lb bag special value beef steaks or roasts boneess Sirlom tip 153 everyday meat value sweet pickled back bacon by the piece 65 centre cuts lb 75 end cuts special value Loblaws macarom cheese loaf luncheon meat mock chicken 0r bologna sliced cooked meats 602 pkg each special value Bluewater Brand thrift pack cooked fish fries frozen 232228 special value 16o PKG all varieties Colonial cookies freshly ground medium ground Olmerly ground Chuck maximum fat content special value Loblaws boneless cooked smoked dinner hams r188 special value Shopsy potato salad or cole slaw 24 02 each special value Rupert Brand frozen olden battered oston bluefish 21 08 Great weekly specials Neilsons multipak fudgestiksicle 2s or frostsicle 660 ml pkg special 64 grocery values RvyllOId Hfllllrt foil wrap pox Calgonito ritlltllllilltt dishwashers detergent b0 Sani Flush toilet bowl 470 Cleaner tin Sunlight Iqud 24H detergent oz bottle Loblaws tomato 25 ketChUp oz bottle Corn hamburger hot din or sweet green McLarens rellSh 01 tar Mazola No Stick spray0n OZ coating aerosol tin Van Camp in tomato saucc beans 19 with pork it tins beet Irish rmealball luritan 24 stew 01 tin Arritmurrir lrrr cooked ham With 49 Fine foods from Holland baby gouda cheese lJijll lritnirr llrFllHll cherrytitiitiriiiil jam With pectin many more fine foods from Holland specially priced in our stores Vill3325400 free hampers each hamper filled with $20 of fine foods from Holland One Winner each week in each store lor weeks Winners Wlll be posted in stare Free Trips to Holland for via KL Entry Forms in Loblaws Stores Neilsons pop31cle 900 ml pkg special 58 Tang 28 flavoured oran ii 02 cryS alS oly bar Souptime soup le all varieties box Paramount pink salmon 96 Monarch allvarielirs cake 93oz mlxes pkgs frozen loaves while or brown Loblaws 80 01 bread dough plas bag will CflSpJJlf71lnlS sweet mane miniatures or golden hurts Neilson pkg 259 wiltopak daytime extra absorbent Pampers diapers pig Enal Net unscenled or scented lairol 811 01 non half net aero bite Pillsbury crescent tiilm Monarch 69 margarine tut llllllll199 Mir rilvt I49 tfiilriii Jar59 Royal Dutch Air Lines includes first class accommodation in Amsterdam meals and Sightseeing Note customer must pay 30¢ refundable deposit HUGE 15 litre bile Coca Cola lean ground beef fresh 3th pkg oroveronly chicken legs or breasts boot to own on cube steaks frozen Swrtls deep hasted lfttitylii ytllilil butterball turkeys Canada grade under 201m Loblaws semi boneless cooked smoked hams halves Si tiocideru Old Fashioned Cktil boneless smoked hams frozen Schneiders 21b pkg beef patties frozen Rupert Brand 30 oz pkg fish chips family pack frozen grade predressed cornish hens pack only fresh cut to your needs whole pork loin Spoor or forms i1ittl0iynllltltf it tar pure jam made with honey Flowerdale 150 bags box orange pekoe tea Lawrys 16 oz tar seasoned salt Fab With lemon fresh borax lb box powdered detergent Gusto 12 oz pkg for tomato 0r meat sauce spaghetti the examlner Wednesday May 18 1977 everyday low prices plus free Coke with one bonus item Loblaws poly 26 36 20 pkg garbage bags McCormicks lb pkg ginger McBig snaps Peter Pan creamy lb Jar peanut butter tu cheddarcheese corn oil Jeilson 24 or tin iced tea Earthborn 225 ml plas bile baby shampoo Valiant lemonade iv troll punch 46 or pkg flavour crystals Pet care white 30 lb bag cat litter Clin Free fabric 54 pkg so ener sheets Proof fluoride 100 ml tube toothpaste toddler or overnight 12 box Curity diapers Loblaws regular or lemon 1411 01 furniture polish aerotm lldlllldfll 18 tmltli table syrup Look for over 20 more bonus items listed throughout the store No rain checks givenpn these items Prim tllft twi ill llltl Milt 51 cioritiriiriliiii ylllltlh¥lllkrlil1llllhtilllSKl May 81 We reserve lllt llllll to litriit vliidrltiliiv BAHHIE ONLY Loblaws morethan the price is right item below Dad 32 oz pkg oatmeal cookies Hon Emmett Hall former Suprcmr Court Justice and chief commissioncr of the Grain Handling and Trans portation Commission rccommciiding abandon merit of some rail lines and an cnd to many incquitable railway transportation prac ticcs in Wcstcrn anada The Commissions work cost $17 million tl lhotol Report urges rail authority for Prairies SASlxAltitlfV iti 77 Greater cmphasis on railways in thc North and rctcntion of thc controvcrsial Crowsncst rate for transporting grain wcrc major rccommcndations Monday in thc llall commission rcporl on grain handling and transportation lhc commission hcadcd by Emmctt Hall lorrncrjusticc of thc biiprcmc ourt of Canada issucd Bifrpagc document calling for cstablishmcnt of lrairic rail authority and urg ing rctcntion of grain clcvalors as offline ullllgt in communitics whcrc rail lincs arc rippcd up on abandonmcnt Ihc lirc mcmbcr com llllShlllll appoiiitcd in April 1973 was to dccidc thc latc of 61181 milcs of lrairio rail lines It urgrd gradual abandonment of 2185 grainrelated branch lincs to thc ycar litttl Of that total Txil lllllt hayc not becn iLscd for two ycars Anothcr 181 milcs should bc addcd to thc basic nctwork and thc rcmaming 3344 miles should bc placid undcr control of thc nc rail authority the OllltlllSSitlltsultl Thc fiilcral goycrnmcnt prc vioiisly dcsignatcd 12413 miles of track as thc basic nctwork prolcctcd from llllllilltllltnl to thc ycar Boon SICIIK Nl lltAtK llrnphasiying thcir bclicf that thc dcvclopmcnt cra of railway OltSllUtllOH of anada is not complclc thc commissionch rixommcndcd building 22 milcs of ncw track and callcd for 911 milc Arctic linc eventually rcacliing Intivik Nl on the Mackcriziclnltzi lhc thiccmcmlxr rail au thority would bc indcpcndcnt of thc railways and appointed and tinanccd by tho fcdcral govcrn mcnt holding complctc juris diction to managc thc lines and kccp tlicm in sufficicnt state of repair and in operation for as long as tbcy arc nccdcd ommissioncrs asked that lhc rown corporation be hmdquarlcrixl in lhc wcst and cstblishixl by tho start of next ycar It would arrangc with railways to maintain rail lines and with lruckcrs to provide substitiitc scrvicc whcn rciiuircd lhc rcport was bascd on morc than 1600 bricfs at 120 hcariiigs in more than lrarie mnnnunitics lhc commission said it could not incasurc tllttl fcct of rctcntion or abandon mcnt on thc social viability of communit ics bccausc commu nity viability can only bc per ceivcd it cannot bcdcfined CONSIDER lIlllIlS Psychological cflccts upon comiiiiiiiitics whcn railway lincs arc rcmoved was con sidcrcd but Stltli communities have expcricncal the loss of such things as livcry barns steam trains schools and telcphonc exchangcs the report said lhcsc lacilitics were the victims of our dcvcloping tech nology and social change unre lated to rail abandonmcnt it said The commission was unable to locate arty study which in dicated thc viability of com munity which was almady de clining would be saved by the retention of the railway