the examiner Thursday May 19 1977 21 12 mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacdtion and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements onygworthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc mortgages 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 TF 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVE LMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfield 517266438 1975 FRANKLIN Truck Camper iuil size completer loaded $5500 Call 7269005 7261001 1976 COACHMEN 201 ft travel trailer completely self contained pce bath hotcold water burner stove with oven exhaust fan three way fridge propane furnace air conditioning with electric heater automatic rollup awning 14ft ft twin 30 lb tanks other extras Tel 7288873 35 FT 1975 BONANZA Trailer com pletely furnished and winterized with many options Call 705538 7046 Port Severn Shadow Point Park TWO BEDROOM mobile home situated on corner freed lot in Angus Fridge stove carpet drapes and shed included $12500 Must be seen to be appreciated Telephone 4245432 16 apts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults WEflETEEe Apartments 135 Wellington Street West and bedroom colored appliances year lease Adults Call Lean Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 TF MODERN luxury very large bedroom apartment for lease Quiet adult buil ding No pets References For informa tion call 7289682 90 Holgate Apartment 102 NEWLY DECORATEDTWurnlsheo bachelettesBarrie Also bedroom apts in Barrie and Angus 726 6271 alter FUWEHEDT ONEaridin bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988weekdays FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment 12 miles north of Barrie abstainers No smokers preferred paved roads Phone 7288067 ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments from $160 monthly Central location First and last required Appliances and heat included Telephone 726 9418 alter 6pm BEDROOM apartment available im mediately family building Central loca tion For further information please telephone 7372649 BEDROOM apt in triplex heated parking fridge and stove laundry facilities freshly decorated Available June $255 monthly North end 726 0857 after6 Two BEDROOM apartment opposite Simcoe Plaza sixplex $224 monthly Pay own hydro Available June lst or Ju Iy lst Adults only 726 5247 TWO BEDROOM apartmentcentral Barrie parking $225 plus hydro 7373700 daytime TWO BEDSITTING rooms and one bedroom apartments Can be seen at 48 Codrington Apt LARGE COMPLETELY furnished apt Broadloom central location Suit cou ple No pets Telephone 7280755 ONE BEDROOM apt $197 monthly Adults only Just redecorated Spotless condition Stove fridge heat and water included in rent Parking extra First and last months rent in advance Apply Bill Lefloeuf Jewellers 52 Dunlop St 7283343 Ideal for older couple LARGE UNFURNISHED one bedroom apartment at 244 Bradford St $175 monthly includes appliances utilities Reliable party with steady employment oflly Apply Saturday 11 am to4pm CENTRAL LOCATION spacious mo dern bedroom apartment fridge and stove parking $250 monthly No pets adults only Telephone business hours 7282253 BEDROOM apartment lst of June and 2bedroom lst of July Close to downtown and bus route frig stove laundry facilities and parking Flrst and last lnonths rent No pets 7266725 alter pm 2BEDROOMapt available June 85 Sanford Street $190 monthly 416 8845191 TBEDROOM apt near Barrie Plaza $220 monthly includes heat and hydro Telephone 7269859 evenings ONE BEDROOM plus one bed sitting room for rent Can be seen at 48 Cod r1ngtonAptr2 $225 MONTHLY SPACIOUS bedroom 4piece tiled bath eatin kit chen separate dining room in new adult 4plex paved parking Landscaped grounds Apply 520 High St Orillia pm6pm SUBLET JUNE bedroom overlook lng bay quiet building sauna fitness room tennls bus route plaza yacht club beach V2 block 728 73694 7pm 2TWO BEDROOM apartments stove and fridge $250 monthly Bayfield and Rose 515 First available June second available July Call Jim Cancilla LePege IOnt Ltd 737 0011 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent utllltles paid parking $160 monthly Grove and owen Available June Telephone 726 0448 evenings AVAILABLE JUNE one bedroom apt $175 monthly Heat hydro fridge stove Included Telephone 7372220 ONE BEDROOM Basement apartment separate entrance stove and refriger ator public utllltles supplied Available Immediately Telephone 728 6193 FURNISHED APT oveilooklng the lake bedroom $195 monthly One year lease required References 726 8420 or 7260241 16 opts to rent ONE BEDROOM apartment $150 mon thly bachelor apartment $130 Phone after pm MrKennedy 72827857 Mississauga Court bedroom apts colored appliances drapes supplied next to Simcoe Plaza 737 1877 TWO BEDROOM apartment miles south of Barrie Suit working couple Available June Telephone 4589450 evenings ONE BEDROOM apartment available June Older persons preferred Central location $100 monthly Telephone 7370384 FULLY FURNISHED one bedroom apt utilities supplied parking No children or pets Senior citizens welcome $175 monthly Phone 728 5453 LARGE bedroom apartment with dridge and stove available June $240 monthly plus hydro No children or pets Telephone 7265063 SUBLET bedroom apartment Available immediately Allandale area $254 monthly includes parking and all utilities No pets or children Phone 7373913 l7hou ses torrent PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake For in formation call from to pm 726 2361 Evenings 728 9682 BEDROOM HOUSE double garage Central $350 monthly View Sun only to pm Call 7283122 or Toronto 881 2515 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bedroom detached home brand new ful ly broadloomed Call Harry Magill representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 728 4067 or 726 3864 $250 MONTHLY mobile home set up on large lot approx miles north of Barrie Stove and fridge included Phone 728 4618 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE on Ferris Lane appliances garage finished rec room washrooms full broadloom newly decorated Close to schools and shopping References required $325 Phone 726 2397 THREE BEDROOM semi $300 per month Available June 15 Adults only Telephone Darcy Warner 726 4491 Young and Biggin Ltd Realtor IN TOWN bedroom home available immediately $225 month plus utilities fridge and stove included Call 737 0437 after pm NEW UNFURNISHED bungalow bedroom rec room fireplaces attach ed garage outskirts SE of Barrie residential area $300 monthly plus utilitles call alter Toronto 416536 2471 ONE BEDROOM bath ensune fireplace on large treed 101 south of Barrie electric heat fridge and stove Adults $175 monthly Available Junnl 4362821 THREE BEDROOM house Innisfil Beach area $250 monthly fenced front vim Telephone 728 5119 after 430 ORR LAKE 2bedroom house all con viences Available immediately $185 monthly Close totown 15 miles north of Barrie Telephone 327 1063 BEDROOM storey III baths large kitchen dining room with walk out broadloom double garage $350 montth plus utilities Larry Thompson rep Taurus Real Estate Ltd 737 3000 18apts wanted to rent ELDERLY WOMAN pensioner urgently requires small self contained apt im mediately Furnished if possible prefer east end Must be reasonably priced Telephone 776 2757 or 776 7355 ONE OR two bedroom apt with garage in private home for retired gentleman with steady income Telephone 728 6358 after pm 194houses wanted torrent WORKING COUPLE wish to rent bedroom dwelling iusl outside Barrio Callcollectafter6pm 416 769 6566 10eroomsto let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $27 weekly Phone evenings 726 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 7267186 FURNISHED ROOM kitchen lounge parking For working man $30 weekly Central location 726 4775 NEWLY redecorated rooms $15 $35 weekly Singles and doubles 76 Worsley Street Completely furnished Shared kitchenbath and living room 737 3315 CLEAN furnished rooms central kit chen and living room Downtown Bus stop at door 728 7331 FURNISHED ROOM in Allandale at bus stop Cooking facilities available Gentlemen prefered Telephone 728 4768 daysor 728 0810evenings BRIGHT CLEAN furnished room can tral free parking Working man only Please abstainers only No pets 737 3923 LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room Suit female Good location Telephone 728 0755 IDEAL ACCOMMODATION for the business person age 2010 30 large new furnished home Central air All convo nience of home Call 726 5303 DOWNTOWN furnished room newly broadloomed and paintcd kitchen fa cilities ladies preferred Phone 728 4768 daytimeor 72B 0810afler6p NICE BEDROOM for rent in private home Use of kitchen and laundry facilities Close to West end plaza Apply 28 Donald StreetUnil66 FURNISHED ROOMS downtown clean bright modern central kitchen bath living room Parking Apply Hamilton RE 717 1000 21room and board ROOM AND board in private home in Allandale area Phone 728 6187 22rooms wanted 23ottices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long form 776 3400 Angeloff OFFICE SPACE 1100 so If on main floor overlooking waterfront and mu nicipalparkingmodurndecorating Call Bill Sakeris National Trust C0 728 9201 DOWNTOWN BARRIE 300 square foot office Broadloom oak paneled reasonable rent Telephone business hours 728 2753 OFFICE SPACE in Midland 750 sq ft completely renovated private parking $350 first and last References Phone 526 9391 Mr Brown 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft clear part of large oxparldIng industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 776 3400 Angeloff VERY NICE Industrial huilfting on Dunlap St West with large fenced in properly Phone 7287044 or 416 635 0637 TWO COMMERCIAL buildings approx 40x50 each Ideal for mechanic small engine repiar upholstery repair Zoned C1 also double office 21 x18 heat the electric supplied Please contact 726 0786 1100 SQUARE FEET of commercial space for rent Excellent location All utilities paid Telephone 737 I238 30 resorts 30 resorts CEC ROBERTS BiteInga Lia 30 resorts FAMILY CAMPING RESORT I75 ACRES ON THE MAGNETAWAN RIVER HIMBURY LAKE SANDY BEACH SWIMMING POOL TENNIS COURTS PLAY GROUNDS FISHING REC HALL LAUNDROMAT MINI MARKET HOT SHOWERS FULL HOOKUPS RR NO KEARNEY ONT POA 1M0 7056367888 BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPT 26accammodationsto share 32 cars for sale FURNISHED MODERN 726 5637 available immediately WANTED MATURE business girl to located share townhouse Centrally Telephone 7286539 27cottages torettt BIG BAY POINT cottage for rent $150 monthly plus utilities fridge and stove supplied Can be furnished if required price negotiable 436 4507 32 ears for sale 1973 DATSUN 2402 in good condition new springs rebuilt shocks Certified Many extras Telephone 728 7613 $2195 Ask for Ron Kent BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Col tier $1 728 5191 1973 DATSUN 2401 AM FM radio track stereo radials full instrumenta tion Very good condition Must sell Ask ing $2500 or make an offer Phone 424 5059 1973GRAN TORINO white with blue vinyl roof new tires tape deck radio cylinder automatic $1500 Telephone 726 0055 1972 DATSUN 2402 air auto AM FM $2995 1977 Ford ton standard $1495 1969 Ford convertible auto P5 PB 5995 1971 Hornet auto $1095 All good condition all certified Others as is Klean Auto Body 728 6612 1973 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle low mileage excellent condition can after 6436 4374 1970 METEOR Station Wagon rebuilt motor power steering power brakes asking 5695 Phone 726 0162 1975 GREMLIN cylinder automatic radio Excellent condition 25000 miles Asking $7 500 Telephone 436 4067 or 436 1827 1975 TOYOTA SR5 Fully equipped radial tires full instrumentation 24000 miles in excellent shape Owner leaving the country $3000 436 2749 after In 1968 FORD LTD Wagon Excellent on ditlon 3500 Telephone 436 2681 1975 MAVERICK door clfluxo automatic like new inside and out car tified $1950 Telephone 726 4571 1974 CHEVELLE Malibu Classic Power starring and brakes electric rear lffog ger radial tires call after 30 737 0745 I973 PLYMOUTH Crtcket Station Wagon excellent condition 30000 miles Cor ilfle15II85 Phone 728 1059 after SPARE PAR TS for 318 Plymouth motor Also transmission four and this cellaneous Phone 726 0797 1967 DODGE Dart condition cyl automatic transmission green 5700 Telephone 726 4592 after so In 1971 CHRYSLER anport Custom if hardtop good condition $1650 487 6707 CHRYSLER I976 Cordoba maroon leathrr interior all pnwvr and air Beautiful cor Must ol TIIIDIIOIIO 436 2847 1971 VOLVO 146 Slntlon Wagon 778 4389 evenings for duhnls Can be Viewed at 1140won Street 1968 FOR Iuonnitlc cvrhfwd clean 54 Telephnntnt 617 1967 FORD Station Wagon d00r certIfIId Ilï¬n 567 435 6322 1971 TOYOTA Staran Wagon door bucket seats iDtEd transmission raclm Certified CltrIll11LDclll1 $69 or trade Telephone13$ 6177 1974 BUICK L0 nlhrl door cylinder top condition mlCfiafHCrtliY Body in top condition low HILEG tires Certified Power steering power Windows power brains Climate control Price $3300 Call now 726 281 1970 FORD 1979 Monaco and 1969 Ford ton All certified Can be secn at 180 lnnlsfll Phonf 776 33l9flrlytllT1f778 6010 evenings V8 VEGA 1971 Hatchback 3150 V8 automatic bolt axli I4 60 norms tires many extra 90 per Cffit rofn plefed S9000r houtoflor 737 1016 allur6 1975 TOYOTA SR5 Fully eQUIppert radial tires full IIIrlrUIIIeI1tItirIII 74000 mllrs In LXLfllfFt shitlx Ownur loavvng thocourilry $3000 416 72493fter6p In 1965 VOLKSWAGEN 1969 motor Wltfl 34000 mIles UnCEltlIlfCI 580 Phoni 7287345 1971 TOYOTA CROWN wagon for solo certified $650 or best offer Apply at 117 Gunn Strnet apartment 1969 MERCURY MARQUIS Brougham Exrellmlt condition AMFM stereo radio Stetl belted radials asking $1000 or best offer Telephone 456 380 Iftnr 197 PLYMOUTH GRAN FURY automatic power stoorlnrl and brakes low mileage best offfr Phone 778 9367 197 SUPER BEETLE 10000 mith 011 nIw1600cc cngtmS600 Phone 456 7874 1966 CHEVY door 377 spend good condition can he lfilflefl $1700 PhonI2458 9021 I971 ACADIAN rylindfr automatic asking $800 Phone 4584570 after weekdays I973 MONTE CARLO 350 IIUrll exhaust power sleIrInII power brakes DOWff Windows air conditioning AMFM Stereo Swwel burkvtm lIglIt blur With white landau top $3158 778 5694 to pm 778 5796 evenings SELF CONTAINED apt QUIII building centrally localet abovu $IUIJIS China Shop Sorry no children pots Ihtalnfrs only Rent reasonable references Telephonfgt778 239 728 IEVDIVWIIIIIUS I973 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE Good Standard Telephonf condition low IYIIIISLIr Certified Telephone 776 6668 aflnr 30 1969 CAMARO 750 CI automatic transmission 54000mllfs Z78 rims F60 tires Ziobarl rust proofnd Exfellunt condition Call 101 737 1085 1967 CHEVELLE Malibu two floor hard top cyl automatic transmission radio power steering tape tick good tires cIran Telephone 778 5781 1951 PONTIAC EXCELLENT condition must sell immediately no reasonable of fer refused Phone Kim days 726 474I Ext 2llevening 776 9707 1975 DODGE MONACO door hardtop vinyl roof cylinder power stLoring power brakes Ielosropir till steering wheel 34000 miles asking $1850 Cor titled Call 726 9517aflor 4p 1970 TR6 in good condition Selling as Is $1350 or best offer Telephone 776 0170 after 6pm weekends anytime 1972 VOLKSWAGEN camper van ex cellent condition must be seen to be ap precialed Telephone 726 3771 TIRES FOUR 13 inch Dalsun mag tires and rims like new also two SIIOIIIEY mags for Pinto Best offer Telephone 436 2206 I976 PLYMOUTH Gran Fury door 360 V8 auto trans and power brakes 51000 Niagara Regional police car Certified $2200 1416 527 6871 Sammyevenings I967 VOLKSWAGEN for sale 100d con dilion Certified $400 Telephone 726 5354 1967 M013 FOR SALE in good condition Uncertified Best offer Telephone 728 I999 I974 ASTRE STATIONWAGON 11000 miles showroom conttilIon factory air conditioned Automatic transmission radio Rustprooted $7495 Telephone 705 375 24070rilia TYPE JAGUARZ plus 1966 automatic AMFM needs some mechanical and body work bids close May 26 Barric Telephone 7371051 or 7269373 1969 DODGE WAGON 318 one owner runs good 474 5904 1969 LINCOLN MARK 111 Can be seen at 60 Forndale Road $7700 Call for an polnlmont 737 0628 I973 OLDS DELTA 88 54500 miles air conditioning rear window ILfog radial tires Can bf certified Telephone 7285634 bedroom apt laundry facilities to share with female 1825 Must like dogs 7261925 or for 1975 GRAND PRIX Silver with burgundy landau roof opera windows dr hardtop automatic power steer ing and brakes radio rear window defogger whitewall radials 24923 miles Lic LCC 153 $4495 Bay City Motors 45 Bradford St 7282200 1974 VEGA GT Air conditioning good condition deluxe interior Must sell Certified Must be seen Call 7267663 after5pm 1976 BOBCAT 4ispeed radio extra rims with snow tires Will certify Best offer Call 435 5315Vafter 6pm 1975 MALIBU CLASSIC door coupe 350 automatic Many options Must sell immediately make an offer 424 0599 75 DART cumin or AT PS radio etc Like new throughout 728 6815after pm and all day Saturday 1975 DART Swinger Brown beige in terior automatic 225 engine door hardtop automatic power steering power brakes radio white walls wheel covers $3295 Lic KXZ 611 Bay City Motors 45 Bradford St 728 2200 33ca rs wantedtabuï¬y TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6372 After pm 424 S949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrio Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towmg scrap metal cars bought over scales Best prices paid 436 3677 34trucks and trailers Catering Trucks Acme stainless steel units all in good condition some with refrigeration 1970 Fords 2v1971 Fords 2w1972 GMC Priced from $2000 to $3000 cash as is Phone WINDSOR 5199695860 9am 105 pm My26 76 CHEV 4x4 ton 400 V8 automatic PS PB radio posi traction mag wheels 1700 tires very sharp $6095 Sunoco Car Wash 4x4 1971LANDROVER 22000 original miles CB radio must sell best rea sonablc offer Telephone 778 7410 before 30p TRAILER SPECIALM GMC 1500 sorie ton IIIavy duty throughout 454 engine PS PB fltCillC brakes for traller Winnebago thermalwalletl campfr Reuse CQUHIIIIF hitch 17000 miles Truck like new certified 466 576 I971 FREIGHTLINER for sale or lease nut Cunllnins rliesol full tandem drive Al condition Certified Best offer Call 136 76655ttor 5p 1975 CHEV Tandem 218 Detroit 16 front 38 rearl6transm15inn 15 Inch del box 25 ton haisl 18000 miles Telephom I705 386 7979 after CERTIFIED I970 Chev ton pickup rebuilt enginv in excellent running fort rtition Asking $1500 or best offer Call Bob Goodwin 4741 0494 or set II 38 Mill St Borden after Overseas posting 1974 FORD ton pickup two blue Ranger F100 V8 automatic power sinering and brakes with cap Asking $3195 Phone 726 6049 1969 FORD Econohnv asking $600 or bosfoffor In good condition Can be such at48 CorlrfnglonApt No 1966 FORD ton wulh cap 289 automatic sleeps two track tape IIck Bust olfIr acupfctl Tfrluphonf 737 0008 STAND UP truck cap years old In sulnterl and panelled roof rack and rank out WIlKIOWi with screens also IOUIJI SIIOWFTTOIJIIO traitor Call myllmi 716 6795 1972 DODGE FARGO lton pickup 318 cubic Inch power steering power brakes $1800 Good condition could be certified Will consider trade for quI 778 l643nftvr I950 CHEV ton Original engine and tranvniasfon Mint condition Asking $1500 Talcphone 776 4294 1974 FORD Ion with can low mileage 776 47 1971 DODGE ton pickup Nico around shape $ll0 uncertifIcl certify for Sinilil amount 677 6871 Hamilton 35service and repairs LICENSED MECHANIC doing general repairs Any job conSIdured Call 424 6463 after 37motarcycles 1973 HONDA 750 Borranl rims Dunstall exhaust clean and well maintained ask ing $1500 Telephone 728 2410 before 430 1974 HON DA 125 Elsinore motocross gooil condition extra parts Call 728 9366 after 1977 750 HONDA excellent condition Ask110 $1400 or best offer Phone 436 4799afler6p 1974 900 KAWASAKI Phone 436 4299 after 6p 1975 YAMAHA Enduro 80 cc less than 200 miles $375 Call 726 5697afler 6p 1972 YAMAHA 126m twin cylinder ex all Will 416 reliant conditIon $550 Telephone 456 3870 after 1975 CAN AM 175 S795 Trailbike Telephone 778 7468 197 YAMAHA Endurn 250cc 1400 mlIIS excellent condition $950 or best offer TfIephone 776 9357 after MOPED Cady 1975 A1 condition nfthf been used Phone 778 4073 for hp poinlmvnt to see $300 complete or best offer 1974 HONDA 350 3000 miles in ex crIlenl condition $1195 or trade for boat and motor etc Telephone 776 3441 after 5pm weekends any time 40 articles for sale ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 716 3435 40 articles for sale COLOR TV RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Electrollofne per week $495 20 RCA perweeli $315 10 RCA XlIOO per week $565 26 Panasonic per week $650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL JULY 77 Phone Tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA 7371 82 MTThFTF $393 or iust $400 per week buys you this SLIpr 70 General Electric 100 Solid State portable color television No man by down and no payments tlI July Phone tonight drIivored tonight Krazy Kellys Mmuunw CLEARANCE price on all color and black and white used televisions while they lost Come early for best selection Barrie TV Appliances 80 Dunlop St East 7284297 7W TF SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season price Guaranteed Installation and terms Call collect days or evenings 416 221 4840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools In stock Sacrifice price for desperater nordrxt fartnry warthousn sparr Brand TIIVV swimming pools Include filter walk round 101k fencr and warranty Sllf ls 27 ft $1355 cash or terms Call Perl collect days or evenings 1416 $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Recaver it Yourself 0Wide selection of discount fabrics OFoam cushions Tools both amateur professional Needles threads twines Buttons made to order IA complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP 539 Bayfield St 7371510 WThFTF SWIMMING POOLS to rent WIII lease and install for linmmwnars family size aluminum swimming pool with patio Choicv of slylts meeting all fencing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try bofnro you buy Call collect anytime I416 663 9508 SWIMMING POOLS ly scratched In transport ranlod complete with pump filter fencing walkway and deck 1977 models slight Fully war Suggested retail price $2295 Available at pre season sprcial of $1288 Call not collect for early installation Call anytimo1416 663 9508 BICYCLES IRIKES all sizes recondi IIOIINI repainted repairs parts wantnd Asking $1900 After rail 776 0850 LAWN MOWERS ROTO TILLERS GARDEN TRACTORS ALL BY ROPER MOTO MOWER ATTRACTIVE PRICES PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY CO LTD 39 HIGH ST BARRIE OPEN Saturdays till My171920 TullE EXAMINER Available Daily at These Simcoe County Merchants HILLTOP SUNOCO HWY 27 THORNTON GENERAL STORE LUlS COOKSTOWN BOBS MILK COOKSTOWN WRAYS DRUGS ALLISTON ALLISTON SMOKE SHOP TALL TREES CAMPGROUND HWY 27 LORIES SNACK BAR HWY 27 ROBBINS EVERETT STEPHENS GLENCAIRN A27H motor 40 articles for sale The Telephone NEVER MISS CALL 40 articles for sale Store Ltd NEW AND USED Telephone Answering Systems As LOW AS $13995 CASH OR CHARGEX CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION Barrie 7265600Willowdale 499362099 MS TThSJul6 LACROSSE Equipment some used Georgian Sports 24 Maple Avenue 7263200 RUG 16 tweed brown and cream and matchlng hall rug 5plece kit Chen set and Admlral Bw TV Also SOCCER AND Baseball Shoes some telephonetable7370547 bargains Georglan Sports 24 Maple Avenue 7263200 zoo RAILROAD TIES $595 each 7370086 miles north of Barrie on Highway 11 Sun ValleyRestaurant AIR CONDITIONERS Get the preseason lump on air condi tlonlng All sizes home units up to 100 BTU In stock Some still available at last years prices Cash and carry or term available Prices start as low as $1660 where else Krazy Kellys Barrie Shop ping Plaza 7371182 BUY YOUR LAWN BOY lawn mower where factory trained mechanics wlll preservlce It SPORT HAVEN MARINE1 mile East of BARRIE on Shanty Bay Road 1001 CONSIDER THIS For only $575 week or lust $593 cash basis you can own this brand new 25 Motorala Quasar Color TV Works in drawer with beautiful Spanish cabinet Put no money down with no payments til July It you phone tonight its de livered tonight Krazy Kellys 7371182 IDEAL FOR COTTAGE or basement used woods combination fridge stove kitchen sink units IISV Asking $225 Phone 7284776 USED FURNITURE Airconditioners small fridges for office or cottage sotvesfree1ers odd chairs chesterfield sets lawn furniture and bedroom sultes Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse free deliver 728 2843 BRIDALDREssano veil size 910 also brid cage All in good condition Telephone726 45337 CEDAR POSTS all sizes line posts an chars and braces Also poles 728 1637 CE DAR POSTS and poles16ft also dry fireplace wood maple and ash Call 89990118 390 COOLER owcase cooler for meals almost new Best offer accepted Call evenings 72674612 NOW IN BARRIE Garys Bait Tackl and Flea Market 27 Essa Road Star hours Monday to Wednesday to pm Thursday Friday am till pm Saturday till pm Sunday noon till pm STEREO FOR SALE Pioneer 5A6500 amplifier and EPl 100 speakers Bought last summer Upgrading equipment rea son for selling Asking $350 726 2888 after 7p CERAMIC TILES Inch square assorted colors case of Dithane 22 agricultural fungicide mans bicycle speed $50 various lengths of inch steel cable ft florescencc fixtures Call 726 9009 WEDDING DRESS size 18 to 20 lac oversklrt with underskirts suitable for spring and summer matching head dress with full veil and train $80 or best offer Also engagement ring carat diamond white gold and gold and opal birthstone ring Best offer Phone 728 7147 before8pm DISHWASHER KENMORE6push but ton avocado portable maple top ex rellont condition $275 Telephone 726 3959 WEDDING GOWN white size 17 full length attached train not worn in Bar rte Cleaned Reasonable Telephone 737 1866 DINING ROOM Table large sue ar borite top with matching leather chairs perfect condition year old Telephone 726 0490 24 RANGE $40 Oil space heater with fan $15 Stand for Craftsman radial arm saw $70 Kitchen suite $75 Electric lawn mower Sunbeam 18 twin blade $30 776 7593 after so DINING ROOM extension table leaves chairs Kitchen arbarile top chairs 17 12 foot rubber back gold col cred nylon rug All good condition Tele phone 778 7367 LOCAL WAREHOUSE is ovorstocke with 1977 above ground swimming pools Must liquidate wuthin the next 10 days Complete with filter fence walk and equnicnl package $1178 terms Call Warehouse Mgr collect days or even 1051 416 560 3511 ELECTRIC GUITAR and amplifier speaker columns and head piece kit chvn sIl bedroom suite carpet sweeper baby carriage folding crib high chair walker iolly iumper swing safety gate 728 1846 after 5p or weekends Pin Ball Machines For your personal enjoyment $250 up Must be seen Telephone 456 3870 after AIR CONDITIONER Sears coldspot 8000 TU speed fan sensor control excellent condition $165 or best offer Call 728 9759 RECORDS FOR SALE rock popular tunes 50 cents for singles $7 for LPs In good condition Telephone 778 9822 after 4p MOPED for sale Torrot 900 miles paid $570 best offer Telephone 726 9137 HUMIDIFIER VIKING wick type good condition automatic humidislat variable speed motor $66 Also furnace humidifier Wait and Skulflo $5 10 plate capacity Call 728 9759 CHESTERFIELD large oak desk and tables and coffee table colonial and In excellent condition Telephone 7766668 after 30p 2000 FOOT PINE lumber inch and one inch Telephone 728 7468 UTILITY TRAILER tires and rims E78 14 Briggs and Stratton no gas Druu piston pump Umolors Martin outboard gallon crock Telephone 4562619 USED SEWING machines no lag machines reconditioned and guaranteed from $44 95 Singer Com pany Georgian Mall Barrie FABRIC SALE as much as 80 off on selected fabrics and 20 off the entire stock Singer Centre Georgian Mall Barrie ONE COMBINATION box and boat snowmobile trailer with winch and tilt box $125 Also 32 ft wooden ladder in good shape $20 Telephone 776 0040after GOLD GSW frost free fridge and stove heavy duty automatic washer and dryer years old $1000 Cal after 778 7099 PUMP Allp piston pump for deep well also electric lawn mower General Eloc tric yrs old good condition 776 6854 after 615 pm THE BARRIE CHAPTER of the Toronto DISITICI Christian High are holding verandah sale Saturday May 71 1977 930 am 1130 am at 242 Sunnidale Rd Box plants refinished wire reels ideal for coffee tables collie puppies and many more ONE SINGLE and one double wardrobe drawer chest of drawers Telephone 737 2928 TROLLING RODS and reels and tackle guns long rifles and cases In ex cellonl condition Telephone 436 3564 COFFEE TABLE and matching com mode tables Spanish dinette table Double ss sink Bathroom wall cabinet 31 hp riding lawnmower sashless window 726 9769 LOCAL SWIMMING pool dealer has al limited number of steel in ground pools at greatly reduced prices 16x32 In ground $3495 installed Other sites corn parably priced Call Polynesian Pools 23131 free 800 261 6121ask for operator 101Nch BLACKMBnd White Panasonic feIeVIsIon used very little car bed in good condition 1970 Ford Maverick for parts only good motor can be seen at 13 Heath SIor phone 728 4347 after pm CARTOP RACK school desks air mat Iressesl Florecenl light fixture 24 In electric stove bird cage dog basket movie camera floor pollsher carpet sweeper Telephone 728 1320 MOPED I975 cady mat Telephone 7286069 AIR CONDITIONER Accordion two tires and rims for Toyota 1200 all in good condition Telephone 7287 4490 ELECTRIC MOWER Black and Decker dual blade like new grass cat cher and heavy duty extension cord $75 Call 726 2431 x15 FT arléntaliug Gooo Condition years old $50 Telephone 7285634 after LLOYDS DECUXE AM7FM SIeréo Multlplex with 8track cartridge recorderplayer and two speakers Like new condition one year old Please call 728 1352 after pm GARAGE SALE Set Sun Mon May 2123 9th Line of Ora at Lakeshore and Tudhope Appliances furniture plants clothing and househol zartlcles 4875864 41 boots motors USED TV CLEARANCE prlce on all color BW used TVs while they last Come early for best selection Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop St 7284297 BOAT SALE 14 Fibreglass 33 hp Evinrude wtraller $I 295 14 Fibreglass 55 hp Evinrude $I495 14 Fibreglass 40hp Evinrude $I695 14 Fibreglass 35 hp Johnson wtrailer $2395 15 Silverline 50 hp Johnson $2895 16 Fibreglass 85 hp Merc $2395 15 Catamaran Sailboat $I 795 12 Petrol sailboat $795 18Wood day Cruiser $350 21Glastron Overnighter $IUSOO 1977146 Fibreglass wl977 Johnson 35 wtop $2599 SPORTIIAVEN MARINE Mile East of Barrie on Shant Bay Rd 726 001 We buy and sell new and used boats and motorsj u3 CANOES We have truckload of dif ferent sizes shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum canoes SPORTIIAVEN MARINE mile East of Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 Au3 TORO Lawn Garden Equpiment Riding Mowers Tractors Rotary Mowers Garden Tillers Authorized Toto Sales Service OIRIENS SPORTS MARINE lTD RR DID STATION 4872211 Open days week My1319H 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 after 430pm SAILBOAT 16foot custom designed and built Totally fiberglassed over marine plywood sails including new spinnaker and Geona Many extras 35 hp engine trailer Real bargain at $1200 726 7955 15 FIBREGLASS 76 Chrysler 45 hp out board complete with trailer ready to go $2700 Telephone 728 2565 from 9730 BOAT TRAILERS for rent Two days from $15 Call Bruces Boats 416 478 4175 Toronto 416 3631954 17 FOOT Chrysler fiberglassbdat day crusier with canopy top 80 hp Chrysler outboard Explorer trailer All In ex cellent conditIon $1650 Telephone 726 7836 1977 MUNRO 14 Fibreglass convotop 25 hp Johnson Trailer All ac cessories$950 Telephone 728 2866 after 600 1974 CHRYSLER Charger 15 75 HP power trim and till instruments trailer Excellent condition Low hours $4000 726 2690 16 CRESTLINER fibreglass runabout 50 hp Johnson electric start and trailer$l600487 5702 SAILBOAT Glen 14 ft fibreglassed mahogany plywood hull complete with trailer $900 Call 726 2047 16 FT CATAMARAN plyWoOd flberglass hull $400 Telephone 726 2593 aflerSpm 26 FT wooden sailboat sails wen ches inboard aluminum spars cradle rails and life lines Asking $4900 Lying at Big Bay Point Marina or phone 416 669 9206 18ft Cabin cruiser Economical cylinder Grey marlne engine camper top sleeps red cedar hull fibreglassed covered with trailer Asking $1200728 8717 16 ft PRINCECRAFT aluminum boat convertible lop controls heavy duty tilt trailer $700 Teephone 726 8578 Tm 16 ft KENNEDY BOAT also 1972 Merc 140 hp In A1 condition Telephone 705756 2691 14ft FIBREGLAS STARCRAFT and 33 hp Johnson wlth tilt trailer and extras Also complete controls including wind shield and steering wheel Telephone 17057435 6395 TABUR YAK ll dingy Evinrude horsepower motor sails oars $400 Bumpers for large boat boating ac cessorles also All In good condition Telephone 726 2999 GREW USED 23 daycruiser excellent condition many extras Can be seen at Central Sports and Marine Midland with many others 1526 4251 16ft MOULDED PLYWOOD boat with top and trailer 50 hp Mercury electric start motor $650 Telephone 456 3834 after6pm 23 10 Grew 245 Custom hardtop 188 Mercury Inboardoutboard few hours Telephone 7289919 for important In formation 26 FT SLOOP Goad amine reii mahogany Includes sails motor and accessories Asking £1000 Telephone Brian I705 4292527 14 FT RUNABOUT for sale with tilt traller and 35 hp Johnson motor $650 Telephone 728 1691 42articles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre Bsottems 7288234 WE ALL CASH farqu furniture pictures chairs etc efc 4875389 REOTIIREDT Good used lIemsI ofiaII kinds for the needy Salvation Army 60 Collier 7283794 TWIN CARRIAGE mares Telephone 32327917affer pm gt 446095 and pets BARRIE POODLE SalonShampoolng and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de Illermine 8798 Pet Studio MAYs ISOODLE EARLOR Profes slonal clipping and groomlnq reason gble rates Telephone 7260061 44 dogs pets TROPICAL FISH Best selection In town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prlces Evenlngs and weekends Edge hlll Aquarle 143Ardagh Road 7260094 REGISTERED WHITE German Shepherd 3150 Telephone 7370074 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies weeks old females only $20 each Telephone 4245389 old males female Asking $30 each Telephone 3253281 HIMALAYAN KITTENS blue points ready to go late June Registered and pedigree Telephone 7264748 41 home improvements JOHN LAURIN Building contractor SOLID VINYL SIDING The only siding youll ever need for home or cottage FREE ESTIMATES 15333338 7260955 My2I soga rden supplies CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Saturday de llvery Call 7263928 or 7261117 TREESJ SHRUBS EErIIIIzer Seeds All your gardenlng needs Crown Garden Centre Hwy 93 mile northof Hwy 11 BOX PLANTS hanging baskets every thing for your garden flower beds win dow boxes etc also asparagus roots Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale or 7262951 NUMBER shTedded top soil for siiie Telephone 7266837 COLORED TELEVISION Fleetwood working condition French provincial cabinet Also executive wooden ad lustable back arm hltler chair for best offers as Is Telephone 7280881 CROWN GARDEN CENTRE Hwy 93 mile north of Hwy 11 7284296 Flower and vegetable box plant special 70 materials and advice for all landscaping and gar dening needs Discuss your green thumb problems with us Ju18 55construction machinery ASPHALT ROLLER 2ton Pavemaster as new best for commercial work $3000 1416v544 5307 Hamilton even ings Sbfcam pingequipmentm NEED camper boat or vacation loan See Barrie Community Credit Uhion 18 Collier 7285191 1973 SUNKAMPER fridge furnace stove chemical toilet fully equipped lots of extras Owner going out of camp ing Call 7260148 after 5pm SLEEPER Tent Trailer for safe food storage space in good condition $225 or best offer Telephone 726 9327 evenings 1976 STARCRAFT Starmaster 3way fridge canopy portable toilet excellent condition 7370076 STARCRAFT STARMASTER hard top camper trailer sleeps propane stove sink ice refrigerator canopy with screened addaroom clothes closet table Excellent condition Telephone 7372451 1975 MAST ERCOACH deluxe 29 long 18 rollaway awning 16 wooden patio purchased new last summer Oth er extras Can be left on slte for summer at Little Banff Hwy 93 at Orr Lake 3221430 19 FT CITATION travel trailer sleeps 110 12 volt and propane lighting gas electric fridge freezer pc bathroom with full size shower burner propane stove propane furnace Fully insulated including floor 16 awning Telephone 726 6364 or 7281395 after SCHOOL BUS converted to motor home way fridge burner stove fuirnace water on tap toilet full size beds $4500 424 5991 HOMEMADE truck camper Fits ton $300 or best offer Telephone 424 5948 57flivestock for sale SADDLE SALE Clearance of 1976 English made saddles Robinson Hard ware 31 Dunlop 728 2431 HARNESS Parts Hoppies Blankets Treatments etc for sale Anderleigh Stables Barrie Racewayn BAY MARE 11 year old Morgan and quarterhorse 152 hands English train ed Has won ribbons Excellent disposi tion $700 including lack 7261684 after pm TEAM 0F heavy work horses also registered quarter horses and calls Reasonable prices Telephone 466 2923 ONE CHAMPION games horse registered quarter and one mare also tack and one 1974 Royal horse trailer in excellent condition Call after pm 705 445 3474 STANDING AT stud two purebredAra bian stallions Also purebred filly Maple Hill Arabians Elmvale 322 1558 Sitepoultrychic ks DEKALB READY to lay pullels Brown e99 pullets available June 18 Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 436 1811 64fa rm machinery FORGE HARVESTER for sale also hitch sprayer liquid manure tank 10 gallon row air planter 400 tons of A1 sileage 3222351 Po No 35956 Forklifts 75 used fromas is to rebuilt Best buys ever Days call 416 6775020evenings 416 8931627 ALLIS CHALMERS model tractor $850 International Club Cadet 12 hp tractor with tillers $850 Hay trailer $250 Manure Spreader $200 Phone 487 5702 New IDEAL moWditioner allied bale slooker with forks to fit front end loader ton wagon and rack 36 ft bale elevator all in new condition Telephone 728 1697 JOHN DEERE tractor AR with live hydraulics in good condition Telephone 487 2505 68 personals TEEN DISCO The Embassy Starting FRI MAY 20 730 pm to 12 $2 PER PERSON Complete Snack Bar My19 DIVORCE INCORPORATE Low cost 7830505 After hours 6383559 3199 Bathurst Street Suite 206 Toronto My20 WN Write Clover Motel Apts 212 108th Av Treasure Island St Petersburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies from May on ward efficiency unlts from $75 week for people Phone 728 3136 for Information WThFAu17 TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecnre 726 7922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 If you drink thats your business If you want toquit thatsours Call anytime UNwANTED FIAle reriioifed safely permanently medically proved Ly lectrolaglst dla Hrenchuk Certlfled 7372671 Wlndy Haugh Farm 7260192 WHY SUFFER agony wlth Cams and Callouses Relief now Is yours from England Carnallon Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec live results medicated pad that really does the lobl Corn Caps or callous Caps now avallable at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all drubglsts RIDING lNsTRucTIONfIndoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes 68 personals FREE INSPECTION of mufflers Must and shocks The Muffler stop 180 lnnlsfll Street Barrle INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Clvll crlmlnal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 7372972 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Day and evenings Mon through Friday Phone 7288868 SOLO CLUB If you are single separated widowed divorced age 30 to 55 would like to become Involved in nonprofit social club call 7260877 or 7260244 WINNERS FOR ANGUS Public School Hockey Draw Winning end last goal 432 overtime Mally Livingston Angus Flrst goal 1138 first period Alex Dougan Melton Second goal 134 se cond period Les Zaba Angus UNITED CREATIONS Club is looking for self equipped entertalners to do guest spot at their outdoor sale on July 1977 Anyone Interested phone 7267675 or 7260622 NOTICE Welcome to our Newoce tion 84 Dunlop East near Queens Hotel Blll Flsher Sld Jeffels Thank You 69instructions ENGLISH RIDING Instruction Well schooled horses Indoor arena minutes from Barrie 7260192 71 help wanted CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Large international company requires attractive and outgoing person to contact their Barrie clients Car necessary Excellent starting salary plus car allowance For ap pointment CALL MR SMITH 7373542 SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 1285941 TF AVON says EXTRA SPRINGTIME EARNINGS can get you the summer vacation you thought you couldnt afford NO experience necessary Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BarrieOnt WTI1TF TRACTOR OWNER operators required to haul loads in Ontario andor east coast of United States Telephone 14163601506 COMPANY 15 EXPANDING AND has several parttime and one Iultime posi tion open Can earn from $450 $600 an hour Car necessary Must be neat in ap pearance For Barrie and surrounding area Phone 416895 6532 IMMEDIATELY REQUIRED Am bilious students with car for summer work Barrie area Phone 416895 6532 CLASS mechanic required for dealership in Alliston Telephone 4354371 from am to 530 pm ask for service manager MATURE RESPONSIBLE person re quired to care for children nights Some housekeeping duties involved Please telephone 7262640 DINING ROOM Cook for year round resort some experience own transpor tation Apply in person to the chef at Not tawasaga Inn Hwy 89 Alliston Ont Phone 705 435 5501 EXPERIENCED ASPHALT raker re quired immediately Apply to Disher Farrand PO Box 68 Barrie or tele phone 7260274 PERSON TO TAKE charge of the ac tivities and reactivation program for elderly patients in the Bayfield Lodge Nursing Home 346 Bayfield Street Bar rie For further Information telepnone 7282065 weekdays before pm and ask for director of nursing or 726 2184 the ad ministrator WAN People who are willing to work We are expanding our Barrie operation and re quire new employees immediately Some parttime work is also available Please call Mr Black 7371903 between IDaLmand5pm THREE wanted immediately for part tlme work There Is also possibility for fulltime work Knowledge of Italian an asset Telephone Low Feemo 7371904 Call between 10am and 5pm WE REQUIRE people to fill iob open ings in our Barrie branch Full and part time work available For interview please call Mr Brown 7371904 Call bet ween 10 am and pm COUPLE WANTED For lakefront estate In Shanty Bay Man to look after grounds Woman to do light housakeeplng Own furnished house on property Experience necessary must have drivers licence Apply 7260483 EXPERIENCED PERSON to work in Automotive Auto Body supply store Must have chauffers lIc over 25 Some xperlence neccesary in automotive paints Call 7287421 for appointment SARAH COVENTRY offers you the chance to be fashion show director in your spare time For an Interview telephone 726 3247 NURSE AID and nurse aidcleaner re quired immediately for employment in nursing home for profoundly mentally retarded children Must have own trans portation Health care benefits included For interview telephone 4361461 bet ween 9am 430pm DOOR ATTEN DANT parttime Eff and Sat nlghts 800100 Apply to Bar Mgr at Holiday Inn 72867191 SEMI INVALID arthritic requires mature live In housekeeper at summer home at Mlnets Point starting mid June to September Light duties Dri vers licence required Nonsmoker Telephone Mrs England for appoint ment 12 noon to 8pm 7370302 SOMEONE to babysit In my own home in Palnswick Must have own transpor tation One child welcome Telephone 726 7738 ORGANIST and choir director required for St Giles Anglican Church Apply in writing to the Church Wardens 95 Cook Street Barrie REGISTERED NURSING assistant for Bayfield Lodge Nursing Home 346 Bayfield street Barrie To arrange Inter view telephone 728 2065 before pm and ask for director of nursing CLASS mechanic for Avis Renta car and Shell Service Station Requlred Immediately Salary negotiable Apply In person at 101 Dunlap Street West LOCAL MOTOR shop requires motor winder Single and phase experience preferred Excellent working conditions Salary negotiable Reply In confidence to Box U37 co The Examiner SALES FIELR Experiencedfull time position for quallfled appllcanl Apply in person to the manageress between 10 am pm Mamselle Ladies Wear Bayfield Mall CLEANING PERSON At least 10 years experience days week In Utopia good pay 7723 Im PERSON REQUIRED to fill position of recelver In local manufacturing com pany Must be experienced In forklift operations Telephone 7261891 for ep pointment LEGAL SECRETARY required for large law office Must be experienced In real estate Apply Smith McLean 20 Owen Street