nmoogvvmea no Thursday April 28 1077 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the examiner serving barrio and slmcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Boyfield Street Barrie Ontario ELIO AGOSTINI publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 Both letter and telegram Well here we go again Criticizing the government We have tried to restrain ourselves we have fought hard fight against the temptation we have been ever mindful of the Hon Eugene Whelans hins in Barrie last week that criticism of the govenment is tantamount to promoting disunity But this case just begs for criticism It just lies there crying out for some sort of critical comment and we can resist it no more than the sight of silver dollar lying on an empty street Last Wednesday Justice Minister Ron Basford and SolicitorGeneral Francis Fox introduced bill in the House of Commons amending the Criminal Code on firearms control electronic surveillance dangerous of fenders and the custody and release of inmates Come Monday there arrived in the mail telegram addressed to The Examiner from the minister of justice and the solicitorgeneral The telegram was about the bill introduced last Wednesday amending the Criminal Code The telegram was long as mediumsize editor is tall The lengthy missive was put to one side to be filed away for future reference The job of opening the mail continued And lo and behold An envelope from the minister of justice Containing you guessed it exactly the same thing as was in the telegram along with little booklet called Questions and Answers On Firearms Control Flattered as we are at such attention from the minister of justice and the solicitorgeneral our pleasure is somewhat deflated by the memory of the income tax we have just paid Not that we have anything against paying income tax mind you But gee Ron and Francis couldnt you be little more watchful on how that money is spent Couldnt you two get together say in the Commons restaurant or whatever and just scribble note to the mandarin responsible for sending things to newspapers that just one copy ofinformation about the Bill per newspaper Would be enough down memory lane TWENTY YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Examiner April 28 1977 Representatives of council business industry and service clubs endorsed proposal from the On tario Safety League to form local safety council at meeting presided over by Mayor Willard Kinzie Among guests at the meeting were Mr Justice Stewart and Judge Marjorie Hamilton who spoke in favor of the proposal Latest in 1957 automobile models were shown at the sixth annual spring motor show held at the Barrie arena which attracted large opening night crowd fuel injection motor with rating of 327 horsepower received considerable attention President of the Barne Cancer Society James SHIPBUH gave an outline of the organizations research program in an address to the Barrie Lions club He was thanked by Tom Tatter wil Bracebridge Bears captured the UHA intermediate champion Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomsom News Service Like desert mirage the arrival of period of stable prices remains somewhere off on the horizon Its clear now that 1977 wont after all be the year in which inflation is brought down to tolerable levelsdespite all the high hopes that Ottawa held out for it There wont even be the consolation as there is in sports of saying Just wait till next year After the recent meeting that Finance Minister Donald Macdonald had with people from Big Labor and Big Business there was sharp increase in the number of apparently well informed predictions that Ottawa would we want your opinion Letters submitted for publication must be signed by the writer Please include your street address and telephone number although they will not be published Letters which cannot be authenticated cannot be ublished For the sake of space public in rest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays on Page ship by defeating Dundas in the final series four games to one former Barrie player Danny Poland was standout for the BearsAt meeting at the Barrie Country club Midland was chosen as the site for the 1937 county golf tournament Simcoe County health unit report listed 108 cases of chickenpox in the county There were 27 cases of mum reported and six cases of jaun ice report from rillia said plans had been approved for construction of second collegiate building Proposals for further enlarging of the Orillia and District Collegiate Institute were rejected in favor of new school Barrie theatre ads listed coming attrnc tions including Gary Cooper in film Friendly Persuasion Robert Hunter in The Story of Jesse James and gorilla story Untam ed Mistress national ballet show with company of 70 was booked at the Barrie Arena Stable prices long way off soon kill off its antiinflation program not yet halfway through its allotted 38 months Reasons for abandoning antiinflation must be political rather than economic because survey of recent and current price trends only confirms the continuing strength of inflation In fact the growth of consumer prices during the first three months of 1977 was al most as high as the peak that was rcached in the second quarter of 19757which finally for ced reluctant Trudeau government into trying to deal with inflation In the three months ending March 31 the Consumer Price Index CPI advanced at an annual rate of 117 per cent This was the highest of any similar period since AprilJune of 1975 when the annual rate of inflation was running at 118 or cent Some of the iggest increases as no shop per needs to be reminded have been in food prices Food accounts for about onc uarter of the CPI and last year advanced litt But in JanuaryMarch 1977 food prices shot up at an annual rate of 18 per cent One widely publicized reason was the January freeze of Floridas citrus crop which led to scarcity Decreased supplies also were reflected in higher prices on potatoes onions and tomatoes At the beginning of secondquarter 1977 federal Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan announced an increase of 10 cents pound in the su port price for butter which will soon be re ected in the CPI as it already has been in the family food bill The same department lookin ahead to 1981 has forecast rising prices for cef BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Dave chshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy Mc Donald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wire cdllor Roseanne McCabe lilestyle Roll Kraiker photographer REPORTERS John Bruce Paul Deleon ichnrd Dunstan Pal Gucrgis Scott Haskins Sheila MLCOVIHI Suc Routlillc SALESMEN Don mynor Lynll Johnson Barb Boullon Dana Graham CLASSIFIED Virginia Klos Joan Shcnslonc Frido Shinncr ADVE RTISING Len Sovick mannerr lhn MarMurchy Ruth Blais supervisor BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Belly Armcr Dorothy Bowland Wendy Bowsor Gall MrPsrland CIRCULATION Jon Butler manogcr David Jenkins asst moorper Andy Haoghlon Judy Hickey Alva Lnllnnle Elam Porter Moro Smrll Mfg WWW All YES DOB LIEVE THlS GOES WITH lllE 30 Pl ECES OF SILVER Itll 41V sox 15 p33 Parliament hill 15 By SIIHIARI MncIJIUI Ottawa llnrcnn Thomson Ncus Scry icc Sincl dozcns of prcss rclcnscs spcw through lhc pnrlinmcnlury prcss gnllcry cvcry day fcw of lhcm gcl morc than cursory glnucc bcforc lhcy irc rclcgntcd to will ilcsciud rcsl mg plncc in lhc wnslc bnskcl llnl hcrcs mic that caught my cyc llnnr nnnounccd at breakfast party for lllW rclcr cncc book of lawn Vlls dcclnrcil lhc hcndlim Ab hn finnlly wc are going to gcl tlic Insidi information on all lhc Vcry Important lcr sons in lltnwn And lhc prcss rclcnsc givcs cvcry indication lbnl this ncw lnpilnl List w1ll combinc lhc bcst of Whos Who and thc nnndinn Social ltcgislcr ns ll compllcs tlic insidc information on 1000 of lhc citys most inflncnlinl individuals The world today Ily JOIIN IIAIUIINDN Forcign Affairs Analyst Ihomson News Scrvicc When President Jimmy lnrtcr mct Prime Minister licrrc Irudcnn last February thcy talked about issues and natural resources But when the president mcl with Mexican President Jose Lopez lortillo they lnlkcd about people the millions of illcgnl cnlrics from Mexico Indeed the mounting crisis of illcgnl arrivals in the United States from all points has led the magazine US News and World Report to comment that the US no longer controls its borders The biggest flow far nine out of every ill illegal entries into US is Mcxicnn lhc reasons for their departure arc several lhc slump in the Mexican economy being the major cause But there are others related to that coun trys thyear history of industrialization It has not only displaced many Mcxicun families and compelled them to mow to larger cities for better jobs but also raised their expectations With some skills learned from the new jobs and now aware that America can supply more of the good things of life than Mexico they run the risk of illegal entry over the ï¬OéxlIiiile border between Mexico and the Of course drug peddlers professional criminals often aided and abetted by MR HORNERl We llicrc was just lunl of thc social im plicntions in tlic wny lhc nnnoniucmcnt was wordcd livcr brcnkfust of ornngc jnicc trcsh slrnwbcrrics and Eggs Ilcncdict scvcrnl distinguisbcd mcmbcrs of Ottawa soclcty lcnrncd from lhc cocltlilors that 4500 ciiyclopcs conlnming qncslionimircs will slur gomgout Mondny nch mnmly by hand to scnior lll scrrnnls clcclcd officials at all thrcc lcycls ol gmcrnmcnt lobbyists heads of spccml mtcrcst groups lnbor lcndcrs proniincnl journnlists nnd othcr dis liugliislicd profcssionnls LANSY Sl III llmts class licii you launch book oycr Ilggs llcncdict you nrc not nmiing 11 your ivcrngc pupcrbnck rcndci llic co cililors nicidcnlnlly nrc Malcolm lhornc il lcgislntiyc consultant and lcrrcncc Mlldlllllllllll who snys hc is com Mcxicnn bordcr officials thcmsclvcs arc lil clndcd in the millions of rcccnl nrrivnls lhc bucklnsh ugninsl thcm from south weslcrn Amcricnn citics and communitics is getting worse lllcgul Mexicans are taking up jobs at timc of high nncmploynicnt have access to welfare wilhoul pnym tnxcs lower the standard of living cvcn in to slum coni munitics in which they live and hide And thcy are determined to stay rather than go homc because if they nrc caught the American prisons are so jummcd with them and others fcw illegnls caught in the US stay injail Moreover they also know the liucandciy which goes when any nationwide punitive measure suc us in national idcntity curd delays the time when such measures will be attempted Representative Peter Rodino of New Jersey has better plan in his proposed Itodino Bill and that is to penalize employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants In the meantime American scholars and the many federal and various state agencies directly involved with the illegal Mexicans and others from Southeast Asia llong Kong Iran and other Latin American countries are challengin the judgments made about the illegals an their intentions Many of them especially the Latin Americans intend to return to city or village homes taking with them the earnings which will buy USltstyle affluence Published dailyexcepl statutory holidays WEEK LY by carrier YEAR LY by carrier SIMCOE COUNTY MOTOR THROWOFF ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Sunday and Subscriptions 35 cents BY MAIL Barrie $44203 ear Montreal $14 year 5391 year $36 year New book on Ottawa VlPs expected to make impact municntions specialist Well probably learn more about them when their book comes out this full lint have feeling they might put lot of noscs out of joint in this competitive city by thcn If they plan on publishing only 1000 biographies in the first edition after distir tinting 45m uestionnnires that means that some 3500 in ividunls will have sweated over thcir own histories for nothing And this will be far more painful than failing to gct that refund from the revenue dcpurtnunt after sweating over your tax for his Furthcrmorc it will have an enormous im pact on cocktail conversations throughout the posh borough of Rockcliffc as the rejects try to manntnin some social equality with the suc cessful cntrics The editors scnt me con le of question nnircs lhc rcjcct will say ut dont like talking about myself so threw them away And the successful candidate for the latest nnndinn Group of One Thousand will probably ugrcc Actually feel the same way lint one of my kids rescued the uestion nnirc from the waste basket and fil ed it in Id never bothcr myself Its easier to get someone to admit to hnving no scnsc of humor than it is to admit to filling out complimentary autobiography nicstionnuirc am rcully looking forward to this publication which will sell for $2750 if or dcrcd in advance and $40 or more after publication its going to be different Illti UN SPOUSES One of our more interesting departures from the status quo of this type of book is the recognition we are giving to the use of the successful pcrson Mr McLaug lin said in his announcement It is especially true in the National Capital that successful married person often has spouse who is very actively engaged in some form of rofcssionnl endeavor also near the top evcls if not actually at the top So the questionnaire will include section on the spouse guess we can assume that if the editors decide to list hotographer Margaret Trudeau or lawyer aureen Mc chr there might be paragraph or two about their husbands But have feeling the editors are going to blow magnificent opportunity here Instead of cluttering up their pages with com pliementary details about spouses and where they went to schoolwho caresjust think how much more interesting it would be to learn about successful individuals who made it to the top despite being married to horrible spouses They are the ones deserving recognition Come to think of it this might be the sub ject of new directory Now loan just find coeditor who can cook Eggs Benedict The Examiner Is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula lions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CP The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published In The Examiner The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on alloriginal news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper $4470 Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 0641710 640 Cathcart $1 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out ol errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupr by that portion ol the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence ol its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non Insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Veteran MPPs not running By non OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO In the next election every seat is going to be vital The vote will be so closely contested that all parties will want the best possible candidates they can get and they particularly will want to hang on to the seats ey now hold But despite this number of members who are almost sure winners are retiring TWISTED ARM Heading the list is the dean of the house Don Morrow of Ottawa West Don has been in the house since 1948 and has good gri on his riding He has had term as Spea er and recently headed the committee of members which recommended on improvements in the legislature Twice before he has said he would be quit ting but each time party heads have twisted his arm and he has run This time the twisting has been tried again but he has said noso far at least Now 68 with condominium in Florida for the winter months and comfortably off he figures he has done his time and should be able to take it easy Other Conservatives who are getting out in clude Art Evans 61 of Simcoe Centre and Don Irvine of GrenvilleDundas Evans had good run as vicechairman of Ontario Hydro and hasnt had all that much interest since this job disappeared when On tario Hydro was changed into corporation Irvine has only been in the house since 1971 but he was taken into the house quite quickly as minister of housing Eventually he was kicked upstairs to be policy secretary of the resources development field He undoubtedly saw this as dead end and decided to call it quits Both were sure winners DOSE SEATS Two big Liberal losses will be Jim Bullbrook of Samia and John Spence of Kent Many thought the 50yearold Bullbrook should have been leader of his rty but he wouldnt run Fifty years old with suc cessful law practice and four children he figures he must give up the political field ich he genuinely likes Spence has been in the house since 1955 and now is 72 He didnt want to run in the last election and this time has made final decision The Liberals will be in great trouble trying to hold on to both seats On the New Democratic Party side the only known loss is Fred Burr though there has been some rumor that frontbencher Pat Lawlor also may be retiring Burr 63 will be loss in an unusual way former secondary school classics teacher he has turned out to be his partys science ex pert and he has been good Not an outstanding debater and withdrawn in manner he has been constant prod to the government on such matters as solar heat energy from the wind and aerosol cans And he always has been far in advance of everyone else Again the party may have trouble in holding the seat Canada story UN traced to League By BOB BOWMAN The League of Nations was formed at Geneva Switzerland April 28 1919 Its chief objective like the United Nations today was to prevent major wars from happening again It also had other useful adjuncts such as the international Labor Office At first the major powers were not willing to admit Canada and the other Dominions as separate members expecting them to be represented by Britain Prime Minister Bor den of Canada and Field Marshal Smuts of South Africa fought that battle together and won it Borden said They expect us to be in the front line of the fighting but will not give us back seat in the League of Nations Canada did not enter the League of Nations for protection Senator Raould Dandurand who became president of the Lee Assem bly in 1925 said that Canadians ived in fireproof house remote from inflammable materials One of the weaknesses of the league was that the United States was not member President Woodrow Wilson played an im itant part in getting the league organized ut then the American Senate which controls US foreign relations would not allow the US to join The US was isolationist in those days and did not want to be involved in tdisputes among other nations bible thoughts For was an hungred and ye gave me meat was thirty and ye gave me drlnk was stranger and ye took me In Mathew 2535 How many times have we overlooked doing something great for God sim 1y because we failed to see Him In the of the least while we were enroute to do something big Attend the services in our church on the Lords day feel better all week