An demonstrators bar roa Lewis forced to cancel lodge tour MINAKI Ont Cl An angry mob of demonstrators forced NDP Leader Stephen lcwis to cancel planned tour of Minaki lodgeon Wed nesday About 100 demonstrators barred the road to the lodge protesting the NDP leaders contention that it never will be viable as tourist iit traction and should be coit verted to some other tise Miiiaki was taken over in 1974 by the Ontario govern ment which plans to spend $20 million to restore it as luxury tourist facility vertcntly was struck by one of the waving signs Finally he ordered the civil servants and scientists of international reputation Lewis said Miller and Pie Mm twigs buS was campaign busturned around mier William Davis had halted by the deiiionstratois Flaming lilttl reporters every reason to decide againr local businessman Barry thin be abandoned the tour st closing the systeinbut the because there seemed to be Who pays for insulation subsidy TORONTO CP Energy Minister James Taylor has asked the federal government to pay for national program suggcsted by Ontario to subsi dize homeinsulation projects Taylor made public Wednes day two letters he sent to Alas tair Gillespie federal energy minister In letter sent Tuesday he SII included details of the proposal and said the federal govern ment could pay for it using rev enue from excise taxes on gaso line The proposal is for fiveper cent interest subsidy on three year loans of maximum of $2500ahome Home owners could use the loans to insulate attics base ments and walls caulk and weatherstrip their houses and install better doors and win dows Taylor said 155 million On tario homes would be eligible for the loans and 100000 loans averaging $1000 each could be made in Ontario before the end of the year In the other letter sent May 12 Taylor was critical of thelatest increase in the prices of crude oil and natural gas and of Gillespies suggestion for an other uelsaving program to be paid for by consumers In the May 17 letter he said the Ontario government wants the proposedfederally financed program to be run by the prov inces Better opRlie libson told him the lodge decisionneednt becouched se th II sup mm supplm of ltlottlllllch tension among the in such insulting saiic iiloynieiit for the villa cs pm 05 ms imonious terms ligiiisidcnts The Nl1adfl5 Slarled The most objectionable gt Tm MM XS mm tin the day iii friendlier surrouii part 9f the statement he viiiniiieg liner about so dings btlwlil whï¬rï¬ he said is that the minister ii illlitslltlllllUthtltil1 said Resources Minister now places the blame liile the demonstrators Frank Inns refusal squarely on the shoulders of icd Slthls tllltl slioiimi IOX lht WITUIY theIndiansthemselves nu hng md 60 mm tiiiitaiiiinated lIiiglisthabi Miners statement said tents tlic lll leader 110 WW 55319111 Sports that the Indians forthe most tried to respond to Gibsons Fllltllltl W12 agdttiioiistizztt011 purl have remained tiiiLco Shop Rite tile it he ln his lt 10 ICSSIVt Un opera ive onit ta ties at en lliilllgt titisiiltill Stlthtivc government by the province cat no 81297KW Page 19 Shouting at times to make 111 deal With 10 The Initiatives Lewis said hiiiisclt licorii tea is said the llioii would be better it itiiig some form industry to liiiikis complete iltitllll on tourism til Sttlllliiiil lt7i llitnllSlCSJtlliS problem Responding at news con lcieiicc to statement by Miller released earlier in the day Lewis described it as thoroughly distasteful rat ioiialization for in uiiiipeteiice and neglect had been superficial inis leading and lllttlllstqlltllltill trust had broken down hostility had grown on both sides and then as finale Frank Miller blames the vicr tiins Later at the White log re Premier illiatii lais right as in Sault Ste laric 24 Barbecue by Danby ideal for your summer cookouts Comes com plete with adjustable chrome plated grill sturdy hood spit and forks Fea tures 2position roasting spit cordless motor which operates from one cell not included and stands 40 high on chromeplated legs on destroy your COLLEAGIES REPllHAT serve several residents told JUSt one Of many great values in cut than and tt Hll give lit the Nlll leader they would OUIdOOr barbecues and accessories iity iin1ii11iiizty mils he He said the decision repu rather die than accept on pages 18 and19 dialed some of the ministers Millers offer to move them rsic innii Lewis llllll cabinet colleagues senior to another reserve Stuart chediob losses tiit Wednesday to officially open the headquarters of area lt candidatu loliii ltliodcs itli lltnis is Jim Kellilicr chairman of lr Rhodes campaign coiiitiiitlcc lhc prciiiicr held press conference and appeared on radio opciiiiic shim beforc moving on to Hana lltl miles north of Sault for truism Willi Use your convenient Bay in chargo It Acc0unt Card at ShopRite on Hy ilij tt tit on om of any boards after cutting costs to furthii iaiiipuigiiiiig for the lllllt 1i election ttl Iliotol municipality which at the bone Ciltltl convince the tempted to raise taxes Liberal government ol the lllltllll litiiit need for more money they Smith said all gthOIIl would get it lroiii special See all the ments including local ones provincial fund bubsons Bag Iompang better buys would be expected to stay If they get that extra inthe all Hill ill tlhhiPtrtilll revenue some other provni new Spring spending limits of the anti cial priority Will he shelved and Summer inflation board forawhile ShopRite the interviewer asked if it Smith was especially Wr tint itli on thin llltlt is siitticiint rail catalogue at not up to local cntical ol SClltltllrllottttlSptll tario will fill the flaps llitttstxitttlttit to mett the iiinnicipaltties electtd by ding saying that costs arc gitilld by changes in nitls ot our ioiiiiiitiiiitits local taxpayers to decide soaring wliilc enrolment is lttltlétl tiiiiisporation policy then my govcriiiiiciit Wcihllltlil spendingpriorities declining licinicr Villiain l1tl lltl tliiotigh combination ol cl iiiplcx the autonomy you are He said school lottlgt Wednesday Noriintnii and the lliitario xiiw which talking about is to give them have to recognize Just like He ltlltl ttlllllll Sio people at ortliliiiiii litllit litll and tunv its ill the autonomy to raise taxes everylxiily else that the tin an outdoor lttiich that ittltlitl litl system will fill the gt xtitliou limit wont give payer is not goingtocontiiiuc plain to stimiiilmi railways gnp extmi them that giiitoiioiiiy taking it in thcncck will risull It ltlllltiltlll Ill The premier siid hi= trans lie siiirl that when it Comes llc accused tliitaiio passenger tlltt in or leIiitlltlll plan is not it cam to to government spending Premier William llavis ol ilitittllllllitlli pnigi gootlv hot ioii ically theretrccertaiiipriorities running up deficit after bclictc that is inaJoi tiniiatiun ol the LtlHlll 1ztitigt1 lie mentioned his multir deficit anilsaidhisouncost ltltlltllllll of the llitlltlllill ments tilillllllllltlll to the Let iiii llllllltllllllllitlilytltr progrzr cutting would come where it gowrniiicnts ttsptillslllllll North igreiinc ii to rtalc tooooo new jobs wasnicdcd to provide inter prmniciitl ICVIljttsItlllHlla zinn ysh ii the gtlll£tllvhllslllt5$ sector But the Liberal leader said ran lit tlltill on an lii itl ciitcriil the ttcc 11 oal as out of the major Northern and eastern tln illllldllltlightslitsitltl tltllillt yliltli iiiitttilltl priorin tario have received so much it wiircnot Slttttllll in much td div lllllt of Nlll iv However tlic Liberal less for so long that any conviiiiingthclwlcialgovtr ltittltl slcphen lAi and gt =hi leader said that if government spending ttlls llllltlll to ltltk its trans tiiirtl littllltt lll11ltl th municipalities and school would not coiiictherc ptltliilltitl policy and ensuri liriiiik lllllili icck gBecause their belts are on right straight dead centre and they fit endtoend with no overlap to cause uneven tread wear An exclusive Uniroyal patented process that delivers smooth running tire and long tire lite Thats value 11911 85 SR 14 5995