Personal shopping only for Speedo swimsuits Come into Sears Sports Centre and see our huge selection of 1977 Speedo swimwear Speedo chorce of Canadas swimming champs at the 76 Olympics theres suit for every member of your family We have mens womens tall torso womens boys and girls srzes in racer style and womens blklnlS Extrastrong stretch labrlcs ot superlight nylon or snug tittrng Lycra spandex In prIlIS and SOIld col0rs that dont lose therr bnghtness in chlorine And Speedo suits dry Instantly tor poolsrde comfort Not all SUlIS are avallable In all $1285 and patterns but we have terrmc selectlon Personal shopping onlycome to Speedo headquartes at your nearest Sears Sports Centre and SAVE 100 on Roomy Tote ol rubber backed canvas wrth msrde pocket perfect tor carrying swumsurt and beach towel Top zipper closure About 16 1712 deep In Natural or Brown 14R 057 375 CReg 1098 998 14l uggage POLAROID qmOal CD SAVE 500 on Latest Polaroid Sunglasses tor men and women Safety polarized lenses Womens sculptured styleBrown frames have nght Ambertinted lenses 08R 051 102Regularly 15 00 1000 Similar to above wnh Purple lrames Lllac lenses 677 Sports Centre 08R 051 103 Alot shown Reg 15 00 1000 sutt up for summer today Mens 3295 6504598 Men avralorsChrome trame Neutral lenses Womens Tall Torso Womens 13982198 089 05 IOORBOUBHY I5 00 1000 Boys suzes 550798 Traomo lal stylemetal frame Neutral lenses Girls sizes 11981498 08R 051 lotNot shown Reg 15 00 1000 gt1 mrrln urv Sizedtoyou Swimwear values CHOOSE YOUR BRA SIZE CHOOSE YOUR BRIEF SIZE EG Slzedloyou swrmwear by tvm at Canada leaomq bra mallUIaIUrrlri Choose the top like bra for best III and rmmlorl choose the towel to currlulernnrll your mun type All ttrvee styles 11 polyester kruthanrl wash Hungtry lurk are fltlertrllIrnerl to mid they shape and yours Personal Shoprnnq only IIJIIlrIIIJUIOSNIIHSIIYHrIIl1rUytiI Blue llmztl Irm Hri ISIleutlk mums NM 18R 053 602 999 Em rrtrrrr Irrzrxl morn 1BR 053 600 99 NO Shown WlIYIflIJlI lllflvv tml llvrl IIrI thu nllm hull lflu HIHIf lUOIlIIIIrII wrtrr lll trum EHIVUVHUHJP mm lilIU 1113058 lug Mill1 11 11110 18R 053 712A7F1ll 999 FltIIlrVtrrtlJH IrlHI spandex llrlerl 18R 053 TlOAwM lL 999 Illlviltllll inlllSlllI Blue punt II 11III1 rt ul mp lb wt tr Ert 18R 0531552 Awr 1m 99 IIIIIVHI11HIV1I 31th Lvllfl untrue power rrwl llrlrrw 18R053650A WI 899 Illll hour wWllllHllI lll él lmqlrt Hurt orlrrt Also lll 1lr ml Sprint and Qulrnnmr lllllruH on ill 134 rull governor IIIIIMH cup 54 ll 45 up 44 to ll cup in to 1ll 18R 053 832 AhLdlZIl 98 lullcoverage IIthIlfl63lI lIlI vlgld urnnttex power net AL 18R 053830A¢E£1CII 1098 unrnpwce swrrnsurt look 13 really Hmr plus turret matte spectally ll mluw More lIl tlorarJrlnl rrylwtl ljrwslzerl top cups IllIlIIyIVIUI with IllPrIlI rlttlmewrslt mmyrlry wrlt liirrll 31110 36m up lbw12 Persumll shopplnu only 18R 053 762 AFlrl 2299 COPYRIGHT CANADA 1977 SlMPSONSSEARS LIMITED SlMPSONSSEARS