Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1977, p. 4

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ar Saturday May 14 1977 serving barrio and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Elia Agosilnlpublisher NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282 Taxpayers plight of prime concern Ordinary taxpayers can hardly be blamed forfeeling concern about the growing pressures in Ottawa aimed at phasing out price and wage controls While there has been jsutification for some of the criticism directed at the way it has been carried out at times overall the wage and price controls have helped to curb inflation for people who need help the most The Greater Barrie of Commerce is among many con cerned organizations which have been tryingto convince the government of the need for realistic action to bring about genuine restrant in tax spending Certainly the great majority of Canadians who have to meet the steadily increasing tax burdens should agree As pointed out by Martin OConnellLiberal MP for Scarborough East former minister of labor and more recently principal secretary to Prime Minister Trudeau the views of ordinary people should be coir sidered as well as business and labor union leaders Different economists have stressed the heavy in creases in government budgets provincial as well as federal have played major role in the continuing lllllil tionary trend Federal government spending of the estimated record high $451 billion for the current fiscal year may have been called belttightening since the increase is only seven per cent but it is not ending deficit financnig One of the most effective ways of curbing inflation would be for all levels of government to cut down on non essential tax spending Deficit financing piling up public debt and wasteful spending are not going to solve longterm economic pro blems Hit the roof Dear Sir Yes the employees at the county building can work in peace these days No more drips and buckets and falling ceil ing tile The taxpayers are 356000 poorer and the architects who goofed so badly got off scot free Hows that for justice Oh well no tse crying over spilled milk The time for action was year ago but the taxpayers sat back groaned and did nothing about it What could they have done Plenty year ago Nothing now When the problem of the leaking roof became public knowledge year ago newspapers carried pictures and pertinent in formation informing the taxpayers that the county fathers did indeed have problem on their hantb That was the time for each and every tax payer to get in touch with hlS or her representative on county council and voici personally or in writing his opinion of HMS atrocious situation Maybe it shouldnt have been necessary say most people After all the councy counv cillors are our elected reprisentativts and should have known how to handle it but apparently they didnt Perhaps if the taxpayers had pushed them it could have been different story Maybe just maybe they would have paid attention to legal advice acted faster tinstcad of holding five meetings to decide what to do fine might have done and solved the problem before the guarantee was off After all the roof guarantee had expired But then the more meetings they attend the more money thcy get each month After all it only taxpayers money And soil the same old story Sad but true We watch our tax dollars being frittcrod away while we ll back and gruriiblc but do nothing Lets remain Sllrlll no longei Perhaps tlic leaking roof dfll51lts$0ll for us For browns salu let put pmplc thcrc who have some toiiceri for the waj they throw our dollarsaround leaked before litt disgruntled ta xpnycr Vespro replies Dear Sir The following letter to Mayor Archer and Barrierxt iouncil Gmtlemeii In recent remarks made bg you and members of your council remitting the vIfl dict hande down bf thc lliviional hurt and the appeal attempt sought the op ponents in the ant you III$1l the futility of smh mow and the additional costs being experienced as result am sure that your filllffflll have been ex pressed with sincerity and genome feeling for the ratepayers pocket books and Wi ran up preciatc your sudden outburst of llflflpflhJiH belated though it may be Before the priss releasis containing your we want your opinion Letters submitted for publication must be signed by the writer Please include your street address and telephone number although they will not be published Letters which cannot be authenticated cannot be published For the sake of space public in terest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays on Page letters to the editor ltmillRS irc voiiiplctch lillLtllllll iiid lll fairness to your ralcpaxcix as will is thosc living in the townships lt fch hat must wt the record st ra iglit Surely Mayor ichct you and many of your council mcmbcr mut rcmcmhcr the meetings lllltll took plat lltlttll the city and township of isprn prcv ioiis to your mak ing the annexation move And if so you will have to agric that we always admitted the neid for llairic to grow and expand its lxlllllflillltS Thth an otf of some llltt icies HLS made You will also remcmhcr that this oflci was refused only to be contcractcd by dc mand for nearly iilltrllllltl of our township CONSENT IXllfl How much money could have bwn smed if only lhc cilj had bitn satisfied to at ccpl by tonscnl uincxalton what was offered by thc toiisliipsol liinislil and egtpra Yes it is sad that thew proccidings are still draining away the financial reserves of the whole area whcn in tark iczility it is so iiinicissary ld Arthur mciilioncd ill nch artich that path was llllllL worn to the bank by the sound of solicitors planners advisers tli as result of this illllltillllll and ac canonly agricwithhim tLflln rcmind you of lillll published by Vcsprn council and addressid to thc citieiis of llarric datcd Aug ll 1070 In this letlcr we st rcssid lhc ltl cnormous coats which would result If this hearing took place and again we urng that you refrain from this coursc of action and con adcr lhc lis cxpcnstvc mcthod of invent lllllIXil lion lhc remarks made by in that lcttcr wcic dubbed as wari tactics by iiiii lcrii who at that timc was the chairman of lIIl il development committee With the letters of thc Hon Darcy TiltKeough coining iotbc surface we can only assumc that it great sigh of relief was heated around liairiccil hall No need to worry bccniiic llic walchword liiircy is looking allci ivciyiliiiiiJ there Will he lols of money coming to pay for the future scrviccs nccdHl why don thou Ioolish councils of liinislil and iupri gwc up They havent chancc RUSS IVJI SIII II Mayor Archer oiic dots not dclciid his lands to the lilllIl end uiiiiply on the premisc that hc might how good chaiicc to Will llc does it Imcnusc hc bclicVis that there is gross injustice being coiiiiiiiilcd against llllll We of tpii are fast losing hope that words spokcn by you at otir inaugural meeting in January llll cver lxcoiiic rcali tv At that time you saidthzit one of your major iIlllI is iicw mayor would be to have con linuous talks toward pcaccful solution to ourcuircnl IllllllllllS lint can only assume that either you have bccn unsuccessful in persuading others of your council to Work toward this end or that lllISl wcrc mcrc words being mouthed to pour oil on troubled waters In closing may say that rcgrcl having to write litter of this tone to you and members of your council but when tnfcrcncc is made by you that we are the Villians responsible for the tremendous costs being directed toward the taxpayers because of these proceedings then feel that our silence can no longer be maintained We entered into this Mll hearing only when it became apparent that your previous council had taken the bit in its teeth and would be satisfied with nothing has than that urged by your planners and senior staff members If you are as concerned as you imply about runaway costs then we challenge you and your council to act icsponsibly and lCiulll to the negotiating tablc with sincere desire to work toward an amicable and less costly solu tion Yours sincerely Vennch Lambert Councillor lowitshipof Vespra BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county editor SALESMEN pan Gaynor Lvall Johnson Barb Boulton Dona Graham Bill McFarlane wire editor Roseanne McCabe lifestyle Roll Kraiker photographer REPORTERS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routliife CLASSIFIED Virginia Kios Freda Shinncr Notes and comment Hy SIIAN IINIAY ity IIdiloi My llllllll corgc Ilil problclii lt ls lll daiiglitcr His four year old daughter It nothing to do with raising the child ll ll were he wouldnt litturning tomc it bathrooms icorgc believes small childicn should be exposed to as many enriching cxIxricnccs as possible Those are his words guess they mean you dont lake the kid to bars or primlights and other not enrichingcxpcricnces The last cnriching cxpcriencc was the visit by the llatclxiycrs Society to the Hair ric lublic Library You may recall that Iiy lllliltll IIINSIAN but fun is there in being newspaper col umnisl if you dont occasionally make tool of yourselfby trying to predict the future lhis weeks folly Will be Dunstans preview of the outcome of the annexation battle and hope we Will all live long enough to see how closc conic to the truth llcrc we go the lntaro Municipal ltoaid hearing on the issue will not be completed by ltinc It the last day currently scheduled Barrie will get huge chunk of land but significantly less than the 20000 acres ap plied for or the 18000 acres minUs rnl the city still wants expect the board to accept the most optimistic credible testimony as to how many people can be crammed into given area of land in order to obey Darcy McKeoughs 125000 population decreee while doing as little violence as possible to the sur rounding townships testimony so far this could mean 12000 acres or less liarrie will get the Highway 2027 com mercial area from Vespra bill will not get Stroud Little Lake or any land from Uro lhese predictions are subject to change when the hearing ends and the board goes back to Toronto to consider its decision SORRY ALI IllEMIER Not all errors originate in our production department produced one all by myself this week which made city council look like Fred Huemper and the Forty Thieves and think an apology is in order Aid ltueinper suggested Monday that coun cils general committee consider requiring ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager Ian MacMurchy Ruth Biais Supervisor BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowiand Wendy Bowser Gail Mc Parland CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager David Jenkins asst manager Andy Haughlon Judy Hickey Alva LaPIante Elaine Porter Marti Starti display of linropcan and liiitish moch railways ullworthsiiing icoigc as said took lll tourycar old daughter lcoigcs daughter IS at what llic childs mother calls an age ftcr listening to intcriiiinablc monologues from the woman about child iiisuti1tndho cute the litllc darling is liaic discovered one of the lcalurcs ol llic little girls agc is bathrooms She is past ilic agcot diapers but not yet at the age of omplclc control nd that ill parcntly puts her at the age at which small children discover strange bathrooms The first thing we do when we go anywhere new is find the location of the My predictions aboutannexafion buildcrs to grade and seed subdivision lots which remain vacant llllllltl ccriain period If time its good idea which is probably why council agreed to consider ll Ill gcncral com miliec llui Niincwhcrc bciwccn IloltS which were collcci and in tijwritcr seed became sod Sodding acaiil lots is pretty extravagant and hopc il llucmpcr didnt get any irate phonc calls from builders lllli ELECTION Add the ltinc provincial elect ion to the llSl of Canadian activities ilic Yanks are moving in on This time thc Yanks are innocent bystanders lwo mcricin lllAllS know will be on the voters list simply because team of enumcrators couldnt be bothered to climb one flight of stairs The couple in question lives on the second floor of twostorey apartment building lwo enumeratois arrin on the scene this week at time when the husband was home but found it easier to get the names of lllc buildings residents from the landlady who livcs downstairs She gave out the names without stopping to think that two of the tenants are not Canadians lhe cnumeralors left behind mumeration slips spelling the couples surname two lif ferent ways and went merrily on their rounds The couple is honest and Wont take ad vantage of the mistake by voting unless as may happen the husbands application for Canadian citizenship is approved before June But isnt it nice to know the election is in good hands Published daily except WEEKLY by carrier YEARLY by carrier SIMCOE COUNTY MOTOR TH ROWOFF ELSEWHERE IN CANADA AN AGENT IN TEL AVIV SAYS THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURCHASE mmm Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions 90 cents $4420 BY MAI Barrie $4680 Montreal $3650 $39 year $3850a year balliiooiii says George She will want to use it sooner or later It part of her total cx pcricncc packagc ieorgc talks funny Any way there was my friend icorgc at the model railway display showing the offspring thc many features of the model trains and trying to keep hcr front touching the displays lladdy she asked liavc to go lhc bathroom So icorgc showed her vhcrc the womans washroom was Slic rettiscd to go in lcrsuasion brought on ly thrcats of loud temper tantrum SII II lmrgc was caught between avoiding an einbaiassing scene in public library and Holding young lady with We pants on the vinyl of his lll car IllSltltS ieorge wasnt ready to leave the model railway display he found it almost as enriching an cxpcriencc as his daughter So he gambled llis gamble was that iioonc would be in the mens washroom that his little girl would go in ilic mens washroom that once there she wouldnt announce in that special loud voice the little darlings all have that lhis is boys bathroomf that he could sneak into the mens washroom With his daughter without being spotted and that once lhcic the young lady would uh you know His gamblc worked But when saw leorgc moments later he was il shakcn man It too much he said through this anymore lilvcrylimc we go out she has to go Sometimes she will go iitto the womens washroom Sometimes she wont And when she wont have to take her in tothc mens washroom suggestul that the next time he find llllldtltlkillg lady explain the problem and hope for the best lllll NOT WORK tried that Iwwc he said The first time she wouldnt go in Raised quite stink in fact lhe second time the ladys husband got pretty grumpy about the whole thing What do other fathers do he moaned said didnt know having been fililltd latherhood to the best of my knowlt ge sofar George is man wracked by torment He wants desperately for his daughter to have enriching experiences llut while his daughter is at this age he doesnt want torisk taking her anywhere So help What do other fathers of females do when out with the little charmers at that ago Does anyone have any suggestions Before my friend George suffers real crisis please just cant go The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau oi Circula tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in Ihis newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 2038l5 register National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 8641710 640 Cothcort st The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement For all seasons Omigawd biker By TRAYNOR MCFARLANE It was the huge head we noticed first It came wobbling into the house atop the slim body which somehow seemed familiar to us The figure bent its head forward and push ed off the absurdlooking crash helmet It the helmet fell naturally into his hancb it was Our Oldest Straight from university and the proud owner of brandnew motorcycle Hi lWe were stunned for moment motor bi This seemed to us to be the ultimate in all the dangerladen things including girls which had threatened him since he left home seven years ago Seven years at university when we were his age wed been working for 10ycars Oh well After the greetings and the talk of the school year we came to The Bike Look Two wheels are no good on the highway you have no protection in an ac cidcnt its your arms legs and torso in general that get it All of course to no avail Hed got motorbike and that was it Two weeks have passed since that night and weve been out on the bike couple of times riding behind lts quite exhilarating Frightening too with the slipstream tear ing at your clothes and the odd bug smashing against the helmet visor However were still not convinced of the safety factor iur ldist st ill lists the car on occasion You cant go for date on motorbike he claims or the driveiii Or if its raining or if its veiy windy Someday when we recover the lost Courage of Youth we might just trade with him The bike for the car We can see it now wed have leather helmet and goggles and long trailing scarf just for effect careful of the scarf and that rear wheel Remember Isadora And wed wavc nochalantly as we roar Off in the gloaming Ah shades ofyouth Canadas story It started at McGill Ii HUB BOWMAN Sports fans often argue about the relative merits of Canadian and United Statm foot ball llow many of them on either side of the border know that the lS game originated in topk place May 14 1875 when lean Kimmy Canada The international birth of the team acce led an invitation to play football at Haivart The anadians showw up with new type of game that was half rugby and half soccer whereas the Harvard team ex pected to play soccer So the two teams played the McGill version for one half and soccer for the second The Americans liked the McGill version so much that it led to the development of the type of football that is so popular in anada and the lS today although there are important dif ferences in the rules Mctiill also played an important part in the development of hockey The first set of rules and the use of ptick instead of ball were liilill contributions University football teams wafe the best in anada mtil 1924 especially Queens Even the professional teams from Ottawa Mon treal Hamilton and Toronto could not defeat Queens between 1022 and 1924 when ilsteams included Batstone Leadly Thomas chclvcy and other stars Between 1000 and 1924 Canadian university teams won the lrcy up seven times lIHIIIt MAY EVENTS 170 British force captured St Pierre and Miquclon islands and deported inhabitants lh25 Families from lreland began settling at lctcrlmrough int Ixsil anadian Parliament met at Toronto and passed regulations protecting Indians and regulating bank notes Ixtitl listtoeast construction of CPR began at Yale was windian Chief loundmaker captured supply train during Northwest rebellion I006 Ontario Hydro Electric Power Com mission was created ltnx Western farmers met in Ottawa to protest conscription 196 Anglican and United Church representatives agiecd on union in principle bible thought And they stoned Stephen calling upon God and saying Lord Jesus recelve my spirit And he kneeled down and cried with loud volce lord lay not this sin to their charge And when he had said this he fell asleep Acts 5960 Whatever the offence or whoever is at fault forgiveness must be free from hidden desire for revenge in order to have full release In oin own heart Make special effort to attend the novices In your church and pray for Gods servant The out will honor you for It ovvvuv

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