urmwT 01 property for sale property for sole 12 mortgage 12 mortgages lb opts to rent 32 for s¢e the examiner Wednesdgy Apr 27 1977 25 MORT To 25 BACHELOR APARTMENT for rent FOR SALE 1971 White Volkswa en Bee $7900 MORTGAGE LOANS LOA 000 $140 month all utilities Included tie For further details call 7268693 bet 11 Cundleds Roadhsolid brlck shtoyey and Its thousands of dollars you can Telephonenrun we 59m ween 9am pm ask for 58 33 wanted 40 grï¬d for gal V2 be room 0059 wa er rrw cr rsc tgag heating Must be moved to new location use way Youwt no lus BISEeEgIaIEthJNiTichgggzheiivgghen 93 FIREBIRD 35° VBr l°W mileage TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors vendor will provide assistance for site for your home No bonus or re alrccndltlonlng showroom condl Bradford Barrie 72881 housemover and contractor to retocata of trance heat arid 9m 5175 montle tion new tires Including snows Trailer eeaMVA commission Competitive Rates Urban Rural Properties Telephone Mr John Gillespie WANTS cars and trucks Tï¬wuTu wrecking and parts top prices pa houses rem 1973 CHEV BECAIRE tarSarah Ex EEEEELCEJPJQEBDEO69437 LARGE OLDER Home bedrooms cellent condition $1800 or best Offer SCRAPVEHICLES wantedltopprke5 7268759 or 7288612 7264651 Appraisals 5919941749540309359 COUNTRY LIVING bedroom 2yearold ranchbungalow hitch certified best offer Telephone 7373595 $AVE WAS ill A1 lulnil Illi Reupholstering miles scum of Barrie Fumes 7235931 trldg1 and stove Central location 5300 Mustsgllgelephone4246130anytime 332112936ee immediate pickup anytime broodloom rec room and stone the BENEFICIAL REALTY LTD T90 95851199 59 1970 PONTIAC uncertified 350 cld cLcswas fKARcNPAqu 7371096 DAVEWASSCRA 72224 place double garage 1mm tot MWF J08 SevjAl dE Inémh Ttljfvo power bsgdeerin9kpawe£ brakesneeds geLwaeggifbCagagpd W333 ABE LSIMPSON 7261952 INGRIDMILLER Spotlesscondition Call collect Dave room eac omes ran new some wor es er gUEENlELITTLE 4361992 LOUGALLANT 72646517 7418885 Rexway Realty Ltd Realtor 95 LOANS MWORTGAGES Id fully broadloomed Call Harry Magill 7261945a1ter6pm 9751797372727Atterép7rn427454 77 77 Recovertt SMALL 672305 DONMMER 4364507 W9 50 771 Rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 1974CHEVELLE 2100 excellentcondi WANTEDClean used cars Barrie Hon WF 1F 91 Promsm tatMTGSlrom94 at 322939335132218367 zzeipérqczteeec tlon 37000 miles undercoated cer aaAutoSaies vvar17s7t7zztg8 our cAsH PAlDlor buildinglotslneed any 2ndMTGStrom12°l evgnihgs NCE H°USE°°9°°IVing flagdT°391993997we SHAKELS NG and mwmg Wideselectionofdlscount umber 599 buld9 Ca en 0611 9a 0009111 maaazraiésmracaaa °°iagek°mm 73 LTD BR°UGHAM dw vinv Rouse coJ HWllson RealEstate Ltd third mongages abpralsals Gerry Lrieedlot elephone7287044 hardtop power steering and brakes IObtICS 72619387265407 5°v°mng Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd ORLL EXC5le 593cm radio new°s many °p°5 Lady Foam cushions 04105 for sale by oppotnymnt 7374 residence bedrooms 2V2 bathrooms owned will certify Asking $2200 we living dining roomsmain floor den 773879357 after WV 1974 FORD LTooo TOOIS b0h amateur at 14mobile homes and trailers Sultfamlly orilprolesswnal adults May 1968 MUSTANG in good condition conventional tandem tractor has work rofessionol ILSQBSLVTglggangU1791911515 77 automatic 289 asking $325 as is Certified Telephone 7266436 attier7pm dl RUSSELL CHURCH LARGE bedroom house with fenced Telgthone7370676 attgrjplnr 1971 GMCVtonifliiéonaileconditibrl 9° es rec mm Mobile Homes Wm Summers 91 Bayfield St Barrie 7373451 Res Creemore 4662136 gag tlllowr11tsown darlea availgblesgr 1956 CHEVROLET dobrsedan Can certity Asking $800 as is Phone Buttons made to order ta an as 1011 Western car mechanically good 82000 424 0596 oAc 1110le Phase phone 7373675 miles original interior good complete SPECtAL SAVE gglgmoo Late1975 34 omplee he Of UphOISery MILLER RI RESIDENTIAL LIMITED REALTOR ARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 BEDROOM House in Angus ayailable restoration on body started but only 13 Cab Ford icy like new Supplies DUNLOP SES Hilltoplos TF Ltd May 30 acres close to schools and flnished $450 For information and an 7330 Umpizsl posz ï¬eavy duty EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ISBRANDT HOMES °d °°Y W°°d°d SALE RENT P°°m°r P°i p9mmgnica653 mm Wk C°°° 5mm PHOLSTERY East end of Barrie Firstand Second BEDROOM bungalow downtown Bar 1973 DATsuN 2402 42000 miles ex radial tires $520000 Phone 44458226 MORTGAGES ARRANGED OTIS an an rie Available May Ist No children or cellenirunnlng orderAMFM standard Collingwood p055 Mme 7260563 Ron sproule 4873715 590 Exclusive Dealer for 9IEa77916731 ansmissim 800 °r be we ca FEERGLASS TOP cab l°r piCkup Al Rose 7288116 Mike Lysobild 7266054 7284 easona eRmes ACROSS FROM Georgian College 46 738°75777 77 77 truck like new Save $11000 Phone Existing Bendix and Glen Bernick Drive bedrooms baths 1969 FORD Mustang 302 engine 445 3226Collingwood 539 layman Howey weber 4366815 cec C°°k 7283036 Morga es Modular Homes large kitqhgn separate dining room uncertitied Needs some body work EvyCAMPER save 5130000 percy Ford 72877930 Ron Thoma 7288714 spaCIous 1v1ng room With bay Window Good engine $350 or nearest offer Call fibergass gully inculated Statme it Id ON II 26 7733 Les Love rove 424I289 Purchased Northlanders weephone 6249869 776474447 77 77 pickUp camper Frlg heater burner em ForCash Hr 19 2BEDROOMbrickbungalowwithadou 1972 CHRYSLER Newport Customcer stove Fan Hood Toilet Sleeps ROSS Burwell 4589248 Nelson Garrett 7266096 L1 r°Ve ble garage Available May Telephone lified excellent condition power steer $390000 Phone 4450226 Collingwood Rob Knapp 7267294 Helen Burns 7262386 or 9°9e 5° wwnce CorsalrGlenetle 7283920 mg power brakes power window wu CHEVROLET wk wim bb Available Cygnet FARM HOUSE for rent miles south of 571200 77207177 doors supercab 454 motor in good Con Th Ken Miller 4973365 3°er CNP 7262336 Barrie on 27 Highway $280 month 1973 IMPALA door special front and Gil ion 1974 28 Olympia 51h wheel house Hannah Pentlond 7238028 Bernie Blum 4872299 FINANCIAL Term TelephOne 7264301 rear suspension trailer hitch deluxe traileer 5000 1213 gleneratora air condl SWIMMING POOLS rem will lease Hig way 11 out BEDROOM HOUSE available May bumpers rear detogger extra wheelt °3 °° am and install for homeowners family size Purws 726 0452 sue Brennan 737 0437 70 Bunon Ave 7289866 Downtown location full basement $250 snow 37600 mles $2300 CP 357l25 $99055703737115396 aluminum swimming pool with patio TF per month plus utilities For tntorma anytime 1961 CHEV J4 ion Cylinder body Choice of styles meeting all fencing BA FIELD ST tion call Baker 728 4067 or Lorne Hay 1974 DODGE Monaco power Steering good condition runs well everything regulations on one two or three year Building Lots Custom builder has extremely choice lots available for spring 68 construction On Codrtngton 7281566 power steering power brakes radio worksCouldbecertitied$550487 525 rental basis with option to own Try FARMHOUSE EOR mm or vinyltopgood conditionMustsellAskr 1974 JEEP to wheel drive ex before you buy Call collect anytime bedrooms located on arge tot on the ing $2095CertiiiedCal7289824aiter5 cellent condition certified 20000 7177416 66395011 77 edge of Barrie $300 per month plus Pm original miles must sell $3000 Phone SWIMMING pOOLs 1977 modelsslight utilities Call AI Beacock representing 1973 MERCURY Brougham 74 door 7261609 Iy scratched in transport Fully war 1973 GLENDETTE 266001 awning tape Unigroup Real Estate 7371771 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfield 517266438 Member Ontario Mon completely equipped including air and 197100005 VAN inexceuentcondition ranted complete with pump motor Street overlooking Kama deck sleeps excellent condltlon BEDROOM townhouse mm ap power seats Excellent condition One newtlrescarpetedinside toutmileage iilter fencing walkway and deck ro ers SSOCIatlon Telephonel 4451362 Rey owner By appomtmentonly7284700 unceriï¬ed 525007 titm Tete hone Suggested retail price $2295 Available EAST ances broodloom garage 77 9° °Y TF 17 FOOT GENERAL House Trailer ercnces $2806 month Call 416755 4307 1957 CHEVROLET good condition 7282756 at We Season Sbecialpi $1289 Ca not Road area Well freed sleeps good condition Telephone afterSpm original interior 7133 standard 936 FORD oh Wm cap mum for early Installation Call collect REALTOR 4353 WWW LOVELY bedroom side split nicely Telephony 39770 atteTSRm condition$3900 Phone 458 9048 anymi663° Laces or 01 sca 19768ENDIXMobile Home68x12ex decorated close to schools and shopp 1967 VOLKSWAGENengineinA1condi 1669 00565 on van new 56 ELECTRIC SemisAcoustic Gillianand Hours weekdays to GEORGE DAVIES or cellentconditlon For further details call ing Available with or without at lion body in fair shape Car could becer engine and dutch less than 100 miles on Amper appOFf m°nlh59ldgt 30 STAN COHEN 726 0693 ask for Bob pliances Immediate occupancy No titled with minor work or ideal for dune engine double doorson each side and on cellar condilmn ASKMJ 555° Saturdays9 toS MARLETTE MOBILE home 12x63 PetaCrle lSBlaiierbp 01 buggy Telephone 776 4875 after pm back interior partially panelled Must 726335 7289211 or 7286220 with 8x20 expando unit bedrooms BEDROOM storey brick house on Makeotlerl sell$1600 Telephone 424 1948 alter 630 Storage Shed 00110 and more5111101011 In nice lotwnh vegetable garden near Well 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle1n excellent Dvm we STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN in mm MUS gel can mm mm mm mm mam 6mm needs WWANDURA Window Vanyamnlvsl hazmerbluc 2930 726 3252 heat Cable TVStove and Irlg optional automatic transmission body In ex womatc radio haav dut sus In etler eo John Crawford 487 5955 Peter Shelswell 728 BEDROOM mobilp home in cxceuem Las momhs rem deposit Owner veg Hem condition $350 Telephone gin higlh back seats ymm yondiï¬on YP David Shelswell Jlm CIOSS BUlLolNG LOT nnism Township condition Located in beamiml park near lnback aparmem Phene 776 an 728 4081 many exraSI Iblooo miles $5000 sheila Simpson 7262263 Baking 312000 Make VIM Barrie low monthly payment Priced to BEDROOM HOUSE douth garage 70 MUSTANG 351 Cleveland barrel 4562361 CHESTERFIELD SUITE Viau Real Estate726 17710r 726 1603 sell at$13900 Phono728 2106 Central $350 monthly View Sun only auto PSIPB $1900 or best offer Phone FORD ton Huck to 5819 good in child proof Hercule BUILDING LOT 66 198 in New to pm Call 7283122 or Toronto 322 2656after5pm conditionlswo or best otter Telephone Lowell septic approval and building II OIG 881 2515 70 perm available Price $10000 Tom 1968 VALIANT 4door very rumble and 00 pce $349 LUXURY bedroom townhouse stove economical Power steering slant NEW 1976 20 FOOT prowlerl dual refrigerator garage References re Real clean car $700 Telephone 728 9271 wheels completely equipppd includinglg CHESTERFIELD SUITE qu1red First and last months rent of after9p piece bath many extras including hitch 2pce 06 Ms WW 5790 month 1971 TOYOTA Crown Custom wagon and sway control May be seen by ap NW5 AvaiibliMWHnéum certified81rackandCBradioS850 Can pointment Required price $4760 COFFEEANDENDrsmgs BEDROOM house centrally located he Sven after at 117 com Street Apt 728 4700 pce phone 7370753 to 95 0F VALUE 88 180 freed budding lot lust out51de Citylimits askingSl4900 Larry Tnomp We are mortgage brokers and son rep Taurus Real Estate Ltd 73773000 728 5219 since we speCIallze can guaran tee prompt and IndIVIduol at RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTO THE MAYFAIR Borries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many Immediate possession Call 728 4282 1670 F03012 ton to sale Maw duty 10 come ST Barrs 4401 £95395 QIPMWNU tention to all mortgage features BEAUTIFUL HOME for rent Mirfhurst 1968 CHEVELLE 55 Certified Asking A1 shape silo certifled Telephone BEDROOM SUITE 7PCE Direct Toronto Llne TREE REMOVAL and landscaping inquiries ensuring maximum Malturp Estate Available Immediate price $13000r bcsfoffor Orwill trndefor 456 23050r456 2822atter59m in saï¬r wanut busmegs top 5510 onlha camp ly For appelntmont call 728 4931 1971 Ford van Telephone 737 0440 aftir ms ment included Owner selling due to m°rt90995 Under the mOSt MWFTF toSprnvweekdaysonly pm 363U0 accessores only $279 $9 health reasons For information ciill favorable market terms 18 we 97 77 nted to rent VOLVO 10560 Moor radlor Al HEADERS for Ford small block 289 3251256l0rillia Ample funds for residemiol KANEFF shape slloo Certilied Telephone 307 gxceilem common Wm 02 LIVING ROOM LAMPS 7260567 JoeD son 7262090 09C0mmelCIBIIndusirlal FEMALE PCNSIONER Urgenllv 65° 73°50456 7713050 month 570 Telephone 7371891 alter s9 95 0e tlrClCO 09 728 6172 commercm and recreational q111rc5furnlsherl accommodation by end 1973 5ATTELITE gaming plus dr pm EOCIt Ruth Gibbons 72814 org erguson pRIME COMMERCIAL properties of May No stairs Please telephone hardtop small V8 auto powrrstrering or Joan Thorogood 7281742 Don Allan 4872412 SPACE we also purchase existing m°r Barnes Fines 73 7895 between 53oand7000 miclhragizimdiigr 21th mot Cycles Martha Dyson 7264090 My Hem 5266 For 615 gagecream IMPERIAL rowers °°m waned rem 9238182612878533it Farmer Jack Lorna Verstralon 4241956 Murray Valiquette 7260617 Ca Mongage Manager on 7269580 7264991 HOUSE Wanted tor mid June 577 solilnolor 5650 Telephone 726 6732 5498248 Dou Fer use 7286172 high traffic route Available bedroom house In in Oro Townshlp 1972 COUGAR 351 V8 Many extras SUZUKI 500 3500 HOS WY N0 orry oge orn Mo Co 728665 or 726 Kerr for valuable adVIce Adults Pic151 stall location and rmtexpmttd power Sifftrlnq power brakes tape 112mm Londiion Ba Apply to Box U19 The Examiner deck lac amps rendition Certified we 5407 BUS 73788 HOUSE WTanif at bedrooms 300 ILIDh°°36 W70 mlmmsmuumld Telephoneflé 4315 Weekd $10 My3 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 Nngv DECORATED which ouraotiitnlt furlplace Olllct area prtferv 1976 HORNET HATCHBACK red SPORTSTER for sale many 13000 millet standard completely rust was Telephone Conngwmd proofid radio whitewalls excellent con 977 HONDA C5 350 rebuilt motor rorl TrltphonI72o 594 ngsmlerBerrrle TlrlpAnquzowo 6271 20rooms let lition 726 9482 evenings and weekends 107 Dunlo St East 312779El BARPRIE TWO BEDROOM Apartments one FURNISHED ninr lactorles on bus 1971 DODGE DART door 58000 mm availah mmmhmeiy an 011 MW rout atmosphere 52 WW miles good condition Certified asking W77 SUZUKI 750 GT near mint condi BICYCLES TRIKES all sizes recondi Member Ontario Mortgage Saturday 106 many extras Asking $700 Telephone A29 ONE BAY garage for rent for all pur pose repairs or storage Allandalc area For more information call 737 1771 VERY DESIRABLE 2000 or 3000 square foot space for rent Shipping facilities 18 foot ceilings finished or an the home folks Til110 care about people References No pets $230 monthly plus Phonrgcvcntngsna 9850 $1500 Phone 726 7072 tiontrlitid Touring nicesspries also tionedrepaintedrepairsparts wanted hydro FHSf arm 35 months mm FURNISHED ROOMS Cumrm Park 969 DODGE DJ 01mm running aval es cr ta es cephonn AftorSpmcall726 0850 47 COLLIER ST my Suiabe 9m Wamms Brokers Association 728 1039or 737 1771 mg mm pmitvq tom ttnm condition Will certify 62 Phone 87 36 500 CEDAR Fence posts inch tops for or light manufacturing Reason1010 1972 NORTON 750 mmand 1200 Ph 7371245 and even CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS rent Telephone 726 7991 days TF Supplied weekly laundry lartltttrg 7246 ga one mornmgs 26 ATV rlSponSlbIc adults 726 7186 1977 ME RCURY pAQK LANE 133614Tplalnrt1 rep 39Saéety check Inqs726 7742 BARRI 726 mortgages mortgages bedroom apartments Colored an CLEAN furnished rooms antral kit door lXfOIllnI ondltion four niw tires Soon 737 3mm 10 LACROSSE Equpmem some used Helen HO kins gflT TTTAM TT Tc Plrnresr Irdp 5UP 51ml then and liVlnq room Downtown Bus Itlillo $850 or 0151 otrr Telephone flpgtmi Georgian Sports 24 Maple Avenue Dorot ac uarrle 5311 737 1377 mouuutm 7331 776 5653 °rï¬ces for sate 776 31700 CorbY Adams mon°ger 72845829 N°r° RVers 62596 SUBLET bedroom tprirlmrnf FUpNtsugo pom157 downtown to 1972 VOLKESWAGEN 111 smhott 77 SoccER AND Baseball Shoes some adults only 3270 includes all UIIIIIII1 11011 llin liriqilt modern rooms on wiitlon IS IS notIt r111ct1an1il world SWIMMING POOL SaCIIIliL Loading DarganS Gmrglan Sporisr Maple ivum WA 77 discount ol ssnon first month lsvilllitlHI tmi mu hath and 1mm mom pm lioin xctllnnl 5400 ltrm TlltpllOltlt Canadian manufacturer rind distributor AVDnUC 726 3200 April 16 716 7278 mo lmmiilmtr occupancy April111111 Nwt mm 5691 has aluminum pools left over from 1970 300 RAILROAD TIES $5 95 each for 98 lmmedlote ISI and 2nd Open MorIgOge Loans ONE AND two btlrooni ilpdrillients lll Rm Etltllfr 71 MHOII AW 1970 BARRACUDl ionvlrtlbtti for sale any lprw Guammwd nsmnalon 737 0°56 miles 00 OI Barrie on 73710011 and terms Call colllct ta50V PVPninQS Highway 11 Sun Valley Restaurant es farms Closl to downtown Riiit $131 in 518 Do trac rtiir inil cubic In Anywhere on homes CO cg ctli9a lo9pm 776 375 LARGE FURNISHED roomc 1111 ktt enuim Unrorttllrd $800 or host offir $1500 DOWN 104 main stw stouffviffc 0R0 4873437 FTF JUST LISTED Cozy three bedroom bungalow in Oro on large lot close to lake 4piece both cathedral ceiling in living room good buy at $36900 EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT HOME in Oro with 2500 sq ft of elegant living featuring spacious bedrooms fieldstone fireplaces bathrooms 24 ft family room 26 ft living room plus broodloom throughout wolkouts to 60ft cedar deck complete kitchens formal dining room double attached garage All situated on beautiful landscaped 100 234 ft lot must to see SCENIC HOME SITES in Oro priced to sell from $10000 HAVE CLIENT anxious to locate in northern Oro southern Medonte area If you have home in the $30000 to $40000 range please call 487 343 MIT3 GET euv OR SELL WITH LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD BARRIE 72658 MWFTF NESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 728 4294 WFTF DOWNTOWN Commercial Location Ideal retail or office setting 10 per cent financing available Bob Urry Viau Real Estate 726 1771 or 7286811 $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum siding bungalow Big Bay Point lm maculate condition Garage Attractive grounds Bob Urry Viau Real Estate 726177l or 728 5811 BUILDING LOT $12000 100 181 with septic permit Located in quiet village near Barrie Terms Bob Urry Viau RoalEstate726177lor 728 5811 NEAR LAKE 9th Con of Oro storey bedrooms well trend lot year old Ask ing $61900 Vic Donor Viau Real Estate 726 74230r 7261771 PRIVATE MODE RN bedroom home side split Ferris Lam and Bayficld Phone 726 6247 TOTTENHAM AREA Semi custom 1500 square foot country home 2acre lot with magnificent view Call builder 416 28 2872 PRIVATE Shanty Bay 112 storey bedroom home New Well and septic $49900 726 3379 or 728 0500 BEDROOM House for sale in Midtiurst wooded ravine lot fireplace and cathedral ceiling in living room $66900 Call 728 6516 BURBANK TWIN homo quality finish ed basement aflurdnbly priced in quiet area Famin sized backyard decorated with flair Wayne Ward rep Royal Trust Co 7288800 TALL TREES rr bedroom semi detached front Split double garage broadloom throughout quiet cul de sac school and bus steps away Asking $43500 Murray Warsh Realty Ltd call Marlene Knowles 728 9636 or 737 2351 PRIVATE Exclusive home fOr descrimlnating owner harmony of ex pensive materials and custom architec ture on wooded lot all at Wasaga Beach 705 4292349 PRIVATE New bedroom with fireplace lull base merit plus cold cellar huge double garage Telephone Thornton 458 9258 STOREY BRICK house old and sound 70 60 foot lot near schools arena park and buses or bedroom bath large kitchen Firebox barn board and skylight in partially finished upstairs Ask $35000 financing possible Phone 726 4211 PRIVATE Semidetached rental income unit for sale Good price buy half rent half Mortgages arranged Telephone 7281429 IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE luxurious storey detached house with garage years old large bedrooms central location 10 first mortgage $7000 down Priced for last sale only $48000 Rent 5340 7262978 SENIOR CITIZENS retirement home on 34 acre with lakefront View near Huntsville Two bathrooms two washrooms Walkout basement com pletely panelled large windows sitting room with fireplace bedrooms Main floor has bedrooms picture windows in living and dining area and fireplace Most furnishings included Asking $65000 Write Miss Cook RRI Emsdale Ont $9500 11 Cundles Road solid brick storey and 12 bedroom house with hot water heating Must be moved to new location vendor will provide assistance for site housemover and contractor to relocate 1416486 9482 Mr Rogerson PRIVATE SALE storeys large bedrooms I2 bathrooms rec room fireplace double garage 46 Peacock Lane Please call 7266986 to reserve showing $67500 PRIVATE bedroom home in lnnisfil extra large living room with shag car peting large kitchen and utility room 12 acre lot directly across from Lake Sim coe Call 4364652 535900 SHANTY BAY Village $5000 down completely modernized home large kitchen broadloomed throughout quiet area Rich at 7371414 726 4940 rep Pat Quinn Real Estate URGENT SALE because of ill health Three bedroom cottage Big Bay Point lot Exceptional value 631524800 Call Grace or Tom Brolley 728 22994 Rep Walter Dean Realtor THE PRICE is right So is location three bedroom brick year old bung alow on high dry Iot Priced at $45500 for immediate sale Call Tom or Grace Broiley 728 2994 Rep Walter Dean Realtor GENERAL PURPOSE 100 acre farm Ideal Ior corn potatoes beef or horse operation Property is well fenced barns and bedroom house in excepr tional condition Good value at $89900 Call Grace or Tom Brolley 7282994 Rep Walter Dean Realtor BARRIE NORTH Immaculate brick and aluminum backsplit three bedrooms Qualified purchaser may assume 9V4 per cent lst mortgage Owner transferred sale is urgent Call Torn or Grace Brolley 7282994 Rep Walter Dean Realtor CORNER OF Anne and Letitia Sidesplit with three bedrooms family room1i2 baths fireplace in living room Large oak and pine trees enhance this beautifully landscaped lot Asking $57000 Inspection by appointment Call Torn or Grace Brotley 7282994 Rep Walter Dean Realtor HOUSE for sale in Niagara Falls bedrooms on Main Street or will trade for property or house in Barrie Telephone 728 3842 SUPER CONDO spacious floor plan bedrooms baths quality broadloom cushion flooring tastefully decorated immaculate home appliances single attached garage gas heat Owner transferred Private sale $35500 726 9034after6pm PROPERTIES TO be sold for tax at rears Official Ontario List Dept Ex Box 5380 Station Ottawa Ontario K2C JJS vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improveme I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 Phone Call Anytime 24 Hour nts any worthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advlce try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT Service 36332 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc We now TF have open mortgages available on residential or vacation properties with 3month interest bonus to discharge 48 HOUR COMMITMENTS OPRIME RATES No sales clause tgoges 80 tie munlclnl on conventional mor A30 savmgs loan corporation MARCH WVINIIUIST unit 64 Dunlap St rut 7269311 105 Mum Id 11 7077112 Illll Georgian Mil 72603M lull 43 MD MKll ll Dinky St last up St Iut 31544 IAIIII ONTAIIO MIDLAND 121 II Street 5169160 MIMI 39 Pembroke St West 1350661 7167100 leather and Daponit Inner1m Carpettint MORTGAGE MONEY for an Useful Purpose prime rates Isl 2nd 3rd mortgages build ers interim loans Call collect to 7267861 Barrie 3254334 Orlllia Western international Funding Corporation BACHELOR and bedroom Apia downtown Bilrril art1 Hilton and stow parkan int IlJfIIG 728 4776 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Ccnlril Adults only 776 0988 Wtfkild ONE BEDROOM Apartments close to hospital Sl75 per monlh IIfSI and last rtrquirlitt Nopets Telephone 726 9418 AVAILABLE Imlllotllatlly 2imlroorr1 apartment in apartment bUlliling Cfn lrIl location S2401n0nthl7 Irii turfcSfriq Stove wallr ITLIII and parking Phone 737 3647 AVAILABLE MAY bedroom apart monl SllSnlonlhly Ptlont726 9900 ONE BEDROOM ilt Mirftlurst anti ont tmtlronm downtown Barrll stove fridge prirklnq and laundry IIKIIIIIO 1st and last months rent No pets 726 6725 after TWO BEDROOM ripartrntinl In triplix Hlrtlttd parking HITIUOTGIOT and IOV laundry fnc1l1t1n frlshly tutoriltizit Available Junt $755 monthly North end 726 0857 after BEDROOM APARTMENT avililrlblr Mrly 1S1 5180 month on Primlian St IIllfDhOnL 4i17 24120ro APAR TMEN TS tor rent rrln bl Seen at 48 Codriniiton Apt BEDROOM apartment available 1m mitlintely $195 monthly Pity own tiyrlro BarhflOV apartmentSIJSInrludrs twat and hyilro liilrptione 776 48111 or 726 5011 ONE AND two bedroom and harhtilor still containan apartments Avalabll In distinctive newly renovated turn of the century home in down Barrio Ideal for profirSStorial people fully broatlloomiid modern kitcth and bath appliances utilities and parking Inclurleil Adults on ly no pets 726 7676 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment no pets plraso Available immediately Apply 61Mary Sinof AVAILABLE MAY ISI0nfl10I700n1 and bedroom apartments $180 and $205 monthly plus hydro First 1an last man TS rent Centrally lorttild Telephone 726 391 ONE BEDROOM Apartment $150 monthly Bachelor apartment $130 monthly Call after Mr Kennedy 778 2785 BEDROOM Apartment for rent Stove fridge and parking Inlllldfd Across from Georgian COIICQO Telephone 737 2065 ONE BEDROOM Apartment iusi renovated available May 5th 3190 per month including hydro parking Down town area Telephone 726 2772 days 737 2349 evenings SELF CONTAINED Apartment quiet building Centrally located abovv Steeles China Shop No children or pets Abstainers only References Rcas onnble rent 728 2395 days 7285895 evenings SUBLET bedroom modern apart mont west fnll iusl FBIOIBII Stove fridge hcai hydro and parking ll1lUl NJ Phone 716 4991 or 726 7234 STILL AVAILABLE June 151 5111111112 bedroom apartment Ccrlarwood Court $259 includes all utilities and parking Telephontr7261656 L1 BEDROOM Apartment In east end Barrie Drapes and utilities supplied $325 month Telephone 322 20121 after pm ONE BEDROOM Apartment unfurnish ed downtown on Dunlop Street 3150 month including hoot Telephone 72665466 to CENTRAL room apartment private entrance SIBS month Available May 151 Adults only no pets Call 728 5883 afteropm CENTRALLY Located Slxplex bedroom apartment on second floor Stove refrigerator and parking inclurl ed $225 monthly Adults only First and last months rent required Available June lst Telephone 737 1675 RELIABLE Tenants for bedroom apartment $195 monthly plus heat and hydro Apply 46 Grove Street East or telephone 416 297 3320 BEDROOM Apartment for rent $245 monthly For information please call 7373445 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment hydro water and heal supplied Paved IfthWrtY with own entrance Close to Bell Telephone and hospital $150 inon tilly 728 648 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment private entrance on bus route not suitable for children or pets utilities in cluded would suit one person or working couple lst and last months rent 7266344 lttLn amt rot room are Goddamn TllfflftOflf 776 788ntttir6 33cars wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST tTTrriittily Ctnlill 716 639 FURNISHED ROOM klIihlfl lounqtu parking For working man STU wetkly Central l0 itllun 776 4175 NI WLY 00 nrntml rooms $15 81 weekly Sinnlls anti doubllS 76 WorSIu Street CompIiItly furnished Shared kltl ttlrl DrlIt and 1v1nn room 7173315 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM IO rlrnt ritirisrl gentleman prtflrrert Apply 61 Mary Striof LARGE ROOM 171 YIVdIl 110ml iUlI lnllfITITft USlOfkitrt1111inrlliitti Siin IOUISIFIPI Phot1172l10701 TWO ROOMS and kliflllfn plus use Of C11ll76 9739 prlfllrurl 737 3973 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for team small or large suites immediate or lupanly short or long term 726 3400 Angelofl DOWNTOWN STORE 27 Dunlop Strnrt West available immediately MOVInq to new 104 than $150 monthly plus UlIlIlfS Tullphone 718 8085 days 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft tully sprinklerod transport and light truck loading docks 111 it clear part of large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial spare and WdlLIlOUSf telephone 726 3400 AngflOfI VERY NICE Industrial budding on Dunlop St West With large fenced In proprrly plOnI 728 7044 or 416 635 063 00 SQUARE FEEI Of 0mn1lrilfll space for lfftI on Highway 11 south Available May 151 Telepttonunl 12311 259313905 GARAGE FOR rtnt full size good Storage $25 per montll Ross and Maple St For details 111 Baker 728 4067 or Lorne Hay 728 1566 FOR RENT Body shop for cars and trucks new paint room Phone 3721654 risk for Peter 26accommodationsto share YOUNG MAN has bedroom apartment to Share Parking All1ndan areii Call after 30 pm 737 2756 27ecottages to rent HALIBURTON BOSHKUNG Lake bedroom SJII swimming July 30m to August 13111 Ttlfphom 726 5239 30resorts 1972 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 automatic excellent 41000 miles reconditioned transmission shocks brakes $1200 Certified iwo 14 ET Mags fit Ford or Chrysler $50 pair 424 6774 after 630 0171 32 car for sale 1974 DART SPORT fold down seat 3111 motor sharp car automatic 51000 miles best offer will be accepted 728 2631 BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrio Community Credit Union 10 Col lier St728 5191 1975 HONDA Civic Automatic bucket seats good on gas Certified Telephone 7284390 1973 DATSUN 2402 AM FM radio track stereo radials full instrumenta tion Very good condition Asking $2500 Phone 424 5059 1974 DART SPORT fold down seat 318 motor sharp car automatic 51000 miles best offer will be accepted 7282631 1973 SUPER BEETLE gas heater electric rear detogger fog lights Michelin tires sport wheels im maculate phone 726 7687 1968 METEOR good mechanically needs minor repairs $250 or best offer 728 1539 1973 GREMLIN 1970 Ford 1969 Monaco 1965 Buick and 1969 Ford ton all cur titled CAn be seen at 180A lnnislil IPhone 726 1869 daytime 728 6010 even ngs 1974 CHRYSLER Newport Custom V8 door metallic brown vinyl roof Vinyl seats power Steering and brakes radial tires 40000 miles 52900 Telephone 728 8898 7284272 MWFTF Suthltltr sun Orl1 Downtown location JUNK CARS WANTED Hume Drum pnld Same day plckllp IN COMFORTABLE liltui homo quwt WrLtktrs 726 8711 downtown location Mary Strixi Kit rilln prIVIliqls Wbrkinu uentllrlrliin 4ourï¬ces for sale Holt Auto Cha LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools In $101k Sacrifice DFICP for desperately neridrd factory wanhouse spare Brand new SWImmlncl pools Include filter walk round deck fence and warranty 5110 IS 27 ll $1355 rash or terms Call Porc collect days or evenings 1416 4818802 INDOOR SHOWROOM full SlzLl pools on rlispla Come in today or call 726 4606 for true 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza CEDAR POSTS all SthS anchors and braces Rosecomb bantams cacks and hens also ducks 7281637 FRIDGE $60 Stove $60 and dryer $50 for sale used running condition Phonit rtfteron 728 4046 40 articles for sale ale RR 4875831 Open days 1010 ORGAN Conn Caprice Italian provin cial hardly used has VFM Stage and strummer rhythm $3000 436 1531 CHESTERFIELD and matching chair dark brown $100 or best offer Phone 424 1720 LOCAL SWIMMING Pool Dealer has limited number of Steel lnground pools at greatly reduced prices 16 32 in ground $3495 installed Other sizes comparably priced Call Polynesiar Pools toll free 1800 2616121 Ask for Operator 603 WESTINGHOUSE Color Television 26 inch in excellent condition $350 or best offer Telephone 726 4057 GIRLS FOLDING Bike for salefssdi New condition Telephone 436 3642 SPANISH Oil Painting on canvas complete with frame year old 7260656 afferopm 40 articles for sole Clearance Winter Footwear off Womens shoes from $1 Childrens shoes from $2 Mens dress and casual $5 No limits All sales final rlies Shoes Oro Station A27