awrï¬ Wltmr11TWWTCWWTF GII it ii iquii vvv mortgages Mr FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES to 95 0F VALUE We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual at tention to all mortgage inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential commercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr for valuable advice BUS 737188l RES TOLL FREE 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES I21 BAYFIELD ST 7267T 30 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF MORTGAGE LOANS TO $25000 Its thousands of dollars you can use any way you want not iust for yOur home No bonus or commission Competitive Rates Urban Rural Properties Telephone Mr John Gillespie at 728593l BENEFICIAL REALTY LTD MWFJu3 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diatr action confidential Davrd Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 465i evenings COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Srvokas 467 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 37 1111 I4 moltile homes troilers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealerfor Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders TrovelTraIIers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up TO 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVELMATE Votnrhomr sleeps rental or sale fully QQUIDDQG Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 3s Hayfield St 26 63 07s FPANKLN Truck Carronr full size iornolr loader 35500 Call 776 9005 72A 1976 COACHMEN 30 tt travel railer completely sell contained pce hath hat cold water ourmr stove with oven exhaust Ian threi way trdae propane furnace air conditioning with eleCtriC heater automatic roll up awning 11Itx ft twin It tanks other extras Tel 778 887 Is FT I075 BONANZA Trailer com Cliflfly furnished and mntvrizud with many options Call 705 538 2046 Port Severn Shadow Point Park TWO BEDROOM mobile home situated on corner treed lot in Angus Fridrle stove carpet drapes and shed included £12500 Must bl seen to be appreciated Telephone 12 543 Wellington Place Apartments 135 Wellington Gentlemen Drtfltrtd TiIrptirinr JIM136 Gaynor 7lRll1lIivrninrls BRIGHT CLEAN fIthltllfJ riitin in It and bedroom tral true parkinl Wrirkiitrt mun only Pleiisri abstarnwr only Ni ort colored appliances my year lease Adults Call LARGE FLJRNIIMLD implant15 room Suit tertialv Grind Iiiitiltll Trlophrinr 778 0755 IDEAL ACCOMMODATION for ttii business prtr ort aflrt 70 to II litrrii lItyJ fUrfTISIlLC llftltl Ciittritl iri rtli rtirivi Real ESIOte nitnreolhomo Call 72 STI DOANIOWN lilrnistiori roiiiii newly TF Irruartlrimnnrl and pillfllfll ktlllnut In rilitiis IalIIIS prrlorrvd pllffllt Hit Inni hv da time or 778 081 after tip in KANEFF 2lroom and board APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS MODERN OFFICE spaci Ior Ivam 726 9580 726 small or larm IJIIfS Inlillfillrlll or Adults cupancy short or IUIVI tiirm 176 I400 TF THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments wrltt nice view and many features 7370027 1F NEWLY DECORATED turnistied hartirIitte Barrii Also bedroom ants in Barrie and Angus 726 627i alter FURNISHED ONT rind two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 716 0988 wetktays FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment 12 miles north of Barrie abstainers No smokrrs preferred paved roads Phone 78 8067 AVAILABLE JUNE one bedroom ant $175 monthly Heat hydro lridge stove lnIludrd Telephone 737 7770 ON BL DROOM Boermerit aparliiiint Stpiirdlu entrance stove and retrigvr alor puolic utilities supplied Available InifrHdlalEl Tollphone 728 gt193 FURNISHED APT overlooking the lake bedroom $195 monthly One year lease reaurrrzd References 726 8420 or 716 0241 ONE BEDROOM apartment 31w mon lhly bachelor apartment 5130 Phone altir 5p Mr Kennedy 728 278 kitchen bath and living room 13 TH CLEAN rurnishid rooms central chrn and IllIqu room bus stop Cooking tarititina errIlldllll ROOM AND board in rtrivitlrI tiritnr in Allandiilearea Pnrini 778 618 23ottices stores for rent Anallotl DOWNTOWN BARTIE 300 aquari liiril uIIirv Briiartlnoin rink pm reasonable rrnt lelnptirini Illlftf liiiuri 77h 75l Over l0l0 lt Dunlop Last ground Illllr ilYIJIfSSIHTrIl ollici privatrrcntranies Tflllfpllftllliltl Irli 27Cottages to rent GRAVENHURST AREA By the season or week May to October Privatr sand beach bedroom cabin Suit Iamrly at or Telephone 726 7734 l6 opts to rent ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments trom SI60 monthly Central locatlon First and last required Appliances and heat Included Telephone 726 9418 alter 6pm BEDROOM In trlpléijï¬Ã©SIEdi parking tridge and stove laundry tacllities freshly decorated Available June $255 monthly North end 7260857 atter TWO BEDROOM apartment opposite Simcoe Plaza slxplex $224 monthly Pay own hydro Available June lst or Ju ly lst Adults only 7265247 TWO BEDROOM apartment central Barrie parking $225 plus hydro 7373700 daytime TWO BEDSITTING rooms and one bedroom apartments Can be seen at 48 Codrington Apt TWOONE bedroom apartments available immediately close to downtown Barrie $175 monthly Telephone 4872412 Oro AVAILABLE JUNE bedroom apt with tridge stove $240 monthly plus hydro No pets or children Telephone 7265063 BEDROOM upper duplex $240 in cludes heat hydro parking trig and stove Spacious grounds Phone 7372784 LARGE COMPLETELY furnished apt Broadloom central location Suit cou plegNo pets Telephone 728 0755 AVAILABLE JUNE Ample parking laundry tacilities and storage space Relrigerator stove included Telephone 737 3647 ONE BEDROOM apt $197 monthly Adults only Just redecorated Spotless condition Stove tridge heat and water included in rent Parking extra First and last months rent in advance Apply Bill LeBoeut Jewellers 52 Dunlop St 728 3343 Ideal tor older couple CENTRAL LOCATION spacious mo dern bedroom apartment fridge and stove parking $250 monthly No pets adults only Telephone business hours 728 2253 BEDROOM apartment lst at June and 2bedroom lst of July Close to downtown and bus route trig stove laundry facilities and parking First and last months rent No pets 726 6725 after pm BEDROOM apt available June 85 Santord Street $190 monthly 116 884 5191 BEDROOM at 67 $trabanr S215 month ly Pay own hydro Available now Tele phone 726 4033 BEDROOM apt near Barrie Plaza $220 monthly includes heat and hydro Telephone 726 9859 evenings FURNISHED one bedroom sell contain ed apartment garage included $145 monthly Available June lst Close to downtown Suit one lady Telephone 728 8184 after pm ONE BEDROOM plus one bed sitting room for rent Can be seen at 48 Cod rington Apt ONE BEDROOM apt second floor lose to downtown References requrred Telephone 728 4545 S225 MONTHLY SPACIOUS bedroom piece tiled bath eat in kit Chen separate dining room in new adult plex paved parking Landscaped grounds Apply 520 High St OrrIlia pm 6pm SUBLET JUNE bedroom overlook ina bay qurel building sauna fitness room tennis bus route plaza yacht club beach block 728 0694 7pm TWO BEDROOM apartments stove and fridge $250 monthly Baytield and Rose Sts First available June second available July 1Calllim CanCIIIa LLPage lonl le 7370011 ONE BEDROOM apartment tor rent utilities paid parking $160 monthly Grove and owen Avaahli June Telephone 726 0448 evenings I7houses to rent BEDROOM HOUSE double garage Central $350 monthly Vie Sun only to pm Call 7283132 or Toronto 881 2515 AVAILABLE lMMEDlATELY bedroom detarhed home Drand new tLil ly broadloomed Call Harry Madill representing Lou Goetleniivndt Real Estate 728 4067 or 726 5864 S250 MONT HLY mobile home set Up in large lot approx miles north it Barrie Stove and image included Phoni 7284618 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE on Ferris Lane appliances oaraqi lininhed rtC room washrritms ful hriiadlonm OLWl decorated Close to schools and shopping Retorrnie redu no 3315 Phone 726 7397 THREE BEDROOM Svml 83 per month Availahlr June is Adults only Telephone Darc Narnnr 726 MW Yiunir and Blijgln Lth Realtor IN TOWN bedroom homo availabli immediately $225 month plus utilities tridgi and stove nrlucleil Cal 7170111 alter Sp NE UNFURNISHED bungalow bedroom rrtc room 7t riplace attaltt ed garage outskirts SE of Barrio resrdential area $300 monthly plus UllIIlIUS fall after tornntn 416 536 2171 18a pts wanted to rent ELDE RL WOMAN pensioner urgentl requires small sell contained tpt im mediately Furnished it possible DFtIIF east end Must be reasonably priml Telephone 726 2S70r 726 235 ONE OR two bedroom apt th riarau In private home tor rrtirio qlntliimiin Hlll steady lnCOTTTJ Teliprioni 728 65 alter 19houses wanted to rent WORKING COUPLE Wish lt rirtl bedroom dwelling lust outside Barrie Call collect alter 6p 1116 769 MM ZOrooms to let FURNISHED near tactorirs on bus route duret atmosphirr $22 weekly Phone evenings 126 9839 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park incl kitchen OFIVIICQLS lounqi llnlft supplied weekly laundry tricilitie responsiblcadults 726 7186 FURNISHED ROOM kitchrn lounur parking For working man Sifl urtrikly Centrallocatirin 726 1775 NEWLY rederriraed rooms 31 Sir weekly Singles rind doubles WOVSIII Strmt Completely IUrnIltlI Sharii tit Dmvnlown Bus stop at door 778 Illl FURNISHED ROOM in Allitndalr at Business Office 11000de IlIiIl tor ltlflfttt ritti Lakcviiw Dairy rir zitspace for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000sq fl tuIIy sprinklered transport and light trmk Inarlinq drx ks 18 It lrar part at larur expnniliriu industrial mall 726 7110 FOR LEASE industrial spruc and warehouse Tllflllf 726 Tilt Antleloff VERY NICE Industrial buildinii rirt Duulop St WtSl with lamp ttIIll llI propiva piIUHP NH 1044 or 116 6350617 BUILDING 1500 sq It all leiiril around Also l6xl0 uaraor plus acre at land in Barrie Good for light manutnc turing$gt00 monthly PIIOITI NH 7044 1100 SQUARE FEET rt rtmmercral spirci tor llll ExieIIrnt location All utilitiespaid ILILllllfIII Hill WANT ADS 7282414 30 resorts CEC ROBERTS Bhangni Ila CAMPING RESORT I75 ACRES ON THE MAGNETAWAN RIVER HlMBURY LAKE SANDY BEACH SWIMMING POOL TENNIS COURTS PLAY GROUNDS FISHING REC HALL LAUNDROMAT MINI MARKET HOT SHOWERS FU LL HOOKUPS RR NO KEARNEY ONT 32 cars for sole POA IMO 7056367888 BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPT 32 ears for sale the examlner Wednesday May 18 1977 33 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible ALTERATIONS HANDYMAN PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and docoratlng In melasst g3227r343I°Tng terlor exterior Work guaranteed Establish 7235446 od 30 years 7262225 7259002 DRVHARDY Takes The Risk Out Of Buying Used Car If after visiting our used car supermart you feel you did not receive the courtesy and service our customers deserve or that our product has been in any way Dear Used Car Buyers better ford is our business Li YEAR MAKE MODEL 76 Cadillac DeleIe dr HT 75 Dodge Coronet dr HT Chev Monte Carlo dr HT Olds Turnnado dr HT Valiant Scamp Firebird dr Maverick 74 Olds Delta 88 dr HT Chevrolet Biscayne dr HT Plntu sw Gremlin dr hatch Maverick dr Ford Ton Buick Century Chevrolet Monte Carlo 73 Mustang dr HT Valiant Scamp dr HT Chevrolet Biscayne dr Dodge V2 Tun Chev Nova Datsun Snurts Cpe Metero dr Dlds Cutlass 2dr Pontiac Laurentian 2dr 72 Chevrolet Impala 2dr HT Chev Malibu 2dr HT Ford Courier 71 Pontiac Laurentlan dr Mercury Montegu dr Pontiac dr HT T37 Maverick dr serl Ford Van Chevelle dr HT Olds 88 dr HT 70 Cougar dr Pontiac dr sedan Buick Skylark dr Ford Van Dart Swinger dr HT Buick LeSabre Pontiac LeMans 69 Chrysler dr HT 68 Mustang dr 67 Dodge Pulara sed OPEN LETTER TO USED CAR BUYERS FROM Dodge dr 64 Falcon slw I971 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE Good condition Iriw mileago Certrtieil IeIcrihnnr I26 6668aller 10 1969 CAMARO 250 C1 automatic transmission 54000milns 128 runs F160 tires Zirzhart rust prooted ExrcIIint condition Call Joe 17 1083 196 CH EVELLE Malibu two rloor hard top it ryl automatic transmission radio power slierirtg tarx ctrk Ltririd lirus LIIart Telephone 728 528 I951 PONTIAC EXCELLENT condition must sell imrirrediately no reasonable at fer refused Phone Kim days 726 414 Ext 217 evenings 16 9202 I975 DODGE MONACO door hardtop vinyl root cylinder power slotrind power hmkrs tolirscoriir tilt steering wrtirl 74000 miles askinii 850 Cer ItflLU Call 726 9517 after it In DRV HA The hurnrz Ill il rlrIVIng mans cur ill rt thinking mans pricrr misrepresented you will always find me available for your consultation ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford St Phone 7284272 Yours truly Wednesday May 18 We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel it is unwise to pay too much But it is worse to pay too little When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because the car you bought was incapable of doing the job it was supposed to do The common law of business balance prohibits paying little and getting lot cant be done If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to hold somethingfor the risk you take And it you do that you will have enough to pay for something it Do yOurself favor before you buy any car Come in and just look at Our mer chandise Putting you behind the wheel of the best used car your budget can of ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED EQUIPMENT 8A PS PB Loaded BAPSPBR BAPSPBR BAPSPBR BAPSPBR BAPSPBRTape BAPSR 8APSPBB 8APSPBR 4AH SARAC BAR 63th BAPSPBR BAPSPBR 831d PSB 8APSPBR BAPSPBH BAR 8APSPBR 443de BAPSPBAMIFM 8APSPBR 8APSPBR BAPSPBR BAPSPBR 44spdcap BAPSPBR BAPSB BAPSPBR BAPSPBFI BAR 8APSPBR BAPSPBR BAPSPBR 8APSPBR 8APSPBFI 88th BAR BAPSPBR BAR BAPSPBR BAPSB BAR LIC JFCQUB JRZ584 HUD84 T70854 HDUBQ FEE980 H7355I ed E95928 FWEB5 FEF 138 ECU008 RDY MDTDRS LTD 75 BRADFORD ST BARBIE I977 SUPI BEETLE 10000 miles on new 1600cr engine 3600 Ptlrll10456 2821 1966 CHEVY II door I127 speed good condition can be cerlilird 51200 Phone 458 9071 1971 ACADIAN Cylinder automatic asking 8800 Phone 4584520 allcr lwnekdnyi MON TE CARLO 3150 dual ixhaust power steering power brakes power Windows arr rondrtroning AMFM stereo swivel buckets light blue with white landau top 33333 728 5694 to 728 5796 evenings SELF CONTAINED apt Quiet building centrally lacated above Steeles China Shop Sorry no children pets abstainers only Rent reasonable references Telephone 728 2395 718 5895 evenings KJH579 JWX278 KZA438 JHE884 KHX277 HKV U53 H20 572 HDP288 JED544 KZA437 HTN696 HET865 AVU 023 KZA75l DZN I49 DWD959 ECU413 KYZ 727 ETZSBZ H39I25 FKSUIB FEKBIB KZASBD AFD935 HMS744 FKZ155 FBI795 ACU58I H38398 ACJl45 FEH934 ACZ528 AZXUQS KKJGIB FMM266 COLOR Burg PRICE $9895 Tan $3595 Red $4595 Brown $5995 Blue $3395 Blue $4495 Blue $3I95 Tan $3495 Gold $2995 Red $2595 Tan $2495 Green $2795 Green $2795 Brown $3395 White $3995 Green $2895 Bed $2595 Blue $2795 Orange $2595 Green $2495 Orange $2295 Silver $2995 Gold Gold Tan Red Red $3595 $2795 $2295 $2195 $1495 Brown $1295 Green $1595 Copper $I995 Gold $1795 Bhe $1895 Gold $1795 Blue $1995 Green $1595 Blue as is$ 895 Bhe $1595 Brown as is $1295 Green as is $1095 Brown as is $1395 Green $1695 Turq 895 Bed $1395 Blue as 13$ 395 Green as is$ 395 White as 15$ 245 Mleg BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Crrdil Union 18 Col Irer 51728 91 193 DATSUN 2402 AM FM radio It track stereo radials lull irislruirwntn lion Very good condition Must sell Ask rnrt $2500 or make an IIIII Phone 474 l1059 I97 GRAN TORINO while with blue vinyl root new tires tapi deck radio cylinder automallr $1500 Trillphone 726 0055 I972 DATSUN 240Z air auto AM FM $2995 197 Ford ton standard 31495 1969 Ford convertible auto P5 P8 S995 1971 Norm16 auto LI 095 All good condition all Lerlitied OIIIIFS as is Klean Auto Body 728 6612 0Chain Link Gal or Vinyl WAYNE FOLEY Professional palnters Ex Garages cleaned Hegulalion Pool Fence Trash hauled away Eggntlond ggzrï¬lreq roe estimates or mswcl WOOd Mala PriHEY JUST 331351pgéilï¬iligï¬héiligkwi wrought Iron YOUR CASTOFFS 32chgimmzmzdgnswoa OWNER OPERATED perionced free OSTmatgre T533875 PROTECT and BEAUTIFY Do It yourself or be 30 guaranteed macs Your home with Professionally Pm PAINTING PAPEJR mtlgmdo exge2r6ie2r8ca2d REYNOLDS ALUMINUM pRlN CLEANUP £63 Siding installed HILLSDALE DECORATING Interiorfi Storm WIndOWS removed terior wallpapering custom textured walls SOHHFosca For Free Esï¬mue and Ceilings Telephone 705 8355387 local Eovesrough and cleaned hrvmc seamless General lawn care Clean FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP up and spring fertilizing Garages and basements cleaned PAVING Peel Fence Systems Inc FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7269769 GIBSON 465 DAVIS om NEWMARIIET Refuse emOVEd ALUMINUM LTD Alcan Siding Soffit Trellle CONCRETE WORK Doors Windows Awnings All WORK GUARANTEED couec FREE ESTIMATES HOME IMPROVEMENTS Available when placing BARRIEV 77370179 INTERIOR REMODELLING order before May 313 rooms Call Russ 4363681 allgroblï¬slo BARR 7265509 etrsnsgevsiéblo Lh MANIERI PAVING cmw $5333932TISSSaJTEJEZZKdZZE Drivewlt=Ys Parking Lots ï¬cgbalesgogalnling wallpapering Murray Tennis Courts BUILDING atomicnooasfesmaiamat C0ncrele Work PRODUCTS Zn°d21oélu173méo MERGERS FREE ESTMATES all your needs 7288906 Written Guarantee SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chi57 ALUMINUM FENCING waterproofing brick and stone caulking win Sdmg Eavesrough dows and expansion joints Work guoron Soffit Windows Galvanized and Vinyl tuggefug Servrng Simcoe County pack Doors Installed It CONSTRUCTION House raising foun for I7 years dations renovations additions Phone Shullm AWNls 55 ESTMATES greys415126 PICTURE FRAMING Addmonspoong CALL RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dug block and and WT cars 776 CE Arty pm 95$ ly Iain J8 CED Ravi lea CAR WAL fully ALUMINUM WINDOWS doou Sldlng Soflrt PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 Molrosr Ave Born or telephone 778 5783 AND General guaranteed and Construction 776 746i CARPENTER erI do rec rooms renovations tor renovations additions homes cottages Freoctstiiriotes START and repair 7266263 brick laying fireplaces painting interior exterior Guaranteed workmanship 1246073 CUSTOM BUILDING House lifting founda OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283770 ARTIFRAM Custom picTure framing Wï¬ide Porch EnclosuresStonework 7287829 For free estimate FENCES CEDAVR DECKTSrand home ronciva II PUII lions and basementsadditions and ronovo selections Fast service Law low price 726 90 $2763FZD3592E°95 hnkm Fence lions Fox Coltracting 72617 77886333verliggsï¬ 7m imw NORTHERN CARPLNrnv Docks rec rooms HUMBING IA LOCOIFOmIly Business renovations extensions atc etc Guar anteed work 7262609 7269w2 NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer GENERAL REPAIRS renovations carpentry cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom Fascia and Ira all ale 20 ear 160 Bradford Street mlctLtztl42525059 NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Soili GT6 Bongo 632 Ltd cégéï¬iivoiii F0I0d 752l2l2lngl7o2uéggwll colors Guar masonry all carpentry Free estimates on APPHANCES Quality chain link fence 7317395 wwar mus DDLDHD supplies at lower prices TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL ELECTROIUX Canada Ltd authorized sales DO it yourself or we install For free estimates call service IBAlliance Blvd 7283392 AUTO REPAIRS Everything For Entertaining OPaintin Tables chairs dishes glasses °Minor Repairs etc REPAIR British ropeori and Japanese DOCkS InsTOIled Coronation Autuo Serv I7 Mary St we DenverReserve Now sui °Cottage work specralty 7374388 NCED Mechanic darn general re rot ronsidered Cal 4246463 am 56 Free ESNmaes TTTL ST Barrie DRESSES If made by JOSIE AQUINO 0f Miï¬iï¬Ã©Em Specializing In pantsuits gowns and allera lions azcueï¬nizosintrï¬6éooo anytlme and Rooï¬ng New Asphol shingles WW Repairs guaranteed quality work PEIIT MAIle Paint Brydon boat ac Rï¬asonable 4168957519 collect ones rebuilt engines Pratt Motor Supp 5911 Sat til mo Ilousr BILOTTA DRYWALL and lapin residential and commercial no iob too Telephone 4584233 LAvrertouorimc GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughlng installed Call 7786678 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialist Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates AND ROOFING New Sndbld Repair Free estimates 3221897 after pm INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area 55 up Dobson 4245910 after Sand weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared for small business farm and home Mitchells Book keeping Service 7262973 INSULATION ig or small ROOFING AND odd jobs Free irritate h9Â¥99°r9te°éfl037l noro TILING GARDEN ROTO TILLING Free estimates Rosanany priced Call Ray at Eaves gourmet Contractor Kitchen rec iiirriï¬iï¬i mic topic M°V° WW mmsm INSULATION NI GRAVH glaroriload 7371507 lEURICAl STEWART CARPENTER Sperialrring In rec rooms rn terror remodelling trim on Plga all PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial 778 13884 he Residential Industrial Installations and ser CABIN MAKER woman named my vtce 726 4996 announces the opening of hens militias Pine furniture renavalions Blown Cellulose Fibre NEW GRAVEL PIT alterations DOITII Colnm9flol 726 on the 7TH CONC OF 0R0 Twp 9ngch CARPENTERS Custom homes lndvsrIOI commerdal 57 bener serve our cusomers cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction 7Resden° 7F°rms 0R0 4875707 ORILLIA 32647 Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic l8 KITCHENS odnlling GR No lab to small 726 ITII CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters DEGROOTSANDuHJ mi pinata Crushed stone mason sand fill Open Satur days til 300 pm Our prices are not up 77mm 435 4995 AR PAIIO DECKS sutlporchus tomes DCLDC rlr rsurriin In hn rri 21158 727037 It Plum ELECTRICAL C°mdp gecrvï¬ces SEWING MACHINES CARPET CLEANING lndustrial 0Commercial em° RVC VsJETZlemgg micr OFarm Residential C0 similcle ills frodm ssl GCIG f5 rl I°7Y7phA °p° Electric Heat and house netzthilieso N2 esuse usine Dr erg PIT SHAMPOOING for free esllmol 935 VISIT 737 2859 RoofDeicing S°°°f SNOWPLOWING QUALITY SINCE 1949 Morrow Rd Borne PAULS SNOWPLOWING 5mm CARPETClEANING 38 7269861 ammonia owned 052 7313 17 SPECIAL MonFri930to 500 metecellfevlv7374965 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING ll lugm LxCAVArING Sol 04 Palw and i022bi°223 UPltolstCY Itry Ioma ROBERT BOYCHOFt Egcuvatrlga haulagz TTJyw gopmdqblenbgéï¬cco nggwwgfhjgme 3755 252755355335 °° LANDSCAPING $de Cleanagd RUSSELL TEXTUR SPRHAY dExteiior stchco Lawn Care Garden Pre aration 9m we mm Ch vest tDlR lIMidh it amtxinuirrmme CONSTRUCTION Rototilling Everygreens fuse wide ep one Cedar Hedges Fertilizing Phone 7255431 gtB°ckhoe Excav Mowing And Pane Repair TWO WAY RADIO guru INSTALLATION Trer7chm9 ms ESTIMATES CB COMMERCIAL TO WALL Installation carpet and vinyl hHonlonal Augenng way radlo TELEPHONE guaranteed reasonable rate 458 443 7289833 Sales and Service he CERAMICS REPlACEs SHOP ON PREMISES WINTERICK Elammmoll tiling EDITING PROPER SEviii Satin Dockside STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic lianups prunin lawn and garden RESID wood tsor 53 7281599 maintenance lan scapin soddrn Free ngson forfree ISIImOIOS ï¬lirTqH7256L¢ Br VBWWW COMMERCW Mum lo dong STUDENTLANDSCAPERS do ralolilling 53 Owen 31 at Worsley wmk lo PI 59 II mowing fertilizing cleanups painting Ex 936163 lt° perianced Reasonable rates 4361290 alter coucnm aubscxiinc GREDENTNG and PING CANT AFFORD lull time secretary Try Typing Services 7262342 TYPING Let me do those limeconsuming typing iobs for you Pickup and delivery coll MARGARET 77436 3669 WELlLlllpGING WATER WELLS 30 rock wells dug for home cottage form Call Innisfil Wall Digg ing 7284634 or 7284319 ting Good rates Give us call at 7261634 Pawe err9915 er LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub trimmiing Also rough mowing Vic Triemstrar7760477 LAWNS CUT quick service Price according to IIXO Graves Brothers John or Paul 7269265 7393441 MASONRY MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES CONSERVE ENERGY Now available in Canada FIREMATE Laboratory tests thow 5009 gain In heat output from your fireplace Sale lowcost high quality unit MASONRY block and brick fireplaces ï¬rm No alaob too small Reasonable rates Gflben Waer 737 57 mm MW gamma mam inertial Well Drilling FIREPIRCESLcu cuiiranaaziigaa and worl Firplum wearr Specializlng In natural stone and antique 553295159 FgrcnzfnoHores ERNIE CRESTS 3gy°mhv MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT 99 FLOOR FINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip or pgglirl 3258341 Custom Screen Process Crests Cresting On Garments Chenille Crests FREE ESTIMATES 10 years experience ANGUS 4245657 WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who llko to dance Good rates 7289545 PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP nONs DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 after 6pm Club Jackets ET DISCO JOCREY UhlirRliodTor banquetCI ERNIE ROSE 7286338 null $1 CEJILSIAEL Mwpy3 All floor wall mosalc tiles 52 custgrdrmclmcw 77 TW VIYI°b°5°s GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Work guaranteed year Precision Tile Company 729 97 Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart ments Store Houses Factories Reason horto72BI9I4 DRUM LESSONS Starter equlpmonl provided Boglnnon and advanced at 72 Dunlop Lloyd Gabriel Monday Wednesday Thurs day Saturday 7264723 ENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom fences Improve your property 737