Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1977, p. 4

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II mo ausmrgs Published daily except The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureauot Circul ggxmggfiw managing editor Cfnvéslls manage Marian Gosugh accoumam Sunday and tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories In this newspa Sean Finlay citv editor SALESMEN BEllY Armer StalUIOIY holidaYS credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local Randy McDonald sports editor Ian MacMurchy Dorothy Bowland Subscriptions news stories published in The Examiner flung mun i3 93 63 ggsaxci°wferd WEEKgégggarrer The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material ar anewiree or Lyal nson ar an serving ban9 and Simcoe counfy Rosth McCabe Meswie Barb Scum YEARLY by carrier created by its employees and published in this newspaper Odmv Juno 1m Roll Kraiker photographer Dana Graham BY gluing Copyright registration number 203815 register oi arre Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 3235 sxggtfigTfigagcr MO xzuhneaalIadvertismg offices as Queenst Toronto sumo uo Cathcart st Paul Delean nkns asst manager SIMCOE COUNTY Bayheld Shae Barne onono Richard Dunstan CLAssmlEo 22drlaeughion $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out Pat Guerdls Ruth Blais Supervisor Judy Hickey MOTOR THROWOFF errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actuain occupied Elia Agosflnlpubnshf 55° 555 Lesley Yovno Alva La Plante $39 Year by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error mm She MCGOVE Elaine Porter ELSEWHERE CANADA is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for libs 509 RWlme Freda Shinner Mar Scar 33350 non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement 7266539 7266537 7266537 7266537 7282414 Minimum wage should not rise Need for Canada to regain some of its lost foreign trade has been frequently stressed by economists in endeavors to find effective means of overcoming unemployment If this to be achieved it is essential that production costs be kept at competitive level This makes concen trated efforts to keep up the fight against inflation more necessary than ever Instead of pushing for relaxing of controls those con cerned about unemployment should be encouraging ovemments to cut down on tax spending to help usiness and industrial expansion as well as the general economy Lower taxes and cooperative action to increase pro ductivity could be an important step toward recovering Canadas rightful place in the international trade markets and thus create needed jobs As pointed out by Dr Rynard MP for North Simcoe not so many years ago Canada ranked fifth in world trade and now has declined to about 15th However wellintended the proposal to increase minimum wages at this uncertain period in economic recovery due largely to the steady inflation is simply not racticai It would not only add to overhead cost of usiness and industry but of necessity add to the cost of living index for Canadians generally Those counting on tourist trade jobs have special reason for Concern As pointed out by speakers to the Chamber of Com merce and other touristpromoting organizations higher prices in Canada than in the United States have added greatly to the difficulties of trying to promote more American tourist travel here On the contrary statistics show there has been sharp decline which would become even more serious Canadians have been spending much more in the Queens park Key issues still some By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO After nearly five weeks of campaigning the position in this election doesnt seem to have changed all that much from the way it shaped up at the start When the gate opened it appear the govern ment would probably get ack with ma jority the NDP would once again be the of ficial sition and the Liberals would drop probab sharply The main uncertainty seemed to be the question of numbers Whether the govern ment majority would be borderline or com fortable Whether the NDP would be able to make substantial gains or remain where it was and perhaps drop some seats And whether the Liberals would be able to retain good presence or suffer critical losses LIBERAIS HURT At this late date the still remain the key questions The campaign has done little to clarify them As we get close to the vote it still seems that the government will get its majority but gem is no real sense just how big it might The NDP comes across as well entrenched but with there still being uncertainty as to how it will finally end up And the Liberals appear as even more down than at the start with their final holding depending on how many of their members can personally keep their seats At one time it appeared it mi be United States than Americans have here because wages reasonable to expect them to return an 20 and prices are lower across the border seats Now it looks as though they will be able Instead of helping the economy jump in the present minimum wage of $265 per hour to $4 as proposed by Stephen Lewis would only aggravate the problem To get back to economic fundamentals wage increases should come with increased productivity where justified Otherwise more accelerating inflation unemployment and rises in living Costs could result Blair ignored Dear Sir It is source of surprise and concern that no party has made an election issue of the proposed recommendations of the Blair Com letters to the editor Several auctions were held that assisted with other expenses The event showed small profit and this will be turned over to the society would appreciate if if you would print this in your paper in order that we may stem any further rumors Parliament hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau be no time for some new and radical crusade With the exception of that resolution which Levesque stresses patience in message to his followers Inside the meeting hall delegates didnt even push the premier for date on which the to congratulate themselves if they do this POLL DAGGER The most influential event to date has probably not been anything that the three parties have done but poll that was published by the Toronto Star May 21 This poll which was taken in the early stages of the campaign showed that the government was holding steady at strong 43 per cent of the vote the NDP had dramatically risen to an impressive 35 per cent and the Liberals had sunk to 20 per cent The figure for the Liberals was the key one The govemments 43 per cent was con firmation that it was standing strong The big NDP gain was not as important as it might seem for when applied to the electoral map it didnt show any equivalent improvement in seats gained But the poor Liberal showing was dagger It portrayed the party as in very low estate and probably influenced lot of borderline votes This was particularly bad blow in that the Liberals really hadnt started their campaign when the survey was taken and were leI beginning to make some impact when the poll was released mission Thanking you Thomson News Service would effectively provide abortions on referendum will be held Without dissenting They had seemed to be gammg momentum If it has been mentioned man it has been Sincerely Apart from that resolution on abortion demanda somewhat radical step for any vaicenthe government was given free hand But When the Palms Became known they missed this reader Is it that 1e dom Ed Tschirhart Premier Rene Leyesque and other members Quebec governmentLevesque and his to dccrde on this question seemed tOIOSea lot Olms know abth the commission and 20 oubt the Campaign chairman of his Quebec cabinet mist be delighted wrth cabinet wont have any difficulty living with At prevrous convention the party was Tor an is kee in met that twoday policy conference in Montreal other suggested policies told that when it assumed power it was to mytgfis grea wepinegviltabl face annexation The 1200orso delegates who used to And srncc the government is not obliged to set immediately in motion the necessary and alarming and distreszm as this mosé represent every Viewpomt from the rousrng adopt any of the recommendations it procedures for declaring an independent cenaml is we as rt mgners are much radical to the farright reactionary have ob probablywont have much difficulty with state of Quebec New under the heavy more coficemed wipm filagwm face us when Dear Sir viously simmered down Since the Nov 15 abortions either suspect we wont be responsrbility of office thehard edges have Canadas and if the Conservative government mana es AS kite this letter know of Student election elevated the Part1 Quebecors to hearing much about that for sometime been taken off this instruction and the party to pass this destructive and discriminatgry who is suffering from an infected toothone of power Now seems the delegats ale PREACHED PATIENCE promote as far as possble the 31 piece legislation many that he has had during the school year generally content to leave major decrsrons in Since the PQ came to power Levesque has tonomy of Quebec during the period to be ary personal letter from Darcy McKeough in formed us that he is in favor of the findings of the commission which means that any far mer living or bordering an area of inflated by developers land values faces taxes bas ed on the market value of his land How can any farmer possibly continue to farm when his land tax basis changes from vlaue of $500 or $1000 per acre to one of $8000 or $9000 an acre because of price spiralling due to out side vested interests We would like to know how the NDP and Liberal parties will vote on this issue as both profess some antipathy to Innisfil annexation and want to preserve good farm land This farm has been in our family for 30 years and no amount of money will replace what we feel for the land yet we have no hope of seeing this land continuing in farm use Yours sincerely Rosalie Ilarvic Kills rumors Dear Sir The undersigned as campaign chairman of the Barrie and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society organized beefbarbecue for all the volunteers of the 1977 campaign canvass As is the usual custom the society does not and will not permit their funds to be used for anything outside of cancer research or directly with cancer It appears that there are rumors afloat which would indicate the Canadian Cancer Society paid for this event This is not true The volunteers who attended paid their ad mission which covered the cost of the food have to pay more for American and European b°r was the first Winner Another Ottawa omififyfim Sgnal wgggcglysggIngnaéthEErfgfgggsiv3 car models than Americans and Europeans goyigrank BouChzrhé rho played New we gxgd Chambers almost tapercentrate but is the highest in Australia does no have anything similar to clzing ebm RIE hfiialléidsmmheesq smce the depressmn our current AntiInflation Board But Prime Maple Leafswas one Lady 33 Waite Australian labormanagement relations MmiSter Flaseristryi work OUtSChemeS Ottawa players although he ldnt Win the Th are even more stormy than our own since mafia pm and wage 39183 Byng tmphy Somethingon your mind Australian unions parallel British ones and 900m Wee mons ald govein Send us letter to the editor Pieawse rgjke collective agreements with enalties for 3345 fifigofig$lgfsthafgradgfime Conll it an ori nal copy and sign it Dear Sir violating contracts are not nown as in Plme publish tigrrsigned letters although pen Please accept the thanks of the Kempenfelt Canada mmSer for lfeSyle Prme MmSter name will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but Wt wont nnt your address should you prefer Weve onnd that short letters are the bestread Because of of our party and We greatly appreciate your businessmen in conference but they call it capitalism But he is rich and has his own 3ndde°°y remna WstAnd space limitations public interest and good effortsonour behalf the Canadian disease lifestyle and in this sense parallels his WI execute 81 vengeance POI them zl taste we sometimes have to edit condense Australia has so many similarities to Australian counterpart With furious Shakes and they Illa imow if or reject letters Letters to the editor run Yourssrncerely Canada in terms of land space low But Australia has many differences from that am the Lord when shall lay my Wednesdays and Saturdays St yours to Mrs Fraser Regent population industrial structure and foreign Canada one of the chief being more equal Vengeafce P0II themEmma 251317 lattes to the editor The Examiner Box 370 Imperial Order Daughtch markets comparison of CanadianAustralian distribution of wealth About threequarters 60d 15 Pa able Of Great love 1008 Patience Barrie Ont MM Of The Empire performance is always worthwhile of Australias 14 million pcopicown homes but surel gment due to no dental care know of many students who had inade quate clothing to wear during the winter mon ths and often were literally shivering whatever they went outside There is real and urgent need for free den to care for children there is tremendous need for more help for disadvantaged children and their families But what do read about today in Mr Taylors campaign ads mainly name call ing We have poverty in Simcoe County There is high unemployment alcoholism drug abuse pollution marriage breakdown and many other problems right here in our own area What people need to know is what will the different political parties do about each of these issues For strong democratic system we need in telligent discussion of the issues not name calling Richard Austin concerned teacher and voter More on CHAY Dear Sir This is just note to sympathize with your letter from Jonathan Mills re CHAY FM have almost lost an otherwise quite accep table si nal from CBC FM For exception of bit of local news which can be heard on CKBB CHAY provides the same insipid dinner music of most other FM stations Its difficult to understand why they were granted licence Dont we have enough air pollution already hope something can be done to restore Chapter lODE in grateful appreciation of the splendid coverage your paper gave our Maytime Card Party am sure this added greatly to the success the hands of the elected representatives There had been many worries among PQ officials prior to this convention that extreme elements of the arty might decide to rock the boat at this elicate stage of the partys history This was the first PQ convention to speak directly to party in power and probably the last prior to that promised referendum on Quebec independence With Levesque already precariously perched on angplank trying to balance the widely vergent views of his followers this would The world today By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Australia our distant Pacific Com monwealth partner is facing the same economic difficulties as Canada For Australians as for Canadians the boom has long gone inflation unemployment and wages are all at record highs Australian politicians businessmen and union leaders parody Canadian leaders as they admit to the end of good times over confidence from the years of expansion and the failure of Australian industries to com pete in the world Inflation in this subcontinental nation with so many parallels to Canada is now at 135 per cent or about threepercent higher than in Canada Hence the reason for Australian in dustrialists defining their country as having caught the British disease Such state ments have also been made by Canadian been heavily preoccupied with preaching pa tience to his enthusiastic followers know we are moving too slowly for many of our sup porters he has said but the changes we propose cannot be implemented overnight His message obviously got across And when the delegates arrived in Montreal for their convention they were met by about 100 demonstrators with placards proclaiming PQ bourgeois Imagine that happening to the Parti Quebecois Boom long gone for Australians Like Canada Australia is major mining country with large resources of bauxite iron or coal nickel zinc and lead Also like Canada the mining industry is in slump partly as result of punitive taxation policies and competitive prices in in ternational markets for minerals Australian secondary manufacturing has good deal of builtin inefficiency like the Ca nadian with present discussion about closing down nonprofitable producers and coming up with some kind of industrial strategy How familiar that sounds Australia like Canada has plenty of car plants more in fact with Toyota and Chrysler along with General Motors having fullyintegrated carmaking plants And Australians ask as we do why they Fraser is wealthy and somewhat sombre man committed to the capitalist system Our prime minister is indeed not sombre and some wonder about his commitment to spent in the present fedczal regime My rice Duplessis could live with that To the surprise of no one delegates displayed overwhelming enthusiasm for the PQS proposed language policies And remember few years ago when the party was so anxious to break all ties with military alliances such as NATO and NORAD There would be none of these ridiculous war games when Parti Quebecois government assumed office ALL THINGS CHANGE Well these things change too and this con vention rescinded its earlier stand after Economic Development Minister Bernard Landry said that even the socialist parties of Western Europe accept NATO And why would social democratic party like ours do otherwise Good question and its odd it didnt arise during previous conventions Perhaps the most difficult resolution for Levesque was the one banning cigarette smoking during the convention And the premier and several other ministers used this as an example of the partys independence But they will need to find better examples than this if they are going to prove that the partys decisionmaking process still rests in the hands of the rankandfile This twoday convention gave every indication that the process is resting fairly firmly in Quebec ity RENE LEVESQUE asks time Governors served well By BOB BOWMAN From 1612 when Champlain became lieutenantgeneral of the Viceroy to 1952 Canadas governors or govemorsgeneral came from France or Britain Tradition was broken in 1952 when Canadianborn Vincent Massey was appointed Canada was fortunate in the type of mu who served as governors or governorIr general both French and English Alde they came from the highest ranks of society few of them were stuffed shirts number of them made remarkable journeys to see as much of the country as possible in days when travel was difficult Some were greatly interested in sports Lord Stanley who served from 1888 to 1893 donated the Stanley Cup to hockey It Was in tended to be awarded annually to the ma teur champions of Canada but has since been expropriated by the rofessionals Another great hoc ey fan was Lady Byng whose husband was governorgeneral from 1921 to 1926 Ottawa was in the Natipnal Hockey League in those days and won num ber of Stanley Cups Lord Byng was often spectator at the game but Lady was nearly always there She donated Byng trophy to be awarded annually to the player who best exemplified skill and clean play Ottawas great centreice star Frank Nigh Therefore thus saith the Lord God Behold will stretch out mine hand upon the Phllistlnes and will cut if the Clienthlms

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