baseball By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League East Pct GB NewYork 16 10 615 Baltimore 14 609 V2 Milwaukee 15 11 577 Boston 14 560 Toronto 12 17 414 5V2 Detroit 10 15 400 Cleveland 16 333 West Minnesota 18 10 Chicago 16 10 Texas 13 10 Kansas City 15 12 Oakland 14 14 California 10 17 Seattle 22 Sunday Results Minnesota Toronto Milwaukee Detroit Boston California New York 10 Oakland Baltimore Seattle Chicago Cleveland Texas Kansas City Saturday Results Minnesota 4Toronto B05ton California New York 11 Oakland Chicago Cleveland Detroit 6M1 Iwaukee Baltimore Seattle Kansas City Texas Todays Probable Pitchers Milwaukee Slaton 12 and Cort 10 at Cleveland Bibby 10 and Watts 00 530 pm Seattle Thomas 13 at Toronto Singer 14 730 pm Chicago Brett 32 Boggs 02 830 pm California Simpson 12 at Kan sas City Colborn 42 830pm Boston Cleveland 242 at Oakland Btue2 1030pm Tuesday Games Milwaukee at Cleveland Seattle at Toronto top 10 By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League AB Pct WashingtonTex 70 27 386 Page0ak 105 23 40381 Hargrove Tex80 15 30375 VelezTor 78 14 29372 CarewMin 108 19 40370 AWoodsTor 80 10 28350 ChalkCaI 80 28 350 Singleton8al 66 11 23 348 BurlesonBos 98 14 34 347 Fuentes Del 87 13 30345 Home runsZisk Chicago 10 Gross Oakland Velez Hisle Minnesota Page each Runs batted inRudi California 28 Zisk 26 Velez 25 Pitching decisionstZahn Minnesota 50 1000 Garvin Toron to 470 1000 Palmer Baltimore Torrez New York each 51 833 DoublesPage Oakland 11 Velez Baylor California Lemon Chicago Brett each TriplesCarew Randolph New York Money Milwaukee Moore Milwaukee Emry Calitorr niaMcRae Kansas Cityeach stolen basesRemy Calitornia 15 Patek Kansas City 11 Nor risCIeveIand9 StrikeoutsRyan Calitornia 63 Tanana Calilornia 53 Blyleven Texas47 643 615 565 556 500 370 290 at Texas Minnesota at Detroit Chicago at Texas Calliornla at Kansas City National League East Pct GBL Pittsburgh 17 708 St Lou Is 16 640 Chicago 13 10 565 31 Montreal 12 lo 565 3V2 Philadelphia 11 12 478 New York 10 16 385 West Los Angeles 22 San Francisco 12 15 HOUSIOn 11 16 Cincinnati 10 15 San Diego 11 19 Atlanta 19 Sunday Results Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago Atlanta St Louis Houston San Francisco 410 New York 20 Philadelphia at Los Angeles ppd raln Montreal at San Diego ppd rain Saturday Results Pittsburgh 12 Cincinnati 10 Chicago 11 Atlanta New York San Francisco Houston St Louis Montreal San Diego Philadlphia Los Angeles Todays Probable Pitchers Philadelphia Carlton 371 at Los Angeles Hooton 3A1 4pm Atlanta Collins 00 at Pittsburgh Rocker 31 730 pm Cincinnati Fryman 23 at St Louis Forsch 61 830pm Chicago Reuschel 41 at Houston Anduiar 21 830pm Tuesday Games Los Angeles at Montreal San Francisco at Philadelphia Atlanta at Pittsburgh San Diego at New York Cincinnatiat St Louis Chicago at Houston hitters National League AB Pct Parker Pgh 102 22 43 422 SimmonsSL a4 17 33 393 MatthewsAtI 68 13 26 382 Trillo Chi 76 14 29 382 Yeager LA 75 13 28 373 Cey LA 98 22 35 357 Smith LA 82 23 29 354 RoseCin 93 20 32 344 Murcer Chi 84 17 28 333 Johnstone Pha 21 88 10 22 333 Home runsCey 11 Carter Mon treal Burroughs Atlanta Ferguson Houston each Runs batted insCey 37 Parker Pittsburgh 28 Winitild San Diego 27 Pitching decisions Denny St Louis Rhoden Los Angeles each 50 1000 Rau Los Angeles Sutton Los Angeles each 40 1000 DoublesmCromartie Montreal 12ParkerPittsburgh10Luzinski Philadelphia Reitz St Lows Yeager Los Angeles each Triples Brock St Louis Almon San Diego Foli San Francisco each Stolen basesrr Lopes Los Angeles 14 Taveras Pittsburgh 12 Moreno Pittsburgh 11 Strikeouts Rogers Montreal Seaver New York Monlelusco San Francisco each 37 IE 815 444 10 407 11 400 11 367 121 296 14 hockey By THE CANADIAN PRESS SUNDAY Memorial Cup New Westminster 70ttawa Centennial Cup Prince Albert Pembroke Prince Albert leads best otseven final SATURDAY NHL Montreal Boston first game best of seven iinal Centennial Cup Prince Albert Pembroke NHL playoffs ByTHECANADIANPRESS Bestoiseven tinal SeriesK FA Montreal Boston Saturday Result Montreal Boston Tuesday Game Boston at Montreal Thursday Game Montreal at Boston World Cup hockey By THE CANADIAN PRESS World Tournament FINAL Group 3215 19 14 24 14 35 13 Finland 45 US 29 Germany 23 Romania 20 Results Sunday Canada Czechoslovakia Sweden Soviet Union Results Saturday United States Finland West Germany Romania basketball By THE CANADIAN PRESS SUNDAY NBA Portland 99 Los Angeles 97 Portland semi linal Philadelphia 106 Houston 97 Philadelphia leads bestoiseven semi final 20 leads best 01 seven soccer LONDON Reuter British soc cer standings after Saturdays games ENGLISH LEAGUE Divisionl 23 61 31 55 20 13 58 33 S3 22 11 66 38 51 17 i3 10 61 45 47 20 II 67 44 46 Division 11 21 13 83 45 55 20 13 69 53 53 21 IO 11 77 43 52 19 10 10 71 50 48 19 10 12 65 59 48 Division III 27 10 77 42 62 25 10 81 37 60 24 10 10 78 49 58 Liverpool Man City Ipswich Newcastle Aston Villa lerhmptn Chelsea Notts Bolton Notts Mansfield Brighton Wrexham Crystal Rotherham 22 13 IO 64 20 15 62 Division IV Cambridge 25 13 82 Exeter 24 67 Bradford 23 77 Cotchester 24 75 Swansea 24 89 38 57 43 55 36 63 46 60 49 42 57 66 56 By THE CANADIAN PR ESS SUNDAY New York Connecticut Rochester Toronto Minnesota Hawaii SATURDAY NASL Washington Chicago Tampa Bay Fort Laudcrdaln Dallas Los Angeles Las Vegas San Jose Seattle St Louis Minor baseball By THE CANADIAN PR ESS SUNDAY International Charleston Tidewater Richmond Pawtucket Syracuse 310 Toledo Rochester Columbus 13 American Association Denver214lndianapo11512 New Orleans at Omaha ppd rain Oklahoma City Iowa Evansville 10 Wichita Pacific Coast Tacoma Spokane Tucson Salt Lake Albuquerque 12 Phoenix Hawaii at San Jose ppd rain Eastern West Haven Reading Holyoke Trois Riviersl Quebec City Bristol Waterbury 14 Jersey City SATURDAY International Charleston Tidewater Pawtucket Richmond Toledo 13 Syracuse 10 Rochester 13 Columbus 11 American Association Indianapolis Denver Omaha New Orleans Oklahoma City Iowa Evansville 16 Wichita Pacific Coast Hawaii at San Jose ppd rain Tacoma Spokane Tucson Salt Lake Phoenix 12 Albuquerque Eastern West Haven Readinqt Trois Rivieresl Holyokco Quebec City Bristol Waterbury6 Jersey City Horses killed in barn fire DRESDEN Ont CP Six teen horses were killed in ire that destroyed 44sta1l barn at Dresden Raceway on Friday George Deacon raceway sec retary said five standardbrcd horses were led or escaped to safety after the cementblock bams east end was engulfed in flames and smoke Dresden is about 21 miles nor th of Chatham Ont SMMMNGPOOLS Final touch to long season Bruce Storey Heating captured the Dinsion title in thc Huronia Senior Hockcy League this year Back from left Brian Shanohan Chuck MacNicoI Fred Kendall Jack Shunahun and Terry llodgson Front from left Lylc Ed wards Keith owdcn Bill Kinghorn 1ch lines and Bruce Storey sponsor of the team Exomincr Photo and Masonry Supplies finishcd the rcgulur season in first pliltl in the lluroniu Senior Ilockcy Liaguc The team lost otily our of 28 games throughout thc your They rcccivcd thc Icogucs first place trophy ut Ihc rIccnt annual ImnIIuit Beaten 63 by Chicago for their efforts Back from left ch Humming Dorricn Bolt Illuniting Don iruvcs Bury Hims and Jim Bricn Iront from lift iury Lcduc lid ockburn Don Rolllilslillilml15011151111 tIlxmuinir Photo Atlanta Braves skid continues with I4th straight loss Sunday By Illl Sl lIIC IRIISS You think tlnngs cunt got any wursc for Atlanta Brows fhcck llil schodulc Soddch with ligatinc losing strcuk Stttiiltl longost in huschulls Notional Lcagut sincc tom following Sundays trii loss to hlcugo uh NW 111 jury riddIid Brows lililll iit tshurgh tonight tor four gonn scrics wItlI thc lliill lhc Photos arc the hottest loom in linsclinll lll1ltltl Ic torns 1n in row illlll lit in lust lltlllllilL ni pitchIr givmg us good gomc and or can snnp It says Brows munugcr Dznc Bristol who squirod through 11 11 gunn skiil right about it your Igo Intortunotily Bristols pit clung rotutIon in Pittsburgh lists hoppcr ollinsï¬ II upru Ilul Nickro and Max Kellys bat sinks Seattle Mariners By THE SS 1vlIID llllISS Busvhull commissioncr Bowic Kuhn wont likc this but thcrc scouts to 21 highcr authority at work In tho Aliitlllilll lAoguc llltSt 11in work zigo uftcr but ing 0117 for month of April iut Kelly said prayer Sincc thcn hcs had 111 hits Ill 21 swings fivv of tlllll Ironic runs in cluding 21 grand slam Sunday that curriid Bullimorc rlolcs to till victory oycr Scutlli Marinch Don Ihomus sat out Mil waukw losses Friday night and Saturday observing tho sol hath us sct forth by tho rules of his Worldwidc lIurch of Bod He rcturncd to action Sunday and hit 11 two run homcr helping lhc Briwcrs dcfczil Detroit Iigcrs 71 irmsc thc Lord and puss lllt but KIIly acquired from lhc Whitt Sox during the Willlii munugIng only two singles in his first 23 ill huts tor Bulli morc But whcn Kon Singliton suf fcrcd illl cyo infcction Kclly got chonci to got back in the lineup lust Sunday In the loth inning of that gamc against California hc ilSkOtl for little hclp from ahovc lhul started it rodhot 11 BB WCtk for Kclly and he cup pcd it wIth Sundays slum against thc Murinch ltohin Yount tlllllllllllttl to singlIs and double to tho Iil woukoc Illilck and llovc 111 ll1I runs ICIsruhcri Sunday Min ncsolu lwinK nippcd Ioronto Bluc Joys 31 Boston Itcd Sox cdgcd fnlllorniu Angels 4171 New York Yunkccs huttcrcd Oakland As 11173 hlcago Whiti Sox ripped tlcvclnnd lnr diuns 11 Hill Icxus ltiingIrs downid Kansas ity Royals III goith Saturday Min ncwtu downid Ihc Jays troil hcut Milwuukcc 12 Boston shut out uliforniu 1H Now York blustcd llilklilllfl 112 fhicugo dctcutcd lhc lndiunx Ti Bullimorc hcut Scuttlc 12 and Konsus Ity odgcd lcxun Rod nrcw drillod lwri triplis double and singlc Icuding Minnesota post Ioron to Throw drovc In 0110 run and sound two IllltiS Duvc lolly curncd Ihc vicr lory with lutoinnlng rcliif hpr from Tom Burgmcicr and Tom Johnson lhurinun Munson ripped four hits including triple and honicr 11nd Graig thtlcs wal lopcd thrccrun homer as Ncw York rappcd Oakland thtlcss hoincr capped worm first inning against cxtcomwnuto Dock Ellis Spring Tune Up Perms Reg 2500 Perms Reg 2000 Colors Reg 1200 Now $1750 Now $1250 N°W$ 800 Style cuts $500 extra 124 Dunlop St 7261731 Loon Ihi how it tiliilllllttl Iittlllltiltlll lIil too nunx tristol mud who nc pluylng llllll best so liill yoll1l lhi thous hung 111 for two mum 111 The guys urc giving more con Innings Sundny ltlllltl Loon Inuking l11 fllal lilll slnco It ltlllt 111111 Murccr 1an Ill triplt kvyid tour run lni1go llnrd Inning It illililgt ll1 ltI1Ltl losing strcuk for thc rows slnu thcy 11onle from Milwaukm to tlnItI Ill loot llll ICS 111 IllIIIS llI other otIonul Ixugut ut tion thc lliilllH rullud to IiiI11 tincInnutI lfttl St Louis ordlnuls cdgcd Houston Astros 51 lilil Sun lr1nclso iiunlx swipl lllllllltlltiltlcl from cw York Mots ll 13 mil to Monlrcnl Expos tll ruinId out ol lllltllltlltilfltI with tho lodris in Sun Dngo whilc llIilIdlphiI Ihilhcs had sutglc gmnc with llit lilg1s In Los Angclm put off by it spring slIowir In ginncs Saturday lfhicugo hint Atluntu 11 Pittsburgh outlustcd tincinnuli 12 to Now York shut out Sun Iirnncisco it Houston idgcd St Louis RENT NEW TRUCK Tons OPonels Vans 018 Vans Power Tailgates Commerciol rates Featuring GMC Truck TIEDEN RENT TRUCK 341 BAYFIELD ST Hayï¬eld suuoco Car Wash 7370800 Monlrtnl bout San Diego Tti und llllliltltllllll lttiit thc lltitlLtIS love Ilnkcr Icudlng 1110 um iors with 421 batting mcrugc InppId tic hrinking two run double in llit sownth tuning to cup dirty run rully In tho littshurgh victory ltunrsmring singlcs by Bukc McBridc and Iilth llIrnundty gmc St Imus no runs in thc third inning Brakes Reï¬ned 495 Disc and Drum Drum or Install new linings Resurface drums Repack outer front wheel bearings Inspect hoses hardware and seats Road test car hardware V13 III rt IKLV Install new disc pads Resurlace front rotors Repack outer front wheel bearings Inspect calipers seals hoses and Road test car uic TV mm 74 Kentucky Derby Seattle Slew still unbeaten LOUISVILLE Ky AP Billy Turners kidglove treat ment of Kentucky Derby winner Seattle Slew may pay off in the Triple Crown and more riches for the humble trainer and the attractive young couple who own the un beaten colt Next test in the course for Seattle Slew is the Preakncss Stokes at Pimlico May 21 thc second leg of the Triple Crown of thoroughbred racing where the Bold Reasoning colt will seek his eighth consecutive vic tory and fourth in now this year Hes still learning Turner 37 said Sunday morning the day after Scottie Slew posted 11IIcngth victory in thc 101rd Derby at Churchill Downs Tho ratc showed two things That he doesnt have to be trontrunncr to win and he urn overcome trouble It was 21 rcfcrcncc to the colts slow stumbling start and the tight jam he got out of on Ray Floyd wins Nelson tourney DALLAS AI Itay Floyd wouldnt let himself surrender at tho Byron Nelson golf touiv namcnt Sunday when it up peorcd young Bcn rcnshuw had bagged the $41111th first prizc with spcctaculur eagle Floyd 33 sold heard thc crowd reaction when Bcn madc magic at No 15 but Ijust guvc myself subconscious kick In thc rear could llith quit but didnt allow myself to gun Then made 0111 hclluvn onglc Iloyd modc up fivc stroch in thc finzil thrcc holcs with crossecountry tofoot putt for an eagle on No 13 and 2m cightfoot hirdic putt on 17 for final round twoundcr par til ovcr thc Iroston Iruil Golf luh rcnshznxz foldod on tho no two holes finishing hogcy hogcy for par Tl with such this cruhlc shotrinuking that lll Iillil111l2 could hIt ltll1 irons and tcc shots when was 13 TM victory for Lloyd lIIS lIISl of 11 your put hnn In thi World Scrics of toll and on lllt ltydcrtup It also brought his hfctimt comings to 80332311nnd gou Inc and my Wilt good start on Argonauts may seek iniunction TUHUNIU ll llilltntu Argonauts may scik on in jlliltlltlll to provcnt IncuinzitI Bengals of thc Niillttllill Foot bull Lcuguc from Iurthir tznn poring with onc of llllll signal pluycrs Argos gcncrzil Inumlgcl chk Bhutto suid Sun do Shutlo suiil tho plIIyiI in volvod is lniycrsity of icorgizi ottcnsirc tucklc Mike Wllson who has signid tltltx contract with the unndiun lootbzill lxuiguc ltiliil but was in incin null lost wick talking with Ben gals gIncrul Inunugcr Paul Brown The Argonauts llith Illcd ltlltl of complaint with FL mnnnissioncr lukc iuuduur dimnnding that action lxtnkcn ugoinst the Bengals Wc alrIndy how contacted luwycr in Giorgio and if ac tion isnt tukcn by tho two lcugucs wc urc sccking ill in junction ugznnsl lllt Bongzils Shuttosuid paying tor the home were building in Miami Floyds 2715 total was eight undcr pzn ovcr thc 69831yurd par 3536 layout which featured hriarpatch rough and stick greens GOLF TIPS the examiner 11 WE the clubhouse turn in the 114 mile race which had gross purse of $267200 Tumor tired eight years ago as 21 head trainer for another stable has been criticized for racing the colt so sparingly and the lack of workouts Seattle Slew first went to the races last year on Sept 20 almost six months after most of his 14 Don by rivals had started com petition lie was undertrained for the Derby Turner said before the coil flew back to New York where Seattle Slew will be stablcd at Belmont Park It was planned that way We felt he had enough in him to win it illmaligned jockey Jean Cruguct who admits he has re strained Seattlc Slew in the past in order to save him went to the whip several times during the stretch run when he pulled away from For The Moment who had held slight load over the 1t02 favorite most of the wav By Ross Leeder CPGA Professional Prthtliltd by Horseshoe Valley Resort EARLY SEASON CONDITIONING PUTTING METHOD Putting Is game in itself And it not how but how many 50 if youre good putter iust ignore what have to say here Cup the putter with both thumbs pomtirig straight down and sitting on the top of the club Dont squeeze lust hang on Use what we refer to as square stuttte with both feet per pendicular to the direction of the putt hoods With slIght bend of the knees bond forward with the upper port of your body until your eyes are looking directly down at the ball Also bend both elbows and allow the left one to pomt toward your target Now the action Its pendulum motion with the shoulders arms and putter moving OgetluI as one unit Try to keep your head still the 01m of each of the above steps is to help you to swing the putter straight back and straight through while keeping the Club loce aimed at your target hoc Valley Resort public recreation area with private atmosphere 83522014 Just 20minute drive from Barrie Enpoy family dining seven nights week in the fully licensed Tundra Lounge We have facilities for wedding banquets and receptions Ours Is the most scenic course in the cued complete irrigation OIl11t and modem turf maintenance equipment ensure ex cellent out so condItimls Tournaments to be 0110qu of spmiol rates Green fees $700 weekdays $900 weekends Mechanical Fitness C8 Wheel Adjust caster and camber Adjust torsion bar where neces sary Check steering wheel cen tering Check tire pressure Check wheel hearing Check Ironlrear suspension Road test Parts installation extra AIR CONDITIONED CARS EXTRA Load Ievetiers MOSI CARS Monroe Monroe 110 Bradford St 7285965 SuperSOO Super Duty Monromatic ea Installation at low extra cost aRestored Here Make your appointment today Shock Alignments Absorbers I4 Heres what we do 69 09 75