01 property for sale Real Estate TV property for solo IlIIllIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIITlTlIIll LEPAGE NtARIor llD lllllIlllll ALT Professionals Since 1913 Coast to Coast Real Estate Service Bill McCreary Verna MulIin Judy Pennett Wayne Penneft Jock Slessor 7281865 7282875 7371264 7371264 7266280 7283293 Peter Bracolente 7263916 Jim Cancilla 7371597 Enid Day 7266904 Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Vicki Kent no toll 4872501 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfield St BARRIE Ontario 737001 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN John Crawford 4875955 David Shelswell 4872389 Sheila Simpson 7262263 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Jim Cross 7262159 04 lots for sale MEAFOR Beautiful acre registered building lot with access to Georgian Bay and beautiful panaramic view Seasonal or year round living hydro phone and roads $15500 with $500 down Call co Iect 17416 65374894 MEAFORD Beautiful acre registered building lot with access to Georgian Bay and beautiful panaramic view Seasonal or year round living hydro phone and roads $15500 with $500 down Call col ect14166534894 TWO ACRE building lot fully treed $26500 $18000 first mortgage Just north of Barrie Phone 728 6143 after pm BUILDING LOTS Sunnidale Road area acre building approval Telephone 728 3495 after 6pm 07 business opportunities NO COMPETITION Thats right truly great new business opportunity with ab solutely no competition that of fers you high profit protected exclusive area full training program continuing company support moderate investment Its new exciting business Join us Call or write Star Board Advertising Blimps 55 Torbay Road Markham Ontario 4164956125 My14 DISTRIBUTOR WANTED Nationally distributed volume sales product ATTRACTIVE PROFIT MARGIN Minimum inventory investment Inventory underwriting assistance available Phone NO Financial References Preferred HOLDINGS LIMITED 698 Weston Road Toronto Ontario MOM 3R3 Mle 09 commercial sale or rent VERY DESIRABLE 2000 or 3000 square foot space for rent Shipping facrlilies lsfoot ceilings finished or un finished Surlable for office warehouse or light manufacturing Reasonable rent Telephone 726 7991 days MOTEL UNITS near Barrie bedroom apt huge lot manage while still working 525000 down Call Dan Miller rep Wass Realtor 705 4507 12 mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS TO $25000 Its thousands of dollars you can use any way you want not just for your home No bonus or commission Competitive Rates Urban Rural Properties Telephone Mr John Gillespie 017285931 BENEFICIAL REALTY LTD 12 commercial properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Mortgage Manager Kerr for valuable advice 7371881 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 Call BUS mortgages FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES to 95 OF VALUE tention to all inquiries mortgages under and We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual at mortgage ensuring maximum the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential recreational Ian KlNZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association MORTGAGE LOANS 95 LOANS Open Daily am 530pm Sat evorflngs by appointment Wm Summers 91 Boyfield SI Barrie 7373451 Res Creemore 4662136 TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD sr 72671 30 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association 12 mortgages 12 mortgages confidential MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings COMPARE our rates third mortgages DrfVId FirSI second appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 We now have Open mortgages available on residential or vacation properties with 11month interest bonus to discharge 48 HOUR COMMITMENTS PRIME RATES No sales clause on conventional mor tgages My18 the munlclpal avmgs loan corporation WVINNUUT 10$ Munich I4 71 7872211 MANCNH Ill 64 Dunlap St fut 7261111 Mlllf Georgian Mil 7260304 NILLIA 411 MIDLAND 721 ling Strut $269164 Milo J9 Pembroke St In nag St last 11154451 7350681 Member do Doparit Insurance Corporation nun orrrcr Dunlap sr rm ullll omnio 7767200 12mortgagos MORT AGE MONEY for any Useful Purpose prime rates tst 2nd 3rd mortgages builders interim IOans IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacdtion and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements anylworthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 14 mobile homes triiilersA 7167 apttorrent RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 rr TRAVELMATE 35 Motor home now Barrie Tent Bayfield St 726 6418 I973 SCAMPER TRAILER 225 stove fridge shnwur lurnmu tnnl shed Hydro WEIILF and svwnr Ill lovely park near Woman Bldrtl offer 728 9515 riftor and Awning 1974 VOLKSWAGEN Impvr Wiisttalmr fully equipped excrllont rrrndIImn Michelin tires slotpr Wlll willy Telephone 726 1120 1976 BENDIXITIIIDIItlIOIIllfrHlt x12lt excellent condition SI 00 or bust rftrr Call before rp 726 0691 1975 FRANKLIN Truk Cnnlpir full size completiin limitd Swim Cal 726 9005 726 1001 25 CHEV molar hmrn ill unlilppxd Asking $5 500w best Ifflr Crlll II tl7 after6p MARLETTE MOBILE Hum 1046111 wrth 20 Expandn unit brdrmlry staraue shodpallriandrnmi silunluii vi park In Barrm flTtrl Osva mud Telephone726 22 AIRSTREAM Ir7 jl trmt rir bathroom doubli rxrl owr sI inn tlf nu tronal Extras =ll IUIIIIIU snap rt lungr Full length Zip 0074 uyrr lly TInTQUlOUlllIr177T winw rust win duw Like new Tfrnflllllli IJAr QttrcIl original oerIr vrls Florida who have Illlrllirlnfl home $13000 70487281 16 aptszto rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barrie Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 72644991 Adults 1F THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MWFTF Wellington Place Apartments 135 Wellington Street West and bedroom colored appliances year lease Adults Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 TF NEWLY DECORATED furnishrid bachelettes Barrio Also bedroom apts in Barrie and Angus 727 6271 after BEDROOM Apartment Iviiilntili Irn mediater RBIQFCIMI Nlt Dfl sun mantth plus hydro First and last months rent 72810I5Iir 717 I771 ONE AND lwn bIdroum apartmrnir Close to downtown Rnnt SITII lri 316 Call to 9pm 726 I257 BACHELORS and bedroom Apl downtown Barrie area frlde and stow parking included 718 4776 II FURNISHED ONE and two brrrlrrnnn apartments nvmlablv Central Alllrll only 726 0988weokdrtys RELIABLE Tenants fnr brdronm apartment 5195 monhly plus Iiin1 and hydro Apply 46 Grove Strutt Fact or telephone 4I6 297 3320 FU RN ISHED BACHE LOR apartment 12 miles north of Barrie abstainurs NI smokers preferred paved roads Phoni 728 8067 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apart ment centrally located On second floor Parking and heal Included TrIIlphrinI 737 2617 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent Stove refrigerator all utilities cable and parking Close to Hayfield Mall Available immediately Telephone 7266046 LOVELY furnished apartment good size close to all conveniences Available immediately Suit adults no pets Telephone 728 0755 UPPER DUPLEX modern sparnus bedroom private drive and yard Available July I977 $265 monthly adults only no pets 728 2253 business hours ONE bedroom apts 5150 mm one bachelor apt $130 monthly Call Mr Kennedy after 728 278 BEDROOM AparlInInt $263 monthly includes all utilities rtIKl parking Ix tras Adults only Phone373871 GEORGIAN Collette Area Available furnished bachelor apartment privati home separate nntranrrL Surtabli for mature responsible younn male 611 Telephone 728 3876 after 6p gt Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc sleeps rental or Srlll fully IQUIDDIG RISIFVL 5i tf ps $4500 or best III dim mortgages Call collect to 7267861 Barrie 3254334 Orillia Western International Funding Corporation 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 TF ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments from $160 montth Central location First and last required Appliances and heat included Telephone 726 94l8 after 6p HILLSOALE Charming bedroom un furnished duplIx wrlh garden $150 Suit quiel girl or couple Rent redured for ac rasinnal babysitting No children or pets 835 70le BEDROOM 0171 In triplex treated parking fridge and sthI laundry fdflllllfS freshly decorated Available Iunrl SxSwmnnlhly Nrirtltvnd 7260857 nlflr6 AVAILABLE JUNE bedroom llUlIIfx umund 001 central Iarar lot horn and hydro IrIrlullml $775 monthly 778 9903 illIflr 717 IVHS NEAR HOSPITAL Unfurnished one bedroom apartment stay refrigerator heal hydrr and parkinu rmluded $150 rrmnlhly Adults NI pols Tnlophnnn 716 61 BEDROOM APT rinse tr dnwnlown on bus rOUIL munlhly Call 726 2Il6 SUBLET JUNE UIGIOUIH overlook Ill buy Quill bilildlml SilUlTrl fitnrris TIKIH trrlnls bus TIIUTI plnla yacht club bim blm 728 7169nftir 4pm TWO BEDROOM apartmrnt Opposite Srinilr Plum iIXplfI $224 monthly Paynwnhydri AvinlrtbllJune lstnr Ju 1y 1t Adliltsrinly 726 5247 XTRA LARGE bedroom riparlmrnt III dislinullishwt Irldrr hnrlil control In slow and frrduo $197 IITWITIIINII 31 monthly Pay own ydrn Can 737 rilllf TWO If DROUM apt available rm vnwirnhny Slw mIIIIIII Int ludhs sluw IIIIIJI Inrt hunt pity ner IIydTl Pilltltf iHI nr 5Il Nfrv IViOllfdfhllll ant hunt prtrkirm DlVfll rIirrinro thvv IVIUIIL yard lIrflIll lunc New IxItrnnm rlpl llrq IyIlI prlkinu prIVrltr Intrnnrn finingp stirvr friifni ynrrt Available JI Thin Trimmimir Road No prts Mun hr tinumIuln InIl roipunsrblv Pruninrll lï¬Q IIJJNISItfT xI STll rrxrm Ip frrr rn pi rawi Irll Mall IllITI flillktf rv fIrrirt Illly VIIJITHJIII Intrhrn hil rrlh prlmv Ilirdfit Illilrtlrs rrirluil Ill TllllfJ lrlrl $110 monthly Ii THU TITDTJOITM fluffltltfll rInlrnl Itrll Jrlklth $r plus ydru llr lvfTllVlII tlF Tli DROOM apt unsl Inll twat Iy Irv IfIlllltlltlslllVfrll lulurt prlmtl TITVI1 IIII tiil rinitr fl ItrIIIIIrn lvriilrtlilr JIIIII EIHIIIIIIIIITII 778 6l87 JNT TIE DROON JDIIFIIITIIII I171 thrill St girl rrrmanI Fr Im illlf parking III IIhIrtnr IIIdrt IrIlphnnr 776 7710 IINi Tm tr1rrrl11 luwrr IUTJIfx stove and fr Idlll rIVrIT ffllfrIITf park Ill IrIIJIl 1V 105w In srtrrx551rnnpirtq prt rfllll lumprhtl S7i monthly plu utrl Ill TlllfltltIIO 726 656 BlfllROOants strivu and fridge S230 rnrnihly trnnnt pitys own hydrn Aymlrtblir lllllf 177 Call PIlir TfrmlIlIntiv Iff Iianv 737 0011 til DHOIJM IrnmrnrshrIl Ipt lrlr rent rltlvr lllfl rIlrliyurntnr prrwlilrd LI raht Ill Anuu nvnlrnblr nnw 474 79 TWO UT SITTING rnIans rtllll uni INIIVNI rIprIrlrnvnt an be stirn ill 48 Irrlrrnritnn Apt 17houses to rent LARGI bedroom house wrth tented Yllrll Downtown arrn available im ltTfllIdltI 1st and IIl months 5775 lnrmlhly Plillslphrlnrilll 1675 HEDQUON HOUSE IIIFrIl SISII III Hill SII AAIIAIILT IMMEDIATELY Ixliruinri vintnrlwd ImmI brand new ful Iy brnndloomid Call Harry MIIQIII rwprrsrntinll Luu GUIdrnmrldl Rim double urtrrtqr lflllllllly VIIw run only Cult 728 312 or annrrtn ESTATE 77 lU57IIF 776 1864 BEDROOM IXICUIIVT home miles OIITSIUI Itrirrir on abnut II Irrr 5450 per month Coulis and Co Real lr statr MIR 718 248 Hllnll 716 2815 if DROOM sldn split East and Inca tirin SIIOleIr Innnlh Cnull and It Run Esttin fflff 728 1485 Home 717115151 AVAILABLE Immediately bedroom from In inwn S275 mnnthly plus utrl mm Call I7 INafter HOUSE FOR RENT Ifl Brlrrlf Iwrlrnrlm rlrtnthd hrlmir filmrly runrll births exceptionally Iran Inside and nut ventrally Iornhd available mid Mrry Must hirvrl fllLTEIICfS Cnll f17ll ACROSS ROM Georgian CTIIIIQI bIdrrrnrnl lrlTIll kitrhvn separate din Inn room spar Inu Irvmq mom baths rIIIrlfflfd Llrtraui ill nn lrIrliv Int Phant I46I 47 8666 THRT BLDROOM housr for rent Allnrtdnlr Hmuhtn $285 monthly AVaIl illllf Iurwl RIfirinl Illphnnvnflrr In 728 7560 ROOM rfllll detached house fully brlnidlnomod baths rluublr unram SI2r monthly no pets Dopnsrl HTIUIYPG Available June Isl Telephone 726 6896 IMMTDIATE POSSESSION Ibrtrnnm tnwnhnur end unit it appliances births Itrrnqr partially furnished if nowasnry OnI nr Ylrlr Irrnsr Allan lrtli TIIlipttrini 778 7254 20rooms to let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere 327 weekly Phone evenings 726 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS mg krIIhIn privileges lountil supplied workly laundry rnspnnmble adults 726 7186 LARGE EURNISHED rooms lull kit lien and ror room area available 1111 Irlediatnly Central 726 6392 FURNISHED ROOM kitchen lounge parkrnn For working man $30 weekly Conlrril location 726 4725 NEWLY redecorated rooms $19 835 weekly Singles anddnublcs 76 Worsley itreiil Completva furnished Shared kitchenbalhnndlivinq room 737 31115 COMFORTABLE BEDROOM in quiet private home srrrtabln for working rientlmnnn no smokers central park rnu laundry reasonable Telephone 728Irl10rrfllr1123 Wellington St West Central Park linen far ilities CLEAN newly dermaled furnished rooms to rml monthly lully broad loomed CInlral location Available now Please all 7371605 after 30 pm LOVELY lean llurnr large bright furnished bedroom wdh sink rooms rlnaned linen flanged weekly kitchen facilities free parking Central Gen lluman prefer rod 728 0598 CLEAN furnished rooms central kit hurt and living room Downtown Bus stop at door 728 7311 23 office stores for rent 23 office stores for rent COMMERCIAL SPACE Reservations now belng accepted for prestlge service com mercial C4 and office space in new building to be con structed In prime Bayfield St location Fall occupancy Sixteen hundred square feet of store space and ten thousand square feet office space still avallable Competitive rates More than ample parking Excellent access to Hayfield Street and Ferris Lone Send inquiries to BAYLANE PROPERTIES Box 987 Barrie 20 rooms to let CLEAN BRIGHT furnished room with kitchen facilities and parking elderly people are welcome Available imme diately Phone 737 3675 FULLY FU NISHED housekeeping room with fridge and stove supplied centrally located will suit retired per son Apply 72873594 IDEAL ACCOMMODATION for the the business person aged 20 3o Bayfield and Cundles location All facilities Phone 726 5303 FURNISHED Room for rent refrigerator and linen supplied 20 weekly Central location Telephone 728 8484 or 7264882 after pm ROOMS FOR RENT downtown loca tion overnight parking $60 to $80 per month Telephone 728 6292 2foffices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff MODERN RETAIL space available for lease In high volume area Jug milk will be anchor store Reasonable terms Reply Box U29 The Examiner DOWNTOWN BARRIE 300 square foot office Broadloom oak paneled reasonable rent Telephone bUSIness hours 728 2253 DOWNTOWN LOCATION ground floor off street parking $75 monthly Tele phone 728 6292 for further Information 24s pa cefor rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft lgtly sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft Clear part of large expandinq Industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial warehouse Telephone Angelofl VERY NICE Industrial burldrna on Dunlap St West with large fenced In property Phone 728 7044 nr 416 635 0637 BUILDING nd space 726 I400 AVAILABLE 75 20 healed Immediate ocrupanry Ideal for painting or refinishing busrness $150 monthly Also storage available 4rx 50 no heat $100 monthl 726 6474 BAYS In burldrng wrth ulfrcv and washroom May be used for aulo Ffprth clean up etc 150 Bradford Street Telephone 737 2900 26 accommodations to share WANTED Two females to share house Ill country closrr to Barrie Own bed rooms Telephone 726 8491 BEDROOM house in the country to share With business girls Close tn Brlr FlC Toluphonf7168Il9l lllOrfllrtQS nnly 27cottages to rent GRAVITNHURST AREA Bylhlsoirsnn or week Mer ll Ortnbiir Private sand beach brdrnurn cabin Surf famrl of or Taliphone 726 7714 28cottages for sale PRIVATE SALE 1770 foot fruntrtuv I8 miles north island flllrqu story fr nml furnished Pr=rIl Ipals nnl $27 500 Tolrphrlnr 778 65 I4 32 Wcars for sale BUYING CAR2 Why not Irl 10an Il Brlrrn Cnmnlunlly Crurlrt Union 18 ill I11 51728 5191 1975 HONDA CIVIr Airlnnmtrt spills lurid rm Ins Cllliflfll 7281 JUN 1973 DATSUN 2401 17w kIt Tullpinyin AM FM radio frnrk sirrod rnrtrnlfl lull Instrumentn trnrv VWlthIlflflilIIIHl Mus1 101 Ask nii SII rrtnkr In iffirr Pttrrlii 111 Itll 177lfyRLMLlN IVUFTIIU Wle MIIIIJIIr I965 fun It and 1969 Fr rrt 1an III lflrd An In srrrn 18IIA innrl Philni 726 I869 IdTITTTI 778 6010 fVtfI ITIU I97I GRAN TORINO WITIN with lllllr VIVIVI rnnf nrw tiris 111m dwli TrITIIII yIrnrtrr rtutrimrttir 31508 Tlltlrllvlrll 16 005 1776 THUNDFHHIVT lnw IllilriluI llimlrII ultra rnrxrn rmt Ill all 778 llllll VlfW SH lllfllln Ilr IIkIIrwr Ionsv I974 CHRYSLER NIw VIITUfr Brlruuham ranr lrtrdtvip air with TIIIIIIHQ pnwer spills AM FM rntlri Vlllyl700111WTITflDWfF ilrvr Inn and brakes rrldIl certified fthlIffIl HIT tillrln $3500 776310l 197 GRAN TORINO witqun Silan$lJOIl Phnnl H7 1065 xr II lent I974 MARQUIS door hnrrllup llWlr slurrind pnwrr Ifdhfgt powvr Sfrliv mud cnnrlilinn Ttllptlttlit John 728 7515 1974 CADILLAC Sortan rtrI VlIIt fully equipped low mileage nrw brakIs lIrtr Ixhnusf oxrullrrll cnndilinn Will sell or trade for ton Bast ffff 474 5403 $649 1969 PONTIAC door 350 V8 auto radio new tires good rolrabh transportation Certified WiISII I4I Hayfield Slroel 1972 DA TSUN 2407 air ILIO AM FM 52995 1972 Ford tun ulnnrlnrd $1495 1969 Ford 711Vlrltllll auto PS PU $995 1971 Hornet auto $1095 All load condition all certified OIhIr as Is lfrlfl Auto Body 728 6612 1969 CHRYSLER Newport door Imrd 101 power Sitternu power Innkls lxlrl cnndrlron Already lrlllllfl Askinu 5800 Phone 737 3675 I976 CORDOBA farlnry equipped nr conditiomnu Irmk loaded prllffl lrr $4500 Telephone 778 9825 SPOR TS CAR Lotus 61M formula Ford compIIli legal rmtdy to rice Many rx tms TOIIDhDIIO 705 429 2480 Sunni CIr I971 CHEV Capricr station erfll cur tilted air COHKIITIOHIHII mdmli all power must sell 51600 firm Phone 726 9235 after I975 DATSUN B210 110001111105 inlw tires erl he Ofllflfd Askrnd $2500 or best Offer Phone 474 I235 I966 MUSTANG 289 speed hark burs magnesium ilols With 60 srrrrw toronados dual exhaust 5400 Phone 487 5150 nfllr 1965 ACADIAN CANSO door sport deluxe V8 283 burkel seats c0n50l0 shift radio Telephone 728 3490 after pm 1971 DODGE Coronet drxir 318 fr1linl 23 MPG highway automatic power steering and brakes radio and tape deck Michelin tires Good condition Certified Call 424 5782 after 30p 1967 CHEVELLF SS 400 series transmission and onvorler I96 blork cam and pistons l96 heads redone AMFM radio bucket SerTS and snlnvagablo parts 737 3147 1968 DODGE Polarn door and 1966 Valiant sedan Phone 728 6552 after In 1974 GALAXIE bought new one lady owner 46000 original miles power steering power brakes reliable transportation Must sell Telephone 416 44 1967 MUSTANG for sale door hardtop very good shape reasonable mans Telephone 424 0330 after 1969 OLDS CUTLASS mint condition power windows mag wheels all around 350 hp duel exhaust way posi trac Sl2001irm Certified Telephone 726 31519 1971 DATSUN 510 door automatic transmission radio snow tires new exhaust system Needs front fenders and body work $250 or best offer Also mag wheels 13 $50 728 8526 after 1974 BUICK REGAL PS PB PW air conditioning track loaded best offer Call after 6pm 726 4192 I969 GTO Convertible 400 cu inch bar rel power steerinu and power brakes automatic new tires and mag wheels Certifiablo $20000r best Offer 737 1680 1968 DODGE immacculatn shape never seen wrnter Will certify Call 726 6800 after 5pm 1975 GREMLIN Hatchback 13900 miles perfect condition certified $2500 Telephone 726 5087 after 6pm 1974 M68 red good condition radials Best offer Coldwater 686 3644 I969 CHEV BEL AIRE good running condition new tires $300 728 7435 after I975 MUSTANG Il V8 excellent condi tion 435 4857 My791011 32 ears for sale 1976 MG MIDGET for sale in excellen condition 4800 miles still under warran ty Certified Telephone 726 4347 after pm 1973 DATSUN 2402 in good condition new springs rebuilt shocks Certified Many extras 60000 miles 32595 Tele phone 728 76134 7pm Ask for Ron Kent 1973 SATTELITE Sebring plus gold in terioc copper exterior 318 automatic power steering power brakes radio bucket seats radial tires rally wheels Immaculate 728 6435 or 4241577 MUST SELL 1975 Plymouth Duster Fully equipped good condition certifie or as is Call after 458 9083 1972 PONTIAC LEMANS thrift automatic 45000 original miles rust certified SL650 firm Orange wit vinyl top Apply 98 Essa Road 728 8090 1967 FOR 390 engine needs bod work 728 0898 after 1962 VOLVO 318 good running condi tion Stored last winters To be sold is for $600 or best offer Call 48775253 1969 FORD MUSTANG Convertible for sale $225 or best offer Telephone 726 2944 for further information 1973 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle low mileage excellent condition Call after 436 4374 1967 CHEVELLE Malibu 1W0 door hard top cyl automatic transmission radio power steering tape deck good tires clean Telephone 728 5283 1970 SUNBEAM Arrow as is needs lit 110 work done $250 Phone 728 2824 I973 CHEV BEL AIR excellent condi tion Must see It to make an offer Tole phone 424 6130 33eca rs wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MW FTF TOP PRICE for top cars Trike Motors Ltd ll9 Bradford SI Brlrr 11 778 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest pricer paid Same day pirkup Hflli Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS lars and trucks for wrvrxlnu and parts top prices paid Frei pirkup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted lop prices patd true Immediate pick up anytime 4I6 2900 OLF BROS Cars and lruc ks wanted frir wrm krnq Fast pickull Dd Y5 43 6122 After In 421 5949 WAN TED CIIan USffl rrirs Barrm Hon do Auto Sann I7 Gownn SI 726 6488 SHAKEI WRECKING and anrnq scrap Irtat Jrs txwdht uvrir males BeslprlrIspard 4I6 3677 34 trucks and trailers I74 FORT LT9000 ipilrl 318 Dflrllll VIITIVITTIMIIIGIlT1Iï¬1TrlTtf has wnrk ertrfmd IlylrgptIrnv 777 6lf6riftm 76 CHLV 1x4 tun 41078 PS FTl rrlln Will01 OII lffï¬ iumu Car was nulnninlrr post trnrlrnn rnntl vrry sharp S6 095 Irl Ul typi nuttrmnlii lrtlr1IsIIII IVAf llflllv pIIWtY ttrdkr llflllf unititrnri fktlfllll ltllnlll III 41 144 IIHI 6p Im FOPII Inn TIU fur Srlll Iilrod lrllfllltllll $70 iir trust ITIIT TfllKHI III 717 ll 07 Ivnr lun Fnrll rirkuu yllllfllr 3175 IlKTIIfff 116 2199 I976 250 UKTOMIZED FORD Vrln llfery Iluly Jlll 117 mm whrirls rvrlinrnt nwwwl frpleTt xrlts radii htlrl Ilvr sun lrllf Iftrr 728 I90 VAN 127 GM 18000 fliilf Ixtwir rITIq xihrvrIrrnkrH rlfIIrIHIIII purl ly rrn rrlt TII inrrlirlï¬r IKkIIHI NT 5lIll TrlIfllInlr 16 I217 txl Il7 IANDWOH Tx lIllI ferTlllrlI millu ill rmIm IrIIisI srIl brsl rwt mnnnlr rift 10 III 197 FORT CUSTOM half Inn pirk up TtlrIJlIIIIIf 711I 27110 bilriri VII StillIflrltll Lxrvllint rnnditmn $52000 7TJ 456 if r17 476 3IJi any IIIYTt INTERNATIONAL BACKHOE 460 ms lmfrrlfi SI0II 196 MPH ur Dunn Ir Iir Srlflll 197 Drltsnn prr lull wrlh new lirnrrt Ill plus Tour Hilrvw rirnpvr TIUIU 1976 IIIIIVIr oil Nlllflllll IIISII frrlctrrr VltllfllllllllTlIIr1llf IriIrgtnrnI Whlfn RHIIVIIJIIWIT 52 500 All Ill Iimt runnrriil InrlII MliI slll III lilli rIll 737 TRAILI SPECIAI 74 GMC 1500 slrIi Inn Innivy rIIllytIlrnurthlrIil lrl IHLIITH Pfl IfVltIl lfrll fnl Ilrillff WIIIIIIITIIQ thlrmalwnlled lmpIr Rldlf Nluillilvr hitrh l704l0 Tilt Irurk IIIH new CIrtilrlt 466 5764 lr6l CH1 ANIIIJ Van wrth rriisrri Hill 919 Wltlllfl trade for hinrvy duty utility trIiIr TflffHInllP 778 191i alllr pm SISservice and repairs LICENSED MECHANIC Itninn general NDRIT Any nli onsrillrld Call 474 646 ilfflr 37motorcycles 1973 HONDA 3500YCIII11110110111011 6000 miles Telephone 776 7976 after 1976 YAMAHA RD 400 sliddli Imus wnidslnild and IllInlet ExrlIINII IHKII hurt $1200 Pnlmv 726 383910 197 HONDA I60 nxtoltvnl Ulldlllllll 5800 IIIIlr wrnrlsrrlirn hrqhwny roll bars IIlllIIWlllftr15klllf1$lll1ll Also 1970 350 nouns nIrII work 5300 726 8415 11 flllp III MOPIT FOR HALL Moblllll askinn 5200rtll after an 717 1649 l97l HONDA 750 llnrrnni rims Illf1Slr1ll exhaust Ivan and well Inninlninml ask InnSI500 Telephone 778 7410 bafnrn 10 111 PARTS FROM 1971 Suzuki 550 vaurll mutnr TIIIfllIIHIT 466 2115 1971 HONDA 350 3000 miles III lX Illlffll condition Prue $1195 Tuli plinni 726 3441af10r6p TRIUMPH 1975 TIILIIITI ditinn 4500 ITIIIIS 750 cylinder in rludrnq snlvly Intense SL850 Suzuki 1975 GT 380 good condition 8800 mills wrlh Ixtrrv $1050 Includes safety 72 1676 I967 TRIUMPH 650 roburll engine in xul lent Lun unod condition $1200 or best offer Tlllpllflnf 7211 7410 after Ilasnowmobiles SNOWMOBILES 1968 Snow Prince 24 hp Herth electric start 1970 Snow PrlnCl011lI1f NS $150 for thr pair Call 424 5782 after 30pm 40 articles for sale SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leadinil Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season price Guarantord installation and terms Call collerl daysor evenings 1416 221 4840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in Stock Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space Brand new swrmming pools include filter walk round deck fence and warranty size 15 27 ft 10355 cash or forms Call Plf collect days or evenings 416 481 880 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Como 111 today or call 726 4606 for True 42 page booklet of indrnund and above uround pools Pioneer Pools Bayninrl Plaza ELECTRIC SomiAcnustic Guitar and Amplifier approx 6monlhsold Both in excellent condition Asking 3550 716 3435 BICYCLES TRIKES all sizes recondi tioned repainted repairs parts wanted After pm 611726 0850 LACROSSE Equipment Georgian Sports 24 7263200 some used Maple Avenue 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale IVrr IYW 717 40 articles for solo Clearance Sale Winter Footwear off Womens shoes from $1 Childrens shoes from $2 Mens dress and casual $5 NO limits All sales final Charlies Shoes RR OrO Station 4875831 Open days 1010 My11H 40 articles for sale 40 orticles for sale 41 boots motors $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS liecover it Yourself °Wide selection of discount fabrics OFoam cushions OTools both amateur professional Needles threads twines Buftons made to Order complete line of upholstery supphes UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP 539 layfiold St 7371510 WThFTF SWIMMING POOLS tortn1 wrll Irnsr and Install for linmlurwnvrs fanIII Ilf aluminum swrmmrnr prrril With path Chan Ill stylus fYItfIIIlU III fllilillq rouulnlirins on two It throw your rental bays wnh option in ner Try blfnrv you huy nll rnllrlt Iylirnr 1416 6619508 SWlhlMlNG POOL 197 TIIIllI sleIIIl ly srralilirt lfI Irnnsrxrrt Iiilly war ranlnd IITIJIflf wrth lump inter lllltr fInlinu walkway and Itll Silquistvd rIlnil prrii $7 745 Avmlablw at ptf season now lnI if 51 288 Call not for early Installation Call rpllmt Inytimr 416 6619508 SOCCER AND Bawball tilllll snnll harqlnns Georgian Spurts Maple Avonln 7273700 100 RAILROAD TIES $595 oath 7370086 null rmrlh nl Bnrrm lII Highway 115 II1rrtIlty Riismilrimt BUY YOUR LAWN If lawn ITIIIVVII wlioro lnrtury trmnvd lllfllTrHTIIS will preï¬orvrri It SPORT HAVEN MARINE Mile East of BARer nn shanty Brty Road 726 1001 ROIIBAX AUTOMATIC donut mm l1llll in lioudrnnrtitirin Call 778 2rl nffrcnhours Best offer CONTENTS Of APRT lnr srtII lltITIS include bedroom set hvrld mom trump stove bar cnlnr bw TV 111IS other fur nishinqs For Appl 778 4776 IDEAL FOR COTTAGE lrr leriTIITIlll used wnods rmnbinatron frrrtnra SIOVI ktlllfll sink IIIIII IISV Asking $725 lhnlw 728 4776 PUMI hp piatnn pump fnr lilp wrIl Alllllftfll Inwnmnwtr General Elirtrii yrs old good QIIUIIIOII 776 68idnf1ir III STOVf WHITF 30 $50 Fridllr up pirlnnn $75 Puol IITIJIl with pinu pnnq lnp $100 KIlthIll laIJIL I6x7J $25 Telephoni 7260978 after III In TABLE SOLID MAPLE flop ltrll Dxlin smrl 560 also llllDlIOtlf table and than solid wood 540 Call 716 9316 rifltt STOVE ELECTRIC any reasonable offer Sears Kenmore automatic wnshm years old $150 Also Willfr Dllillllllntt make OIIIT 728 6775 BARN BEAMS for Telephone 718 7374 BEDS nmplvtn wrth Imxsprrng and mattress nrulit tables NIW Vilns Inaplecnlnninl $700 Call 737 ll6l on 111 tulip TON Cnrrinr nir crmditinriIr umt for 5310 lef new $650 Call 717 31611 to pm AIR CONDITIONER 50001TIJGSW $150 Golf clubS ridht hand TlUfIIlll L109 and cart 575 Both in excellent on ditinn Tolipltirl10726 1955 USED FURNITURE Airrnnrlilinnurs small fridges for office or rollaue solves freonrs ulfd chairs lllSllllIllll sols lawn furniture and bedroom surtis Clarks Home Furnishing Warthouse free deliver 728 2843 AIR CONDITIONER NEWG S275 10000 TUs Phone 424 53110 HOSPITAL BED patient liftinq hoist reclining wheel chair wood cook stove cnrdnfhardwnod Call 487 3149 STOVE FRIDGE and dishwasher in candy apple red also heavy duty washer and dryer white like new Original pricDS2400askirtq$1695 717 1071 IVE PIECE colonial kilr hen sot maple table and chairs Like new Very good condition S125 Also mens clothing Phone 728 31163 GARAGE DOOR steel overhead complete With hardware 890 Telephone 726 2597 after GARAGE SALE Saturday May 14 10 pm corner of Finlay Rand Belmont Cr Midhurst Home baking household items childrens CIOIITIHU etc 15 families contributing Proceeds for Willow Creek Nursery stile any length Bf DROOM SUITE tWIn bed and arrs Iir pIUU criesterfrcld suite hall ruII If tweed run coffee table end rabiw plifj dillirlu room snite Ad IrIrll Tinthlr087119737 0517 ONE BOYS I6 and girls 20 CCM nu Ins vrry good condition 320 each TIIIDIIIIDD 71 7454 STEEL OFFICE desk 24 x45 rllOX rriIInI rznrtrtirrn months old great for sludInt Askvnu 5125 Telephone 726 8434 MOFFfTT STOVE White good ondi nun $30 Telephone 458 9318 days only BRITISH iNDIAN Rug wool 10 15 plmn ringiy rrrsr rxriIlcnt condition lltWIfltrNTIO SIOU Telephone436 1206 STEREO AM FM track recorder iurniahI headphones and Ophmus SB SDIrlkir Pmnr 726 4747 anytime ONE IOHNNV WIISITTUIICT above urriund pool solid aluminum With blue nrplIrd tich rlIItI funct Surrounding IIlIIIIII iliaranw in no main Illrllll 71 Ill diameter Never bccn asstnhlrirt 776 518 GARAGE SALE JIinIiUI for Joy Some old and new Dr IITJI IrvduprcIdu IISIIIS many hwuVltIrirl Moms Thursday evening to Ir Friday and Saturday Lonsdale le irattrfUlrJD Crullrqo arva DINING LOOMsurto solid walnut tllrtll Tilttll tlJfl and hurti at least 10 ymrru all 300 Also 26 Maonavox wrisnlirrlrlrir TV $100 Phone 835 3307 GARAGE SALE Saturday May lath 15 Crrtrinutlill SI 30 rn on Com pler untvnt rlf household including furniture frnnt kitchen bedrooms and IIVInurrmln BABY CARRIAGE converts Io stroller and ir but electr Ir leiding dish toilet Iflllfl bottlv warmer playtex nursors and mny blnnkot Call 726 1960 41boats and motors BOAT SALE 14 Fibreglass 33 hp Evinrude wtrOiler $1295 14 Fibreglass 55 hp Evirirude $1495 14 Fibreglass 40hp Evinrude $1695 14 Fibreglass 35 hp Johnson wtroiler $2395 15Silverline 5011p Johnson $2895 16 Fibreglass 85 hp Merc $2395 15 Catamaran Sailboat $1795 12 Petrel sailboat $795 18 Wood day Cruiser $350 21Glastron Overnighter $10500 l977l46 Fibreglass w1977 Johnson 35w top $2599 SPORTHAVEN MARINE Mile East of Barrie on Shant Bay Rd 726 001 We buy and sell new and used boats and motors Ju3 CHRYSLER SPORT SATELLITE 15ft Bow Rider 1976 model with canopy bow cover REG $313900 Spring Special $235000 PLUS Save 20°76 on any new Chrysler motor purchased with boat OBRIENS SPORTS MARINE LTD 1111 0110 STATION 4872211 MyllN 22 SHFPHE RD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor ondition Asking $2500 Tubphone 45 4245 after 30pm 1968 28 foot Luhrs flybridae sleeps four separate from cabin stand up head 10000 BTU air conditioner Sears Cold $9900 Telephone 437 7801c 437 1163 spot used months complete with man ual frame etc 5125 or nearest offer Telephone 726 5139 WANTED Low propeller unit for 1960 Johnson motor L15 hp Call anytime 4116 2295 CANOES We have truckload of dif ferent sizes shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum canoes SPORTHAVEN MARINE mile East of Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 Au3 SAILBOAT 16 foot custom designed and budt Totally fiberglassed over marine plywood 4sailsincludlng new spinnaker and Geona Many extras 35 hp engine trailer Real bargain at $1200 726 7955 19 SILVERLINE Nantucnet inboard outboard fully equipped Call Bing Jowott in wasaga Beach 429 2726 23 BAYLINER EXPRESS cruiser dinette stand up head sleeps used one season owner transferred Must sell $11500 Call 726 5527 afterépm 16 FOOT INBOARD Outboard Cutter 120 mcrcruiser engine in excellent condition with trailer $3900 firm Telephone 737 3785 or 728 5525 15 FIBREGLASS76 Chrysler 45 hpout hoard complete with trailer ready to an $2700 Telephone 727 2565 from 3O OUTBOARD an oldermodel and pale Johnson excellent condition 390 firm Telephone 726 2006 16 Brunwick mahogany plywood boat fibreglass bottom almost new can vas top 50 hp Johnson motor trailer Always kept inside $1200 Telephone 487 2607 23 10 Grew 245 custom hardtop 188 Mercury inboardoutboard few hours Telephone for important information 728 9919 SAIL SKUNK sailboat New last year with trailer Perfect Will take any weather Kem pcnfeldt has Perfect family Daysailerl 737 1161 Hot SE POWER Evinrude motor New 1976mndcl Full warranty No fax 5350 or WIII take best offer Excellent for fishingorsailboat7371161 CATALINA 22 sailboat with trailer 726 3672 42farticles wanted 12 skunk class CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 728 8234 ALL CASH for old furniture pictures chairs etc etc 487 5389 ENGLISH SADDLE I7 inch English bridle wanted Must be in good condition at reasonable price Preferred Roll knee Telephone 322 2041 44dogsandpets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 77777 POODLE TRIMMING professional Grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR PFoIEs sinnal clipping and grooming reason able rates Telephone 726 0061 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sites at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria I43 Ardagh Road 726 0094 BARRIE KENNEL Club meeting Wednesday May 11 at pm at the Old Sunnidale Golf Course Clubhouse Guest speaker Dr Mallard on Bloat Visutors welcome For information call Judy 728 6069 after FREE One year old poodle terrierfall shots spayed Telephone 728 2127 II MONTH OLD Engliin Setter Orange Bolton registered with CKC excellent with children Paid $250 asking $125 Owner moving 726 8414 AMERICAN COCKER Spaniels months old blonde CKC registered champion bloodline shots trained 4361052 49photography PHOTOGRAPHERS LOOK Mamiya C330F professional camera system Everything new or like new If you want professional system you cant afford to miss this Best offer this wcck7371161 sogarden supplies CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Saturday de livery Call 726 3928 or 7261117 RASPBERRY CANES and Strawberry Plants Now is the time to plant Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive 726 2951 TREES sneuas Fertililer Seeds All your gardening needs Crown Gardbn Centre Hwy 93 mile north of Hwy 11 Box PLANTS hanging baskets every thing for your garden flower beds win dow boxes etc also asparagus roots Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 NUMBER shredded top soil for siie Telephone 726 6837 slfrees andvshrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuable and beautiful Plant while spruce ft high Free delivery 728 9404 DIG YOUR own spruce black walnut maple blrch mountain ash cedar hedlnging etc Open weekends only Located miles south of Barrie off Hwy 27 first on Slmcoe County Road 31 Call after pm 726 9295 uvvwv rv