Odyssey By PAUL DELAN Examiner Staff Writer Karl Schulz is sitting in rather stark office puffing on cigar always thought there should be place for kids in Barrie The kids were short changed not having place to go In my day there were lots of places kids could go In the background topten hit So Into You by the the Atlanta Rhythm Section blares from an expensive CerwinVega sound system ELMVALF Staff With considerable early enthusiasm shown ElmvalevFlos Agricul tural Society is proceeding with plans for its annual twoday fair which rates with the better fall exhibitions in Simcoe Youn ty Well be holding it again on Thangsgiving weekend said Larry Clement who is serv ing his third year as president of the society as he announced the dates were Friday and Saturday Oct and These late fall fairs have proven very popular in recent years and our executive thought we should stay with this arrangement he said Asked how long the late fairs were held lr lemciit said he wasnt just certain But it has been longer than seven years he answered Robertsons midway of Mount Albert has been signed to provide attractions at the 19771air Norm Miller is on the sulky racing committee while past president Lloyd lunlop of Moonstone is in charge of regr istration for inside concessions and Ken Spring for outside displays We have had number of in Peter Johnson of Thomton is the winner of last wee identified Paul Newman and Robert Net The song appeals to groups of teens clustered around tables sipping soft drinks About 30 mostly girls in painter pants get up to dance The place is called Odyssey II and its Karl Schulzs alter native to boredom for Barrie teenagers From the street it looks like giant piece of pipe but there are surprises inside Schulz has spent 375000 converting the former Burton Avenue ware house into discotheque and the design of the structure lent quiries already said Mr Cle ment stating the secretary treasurer Marlene Tinney also had received calls about fair concessions We received calls from Barrie as well as elsewhere The entire executive has been busy with plans for the fari which was described as Coin munity effort for Elinvale and district We owe our success to the general cooperation we receive said the president Mr lement said the exec utive is hoping for good weather which could make record attendance Many for iiier residents of the area visit during the Thanksgiving week end and meet friends at the fair We had good attendance last year despite rain and it would have been much more with favorable weather he commented First elected president for the 1973 term Mr lenient said in his first year head of the organization the fair had to be cancelled due to reconstruction of the arena following spring fire They told me at the meeting last winter that should serve ovie trivia itself well to the transforma tion For one thing there are no pillars Each of the 450 seats allows good view of the cen tral dance floor Also the hollow highceilinged structure effectively carries and spreads the sound Schulz opened Odyssey 11 Feb 11 sign at the door says that it has been created for the enjoyment of funloving people of all ages but the market has been pretty specific litzi Whitbread has word with disc jockey Dan Madoie between songs at the Odyssey disco nightclub in Barrie In catering to the 15 to 18 crowd Odyssey has drifted away from Thanksgiving weekend fair again planned at Elmvole two years when the fairs are held he smiled when asked about his thirdyear term When they asked me to carry on agreed for one more year Mr lement succeeded Lloyd Dunlop of Moonstoone as presi dent of the ElmvaleFlos Agricultural Society Technology hitring birds OWEN S17Nlfnt Pi local expert in homing pi geons thinks the birds direc tional instinct is being inter fered with by modern tech iiology Tom Williams who has raised homing pigeons and raced them for 33 years says losses of birds in pigeon races have become serious problem Just returned from the 13111 Annual Racing Pigeon lymr piad at Blackpool England Williams blames the cluttered airwaves for the losses He says they lllltlftlt with the birds hearing ks Movie trivia contest 11c mrrcctly lford in The Sting He will nceivc passes for two to the Imperial Twin Theatre or the Barrie Twin Drive In Winner is selected by draw from all coriecto answers received In the nine weeks the contest has run there have been 200 en trips tf you can identify these stars and the movie this scene is from send your answer to Movie Trivia The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont 14M tIt since day one the 15 to 18 yearolds think we were the first to try it on full scale for teenagers the owner says The Odyssey clientele ap preciates that commitment Margret 16 said Friday she probably would have been at home doing nothing looking at four walls had there been no Odssey Lorien Lungershausen 17 wouldve sat at home or walked downtown She and sister Lorna also 17 have been regulars at the Odyssey from the start NOTHING ELSE Theres nothing else for kids in Barrie comments Jim Stebbings 17 Despite their patronage at tendance at the Odyssey has dropped noticeably since the highlysuccessful opening weeks On good night there are 250 to 300 people It is Schulz admits fickle market that tneds to get bored without different attractions Theres already been change of disc jockeys and dance con tests have been introduced Professional dancers will visit in June to demonstrate the latest in disco technique Friday the Odyssey brings in the first of what Schulz expects to be series of live bands The group is called The Towers The emphasis will be on local bands and admission will re main at the actual $250 with student card and $3 unless there is change in the calibre of acts booked the usual straight disco music in favor of Top 10 tunes lub owner Karl Schulz has also decided to bring in live bands the first of which will perform Friday Examiner Photo weekend notebook Any nonprofit organization or individual may have coininunit event in Notebook Just call 7204537 and ask for Pat iucrgis falls for Mondays Notebook must be received by noon Friday for publication the following Monday alls for Weekend Notebook published Thursday on the Leisure Page must be received by noon Wednesday did you The Barrie Arena on lunlop Street cast is the site of this weekends recreation showcase sponsored by the Barrie Department recreation groups will show the public what they have to of Parks and Recreation fer Examiner Photo know Approximately 50 tonight The Barrie Horticultural Society will hold its monthly meeting at pm at odrington Street School Guest speaker will be Mrs lupp who will speak about roses An open house will beheld at Artifacts craft gallery owned by Sandra Orr at 205 lunlop St demonstration on weaving pottery and spinning will be featured until pm Thursday nights are bingo nights at the Embassy Hall on Blake Street Regular cards start at 8pm and early bird bingo at 730 p111 Eight hundred dollars in prizes is available for the $150 admission fee The bingos are spon sored by the Knights of Columbus The Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliaiy will hold its an nual Marathon Bridge Party at 74 pm in the cafeteria on the semiid floor Lunch will be served at 10 pin Other games of cards may also be played Tickets areavailable by calling 7280130 Barrics downtown mall is featuring entertainment sales and Spttllll displays friday Rebekah and Oddfellows ltF Hall on Ferris Lane at pm There will be bingo will be held at the refreshment booth anti jackpot $100 The downtown mall in Barrie has lots to see and do in eluding sales displays pet show entertainment and st ltl dance at Memorial Square from to 11pm saturday The last art rental day for the summer by the Barrie Art lub will be held in the basement of the Barrie Public Library from to At pm The service will resume the first Saturday in September mammoth auction sale oiiimuiiity entre starting at will be held at the Minesing 10 am It is being sponsored by the espra Township Fire Department with proceeds go mg to the Siiiicoe Roscoe Squad Muscular Dystrophy and the burned out family fund Rivcrwood raft iroup will hold garage sale at 12 llcatlier St From 921111 to in Bakes goods candy grab bags and garage items will be available to the general piibl lt llillsdalc ominunity Fair will beheld at Medonte West School llillsdale pct show fmm 030 to 11 am challenge bed race at 11 and fair from 1130 am to pm will be featured during the day Other attractions will include rummage and bake sales bingo crafts dunking machine displays Nicklmdeon 5050 draw hoiseshocs and challenge ball game Demonstrations summer sales childrens zoo sidewalk sales entertainment free balloons and variety of refreshment stands are part of thedowntown mall in Barrie sunday llic Angus Lions Club Flea Market will be open today from 12 to pm It is located at the club hall on Highway 90 in Angus An interdcnoiriinational service aimed priiiiaiily at shut ins and handicaple people of all ages who cannot or dinarily get to church will be held at St Maiys atholic liurclr llarric at Ll pm For Wheeler 7211172730 or lwcii lrcer at 7200101 monday Free lessons in lawn bowling will be given during open house at th Allandale Lawn Bowling Club on llssa ltoad at 1110 pm For further information call Florence McFadden 2117266012 more information call llarb Iesure Communifyrecreoiion showcase puts 50 groups into city arena More than 50 recreational groups will gather under one roof Saturday for city sponsored comm unit recreatio showcase designed to let residents see the variety of recreational opportunities available in Barrie The event will be held in the Barrie Arena lunlop Street West from 10 am to pm and will feature performances by dozen of the groups and entertainment for children as well as the Strodd displays Ad mission is free Participants will range from snowmobilers to cricketeers from lacrosse organizers to pigeon racers from dramatists to rug hookers The number of opportunities there are for community this size is really phenomenal An alternative to boredom The bands will perform from an elevated stage at one end of the strcture making the dance floor the top vantage int The disc jockey will eep the musical mommium going dur ing the breaks Despite the dip in attendance they find other things to do in the summer Schulz con siders Odyssey successful venture to this point There were rowdiness pro blems in the beginning mostly due to alcohol but these have been remedied the owner says NO BOOZE Odyssey is not licensed and prominent sign in the doorway advises that anybody caught in the possession or influence of alcohol will be ejected per manently According io Schulz very small percentage caused most of the problems Some have been barred from returning We work hand in hand with the police department They patrol our grounds regularyly The other part has got to come from the parents and the kids themselves We cannot be babysitters for that age group Odyssey presently operates only two days week Friday and Saturday from 830 pm to am That wont be the case too much longer You cant generate enough income in jast two days business of this magnitude pretty well has to run over full week That doesnt necessarily mean more disco nights Schulz said the premises will be rented for parties and other gatherings on off lays llERlC TO STA would think the place is here to stay In my dealings have been moderately suc cessful But nothing comes from nothing youve got to work at it Im like an old airplane flyer fly by the seat of my pants says Schulz also owner of the Schnitzel Ilaus restaurant downtown And what of the Odyssey 11 If there ever was an Odyssey trip Homers epic poem of the wanderings of Odysseus after the fall of Troy guess we were second And you try harder when youre numbertwo name says Gary Stoner recreation director for the city Stoner says the idea for the showcase grew out of las falls community recreation con ference where it was dis covered that many of the groups had no idea of one anothers existence still less of the variety of organized recrea tion in town It was surprising to us at the conference to learn of the number of groups he says If we were surprised then we were sure the general public was unaware of all the leisure opportunities there are in Bar ric Though the city operates an extensive recreation program most of the groups to be represented at Saturdays show fashion show at disco Nowadays its considered important to be fashionable even when at play Active sportswear will be one of the design areas featured at Fashion Surprise Show of mens and womens clothing tonight at at the Friends 1iscotheque94 ï¬le examiner Lorien Lungershousen gets it on are independent of city control Providing them with forum like the showcase is part ofa ci ty policy of lending such organizations hand Without their kind of help Stoiicr says there would be many voids in recreation in the community Groups at the showcase will have displays literature and members on hand to answer questions In addition clowns ballons and playground activities will be available for children just to keep the kids occupied while mom and dad look through whats happening at the rest of he showcase says Stoner The Banie YMYWCA will offer fitness testing centre The live performance schedule Thursday June 977 1030 am Barrie Table Tennis Club 11 am Royal Canadian Air Cadets 1130 am Parkview Cen tre for Senior Citizens 12 noon Gettogether Club 1230 pm Barrie Pigeon Racing Club 1pm St John Ambulance 130 pm Scottish country dancing 2pm Littles Hill Players 230 pm the Barrie chapter for the Society for the Preservation and Encourage ment of Barber Shop Quarter Singing in America pm Barrie Gymnastics Club 330 pm Huronia Sym phony Association pm Town and Country folk dancing lunlop St Modelling some of the outfits that will be shown are from left Lesley llasenpflug Jane Stewart and Nora Saso Tickets for the show are $2 in advance $250 at th door Examiner Photo