Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1977, p. 28

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accommodations to share births BI cottages to rent 27 farm machinery houses to rent lost found 70 opportunity far men women property for sale or rent 03 snowmobiles 38 adoptions 82 boots motors 4I cottages for sole 28 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent I9 lots for sale 04 pasture for sale 61 property management as space for rent 24 opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 cottages wanted 29 teed seed grain in memoriams 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 property wanted 02 stamps and coins 45 apts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 deems 85 financial instructions 69 marriages 84 pasture wanted 63 public notices 00 summer properties for sale 31 lid for Sale 40 and 0f thanks 86 dogs pets 44 norm insurance 10 mobile homes trailers l4 personals 68 resorts 30 swaps 46 articles latent 43 cars for sale 32 mIptoymem wanted 76 wits and vegetables 57 landscaping 53 money to loan 13 photography 149 room andboard 2l teachers wanted 73 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 engagements 33 garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 room 01 320 tenders 111 auction sales 79 coming events 30 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 Odo SCltOOls 75 °Ul° OCCOSSOIIGS 36 commelfiiql SOIO 09 forms for rent 06 help wanted 7I livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales help agents 72 trees and shrubs 31 auto service and repairs 35 constructibn machinery 55 forms for sale 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 office stores for rent 23 property for sale service and repairs 54 06k and trailers OI property for sale Arrhfl MINESING Solid bdrm ranch style bung attached dbl garage and breezeway country style kit wIots of room finished bsmt extra bdrm and rec room large lot low taxes very reasonable priceI BUILDING LOT STROUD Build your own dream on this 66 l85 no coqdominium am Large balcony inquiries ensuring maximum lat ll ld bl HAWKESTONE bdrm alum stone laced bungalow large seaguynasifi er ms ave 900 Mhon 728 uIICnIIyId emzsgaburevggunggcorgm mggigIzsmII$SIeIrermlge mos broadloomed LR 13 I9 separate DR good sized kit very clean room locker room Telephone 7269474 Io funds or residemial and nKeIY decoratedI large deoched workshop in privme porklike DSTRESS SALE IRedIuced 570 $2500 down starer home weekdays only coumeIICIaI and IacreIIIIIOIIIII back YardI new furnaceI excepfionol proper 539300 bdrms family Sized kitchen basement Clean home In good REALTOR RENT Now condition Terms to suit MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY Mike IBODUNLOP ST BUY LATER jpropemes $25500 bdrm home lnnisfil close to lk elec ht 50 150 lot Sarenchuk 7288800 E7309M 726 9933 $225 mommy bedroom am spacIOIIs tWe also purchase existing mar nice area well worth the price LAKE FRONTAGES Pravda nd be MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS parking Apleances duDIexI need tot tgages for cash 0R0 Twp cc COUNTRY LVNG 60 280 It You can buy later for $2500 Call Mortgage Manager Ian Ilornia redwood chalet nestled amongst hardwood bdrm bungalow guest cabin baths boat 5le dock near Hwy 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899437 WW COnaCl Rep Of Taurus Real bl 16x20 LR se DR wo taI Family sized home featuring Estate AshJain7373000 or 00 90 me ge 32 bdrm 00 37000 d°w OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL to iuubsm wsauna re Inca broadloom $43 400 bedrooms on one floor PRIVATE SALEs33soo buysbungalow aus 7371881 RETIREMENT HOME $34900 Dutch Clean cozy yr new2 bdr bothsI double garageI famny aggyagécrzdggaffionzgogaéaisgggfiow RES TOLL FREE 87I5385 LK SIIVIICOIE WATERFRONTII bdrm furnished cottage artesian ms Top quality broadloom new appliances Convenient shopping EXCLUSIVE AGENVS room with fireplace and patio lng room piece bath and laundry well pIne Interior 50 of beach only $45000 centre transportation Mike Sarenchuk 728884 B7296M FOR doors fenced may yordI TmIIICIoIséeIIIcItnschool and lake 9th line $45500 Newly constructed brick home on 317 treed lot bdrms JUlMP beautifully treed l00 200 fen FRI ATEI 26 bedroom am 07 DUnIOP Sl EOSII full bsmt DR wwalkout deck $4500down ced homesneI Asking $64300 tome Appliances included porch BARRIE Jul mm 538 Jones 726m 0313133110211511031130130 Margin OnIIaio Mortgage Gerry Syvokas 4873362 Bernice Whelan 7262334 MOI Iqoqos er Dm ro ers ssocrat an PAINSWICK Id 7263109 gckigorker 32323 DAV oven sm Sum lds1 Jul n3 rigifitscgzess ooe eroa sa It ther intdpmatiaftngall Becock€rrga Iiilift Conveniently located in the downtown area across from the park and close to the hospital featuring elegant fireplace in dining room spacious 20 40 masterbed and broadloomed throughout reduced price $64500 Call Ray Budel 7263871 or 7289275 bdrm home located on well freed lot In nice area Included in WlIl OIIOChOd garage Vacant and ready to move Into Call Ingrid 7284294 Chen with builtin dishwasher Enloy Barrie the 2200 sq ft of living area are family room with pass through Mme 7284998 °r 7264653 LTgsree°$sm lgeflaffslgomm 7373451 kilChen li°ld5°° lirePIOCo 00 6°an bookcase REDUCED TO $33900 Waterfront Wasaga Beach fully furnished drapes upgraded broadloom prtftes 803 CfOOmorO 4662l36 broadloom throughout two and one 2plece bathrooms Asking bedroom cottage on Old Mosley Street stone fireplace in living fangLfigdfifpuszngnfifgfgx2m TFIII $62500 To view call Ray Budel 7263871 or 7289275 room modern kitchen pc bath Must sell Call Ingrid Miller at IVATE SALE Ann Lester 7454822 Johnson Carney Ltd Ju2 7284998 or 7264651 BEDROOINII bbungaloiIv broadIooIrIrIi Realtor First and Second throughout 359mm f°°mr SHANTY BAY area bedroom MORTGAGE HOBBY FARM $48500 $32900 INNISFIL Frame bedroom house with attached garage 43312700m7922995r23 28 MOTigema are gurgalow Imaeched garage paved Reasonoickkkaicso Located Close to Hwy 400 at Hillsdale Featuring large bedroom 19le d°C°°°d 600d 9m5 C0 Ingrid Mme 017284995 726 gggRabfi 5cgmjgfigfi ahdebrsgzszmsullnlgTigcr1hl r2333 Existing home with separate dining room large summer kitchen that would 4651 fireplace garage basement will °° wm wakm mug WWW art make an ideal family room Several buildings including barns Jul IO DUNLOP ST BARRIE 9122100 and $55000 ca 7769005 2221 5E9OTLP3TNEO28 lurclgasgrads This property is vacant and looking for new owner Call Ray Bubel KAREN PAWUK 7371096 DAVEWASS clA 7204651 residence large beautiful rooms he For cash 7289275 or Lenora Laycock 7285018 Mu SIMPSON 726 memo mu nu sale or Trade 333 15663277 hall Bame Lo Mortgage Life Ins QUEENIE LITTLE 4364992 100 GALLANT 7364651 086 0059 at rear By lance FIRST TIME OFFEREDEAST END VICSMALL 4362305 DONMILLER 4364507 gjrmrggweén ISIITIIiggeflrggggggeflgh pmgtament only Mail or phone Available bedroom brick bun glow with Lsho ed livln and WFTF partly linished basement Paved II had roomI driveway Phone 416 8959517 for ap PRIVATE SALE bedr°°m 25l0rey baths to 11115 basement with rec room and kitchenette Office pointment Mme 2° mm r°°m nmed ENTERPRISES Lee Vc Vi orIIgurth beIdroomII 7A2I18IgoOI08l setup for your motherInlaw To view $1 hMIIIIIIEIIIIuIgIsIIIIIIILAIIizIfor Igginim gm ggurcafiogséIoggInafiIgggmtha baths I21 BAYFIEIID STI CO OHOFO 01110c INVESTMENT TPROPETRTY If VTB luxu tawnhomes newly decorated over 300 ll 39375579£°°z 9Y9219 acre tot on Ann St with bedroom house 7267130 OUTH OF BARRIE rY PRIVATE SALE 5mles 50 °f Ba° car garage and shop with entrance it Office Hours bedroom brick and aluminum storey home with centre hall bodrooms nihed rec room lure kmhon wnh anaded laun Beaummy 99 V7 99 With cw Dialstreetss75000Call 7268650 am pm dry room Ia baths I0° financing an lull price 538900 g27°iguggojflpg$35 1533333 appoimmm plan formal dining room large living room Full partlail finished basement Call Lenora Laycock 7285018 or 726387l EXCELLENT STARTER GUTHRlEWSIOO Call 7371672 LIMITED REA 2259 ailgagsesrftogt ISEL229128Socszr Lgorae 192IWISldeISpllf Abbedroom house on TF at large rlck fireplace liv Cosy edroom ome aca ed IO miles from Barrie Work saying OR LtIIIepIrinIarleIIIfiIfg £333ng maroon bathrooms basement double IMORTGAGE LOANS TO S25 kitchen panelled living room $21000 first mortgage To view call Lenora Laycock 7285018 22 MIDHURST ESTA TES beautiful landscaped 100 234 Peter Brocalente 7263916 Bill McCreary 7281865 mesheggfiifi 32313 finofilolgzéfig Custom homes on forested acre lots Come to Midhursf Estates IotAmust to 599 Jim Cancilla 7374597 Verna Mullin 7282875 Thewedding will take place at pm and see if oud like to on SCENIC HOME SITES in Oro REAL ESTATE LIMITED Enid °°Y 729690 JY We 737 313 5215 rigfie Angica chmh Ive ar ane 119 DUNLOP ST 7264938 TORONTO 3646636 MurIel Jeffery 726 6383 Wayne Pennett 737 I264 o7business opportunities DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are Open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up Until am OI property for sale MUST BE SOLD4 bedroom storey ln Barrles east end Garage walkout from dining room fenced yard nicely land scaped Includes fridge stove washer dryer and drapes Priced $49900 with 101 property for sale low down payment To view Contact Brian Millett at 7288494 or 7271771 rep Unigroup inc Broker REAL ESTATE 330K memes 89 BAYFIELD STBARRIE 7253111 Photo Multiple Listing Service 01 propr for sale It property for sale OI property for sale LIMITED TEXACO STATION with bay garage on main highway only minutes from Barrie Property also contains home and 35 seat property for sale 19 IAYFIELO sr BRRRIE 1507 III PHONE 7264405 17711111st stuufrvrllc IMlots for sale BUILDING LOT 66 198 In New Lowell septic approval and building permit available Price $10000 Tele phone 7370753 East End RI Residential Hilltop lots and heavy wooded lots Telephone 7284590 1110 4873437 Err Cozy three bedroom bungalow in Ora on large lot close to lake 4plece bath cathedral ceiling in living room good buy at $36 900 restaurant Phone Bernie Roth for details I4 Esher Kennedy Ls Moré wood 60 $713548 EXEICUTIVE WATERFRONT OPEN to DAILY lLeo Cavonough 728 207 Bob Saunders 7263883 ATT in om wnh 500 Frank Nelles 7266696 Bill Rawn 7268999 Lorry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross BatstaneI 7263043 BU LDE RS Bernie Roth 7373664 Collin Nelles 7265208 IZIIICYedBY11IbflIIfirl3IIIOIIIosgquoIIon elegant living featuring spacious bedrooms fieldstone fireplaces bathrooms 24 ft family room 26ft living room plus broadloom throughout walkouts to 60 ft cedar deck complete kitchens formal dining room double attached garage All situated on lots Vespra township minimum acres Will sell all or part For Information call Trevor Dakin rep Tarpey Ltd Broker 7282899 or 7260715 Itsfarms for sale burner gas stove Motion in good con dition Telephone 4356310 Alliston MR AND MRS Robert Graham of Bar rie wish to announce the engagement at their daughter Kimberley Ann to Russell Carson 7266161 Jul WILLSOII remarkable subdivision developed to offer you blend of elegance and serenity For your vidwing pleasure wed like to present Midhurst Estates LEPAGE lllIllllllllllllllllllIllIIllIlIll LTD llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Real Estate Professionals Since 1913 on priced to sell from $10000 HAVE CLIENT anxious to locate in northern Oro southern Medonte area If you have home in $30000 to $40000 range please call 487 3437 Vicki Kent no toll 4872501 Jack Slessor 7266280 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfield $1 BARRIE Ontario 7370011 RCHOLKAN Er CO LTD REALTOR DHuLflfln 10 Collier St Barrie 723440 APPRAISING AND FINANCING Nln OPEN UNTIL PM VERY PRIVATE TREED LOT $85500 In Midhurst very well built and kept bedroom split entry brick home car garage fireplace in living room dining room and family room plus extras Call Rita Scandrett 7264938 or 7284865 MLS 167 FOR VERY PARTICULAR PEOPLE this very neat bright tidy brick bungalow an Lonsdale Place Close to Geroglan College has been priced to sell $48500 Call Lee Benham 7264938 or 4245033 MLS I373 ORO TOWNSHIP bedroom bungalow Finished rec room with fireplace and walk out to fenced yard of approximately acre few steps from Ridge Road Be sure to see this and make an offer THRIVING PIZZA business and equip ment 5000 down payment Excellent operation for couple or family Return an investment in months Phone 737 0468 between and pm daily FLEA MARKET Sat June between Barrie and Orillia on Hwy II on Fudas parking lot Vendors wanted UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS for rent due to ill health servingBarrie for 14 yrs Building 24 20 $300 monthly Telephone 7263396 o9comnEcialindustrial C5 COMMERCIAL Grand Opening Saturday June 10 am until pm Presented through Coutts Co Real Estate On site 7370210 Main Office 282485 JuI3 PRIVATE New bedroom with fireplace lull base ment plus cold cellar huge double garage TelephoneITharnton 4589258 Ross The ALTO CallWilma Bidwell 7264938 or 7269135 MLS 1001 Dire Toromo Line 3646625 050 sq 3mm AvenIU IT INCOME PROPERTIES Just listed several duplexes in Barrie Live II IdealIror to fIcIigId outIlet OTdTIlCe dd mom Roya ms in one half and rent the other Showing excellent returns of five etc ew lul 1le 17 6T6 mg SGN hundred dollars per month these duplexes should sell fast TF 9P One THAT SELLS Whether home seeker or investor please call Ian Rouse 7264938 Joe Dirracolo 7260567 Joe Dyson 7262090 or 7265407 Ruth Gibbons 7281409 Marg Ferguson 7286172 JU28 357 BAYFELD ST BARRE JuI Joan Thorogood 7231742 Don Allan 4372412 VERY DEISRABL moo 300 7238800 TOR NE 8814174 Martha Dyson 7262090 Rudy Herrmann 526 6461 gfifiesfia Iggfggniggsrfimshedgfu Lorna Verstraten 4244956 Murray Valiquette 7260617 Harry Hagedorn 5498248 Doug Ferguson 7286172 Nora Rivers 7262596 737201 Ilnished Suitable for ottice warehouse or light manufacturing Reasonable Lent Telephone 7267991 days mortgages NORMAN SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION On this immaculate bedroom split entry executive in prestige city area Lower floor fully finished Family roomwith fireplace Bill More 7288800 B72l3M BARRIE CLOSE TO LAKE Town and country living at its best Lovely bdrm split level big kitchen garage nicely landscaped 73 I68 DUNLOP EAST 7283293 132 lot $49900 Eric Milton 7288800 I726IM STAYNER COMMERCIAL bay garage or body shop doors large enough for trucks storage bldgs as well loads of parking Hours weekdays 09 Asking $75000 Ralph Williams 7288800 Res 4283432 S7297M ¢ld°Ys WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN bVEN ACRES Beautiful view of Lake Simcoe Smaller bungalow that could be extended near Barrie in Ora Asking midfifties but see this view and make an offer HIGHLAND CRESCENTII Space to work play scenic 60 300 lot lovely maples bedrooms IV yrs old 24 36 workshop 54500 down Anne Maronic 7288800 I7298M ORILLIA HWY l2 400 $43900 Brand new bdrm bungalow LTD EA LTOR CONVENTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGES TOT2 Agent for Pineview Estates of Mldhuret on acre treed lot with beautiful view Full basement garage Jul IJOIIIN COLE 728 80 PETER GUBBEIIS 728 2425 near olf ka Vendar ill haldI Mk k728 8800gm7l255llllre° 9° are Cmmd 5955 P°5h°° 728 293° TOM CAIRNS 7280653 AL CALHOUN no toll8352742 N0 salary quallflcatlons David Shelswell 4872389 JIm Cross 7262l59 BERNIE BLUM 4871299 we are mongoge brokers and VENDOR HAS VACATEDI Will sacrifice this gorgeous almost new Sheila Simpson 7262263 lsince we specialize can guaranv storey model home Main floor laundry family room Walkout Quiet city area 8illMare7288800 371571171 °° 9mm rtention to all mortgage 101 property for sale PRIVATE SALE Luxurious bedroom property for sale EIET BUY on SELL WITHI Unigroup Inc RE Broker 7374771 or 7267949 Harold Davis 7337543 Frank Hooey 7280676 A55 April Ti01 Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7205333 LOW DOWN PAYMENT S34900ful ED NIorman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Exfoofiiaffiigififm OWN33 REALTOR $20 DOWN will buy this beautiful starter or retirement 32 IE Ehuckatambrn 3253333 TATEEéérakgfafaiifirlegr 488 Baytield St BARRIE Ont 728371 bedroom home minutes from lake Call Don Miller at 4364507 or any ewe 7391353 7264651I John Colwell 7267726 Harry Magill 7263864 CHOICE WATERFRONT 165 It 713v Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhulzen 7373795 31 iogIefoglctchuIiIr getneg Ivy sgr Charming well kept MOTEL NEAR BARNE umts b0dr°°m apartmentv Ill r°duc°d Jim Harris 7267173 Paul Dumoulin FRl CRA servace on largeutgmcily 50 in 589900 520000 down will take manage while still working Call Dan Miller at 4364507 or 7264651 PRICED TO SELL AT $39500 bedroom bungalow minutes from beach fireplace renovations in progress low down payment Call Don Miller at 4364507 or 7264651 $51000 COLLEGE HEIGHTS Newly decorated split level home place sleeps 12 Completely furnished boat barbecue many extras Plus guest house for Mom and Dad Call Mona today 7454822 Johnson Carney Ltd Realtor TEN MILES from Barrie executive custom built home that has everything you need for superior living Master bedroom with piece bath ensulte separate dining room large eatin kit bdrm home SRA 7370731 95 LOANS Open Daily am 530 pm Sat evenings by appointment Wm Summers 9i Baylield St East End of Barrie PERSONALIZED SERVICE GEORGE PRIVATE ANTEN MILLS Member Ontario Mortgage Iiinut in Brokers Association small den Hollywood styled kitchen builtin dishwasher large living room 235237 Steel Street MILLER garage fully carpeted 2000 sq ft of IV Ing space it walkouts to well treed backyard Call 7261919 Principals only 67 DUNLOP SEST BARRIE 726488I TORONTO 36479 7267I98between89pm Its thousandsof dollars you canlil Rise any way you want not Ion PRIVATE Tall Trees bTiroEm rec room with fireplace full basement GARAGE SERVICE STATION AND HOME Ross Miller 7260563 Mlke Lysablld 7266054 garage many extras 553000 1253695 mfigfxiggNTiggfigdloofimioalg for your home No bonus or mileIIIs souttIh of Barri Izoy STRIIOITIOSC$IIIFIOCIOIIOH tIo add JI AI Rose 7233116 Cec Cook 7323006 SAEE ab IITIJII°0III geogclilchlngéérlce quiet prlvate 1m tommlsslon Competitive Rates secon ary usiness NC se or nterv ew ca Harvenger 4363315 RonTharne 8714 dl °°m line 9005 bl UrManuralPrapertles Lenora Laycock 7285018 or 726387I Pflcy Ford 7297930 Les Lovegrave 4241289I £6316 CIEOTITITnEEJIIDIeTifdparmglIzofErligtgd 3533 SriéreigmIfmiinémll Telephone Mr John Glllesplev Jul2 Gerald ON 7267733 Nelson Garrett 71266096 amen lVrnlshw 0°C Cflnoe 7285931 Schools776635451193rgcflM iishI boat ed II 47 comm 51 Izoszurwell 4539243 Elsi£0318 323322 sanorcovc ACREIS II 39100 mgIIeretétra MoOst 31110 HIESI BENEFICIAL REALTY LTD CORNER or OWENsCOLLIER STREETS Knapp 7267294 modu Wme °°e 73H MwFJu3fl mus 72646 IIIltIen MIIIIIr 4373355 iIJIIePDrerIInan fishing26ng EEIIIIIIIIIII 11494 rep UnlOrouDIlEj EXAMIIIEIIIWII anna entan 7288028 PRIVATEIDEAL tre to PRIvATE4bed Examlner ant Ads lDorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins I7281662 IRon Sproule 4073715 name abedroomsIScLoTSIIoalonIrlih ummummumflg$¢232éfmi£ WANT ADS Corby Adams manager 7286829 litess Leader 7269275 TTTT filfigfione 7533ng 115532ng 8500 mopping and mac Teephone PHONE 7284 Irt gt

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