the examiner Friday May 27 1917 Extradition of hijacker demanded STOCKHOLM AP The Soviet Union has demanded ex tradition of tTyeaicld engineer who hijacked Russian airliner to Stockholm but Swedish officials say they do not have to give him up Soviet diplomats were on the scene Thursday only minutes after the twincngine AnatovZt aircraft with 18 passengers and crew of five set down at Arlanda lntemational Air port Police said the hijacker but search revealed none The hijacker left the plane with police and authorities said he asked to become refugee Swedish officials complied with the hijackers request not to be identified but they said he was from Byelorussia near Poland in the western part of the Soviet Lnion ccording to the preliminary interrogation we un derstand he wants political asylum here even if he has not formally made request in so many words police spokesman said Not too pessimistic on oil ttll itli TITO Na tional Energy Board outlined gloom tuture for oil supr plies lhuisday but Energy Minister ltlltlll illltSpIt Slllt tllIIIIllZ ltituri supplies Aid for Cobalt fire victims titltll tint tl tzs pint ttt ilvllitil lltllttIJLS oat iiidnalul wood traiiie houses llltILKIttI iliigtiiit MPs plan rejected llhl iLLtllltl llj ill ti lldl lt liltK itmoi ii eatoutagi Tlttit ltltitttltllill ii ltnada wa iieitid lie llotistuiit ominous lltl aiel lii lii presented resolution the toiiiioii wlittt atolllil hati iiirleiiij rt searili siidiis ditirii tie it formula oi gitire input lllti llllltl language liltiiitlittsiill lhi ll5 gin1p would have tn eluded Itliltgttltlilit of tlit Ilt tiliitlllttl Itailio lelixmti and liieioi iiiii iiiloii totiiiisioiz Ill iii llil til iiili tiftl iiiuliiiliiiniisiiiini llt ll lltl ieoiit or piIiiiipiit it wilti Illidl est liii ll ltrtiis ill ltillt iiiiii illiltéilstiitil llzs iiioioii ia tlliltt Ulilli iiaita ii ittllil nit piiwiiiif ltttitei itiititiviii pin Illl ii toiiuimii tiltltl Ntitiirt Jaii ltltilll ridetanner lii uiumim iii tie illtitli Im ot leied ii noii note litiJll iiiit ll itemiiil tlii resolii llt iiianiiiiolis on 5ttl lib13th to opei ilrliati tlliltllltlttl lti lige lia remml beti presiii uluiliiiltiiialisiii Mini Itl loe Hm witl iniid sUttt to iei tiLfllt the Min illllllllflii node by his predi ttsslil Irrlltl liiiistii Ioliii liiiit1 tflll ltfrlISl llie illl IJIIIIIIJ largest toliaieo thi lcritih ineri can lotiario toiiipany Ltd founded ii twin London RENT NEW TRUCK Tons °Panels Vans 018 Vans Power Tailgates Commercial rates footinan our inns TlLDEN 341 HAttit ii amen Simon on moi 7370800 The airival here of cabinet minis sii goneinizan tll to tire Victims was preceded av suppoi flolti ollltl residents of this gt1Il vzuziiiiiiailixtoiziui1itics pretended to carry explosives said he is not near as pessimistic as the federal regulatory agency The board said in its an nual oil report that reserves are continuing to decline and it plans further cuts in ex ports to the Lnited States It says that by the early 1980s the countrys detwndence on imports from the world market will start togrow It then imports will he needed to supply the areas now using domestic crude oil the hoard sas lly two reliance on imports ill total million barrels da lait moments after he iatiled the report in the ttltl mons Gillespie told repor ters he thought the board is being conservative in ist imat in tuttire supplies lle tel that llII new ttiilltl to encourage iiieliipiiient ot Itea oil iiposit product ion trom the oil sands in northeastern Alberta and natural gas tound tn the western lklli lll reduce the lititl for in pilllS Fire hazard may hit parks In IIIICt ltl IIIIISS tltilllttllll planning Ilttlltlt in liasteiii tanadiaii tittlk iiid lltlls iiiaj tiiid closed sign on their destinations llll summer waiiii dry weather ttitttiI the tire liaaiil Illtl threatens to tliisittiltttllimilii llirl iiiiltiinl ot now and ltllllllllltlllltl tilt oi iiii has iatisHl tiiiite itr tlldli must of them lttlpttlxtetl Hm MN mw Hntaiio unihei and the tlai lli tilinttlie SWIMMNGPOOLS Barrie Kit How PROVINCE OF ONTARIO COMMISSION OF INQUIRY ON ALUMINUM WIRING NOTICE OF HEARING TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the piriyigion of The Public Inquiries Act 1971 4t Loniniiuuion has issued appomting DR JOHN TUZO WILSON Toronto as CommisSioner to inquiri Hill and report concerning the safety and reliability of aluminum Wired electrical lrtltlll tor fttltll tial use AND TAKF NOTICE that preliminary oigaiiia tional hearing Will beheld by the iIlIITIlITli Ston on Monday the 6th of June 1977 at 10 oclock in the foreman at the HST Audito rium 252 Bloor Street West Toronto Ontario for the purpose of determining dates of hearing and other matters relative to the conduct of the lnquny AND TAKE NOTICE that any person desiring to partICIpate in the hearings of the Commission should file With the Secretary of the Commission on or before Thursday the 2nd day of June 1977noticein writing to that effect including in such notice the full name and address of such person brief statement of the nature of the interest of such person in the Sllll matter under inquiry whether such person Will or Will not be represented by Counsel and if so the name and address of sucn Counsel and whether or not such person intends to seek liberty to call and examine or crossexamine Witnesses per sonally or by Counsel Copies of the relevant OrderinCouncd may be obtained from the office of the Secretary to the Commissnon at the address shown below DATED at Toronto this 16th day of May 1977 Win Anderson QC Donald Fowke FM Cmms Secretary of the COtTttnlSStOtt co Hicklingdohnston Ltd Prof George Craig 10th Floor Phi PE rig 415 Yonge Street Prof Srivastava Toronto Ontario PhD REng M58 2E7 Technical Adwsors 3662811 Robert Service finds friend It is little hard to tell inst who Is fawning over whom It was low at Iiist sight when obirt Neiwiie ii iii aterloo ttiit met the newest addition to the aterloo Park 700 Robert as isiling the loo with his school class Thursday IIiotoi Would beiudicial inquiry May probe allegations against RCMP OTTAWA Prime Min ister Trudeau said Thursday he will consider judicial inquiry into allegations that RCMP stole documents from Toronto office in 1970 if the courts cant get to the bottom of this Toronto police are in vestigating the RCMP in con nection with the theft of docu ments from the office of fraxis Corp group working with the poor Frank berle tPiPrince GeorgePeace Riveri raised in the Commons questions about Prisoner faces charge KINGSTON nt TPi 7e Donald tag 26 Millhaven iii stitution prisoner has been charged with the attempted murder of fellow prisoner Er nest Caron penitentiary spokesman said Thursday aron 47 is serving life sentence for the attempted kid napping last year of Signy Ila ton daughter of John raig Ea ton chairman of lEaton Io lrtd lie was found in his cell May with It stab wounds Praxis and Montreal case in which RCMP Chief Supt Don ald Cobb Quebec provincial police inspector and Montreal police inspector pleaded guilty Thursday to illegally breaking into the office of AgencePresse Libre left wing news agency berle suggested the govern ment enter plea of mea culpaLatin for through my faultand order judicial in quiry into all aspects of the extraparliamentary op positionaffair Trudeau said the questions arelegitimate would be as disturbed as he Oberle is if did not know all the facts Trudeau said the Montreal case is still before the courts which will sentence the three officers June He said the RC MP have absolutely denied hreakinginto the Praxis office But he said he would consider an inquiry if the courts could not untangle the Praxis case NAMED IN LETTER Praxis was named in 1971 letter to other cabinet ministers from then solicitorgeneral leanlierrc oyer as part of an extraparliamentary opposi tion that seeks to organize and radicalize the underclasses MEIlUN DI DENTURE THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours am pm Mon thru Sat 280 Dunlop St Bdrrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society of society and mould them into revolutionary force The letter named 21 federal public servants The letter became public af ter Oberle raised the issue in the Commons early this year berle asked SolicitorCen eral Fox whether he was con sulted before Cobb entered the guilty plea and whether the Montreal breakin was author ized by his department On both counts an unequivocal no Fox replied berle asked whether the so lieitorgeneral had been con sulted before documents taken from Praxis were destroyed while in RCMP hands Iiox said he had not been bcrle asked whether alleged illegal acts in the Praxis break were done with the con sent of the solicitor generals office Fox said they were not He said he had told the RCMP to give its copies of the fraxis pa pers to Toronto police who are investigating the alleged break in Outside the Commons Oberle said he was satisfied with Trudeaus remarks about ju dicial inquiry He said it could determine facts which might not come up in the courts For example he said an in quiry would establish political responsibility for both break ins inquire into the whole con cept of extraparliamentary op position and determine on what basis the 21 people were named in Goyers list NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS In accordance with the Weed Control Act of Ontario notice ls hereby given to all property owners that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the City of Barrie are cut down removed 0r otherwise destroyed by June lst I977 and also throughout the season the City may enter upon said lands and have the weeds cut removed or otherwise destroyed charging the costs against the land in taxes The Act specifies those weeds which are considered noxious and are to be eradicated However tall grass dandelions clover goldenrod grainfields etc are not considered noxious under the Act The cooperation of all citizens is solicited in the elimination of these nuisance weeds Enquiries and complaints should be directed to the City of Barrie Public Works Department during normal working hours Telephone 7264242 Please retain this advertisement for future reference Neil Fox CET Public Works Superintendent May i977 Conrad Williams Weed Inspector The Postal lode Its the single most important element by which our people can provide elli cicnt mail service for Canadians well into the 2151 century However the Postal Code system has weak linkyou Because if you dont use it its just another system But if you and everybody else in Canada use Postal Codes the system will result in the best mail service in the world in Canada mail service Thats why this Postal Code information kit is being mailed to over seven million addresses Its purpose is to make it as easy as possible for you to use Postal Codes if youre not doing so already and it contains details about dialacode unique Postal Code information service When you receive this kit please use it It will help us all have better