18 the examiner Thursday May 19 1977 Plans to follow Lindberghs path id Ira 7earold ferr pilot plans to retrace the historic steps of aviation pioneer hailes Lindbergh in coinineniorative solo transMlantic flight to France in single engine plane tray Ieayes from New York on Friday for the anniversary day nonstop Milomile trip rl Photo Psychic Children books subiect limitu ed for It llZrltlt TRACY il0lll tip psyehie can he ditfieult experience tor many children according to Samuel ll Young author of Psychic thildren Long interested in pselne phenomena Young former editor at Saturday lllllll Post lltlll4l and Look maua xines spent sewral Cllgttltlll research into the experience of people ho had been psychic as eluldrer He also consulted Illl leading parapsychologists and Illltl iemd man children curedpsehieally Ile com luded that psychic ixrienees are by no means eon iried to few gifted children out permeate ever childs life Elow these experiences are dealt with by his adults can make bi difterenee to the ml the child will develop emo and much damaue can re It adults tinftinuliar ll phenomena lllxlllrltS tiLtgt rtl re licfttVHl to hate the er or mutant nt seeing lllltr be uore and into the past llrll come iron man lLllLlrth an aryine ethnic 11 ME llt lllrtSi ltA ttlltktlllï¬ it iifi Iii2rti Linda Martel ll itlltllx lntlrx Irttiill titlllt gtL jrl L1Il born on Guernsey one of the Channel Islands in 103 She was in hospital for the fir st years of her lite and died when she was five never haying been able to walk but was said to have cured dozens of sick people by her toueh Young refers briefly to the childhood eperienees ol metal bending lri ieller whose abili ties he believes are genuine As to exorcism as remedy for possessed children the our thor quotes an Anglican clergy man Tanon Peareelliguius as saying that wise counselling and tender loving care would be much more appropriate It you have or know of any apparently psychic children Youngs book could be vain able tool in ltilllllL with the sit uation lsehie children Samuel ll Young Ix pages $71m Doubleday lllthlli Il2ll lilltlllCXIIlt tut tl The Womens Institute oi Hn ttrrio will celebrate its ioth an nnersar at tirigeman lrirk here ltirie lo Ir llllllj Ilaeket laui honorary llli urer and chairman ot the II nance committee ml the Htl iteil countrywonien ot the World will he flirtst lldkll THE COMMISSION ON Freedom of Information and Individual Privacy NH ruler on teeitam tricrnratrc are tripli rc no 4r4l4 lr rr Ly authority unaertae reflex if ii true rwarn tuicy to cidr irie CTYrOiIOPi cractices at other itlliSrjifjluil 3er to consider pcssibl change which are Jatérg with the parliamentary tradition 3i government at Ontario and crurnplerrrertrjr 77 rt rut rt riï¬r AvA re necraniyrs that presentl exist tar the gryecrgn ct the rights at inairauas access Jna doped TelGICTt to the use Government inlarrnatian ategaries Guerrrrent irtlcrnuatiar which be treated carrtiderrtia7 in order to bic ntere Lotteries and all that Canadians suckers for the long shot WINNIPEG fP Cana dians whether they realize it or not are suckers for the long shot Irom coast to coast people plunk down hardearned cash for lottery tickets at odds that would make horseplayer gasp ltut ol coursv the lot teryplayer is going for big stakes $ltttlott even million though his chances are better the man at the race track has to be content with lesser pots You cant win if yourre not in is the luidiiig principle be hind most lottery advertising and even those who dont coir sider themselves gamblers have responded in ever increasing numbers From modest beginning less than decade itLL0V0lll meritsanctioned lotteries have TENNIS RACKETS GEORGIAN SPORTS 24 Maple Ave across from Bus Station All Price Ranges PRICE DELUXE CHAMPION Rï¬jBElT pwt $3195 proliferated everywhere in anada The latest figure front major lotteries indicate ticket sales are running at rate of well over $800 million year That works out to stake of 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re quested tr rite to the Courel Commission of Freedom Qt lnlarnatiin and lndivigua Priracv 1141 VJnterpu FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT MOST CARS Add 120 ll isrs nrwrl tvtlllitlt it titttl rnrlr prorated warranty 88 Dunlop St Nr extra charge for air conditioning or torsion Correct Install nevi disr mils Hermit ltl irl iistrnont ï¬tteet lent30 Ontario NOB 2P3 iii to admire rxrrter Hi from outer wheel lï¬rlllltlx lllwllVl fist lrimhfl to tr Hit lb ox art tr ow QV BliltlWélll front rritrirs his rrt lrnrit lllltx Bu Jr jerSlgflt tartar mgr INM 1mmLNMMI and toe out girliiist steering mtr and centre steering wheel lirsrier master rlrrulr llixlurtl ll£tl4ll£lltlviill lrrurirrtlirriLeliims HId ifil WHITFWAI 33 00 MOREJ PlelC hearirgs will be neld at times and places in Ontario to be ltWOJIlCCG later and those tiling Briefs or letters wit wish to appear personallywill be ad ised as the We and place when they will he heard S3495 Installed at no extra charge Twestone Stores V2 5233 Cl llliCr JIQ wrclrlrjtl 399217 15 444s Al Pr AJH rt JtreetLflacnOntaï¬ 082931 USE OUR RM rircstonc CREDIT PLAN DCWillioms PhD no WR Poole QC on Open Daily to May to Saturday to Chairman Counsel lopstoni Canada Ltd Reg User