featuring home appliances and home entertamment valuesand savmgs Rog 3474983 151cu ft completely Save 30 on 30 range Fm mm with Sellclean oven Needs no defrosting Has 3temp but t8 conditioner 10position adjust shelves and porcelain meat keeper Twin crispers Freezer holds 140 lb White 467 457 920 171cu ft Frostless White 467 477 920 Ends messy oven cleaning Ken more has automatic clock controlled startcookoit oven in finiteneat liftout elements one is Controlled variable broil Timed appliance outlet Min minder Oven $50998 Harvest Gold Avocado or Windowlight Lighted control panel Coppertone$10more 227 464 760 In Harvest Gold $10 more Prices in effect until May 7th while quantities last Supplement to the Barrie Examiner Seasv Barev Seas Ws SimmonsSoars Ltd Shopping News Midland Free mess Geogan M8 M00 Tues Sat Rog andWu rotorto SlmpsonoSoars Comngwood Enterprise Bulleï¬n 509 Bayneld sheet North 930 am to 530 pm Ltd prices Sale price tonturo special onllia Pack Times wed Thwsw uvlngsspoclalvaluos or Soars everyday low prlcos as Indlcatod SimpsonsSears Ltd 930 am to 930 pm