the examiner Monday May 1977 xtra Ulster workers defy strike order by Protestants BEltASl tBeutert Northern Irelands workers ignored threatsof violence and went to work today in defian cc of strike order by militant Protestants Despite roadblocks the Northern Ireland government ol fice said work attendance was almost normal and all public services were running Ioliee clashed with pickets in Belfast but no injuries were ieported lolice are also investigating number of sus pect ed bomb dev ices The huge turnout at work brought the fiist signs of weakening from strike leader itev laii laisley who told membeisof the Protestant Orange Order in Ballymena if the strikedid end it would not have been in vain But spokesman for the strike organizers the United Inioiiist Action Council said the strike will tiol be called off Caron stabbed in cell KINGSTON Ont ttli Ernest taron sentenced to life imprisonment for the attempted kidnapping of daughter of John traig Eaton remained in satisfactory condition today in hospital where he was sent after being foiuid in his cell with ltl stab wounds hospital spokesman said Caron was found wounded in his lillhaven penitentiary cell on Friday and was rushed to hospital where be under went surgery after lung collapse prison spokesman has said spokesman for provincial police in nearby Napanec said police were continuing their invmtigation oi the incident and that no arrests had bien made The prison spokesman has said movement of prisoners in maximunrswurity Millhaven will be ristricted until the iii vestigation is completed aroii was sentenced last Sept 31 for the attempted kid napping of Eatons lIï¬tillttltl daughter Signy four iiioiitiis earlier Twelve die in hotel fire ISTICBII riteutert At least persons died early today in fire that destroyed hotel accomodating mainly Swtdish and Spanish tourists in central iiisterdam police said iventyseven of the loo guests at the LEObed ilotel lolcn on one of the Dutch citys main shopping streets were iii jured and taken to hospitals police said Will not separate OTTAWA lr Quelxicers will not vote to separate from the rest of taiiada says retiring Ittll omnnssioiier Maurice idoii so there is no need for the lttkll to make contingency plans to deal with its role in an independent Quebec We have no contingency plans as yet because tiiiiik that Canada will stay together he said on the tilobal television Show In Private Life broadcast Sunday think in the long run if it corms to referendum suspect that the people will vote to remain iii anada Nadiiii said the fact some of the people iii the iari Oiiebecois government were arrestml by the lttll during the WW October crisis has not strained the forces relation ship with the Quebec government We have no problem with this at all Our iiiilings in Quebec are with other police forces in particular and with the courts in Quebec and we abide by the same rules as other policemen in Quebec Hull the springboard HILL Que ti The Quebec government will seek to make ilull the springixiard for onomic negotiations llltl relations between an lililtlttlitltlll Quebec and anatia by moving several provincial iitf1cts heri from Quitoc try spokesman says Denis De Belleval Qtltlttt piibiii tlVltts illilililti sold talks on integrating friicrai einployMs into an enlarged Quebec civil service already have begun ile said at news conference Iridaj that iiiteuiatirin ol sonic Ierleral employees into the provincial civil sci it lll occur only it Qiiebrc rcstdciits Uic stpacic Canada but while were WillilllL wc will rrlocai erai ariiiiiilistiatne tililll aid agencies tc llllll within lllt iict few rilriiibsaiiri wars to fruit Private reforestation iiitxilijliitlitliil nt tlli Natural Itcwniittv Minister Frank Miller itlll Sunday thc ltiitario gout iiimcnt is planning to transfei responsibility to retorttation to iic pri vatc sector The minister said in an interview he ha been liiltllinl with lumber company pic ideit on the inattci irrl lltltill of iinal iir inernmn lllrilltl lc coiiipLic in liarw tot inortl The proximal trr ltllll lIA ilrii bit ltI it lore tit ciziipaiic lilt lri liailiti slit dirt iil Millet tipr idii ioror to Its part would pas lrgl laint tiliilrliii III lorr Ill dusti ir pin ibir ltl replanting lititfdl the conipaiiie had much better ltttitl tban Ill ociinrcr itiieslliig llitii own land Miller agretd that thc companiw and effectively He said the problem has been to provide tlic companies with enough financial incentive to takeover ltltittsltilltttt In the past we would often switch timber main to fill fcreiit companits therefore not making it tltftliItIilt for the companits to regenerate 4l lit Il caii do it more cheaply Nixon distorted truth I1W ittltix iteiitwi iron Iawoisiti the former IS special pro irltlrr in the Watergate case say former litfillltlll Iticiiard Nixon distorttd the truth on television last Wttk In Newsweek magazine Jaworski said Nixon had hill knowledge of tt7 break in at the Democratic national Iicadqua rt crs at the Watergate building and was tin active thttllpllitllti obstructing lilltiliillltiil to bring tliow irpoiiiiilc to justice An interview lictwccii Nixon and broadcistcr David Frost was aired lit the ILS and anada last Wednesday To say that mistakes were made is not enough laworski said in coiiimen ting on thc interview To deny inipeacliabie acts and criminal wrongdoing is on ltlitARINIX truthful Iii11V at AllintheEur Hearing Aid Special Discounts for Senior Citizens Complete Hearing Aid Service Ask about the Custom 200 Custom built in Canada for your ear and your hearing loss HURONIA HEARING AID CENTRES Cull Tuesdays after pm BARRIE 7281263 Twwrg 75 Davis ontario election 77 Inflation control critical issue TORONTO CP Premier William Davis said Sunday con trol of inflation is critical is sue in the Ontario election In letter to Progressive Conservative candidates in the que election the premier said the federal antiinflation program is less than perfect but that the Ontario government support it Those who would end the programwas Would the NDI or those who would water it down as would the Ontario Liberals could seriously dain age the economic fairness and balance of our society He said the program has pro tected incomes reduced in flat ion and limited strikes llis government had opposed Smith motion by the provincial Lib erals in 1975 that called for On tario to set up its own antiin flation board rather than affil iate with the federal program That would have placed people like teachers and provin cial civil servants under pro vincial board while the rest of society would have been under the national antiinflation board We opposed that measure became it would have created two classes of wage earncrs in Ontario The New Democratic Party of course would like to see in tervention in terms of profits and prices but not in the area of wages as if the two could be separated out in any fair pro gram AIB restrictions on Ont spending lOltONIO lt Liberal government at Queens Park would abide by the same anti iiiflaiioii restrictions as the residents of Ontario the par tys provincial leader pledged Sunday In an address that marked the official opening of his cam paign for the liine ti provincial election Stuart Smith ticked off series of increases ini posed by the Progressive Ton servative government since federal aiitirinilation controls went into effect in Septenilxtr INT Ontario llealtii Insurance Plan fees had gone tip 43 per cent ttiitioii fees were up 3t per cent at community colleges and per cent at universities tobacco taxes had more than doubled and Ontario Hydro fees had risen almost 50 per cent in single year ihats not fair and under Liberal government it wont be allowed to continue lie told cheering audience of about 400 party workers and candidates Liberal government would Iiold down such increases as well as increases in GO transit fees liquor prices and rents These controls will undoubt ediy mean that some big spend ing projects will be cancelled They mean that Ontarios gov ernment must make the same sort of choices that you make when the bills add up to more than your income ELIIBIiAIiIS BIRTHDAY The Liberal leader who spent most of the first week of the campaign closeted with party strategists celebrated his 39th birthday in Hamilton on Saturday After being presented with cake by about iti supporters at his campaign office in Hamilton West constituency Iic told tiiciii the province must do more for its Hihtitio young residents listed as unemployed During the I975pl1nillclaltIlClIOll Kathleen Davis right wife of Ontario Premier William Davis injured her ankle getting off campaign bus Now tw0 years later and at the start of another campaign the Davis 21yearold son Neil app tradition foot in cast They are day lliotot Lewis ears to be carrying on an election shown during family dinner in Brampton nt Sun Management is the key llttilt ii Iiovin cial Ni Leader Stephen Lewis outlined his view of election issues Sunday and said management of both human and nat ural resources is the key to his campaign for the Iiiiie it provincal election Today lie campaigns southwestern Ontario Speaking at gathering of party candidates and organizers Sunday Lewis un veiled crop of statistics which lie said demonstrate the in failure of the Conservative tprovincial government to man age Ontarios forests Lewis said the governments own figures show drastic gap between acreage cut by timber companies and government reformation programs The government was respon sible for replanting rown tan is but had proved unable to meet the responsibiity Lewis quoted figures showing that the Abitibi Ia er Itttlilttl 70284 acres etwecn Canadian thought it was joke when first arrested in Nigeria tii itii anadian David Bennett who thought it was lttkt when he was first arrested as spy in Nigeria has arrived home after his seer ond escape from prison Slim and softspoken he tells of more than two months in jails and how he finally escaped Lagos tiiroiigli graveyard and fur rieri up on the doorstep of anadiaii lligh omiiiissioncr Kititlseekiiiliclp At onetime afteiliisliisi es Carbon monoxide poisoning victim among those who died accidentally By IIIII IJI IItlIXS lit ytnii old woman who died oi carbon monoxide poisoning iii parked car was one of 13 trisons who had ac cidcntally in iirada during the tttltttl survey by The taiiadian iress from in Friday to midnight Siinriaj night local lllitt al ri showed traffic deaths drowiiiiigs one litiiiting dcatii one mountain climbing diuitb and the death of illl who is knocked to the Lltilltll bile attending to an in lurid it it itildtitt had to road deaths and ititil tIlHvJilitlS in addition to the bone itltltill and the oiilion iiioiioiricpoiwiiiiiii7 ti witbet IK piisoiisdicd lil Iiitlllt titcitltlitw one drowned while lliltit diving and one died ma huntingacciricnt hour traffic deaths were re poiltd in British tolunibia two in Nova Scolia and two in Al lierta The death of mountain climber wa Illdi rcpoitmi in In Newfoundland one person drowned and one died in frat Ilt tctltltiil cw Brunswick Iriiicc iId ward island Manitoba and Sas katciicwaii reported no acr cideniai deaths llic survey excludes slayings iiidustrial deaths and kiiowiisiiicidcs lrltllnY Normand Ilolland l9 lreii ton drowned in llianet Lake about So miles north of Belle Vlllt after 12 foot aluminum boat lie and an others were in ctipsietl ltandali Martin tti Niagara Falls when the van he was driving struck the rear of transport truck on tiic Garden ity Skyway in St atharines lilica Dcsjardins GL and Alex Deiiiuyiick 21 both of Sudiiiiry iii twocar headon collision in Sudbury on High way tittsoiith IlIDY Lynda Kalbfleiscii Ito of the thatsworth area of injuries suffered in fall when she was attending to an IIIJIIIHI horse about to miles southeast of Owen Sound Marshall Bell Jr 23 ioder ich when the car lie was driv iiig struck tree near Auburn about fitiniilcs north of London liroslav itakovski to To ionto when the car he was driving overturned on Highway toi about 23 miles west of Belle ville Wallace Joseph Brophy 33 Burks Falls when his car left Highway and rolled over in field about Ill miles southwest oftwcii Sound Robert Lee Nabors tht and his nephew Leonard 20 De troit drowned when their boat capsized on ltiver anard about It miles south of Wind soi Manfred Deuchler 32 sh awa when the truck he was driving went otit of control craslitd through fence and in to stream near Bewdley about 15 miles south of Peter borough Borden Waiiiiaiiiaker 65 Bcaverton drowned after houseboat on which lie was passenger capsized in Lake Simcoe SUNDAY Sandra Kramer 2i Sault Ste WE APOLOGIZE We WIZII to draw to your attention the I0ll0Wti errors in our Spring and Summer Catalogue PAGE 21 ITEM 11 16 the item now keyed item It should he item 16 wrth price of $1 The item now keyed as item 16 should he item It With the price of $3 Marie when the car she was driving was involved in an accr dent with city police car iamela Marie Rutledge ltl Wiiighaiii of carbon llltttltiltI poisoning after she fell asleep in parked car about 25 llllllS northwest of Waterloo Merle Desmond Snell iii Lambeth after lie was struck by it van while crossing tiic road Saturday about five miles southwest of London Stephen William Johnston l6 Iiigcrsoll when the car lie was riiiviiii collided with another car on Highway it ill St olumbair about 51 miles nor thwest of Stratford ieter Andrew Liira Ltti llitiii der Bay after he lost control of his motorcycle and struck guard rail on Highway til about lttmiies south of lliuiidcr Bay Ie ree Stalin capc he was said by Nigerian officials to be the subject of national alert and under shot oirSight order Nigerian officials finally let him leave the country last week iraveliing on ticket and an emergency passport provided by the high coin mission he flew here Wed nesday from Lagos via Iaris lleather Bruce his British born fiancee who was detainer with him Ieb 2i but later was released flew here Sunday from her Newcastle England Iioinc for reunion Bennett arleton Univer sity sociology graduate is stay ing with his brother Larry on the staff of anadian inter national Development Agency itlliAi lheir father Orval Beiiiiet is trade commissioner at the anadian iligii Commis sion in Kenya Fill lINI BlIIItAYIIl David and Heather were go ing to visit his parents when they got into trouble over loan to soimvine thought was friend When the friend Nigerian television personality whom Bennett had met earlier in Eng land refused to repay the loan Bennett claimed the car which had been put up as security CUSTOM MADE DRAPEBIES and BEDSPREADS Total Decorator and Coordinating Services Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality riiatorials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large and installation as required Phone iota iioiiiiiison or small enquiries Tracking or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrio onka NOTICE PAGE 30 ITEM though lill item IS shown wrthout saw blade the price covers the Circular saw With combination blade to III PAGE 41 ITEM liltS item IS key wound alarm clock not electric as stated PAGE 59 ITEM 17 18 the nurntier tiand 18 in the picture area should be transposed tot propot identification All other information regarding these items IS correct PAGE 691TEM 10 the price quoted for the Holiday ACDC muttiband radio is not correct The correct price is $8 44 PAGE so ITEM this clothesline is sold by the hundred toot length the price is correct but lacks the qualifier that says $4 44 per 100 It PAGE 81 ITEM the onegallon 5m guy can should be $3 79 The live gatlon we terry can should be $10 49 the word up in the picture area for item should he dismgarded PAGE 84 ITEM the price in the picture area Ior item should be $3 66 not 39 05 the price in the picturearea for item should be $1 69 not $16 98 PAGE 84 HEN 12 the price in the picture and the copy should be 39 not Sb 70 We apologize for day till onvenroncti we might have caused you Due to vacancy being created on the Barrie Planning Board applications will be received by the undersigned up to Wed nesday May It 1977 if you wish to serve on this board Applications previously submitted to the I977 striking committee requesting ap pointments to this board will also be con sidered along with any new applications STRAUGHAN City Clerk Box 400 Barrio MM 4T5 1972 and 1976 on its Crown ieascs near Thunder Bay In the same period government refo restation programs planted 637 acres or 137 per cent On similar tract near Smooth Itock Falls Abitibi logged 36109 acres in the same period but only 6728 were refo rested In addition Lewis said the govemmcnts figures assume that all the seedlings survive when the failure rate actually was about 50 per cent Cull DARLENE For Blue Jays tickets and weekend minivacations There will also be presentation on Spain and the Canary Islands Thursday May 51b of 730 Dm at Consumers Gas Co Blue Flame Room 165 Ferris Lone Barrie free admission For All Your Travel Information The Best Service In Town BRISTOW Travel Servlce cl photo of trout 7370340 7170341 29 Owen St notebook Any nonprofit organization or Individual may have community event In Notebook Just call 7266537 and ask for Pat Guergls Calls for Mondays Notebook must be received by noon Friday for publication the following Monday Calls for Weekend Notebook published Thursday on the Leisure Page must be received by noon WedneS day tonight Branch 147 of the Canadian Legion will hold Bingo at it IncIIaI pm at the Legion on St Vincent Street and Cundles Road 0A meeting of the Innisfil Historical Archaeological Society will be held at the One Room School at pm in Painswick 79minute film Mission of Fear will shown depicting the life of the Jesuit Martyrs in Midland OThe Sunshine CoOperative Nursery School is holding an Open House from 630 to pm at the Alliance Church 190 Cook St Parents and others interested in the school are welcome to attend 0A euchre will be held in St Pauls School Alliston at pm Proceeds will be used to assist the Ukelele Band to at tend the National Workshop at Halifax in June tuesday for the East Simcoe branches of Womens Institutes will be held at the Orillia OThe District Annual Meeting Fairgrounds 10 OThe Stepping Stones Nursery School will hold an organization at 745 at the Business Building lege Barrie The public is invited to the meeting 10 OInnisfil Progressive Conservative Association will hold its annual meetin pm Candidate George Taylor will be on hand 10 ODarcy McKeough provincial treasurer will be guest speaker at the DufferinSimcoe Progressive Conservative Association nomination meeting for the June provincial election wednesdav ORuth Pitt Toronto Israeliborn Canadian doctors wife will be guest speaker at the May meeting of the Barrie Christian Womens Club at the Embassy Hall from 930 to 1130 am Reservation for the meeting must be made by to day by phoning 7281893 or 7280962 t1 0A Maytime DesScrt and card party will be held by the Kempenfelt Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Em pire at 7pm at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall on St Vin cent Street Tickets arc $150 11 OIwo weeks of revival meetings start tonight at 730 at Emmanuel Baptist Church with revival leaders Ralph and Lou Sutera of Mansfield Ohio OThe final concert of this seasons Collegiate Concert series will be held at 8pm at Central Auditorium featuring the Barrie Collegiate Band conducted by Morley Calvert ll the first of two performances of the musical Shipwreck ed will be presented by intermediate division students at Allandale Heights School at 730 tonight at the school The second performance will be presented Thursday at 730 11 Barbecue cooking is the topic of demonstration tonight by Susan Borden Consumers Gas Home Economist at 730 at the Blue Flame Room 165 Ferris Lane Barrie 11 ET US HELP YOU HUMIDIFY YOUR HOME rKUlECT YOUR FURNITURE AND YOUR HEALTH HUMIDIFIER ACCESSORIES FOR MOST MODELS ELIMINATE MINERAL DEPOSITS Package of I6 deitmlng tablets SI DESTROY HARMFUL BACTERIAWith sonitalre solution Plne Lilac Lavender Neutral Scents 01 home 98 DO IT YOURSELF REPAIRGear kits parts wicks and pads for most models CHECK HUMIDITY LEVELSDesktop humldtgulde Celctus thermometer $550 FURNITURE PROTECTION Dellcroff furniture polish Gloss or ItoGloss PARTS OSERVICE OACCESSORIE WARRANTY AFTER WARRANTY SERVICES TO ALL ELECTROHOME PRODUCTS ELECT ROHOME CONSUMER SERVICE 49 MORROW ROAD UNIT BARBIE CALL 7265982 YOU KNOW Were open EVERY NIGHT TO 1130 OLD FASHIONED Erie rti iti SEE PARLOURS Flight lunches coffee Ice Cream Specialties 25 Hand Scooped ones 94 Dunlop St MomFri it run 1130 Dm Sat Sun 10 run 1130 pan Open House at Essa Road Presbyterian Church from 730 to 930 pm 10 OAmnesty International is holding meeting to consider setting up Barrie and District Group of the intemationai Georgian Col at the Stroud Community Centre at