OTTAWA CP Prime Min ister Trudeau rejected sugges tions Wednesday that his gOV ernment may have prejudged the issue of northern pipeline and decided in favor of liiie along the Alaska Highway No preiudgment on pipeline issue He said Gillespie and the rest of the federal cabinet had sup ported the appointment of commission to study the econ omic social and environmental effects of pipeline in the Yu koii promised the opposition they pipeline issue before the gover will get chance to debate the nmcnt makes adecision ciEA glee wtmmrt Trudeau WEEDRITE® But he again turned down op cial Commons committee be set pOSItIon suggestions that spe Lip to study the pipeline cuts your grass and weed problems John Crosbie Progressive Conservative energy critic asked the prime minister whe ther he accepted Energy Minis ter Alastair Gillespies opinion that he saw no environmental problem with such line since highway already has been built Thats just one mans flying opinion Trudeau shot back ieferring to an aerial tour of the route Iiiade by Gillespie Iuriiig the weekend That report would be one of many the government will con sider before it makes decision by late summer on competing projects to move to southern markets US natural gas from Northern Alaska and Canadian gas from the Mackenzie delta This unique weedkiller kills by contact With ttie green parts of plants Simple to use along fences driveways between plants around trees hedges and shrubs LARVEx gets the bugs out of your lawn and garden IRONIISICI DEBATE Trudeau under questioning from onservative llouse leader Walter Baker again Natures bug bane This is not chemical pesticide its carefully cultured natural organism that is popular with both organic and nonorganic gardeners It kills the cabbage worms LARVEX granules controldestructive root maggots In vegetables And on your lawn it effectively controls chinch bugs sod webwornis mils Crickets IHdUSTrlal loopers and tiornworms that feed and Other INNS on cabbage cauliflower lettuce yo moi Worml ma LooW bin and celery and tomatoes and it also ommmm Tutti controls caterpillars and worms 9Er£uguumn Home including the spruce budworm $ii°lmmurmurmun Durex on ornaiiientals SWINE bu bu Carpeting Ineit mKIller This systemic spray keeps bugs from buggian your flowers rirnariirmtals shrubs and trees Spray kills in contact gt Lorigm llll OLiiliit Winnipeg Manitoba Then the plant absorbs the lIlSICIICIflC to kill sucking Insects that feed AI 77 on plant juices THESE PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE FROM 305 Blake St Simcoe Plaza 7372860 CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED Stoney Creek Ontario 0mm 0mm LIMITED Siw 01 7ft gift Joe Horradine Jack and Jo are proud to announce the opening of their new carpet store at the above address and welcome all their old and new customrs in for free coffee and to see what we have to after JOIns his dog irant Thomas III of Austin Te shares an inipoiindiiieiit cell at the local animal shelter with Layla his Daliiiation Thomas is protesting the seizure of his dor by the local dog cat clIcI saying the animal was taken front his front yeard and that Layla is good dog and wasnt bothering anybody utlioiities say the dog as not iii an enclosed area or on leash and thereby violating local ordinance AP Photo Emergency Carpets Upholstery plan for gï¬ï¬ Coast Guard OTTAWA CPI lhe Canalt dian Coast Guard says it can re spond swiftly to disasters at sea including oil spills under new marine emergency plan The 55page plan tabled tednesday in the Commons by lransport Minister tto Lang sets out detailed procedures for coordinating various branches ol government to cope with ma rine accidents The emphasis is on water pol lution and methods by which the coast guard can use its 160 WEEKEND HOME IMPROVEMENT Wall to wall Rugs Furniture 728476 CARPET 205 DUNLOP mununu CHAIN llNK FENCE GALVANIZED CHAIN LINK FENCE xIBGA 36 x50 1745 Tree Bar Past 10 TUDRIIII GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCE vessels and $10 million worth of x13 GA 42 40 cleanup equipment to combat oil spills on both coasts and in 4+ 36 43 50 TN BM pm the Arctic said Capt Michael Greenham head of the coast HFS THE SHADOWALL LINET COMMANDER 48 MO guard ctiiergency service PER LIN FT The Canadian Forces retain primary responsibility for searv Ii GA 48 no Nth Prm ch and rescue Greenhini said and the first task of the coast It In 35 140 oritq guard Is to support the military in saving lives When no lives are in danger 2669 11 IA 42 vU LIIIt Pitt tlt GARBAGE COLLECTION III the coast guard and variety of There will be no garbage collection and ti Hen lt other agencies cooperate In Mm 375 GATE5 RaiitmiAIMmiav Clearing wreckage and Wlll on IM K4 itilv Hrlwr Iiii Terisiiiii cleaning up oil spills from LF1 THE VLINE PER LIN FT marineaccidents use 48 tIv Htivvl Iltl 48 TrWWIBM PER LIN FT Monday May 23rd I977 Residents whose normal collection day falls on the above date will have their gar bage removed on their next regular collec tion If spill occurs in anadian territorial waters the coast guard takes the main iesponsir bility for coordinating cleanup In the irwt Lakes the coast guard cooperates with the Ontario natural re sources department Spills iii harbors are the main responsibility of the National 03 159 149 Tie Wire 2649 36 48 Vinyl Hrtwe II 36 148 Vinyl Hdwe Int CONCRETE MIXES We CONCRETE MIX 66 lb bag $199 2x36 x4 ViiiylHitwe IIII 50 Ciil Brittr Wire Vinyl Criil Brace Wire GIIIV Harbors Board in the seaway The COO eration of all residents is we ad the St Lawrence Seaway mt dp LF11 THE RANCHER SAND MX 55bb39 $119 them in the Artlic the precc PER LINFT LF THE BA 92 energy and northern affairs dev partmenl from landbased sources the environment do partment and the provinces NEILLFOXCEIT PER LlNFT PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT May I977 Super KemGlo ROUND POINT House Trim House Trim KemTone Interior SHOVELS LSSI 539 Exterior Latex ExteriOr Interior SemiGloss GARDEN Glass Alkyd Gloss Latex Enamel SPADE lGGSZ 550 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE ROUND POINT HANDLE GMRZI 50 $1398 98 098 $1398 at 77 DIGGING FORK GAL GAL GAL GAL It 4TINEISP9DI 699 OUR REG OUR REG OUR REG OUR REG FLORAL 18 99 1995 15 55 1990 It HOE ILY5 519 ROTARY l1 TURF EDGER DBZ 949 22TOOTH BRUME RAKE SP 22 315 WHEELBARRows CU FT Lug SPECIAL if GARDEN PET 1995 Le cu FT Covers 5380 sq ft assembled SUBURBAN 3595 just nail on top seats SPRUCE 18 441 lb bag TU WEEDAWAY KILLEX STORAGE SHEDS 95 CHARCOAL MODEL 85 51 Price of any of Covers 5380 sq ft SPRUCE 20 YELLOW 04 MB 77912 $37500 MB 7799 $31500 CEDAR 24 NATURALmzolo MB7796 $26500 CEDAR 35 Brand New Volvo Wagons 24 30 NATURAL 7742 MINI MATE TRASH CAN STORAGE Recepticle ONLY $5495 HHIII LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES HWV 26 27 Out Bayfield St Barrie Ontario Your choice of manual overdrive automatic KITCHEN MOTORS I78 Essa Rd opp Barrie Raceway 7282287 Telephone 7268132 IV ha Du