tho oxamlnor Tunasy May 1977 Work by Georgian students on display for the month Sandy Doan has teapots at the Third Sandy Dean 21 has thing about teapots The Newmarket native has nine of them on display at the Georgian College ThirdYear Show which started this week in Year Show the central services building library had 18 potentially to put in the show Ive probably made at least that much again the ceramics major More than $I I0 earned in Alliston By MARGARET STOLIZ Alliston and District Hor ticultural Society received New service by auxiliary The April meeting of the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary held in the nutscs residence last week took the form of work bee preparing tags for the annual tag day Fri day May 13 President Jean Kingsbury welcomed the group which iii cluded some new members and called for monthly reports new project is the InService at the Hospital Mr onsaul and 14 members attended the Spring Conference held at Iii glewood near rangeville ar ranged for District and several members reported on suggestions shared by other auxiliaries The Candy Stripers will be guests at meeting in the hospitals cafeteria on the eve ning of May 1st IIOSIIIAIJIY lEAKS NEW ORLEANS 1It The 65th annual convention of the American HotelMotel Associ ation held here recently drew 1105 members record high for the national meeting of people in the hospitality busi ness lant sale more than $110 in the plant auc tion held in conjunction with the April meeting in St Johns United hurch Fellowship Ilall on Thursday evening This year there were house plants perennials bulbs and even gooseberry bush and plum tree Auctioneers Helen Shibish and Carol inc oll ins did an excellent job of identifying and disposing of the donations President Lewis extend ed the welcome after singing of Canada and conducted the brief business sexsion or respondence inrnuded ack nowledgements from churches for Easter Lilies an noimcements of invitation to liceton on May 24 and Midhurst Museum May 29 Mrs ollins gave report of the District 16 onvention in Orillia which was attended by four of the members Mrs Kelr ly and Mrs Shibish were ap pointed dclegates to the proviir cial convention in Windsor in lune The society was privileged to have two contestants of the Lions International District Public Speaking oiitcst give their prize winning speeches Lori Shibish on the subjch Karate was placed second in the girls competition and Jim Wilsons Physical Fitness and Health earned him first place Both are students of St Pauls School in Alliston and Mr Lewis expressul the ap precation to the young people for sharing their talent at the meeting TIEDEN RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY FEATURING CHEVROLETS BARRIE 341 BAYFIELD ST 705 7370800 ORILLIA 93 COMMERCE RD 705 3266485 JERRY SMITH JIM RAWN New ilcst ylc Country Estate Homes Box 2060 Orillia0ntario and it Qay 703 3257100 the examiner Yes being an Examiner Carrier is fun and it pays in so many ways Our carriers earn money of their Own They learn to keep records they learn how to handle money and the value of money They learn courtesy and how to get along with people They become share per and brighter and are thrilled by the challenge of salesmanship Examiner carriers are Operating business of their own getting valuable training and practical experience If Iou would like your son or daughter to join The Examiner Action Force inquire today about route in your area Why not apply for route now llwm til mi lt application liolow and return It to IHf EXAMINER xt wivi iori Ilatwill it ltniine or Phone ti liliflll NEE7 Address Battle said There have of course been failures lot Teapots have been the focus of her work this year Why Im interested in production and like teapots Theyre difficult thing to work out really wanted to resolve it Some of her teapots have four parts some have six Their designs are varied Im look ing to assemble them so that they are nice to look at hold and use she explained Sandy will be working in pot tery production this summer near Aurora reckon Ill be doing what want to do and want to do teapots she grinned ONE Altlll1l Iler teapots are just one art form in wideranging showcase of student works at the Georgian show The presen tation by it thirdyear ceramics creative arts and textile students includes stain ed glass weaving batik print making jewelry and sculpture The show is open to the public front am to pm every weekday also May 28 and this Saturday through to May 30 One of its purposes is to pro vide the students with the ex peiience of meeting dealincs and other rmpiiremcnts involv ed in presenting professional show Heather iraingcr 21 from Stoney reek can appreciate that The textiles major is hope ing for job as designer but knows people wont bity my work automatically Itll take illlltls ot the Seven iirls of the Year were named at the annual Founders Day Iniincr held Thursday cvcning at thc on tinental Inn The lllllltt which was at tended by about no women was followed by tlic Itit tial of lcwcls Ilcgrcc with new pledges lhc cvcnt was celebrated by seven chapters from Alliston and Iiarric The new plcdgcs made up from tlicsc seven chaptcrs arc Mary liitklllitll Sliicla tany ltonna Iuryk loannc tiray Mary Kilouk Sylvia Maguirc Marion licat ty Susan iraglia Ianc Nixon Lois lloyyriglit Itoiia Italston Ilauna Anderson tbrisfiarncr tcycilcy Schick iinny Swainc Iuiday Walker Ianicr Holloway Shirley iardncr tiirl of lllt Year exposure and shows for people to realize Im here to create market Fabrics weaving silkscreen and tapestry have been among her study areas this year Ive been experimenting with crosssection BATIK WAVE She sold one of her tapestries at the recent College open house and has done batik wave for Georgians 10th an niversary to be unveiled Wednesday lhere are not many op portunities for design jobs in Barrie Ill probably have to move to Toronto But want to spend another year in Bar rie might take spinning at night school Heather said She expects to take job just to pay the food and rent while perfect ing her craft Wendy Stanwick native of Matachewan is in no hurry to get into the sales arena do this for me to share with other people Im not in terestcd in making money she said The showpieces of her exhibit are 13 ceramic plates most inscribed with human profile just call them ini ages The images have been her artistic concentration for the last three months Its just an idea that sort of progresstxl chdy who said shed like to teach eventually will be doing so at Ilrowndalc School this summer although she expects to return to icorgian for fourth year probably as part tiiiicstudcnt Kathy lrciicli Mary Jo McKin iicy Iat Watson turolyii Kcllcrinan Iackic Fox and tcvcrlcy Mattcnlcy lhc MWtt chapters which wcrc represented were Ilicta Sigma Zeta Lainba lhcta IIp Vi is awards for tlic scycn Sinicoc ounly litta Sigma Phi tlldpltl were announced Thursday cy cning it the annual louiidcrs Day liiiuci from left llicrcsa Spencer llislon Ilicta Sigma Iloits lc iics Wendy Munroe Jti sciins pleased with the display of onc of her sculptured works at the icorgian ollcgc design arts students lhird Ycar Show reception to introduce the show was held last week in the theatre building library Tell students llilt work on view iii moiety of art forms The display is open to the public weekdays until May titi Munroe recently as aw ardcd 32000 bursary by the Ontario trafls ouucil toward tuition in the ceramics and drawing program at Alfred Iniycrsily in lrcl New York where she is bound ncyt fall tliuiinincr Iliotoi lifestyle llI plii lhi llillllllltl lliotoI Sorority honors the Girls of the Year silon tianm Xi Itcta li Alpha Hit and Iiita liclta Margaret Abbott scrvcd as chairmantoitlicdiiiiici llic scvcn tiiils ol lllt Year wcrc chosen by lllt cliaptcr inciiibcrs through sccrct ballots Ilic wiiiiicrs wcic llicicsu Spciiscl Alliston Itoris Icrics liar laiict Kidou Midliurst llcbluc Iicnclt Itaiiic lciiiiy Cassiit Lirric Icui Sinitli Ilarric Ionni Skaicr lliorn ton and Sharon Daugherty ot ltariic llicta llpsiloiis votc larric Zeta Laniba Janet Kidou lidhuit Ilicta lllttlll tilibu lrcnch lhcla lipSlllIll lit lcnny llassctt llarric tianiii Xi lcaii Smith Iiri1c bta llclta loniii Skaicr llioruton ltcta Pi and Sharon Daugherty liar IISllllttl III tic so two wmnci wcrc announced The Ioundcrs llay Dinner was held in celebration of tlic ttitli iiiniycrsary ot Ibta Sigiiii Ilii worldwide oiganimtiou with mom mcnibcis in countries and 131ttllchaptcrs lco lllcnds chapter of Harmony Incorjmralcd quitrtctlc ol IIlcanoi Anion Marge llrycr Sheila Itrctnian and tlllllt lircycr sing lclaiicholy ltaby during the Mello ltlcnds pro ANNOUNCEMENT Darlene lrlltow DARlENE of BRISTOW TRAVEL is pleased to announce presentation DATE MAY Sth AT 730 PM in coniuction with Skylark Holidays on the Canary Islands and Spain to be held at Consumers Gas Co Blue Flame Room 165 Ferris Lane Barrie free admission BRISTOW TRAVEL SERVICE All Phases of Travel 7370340 73703 29 Owen St Barrie duction of Broadway in the Spring capacity crowd canic oilt lo sec thc production recently at Billlit ciitral olv lcgiatc tlllllltl lltolut Landscaping discussed at meeting of society lmdscipuig was discussed by Art Ilrysdalc guest speaker icccntly at the tnccting of the tilt Iow nslup IIorticulturaI Socicty at thc Uro Township Hall Ilc showed slides and gave tips on improving landscape lawrcncc Icigh gavc tips on improving vcgctablcgardens Several members attended the district to convention at the St James liurch trillia Ilic societys spring plant sale will be held at the township ball May It at It Dr lick Mtlton is coiiytncl The Society is planning trip to Niagara Falls June Mrs lcau Sanderson and Lynda rauscvit ireorganiingthis Mrs Iiauscwit was given the tlttli anniversary plaque for getting the most points in last summers show The chrysanthcinuins and dahlia show is being held Sept 17 18 and 19 at thc civic gardens loronto The early SlltltlliciSllti will be held at the ltugby Hall June 29 Work of I3 displayed at annual show sale South Simcoc latcttc lub iii vited the public to the annual Art Show and Sale at Ranting Memorial High School Sunday There were paintings on display from the 13 members of the club who exhibited as well as several frotii Michelle arlino or Sheridan ollego The club is open to anyone who enjoys painting It meets in the art room of ltlIllS on Wednesday evening once month for workshop business and programs Each year the club presents bursary to graduating liMll art students and this year two students were eligible Winning the painting drawn in the even ing was Evelyn lhompson may fix problem Dear Ann am 36 my wife is 33 We are both healthy We have three kids aged nine eight and six My wife had her tubes tied to make sure we will have no more children She considers sex hardship From Aug1 1975 to Dec31 1976 we made love 89 times only an average of 5235 times month consider this not enough She thinks it is too much Am too demanding Is she normal Please helpl Faith ful Husband So Far Dear Faithful If you were as good at romance as you are at math youd have no problem Let it suffice to say for couple your age you are not breaking any records for frequency Try to put some romance and imagination into your love making night in hotel or motel can do wonders Buy her anoutrageous nightie or bottle of great bubblebathand enjoy it together You heard me Youre in rut Bub and the only difference between rut and grave are the dimen stons Dear Ann Im senior citizen For the last 10 years have taken responsibility for the household duties and the care of two elderly parents Both have been very domineer ing Dad passed away in November of 1974 Mother person who only thinks of herself is an invalid who walks with walker uses bedpan at night and must have whatever she thinks of at once She talks on the same subject for hours and drives me out of my mind Im nervous wreck find it hard to breathe at times and cry for no reason at all Im tired of living and have no friends If dare go to Senior Club for few hours when get home am lectured for hours have brother who doesnt care to share anything He says have my own family problems Please dont tell me your troubles Ive got to the point where hate everyone Tell me what to lot cant put my mother in home promised my father that as long as she lived would take care of her and Im reminded of it daily This is my home by the way andI pay for everything Some joketry and pay for everything on Social Security that comes to $246 month1t Hurts To Hate Dear Friend There has got to be solution to your problem but confess dont know what it is Everybody knows better than anybody Pleasevreaders give me hand with this one Im stumped Dear Ann Landers know you dont write cooking column but people seem to lay all sorts of things on you so heres my pet gripe have lovely neighbor who brings over huge boxes of to matoes that arent ripe yet hate to be ungracious but what can do with them Thanks friend enverloaded Dear Place the unripe tomatoes in plastic bag with very ripc apple Punch few holes in the bag tem perature of about TU degrees is best for rimmingmm theyll npcn more slowly in the fridge got this suggestion from my good friend Dorsey Connors who writes lively column for the Chicago SunTimes Roseanne Mcg gbe Place in sun for everyone ll icrc place the sun and almos room for cvcryoiic at entcniiial lark lIviryonc cvccp person win wants to spenj guie afternoon reading and resting struck ou tor tlic park Sunday ti soc r2zi1rs blanket and some sun an lotzor There must be ioc kitts lich thoLIEIf as spread out blanket benath tree sat down and kicked of sanda laid back and closyd my ey cs Micc Still KY SAVINGS lhoseswmgs sure srjucak though Faster daddy voicesaid Squ 1k squeak squeak Ihcn there as the crackle of The radio In Iee away and the yapof the liighrstmng poodle tha never quit And really could have done yvzthou llt soap opera broad cast froin the neighlxiring blanket told Fran that tieorge was Instr you etc saw one but no she wouldnt listen took my blanket around to the other snie of he ree littlc tllltltl thought young couple with toddler sat nearby llttll was winding up Fisher lricetoy IIIRICII BLIVI III Three blind 111t Threc blind micc See how they llistcncd to that 84 tunes before moved again This time to sunny spo away from the swings and the gowp littlcmorcout 133l1twpttl finally iclaxui liunip doubled up My unsuspct in stomach had been attacked by sixttt ltilll Arc you ill iieli Iopcnid in cyts and looan up into three Ians Yourc gonna how bcauty of pink belly boy about agc rcniarkiyl It thi ll gathcrcd up my blanket and magazines again Ilcy dont lcavc yourc our out ofbounds marker his tricnd said took rctugc near the trees again lliis time little closer to group tossing frisbce about and another playing lawn darts was grow mg impat tent Is there no pcace clutched my belongings and moved down the beach found spot at the extreme end of the park The grass was little rougher and it was vindier Hut settled down sighed once again as stretched every muscle and every limb Including tny sticky toes looked down And if it wasnt toiyiiy prich think Iwould have licked oft that strawberry ice cream had jtist stepped III Pollys pointers Clothes have smoke odor DEAR POLLY Can you suggest way to get rid of the cigarette odor that permeates my clothes while spend two hours at the beauty shop Being nonsmokcr this is most aggravating and have sprayed with air freshener and tried putting an open bottle of ammonia under garments but to no avail MAY DEAR PULLY always had hard time keeping parsley until bought bunch and put it in plastic quart container with lid kept this on the refrigerator door shelf and had nice fresh green parsley for over month When could not find my dust pan wet small part of the newspaper laid it on the floor and swept the dirt on to it Wrap the dirt up in the paper and find it is just as good as dust pan in pinch MRS JE DEAR POLLY Many new grease spots on clothing can be eliminated by placing an opened brown paper bag over the stain and ironing the paper The paper takes up the grease EDNA DEAR POLLY The following method has helped me get started on the job of toilet training my twoyearold son All mothers know what frustrating job this can be hit on the idea of sitting him on the toilet backwards This way with the aid of small stool he can climb up himself flush the toilet and get down alone This makes him feel more independent while getting the job done and there is never any floor mop ping up to do as there might be if he sat in the normal manner hope this helps other mothers as much as it has helped me ANNE DEAR POLLY would like to pass on small saving stumbled onto had pound of brown sugar that was very hard and box of stick cinnamon that could find no future for so broke the brown sugar into small pieces and put in the blender few pieces at time At the same time added three broken up cinnamon sticks and ended up with fluffy cin namon and sugar mixture that use for baked apples cin namon toast and on hot cereal ELEANOR