursell SALES TICE Hendeno Drive King Side Rd 01 property for solo property for solo OPEN HOUSE 11 Quality Construction BthBy Lesaga investments name you can depend on in Barrie more spaciousness AURORA Garmley Side Rd bathrooms Bayvrew Ave Located at 17 St Vincent St near the bottom of Blake St and St Vincent Park Turn off Hwy 400 at Duckworth St south to bottom of St Vincent St Monday Saturday Sunday am pm Parklike Setting Across From St Vincent Park And Lake Simcoe CONDOMINIUM HOMES These homes are expertly designed to suit person who appreciates quality construction proximity to boating swim ming shopping and quiet parkland few features include °Large kitchens with sliding doors to balcony overlooking courtyard Separate dining room and separate living room Garages with paved parking into and throughout courtyard acre parkland in rear suitable for future tennis court or pool Prices start from $49900 AND UP 7283030 Barrie 4i 66331 2i Toronto Call collect anytime FOR SALE National Trust REALTOR 109 Boyfield 51 1239201 DAVIES BUILT bedroom home with full baths for the active family This well cared for home features large living room with walkout to deck fireplace in 28 family room double garage and much more Call for details today Murray Stovell Ml4l MORTGAGEE SALE Owners have left this fine home for the mar tgage rooms plus rec room all tastefully decorated Yours for the asking at $46900 Call Robin Jupp M192 LAKE COUCHICHING MOTEL Beautiful treed acre property cottages cabins motel units plus waterfront lot large residence plus another house with apartments Asking $179000 Call Bob Danford M228 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE $35900 at 360 Blake Street I400 sq ft of fully broadloomed living space Separate dining room Drive around and observe well maintained grounds buildings then call Bob Danford for more details and viewing M225 AGE MEANS NOTHING 77 $48900 Stretch your dollar with this wellcaredfor older home south of Barrie Kingsize rooms in cluding bedrooms main floor family room large den modern baths and more For an appointment please call Robin Jupp M184 National Trust Ju3 Fred Walker 7265199 Bill Sakeris 7371586 Bill Barr 7280744 Robin Jupp 7371362 Bob Danford 7263740 Murray Stovell 4362306 55 Collier St Ph 7371771 Tor Line 3608808 Utilciio mm Mortgages Appraisals Consulting WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS NEW HOUSE ANTEN MILLS L600 sq ft level side split finished 12 fireplace front lawn sodded large lot Your choice of broadloom Asking $58900 Good terms Call Dan Henderson 737 l77l ORO lt BUNGALOW 1300 sq ft fireplace garage broadloom throughout large lot house vacant Pick up key and compare Only $45900 Call Dan Henderson 7374771 or 7286065 STOREY BEDROOM in town $1000 down Call Dan Henderson 737177l Carries for $275 per month OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE $250 per month INDUSTRIAL SPACE FOR LEASE $600 per month 3200 sq ft Call Dan Henderson 737177 or 7286065 FIND PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIVING lN ONE OF THESE New Lowell bdr home over an acre $3500 down Oro bdr storey home fireplace sauna $5000 dwn Oro Custom bdr baths fireplace overlooking lake $10000 dwn Oro waterfront homes under construction high treed lots $8500 dwn Painswick bdr brick bung att garage $4500 dwn Ju3 TOWN HOUSE bedroom condominium townhouse Excellently decorated FlnlSlN rec room baths tuliy broadloomed near school and shopping $37500 Telephone 726 0276 PRIVATE New bedroom with fireplace lull base merit plus cold cellar huge double COZY WO bedroom bungalow on large 937EQELIEEPPOOErTflPFVnJPn5599351 lot incountry Room for future expan BEDROOM blc 564 Pm 5th minutes from lake Call Queenie frcplacev Oaraï¬er basement apart Llltlo 436 I997 rep Davin WISS Real ment East enc 155000 EM 00 all 726 9005 the home follies who car about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA 48 bedroom bungalow eatin kitchen and large living room Private back yard Low down payment Asking $5 500 Call Ross Leeder 7269245 ALUMINUM AND BRICK BUNGALOW bedrooms broadloom throughout Immediate possession $51900 Call Ross Leeder 726 9245 EAST END $59500 storey bedroom home Immaculate con dition with quality broadloom Air conditioning Stone fireplace stone bar area and much more Call Ross Leeder 7269245 Ju3 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Ross Leader 7269245 iii iirulli Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Corby Adams manager 7286829 Saunders REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111 Photo Multiple Listing Service HIGHWAY 92 Wasaga Beach bedroom bungalow frig and stove new septic and well in l976 With $5000 down vendor will hold mor tgage Asking $27900 CONCESSION ORO on Lakeshore Rd bedroom cottage fully in sulated most furnishings remain deeded beach rights $l8900 JONATHAN COURT immaculate bedroom bungalow completely broadloomed basement completely finished fireplace with heatalators finished laundry room workshop cold room attached garage patio lovely treed and hedged lot $52900 iNNISFiL CONCESSION Lebannon and 25th sideroad immaculate bedroom brick bungalow full basement with rec room extra bedroom utility room and workshop detached garage birches and privacy hedge on lot 66 250 Vendor will hold first mortgage Asking $59900 TOO SQ ACRES with 38 56 bank barn fronting on 9th line of in nisfil just east of Highway liCal for details MILDRED AVE Concession lnnisfil immaculate bedroom aluminum bungalow with large living room oak kitchen cabinets and large bright dining area laundry room off kitchen attached garage Lot 75 208 Asking $44900 Ju3 Esther Kennedy 424547l Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Loo Cavanaugh 728l207 80b Sounders 7263883 Lorry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstone 7263043 HOE DOE ESTATES New bedroom homes over 950 sq feet with family room $1000 down move in offer limited 15 year mortgage Country living Barrie Area 7286875 7289734 WThFTF PR Newmarketa l331300 13rbgddroeom brick BEDROOM bungalow broadloom bungalow on mature tread comer at Lhrrggglhn6tfg basemem rec mom to grartly finished basement Paved poo residential area VEWBY Phone 895 £53990799é32r1scuev9 Eiotmenl 95